Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 24, 1914, Image 1

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COUNTY NRWS Nc,Lch c 9?!
' - - uv wur liUSUincr Kr I itnra
The Oregon State Pharmaceutical
Association held its 25th annual,
Silver Jubilee, convention at New
port commencing on the 14th and
ending on the 19th. 250 druggists
and their families attended the con
vention. This was the largest at
tendance the society has had since
its organization. The meetings
were held in the Opera House.
The sessions were all interesting
and a'number of able papers were
read by different members of the
society and the discussions that fol
lowed were very able and instruc
tive. A more cheerful, jolly set
of people never met at Newport,
they had left the dull care.s of busi
ness at home and were out for a
good time. The weather was all
that could be desired. The ther
mometer ranged from 65 to 70
degrees just pleasant. In the
Valley at that time the tempera
ture was 95 to 106 at Albany and
Bedford. The business sessions
were held in the forenoon and the
afternoons were devoted to stroll
ing on the bead and to taking
excursions to vsrious points of
interest along the coast. The agate
beach. Punch Bowl. Otter Bock,
Lighthouse, Jump Off Joe and
other points of interest were vis
ited. Several excursions were
tsken out over the bar to deep
sea fishing. This was greatly en
joyed by all the party. Newport
provided a number of stunts to
amuse the people. Among them
the clnm bake, the Indian feather
dsncc, the baseball game, the tug
war pulled off by the druggists
snd traveling men, the latter
winning. The traveling men were
heavy weights and won in the tug
of war and got the silver cup.
Tbe clam bake was of th most
interest and drew a big crowd.
The management was good, no
trouble of any kind. This bake
consisted of clams, crabs, fish, and
potatoes cooked to the Queen's taste
by tbe prince of eouks. Jesse Frev
and R. A. Toozer. By their asso
ciit on with the Indians gave them
' a knowledge of how the clams
should be cooked with hot rocks
and sea wtcd. according to the
ancient manner of cooking them.
About 1500 people partook of the
feast. By this mode of cooking all
the flavor vt the articles cooked
is retained. The clam bake was
gotten up by the Commercial Club
and the citizens of Newport as a
special treat for the druggists, and
the druggists were served first as
the guests of honor, yet there was
enough for all present. None was
mide sick by eating the clams be
cause they were so nicely eooked.
The Indian feather dance was also
a special feature of the entertain
ment and gave general sati if action.
Twenty-five Indians and white men
and women were in the dance
dressed up in true Indian style and
you could not tell the Indan from
tbe white. A paleface was tied and
burned at the stske in the old
fashioned way. This was a thril
ling and exciting scene and lo ked
almost as if it were real. A red
light waa burning around the
captive and tho warriors danced
around with wild terriffic yells that
made the hair of your head atand
on end. It was a good imitation of
the way the Indians killed their
captives and greatly interested the
audience. On Saturday evening
tbe druggists with their famili.a
took a swim in the natatcrium.
Thia was a real luxuiy enjoyed by
all who took part in it. On Sunday
at 1:30 our guests and visitors left
on Btsawfual train for their homes,
all expressing themselves as being
well pleased with Newport and
their entertainment and thought
this city would be a good place to
permanently hold thrir annual con
tentions. The officers elected for
the ensuing term are as follows
President. D. O. Woodworlh of
Albany. 1st Vice President, F. A
Nickolis of Portland; 2d Vice
Pres. W. II. MeNair of Ashland;
3d Vice Pros., A. E. Crosby of Iho
Dalles; Treasurer, Lt. F. Jones of
Portland; Secretary, A,. W. Allen
of Portland. Mr. Allen has been
elected secretary of tho society for
twenty-one consecutive years. He
wss also elected a delegate to the
American Pharmaceutical Associ
ation which meets in Detroit this
Fall. Mr. Allen fwas also given
a vote of thanks for his efficient
work for the society. A resolution
wsi parsed thanking the people for
their kind hospitality while in the
city and to the railroad for the
many courtesies received from it.
Sunday more than 1000 people
passed over the railroad between
Albany end Yaquina. The New
port with the barge. Julia, made
five trips Sunday between Yaquina !
and Newport to accommodate the
travel. During tbe day two trains
came in and three went out.
Capt. Harry Valbish of the Patsy
met with a severe accident Satur
day night in trying to step from
the wharf onto the vessel. His
foot slipped and he fell between
the boat and wharf, striking on the
guard with his back and side, in
flicting a severe injury. He was
taken to Astoria Sunday evening
on the Patsy.
The Bandon came in over the bar
on half tide and went to Toledo on
flood tide Tuesday noon. She
brought in 15 tons of freight for
Toledo and Newport. Ihta boat
ought to have 100 tons of freight
at least on her return trips. It is
much cheaper.
Upper Beaver
Mrs. Edith Lewis of Newport
spent the week-end visiting at the
homes of A. Peterson and Mrs.
Dora Huntsucker.
Peter Peterson has just finished
threshing the weed crop on the
Peterson ranch.
Lorenzo Emerson and wife spent
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Dora
S. C. Denny and son, Earl, of
Ona are haying this week on the
Smith place.
Alma Cox, grand daughter of
Mrs. J. M. Bowers, is visiting at
the Bowers ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Martin spent
Friday at Toledo.
Tea Huntsucker made a business
trip to Yaquina Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Barker and Archie
Zeek of Poole slough harvested
rruz raumsn a logan berry crop
Miss Ada Lewis and Eugene and
Gordon Emerson spent Sunday at
the Peterson ranch.
Mrs. A. Peterson took her little
daughter, Evalina. to Newport
Sunday to see a doctor. Miss
Evslina has been obliged to quit
school on account of ill health
S. S. Gossman, supervisor, visited
our school Friday.
Gordon and Eugene Emerson
have returned from Toledo tu
main indefinitely.
Mr. and Mrs. Fud Rowe went to
Newport one day last week, return
ing sundsy.
Archie Wilson came up from Tu
ledo a few days ago.
Mrs. Ella Wlison and children of
Toledo have been spending a few
days visiting friends near here
They returned to Toledo Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jscobson
made a trip to Toledo and back
a business meeting was neld at
the schoo'house Saturday for the
purpose of trying to get the rail
road company to stop the train i
mile west of here to take on cans
of cream.
Born-July 9th. to Mr. and Mrs
Fred F. McWillis, aj7 pound girl.
Mrs. Birdie Christen came in
from Portland Monday to visit her
cousin, Mrs. Eva lliggins.
Mrs (.. Vas3erDichcr, who has
been visiting friends hero for the
past week, returned to Waldport
j:urt iwumbly is helping the
McWillia, Bros, tins week with their
timer Simonson. who has been
visiting friends and relatives In the
Valley und at Ecattlo for some
time, rcturnad htmi Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orcn McWillis and
children visited at Henry Lutholt's
on Drift ctcck Sunday.
Mies Bessie Brooks and Clifford
Bukcr of Waldport were visitors at
Bay View Mondny afternoon.
Mrs. K. Hendrickson and dauoh.
ters, Misses Randie and Julia, Mrs.
E. S. Oakland and Messrs. Milton
and Lawrence Hendrickaon we
visitors at Fred McWillis' Sunday.
Haying will soon be over here if
the weather continues favorable. ,
Dexter Twomblv waa a visitor at
Ole Hansen's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George McWillis
nd little daughter. Marv. mine in
from Amity Saturday to visit rela
Miss Ivy Brooks visited Mrs.
Erma Kent Monday night.
Mrs. Heorge Stephens and Miss
Lillie Simonson visited at Fred
McWillis' Tuesday afternoon.
Misses Ivy Brooks and Randie
Hendrickson called at F. F. Mc
Willis' Tuesday eveninir.
Misses Dessa and Leona Prcscott,
who have been working at the El
more cannery, returned home Sat
urday. The fishing season is open
and the crab canning has stopped
for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Orin McWillia.
and Mrs. George McWillis and Mrs.
H. J. Simonson and tbe Misses
Anna and Lillie Simonson. Olive.
Mae and Mary McWillis and
Messrs. Andrew Sisnonson and
Quinten McWillis were visitors at
F. F. McWillis' Sundsy
. Dr. Minthorn of Newport wss
called Saturday to see Herhert
Twoinbly at Linville, who was quite
seriously hurt last Tuesday. Me.
Twombly was helping Ole Olsen
with his hay and as near as we can
learn, was driving derrick when
the whiffle tree broke, striking his
hip and fracturing the bone. Mr.
and Mrs. Burt Twombly are with
him now and will have him moved
to their place as soon as he is able
to stand the trio.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Kessler ou
July lUth, a son, who waa camedi
Charles Henry. The mother and
baby are both doing nicely.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller
at Mill City. July 2d, a son, who
wss named Sylvan Leland. Mrs.
Miller was formerly Miss Myrtle
Kinney, and their manv friends
congratulate them on their new
addition to the family.
Mrs. G. F. Kinney returned from
Mill City Saturday.
Miss Emma Pouke visited friends
at Harlan last week.
A dance was given at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Young Satur
day night. Everyone reported a
good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lillsrd. ac
companied by Mr. Lake, went to
Toledo Monday. Mr. Lillard
aold his ranch on Shot Pnnrh tn
Mr. Lake, they went to the county
seat to have the deed transferred.
John Bois of Corvallis is visiting
relativea and friend at Harlan.
George Hodirei. fl
visited Harlan over night Monday.
One bride in a community usually
causes ripple of excitement in
social circles. We have three on
Beaver creek, and the ladies are all
delighted. When John Coovert
persuaded Miss Hester Hill tu be
come Mrs. Coovert. there was
heard whispers of "showers" and
partiea in honor of the bride," who
is very popular. Tho plans of the
ladies were not fully matured until
Bert Ryan brought his bride home.
Mrs. Ryan, who is a charming
little lady, was Miss Carrie
Whcelock of Linville. and it was
concluded something must be done
tO give the new Lrlilo u ttrlrnmn.
for, even tho' a stranger, she liaa
quite captivated tho residents of
Beaver creek. However, in Hie
midst Of nil thia natural I
in two brides, A. W. Weber quietly
leaves homo for a few rfuvh nnd Lr-
fore his friends were Informed nf
his dcrnrturc. ha rrlnrtinl fxiti
Washington with his bride, frfmer
ly Mrs. Wm. llulsu. who ownc-l a
very fine ranch on Heaver creek,
which tihe sold about two years ogu.
Mrs. Weber is loved bv everyone.
The ladies Insist that Mr. Weber
has conferred a Instino favor on
them by rjcriuiriino mrh an
estimable lady as Mrs. Weber to
reside on Beaver creek again. Tho
surprise was complete and events
bocame auita stlrrinir. Conie.
fluently everybody was Invited to
the Grange Hall Saturday evening
at 8 o'clock. The three brides,
with their husbands, wem seated
at the head of a Ions' tnhln and
special attention shown them dur
ing the evening. Over fifty sud-
pers were served. At ten o'clock
dancing commenced. The event
was a success in every way. All
had a rousing good time and every
oouy nappy as they should be when
"hearts are trumps."
Haying is on in earnest this
The Petition for a rrnrt rinuin
Beaver creek to the beach was
signed by everyone in this neigh
borhood; also the bonding of the
school district to build a new
Bchcolhouse carried, there being
only one vote against it.
Arthur Andrews, an old-time
resident of this district, is calling
on neighbors and friends thia week.
His home at present is Mill City.
The ladies of Beaver creek sur
prised Mrs. J. A. Coovert Tueaday
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Sara Hill, and presented
her with a number of pieces of
Lovely weather over our wav.
and all the farmers are busv nut
ting in their hay. Most everyone
in the Upper neighborhood are
The Ludemann Lumber company
has been busy sawina and deliver
ing planking for the sand spit at
the mouth of tbe bay.
Several autos have been ferried
down from here the last week.
Summer peonle are beginning to
visit us again these warn days.
Jesse Bales came home one day
last week from Alberta where he
soent last Winter and this Spring
He looks well.
' The master fish warden. R. E
Clanton, and several of the fisher
men were up river today looking
over the hatchev site with the viea
uf going to work on it at once.
Mrs. Lester White and children
are in from Corval'is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earley.
L. Wcidmann is now runninc th
delivery boat for the Barnes can
Nevin Barclay is awav on a busi
ness trip to Anacortez, Wa.hington.
tie win be gone indefinitely.
The mail route from Tidewater
to A laca, a distance of 26 miles,
is discontinued, leaving over thirty
families without msil service The
government is too poor the pay the
bids and these mailcarncra are silly
enough to think they can't live
without CBtins. But the rnnt
from Tidewater to Waldport is a
daily now, instead of three times a
week. There is a difference, vou
see, if you go on horseback or by
The sun is still shining at Taft.
The potatoe blight is affecting
some of the potatoes on Drift
creek, but the farmers are rejoic
ing as there is a eood rjriea and
potatoes ready for market.
G. S. Parmele and fimilv have
returned from Gaston to their farm
on Drift creek.
Budd Knight made a flying trio
to Taft to see hia folks. He has
now returned to Carlton to his
We understand that D. It. Rina'a
mill will start to wurk soon.
Bloominuton. Illinois, has nuito
an attraction for one of you young
ladies. Her many friends are in
fear they will boe her as shs
talks soma if visiting Illinois.
Tho city of Taft had quito an
exciting time as a largo bear
walked In'dly dywn the snnd spits
and swam toward town. Edwin
Peterson. Gccrgo Fuller and Jesse
Hosier seeing the monaster got into
a boot, rowed out nnd met the
bear in the water. They struck it
in the hind with an axe. The bear
weighed 251 pounds.
Myrtle Lock wood has returned
from Walla Walla. Washinntun.
where sho has been attending the
Sjmmcr school.
Francis Ball from Bloomlngton,
Illinois, is making his homo with
G. S. f armcle'a.
The dance given at Taft July 18
was well attended. All reported
an excellent time.
Mrs. Carrie Parmele has been on
the sick list for the past week, but
is slowly recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Hauffman and
daughter from Gaston snent a erv
pleasant week here, but now have
returned home with the wagon
loaded with cheese and fish.
Fishing season is open and the
fishermen all have good luck. The
first night there were six fish
Hovt and F.donr Pnrmoln hsvn
been kent hustf haulinu lnmhpr fur
the Lee Bones schoolhouse. Jesse
Stone began building the last of
the week.
me rarmeie rnue cneesc lac
lory is going to begin operating
every ,'day on account of the abun-
lfilina . r t rv. i 1 Ir nnrJ , It a ...m
tl ll.' l r i .. t a
. ui mint auu me wailll
We hear the new launch Echo of
Silctz bay has changed hands.
Mrs. Jesse Stone is enioyinar a
visit from a friend thia week.
The teacher in the Brown district
Bert Oviatt, has taken a two weeks'
vacation to build him a new boat,
aa the old one has become unsafe.
There is a cattle buyer sointr
through thia part of the country.
Miss Mary Jensen from Sheridan
la spending a few davs with her
friends, but will return to her
work soon.
Stenhen Resch was un to urn Al.
bert Hespcck.
Bert Oviatt. the Siletz school
teacher, was seen in Taft the last
of the week.
Fiegles Creek
Frank Mulvany is working for 1
R. PByne in the hay harvest.
Marion Walker visited Corvallis
Willie Kessi has been spending
a lew days at Albany.
Geo. Tubbs returned from Sum
mit for a pair of days to see his spud
patch. Kaluh Darting came in also
Messrs. Hathaway. Ireland and
Culver came from abroud to cast
the hook and fly into the sparkling
pools of Fiegles creek. The fish,
however, appear to be quite non
est in comparison with days gone
b, when the Hathaway family
diaDensed hospitality at the beau
tiful Payne place.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Boies of Cor
vallis visited friends and relatives
here last week, incidentally viewing
their possessions here.
Mrs. Boies has just returned
from a trip to Wyoming.
Messrs Rankin, Walker and Lind
ley are doing a landoIRco business
in cascara bark. They evidently
will corner the trade.
Fred Scheddler, who is now at
Rcigna, Sak., is planning to return
to his place here ard improving
the same in view of making s per
manent home. T. Jay Buford of
Salem and sons were here spying
out tho land with something of the
same motives Verily Feigles creek
is looking ud. Motto: Look up,
not down.
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Martin of
Beaver creek went to Toledo Fri
day afternoon by train, returning
same evening,
S. S. Goscman, supervisor of
schools, visited our school Thurs
day morning, and then madu his
wav ud Poole slough, returning
Friday in time to tuko train fur
Elk City.
Misses Gladys and Violet Kins
went to Toledo Saturday naon for n
visit over Sunday with Mrs. Can-
non nnd other fricmk
L. Wuiiiliach returned Sunday
from Toledu, where he had been
working in tho barber shop for
some time.
Mrs. Huydcn, mother of our
school teacher, visited our school!
Mrs. Shrrmcr nnd son, Ccdric,
went to Newport Tuesday tu see
the doctor, C?dric having taken a
relaoso and needing the doctor's
M. G. Shcrmer was a caller in
Tolcd J Wednesday, ...
Mrs. Geo. King visited Mrs. J.
Margson Monday afternoon,
Banner and Archie Zeek have
been making hay for Mr. Margson
the past week.
Dr. D. A. Mclntyre went to Port
land Wednesday morning on busi
ness intent.
I R. R. Miller passed through here
on his way to Toledo last week.
.' Mrs. Will Darnley of Mill creek
spent two days last week with her
father, Mr. McCrumb.
Jesse DavenDort returned frnm
the Valley last week.
Runcrt Stewart went to TnloHn
Will Darnlev of Mill creek anil
Nathan Watkins of this place are
helping Henry McCrumb with hia
One of Mrs. J. W. Davennort'a
little boys eot auita badlv hurt
Saturday, but is getting along
nicely at present.
Will Randall went to Elk Citv
John DavenDort went to Toledo
to work Monday.
Miss Clare Moore went to Elk
City Monday.
Frank St. Johns of Corvallis is
at present visiting with his sister
and family, Mrs. C. W. Brown.
Piano for sale cheap. Call at
Leader office.
Fresh Bread at the White Corner
Store. R. S. Van Cleve.
Toledo Again
the Victors
In the beit game ever played on
the local grounds, Toledo beat the
Meier & Frank team last Sunday
by a score of 5 to 1. The local
boys were in fine form and made
few errors, demonstrating to our
Portland friends that we can play
somo ball over here on Yaquina
bay. Hi Davis certainly made a
hit with the ball, also the fans, by
clouting out two two-bass hits and
another that was very nearly good
for two sacks. Peter Casey also
hit the ball when needed and
showed that he is still there Jwitb
the slick. .
The Meier & Frank team went
home feeling fine and were loud In
their praise of the treatment ac
corded them in Toledo, and wish
to come back in a few weeks for
for another game if same can be
These bovs played a game at
Newport while here, beating New
port 7 to 2.
Alfred Lane of Siletz and a
Portland man whose name we did
not learn, did tho umpiring.
This waa the lineup:
Portland Toledo 2
T. Mascot If C?nter
Greer 3b Biased
B. Mascot ss Casey
Cody cf Da via
Jorgenson c E. Hauser
McGuiro lb Groth
Bartell 2b Goodell
Roath rf Carson
Parker p P. Hauser
Log Cabin Baking Co's bread.
6 loaves for 25c. Full weight.
Warnock & Hughps.
Miss Lucile Gildcrsleeve re
turned Saturday evening from, a
two weeks' visit at Nortons.
Banker and Mrs. C. E. Hawkins
returned lust Friday evening from
a month's visit to California points.
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Andrews
and children returne I l:ist Krlilnv
evening from a townil weeks' visit
in Portland.
Miss Blanche Jeffreys, who is
one of tho instructors at the O.A.C.
bummer School, visited with her
aunt, Mrs. T. P. Tioh, in tin. city
the llrct of tho week.
J;iy Buford went to Salrm Wed
nesday morning, whero ho will
spend the balanco of the Summer,
Ho will then return to his home
stead which ho bus recently located
on at Harlan.
Mr. anJ Mrs. Chas. C Brown
departed Trttsday morning for
Philomath, whero thev expect to
take over the hotel business.
There aro two hotels at Philomath
and they will bavo charge of both
of them.