Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 10, 1914, Image 1

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News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
The two days' celebration at
Newport was a success in every
way, financially and otherwise. It
was estimated 7000 people took
part in the festivities. The first
of Friday's excercises were held
on Nye besch, which consisted of i
pony and foot races. Four saddle
ponies were entered. The distance
was 300 yards and the 1st prize was
$10, 2d $5, Buckskin, owned by
Loyal Down, took first prize and
2d prize was won by Mr. Blatner.
A number of foot races were run
by the boys and Kirls, but not
knowing winners I cannot give the
number of prizes. The winning
race, free for all, horses, two en
tries were made, Lady Wahscta
owned by the Depoe brothers of
Siletz and I ady Beatrice owned by
I. J. Pipin of Chitwoud. Lady
Beatrice eesily tock 1st prize, $25,
distance one-forth mile. 'Mr. De
poe said it was his understanding
there were to be three heats, but
the judges decided there were only
one. The exercises on the beach
were very interesting. The parade
on Front street to the Park where
patriotic exercises were held was
fine and impressive. The Newport
Band led the parade to strains of
rrartial music. W. E Gwyno was
chosen president of the day. He
introduced the speaker with some
very appropriate remarks. The
choir, led by Elmer Patrick, song
the "Star Spangled Banner" and
other patriotic songs. Rev. C T
Hurd read the declaration of In
depednce and Rev. J. R. N. Bell
-delivered the oration. This was
one of the best orations this pop
ular platform speaker ever deliver
d on a Fourth of July occasion
The water carnival commenced at
1:30 and was one of the most im
portant features of the celebration
The speed boat race bad three en
tries, Dr. Burgess, A. P. Hughes
nnd John Margson. The Neptune
cwued by Mr. Margson took 1st
prize, $15 and Dr. Burgess, 2d,
$7.50. The fish boats, four entries,
was won by Roval Ftrr, $7.50.
Soeed boat, the Rover, owned by
the Ramsdell brothers, the Transit
owned by Capt. Norton. Francis
Ramsdell won 1st $7.50 and the
Transit 2d, $5. The decorations
and luminations of the boats were
fesautiful. The Newport and the
royal barge. Julia were beautifully
and elaborately decorated with
bunting, flags and Chinese lanterns,
making a most beautiful and bril
liant appearance. The life boat,
Undaunted, was most beautifully
decorated. The Julia and Newport
took 1st prize and the Undaunted
2d. The Indian feather dance in
the evening was of special interest
to the visitors. The Cslithumpisn
parade was unique and kept the
people amused from the start.
Said they never had so much fun
and pleasure at a Fourth of July
celebration. The. Indiana helped
out this matter a good deal. The
order was good and but little dis
turbance. One Indian and two
whitenen were put into tha cala
boose for drunken and disorderly
conduct. The life saving drill was
especially good this year. A canoe
was sent out on tha bay and cap
sized with a man and a person
dressed like a woman and would
have drowned had it not been for
the life crew rushing out in the
life boat and just got there in the
nick of time to save them. The
plateau in front of the Ocean
House was covered with people
looking at the drill. Everyone
seemed to enjoy the celebration
and were lothe to see it stop. The
day was ideal, no wind blowing and
the thermometer was 65 in the
shade, Just pleasant.
The druggists convention will be
held here from the 14th" to 10th of
this month. About 600 druggists
and their families ore expected to
be present. A clam bake will be
one of their entertainments.
The km schooner Daisy came In
Friday with about 20 tons of halt
but. This industry will no doubt
prove a iucccss.
The Enterprise brought in fiom
Alsea a large raft of cedar poles
for the telephone company. They
had no trouble In coming over the
We expect a largo number of
Elks to visit Newport this week,
ino uiorious rourin being over
farmers can make hay and house
wives can can fruit in peace.
Our little burg came to the. front
in winning prizes at Newport the
3d and 4th. John Margson taking
1st place in fast boat race; George
Lewis 1st in single scull, and
Misses Ada Lewis and Alma Boone
1st in double scull for ladies.
Mr. and Mrs. Deb Follett came
in from Cotvallia and are spending
the week with M. G. Sliermer's.
Mr. Fox of Toledo called at the
home of hit sister, Mrs. Woods,
and family Monday.
Mrs. Ida Engulls of NcwDort is
visiting at the home of Geo. King.
II. Woods has moved up Poole
slouRh again. We understand he
has bought a place there. We hato
to lose them.
Miss Violet King is spending the
week at Newport with her aunt
and cousins.
Miss Mildred Seversen of Elk
City visited Mrs. C. A. Hath the
last of the week.
Air. and Mrs. Isaac Boise came
in on Monday a stage to visit on
the Big Elk.
Mrs. G. F. Kinney has gone to
Mill City to visit her daughter.
Mrs Ben Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stoner of Cor-
vallis are visiting at the R. L
Hathaway home. Mrs. btoncr is
Mr. Hathaway's sister.
Mr. and Mrs. a. t, urant are
Corvallis visitors this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis and
son, Wilbur, and Mr. and Mrs
Frank Roland of Blodgett spent
the 4th on Big Elk. Another of
our Feaglea creek homesteaders has
departed, George Titus, who has
gone to Halsey i work for the
present and expects later to go to
The residents of Big Elk ecle
brated the 4th with picnics and
dances. Good programs and games
were the order of the day and
everybody happy."
Herman Walcott visited with bis
sister. Miss Lena, over the 4th, re
turning to bis home at Corvallis
the 6th.
After many trials Ed Allin finally
got the mail contract from Philo
math to Harlan.
Chas. Cator and Leonard ' Grant
are each building new barns.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Parks of Elk
City are vi iiing Mrs. Parks' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Young.
Everyone busy harvesting.
The Fourth was celebrated here
with lots of excitement and a still
more exciting dance was given in
the eveuing at Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Ted Daniel and Vernon Folmsbee
of Riverside took dinner with Mr.
and Mrs W. R. Moore Sunday.
John Davenport is hauling lum
ber for the school houso this week.
A number of the young folks
here celebrated the Fourth at Har
lan. Mrs. J. W. Davenport spent Sun
day with Mrs. C. W. Brown.
Ray Brown, who is working for
Mr. St. Jonhs in Toledo, spent the
Fourth here.
J. E. Crooks
went to Toledo
Harvest time Benin. Everhvmlv
busy cutting hay.
Most of the people of Bay View
spentthe Fourth at Waldport.
Mr. balle. son in law of Ole
Hansen, arrived Sunday morning
from Portland.
Miss Ivy Brooks of Waldport
came over Monday to work for
Mrs. J. l. Barnes.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Ryan and
Newt, uuilliams of Beaver creak
wero trading at the Bay View store
Mrs. A. Oilar of Drift creek
visited her sister, Mrs. S. It. Mc
Willis Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. l wnsscrvieher of Tide
water Is spending a few days with
friends here this week.
J. (J. Barnes went to Waldport
Sunday after some freight brought
in by the Enterprise.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colvin
! two children visited at S. R.
Willis' a few days this week. j
Mrs. E. S. Oakland is on the sick
list this week. ;
John Olson of Linville mowed
hay for S. R. McWillis Monday. ?
Mr. and Mrs. Orin McWillis and
children visited Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Higgins at Linville Thursday.'
Mrs K. Hendrickscn called on
Mrs. J C. Barnes and Mrs. ft S.
Oakland Monday. ,
F. F. McWillis was mowing hay
for Burt Twombly and E. E. Dyer
Tuesday. ' !
DriA.J. Foscett of Newport
was called Monday to see Mrs. J.
C. ' Barnes, who has been quite
seriously ill. Dr. Foscett pro
nounced it a very severe case of
bronchitis and advised a change of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huntsucker
have moved to Bay View and are
living in the old creamery build
ing. Mr. Huntsucker made his
first through trip the 1st of July.
The mail leaves Bay View 7 a. m.
and arrives at 7 t. m. The mail
route to Linville has been discon
tinued, but it is rumored the route
is open for bids again.
Mrs. Fred Ryan and children of
Grants Pats are visiting Mrs. Wal
ter Weber.
Joe Litsy and wife celebrated
the 3d at Waldport.
Lloyd Commons spent the Fourth
and Fifth at Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. Hulmgreen spent
the Fourth at Sam Hill's.
The guvernment surveyors and
their burros went to Waldport
Thursday and returned Monday.
Quite a number from this neigh
borhood celerbated the Fourth at
Seal Rocks. Mr. Selby and family,
S. C. Denny and family, L. Com
mons and family, the Weber fam
ily, Phelps family, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Huntsucker of Linvillle,
George Ryan and family of South
Beaver and F. Fallman and family
of Upper Beaver, also R. Ohmart.
The weather was perfect and the
basket dinner was of the best. All
report u jolly good time.
Fall Creek
The 4th of July was not forgot
ten by the Fall Creek people, al
though they didn't go to Waldport,
they celebrated the day with fish
ing and a lovely dinner at the
mouth of Bull Run. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Harlan
Long, Carlo Minotti, Mr. and Mrs.
Price Hunter, and children. Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Cams and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Trenholm and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nix and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Brannan
and children, Tom Cams and Matt
Cams. All enjoyed the day and
the bachelors wish the 4th of July
would come oftener.
S. ft. Howe of Besver Creek
visited his daughter, Mrs. Claire
Trenholm, and family here this
Everybody is busy with their
Charey Howe is working for J.
II. Boysen now.
Allen & Brown are buying cattle
throughout the country again.
They took forty sewn head out the
first of the week.
R. R. Miller passed through here
the first of the week.
Ihe F'.urth was celebrated on
Olalla by a jolly picnic among the
neighbors in Nye's woods. Both
young and old took part in a lively
game of croquet in the morning.
After the picnic dinner the young
peoplo played ball. At tho end of
the game ho score stood 9 to 7 in
favor of the O. G's. In tho even
ing they all enjoyed a lunch of
home-made ico cream and cake,
after which some of the other
neighbors came up to watch the
fireworks. Those present wero Mr.
and Mrs. Chambcrlin and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Nye and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Greenhagen and sons, Mr.
and Mrs. Rhoades nnd family and
Mr, and Mrs. Martin and family.
Fiegles Creek
How did the Eagle scream? This
eagle screamed at Grants. Our
genial merchant, 1. R. Payne, sup
plied the crowd with refreshments
from a booth on wheels. It kept!
him movine nrcttv tnlprnVilu fat I
too. in order to furnish ell the ice;
cream pits from Toledo to Blodgett
It would do you proud indeed to
see the procession that congregated
from the rocks, rills and hills of
ld Abraham Lincoln County on
tnis day of grace. 1 hate to tell
it but they all have webfect at
the present time. The order of
the day included a program, basket
dinner, foot races, sack races, horse
races, etc., and ball game. Calkins.
Harriscn, McDonald, Colander,
Leonard Grant and Huston Grant
entered horses in the ra:e. Leon
ard Grant wun the purse. The Elk
City Athletic Club crossed bats
with the Harlan team. The result
was 17 to 7 in favor of Elk City.
The Harlan score was: Brooks, 1;
Campbell, 0: Leonard Grant, 3: H.
Grant. 0; McDonald, 0; Poland, 1;
W. Hodges, 1; Lige Grant, 1; W.
Grant, 0. Those present from
Feagles Creek were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Mulvany, Miss Elizabeth
Keesi, Blanche Mulvany, John Ran
kin and Percy Mulvany. A goodly
number repaired to the residence
of Frank Grant where a social!
dance was enjoyed. Refreshments'
and good music were lavishly dis-
pensed. Thus the Eagle screamed! '
Was it not romantic?
G. Dahl is building a large barn
on his dairy farm west of town,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hall drove
cver rora Siletz Tuesday in their.
Al Waugh is having bis Smoke
house . re shingled and other re
pairs made.
Miss Hazel King returned to the
Vallev yesterday morning, after a
visit with her parents at Siletz.
Toledo-Siletz Stage
Daily except Sunday. Will
make connections with morning
train, arriving in Siletz about 10
a. m. Leaving there after dinner.
Passengers. 60c. per trio.
Toledo Livery Sables.
John Rattey, Prop.
M. E. Church
Sunday, July 12th.
11 a. m. preaching, subject "The
Coming Kingdom, or True Social
ism." 8 p. m subject "Seeing
Good music, and everybody wel
Ssnford Snyder, Pastor.
- m ami m
Notice is hereby givrn that the
city Council of Toledo, Oregon,
contemplates the impoving of Hill
street from the north sido of Fifth
street to the north side of Seventh
street. Said improvement to con
sist of grading and ditching same
and the laying of a plank roadway
up the center of same. Planking
to be three inches in thickness, six
teen feet in length and laid upon
five stringers.
By order of the Common Council.
Dated July 6th, 1914.
F. N. Hayden, City Recorder.
In the matter of the Guardian
ship of the Estate of John B.
In the Name of the State of Oregon :
To John B. Nnger, above named,
and to All Others Concerned:
You nnd each of you are hereby
cited and required to bo and i.p
pcar before tho County Court of
the stato of Oregon for Lincoln
county, on Thursday, tho 23d day
of July. 1914, at the hour cf 10
o'clock a. rn. of suid day at the
Court Room of said Court at the
Courthouse of eaid county in To
ledo, Oregon, then and thcro to
show cause, if any exist, why said
Court Bhuuld not, at said time and
place, nppoint n fit and proper per
son as tho guardian of the estate of
John B. Nagrr.
By order of Hon. John Fogarty,
County Judgo of Lincoln county,
Oregon, of date July 6th 1914.
Attest: R. H. Howell.
Clerk of Lincoln county, Oregon.
Commissioners7 Court
The following is a synopsis 'of
the proceedings of the July term
of Commissioners' Court:
Bills Allowed
Fred Luethe, et al, work in
road diet 2 $586.50
G C Doty, same dist 20 104.00
C A Overlander, same 23,.. 311.75
B F Grant, same dist 12... 660.20
w E Watk'ins. same dist 22, 313175
Walker & Lebow, mdso for
roads 19C.03
Beall & Co, culverts 198 05
C S Davis, salary as deputy
assessor 30.00
W E Ball, talary and express
and postage 205.50
Essie Ball, work in Assessor's
office 14.U0
Mrs W E Ball, same 65 00
M L Seits. registering voters. 9.30
Thornton & Co, mdse, roads, 25.00;
D R Ring, lumber for road
dist 16,. 70.00 .
Geo Hocflein, fixing Olalia
bridge 18.00
Howard Cooper Co, culverts
for road dist 8 21.60
M Wygant work in surveyor's
office 40.50
Toledo Racket county mdse, 8.70
M Fremery, care of G S
Gates and O C Smith,. . . 121.00
Oscar Woods, Justice court
fees 4.00
City of Toledo, water for
courthouse 6.00
Bert Geer, salary, postage and
express 314.19
G B McCluskcy, salary and
postage 143.26
Jennie Booth, work in treas-
urer's office 110.00
Sarah Harris, refund of taxes, 2.80
R P Goin, salary, expenses, 180.61
Mrs R P Goin, assisting at
8th grade examination,,. . 24.00
C M Drake, same 15.00
Geo Bethers, same 12.00
John Blough, same, 6.00
Edith Howell, same, 10.50
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies
for county officres 7.80
Toledo Light Co, lights for
courthouse 9.10
Bert Geer, board of prisoner, 20.00
School Dist 3, for high
school 390.00
Toledo Drug Co, mdse for
county officers 19.15
W D Horner, et al, work in
road dist 17, 703.70
E S Oakland ssme dist 3... 116.00
Jos Sijota, same, dist 18,. . . 73.45
J N Taylor, same, dist 1... 388.60
Chas Allen, registering elect
ors.... 7.00
VVm Mackey, et al, work in
road dist 8 275.75
Bennett Olson, lumber for
road dist 1 21.96
H Lewis, mdse f jr county,. . 5.35
Ora Godsey, same 9.03
Toledo Lumber Co, lumber
for road dist 8 27.73
W M Bcrrv, maving recount
of vote 5.80
A B Clark, same 5.20
L E Castcel rent and lights
for election 3.00
R II Howell, salary and post
age 227.68
J E Hamar, et al, work in
road dist 13 1498.35
A Stockcr, same dist 6 410.23
Chas Allen, same, dist 10.. . 284.60
Chas Hassman, same, dist 7. 107.50
V Folmsbee, same dist 10.. 110.00
E E Bcntley, work on county
roads 52.23
J Socsbe, work road survey, 23.65
W T Fearce, same 7.88
Tom Hollis, same 13 CO
John Kentta, same,. 3.38
Hall Bros, mdse for Geo
Sterling 20.00
A A Willoughby, work in road
dist 1 784.05
J W Davenport, same dist 22, 75.75
Bert Geer, transportation for
prisoner.... 41.63
Lincoln County Sentinel,
printing for county 4.75
Lincoln County Leader, ssmo 112.18
Kilham Stationery Co., sup
plies for rosd Master 10.74
Fred Chambers, wcrk on road 1.13
R R Miller, same l.3
Ludcmann & McMillen, lumber
for roads 371.77
Gardner & Peterson, iron, pow
der and mdso for roods,. . 919.48
Orcn Ruperts, county aid.... 30.00
Carl Gilderslecve, salary as
duputy clerk 150.00
J W Parrish salary, as deputy
aiscssor 39.00
Clau Ludcmnnn, per dlctn
and mileage 52.00
John Turdnidgc, salary as jani
tor and work on courthouso
fence 81.50
B F Bcczley, salary and ex
penses as road master,. . . 275.75
O R Hollingsworth, nidsc fur
courthouse 5.20
Yaquina Bay News, printing
for county 30.25
John Albert, damages on
account of road, 100.00
F W Carson, blacksmithing. 20.65
Jas Harrison, et al, work in
road dist 19, 357.50
Dundley Irapp, same,
dist 14 225.02
Yaquina Bay Telephone Co,
phone service 6.00
E R Bateman, typewriting for
road master, 1.60
II S Porter, viewing county
roads 21.00
W H Osburn, work on road
survey 6.75
E C Pnine, launch hire for
county 12.50
J A Peterson, uuto hire fur
county P.OO
J H Sugg, et al, work in road
dist 9 162.50
II Deakins et al, work on road
survey dist 17 10.88
W M Berry, et al, fees in
" luatiia msi4- ti O K
J UOlllO kUUI kt UiUV
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies
for county officers 34.35
W Alexander, et al, surveying
road dist 7 and 8 38.25
J C Altrec, work in diet 21, 500.00
Andrew York, damaged on ac
count of new road 100.00
J N Gardner, bridge wn.k in
road dist;i7 127.20
W F Wakefield, per diem and
mileage, May and June, 129.30
John Fogarty, salary and ex
penses examining touch, 185.10
W II Jarmine, et al, survey
ing road in dist 6, 44.75
R S Van Clone, county mdse 1.90
Home for Aged, care Lou
Hall 60.00
Henry Troemncr, equipment
fur sealer of weights and
measures 129.97
The plat of llaiborton, was ap
Viewer's report on A D Coffield
and W H Osburn roHda, approved.
Yachats Mountain road and J
Kosydar roads ordered surveyed.
R. H. Howell, County Clerk.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lincoln county.
In tho matter of the Estate of
Jacob C. Sliger, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, as administrator of
the rstate of Jacob C. Sliger, de
ceased, has filed in the Countv
Court of Oregon, for Lincoln
county, his final account as admin
istrator of said estate, and that on
the 3d day of August, 1914, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., thereof.
has been fixed by said Court as the
time for hearing objections to ssid
report and the settlement thereof.
Dated at Toledo, Or., this 1st
day of July, 1914.
G. B. McCluskey.
Administrator of the estate of
Jacob C. Sliger, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Lane.
Gust ulsen, plaintiff, vs. John
Ebbe, et ux, defendants.
By virtue of an execution and
order of sale issued out of the
above entitled Court in tho above
entitled action to me directed and
dated tho 18th day of June, A. D.,
1914, in favor of Gust Olsen and
against John Ebbe, et ux, for the
sum of $1908.13. with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent,
per annum from tho 1st day of
May, A. D., 1914. and a further
sum of $15.40 costs and costs of
this writ, commanding ms to sell
the following described real pro
perty sltuato in Lincoln county,
Oregon, a follows, tuwit:
The SWJ of the NWt of Section
8, Township H south of Range 10
west of t!(0 Willuinctte Meridian in
Lincoln county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, in compliance
with the dcmninlsof raid execution
and order of sale I will on Satur
day, the 25th duy of July, A. D.,
1911, at 1 o'clock p, m. ut tho
f runt door of tho County Court
house, in the city of Toledo, Lin- -coin
county, Oregon, sell to the
highest bidder for cash, all the
right, title and interest of tha
above named John Ebbe, et ux, de
fendants, in the nbuvo named
action, in the above described prop
erly to Etttify suij txecuionand or
der of sale, interest, costs and ac
cruing coBts. Bert Geer,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Date of first publication, June
26, 1914. Date of last publication,
July 24, 1914.
t i