Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 19, 1914, Image 3

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and Dairy Produce
of all kinds wantsd. Writ for oar
Booaht, aold and axchfeitd: Rurlnts. boltan.
sswmills, Send for Block Ll and Prices.
THK J. E. MAKT1N CO-W tat St.. Portland. Or.
Stop warn slav.ryt Formulas and instructions
for mamifacturina- Six Big Sollers. and WO busi
ness opportunities, sent for 10c. Pacific Coaat
NoTellr Co.. Hibernian iiullding, Loa A units. Cat.
br Cattw't Bluklis Pllli. Low.
prlcftd. Inth. nllsbls: prafemd bf
WMUrn stockmen bscaus. tssjr srs.
tMt whsrs tthar vsselst IU
Writs for booslat and tcatlmonlili.
lo-ssis skis. Blukl.s Fills 11.00
IO.sois ik... aiiakl.. anil .oo
KJufTri?. taiMsAlsu? li,
hSiit '?r irlrL"4.. dSSt
Cm any Inlortor. but Cuttsrt beat.
THi CUTTER LABORATORY, BtrksUy. Cailfsrsla.
' Judge What Is your age, madam?
Witness Twenty-seven and- some
Judge I want your exact age,
please. How many months?
Witness One hundred and twenty.
Boston Transcript
What Upset Her.
"What's the matter. Nellie? Have
you taken something- that doesn't
agree with you?"
"Yes, mum this Job."
A Cheery Disposition
is something entirely
foreign to the person
with poor digestion,
liver troubles, or con
stipated bowels but,
there is no need to re
main in such a condi
tion, for
Stomach Bitters
has been found very
beneficial in helping
sickly folks back to
health and happiness.
Get a bottle today.
"I have eggs as cheap as 30 cents,
ma'am, but I wouldn't guarantee 'em."
"Well, send me a doien, please.
They'll do to lend the neighbors."
I took about ( boxes of Dodda Kid-
nav Pilla fnr Heart TrmihtA f mm
which I bad suffered for S years. I
bad dizzy spells, my eyes puffed.
my breath was
short and I had
chills and back
ache. I took the
pill about a year
ago and have bad
no return - of the
palpitations. Am
now 63 years old,
able to do lots of
manual labor, am
Judge Miller.
well and hearty and weigh about 200
pounds. I feel very grateful that I
found Dodds Kidney Tills and you may
publiHb this letter if you wish. I am
serving my third term as Probate
Judge of Gray Co. Yours truly,
PHILIP MILLKR, Cimarron, Kan.
Correspond with Judge Miller about
this wonderful remedy.
Dodds Kidney Pills, EOc per box at
your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household
Hints,' also music of National Anthem
(Engllth and German words) and re
cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free.
Bleed Trouble
The Searching Power of
the Worst
Thousand lluve Solved It With 8. S. 8.
Tt I now kanwn that the rerms of blood
oMeorrtera are found In tbe minute epaeee of
.the tissue flbree. They ess be sr-cn only
thrown a powerful micros c-npa. And It Is
la these sparse that H. 8. S. foe to work
rapidly, eSretlTeiy and with wonderful!)
aotlreable results.
This famous blood tmrlfl contains me.
4lrtnsl rimiponeal vital and essential to
tea I thy blood.
There te one Iniredlent In ft, fc . wtilrli
enree the active purpose of stlmnlstlm
each cellular part of the body to tht
tiealthv end Jndlrlom selection of lie on
essential nutriment. That le why It re
generate the blood supply) why It hel
nek a Iremeadoni Influence In eeerronilns
ereerna, rash, pimples, all si In affections,
tkcaanllim, twe Uuuat, weak ses, tusa at
Score One for Baltimore.
"Not long ago," said a Washington
lawyer, "I attended a trial in Baltl.
more, during the course of which
there was summoned as witness
youthful physician.
"It was natural, of course, that coun
sel for the other side should, In cross
examination, seize the occasion to ut
ter certain sarcastic remarks touching
the knowledge and skill of bo young a
"Are you," demanded the lawyer,
"entirely familiar with tho .symptoms
of concussion of the brain?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then," continued the lawyer, "I
should like, to ask your opinion of a
hypothetical case. Were my learned
friend, Mr. Reed, and myself to bang
our heads together, should we get con
cussion of the brain?"
"Mr. Reed might," smiled the youth
ful physician. Atlanta Journal.
Free to Oar n cad era
Write Murine Ere Remedy Co., Chicago, for
8 pK" Illustrated Eye Book Frea. Write all
bout Your Eye Trouble and they will adviaa
Proper Application of lbs Murine
Bemedie. " Your speriai Your
Druggist will tell you tbat Murine Kellevea
Bore Eyea, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doern't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 60c.
Try It In Your Eyea and In Baby's Eyea lul
Seal EyellUa and Ciranulation.
Hobson to an "Antl."
Representative Hobson was arguing
prohibition with a red-faced million
aire at a tea in Washington.
"So-and-so," said the millionaire,
naming a noted temperance lecturer,
"drinks like a fish."
"Maybe," said Mr. Hobson. "Maybe.
And do you drink yourself?"
- "That's my business," said the mil
lionaire angrily.
"Quite so," said Mr. Hobson. "And
have you any other business?" New
York Globe.
' Putnam Fadeless Dyes color in
cold water
Supply and Demand.
Mr. Francis was about to start away
to attend the funeral of bis rich old
"Put a couple of large handker
chiefs Into my grip, dear," be said to
his wife. "The old gentleman prom
ised to leave me $20,000, and I shall
want to Bhed some appropriate tear."
"But suppose when the will Is read.
said the wife, "you find he hasn't left
you anything.
"In that case," replied he, "you had
better put in three.
Be sure that you ask for Wright's Indian
Vegetable fills, and look lor the ilitua
ture of Win. Wrlirht on wrapper and box.
For Constipation, Biliousness and Indices-
uob. aut.
Would Cut It Up.
An easterner who bad bought
farm In California bad heard of his
neighbor's talent for raising large po
tatoes, so sent his farm band over to
get 100 pounds.
"You go back home," answered the
talented farmer to the messenger,
"and tell your boss that I won't cut a
potato for anyone." Everybody's Mag
azine. ,
Guilty. .
Wife There muBt have been some
punishment for King Solomon.
Hubby There was. He bad a thou
sand mothers-in-law.
ere Kyea, Granulated Kyellda and Btlee
praasDtiy Healed vita Komaa Aye 1
eaas. Adv.
He "Raised" It
Mr. Rural Hamlet (to ministerial
guest) Do have some more of the
corn, Dr. Eighthly. It came out of our
own garden.
Little Buttin Hamlet Yes, 'n' the
chicken came outer our own garden,
too. Pa said be bet the folks next
door would keep their hens at home
after be caught a few more of 'em.
The Result
"Did you see bow the tango has got
into the silk trade?"
"That so? Now we'll have even the
silkworms doing the proper wriggle.1
Tr. Paery'e Vermifuge
and espele Wonsa lo a
'Dead Shot" kills
very lew noun.
A Modern Instance.
"Seems strange that people could be
so credulous as they were in the days
oi me saiem wiicncraiu"
"Oh, 1 don't know. Some of us went
In pretty strong for those poisoned
needle stories which were so popular
a lew montns pack."
A Puzzling Question
a Great Remedy Answers
welirht, thin pale rtieeke, and ttitt weari
ness or muscle ana nerve that la senersii
erperiescea D an eunurers who poison
let a bottle of F. ft. II. at sny drag
tore, and lo s Irw outs you will sot oai
irei oris-nc, mu enerar-tic put jou will
the picture of new lite.
ft. ft. M. Is nrenared mlr In the lW
tore ef the Swift ttnecllle On., Til Swift
HIils-.. Atlsnta tie., whs maintain a very
efllrieot Medical Department, where' all woe
fcaee sny blood disorder ef a etubbora
Us I lire mar write freely for advice.
S. ft. a, Is sold everywhere by all drag
Beware ef sll stteimits te sell vow s
tUla- "e'uat as ftwd," loeut upoa
Side View of Inexpensive Dairy House.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
The department of agriculture as
the result of a great demand for In
formation relating to the construction
of dairy buildings started a line of In
vestigation through its dairy special
ists for the purpose of developing the
basic principles of such construction.
In order to make the work thoroughly
practical, these studies were extended
to the planning and actual supervision
of construction of ,a number of dairy
buildings in different sections of the
country. Few localities will require
or even permit of the same treatment
so far as exposure, size, form, or
building material are considered, but
the problem of light, floors, ceilings,
etc., are nearly alike In all cases.
Stabls for 24 Cows.
The plan shown Is designed for 24
cows, fed allows ample room for calf
pen and box stalls for bull and cows,
also space for feed room, hay chute,
wash room and silo. Tbe amount of
space allowed for the various pur
poses will meet the usual require
ments. The arrangement of the
space can be adapted to the needs of
the particular location.
Special Features Common to All Well-
Planned Barns.
The width of this barn Is 31 feet 4
Inches outside. This allows ample
room for the stalls and passageways
While the length here shown Is 73
feet 6 inches, this depends on the
number of cows to be handled. The
side wills are bulll of brick or con
crete up to the window sills, the' bal
ance of the walls being frame. The
end walls are constructed of brick or
concrete up to the celling. A parti
tion extends across the barn so that
the cow stable can be entirely shut
oft from the rest of the barn.
One of the faulty points In ordinary
barn construction Is the small amount
of window space usually allowed. This
plan provides approximately 6 square
feet for each cow. It will be noted
from the elevation that the windows
are sliding sash extending to the cell
ing, making them 'nearly twice as
high as they are wide. This arrange
ment will admit much more light than
the same space If the windows were
placed otherwise.
The manger Is planned to be 2 feet
wide and 6 Inches deep, with slightly
rounded corners, the front eloping at
an angle of 45 degrees and the bot
tom being 2 Inches higher than the
floor of the -stalls.
The width of stalls Is S feet 6
Inches, which Is as narrow as should
Very Rank Growth on One Acre May
Supply Feed for Twenty-Five Head
8eed In Spring.
(By DEAN MUM FORD of tho Missouri
Experiment Station.)
A good growth of rape will supply
pasture for 10 to 20 bogs to the acre.
A very rank growth may supply feed
for 25 head. Where the feeding Is
to extend from 10 to 14 weeks It is
advisable to pasture rape at th rate
of 10 to 12 bead to the acre.
Tho favorable time for seeding rape
Is In the spring as soon as danger of
hard freezing Is past It will furnish
pasture from tbe middle of May until
the third week In August Ttape will
withstand light frosts, but not bard
freezing. The best results are ob
tained when oats and clover are sown
with It Sow from Ave to seven pounds
of rape ahead of the drill and then
drill In one-half bushel ot, oats and
six to ten pounds of clover seed to
the acre. Tbe rape and oats will serve
as a cover crop for the clover and
usually a good stand of clovor will bo
obtained that may be pastured with
hogs the following year.
If rape Is not grazed too closely In
June and July, so tbat the stalk ot the
plant is eaten off. It may grow up
and make fall pasture. It should nover
be pastured so closely as to destroy
all leaves on the stalk, and stock
should not bo turned on until the
plants are from 14 to IS Inches high.
Complaint Is sometimes made by
feeders, thai scsba and cores form on
the ears and backs ot the hogs on
rape. The remedy Is to move the
bogs to another pasture for a short
time and then dip them or apply sul
phur and lard to the sores.
Cream Check Is Dependable.
Chinch bugs may take the wheat
and drought the corn, but It takes
more than these calamities to stop the
cream chock. It cornea once a month
the year around.
be allowed. The depth Is Indicated
as 4 feet 6 inches, but this may be
varied according to the size of the
cows In the herd. The manure gut
ter is 14 Inches wide and 6 inches
The entire floor Is concrete.
inches In depth when finished, laid
ove,r at leant 6 Inches of cinders or
broken rock. Concrete is considered
the best material for several reasons
(1) It Is sanitary; (2) It Is economi
cal because of Its durability; (3) when
a reasonable amount of bedding is
used It Is comfortable to the animals
and no bad effects result. The floor
1b Intended to be raised about one
foot above the level of the gorund tc
insure drainage.
The alleys behind tho cows are
feet wide. Manure should be taken
away from tho barn daily and depos
ited In a manure shed or on the field
and the alleys are designed with tht;
In view. It Is undealrablo, from th
standpoint of construction and san!
tatlon, to have a manure pit under tin
Calf Pen.
A comfortable cnlf pen should b
provided, effectively separated frm:
the milking herd. The one shev'n I
21 by 11 feet. Individual stcnrhlor
are nrovldcd for fuedtng calves gn.i
and milk.
Bull Pen and Cox Stalls.
These are approximately ID by
feet. There Is a full window l:i o:.
stall, providing an abundance i
light '
Feed Room.
This Is centrally located; two g"al
chutes from tho upper floor. A he
chute from the loft above deposit th
bay conveniently to the feeding alley
' Watering devices may be put
the stable or provided for outsldu i.
the option of the builder.
- , 8torage of Feed.
There Is no objection to storagi
above the cow stable proper so Ion
as the floor is similar In construct lot
to the one in the drawing, so as
be kept perfectly tight.
' Cetlina.
In colder climates It Is deenicd bet
ter to have a comparatively low ceil
lng on account cf temperature, ani
this construction admits of change!
In this respect
The plan adapts Itself to any sys
tern of ventilation. ' Tho opening:
shown give suggestions as to where
the fresh air may bo taken in and
the Impure air discharged.
Oat Straw Found to Be as Cheap as
Anything Else In Long Run Buck
wheat Is Tpo Fattening.
There are a number of different ma
terials which furnish an excellent
place for the bens to scratch In, says
a writer in the Poultry Journal
Leaves are probably the stuff most
used by the small poullrymen. These
are good If gathered when perfectly
dry. They must bo put Into tho pons
every few days, because' the poultry
will, break them Into dust by their
continual scratching. I find oat straw
about as cheap In tho long run, be
cause lt lasts qulto a while and fur
nlshes some feed It fed beforo thresh
Some of my neighbors have tried
feeding buckwheat as a scratching
material and a feed combined. Duck-
wheat Is too fattening aud should be
used only occasionally. Corn hucks
make an excellont scratching material,
Shredded or cut corn fodder docs
very well If there Is nothing elso on
band. I do not like any form of
meadow grass or swalo for scratching
material becauso It mats down too
much when cut and not enough when
not cut
Rearing Calvss.
The man who pinna to rear his heif
er calves should bear this point
mind: Vitality Is one of the most Im
portant things to be developed, and It
is obtained only through liberal feed
lng and proper care. And this
only partly true, for, unlnss the calf
Is well-born to start with, the best
care and feeding will not produce a
profitable cow.
Rye Meal for Cows.
The Pennsylvania experiment sta
tion has found that rye meal as a
part of properly balanced ration for
dairy cows Is sufficient In milk and
gutter production to an equal weight
of corn meal.
Hubby's Ration Limited,
A Wichita attorney is very fond of
a certain kind of cake his wife is ex
pert at making. Recently she left
for a visit with her parents, and be
fore going baked a large cake. She
knew that It she left tbe entire cake
where her husband could find It he
would eat It all in one day, so she cut
it Into slices and hid them in various
parts of the house. Each day she
wrote her husband, and In the letter
she told him where he could find a
piece of the cake. KanBits City Star.
Too Many Minutes.
The negro coachman of a southern
senator who attended the Episcopal
church, after many invitations from
the senator's wife, went Into the
church one Sunday morning Instead of
staying outside.
"How did you like the service.
Jim?" Bhe asked afterward.
"Not much, Mistls," Jim replied.
That ala't no church foh me. Dcy
wastes too much time readln' th' min
utes or th' previous meetin" Satur
day Evening Post
Again the Brlda.
Mrs. Mncdonnld was a voune house
keeper and marketing wns new to her.
one morning she went down to the
market to get some supplies.
"I wlBh to get some butter, plensel
she suld to the dealer.
"les, nia'itm." he redled. "do vou
wish roll butter?"
Oh, no," she renlled. oulcklv.
"ToaBt butter. We never eat rolls."
Shake Into Tour Shoes
Allen' Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet It enree
painful, awollen, smarting, sweating- feet. Make
new shoes easy. 8 ild by all DruKffiala and Shoe
Stores. Don't accept any eubstitute.
FREE. Address A. S.Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y.
Coal Black Tulip Soon.
Hartford Times: A black tulln.
which has been a dream of horticul
turists ever since Dumas wrote of
such a mythical flower, has been very
nenriy realized. At the flower show
in Horticultural Hall, London, a speci
men ot tulip has been shown which
has such a dark plum color that It
might at first glunce be mistaken for
bluck flower; Its Growers declare
they will be able to exhibit a speci
men almost coal black next year.
Righteous Judgment on Rockefeller.
bprltmflcld Itepubllcan: When bo
conservative an economist as Profes
sor E. P. A. Sellcmnn of Columbia uni
versity eoiidomns the Colorado mine
operators for refusing to grant the
strikers' demand for collective bar-
BuiiuiiK a principle already rocoir-
nized In many other stntes of the Un-1
ion, in Cannda nnd In KnRlnnd the
bottom Is beginning to fall out of the
Rockefeller position.
Seen, but not Recognized.
The position of Huerta recalls the
Irate congressman who valnlv at-1
icmyn-u iu Ki-i me noor. nnn wno nn-
ally shouted at Speaker Reed:
Is It possible that the speuker docs
not see me?"
"Oh, yes," replied Mr. Reed. "I cer
tainly see the gentleman, but I dont
recognize him." Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch.
William Banks, aged 87, took a 1 Si
mile walk nenr Greenwich, Conn., the
other day 'ust to attend a dinner party.
Wahkiakum county, the smallest In
the state of Washington, has a woman
Reliable evidence Is abundant that women
are constantly being restored to health by
Lydla U. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound
t The many testimonial letters that we are continually pub-'
lishing in the newspapers hundreds of them arc all genu
ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude
for the freedom from suffering that ha3 come to these
women solely through the use of Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain
such recommendations ; you may depend upon it that any
testimonial we publish is honest and true if you have any
doubt of this write to the women whose true names and
addresses are always given, and learn for yourself.
Read this one from Mrs. Waters:
Camden, N.J. "1 was sick for two yonrs with nervous gpcllfl,and
my kidneys wcro affected. I had a doctor nil tho timo and used a
pulvaiiio battery, but nothlrtff did mo tiny good. I wns not able to go
to bed, but spent my timo on n couch or in a slcppiiife-chair.and soon
became almost a slteluton. Finally my doctor went away for hlaj
health, nnd mv husband heard of Lydia E. lliikham's Vecetablt
Guinnnund and got mo somo. In two months I pot relief and now I
am hko a new woman nnd nm at my usual weiKht I recommend
your medicine to every ono and so does my husband." Mrs. Tllli
Watkiis, 1135 Knight St, Camden, N J.
And this one from Mrs. Haddock:
Utioa, Oki.a. I was weak and nervous, not able to do my work
and scartfly nblo to bo on my feet. I had tackndio, headnche, palpi
tation of tho heart, trouble with my bowels, and Inflammation. Binoe
takiny tho Lydia K l'inkham's Vegelablo Compound I am better
than I Jihvo been for twenty years. I think it is a wonderful medi
cine and I have recommended it to others." Mrs. iLutr Aunt ILu.
dock, Utica, Oklahoma,
Now answer this question if you can. Why should 3
woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that
it has saved many others why should it fail in your case?
For 30 Tears Lydl E. Pinkham's Testable)
Compound haa bon th stnmlnrtl remedy for f -inalo
Ills. Noons stole with woman's ailments
loos Justice to herself if sho does not try this fa
mous medicine made from roots and herbs. It
bos restored so many suffering women to health.
p-Wrt te to LYDIA E.PI It K 114 V MEDICINE CO.
four letter will be opened, rrad and answered
mt vromaa and held In strict eonUdeuco
Write Me
Such a ria- for the money haa never beew
OITered before In the Northwest! The cele
brated RusseU Enitlne and Separator. Ev
ery rurmcr in the Northwest should know
about this special offer. Write me today,
personally, for full particulars and dea
cription. also ham a copy of tht new 1914 FREM
Rutscll Thrvshir.g Machine Book alt remr
to mall youl Drop me a postal NOWt
1 II lend IVbK copy by return mail.
A. II. AVERILL, President
The A. II. Averill Machinery Co.J
Doesn't Need To.
The Vicar Why dou't you comb
your hair before coming to school?
The Boy Haven't not no comb, air.
The Vicar Why don't you UBe yous
father's comb?
The Boy Father hasn't got ne
comb, sir.
The Vicar Well, how does ynur
father comb his hair, tlion?
The Boy Father hasn't got no hair.
Radium Water as Beverage.
Radium water to be used as a me
dlclnal beverage hus been introduced)
in Holland. ,
It you have eczema, ringworm, or
other Itching, burning, unsightly skis
eruptions, try renlnol ointment and)
reslnol soap and Bee how quickly th
Itching stops and the trouble disap
pears, eveu In the severest, Btubbom
est Cases. Reslnol ointment Is also s
wonderful household remedy for pim
ples, dandruff, sores, burns, wounds,
boils, piles, and for a score of other
uses where a soothing, healing appli
cation Is needed.
Keslnol contains nothing ot a harsh
or Injurious nature and can be used
wltn perreet snrety on the tenderest
or most Irritated surface Every drug
gist sells reslnol ointment (50c and
$1), and reslnol soap (25c). Avoid!
worthless Imitations,
rtitev n v ni t rr
vluH isrvkm, ss
s-'VIO 1 I i, rviULtlV tr,..i md sills i
illrl. N.t. cl, .
r .Lirsul, tun, WaC
i!irt. Lasts all
lessen. fcUiti
S f il, can'tfptllMBst
,wr I wij sit t-4lse
Inl lire BnrtMssv
r.mrftntMtt ibiHw.
Cell tr sJrs. e
S rut l-V tfMiSBem
aaAQUtsoiuuuhUe&eBAUjAv Sresslva. a. ft
- - . - . .1
P. N. V. No. 21, 1.
I WHEN wrltlnc Is edvertisera, rleaae SMS. I
" Ilea this pspee. I