lMI..'.- liu lfVrt l',vl' Mk. jt mi. ti tl"Uf ' wOitntp gender. VOLUME 22 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1914 NUMBER 16 COUNTY NEWS News of each Community Gathered eacli week by Our Rustling Associate Editors Newport The delegation selected by the Warren Brothers Construction com pany visited Portland last week for tie puprose of studying and in vestigating the different styles of building hard surface roads, as d.'munotrated by that company. The delegation were the guests of the company at the Vincent, one of the finest hotels in Portland. The names of the parties who were honored with this invitation are, M. L. Scits. merchant, County Com missioner Wm. Wakefield and wife, County Commissioner Claus Lude mar.n and wife, Dr. Linton, physi cian, and wife, Z. M. Derrick, county surveyor, Road Master Beczlcy, County Judge Fogarty, Jim Rcss. ex-sheriff, Wm. Mat thews, editor News. C. V. Averiil, editor Signal, Walter Hall, mer chant. S. T. Plant, private citizen, and Edward Stacker, Sr., candidate for county commissioner. This selected delegation, on arriving in Portland, was taken in automobiles to the VincenJ and every courtesy shown them. The next day the party was taken inuutosand driven to every part of interest in the city and even into the state of Wash ington to study the roads of that section. After an elegantly served sjpner they were taken to the Buffalo Bill circus and the theatres. The most costly hard surface roads the kind the company favors is the bithulitic and the least costly is the macadam or crushed rock road. T.ie firmer will cost from $12,000 to $15,000 per mile and the latter from $3,000 to $4,000 per mile Of course the bithulitic style is too costly for Lincoln county, though it makes a nice, smooth surface, cs pecially adapted for automobile travel, but too slick and slippery for horse and wagon travel in hilly country. 1 don't believe the people, after looking the matter over carefully will vote to bond the county to build any kind of road at this staao of our development. The delegation had a must delight ful time (all expenses were paid by tV coniDony) and came home well Satisfied with the trip. The commencement exercises of the Newport High School were held Friday evening in tne Presbyterian church. The house was crowded. Supt. R. P. Goin presented the diplomas. The class contained two boys and four girls. Cecil Berry, Juhn Miller, Msjory Gurney, Muriel Robertson, Sophia Bentley and Hachel Angel. The valedictory ad dress was delivered by John Miller in a very able, elegant and im pressive manner. The subject was, "A Message to Gracia." The graduating address was delivered by Will E. Gwynn, in his usual able, eloquent and polished style. He portrayed in eloquent and glow ing terms, the trials, struggles and triumphs of this young class just starting on life's tern pes tous tea. His address made a fine impression. Rev. H W. Dais, pastor of the Baptikt church in Eugene, who has bsen holding meetings at the Log Cabin on Nye Creek for more than a week, dedicated today, the 26th, a plat of ground one hundred feet square on May and Olive streets on which a $2,000 church is to be erected this Summer. After a fen appropriate songs by the congre ss Hon and an eloquent address by Mr. Davis, Rufus Wagner, the oldest member of the church, and Miss Martha Black, the youngest member, with their shovels stepped out and trokc tho ground. W hile this was being done a picture was taken cf the group. About cne hundred persons were present. The location is ideal and beautiful upon nn eminence overlooking a broad expanse of the Pacific ocean as well ai the lfchthnuro on Yaquina Head and Agato tieuch. Tho church etnrts out with about fifty members. The excursion Sunday was small, abiut 100 persons. The day was dimp nnd rainv nnd the people kept under shelter most of the day. Linville We arc having quite a lot of rain here now, but tho farmers all smile when they take a look at th.'ir crops. Mrs. Donald Higgins went to Portland Monday where she will visit friends and take in the Rose Curnlval for a week or ten days, then she will rsturn to her home at Linville. Our school here at Linville is progressing nicely with Miss Kate Shelley as teacher. Henry Luthold is quite busv this week putting in his crops and re pairing fences. Dexter Twombly went to Bay View Monday with the cream. He is working for Mr. Hagen this spring. There will be a big dance at Bay View Tuesday night held at E. E. Dvers. There will be a number from here go. Albert Oakland end Jue Roselena made a flying trip to Bay View Thursday. Mrs. Frank Huntsucker and Mrs. Henry Luthold went to Bay View Thursday and did some trading with J. C. Barnes Co. Bud Miller just arrived from Denver, Colorado,' and is an old schoil mate of Frank Huntsucker. He came in with Frank Saturday and stayed Until Monday. They had a big time talking oyer old boyhood days. Ole Olsen and Herbert Twombly nnd son, Hoy, went to Bay View Saturday. West Yaquina Miss Daisy Ferr is visiting friends at Ona this week. John Convert and Gust Weber came over from Una Wednesday evening. The steamer Bandon caused quite an excitement around this part the country. Misses Myrtle Willis. Stella Willis and K. V. Hanlon took the Eighth Grade examination in phy siology and all nasssd high. Miss Lcola Hewitt i3 working at Smith's restaurant. John Coovcrt went to Toledo Thursday on business. Glen This rainy weather is making the gardens jump. Mr. and Mrs. Bond Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Culkins, Mr. and Mrs. Mcrriol Davenport and Mrs. Davenport's sister and brother and Gerald Calkins of Riverside passed through here last week for an out ing on Drift creek. Mica Clare Moore gave a party Saturday night which was well at tended and all reported a fine time. Leonard Grant of Harlan pasted through here Sunday on his way to Toledo. Road work has been delayed this week on account uf rain. Mrs. Will Randall is ill this week. Rupert Stewart went to Eddy ville Monday. Asa Brown went to Elk City Monday. J. E. Crooks went to Toledo Tuesday, Bayview Percy Twomblv went up the river to work for Jim Kent. Robert Giengcr, who has been working for Juhn Olson of Linville, returned home Saturday. Roy Twomb,ly, who has been em ployed at the Hagan ranch on Drift creek, returned home Saturday His brother, Dexter, went up to tako his place. John Giengcr was in Bay View several days Inst week, waiting for favorable weather to kill a beef. We arc glad to hear that Miss Lily Simonson, Miss Leona Trescott and Edwin Oakland, who took the Eighth Grade examination, passed with flying colors. Miss Alva Rossi completed a very successful term of school Tuesday. A picnic was held at the school house for the nmusemcnt of the children. Miss Roat-1 will soon de part for her home at Bcnvcrtun. A farewell dance was given for MiiB Rossi and the Misses Edna and Sophia Giengcr at Dyers' Tueeiby night. They danced till davlight and everyone had a lovely time, Harlan Mr. Brandcrberry was in from Portiund recently. He came after come of their goods which they could notljtakejwhen they moved. : Mrs. Lester January and children are visiting at th.9 W. W. January home. Chas. Callahan went out cn Fri day's stage on his way to Joseph, Eastern Oregon. On the 25th a meeting of the taxpayers of this precinct was held at the pestoffice for the purpose of talking over the bonding proposi tion. B. F. Grant. P. H. Martin and Smith Allison were sent as a com mittee to Tclsdu to be present on the 28th. Mr. Howe of Waldport and Mr. Oalesby are visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Fitzcharlcs. Jog Frady is on the tick list this week. P H. Martin and W. S. Koontz went to Corvalliu to act as witness es for Mr. Thomas the 27th. Mr. Thomas is commuting on his Spout creek homestead. Quite a let of donation work was done this week on the road from Harlan to Drift creek, under the direction of Road Master Grant. The May showers have 'put a bread smile en the farmers faces as they watch the crops grow Chitwood Mrs. Anna Mart ot loledo is spending this week visiting friends and relatives near here. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson left for Forest Grove Wednesday to attend the Adventist campmeeting at that place. Mrs. E. L. Gear and son, Leon, left Monday for a place in Cali fornia where they expect to make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowe have gone back to Wren to spend a few days. - . .. i Mrs. Ruth Critser left for her home at Orcgcn City one day last week. Mrs. Maud Smith is quite sick Dr. Newth came in from Philomath to see her Monday. Sondre Romtvedt came up from Toledo Saturday on a business trio Died At his home near Chitwood, May 26, 1914, Mr. Thomas Reed, after an illness lasting several weeks, passed away. Funeral ser vices were held at the Chitwood cemetery, where he was laid to rest Wednesday afternoon. He leaves a wife, two children and several grandchildren to mourn his loss. SMado Well, we will wake up again. Salado is rather dull now as the mill has shut down for the Summer and the hands gone elsewhere. Mart Hodges and wife have gone to Hoskins for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas and Wm. Martin departed for Oregon City Wednesday. B. F. Grant was a visitor at Sal ado over night Wednesday. Mr. Grant is circulating a petition to the County Court to show the senti ments of the people in the Big Elk country towards the bonding of the county. This is a proposi ti tin that the people of thu county should take great interest in as this is a debt that will be hard for the overburdened taxpayers to raise in too short a time and we need some good dirt roads before we of hard surface rnnds in countv. Let tho districts want the hard surface roads their own (lis tt lets. think this that bond Oysterville Strawberry picking began at Peter Shermer's last Monday. Quito a number of crates were picked, although the weather has been too cold and rainy to ripen much. Mrs. ResBio Shcrmer entertained a number of young folks a her home SunJay. All went to Toledo in nftcrnnon to boo tlio steamer Bandon. Mr. Woods and family have moved into Mr. Margson'i houso known as the Old Lewis Place. Welcome into our midat. Mim Gussio Grcil spent Monday in Toledo. Henry Christvnsen arrived from Portland Friday evening for a visit at his homo near here. He is planning a trip to Honolulu in the near future. An oysterman's meeting was held at Barnes' cannery last Friday afternoon to or'garize an ovster man's association. Jos. Phermer was elected president. The next meeting will be held June 22d. Supt. Goin was visiting our school last Thursday. The school is preparing a prugram for Memor ial Day, to bo given Friday after noon. fur. a::d Mrc. Horner. Mr. enJ Mrs. Gilarist and Mr. and Mrs. Ridgewav nf Yaquina called on T. Dow ling's last Sundav evening. Thos. Barker's mother, who came here a short time ago for her health, is not so well the last few days. Mrs. M. G. Shermer was called to Corvalils last week by ths serious illness of her sister, Mis. Del Ful- lett. Little Elk Nice Summer showers and gar dens are growing. II. O. Bovnton is building a large barn cn his ranch. He will but in a small dairy next Summer. W. J. Cline is getting ready to movo ontu the old Hyde place, as Mr. Weimer i: going to live on his place which Mr. Cline has had rented for the last three years. S. T. Loudon went over to Har lan last Monday on business, re turning home Tuesday. W, F. Wakefield went to Toledo Tuesday to attend County Court, which convenes Wednesday. G. W. Crocker is repairing and builJing some new fence this week. Miss Nina Glecson of Woodburn, "ho has been visiting her sister, rrs. S. T. Loudon for the past week, returned home Wednesday Mrs. Loudon and son, Kenneth, ac-1 compunicd her. The Gronge picnic held at Eddy- tiilla Mat) OO una nvnnt a i in mac a in everv wav. Owing to the rain in the morning, the crowd wai not so large as it would have been. The program committee is very thank ful to the band boys for their as sistance and also to Miss Snyder of Toledo for the numbers she gave. The following program was given: Music, by Toledo Band. Recita tion, "The Vegetable Chorus" Ansil Seits. Song, "Four Seasons" Ed dvville Grange. Recitation, "The j Little Seamstress" Marjory Cline. Recitation, "When Pa Was a Little, Bov" Richard Girdlcr. Recitation. "Sister's Best Feller" Kenneth Loudon. Recitation, "The 1914 Fair" Irene Magee. The Little Army, Primary Class. Music, To ledo Band. Solo, Miss Nettie Sny der; Recitation, Mr. Eagy. Reci tation. "The Family Cow" Law rence McBride. Song, "Stay on tho Farm" Grange. Then the speaking by Mr. and Mrs. French. Their talks were enjoyed by all, and after the speaking the dinner! Well, anyone would have to partake of it to get any idea of what it was like. Then came the ball game between the Toledo High School and the Eddyville boys. The game was interesting from start to finish and at the end of the kixth inning the score stood 6 to 11 in favor ot the Eddyville boys. The contests consisted of foot races, jumping, three legged races, old men's race, fat women's race and other con tests which were enjoyed by all, and all went home rejoicing. Ona Miss Dnisy Ferr of West Yaquina is visiting MLs IIcUT Hill this week. Lljyd Commons visited a the Arnuld ranch Sunday. W. C. Weber helped Joo move his houso Friday. Lissy II. II. Couk and sun, Fred, were at Waldport Mmhy. John Coovcrt wa3 n Yaquinu itor Monday. Mrs. 8. C. Denny visited ot Selby ranch Wednesday. vis- thc Siletz The citizens of tho Siletz country turned out to attend tho rosd meet ing held here Saturday, in tho in terests of bonding the county and appointed a committee to attend1 Court Thursday at Toledo. Road Supervisor Hamar has been at work near Juhn Adams' dace making a grade. The Toledo Imnrovement Club 1, ,,11. , v.., '8at Monday evening entertained Mrs Iva Holacher and I.U e th b f fa daughter, Eva, visited her uncle n-nfi rw,n th . o and family at the Siletz Hotel for aXpSc.SI" i T t j . . ., , don, the fort Commission and the h few days i the first of the week businct9 men of tho cit atVdd! returning to Toledo WedneBduy. Ielow Hall. James T. Belcher, a nowsimonr After a short business meeting of correspondent, visited Siletz Wed- the Club, the evening was spent in nesday and gathered un news about speech making, songs and social the Indian tor publication. He re- j intercourse. It was simply a get turned to Lus Angeles Thursdav i together, get-acquainted meeting, morning. ' 'Speeches were made bv the follow 'Tis rumored that M. S. Collins: has leased his sawmill and it will start up in a few dnys, after lyint idle for over two years. This will surely tic a good thi.'g as the peo ple are forced to haul lumber from 1 Toledo ut present or do without. W.S.Hall and wife were ex-! ceded home in their new auto, but have not put in their appearance as yet. The rains must have made it ' impossible to get over Pioneer Mountain. Lester Waugh was over from To ledo a couplo of (lnya on business. C. S. Davis returned from Port land Monday evening. " Grant King sold a load of hogs to Lester Waugh Saturday and de livered them to Foleco. A number of Salmon River In- dians came up to visit friends at i Siletz for a few days this week. I T. H. Elting was in Siletz on business Tuesday from Upper Farm. Riverside V What is a garden without rain? Mrs. W. VV. Grant and Mrs. R. L. Calkins were visiting at Bear Creek the first of the week. Mia ripvpnnnrt MUn Hillptt ord 1 V. . , - tunpibi xj.iii.vfc vi wjt mill. biv visiting their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Davenport. n poor 0,i cien was surprised and i i brokenhearted to see about twoTf"160 Pj-rnmnshy or in thirds of Riverside alight in their !ttfaIn,er andu bhoo f midst last Thursday. The crowd drcde e?ch w,lh beautiful reported a good time. ;bJquet of roses. Then followed a una more songs by Messrs Ross A surprise party was given at ,nd Geer and Mr. Ross recited "A Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Daniels last1 Cat." From this on tha mectintr Tuesday in honor cf Mrs. Daniel's birthday. Several waon loads of people arrived in lime for dinner and some did not arrive till after dinner, but all had a jolly good time. After the excellent dinner the women returned to their faith ful duty of talking and the men played ball and did athletic stunts till evening, when tho guests re turned home very happy, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Calkins are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Darnley's of Toledo this week. Mrs. C. C. Lane made a flying trip to Elk City Wednesday. Injuries Fatal to Mr. Sparks Eddyville. May 25. 1014,-To the Leader: J. C. Sparks, living one mile west of Eddyxillo who was gored by a bull on the lfith inst., died on tho 25th of May, after suffering nine days. Mr. Sparks was burn in Mans field. Ohio, in 1S.1G. and haJ lived near Eddyvillo thrco years. Ho is survived by a wife nnd seven children, ns follows: Ar thur, Mary Howard, Chester, Helen, Jean and Mrs. Flora Young of Los Arg lies, California. The familv was were all present ot the time of his death. Mr. Sparks was n kind nctuhlinr, always having a iiloaKunt word for everyone. l!o moved frnm the state of Ohio v.hith his p!irvnt.to Mi.uoi ri when he wns a smull boy and there grew to mnnhood where he mrt and marred Helm B. Arnold, who remains with the seven children to mourn his loss. In his early youth ho was n mcmhr-r of tho A ethndift Kp.HCophl church and died at tho ago if fi! years, 2 months und 7 dojs, fully trusting in his Master. 1 ho funeral servicit wcro held i at ths home Wednesday, Rev. Dcvctiport ofllciating. Tho floral displays were grand. Many friends and neighbors from the different sections wcro present to psy their; last respect to a noble man. I Improvement Club Entertains ing: Chas. 11. GarJner' subject "The Possible Effect of the Harbor i Improvement on buisnesa Inter ests." George II. Horsfall tpoke on. "A Business View of the Hnr- ' I I k X iL , . uur iiiipruvuiiivni ircm ini' interior of the County." C. E. Hawkins spoke on" What the Shipping In dustry May mean to Us Financial ly." Chief Engineer of the Ore gon, "Is Our Channel Comparotvely Permanent." J. F. Stewart, Com- pare Our Possibilities for Shipping bucilitica with other Coast Water ways." Capt. Schilinsky, Muster of the Bandon, "Tell Us How to Help You." Others responded nnd made short talks. The speeches were all very interesting and in structive. Messrs. Gcer and Rosa sang several selections and then President Ball announced a recesi while a lunch was served. Right here is, where a surj.riao was given the bunch. The ladies of the Civic Club had prepared an excel lent lunch and had taken charge of the kitchen and banquet hall while the men were listening to the program in the hall. Instead of sandwiches and coffee, they served an elegant lunch of cuke, salads and many other good things. From this on the meeting was a joint meeting. Mrs. G. It. Schenck, pre sident of the Civic Club, made a I short, masterly speech welcoming tfcfl rrnwft nf thi ilrriltn uml (.loum. j - - - M.vu.aa- vi v v,. " WJV 'support of the the Civic Club in everything to asisst tho develop- n,entJfr,the c!'y: i RPntPfl lnilt. rt mem ui uiu cuy. iiiu iuuius pre- was one for visiting and getting belter acquainted. The band rend ered several fine selections in the hall below. Taken as a whole this was one of the best meetings of thu kind ever held in Toledo and we hope it is but one of many of its kind to follow. When the meeting was first called to order the following business was trsnsacted: A delegate was ap pointed my the chairman to attend the road meeting at Yaquina to talk over the matter of changing the Mill Four road to cross the De pot slough at the north end of town. The chair appointed Ira Wade as such delegate. A committee of fivo was ap- ; nointed to meet with the County Court on the 28th to confer with that body in designating tho roads to bo improved by the proposed bond issue. The following is the committee appointed: C. E. Haw kins, A. T. Peterson, John Rattcy, Lee Wade and Win. Maukey. The secretary was instructed to take up the matter of extending tho wagon road from tbe rock crusher along tho right of Avay to Second street with tho railroad company. - " Wallace Miller wis down from Pioneer last Sunday. Mins Lurce Si-hlecht was a pas rcngcr for Portland this morning. Fred Wagner and James lliland iif Mortons were in ths city yes- j v l"u' Prof. S. B. Ports entertained the 'grammar school graduates Tuesday evening with a banquet. Mrs J. F. Stewart returned from McMini,vl0 Sumlay whcra h ,mJ bLL:n lo t u , vkg) convention, "iccnt Wanlock was sentenced ,0 tv0 J" ' tho Federal prison. for the murder of Robert Wiley, at upper farm lust December. Tho city was full of prominent men from various parts of the county yesterday, who wcro here u attend thu road meeting held t the County Court. 3 4 ' :