Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 03, 1914, Image 5

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Warren Hall came over from the
Agency yesterday.
Ted McElwain was a passenger
for Portland this morning.
Mrs. Lola Cruacn returned to her
home at Albany this morning. '.
Billy Graham was called to Kings
Vallev this morning by the illness
of his father.
Cht s. Lillard of Harlan was in
the city Wednesday evening getting
repairs for his shingle mill. 1
Mrs. John Rattey and little
daughter returned ' Wednrsday
evening from a vii i; in Portland.
' John Salvage will hold a public
auction at the Graham Liverv Barn
tomorrow, to dispose of a large
list of household goods.
Charley Brown and family, who
have been living for the oast year
at Dayton, returned to Toledo and
will again make their home here.
They have rented theSondreRomt-
vedt house.
Subscriptions received this week
are J. C. Dixon. Elk City: J. E.
Coleman, Portland; James Withy-
e?mbe, Corvallis; Jesse Reeder,
Yaquina; C. C. Brown, Toledo; B.
D. Leathers, Bremeton, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and family
of San Pedro, California, arrived
in this city last Monday evening
and have taken up their residence
in the John Salvage cottage. Mr
Gordon will assist Gecrge Walker
in the shipyard.
L. D. Bissett of Newberg ar
rived in Ihis city Wednesday even
ing and his family will follow in
a few davs. Mr. Bissett has traded
for a ranch about three miles north
of town on Depot slough and will
go into the dairy business.
L. J. Dimmitt has leased the
Grady building edjoinicg tha Pet
erson Jewelry store and cxpecto to
open up a butcher shop. Mr. Dim
mitt hai been in the butcher busi
ness befure, and will undoubtedly
make a success cf his venture here.
The steamer Newport returned
to the lower bay .Thursday' after
noon under her own power. The
new gas engine works fine and it
is thought will give entire satisfac
tion. With the changing of the
Newport from a steam to a gas
type of vessel.' we are left without
a steam craft on the bay.
A. Welch ard several prominent
Portland attorneys were in the city
Wednssday closing up the deal for
the taking over of the Lincoln
County Telephone and Telegraph
company s lines and the lines of
the Mutual company. While tee
transaction is not entirely com
puted as yet, still it is far enough
advanced to assure a deal, and ; tte
are satisfied that t'Ve two lines will
tooa be under cne management.'-; .
.- . The first' social meeting of the
Methodist Social Club was held at
Oddfellow Hall last Friday evening,
ab'ut sixty being present. The
Club now has about CO members.
This is one of the best social feat
ures haugura ted tn our town. It
affords a p'ase for our ycung peo
ple to meet .and enjoy them
selves in unquestionable social rec
reation. Those who do not believe
in dancing, card plaving and other
such amusements will find great
pleasure in these club socials. .
Jay W. Dunn, in this issue an
nounces his candidacy for the nom
ination for the office of Sheriff of
this county on the Republican tick
et. Mr - Dunn is just about as well
known throughout this county as
any rraa residing herein. To those
who do not know Mr. Dunn we will
say that he has been a resident of
the county early boyhood; he
is a prosperous, progressive farmer;
is and always has been to the fore
in all public matters. He is a
youiK man, well educated end
thoroughly competent to handle
the affairs of this important office.
Cheeky L Morrison announces
his candidacy in this week's itsuc,
for the nomination for the office cf
Sheriff of this county. Ches Mor
rison is, 'as everybody knows, a
mighty goad Democrat. There is
not a man in the county who is bet
ter or more favoribly known ' If
he secures the nomination at the
hands of his party he will make a
strong fight for tha office at the
November election. If the next
Sheriff is going to be a Democrat
and we are sure such is not the case
we don't know of amsnwewoold
rather see in that position than Mr.
Morriion. '
I hereby announce' myself as a
candidate for the nomination 'of
County Commissioner of Lincoln
county, subject to the will of the
Democratic voters at the primary
election in May. Edward Stocker.
To the Republican Voters of Lin
coln county, Oregon:
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the nomination of County
Commissioner of Lincoln county on
the Republican ticket, subject to
the will of the voters at the pri
mary election.
Adv. , 0. V. Hurt.
To tie Republican Votera of Lin
coln County, Oregon :
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the nomination of
County Commissioner of Lincoln
county, on the Republican ticket,
subject to the will of the votera at
the Primary election May 15th. -A.
M. Wheelock. Linvillc. Or.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of County
Treasurer, subject to the will of
the Republican voters of the county.
Adv. G. B. McCluskey.
I herehv announce mvself aa a
candidate for the office of County
Judge, subject to the will cf the
Democratic voters of Lincoln
Adv. John Fcjrarty
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the effice cf bounty
Surveyor, subject to the will of the
Democratic voters at the primary
Adv. Z. M. Derrick.
To the Republican Voters of Lin
coln County:
I hereby announce myself a can
didate fr the effice of County Co
oner, subject to the decision of the
Republican voters at the Primary
election next May.
Adv. 0. R. Hollingswortb.
I hereby announce myself a Re
publican candidate for the office
of Sheiiff subject to the decision
of the voters at the Primary Elec
tion in May.
(Adv.) . Bert Geer.
Io the Republican Voters of
Lincoln county: I hereby anncunce
myself a candidate for the nomina
tion fcr the effice of Coroner, sub
ject to their decision at the pri
roary election.
(Adv.) F. M. Carter.
After consulting with many cf
the votera of Lincoln and Polk
Counties,-1 .have -consented-to an
nounce myself as - a. Republican
candidate for Joint Representative
in tha Legislature for t ie Counties
of - Lincoln . and:' Polk, and most
respectfully solicit the support of
the votera of the two Counties.
S. G. Irvin.
Newport, Or. Feb. 3d 1914. Adv.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate fur the nomination of County
Clerk for Lincoln County; Oregon,
on the Republican ticket.
Adv. R. H. Howell.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for County Treasurer,
subject to the choice of the Repub
lican votera uf the county at the
primary election. -If nominated
and elecUd I pledge mvself to run
the office efficiently and econom
ically, and to the best financial in
terest of the taxpayers.
C. K. Crosno,
Adv. Toledo, Orcgor.
1 hereby announce myself as
candidate for the nomination of
Ccunt Judge, subject to the will
of the Republican voters et the
primary nominating election.
Adv. R. R Miller.
1 announcu myself . as n candidate
for the nomination for the office of
Sheriff, subject to the will cf th
Republican voters t the primary
election, and pleifgp myself, if
nominated and elected, to conduct
the effice economically end to cn
force the laws of the the State
with vigor and without fear or
Adv. Jay W. Dunn.
I hereby announce rrysilf as
candidate for the nomination as
Sheriff cn the Democratic ticket,
subject to the will of the voters at
the primary election.
Adv. Chesley L. Morrsion
Having been ureed by my manv
friends throughout the countv to
run asain. I have consented to Aa
so. and hereby announce mvself as
candidate for the natronaseof!
the voters of all parties before and
after, the primary election; My
platform is A Safe. Quick auto
trip Day or Night to" any point.
My auto is always ready.
Clarence Ofstedahl, Toledo, Or.
Chili concarne every afternoon
at Norgaard's restaurant.
Children's muslin nnrlprajpor. IK
25 and 30c. at Mrs. Frederick's.
Charley Taylor and 'family re
turned to this place Wednesday
When hungry call in at Nor
gaard's restaurant and order a
bowl of chili.
Mrs. I. J. Pepin of Chitwood
passed through to her home yester
day morning from a visit with her
ister, Mrs H S. Porter, at New
.5 Dr. Hamel's household goods ar
rived the first of the week and he
will now take up his residence in
the Lee Wade house in southeast
Toledo. I
Owing to a lack of space this!
issue we were forced to leave out
the result of the second county,
spelling contest ana three hunches
of correspondence. We will give
them next week.
Mr. Ross, the lumber grader at',
the sawmill here, has moved his
family into the George Hoeflein
house near the railroad track. Mr.
Hoeflein and family are now oc
cupying their new bungalow a half
mile northwest cf towm
C. E. Olney of Marvsville. Wash
ington, who has been visiting h's'
old army friend, James Ellin at
the home of the lattcr's son, P. H.
Elting. at Upper Farm, departed
yesterday morning or Dallas. Wt.
Elting. Sr., accompanied - him.
After a visit with Mr. Elting'a sis-'
ter at Dallas, they will visit a I
while at Marysvile then go to.
Meadeapolis, Iowa, for a visit at
Mr. Ellin's eld home.
; .
Mottled Anconas and R. C. R. I.
Red egg! for sale, SI. 00 per setting
of 15. A few pullets for sale.
8. Reichen,
Box 33, Newport. Or.
' . ..
and Basket Social
At ' Woodmen : Hall Thur-daw
evening, April 9th; ..the .following :
program win oe rendered ' by . the
Toledo High Schoo.U . :
Orhchestra.. "" 'I-"--" Selection
Ihe Tail of a Coat,
Beal Gaither and Kenneth Hay den
Duet, Maude Miller and
Borgny Romtvedt
Advertising for a Wife, Pantomime
Duett, Myrtle Paine and
Frances Avery
Solo. Hah Sherwood
Recitation, Clara Larson
Violin Solo, Myrna Miller
Chorus, High School Girls
The Parsonage, Charade
Duet. Genevieve Tillotson
and Eudelle Bether
Monologue, Lureo Schleiht
Solo, Miss Snyder
Orchestra, . Selection
After the entertainment the
baskets .will be sold. We desire
the aid of all as the proceeds will
be used for the publication of a
larger and better Ilih School an
nual published by the Senior class.
Ladie3, please bring baskets.;
AdmUsion, adults, 25c; child
ren, 15c.
Good work mare and 9-month's
old colt; also two plows, cultiva.
tor, harrow and other farming im
plements, and household furniture
Call cn W. F. McJunkin, in town.
Notice is hereby given that all
warrants drawn on the General
Fund of Lincoln county and en
dorsed "not paid for want of
funds" on and prior to Sept,, lit,
1912, are berebv called and the in
terest stopped thereon this date.
Dated at ToJ-do, Oregon, this
18th day tf March, 1914.
' G. B. McCluskey,
Ctcoy Tieajurer.
. Have you registered?
Charley 1 rask was up from New
port Tuesday. -
Briton Bryant was over from Si
letz Wednesday.
' Prof. J. H. McDonald was dowrr
from Elk City Wednesday.
A. H. Weber of Beaver creek
was in the city Wednesday.
Mrs." Earl Aunnrelie of Newport
visited Sunday at the Gardner home
in this city.
Quite a bunch of local Oddfel
lows went to Newport lust Satur
day evening.
Johnny Peterson and Nelse
Andersen spent Monday night with
Giles Olin at Siletz.
- Lewis Montgomery is down from
Portland this week looking after
his sawmill and timber interests
Dr. Clausius of Siletz was called
to Grand Ronde yesterday morning
on official business- He expects to
be gone about a week.
Mrs. 0. Custle, after a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bry
ant, at Siletz, returned Tuesday
morning to her home at Mill City.
W. A. McClintock of Taft, who
purchased the donkey engine of
Seth Rowe, has the engine ready to
be put onto a ico y to be brought
to town. It will be shipped to Si
letz bay on the schooner Nent-mosha.
M. E. Church
Sunday services, April 6tb:
Q Preaching. 11 a. m., subject,
"How Does Your Faith Compare
With a Mustard Seed?" 7:30 p.
m., subject, "Honor or Dishonor
Everybody welcomed
Sanford Snyder, Pastor. '
Store, warehouse, residence. wn
ac es of ground with orchard, ex
cellent gcrden laud, good business
location. Price S1400; $500 cash;
balance 5 years' at 7 per cent per
annum. Cheaper for cash. Is a
payitg proposition. Enquire of S.
Romtvedt, Toledo, Oregon.
Horseshoeing a Specialty
Repair Work done Promptly
Give Us a Trial
Launch Transit.
Leaves Elk City, 7:30 a. m.;
Toledo, 9 a. m. Returning, leaves
Newport 2:30 d. m.; Toledo 4:30
p. m. Every Tuesday. Thursday
and Saturday.
This schedule will be maintained
during the Winter.
II. A. Norton, Captain.
Nutice is hereby given that the
undenijnnd administrator .of the
estate tf Olaf Rcsquist, deceased,
has filed his final account in said
estate with the County Court cf
Lincoln county, Orcgun, and the
same hai been by said Csurt let
for hearing on the 4th day of May,
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the
foreyoon of raid day, at wM:h
time all parties having objection
thereto, if any there be, are here
by notified to appear in said Court
at Toledo, in Lincoln county, Ore
gon, and present the same fur ad
justment, and upon your failure so
to do, raid administrator will apply
to said Court to have said account
aopravei. the administration
closed and the administrator dis
charged and his bond exonerated.
Dated at Toledo, Lincoln county,
Oregon, this 28th day of Febru
ary, 1914. G. B. McCluskey,
Administrator of the citato of Olaf
Roiquist, deceased.
Expert Watch
When others fail you
' We Guarantee Satisfaction
A trial will convince. ' Price
very reasonable. '
Over 4.0 Years' Experience
8s practical watchmaker.
All Work Guaranteed.
Hant Norgaard, Prop.
Chicken Dinner Every SttClt
Chili (Jon Came every E'ca
Opposite the Bank
SI. N. AKDKHSON, 1'rop.
Choice Confection
fittmnter Drinls
Ice Cream
Ice, any quantity
Milk Shales
Iiiits, Nuts
B8t Brands
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Oysters
in Season
tl ighe9t Canh Price Paid for HiJos'
Beware of constipation. Use
Dr. King's New Life Pills and
keep well. Mrs. Charles E. Smith
of West Franklin, Me., calls them
"Our family laxative." Nothing
bettor for. adults; or . aged. Get
them today, 25c 'All" Druggists or
by mail. "
. . a.- e, bucklen; & co..
Philadelphia Vr St.' Loals.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned hai been, by order of
the County Court of Lincoln county,
Oregon, duly appointed administra
tor of the estite of Lucy L. Rowin,
deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are here
by notified to present the same duly
verified end with proper vouchers
ss by . law required to me at my
residence at Waldport, Oregon,
within six months from the date
of this notice.
Dated March 20tfa, 1914.
George L. Rowin,
Administrator of the estate of Lucy
L. Rowin, deceased.
Hawkins & McCluskey, Attorneys
for Administrator.
The csuse of your child's ills
The foul, fetid, offensive breath
The starting ud with terror and
grinding tf teeth while aslcso
The sallow complexion The dark
circles und:r the eyes Arc all in
dications of worms. Kickaooo.
Worm Killer is what your child
needs; it exp.'ls tlio worms, the
cause cf the child's unhcathy condi
t'on. For the removal cf scat,
stomach tnd pin worms, Kkkapoo
Worm Killer gives sure relief. Its
laxative effect adds tune to the gen
eral system. Supplied as a candv
confection children like it. Safe
and sure relief. Guaranteed. uv
a box today. Trice 25c. All
Prugahts or by mail.
Philadelphia or St Utia,