Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 03, 1914, Image 1

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    VOLUME 22
News of each " Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate .Editors .
E. 6. Tongue, a prominent attor
ney Hillsboro, J. K. Weatherford
and wife and Or. J. P. Wallace and
wife spent Sunday at Newport the
guests of the Abbey. Dr. Wallace
was called to se8 C. H. Williams,
who is still very sick. '
Jack Cahill started to go to
Spokane several days ago to'see his
sister and to take treatment at the
hospital there, but when he got to
Albany he became so ill that it was
necessary for him to stop oh! there
for medical treatment. He is htill
there dangerously ill and has sent
far his sister to be with him. For
a while be was not expected to live,
but at last reports ba was some
Peter Meads, who ence owned the
place at Nor tons now owned by
Harry Porter, is dead. He died at
Walla Walla on Monday. Peter
Meads, with his faimly homestead
ed the place at Nortons in the
Spring of 1867 and lived on it for
about twenty years, when he sold
out and moved to Walla Walla,
where he lived to the time of his
death. His wife died about three
years ago. Peter Mends was well
known by all the early settlers of
Yaquina Bay. ' He used to team
over the roada hauling oysters and
clams from Elk City to Corvallis
This was done in the worst Dart of
Winter and in the muddiest kind
of reads,.. Peter never -stopped, for
rain. ; nor jnud. He hia t nice
home at TjValla" Walla and enjoyed
Iifa'hr his latter days. He wes ' 84
yean old. His wife was a sister to
Dr. Carter of this place. So one
by one the pioneers are passing
away Jeaving behind them a name
of lienor, courage, perseverance and
hospitality..,. May they rest la
' The city council is wrestling with
the problem of paying off the city
warrants that were issued in excess
of the legal limit. The city char
ter provides no debts can be in
curred above $10,000, but notwith
standing this limit, the debt ' has
been increased $18,000 above the
legal fioait. Many of these war
rants were bought up by private
parties at ten per cent discount.
The plain is to bond the city for
$20,000 and take Up these warrants
and let the city pay interest on a
long time loan at 6 per cent. In
twenty ye ars.the life of the bonds,
the interest would be more than
the principle. This is one way.
Others say let the persons who hold
the warrants take their interest at
six per cent as it becomes due and
principle as soon as the city can
pay it. This no doubt would be
best for the city but the holders of
the warrants want their money, as
the young folks wanted to get
married, "pretty quick. ",
Sea Tiew, the new city layed
out on- South Beach, ia filling op
fast. Over 1,000 lots have already
been sold at prices ranging from
$35 to $250 per lot. The water
front Jots are the highest. These
lots are sold mostly to people who
never saw them. People want to
come to the seashore for health
ancf recreation, and a few hundred
dollars don't figure much on lot
or two-. L. E. Davis has sold his
place on South Beach, ' all except
five acres, which he reserves for
himself, and the balance is to be
divided ud into lots and five acre
tracts. I understand the price
paid for the place was $6000. The
same company that bough and
layed off Sea View bought the
Davis place also. '
Improvements are going right
along in Newport and the' travel
is better x than it ever has been at
this season of the year.
A bunch of about twenty-five
Oddfellows from the Toledo lodge
met with the Newport lodge Satur
day evening in a fraternal visit
The Third Degree was put on by
the Newport team t and was done
in a very interesting manner. Two
candidates were initated int o the
mysteries of this degree. The
team work and progress of the
lodge was highly complimented
hv th vUitiniy VirftthnrB."" After
the lodge was over a nic? lunch was rSfl a J0r a bM8i
served in the banquet hall. About . J' J to ToIedo 8nd Newport Tucs
75 partook of the supper. ' Among j -
those present from Toledo we no- Fred Todd had the misfortune to
ticed Prof. Coin, Henry Howell, cut his leg very badly while work-
Bert Geer, - George Bethers. Carl
Gildersleeve, Mr. Gill and W . C.
J. H. Blair hrs gone to Salem
to have his eyes treated by an ocu
Have been
having very
stormy J
O. V. Hurt and family are
spending a few days at their dairy
farm here. . ' -
The Ludemann mill company has
been shipping a lot more shingles
the past week. The mill is con-!
stantly busy.
N. Ludemann-was in
Sunday getting anotber large sup
ply of goods off the Marine for his
store here. He keeps a good sup
ply of goods on hand. '
Mrs. C Waiaerzieher, an old
pioneer of Minnesota arrived here
over a week ago from Minneapolis
to visit ber sister, Mrs. Earley.
She expects to remain some 1 time.
Mrs. Erchinbeck and baby of
Waldport spent several days last
week at the Ludemann home. She
returned borne last Thursday,
v, Mrs. Lester White and children
left' here Friday! for Corvallis!
where they expect to make their j
home.;' They went by the way of
Alaea Valley, by staged It was a
hard trip at this time of the year.
John Helistad I as his new en
gine installed in his boat and -as
soon as he gets his new propellor
he will make better time than in
tie past:
Mr. Snell of Five Rivers drove
into- Tidewater yesterday with
about 1200 pounds of cream,
peaks well for our country
The-Mirene is still in port. Our
Bar is a bit rough, but undoubtedly
tlere are others.
O. V. Hurt is ranching this week
on his up-river farm, substituting
ffar Mr.. Starr, who has charge of
the place. 1 suspect they get their
advance information in regard to
the weather from different sources.
A number of the good citizens of
this place have the Alaska fever in
the acute stage, and intend to take
the only cure for it ou the first
April boat. Let me suggest that
the . job ou the .'Alaska road is a
splendid keeper and that there is
still some snow in parts of Alaska.
The bout which is being construc
ted by the F. C. Barnes company is
nearly completed. It is 40 feet over
all with 9 foot beam. When fin
ished it will be the best boat on the
Bay. The Company possibly has a
tip regarding the salmon run thfa
season, we all hope It Is correct.
The City of Waldport will soon
have a saloon, the council . having
granted a license to Chas. Fosner of
Portland. We nave a good ordi
nance here and it the council will
get in and enforce it the atmos
phere will be considerably, lm
proved, but will they?
The Waldport Grange met in reg
ular session on the 25th. witha
good attendance, considering the
weather. A fine program and
good lunch were features of the
occasion. This Grange, aside from
the fact that it is a part of a great
order yhich is striving to better
the lot of the common people, is
worthy oi support lor the educa
tional and Bocial work it is doing in
this community.
Summer Hats
The public is cordially invited to
inspect Mrs. Fish a stock of Sum
mer hats on April 7, 1914,
A. W. Weber left for a
ing in the timber on the Hill ranch
Saturday. "'.,
Clifford Phelps and Fay Selby
made a trip to Yaquina Tuesday.
Ambrose Cook and brothers, El
mer and Fred, took a load of oars
to NewDort Tuesday.
Misses Neta Phelns and T-Mn
Denny, Earl Denny and Clifford
Phelos visited at the Selby ranch
Tuesday evening.
Clyde Coovert went to Yaquina
Monday. ' ' i,
Ole Olson and Albert Oakland
were down from Drift creek Sun-
Roy Twombly, has made several
trips to Waldport the last few days
to have dental work done. .
Misres Alva Rosa and Lily Sira
onson and Oscatj Oakland were cal
lers at Geo. Preiser's Sunday after
noon. Percy Twonibly went to Waldport
Wednesday night to attend Grange.
L. T. Thompson and son, Conrad,
Have finished their work for Mr.
SimonsoB. " ' i
Bennfe TwornbJy left for Toledo
Suwfey. ... j
2 MV. and lire. John Olson of
Drift creek visited Mr. and Mrs. E.
S. Oatfcnd Sunday.
John Walfcer fa having some
Daintiav and paper hanging done
by L. X. Thompson and eon.
- Bert Ryan end Conrad Thompson
attendW the dance a Waldport
Saturday night. : -
E. K Dyer had callers Friday
and Saturday evenings. ' Said even
ings being pleasantry spent listen
ing to Mr. Dyers efceiee aelections
on the? Bhonograoh.
Mr. Biggins is quite ill with the
measles. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins
came' ib from the Valley Saturday
and are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Mc Willis. They will move
onto USn. Biggin's place on Drift
creek as soon as their household
goods came.
Randa Hendrickson, So
phia and Edna Gienger and Messrs.
Chester Ryan, Edwin Oakland and
Andrew Stmomon were callers at
E. EL Dyer's Sunday afternoon, fc
Rev. Buns of Philomath held
services at the Bay View school-
boues Wednesday, Thursday, Fri
day- and Saturday evenings and
Sunday morning.
We are sorry to hear this will be
hia last triD in here, for we have
always looked forward to his com
Milton Hendrickson has pur
chased an tnginefrom Louis Col v in
of Waldport. Mr. Colvin is going
to build a boat for Mr. Hendrick
Herb Twombly and son. Roy, re
turned to work on Drift creek
Wednesday. They came ' down
several days ago as the weather
would not permit much work . out
of doors.
John ana ueorge Hamar came
out from their farm on Steer creek
E. T. Raddant passed through
here on his way to Portland Friday.
Henry Scott of Rocca went to
Toledo Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyle returned
to Newport after a few days' visit
with Mrs. Boyle's parents of this
Dr. Albert Carey went (o Chit
wood Friday evening, returning
Monday morning.
G. E, Wilson has his new store
at Upper Farm nearly done ' and
will soon put in his stock of guoda.
W, E. Rutter came out from his
homestead Saturday.
I. F. Eorton came out from his
farm Tuesday and reports that it is
snowing over in the mountains near
his place. Looks as if we may have
Winter yet -. ,
We have just experienced the
first Winter weather of 1914 the
past two weeks. A few ranchers
sheared their goats during the
warm weather and are now losing
some from the cold rains.
Messrs. Calkins and Daniels drove
a nice lot of loss to the mill last
W. B. Daniel is back on Big Elk
to stay, after a year or two in Eas
tern Oregon. He brought with him
the finest team on the Creek. As
Mr. Daniel is a prosperous young
man he will farm right in the
Mr. Whitfield and sLster of the
Scarth rairh left us the first of the
week. We regret their deuarture
as they were excellent neighbors.
George Lang and Pat Hodges
stayed over night at Salado the first
of the week. They were looking
for girls. We didn't learn what
girls nor where.'
Fred Montgomery has been doing
some improving pn his homestead.
He wishes the Tow livered pedistrisn
who borrowed his ax and handle
would please return same at once.
H. Spinney and Dell Hodges
bought a coupfe of fine cows ot J.
Whitfield last week.
Elk City and Big Elk
J. A. Whiteford, living on the
Scarth ranch, has sold his stock
and will return to Portland the
first of April.
Andrew Bristlia has been helping
Frank Lang finish the new hotel at
Elk City.
John A. Silver and family ar
rived here from Portland, Mr. Sil
ver having recently purchased the
Parker place.
Frank Updike has sold his stock
and farm implements and rented
his farm and w3! go away for a
vacation thi Summer.
Some cf the leading Democrats of
Elk City went to Toledo Friday
and talked aver coming ' political
affairs with the prominent ones
of Toledo.
Willis Grant from Harlan was
seen in Elk City last week.
PatHodfces and Carl Bristlin,
while playing in the streets of Elk
City last week, had the misfortune
to fall on a chip and black both of
their eyes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Olson
Bay Vtew visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huntsucker
have moved from tho Titus ranch
into the Roselina house.
The farmers here are more than
turning the sod over and putting
in their Spring crops.
Mrs. Henry Luthold spent Sunday
with Mrs. J. Olson.
Ole Olson and ' Albert Oakland
took in the meeting held at the
schooIhouBe at Bay View Sunday.
John Olson has his lumber on tho
ground for his new house and soon,
will begin to drive tho nails.
Miss Carrio Whcelock returned
homo Monday, after a short visit at
Mrs. Frank Huntsucker visited
Mrs. G. B. Ryan Monday and Tues
day, at Beaver creek.
Frank Huntsucker, the mallear-
tier, while enroute from. Toledo to
LirivTTle Tuesday, had the misfor
tune to have one of his horses to
get-sick and be had to hire a horso
from L. M. Commons to finish the
trip.'. It Is pretty hard to get the
best of Frank for he has been
there too long.
, One of tha most enjoyable parties
of the season was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sher
mer on Tuesday - evening, March
31st. Those present were, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Barker, Mr. and Mrs.
George Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Shermer, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sher
mer. Misses Bessie and Julia
Brown.' Ada Lewis and "Guasia
j Greil, Messrs. Banner Bnd Archie
Zeek, Charles Brown, Jay Van
Schoick, Franois Huntsucker, Earl'
ing Brauti, Lloyd Lewis and Charles
Griel. Everyone went homo with
light and joyful hearts, hoping
there will be more like it in the
near future.
Thomas Brown and son, Charles,'
were in Newport Tuesday.
.Charlcs Zeek has. been sick tha
past week' and . at last reports is
slowly improving.
Joseph aAdLMike Shernaer and.
Lorenzo Emerson were in Toledo
Miss Cara Boone returned homo
from-Newport Tuesday.
"Mrs. , Ed Hanlon visited Besse
Shermer Tuesday.
Tbts vicinity was shocked very
much this week when we received
the sad news of - Mm, Freeman's
death. Mrs. Freeman had many
friends here and wes loved by all
whoTknew,ber. We extend heart
felt sympathy, to . the bereaved
family. .,;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Shermer
visited Mr. and Mrs. Fox and Mr.
and Mrs. Woods Sunday.
Banner Zeek was., in Newport
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rowe and
Mrs. E. L. Gear left foe Philomath
Friday, Mrs. Gear returning Mon
Prof. J. E. Davis, the Simpson
Creek schoolteacher, was quite stele
the fore part of the week.
Fred and Charles Olson returned
from Toledo Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson
made a trip to Albany a few days
We are having, lots of rainy
weather, which is delayng the far
mers with their gardens as well as.
their goat shearing.
School was out in this district
last Friday.
A party was given at Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Brown's last Saturday
night in honor of ' the rainy
weather. A pleasant evening was
spent in taffy pulling, dancing and
singing. '
Miss Ethel Pursiful spsit this
week with friends at Harlan.
R. T. Moore came over from To2
ledo Tuesdsy, returning Wednesday
Will Randall did soma plowing
for Everett Brown last week,
C. W. Brown got two fine, new
hunting dogs last week.
Miss Edith Davenport spent Tues
day with her sister, Mn. S. J,
Stewart. .
We are having quite a protracted
rain after the good spell of weather.
The people in this vicinity made
good use of the good weather but
this gives them a set-back.
Tha feed on the range is getting
good and the piople are turning
Continued on last page.