NOTHING Makes a more suitable gift for a married woman than' an elegant Cheat of Silverware. You will find silverware in many exquisite patterns at our store and will be agreeably surprised at the modest price at which it can be purchased. Come in and look it over. HAMEL BROS. JEWELERS Hawkins Bid, Toledo, Or. April 10th. clean-up-day. Butter Fat Is coming down. Get a better separator. Get all the butter fat. Try a Simplex. Satisfaction Guar anteed. For f urher particulars caP or address A.M. Wheelock or J. B Simmons, Waldport, Or., Waldport Phone. j FOR SALE. On reasonable terms, two acres of land: house, barn, store build- in'! and warehouse; directly at railroad station and J mile from school. Fur further information address, or inquire of Grace Davis, Mutual Telephone Office, Toledo, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Harry S. Butz, guardian of the estate of Carl E. Smith, a minor, has filed his final account as such guardian in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County and that Monday, thd SOth ' day of March. 1914. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Courtroom of said County Court in the County Court House in the City of Toledo, Oregon, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said final ac count and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Febru ary 27th, 1914. Harry S. Butz. Guardian aforesaid. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Neither Absent Nor Tardy The names of pupils in the - 4th, 6th, 6th. 7th and 8th grades of To ledo schools who are neither absent or tardv will be published each week. For the week ending March 20, we have the following list: Eighth Grade Raymond Stew art, Frances Paine, Winifred Swear- ingen, Grace Gill. Ruth Larson, C'ara Harding, Anstruther Scarth Russell Wishart, Terrence Gaither, Seventh Carlton Brown, Anna Collins, Elma Patterson, Francel Stanton, Lois Brown, Myrle Collins, Hazel Winters, Margaret Hart. Antosia Wisniewski. Sixth James Derrick. Arnold Fremery, Thomas Harding, James Rob. Inez Weaver, Rosa Derrick, Iris Akin, Mary Geer, May Salvage, Marie Miller, Helga Larson. Thel ma Bingham. Fifth Howard Brown, Herthel Forts, Josephine Dahl, Katie Waugh, Nelson Anderson. Vivian Spicer. George Freeman, Edna Plank Aletha Campbell, Robb Coni bear, Kenneth Waddle. Fourth Roy Swayze, Sada Cham bers, Curtis Chambers. Nellie Peter son, Felice Avery, Edward Dahl, Retha Carson, Lloyd McJunkin, Carrie Wade, Edith Peterson, Wal ter McCaulou, Austin Huffman, Rosey Gwynn. George Stanley, Mar tin Stanley, Warren Stewart. Summer Hats The public Is cordially invited to inspect Mrs. Fish's stock of Sum mer hats on April 7, 1914. Miss Grace Davis visited at Chit wood Saturday. Chas. Sheffield of Newport was in the city yesterday. Messrs. Elting of'Uppe Farm were in the city the first of the week. Marsh Simpson of Elk City was renewing acquaintances in Toledo Monday. Mrs. A. W. Morgan and children departed Saturday ' morning for Portland. .i ) , , Mrs. Lola Cruson arrived Wed nesday morning fur a visit with her parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hosrfall of Rock Creek arrived down from iu.: u.. n j i SPRING BLOOD AND uu," ouuo' SYSTEM CLEANSER. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Dnrinir the winter months im- Blower at Mill Four, Wednesday, purities accumulate, your blood be- March 25, 1914. a ten pound boy. comes impure and thick, your kid-1 The new engine was placed in ncys, liver and bowel fail to work, the steamer Newport yesterday and causing so called "bpring fever, .the boat will soon be on ber run Furniture of Quality O. R. HOLLINGSWORTH Carries the largest Stock and biggest vareties of Furniture, Carpets and Wall Paper At the lowest Prices Both Phones mmi FOR SALE. 3-year old colt; will make 1200 or 1300; mile and a half north of Toledo, first house on old Siletz road. W. M. Bill. . EGGS FOR SALE. Mottled Anconas and R. C. R. I. Red eggs for sale, $1.00. per setting of 15. A few pullets for sale. v : S. Reichen,; . Box 33, Newport, Or. ... You feel tired, weak and lazy. Electric Bitters the spring tonic and system cleanser is what you need; they stimulate the kidneys, liver and bowels to healthy action, expel blood impurities and restore your health, strength and ambition. Electric Bitters makes you feel ike. new. Start aTfour week's treatment it will put you in fine shape for your spring work. Guar anteed. All Druggists. 60c. and H. E BUCKLEN & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. It. 1). BURGESS ' rilYSICIAN AND 8UROEON TOLlDO, OBMOH Oflloe Id Ofstednhl BollJIng. Offlot tiouri: 10 to U a. m.; S to 4 od 7 to 8 .p.m. Emergency Calls at any tin -BOTH TUONE8' O.H. XIOLLXNGSWORTII Funeral Director and EuiLalmer Colls answered Day or Night Both Fhoncs . TOLEDO, OREGON again. Judge Fogarty, Surveyor Beezley and Ira Wade went to Lower Farm, Siletz, Wednesday to look over the new wagon road being constructed there by J. C. Altree. L. C. Mowery of lower Siletz was in the city Monday. Mr. Mowery sneaks very highly of the work being done on ' the Euchre Mountain wagon road by Clarence Altree. He says when this road is completed they will have a piece of the finest rock roads in Oregon M. E. Church Services Sunday, March 20th: 11 a. ro preaching, subject. "A Universs Standard." 7:30 p. m., subiect. "Is the Investment Profitable' Good muBic at each service.' Everybody welcomed. Sanford Snyder, Pastor. FOR 'SALE. A Mandy Lee Fireless Brooder almost new. Enquire at this office JUST RECEIVED. ' Martha Washington - comfort shoes. Toledo Racket, agents. SPRUCE UP If your present Suit will stand another cleaning, bring it in; if not let us order you an Ed. V. Price Suit for Esster, I. B. SMITH We are headquarters for GARDEN SEEDS i . ; In the bulk and package. Bulk Garden Seed are more reasonable than the package Eeed and are ; mire apt to be fresh. Get them ea ly vhile the assortment is complete. i Our Onicn Sets are extra fine., WESTERN SEED for WESTERN SOIL TOLEDO DRUG CO. J. S. AKIN NOTICE OF FINAL J " - ' ' SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the estate of C. N. Thompson, deceased, has filed his final account in said estate with the County Court of -Lincoln county, Oregon, and the same has been by said Court set for bearing on the 4th day of May at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at which time all persons having objections thereto, if any there be, are hereby notified to appear in said Court at Toledo, in Lincoln county, Oregon, and pre sent the same for adjustment, and upon your failure so to do, said administrator will apply -to said Court to have said account ap proved, the administration closed and the administrator discharged and his bond exonerated. - , Dated at Toledo, Lincoln county. Oregon, this 28th day of February, 1914. U. B. McCluskey, Executor of the . estate of C. N. Thompson, deceased. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lincoln. In the matter of . the Estate of William Brown, deceased: , To D. S. Brown and Mrs.. Maria B. Hathaway and all other persons concerned,' greeting: " In the Name of the State of Ore gon:" You are hereby cited -and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lincoln, at the court room thereof, at Toledo, in the county of Lincoln, on Monday, the 6th day of - April. 1914, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of ' that day, then and there to show cause why an order for the sale of the real property belonging to said es tate should not be made, that the following ia the description of said real property: Beginning 30.73 chains west and 4.14 chains north of the corner sec tions 7, 8, 17 and 18, Township 11 south, Range -10 west: running thence north 6.25 chains: ' thence west 1.90 chains; thence south 5.25 chains: thence east 1.90 chains to beginning, covering one acre. Witness, the Hon. John Fogarty, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lincoln, with the seal f said Court affixed, this 21st day of February, A. D.. 1914. Attest: R. H. Howell, Clerk. (Seal) STOCK RANCH WANTED. 160 to 320 acres, bottom land preferred. Cash, no trade, owners only. Give location and description fully. Address. Mr. Morris. 475 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. ' i . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of I the State of Oregon for Lincoln county, the administrator of the estate of D. McGlynn. deceased, and has qualified as such adminis trator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same to mo at my residence in Five Rivers Pre cinct, said county and state, duly verified as by law required, within Six (6) months from the date here of. Dated March 13. 1914. John N. Taylor, Administrator of the estate of D. McGlynn, deceased. , ;, - Mohair Pool Any and all persons wishing to sell mohair in the Eddyville Pool are requested to notify the Secre- tars as soon as possible, stating the number - of fleeces -they expect to pool. (We want all the mohair in Lincoln county). The date of sale is not decided but will be about April 25th. Ad dress all communications to W. F. Waktfield. -. Eddyville. Or. STUBBORN, ANNOYING COUGHS CURED. "My husband had a cough for fifteen years and my son for eight years, vr. King s Mew Discovery competcly cured them, for which I am most .thankful,", writes Mrs. David Moor.', of Saginaw, Ala. What Dr. King's New Discovery did for these men, it will do for you. Stops hacking coughs, relieves la grippe and all throat and lung ailments. Money back if it fails. All druggists. Price 60c. and $1. II. U. BUCKLEN & CO., rbiladcphia or St. Louis. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Olaf Rosquist, deceased. has filed his final account in said eatato with the County Court of Lincoln county, Oregon, and- the same has been by said Court set for hearing on the 4th day of May, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at which time all parties having objections thereto, if any there be, are here by notified to appear in said Court at Toledo, in Lincoln county, Ore gon, and present the same fur ad justment, and upon your failure so to do, said administrator will apply to said Court to have said account approved, the administration closed and the administrator dis charged and his bond exonerated. Dated at Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, this 28th day of Febru ary, 1914. G. B. McCluskey, Administrator of the estate of Olaf Rosquist, deceased. . - NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Harry S. Butz, administrator of the estate of Mary E. Smith, deceased, has filed his final account as such ad ministrator in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County and that Monday the SOth day of March, 1914. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Corutroom of said Countv Court in the County Court House in the City of Toledo, Ore eon. has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said final account and the settle ment thereof. Dated and first pubilshed Febru rv 27. 1914. Harry S. Butz, Administrator aforesaid Oscar Hayter, Attorney GARDEN SEED IN BULK. GARDEN SEED IN PACKAGES, Western Seed is the best for the West. We have it in all varieties and at POPULAR PRICES, at THE WHITE CORNER STORE, the Good Goods Store. ,. .. , R. S. VanCleve. FILM DEVELOPING, r Film rolls, packs and plates de veloped. 6-roll film, 10c; 10-roll film. 16c: packs. 15c: plates, 50c dozen. Prints, 5c each ; proofs, 2c Leave orders at the Drug Store. K. R. Wilson, Photographer. EGGS FOR HATCHING. Barred Rocks, high class stock 11.60 tier 15. ' White Indian Runner Ducks, the white egg strain, $1 per 12. A good hatch guaranteed. W. E. Simpson, Elk City, Or. Send tor This 1 Catalog We know y'em mm and get bdtef texi by letting ia diie toack witii tlx lock teod Low. n-rt- " "yr, .Hunt. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the I estate of James P. Wolf, deceased. has filed his final account in said estate with the County Court of Lincoln county, Oregon, and the same has been by said Court set for hearing on the 4th day of May. 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at which time all parties having objections thereto, if any there be, are hereby notified to appear in said Court at Toledo, in Lincoln county, Oregon and present the same for adjust ment and upon your failure so to do, said administrator will apply approved, the administration closed and the administrator discharged nri hU hnrwl exonerated. Dated at Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, this 28th day of February, 1914. r. r. Dabney,. Administrator of the estate of James P. Wolf, deceased. G. B. McCluBkey, Attorney for Administrator. O. A. Loe of Silverton was ia the city yesterday looking; after bis interests at the Agency,