Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 27, 1914, Image 7

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    Peculiar After Effects -. r
;r ;, i of Grip This Year
Leaves Edneys in WeakeneiT Condition
j . .'boctort In all parts of thexountry
- have been kept busy with the epidemic
' of grip : which has visited 'so many.
homes. The symptoms of grip this
year are often, very distressing and
leave the system In a run. down con
dition, particularly, the Ttldneys which
seem to suffer most,. as1 almost every
victim complains of lame back and
J1 tirlnary troubleswhlch' should not be
. ten lead to dangerous' kidney troubles."
"Druggists report a large sale on Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root which so many
, People say soon heals and strengthens
" the kidneys after an attack of grip.
Swamp-Root Is a great- kidney, jjlver
: and bladder remedy, and, being . an
herbal compound, has a. gentle healing
effect on the kidneys, which is almost
" Immediately noticed in most cases by
those, who try 1t pr. Kilmer & Co.,
.. Blnghamton, N. T., offer' to send a
.: sample size bottle of Swamp-Root, on
' ' receipt of ten cents, to every sufferer
who requests It. A trial will convince
any one who may be in need of -it
Regular size bottles SOcts. and $1,00.
' For sale at all druggists. v Be sure to
.; mention tnis paper.
Co Into Business For
I w?"'' MbahMrwi. Tarn Mfl owl
Bwtnnift mm I j v. . i. : . - i I
i ww..' .xt.:
1st eo.
3404 SI.
Fortunate In Her. Husband.; - .
'"Did your husband have any luck on
his hunting trlpf
t "Splendid! Didn't you hear?" :
"No. What was It?":
- "He got back alive." Houston Post
: What Stocks? .
Mr. Rockefeller enigmatically re-
tnnrlra t Vi a t at ns Ira a ra a a trrA mm Ao-tya
1 and some financiers seem to think
more American. .. .
Sets Right Twist
Hakes Short Vork of
' : ; Sjstem Aches
In S. S. S, you Get a Twist on
: Many a rheumatlo BVfTeref has been to
the drug store for bottle of 8. S. 8. and
ben handed omethlnf claimed) to be
"Just u wood.".- Truly, to ask for bread
: and be sWen a stone ia still In practice.
If you are troubled with rheumatism In
any form be sure to vie S. 8. 8. and note
.Its wonderful Influence.' . '.,(-
8. a 8 has the peculiar action of 'soak
ing througH - the Intaatlnes directly Into
the blood, In Bve minutes Its Influence Is
at work fin every artery, vein and tiny
caplllaryw Every membrane, every ersan
' of the body, every nronctory becomes In
effect a filter to strain the blood .( Im
purities, The stimulating- properties of &
6. 8. compel the akin, liver, bowela, kid
neys, bladder to all work to the one end
of casting out every Irritating-, every pain.
Inflicting atom of poison; It dislodges by
' Irrigation all accumulations In the joints,
cauaea add accretions to dUolvu) renders
V1 iw': .:: 'j .-.' '-
Look ' Motherl . If tongue Is coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Call
: x , fofnla Syrup of Figs."
Mothers call rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because In
t few hours all the clogged up waste,
'lour bile and fermenting food gently,
moves out of the bowels, and you have
s well, playful child again. .: '.' :.'
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless . "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep It
sausa they know its action . qnr.tbe
itomach, liver and bowels la prompt
ind iur'e. r j ;.
Ask your druggist for a SO-cent bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
ehlch contains directions for babies,
children ofall ages and for grown-upa
But Or.rrap. Tim Ovi. Cm
la Uma. Sold If OratdaM. i
i Will begin Monday, April 6,
. , and continue 10 weeks. .
i I (;" 'i -if i tfs v, a Jjc i;
Regular Normal Credits given
Special emphas'B will be placed
, on the following subjects: r.
State Course of Study; Rural
School Administration; Rural So-
ciology; Pedagogy; Psychology;
History of Education; English
History; Sociology; American
History; Professional - History;
Professional Grammar; Reading
Advanced Literature; Profession
al Language; English Literature;
American Literature;. Physics;
Botany; Chemistry; Agriculture;:
Algebra; Arithmetic; Geometry?
Professional Arithmetic; Draw
ing; Music; Physiology; Special
Methods; Playground.
Practically these same subjects,
will be offered during the Sum
mer School, which will convene
. June 22, a Catalogue fot which
will be sent on application to the
President, Monmoutji, Oregon.. '.
, Eg mDtamni Qsslffy fN
M TESTED ")imlFii
' IsEEDSjfg
feil Liatinf tha W el awry; ,
I, ; Caraan. iattabla Mp' l'
E.j auca' a mi and aVpcooV I II
' '. U.fuid.ttrrpW, , I II
l WW A Quartetot a On- ' I J
NorthwttUtn Crowtit II Ml
l qnaliw iu to f
Ask for Catalo Mt. 110.
The" Chinese divide the day Into II
parts, each two hours long.
On Rheumatism
Clsaning Oat Your Entire
and Pains Go Fasf- V , V
Eheumatism That SetUea It.
them neutral and scatters . those peculiar
formations In' the nerve centers that
cause such mystifying and often baffling
rheumatlo pains. ; . j . ' -
And best of all this remarkable remedy
la welcome to the weakest stomach. It
you have drugged yourself until you
stomach Is nearly paralysed, you will bJ
astonished to find that 8. 8. 8. gives no
sensation but goes right to work. This la
because It Is a pure vegetable Infusion, la
taken naturally Into your blood Just as)
pure air la Inhaled naturally Into yout
lungs. ;..;.- ; .. y, ... . : ..
Get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today, and asV
for 8. 8. 8. . '..','
Ton may depend upon It that the store)
that sells you what you ask for la a good
place to . trade.; Write to the Bwlfl
Speclfle Co, lot Swift Bidg., Atlanta, 0iL
for. their Book on. Rheumatism.
VMAiW fiRrrffltrt
mntai of lrnBa.rUMasV
i BtlU-lrJ4U rafiiN
frou ,
the ChlMM doetor, ' -
TrroiKwnKmltrmikmlMM gooWiii wltfc
thUonsand Uutonknad hav ant mnaln4 pm.
Bianrnt ralM. LMthlirMnlara hAalnrdU.
txmm rbur aaaa and prwrili aosia mmixlr whoa
tor or tha elol. Ilia aaorata of tUaaa madlolna
imnn io tno crataina world, liut taara haaa
dad down (ma father toaoa la (he DhjalelaW
Ilia ia China. - .
IIt oat of tows and osnaot aall, writ fee
blanS sad ainraUt, eaoioalns 4 oeaia ia
162 first Stl, Cor. Morrlsoe) Y
Portland, Orcioa, . i .
. P. N. U.
' No. 14.
tyPEN wrltlns to adrertlstrs, pla
M.iua w qniri, nnma Mia H prpanrlpaiatia
Jn nunpoatidrd from Itaola. ttarba, hoda sad
larka that hava bm eatbnd frnra nn guar.
l; f or' family dinner.
'"v. t Tr -vr- jj. ,..
Must ; of NeceMjty Ba Attractive In
Appearance to Be Thoroughly En-1
Joyed, and ,'ts Food ,Yu ,
' 'Also' to Be Considered. -'.ii'V'!
It Is considered bad taste when.
dining to show the least concern in
regard to the courses following the
one. being terved, yet a fewvpeople
show, courage, enough sometimes to
ask what the dessert may be. One
college girl used to ask the maid to
tell her whenever mince , pie was to'
be served. "..
This girl understood the food value
of that piece of mince' pie and she
knew if she . wished to partake of It
she must curtail the courses preced
ing. An ordinary piece of mince pie
Is - equal In -food value to a piece of
roast beef,, a medium-sized potato. and
slice of bread, with a liberal amount
of butter. -i-t 'f
There are two extemes , Desserts
far too heavy' unless their real food
value Is 'known and the rest of the
meal Is planned accordingly, and des
serts too light to satisfy the hunger
un!efig';a sufficient supply of other
things ; be- aten.; What place, then,
have desserts In the diet? Do they
serve a purpose or are they simply
waste effqrts? f ' " ' ' "
"Perhaps there' Is no portion of the
meal which requires more time, more
thought In planning and more care In
preparation, .than j the dessert An
Ideal dessert must be well flavored
and- attractive In appearance If It Is
to be' above criticism. The appetite
le to. some extent appeased and hence
appearance and : flavor tire means of
"tickling the palate." " A piece of
meat may be practically ruined In
cooking and yet be eatenwith" dis
appointment, perhaps; but a poorly
prepared dessert will be left : un
touched. A dessert falling In Its es
sential quality, its appeal to the appetite,-can
be considered a waste of
effort always.
The one ' essential which makes a
dessert a product well ' worth ' the
time, care, thought and actual cost,
or makes It simply a waste effort
from every standpoint, Is the know!
edge of Its true food value, then
making It serve Its purpose In that
- A housekeeper should have a little
table of desserts carefully classified
for constsnt reference or written out
In tabular form, arranging ber stock
of successful .desserts Into three
classes, perhaps, as heavy, medium
and light ' Then she should consider
whether the dinner she Is planning Is
high In food value or low and supply
the kind of dessert that will make a
well-balanced meaL--: The following
table' will Illustrate auch. a classifica
tion! , , . ,- ,,, .",r ,. ,..,
' Heavy ,Desserts Pies, . cakes and
cookies, suet puddings, rich short
cakes, rich Ice cream preserves. .'
Medium Desserts Custards'1 'J and
oufflues, rice, cornstarch; sago,-tap!
oca pudding.-' - -: i -.
- Light Desserts Speedy and stewed
fruits, plain gelatine jelly, Junkets. ,
.... . ' : r . .-.a
- Cucumber-Tomato Relish. ,
' Take one large ripe cucumber, peel
and slce. . Place In an enamel kettle
with a tablespoonful of salt, cover
with hot water and boll until tender.
Then take three large, ripe tomatoes
and remove their skins. ' After drain
Ing the water from the cucumbers,
cut tomatoes up and put' In with tha
cucumbers. Add one cup of vinegar
and, a small cup of sugar, boll until
the tomatoes are done; If not salt
enough, add a little, also a few whole
cloves and allspice.. . Mix a ' dessert
spoonful of potato ' flour with some
.cold vinegar and stir Into the mix
tare after coming to a good boiling
point; Can boL This makes a little
' -...rc,'f
' Jellied Salmon Salad.,-. ) r.
'Take a pint of - canned ' salmon,
drain and remove the akin and bones.
Mince fine,' add a tablespoon' of lemon
juice, a dash of red pepper, a teaspoon
of minced parsley and salt to taste,
Mix together and bind with your favor-
lie salad dressing and a tablespoon of
powdered gelatine dissolved in a Quar
ter of a cupful of water. , Kill small
inblds and set them on Ice to' chill
quickly. - Turn out on crisp lettuce
Iesvc. : Oarnleh with olives and serve
with mayonnaise or cucumber sauce. .
Plea for the C.iasslca. '
Violet went to .the games on Plold
day and arrived Just' as the discus
throwers were exhibiting their prow
ess. . "It's lovely, perfectly lovely,"
she said to her escort, "hut why are
those men over there throwing with
those old opera hats H New Tork
Evening Tost ,' l.) -. i
' f . ". ' Modern Qrsmmsri ' i ( . i
The perfect infinitive of tha vers
"to invest" Is "to lnveitigote."New
and Dairy Produce
tf all kinds anted. Write for our
' CASH 6FFER 1 '
I Pearstii.PageCbM0
We flruarnnte buy.
for ffum that
Sara Tnrirxwl riu-Vit l
ytA wish to Mil, Krhd ccursite, ronip!et deaciiD
VA Morrtion Bt. St, ChrJ HoKL Portlmod. Or.
Bourht, told' and. exchnnrd;! enjrlnca bofera,,
amilla, eto. Btnd for Stock Liat and Prlrea. .
1HK J. E. MAKTIN CO., 83 lat St.. Portland. Or,
i iuuuu retires, -aj.uvv.tjvu sneop
fihAUI-iaH In tVila onntitrv .null ..Anw
.1 ,1 .. i n jnn ... "
. - - .. ... Luuu.kj vuvu J5ai,
yielding 289,000,000 pounds rof wOol,
Facte in
TX)I1 contnrlna 't haa
F i . ; . ' 77'
, - . uim euro oi uioana are louna in our American forests.
Over forty years ago Dr. It. V. Piorce. chief eonaultina- nhvaician to tha In.nliH.
llotfll and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N.Y., used the powdered extracts as well aa
the liquid extracts of native medicinal plants, such as Bloodroot and Queen's mot.
Golden Seal and Stone root, Cherry bark and Mandrake, for the cure of blood
diseaacs, This prescription as put up In liquid form was tailed . - T ;( , , ,
! . DR. PIERCE'S " ' ; - " '-v'':-"
Golden Medical Discovery
and has enjoyed a lanre sale for all these years In every drag store in the (
land. You can now Obtain the nowdered ajxtrart In
JX, medicine doalcr, or sertd 60c in one-cent postage staniDS for trial box to.'
tit. Pierce's Invalids' Uotel, Buffalo, N.Y., and tublotswul U JmaiCd, ptag?pw?afci
Tha"Goldon Uadlpnl Dtavvarir,'maV
Stomach, liver and bowels and through
I affections, blotches boils, pimples and
I are eradicated by this alterative
tonMnon Sense UdlcJ
1 March of Progress.
"How long must I wait for this prea-
crlptlonj?'! . ........
"About thirty minutes." answered
the druggist, "but you can 'occupy
your time pleasantly. Here Is a coup
on which entities' you to admission to
our moving picture show." .... ..
It Is likely that your liver needs stir
ring up. Wright's Indian Vegetable
Pills will set you right quickly. Adv..
Her Ways.
"Nature has a queer way of doing."
"How so?"
"If you notice it is after night falls
that day breaks." '
. . . 173 . ' ': ' :::: ': ,!.:"':'.!
, For years we have been stating in the newspapers of the :
country that a great many women have escaped serious op- '
erafaons by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, and it is true. "i ; '' ,. j -,
! '-. -We re ' permitted to publish . in this' announcement 1
..extracts from the letters of five women.. All have been.'
recently, received unsolicited, , Could any evidence be
more convincing?. .. ;j i , -. i-.n i ,
: IIorwTON,iljt.--Ihad rInbothBidcs nnd such a s'oreri'cfU '
I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached and I
ms so i nervous I could nob sleep, and I thought I never would to . '
any better untd I submitted to an operation, but I commenced takinir ;
, Itfdia K jHnkhara'a Vcgetablo Compound and soon fclt liko a new
Woman." Mrs. IIaywabd SowEits, Ilodgdon, Me. ""
2. Q?,0-,?'-"1?3 fcad h tot two vears, wiOk "
.-Twlrujn both sides and was ery nervous. ' I had a growth '
. which tho doctor said was a tumor, and I neverwould get wclftmlcBis 1
.Ihad an6poratioti.v.A Wend advised mo to teko Lydia JE. M:"'
JamlB Vegetable Compound, and I krladly say that I am now enjoyinc
.lino health." Mrs. IIosa Uma, 10 Winona ,BU Charlotte. N. CL - , .T.
m ' TT..I, In. I .'. .
-S ' i11? a. r- ino uoctor aavwoa a severe, operation, but mV
Vf , husband got mo Lydia E. llnkham'a Vegelablo Compound and I
.tu,u6lctJDuci ui ttonuit niiio. uwi icei iiKe a now person
?S?c?m, da wartl d1 work and not mind it." Mrs. Ada Vixt.
Iw Stock bt, Hanover, IV ,v ; i ..! 1 ...
A . , Dkcatctu III. I was sick In bed and thrco of the 'best physi
clans said I would havo to bo taken to tho hospital for an Toncr-
on as I had something growing in my le ft side. I refused to sub- '
. nut to tho-oiJcration and took Lydia K. Ilnkham's Vegetablo Com-pound-and
it worked a miracJe in my case, and I tell other women
what it has done i for maMxa.. Utmi A. Gbiswouj, 2300 Blk. Kaet.
William Street, Decatur, HL" ' ' i
' C CLKVKLANn, Onio.MI was very irregular and for soveral years
e i my side pained mo so that I expected to have to undergo an or-
would holp mo. I took Lydia E, Ilnkham's Vego
table Compound and I liccamo regular and free
Xrom paia I nra thankful for such a good medi.
cine and will always give it tho highest praho."
Mrs. q ILGanrriTH, 7800 Madison Av, Cleveland, O.
; I"- WrIte fc TiTDIA RPl ITS nAM XfET)ICl5E CO.
W (CON FI DKKTI AL) LYX1S, MASS.. for advice!
iioar letter will be oncneil, road ana answered
by m woman and held In strict confidence.
Save your. Halrl Get a 25-cent batli
i I of Datidcrine right now Also
' stODS Itchlna scalo.
, inin, brittle, colorless and icraggy
bajr ta mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff -that; awful ecurC. j
"-There1 Ik nothing so destructive ,to'.'
tha hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre. Its Strength and its rery'"
life; eventually producing a feverish i
ness and Itching: of the Bcnlp,-which. Vi.
If toot remedied causes the hair root ,'.s
to, iehrink,' lqden, and die then ther "'
hair falls; out fast. . A littlef Danderino-1 ' '
, . . ) v. . : .
,uuibuk nuw duj - luir-T"W4l. Buret . -
save your hair. -,ij-h Ji b.u; i - i
Get a 2B-cent bottle 'of Knowlton's '
Danderino- from any drug store. You
surely cab have beautiful hair and'
lots of Jt;lf yod .'wiQ Just try a little .
Dandcrlnei Save your hair! , Try It! ' '
iuw Taiuuie ueuu BJIT 1
.1.1. 1 1.1 A I t .t'
them the whole system. Skin
eruptions result of bail hlvuf
' ISM &
extractr - as thouaanda hava toatlfled f , .
of na'JIng only on frc copy of Dr.
Adviser, 1008 pagesclotoiinS
. . Dark and. FalrV v-'v'!i-'.'-'.!-'-!' :; l
; "Faint heart never won fair lady."
; "I detest that proverb.'1' - -.
, "Why sot" ; ' ' i i : .','.',' I" ! .; ); i:
"I consider-it a slnp at us bru
nettes." Kansas City Journal. '
Pore Err. Oranulnted KyelMs and Bilr
promotly healed . with i Eotoao . Ee , , Bal
aam. Adv.
I ; An or unving. ; -. , -Son
(a golf enthusiast) You must
acknowledge, father, that it requires
a great deal. of skill to drive a ball 100
yards. - ..:',!.. ...
Old Farmer Shucks! ; It don't reH
eiiire half as much skill as It doea to.
,1.1.. 1 . r r. . . . .
uiiyo a iib, ou ibbu uosioa . i ran
' script ' '
i . .1 " --'"...
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- . I-.K
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-.'5 j-l'i
r. .
:' !i
'- Mfi.
!.' .' I-:
'"1 . ','
-1 : I. .
Orleans Picayune.' ' -' . ',
i ' .' '.i-'j . " . -.! ;i ,..
, '.;.:'''':': .,! .ii
V V;
,;0 ,v;- ,r;-;,t:;,: