FARM ORCHARD Notts and Instructions from Agricultural Colleges mnd Experiment Stations I Oregon and Washington, Specially Suitable to Pacific Coast Conditions POINTS TO BE OBSERVED IN PLANTING FAMILY ORCHARD Oregon Agricultural College, Corval 11s. "In starting a family orchard I hope that you will put out what may be called an Ideal family orchard," said Professor C. I. Lewis, horticul turist of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege. "I am sure that we can learn a very profitable lesson from past ex periences with family orchards in this state. For one thing we have learned that the average family orchard is too large, and that it is poorly cared for and produces more fruit than can be used by the family, because it' Is often of very inferior quality. "Orchards of this kind are often re garded as a menace to the fruit in dustry by those who depend upon , fruit growing as a livelihood. They have caused muoh discussion concern ing enforcement of inspection laws. I believe that we can establish family , orchards much better than any we now have. In fact this is necessary. Some persons have gone so far as to say that the day of the family orchard is about past Unless men who have these orchards in charge take better care of them they will be legislated out of existence. This would be a great misfortune and we cannot af ford to prevent the growing of home orchards on Oregon farms. There are few things Indeed that contribute bo much to the delights of farm life as the home orchard. "One way to improve the orchards and insure better care of the trees is to reduce Quite materially the nunf ber of trees planted. If it Is felt that It Is necessary to have every variety you desire, fewer trees may still be planted and later four or five varie ties grafted onto a single tree. Many varieties of fruit are very desirable for .the home orchard, but an entire tree is not required to furnish enough of each variety for family use. By setting out fewer trees and using more varieties a supply of fresh fruit can be secured for the family for prac tically every month of the year. Hav- lng a small orchard encourages the owner tp take better care of it. "In shaping the trees they should be headed low, and since there is plenty of room on the farm the trees should be given plenty of space. Ap ple trees should be given at least 30 feet; pears, 25: sweet cherries, 35: walnuts, 50; prunes, 22; peaches and sour cherries, 20. "The trees should be planted in the orchard a little deeper than they were in the nursery row. i "In this valley it probably makes little difference whether the trees are planted in late fall or in early spring. I have always felt that fall planting is perhaps the better, but I am not at all positive as to this. There are indications that in some years at least spring planting is safer In western Oregon, and we know that it is safer in eastern Oreeron. "In choosing varieties for Ihe home orchard there are several points to be kept In mind. First, only varieties wnich are liked by the family should be selected. Personal preference should mean very much in choosing varieties for the home orchard. Sec ond, varieties should be so selected that they would furnish fruit through out the entire year. Third, varieties may profitably be chosen even though they do not grow, to the highest de gree of commercial perfection. Some varieties do not come up to the com' merctal standard of color, size and yet, because of their eating or cook ing qualities, are very desirable for the family orchard." HUMAN LIFE PROLONGED BY BALANCED DIETARIES Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis. "Western nations eat mixed and fairly well balanced dietaries and have an average length of life of about forty-five years, while the more primitive Eastern people eat ill bal nnced diets of few articles of food and have an average life of about twenty- eight years," said Mrs. Luclle W. Rob bins, extension lecturer, at the Ore gon Agricultural College Farmers' Week course. "While diet is not the only factor Involved, it is one of the most important factors. The mixed dietary of vegetable, meat and milk foods eaten by our own people sup ply evenly and with little surplus all the elements required to nourish the body and repair the waste. The rice ration, with its excess of carbo hydrates and lack of protein, eaten so largely by the Chinese and Japanese, falls to furnish, the variety of body materials needed for efficiency and long lire. "The most difficult problem is -to supply the necessary proteins In the most available and economical form The present high prices of meat and frequent unsanitary handling makes this source expensive and less satis factory than formerly. "Bread is a leading source of pro tein, in itself it Is a fairly well bal anced ration since it has a nutritive ratio of about one to six. Other vege table sources of protein hre the le gumes, especially beans; but as boons ore a highly concentrated food, they should be eaten In moderation. "Dairy and cottage cheese are other good sources of protein. Their value in the diet depends upon their dlenB tlbllity, but those who find no dim culty can well afford to seek their protein supply largely from this source, leaving the higher priced meat source for the less strong. Another unfavorable feature of this supply Is its tendency to rise In price with ris ing prices of meat Eggs at moder ate prices are good substitutes for the meat proteins. Here again the price is apt to vary with meat prices, but in the spring and summer the price is satisfactory. "Cereals, legumes, cheese and eggs in varying combinations with different food elements, are the principal sources from which to seek substi tutes of the too high-priced meats." HARDWOOD ASHES RICH IN PLANT FOOD MATTER Oregon Agricultural College, Corval- Us. Common hardwood ashes have a value of about $5 in plant food, and $3.50 in lime, according to investiga tions made by Professor H. V. Tartar, agricultural chemist of the Oregon Agricultural College. Their physical effect on the packed and acid soils of certain districts is also very bene ficial. The almost prohibitive high price of lime to correct soli acidity should lead the Willamette Valley farmer to use ashes extensively for that purpose. Wood ashes are valuable fertilizers for three reasons," said Professor Tar tar. "For the valuable plant foods they contain, for their effect in neu tralizing acids in soils, and for their action on the physical properties of the Boil. "The plant foods in ashes are pot ash, phosphorous and lime. An analy sis of 97 samples of hardwood ashes ghve the amount of each as follows: Potash, 110 pounds per ton; phosphor ous, 38 pounds per ton, and lime, 682 pounds per ton. In order to get this value from ashes it is necessary that they be pro tected from rain, as most of the pot ash is soluble in water and is lost by exposure. After leaching, the potash content of ashes was found to be 22 pounds per ton. The ashes should be stored in a dry place until applied to the soil. "On soils that are poorly drained and acid, ashes have an excellent ef fect. The land becomes more amen able to culture, is readily kept in good tilth, retaining Its moisture in dry sea sons and favoring drainage in wet sea sons. 'Lime is essential to plant nutrition, and none of the higher plants can reach maturity without a normal sup ply. Some of these plants, such as clover, beans and alfalfa, require so much lime for their development that they are called 'lime plants. The potash and phosphorous are likewise Indispensable to plant growth, and ashes offer a cheap and convenient source of supply." ADVANTAGES OF CLIPPING COW'S UDDER QUESTIONED Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis. Does clipping the long hair from the udder and flanks of the dairy cow reduce the amount of dirt that falls Into the milking pall? The question Is an Important one for every dairy man who is producing market milk to consider, as It is well known that the number of putrefying and disease germs is increased with the increas ing amount of dirt, hairs and manure that drops into the milk. Whatever keeps the dirt out keeps the bacteria out, so that the milk is cleaner, more wholesome and keeps its natural state longer. "It was quite recently thought that clipping the hairs from that part of the cow's body that is directly above the milking pail was a great aid to cleanliness, and almost a necessity in the production of sanitary milk," said Professor Graves, head of the Oregon Agricultural College Dairy Depart ment, "But the still more recent ex periment conducted by the New York Experiment Station indicates that it has very little effect on the bacterial content, tending to increase rather than diminish the number. The tests were made by taking samples of milk before and after clipping under con ditions as nearly, the same as possible with the single exception of clipping. While the difference in the bacterial content of the two samples was not enough to base final conclusions on, It was sufficient to indicate that it proper sanitary methods are observed in handling the cows and the milk, clipping is not essential 'to the pro duction of the highest grade of milk." Common Form of Insanity. A party of Clevelanders entertained some holiday visitors last week, and having showed them everything inter esting in Cleveland proper they had to take' them out to Newburg for a view of the asylum. The superintend ent was In a genial frame of mind and he conducted the bunch personally: "Here is a queer case, ladles," he said, pausing at a particular cell "This man has the delusion that he possesses the motive power that runs the universe. He is perfectly harm less, but he actually believes that without him the world would not move. Strange notion, isn't itT" "Why, not at all," exclaimed one of the women. "My husband has the same idea and he always has had it Is he crazy, too?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. WHAT TO DO WITH LEFTOVERS Hash Mora Palatable, Though Lets Economical, Than Meat Brought to th Table Cold. I suppose that In most households dish of hash comes to the table nt least once a week. Hash is very nice. and many people prefer it to cold meat. But it la one of the least eco. nomical things going, because half a pound of meat cuts up Into very little mince, and peonle take a lancer halo ing of done-up things than they would or com meat In slices. Therefore, It you want to be economical, don't have hash. ' But. If you are eolne to have It. von might as well make It properly. Do in the following way and It will he perfectly delicious: i Remove all W. and gristle from your meat Chop It by hand, or put through a machine. If vou use meat chopper you must put a crust Dreaa tnrough afterwards, in order clean out all the little bits of meat which have stuck to the works. If you don't do this you will leave quite lot of meat on the knives, and It will be all wasted. Melt one ounce of butter In a nan. When this is melted, stir into it one ounce of flour, and add half a pint of stock or milk. Cook the mixture for ten minutes, stirring it very carefully all the time and making sure that it does not turn lumpy. When it is done it will be a very thick sauce. 'lake the nan off the fire, stir the minced meat Into It and flavor the whole with parsley, herbs or tomato sauce. . Put the nan back on the Are. and stir the contents till it la onita hot. Don't let your mince come to the boll on any account though, or It will be spoiled. Take it off, turn it out on a hot dish, and decorate it with snip pets of toast. It will be firm enough to stand up In a pile. A good cook makes her dishes nice to taste, pretty to look at. and easv to serve nnrt en. Joy. Exchange. CURRY SAUCE WORTH TRYING Approved Recipe, Not Especially Dif- iicuii u iviiKe, win He Found to Give Satisfaction. Curried meats and veeatnhlaa nra delicious. Here is a recine for a (rood curry sauce that is not especially dif- ncuit to make. It can be served with left-over chicken, cut in little strips, and heated In the curry, then put on a platter with a ring or mold of hot rice. It can be served with leftover mutton or lamb, cut in dice or thin slices. It can be served with several vegetables. To make it, slice a medium-sized onion thin and fry It in two ounces of butter. When It la hrnwn add a dessertspoonful of curry pow- aer. it cook a minute or two and then add a cupful of beef gravy. Dish gravy from roast beef or beefsteak Is tne best sort, but if this is not at hand beef stock will do. Add also twelve whole cloves, a clove of grallc. a striD oi two of lemon peel, a half teaspoon- lui of salt, two bay leaves and a tea spoonful or two of tarraneon vinearar. Cook this gently for half an .hour and men strain it Baked Apple Pudding. To 12 sour BDnles use one nlht nf bread crumbs, four or six tablespoons of sugar, two ounces of butter and two eggs. Pare, core and cut the apples and put them Into a stewpan with the sugar and four or six tablesnonnfiiia of water; cook until tender and stir in the butter and well beaten eggs. Coat the bottom and sides of a well buttered pie dish thickly with bread crumbs, put a few pieces of butter on top oi tne apple mixture, which should fill the pie plate. Bake gently for about three-quarters of an hour, keep ing the dish covered with greased pa per to prevent the surface from be coming too brown. Uncover and brown. Rice and Raisin Pudding. Soak the raisins (about a handful), in a nine warm water tor an hour and then drain. To one cup of boiled rice, cold or hot, add the yolk' of one egg, one tablospoonful of sugar, one tea- spoonful of vanilla extract and two cups of new milk. Mix thoroughly and bring to the boll, simmer gently until it thickens. Make a merlnge of the white of the egg whipped with a table- spoonful of sugar, spread upon the pudding and set In the oven to brown. This is good warm or cold. Olive Oil for Shoes. , Patent leather shoes may be kept In good condition during the cold weather by rubbing them with a little olive oil and polishing with a piece of Canton flannel. This will keep the leather from cracking and the shoes will always appear new. Makea a Good Gravv. Fry a few slices of breakfast bacon, mix a large Bpoonmi or nour witn the dripping, add a pint of milk and as much water. Stir until smooth and thick. This makes a eood aranr. AS Is often the case with Individ uals so it is with nations. Some will make the greatest efforts toward the realization of some ena, ana in return get tne least recompense in comparison with oth ers who deserve less. Bulgaria la a splendid example of a people that in me uaikan war accomplished the most but got the least Whose fault it was history will not fail to tell. It Is not officially shown that in the war with Turkey, Bulgaria sent against the enemy 720,211 men and 1,532 guns, facing in Thrace the bulk of the Turkish army, consisting of 757,980 men' and 1,390 guns. Servia had mobilized, on paper, 201,115 men and 120 Runs, facing a Turkish force of 90,000 men with 120 guns. Greece raised some 80,000 men against the Turkish 6th division, consisting of !U,UUU men and 63 guns. Montenegro had 40,000 soldiers operating against the Turkish third division, consisting of some 26,000 men and 34 guns. Bul garia claimed 69,500 square kilo meters (27.800 snunra tnllaa). That left for Greece 29,500, or with Crete, 38,113 square kilometers (11,800 or 15,245 square miles); for Servia, 22, 400, and for Montenegro 6.800 square kilometers (8,960 and 2,760 square miles). Division of Territory. Servia, however, renudlated the an tebellum treaty with Bulgaria, and Greece refused to arbitrate its differ ences with the same nation. This led to the second war, at the end of which, by the Bucharest treaty, Bul garia was desDOlled of the fruits of Its signal victories and gigantic efforts in the struggle against the Ottoman emdre. This is aDnroxlmatelv the territorial division sanctioned by that treaty: - - 1. Bulgaria before the war had 96, 000 square kilometer (38,000 square jaw" I Balkan Boundaries as Arranged by Recent Treaties. Heavy Dotted Lines Show Frontier; Light Dots Show Old Limits. miles), with 4,400,000 inhabitants. Aft er the war it got only 26,000 square kilometers (10,400 square miles), with 920,000 Inhabitants. Subtracting the 8,000 square kilometers (3,200 square miles), with 260,000 inhabitants, which Roumania seized, the total area of Bulgaria is 114,000 square kilometers (45,600 shquare miles), with 6,060,000 Inhabitants. 2. Servia before the war had 48,000 square kilometers (19,200 square miles), with 3,000,000 inhabitants. Aft er the war it got 46,000 square kilo meters (18,400 square miles), with 1, 610,000 inhabitants, or a total of 94, 000 square kilometers (37,600 square miles), with a population of 4,650,000. 3. Greece before the war had 65, 000 square kilometers (26,000 square miles), with nearly 3,000,000 of people. After the war It got 55,000 square kilo meters (22,000 square miles) and 2, 120,000 inhabitants, or a total of 120,. 000 Bquard kilometers (48,000 square mils), with 4,740,000 inhabitants. 4. Montenegro before the war pos sessed 9,000 square kilometers (3,600 square miles) of land, with 300,000 In habitants. After the war It obtained 10,000 square kilometers (4,000 square miles), with 350,000 Inhabitants, or a total of 19,000 square kilometers (7,- 600 square miles).' with 650,000 inhabi tants. 5. Roumania before the war had 131,000 square kilometers (52,400 square miles), with a population of 6,850,000 inhabitants. After the war it got 8,000 square kilometers (3,200 square miles), with 260,000 inhabi tants, and now has all told 138,000 square kilometers (55,200 square miles) and a population of 7,111,000. 7. European Turkey before the war had 170,000 square kilometers (68,000 square miles), with 6,650,009 inhabitants. After the war It was left with 25,000 square kilometers (10,000 Bquare miles) and a population of 950,000. 8. Albania, the newest Balkan na tion, will contains some 55,000 square kilometers (22,000 square miles), with 950,000 Inhabitants. Map Is Temporary, i Such Is the map of the Balkans at present That It is ephemeral every one who knows the situation clearly will agree. It is changing every day. Turkey is recapturing a new island on the Aegean nearly every week. It is a question whether even Samoa will not be taken back. ' Enver Bey has recently said that the Ottoman army will not rest until it has regain ed all the territory necessary for the preservation of the Ottoman empire. One thing is certain, and that Is that Bulgaria will never rest within .the present artificial limits. The new ter ritory it obtains is very small and not a rich one. Only Xanthl, Gumuldjlna and Dedeogatllh are important acqui sitions in Thrace. In Macedonia it gets insignificant cities like Strumnitza, Neurocope, Petrich, DJumaya. and Bansko. The new land Is a good . tobacco country. At Gumuldjlna and Xanthl is obtained the best tobacco for ciga rettes. DJumaya tobacco is the only other rival in the field. American and English companies are exploiting it. It is now hoped that with the splen did commercial facilities Bulgaria of fers to foreign capitalists the tobacco Industry will prosper all the more. Bulgara, old and new, is rich witb various minerals, especially copper, zinc, tin and coal. The syenite gran ite is found in abundance also. The Raylogue district of the newly ac quired land Is famous for Its scenery, mineral waters, forests and healthy climate. Elle-Teppy, the highest peak of the Perrln mountains, is known as a second Jerusalem and Mecca. Thous ands, both of Christiana and Moslems, climb it every year. On a clear morn ing Salolkl bay can be seen from the peak. . ' Winning Recognition. "To gratify an ambition there's no telling what the average woman will do." "What have you run across now?" "Here's a story of one In Jail and ac cused of a horrible crime." "Did Bhe accomplish what she was striving for?" "Sure!. Every one of the fourteen, newspapers in town refer to her as a 'prominent society woman.'"