4.. , Lincoln County Leader OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPFR COLLINS & HAYDEN, Publishers SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year . - - tl 50 Six Month ... 75 Tbno Month - 60 Entered at the )kbUi(Iip at Toledo, Oregon, u second-clan n ail matter. ATjVM.IMNU tUTES tlplayt lOoenui r-''' Inch Ver Ic. I-ocul and KcikMiik Notice, be yet line. Kotice rr .Sale, Wanted, Ktc, Ave Unei or mirier 'Jo per Uue; 0u per mouth. Bomeslebd Notices, l: Timber Notices, f to. Governing Eighth Grade Examination February 7th. 1914. To County Superintendents of Ore gon: The iollowmg rules governing Eighth Urade Examinations were adopted today: Rule IV a- Any puDil who has attained the cue of fourteen years and has taken the regular cixht jcars of the elementary school, end an present to the County School Superintendent satisfactory evi dence of having: oacnt at least 4E0 days in atter.dr.nce at any public school in Oregon during the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, find lias made an average ef not less than 90 per cent in deportment dur ing such time, may upon the. recom mendation cf the principal or teacher in charge, be excused by the County School Superintendent from examination in any subject in which he has made an average of rot less than 90 per cent in class work and school tests during such time as shown by the school records and by reports from ether schools, and such average may be accepted by the County School Superintendent in lieu ef examin ation in EU2I1 subject. ' Rule IV b- Any pupil who has taken the regular seven years of the elementary school and can pre rent to the County School Superin tendent Fatiefactery evidence of hav ing spent ct least 450 days in at tendance in any public school in Oregon during the fifth, sixth, and seventh grades and has made an average cf net lrs3 than 90 per cent in decortment during such time, may upon the recommenda tion cf the principal or teacher 111 charge, te excused by the County "School Superintendent from exam ination in the subject cf geography in which he has made an average cf not less than 90 per cent in class work and school tests during such xiroe, as snown by the school re cords and by reports from other schcols, and such average mav be accepted by the County Superinten dent in lieu of examination in such subject. Rule IV c- Any pupil who has taken the regularsix years of the elementary school and can present to the County School Superinten dent satisfatory evidence of having spent at least 450 days in attendance in any public school in Oregon dur ing the , fourth, fifth ar.d sixth grades, and has made an average of not less than 90 per cent in de portment during .such' time, may u:on the recommendation of the , vrinciral orteacher in charge, be excused by the County School Sup criniendent irem examination in the subject of r.hysiologv in which 1 lie las made en aversee of nut ltss then SO per cent in class work ar.d schcol tests during such time, a crown cy tne school records and ty reports frtrr. other schools, and tuch average may be accepted Ly the County School Superintendent in hcu of examination in cuch sub jeet. Rule IV d- Teachers having pupils who claim exemptions in one cr mere subjects in ccccrdunce will the providers of Rule IV a, thai) furniih the Courty School Superin xerccnt wan a 11st ct suclmupils r.ot Ices than twmty dcys prior to tho OBBiinaticn. together with certified statement cf the record cf each pupil, during the sixth, seventh ard eighth grades, as Fhown by th tciiccl register and grade book, and by reports from other schools. The County Schcol Superintendent cfte having examined such record shel determine what exemptions shall be allowed end nctiy the teacher sc cordingly. If 0 part of the record is taken from report cards from ether schools, such report catds K Hand Power -STUHP PULLER We have the Agency For Lincoln County and will demonstrate its cower and advantages in clearing land at any time where we can get the Farmers interested. "We will give notice et what dates we will demonstrate at different places later cn.I We Claim We Claim that this machine will pull as much any stump puller on the market. We Claim that one man cn the handle can pull more than any one horse on a horse power stump puller with equal blocks. We Claim that a woman can pull more with this machine on a straight line without any blocks than any team of horses in the country can pull on a straight line with out any blocks. We Claim that two men with two blocks can pull a fir stump three feet at the cut off if it is cut tixht feet from the ground and from hard clay ground, and even larger from loose sandy soil. We Claim that one man with a double block can pull a cedar stump three feet at the cut eff out cf hard ground cn hilltop in five minutes in one piece ar.d without touching the stump but to put the cable around it, HALL BROS INCOLN BOUNTY (INCORPOUATED) Toledo, Oregon Does a General DIRECTORS C. E. HAWKINS Wm. SCAR.TH C. O. HAWKINS fnwrtvA nfwwrMv must be attached to the teacher's statement. Rule IV e- Pupils who have reached the age of eighteen years may, at the discretion of the Bchool board, be admitted to any high school without, having passed the eighth grade examination and re ive, after. earning three- semester credits, tho eighth grade diploma from that district. Very respectfully, J. A. CHURCHLL. Supt. Public Instruction. " R. P. COIN, County School Superintendent Have you registered? Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buell, Wednesday, February 24th, a boy. Giles Olin of Siletz was transact ing business in this city lust Tues day. Surveyor M. Wygant of Newport has been here several days this week. Clarence Ofstedabl returned last evening from a month's visit in Washington, J:., Lewis Montgomery arrived down from Portland last evening to look pfter his interests here. Corn, to Mr. Bnd Mrs. W E. Gwyrn cf Newport, Wednesday February 25th, 1914. a girl. Miss Verne Ross departed Satur day morning for California were she will visit fur several months. ? The government dredge (Oregon did not work last Monday,' it being a holiday, Washington's birthday coming on S r.dav.: E&fr ,. In a letter frecieved fhere f rem Shipbuilder Cecrgo Walker, who hua been at Sr.n Pedro, California, for the past year or more, he Etated that he and family will return to Toledo, and are expected ary day. Basket Ball The high school girla and town team and two teamt from the grammar school, boys, will play at the rink this evening. These will be good games and you can't afford to. miss then. Admission 15c. SILETZ, OREGON. ANK Banking Business Interest on Time Deposits vn rrinwrsriw ) John Adams wes over from Siletz Monday. W. C. Fischer of Yaauina schools went over to Siletz Saturday to lc ok after his interests. Mrs.. F. L. Russell returned Sat urday evening from a visit at Rose- burg and Corvallis. ' Fred Dawson, the Newport and Albany druggist, was a Toledo visitor last Saturday. Clarence Eateman departed Wed nesday morning fcr Montana where he expects to locate. 1 ' Eric Raddant returned to Port land yesterday morning after a visit with his parents at Upper Farm. Superintendent and Mrs. R. P. Goin and Mrs., R. H. Howell at tended the parent-teachers meet ing at Elk City lasL Saturday. With his issue the . Leader com mences upon its twenty-second year of existance, it having been old enough to vote for a year. FOR SALE. Good work mare and 9-months' old colt; also two plows, cultiva tor, harrow and other farming im plements, and household furniture. Call on W. F. M-cJunkin, in town. . - .. Judge Gflrdner went to Portland Monday morning, Miss Crystal Warnoekof Mortons is visiMng with her sieter, Mrs. A. P. Hughes, in this city. WANTED Man cr man and wife to work on farm. Good steady work fcr the right party. Write box 112, Newport, Oregon Fred Rattey arrived up from San Francisco the latter part of last week for a visit with his brother, John, of this city. He may decide to locate herp. Wotk on the new creamery build ing is progressing nicely and un doubtedly it will be ready to com mence operations by the first of April as planned by the directors, The foundation is all in and some of the studding is up. The found ation and floor arc of concrete. Jcsaph Swcaringen designed the building and is superintending the construction of same. - rv In a letter received from Mrs. C. G. Ccceland, she states that she is now at Wagoner, Oklahoma, is feeling fine and enjoying he- trip immensely. She left Canton, Scuth Dakota, several days ago. where she had been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Anna Turner, who is Just re covering from a serious operation and illness. SHERIFF'S SALE. , In the Circuit Court cf the State of Oregon, for the county of Lin coln. John Iknsen, plaintiff, vg. Frsnk Mann and Nevada Mann, defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the above Circuit Court for the'eounty of Marion, state of Oregon, in the abova untitled action to me directed and dated the 24th day of Febru ary, A. D., 1911, in favcr of John Hansen and against Frank Mann and Nevada Mann fcr the sum of $93.85 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per c nt. rjer annum from the 1st day of December A. D. 1913 and a further sum of $12.25 costs and costs cf this writ commending me to selKthe following described real property situate in Lincoln countv Oregon as follows to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of the huutticast fourth of section 35, township 6 south, range 10 west cf the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, running 80 rods south more or less: thence 20 rods wst, more cr !en3; thence north 80 roda, more or less; thence 20 rods east, more or less, to place of beginning, containing 10 acres of land, in Lin coln county. Oregon. Now, therefore, in compliance with the demanchof said execution and order of sale I will on Satur dav. the 28th day of March. A. D., 1914, at 1 o'clock p. m. at the 'front door of the County Court House, in tho city cf Toledo. Lin coln county. Oregon, sail to the highest bidder for cash, all the rgiht. title and interest cf the above named Frank Mann hr.d Nevada Mann, defendants in the above named action, in the above described property to satisfy said executicn and order of sale, in terest, costs and accruing costs. Eert Geer, Sheriff of Lincoln county, Oregon. Dated this 26th day of February. 1914. Date of 1st Dubilcation Feb. 27. 1914. Date of lost publica tion. March 27. 1914. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Ccurt cf the State of Oregon, for the county of Lin coln. the Koth Company, a corpore- tion, plaintiff,- ; 'vs. Frank Mann and Nevada Mann. defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled action to me directed and dated the 24th day of February, A. D., 1914. in favor of The Roth Company, a corporation, and against Frank Mann and Nevada Mann fur the Bum uf $304.65 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum from the 30th day cf September, A. D., 1912, and a fur ter sum of $13.50 costs, and costs of this writ commandinx me to sell the following described real property situate in Lincoln county, Oregon, as follows, to-wit: Be ginning at the northeast corner of the southeast fourth of section 35, township 6 south, range 10 west of the Williamette. Meridian, Ore gon, running 80 rods south, more or less; thence 20 rods west, more or less; thence north 80 rods, more or less; thence 20 rods east, mare or less to place of beginning, con taining 10 acres of land, in Lin ctln ccur-ty, Cregcn. Now, therefore, in compliunco with the demsnds of said execu tion and order of sab I will on Saturday, the 28th day of March, A. D 1914, at 1:20 o'clock p. in., at the front duor of the County Court I:ouse, in the city of Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of the above named Frank Munn and Nevada Mann., defendants, in the above named action, in the above described property to satisfy said execution and order of sale, in terest, costs and accruing costs. Bert Geer, Sheriff of Lincoln county, Oregon. Dated this 26th day of Feb., 1914. Date of Its publication, Ffb. 27, 1914. Date of last pub lication, March 27, 1914. Having purchased Clothing and Men'B Furnishings of I. B. Smith, I will offer same to the public at Greatly Reduced Prices to make rcom for Summer Good3. Will be open for business Wednesday, February 25 W. P. McGEE, Proprietor Premiums' Free! With all Cash Purchases and Cash Paid on Thirty-Day Accounts. Call and inspect thern. Velvet Rugs 42-Piece Dinner set Large Gold Oval Mirrors Mantle Clocks The Premium List Goes into Effect at Once FRESH VEGETABLES received DAILY DELIVERIES and Phone Our Motto: Gardner & Dealers Builders' Hardware, Toledo Tin end Granite Aluminum (Guaranteed for 15 years) Plumbers' Supplies Cook Stoves, Heating Stoves, Steel Ranges Plows, Harrows, Wagons. Get My Prices Ami be Convinced that you can Save Money by buying your Groceries, . : Dry Goods, Notions, Graniteware, .Crockery, Flour and Feed at the The White Corner Store Store Open at all Hours, Both 'Phones. City Delivery R. ' S. VAN CLEVE Children but their parents shpuld sea to it that thty get pone but the pjurest and most wholesome. ; Any other kind is to be shunned. Good Candy is an aid to the health as well as to to thu happiness of children. Our Candies arc pure in make and in handling. And yet'our prices are admittedly moderate." Al's Smokehouse AL WAUCH, Prop. the stock of Daily and sold at Eight Prices Orders given our Special Attention Racket Quick Sales and Small Profits. Peterson In Sporting Goads, Ware Love Candy COUNTY NJSW8-CON. SILETZ ' benefit cf all the rain on bis daliv walks through the county,. C. S. ErasEfield returned from Portland Tuesday. He got his til ing on his homestead and jvill be able to make proof on April 8th. Good news fcr the homesteaders of this section. ' Miss Amy Hall received her riling sorre time ago and will be allowed to prove up socn. t-ho. They are aiicwtd time enough to commute. Died Mrs. Frances Sutton, after long spell cf 1 was taken away Wednesday evening 1U 0 Clock. Hemmorhaoe ct the lungs was the cause of death. , The pasher.ger train was four ours late last night ow;nz to a gravel train getting off the track the other side of Summit. It was delayed again this morning several hours by slides near thi3 city. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Harry Butz. guardian of the estate of Carl E. Smith, a minor, has filed his final account as such euardian in the County Court uf the State of Oregon for Lincoln County and that Monday, the 30th dav of March, 1814. at the hour of 10 'clock in the forenoon cf said dav at the Courtroom cf said County Court in the Couny Court House in the City of Toledo, Oregon, has een spcointed by said Court as the time and place fcr the hearing of objections to the said final ac- junt and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Febru ary 27th. 1914. " " Harry S. Butz. Guardian aforesaid. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. WANTED . Middle aged lady to do ironinn and hand laundry. Apply Toledo Laundry. FOR RENT FOR CASH OR SHARE 160 acre tract, 48 acres in culti vation. some more can be plowed: new, good buildings; good fence handy to school; fine bottqm land on Siletz river, at Unper Farm. AUo 83 seres tract, good bottom land. J mile to school, road through nlace; buildinss: s-jme orchard; abcut 15 rcres in cultivation. Will take cash or share rent. Very liberal terms. One to 5 years. Write to owner, O. A. Loe. Silverton, Oregon. A WINTER COUGH A stubborn, annoying, depressing couch hangs cn, racks the bedy, weakens the lung3, and often leads to serious results. . The first dese of Dr. King's New Discovery gives relief, llenry D Sanders of Caven dish, Vt was threatened with con sumption, after having pneumonia. He writes: "Dr. King' New Dis covery ought to be in every family; it is certainly the best of all medi cines for coughs, colds or lung trouble" Good for children's coughs. Money back if not satis fied. Price 50c. and $1.00. All druggists. - H. E. BUCKLEN & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Landofiice, Portland, Oregon. December 17th, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Emma R. Baily, whose postoffice address is 529 Raleigh St.. Porltand, Ore gon, did, on the 25th day of Febru arv, 1913. file in this office sworn statement and application, No. 03759. to purchase tha SWJ, Sec tion 35, Township 12 south, Range 10 west, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the "pro visiens of the act of June 3, 1S78, and acts nrnendatory. know as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by nDproise ment, end that, nursuant to tuch application, the Jand and timber thereon have been snpraised, the timber estimated 890,000 board feet at 40 cents per M, and the land $172.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his apnlication and sworn statement on the 5th tfay of March. 1914, before tho Reenter and Receiver of the United States Landoffice, at Portland, Orepon- Anv person is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before potent issues, by filing a corrobo rated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry H. F. Higby, Register. "SAFETY FIRST" OUR MOTTO SHASTA ROUTE TRAINS OF THE 3 SUNSET I Iogden&shastaI 1 I r ROUTES I I "The Exposition Line 1 9 1 5" And now is the time to see California; to live cut doors and enjoy the sunshine, flowers End cummer sports. It is a trip you cannot afford to miss, THREE FINE TRAINS DAILY including Shasta Limited THE train of modorn ser vice with all steel up-to-the-minute equipment: THE CALIFORNIA AND SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS Trains with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and dining service that will olease. Call cn nearest S. P. Agent and let him outlina a trip, quote fares and furnish Outing literature on California's famous resorts. ' JOHN M. SCOTT, Gen. Tass. Agt.. Portlnntl.Ore A new shiptrent of Shoes justre ceived at Akin's. Announcements After consulting with many of the voters cf Lincoln and Polk Counties, I have consented to an nounce myself as a Republican candidate for Joint Representative in the Legislature for t ie Counties of Lincoln and Polk, and most respectfully solicit the support of the voters cf the two Counties. , S. G. Irvin. Newport, Cr. Feb. 3d 1914. Adv. I hereby announce myself a can d idate fur the nomination of County Clerk for Lincoln County, Oregon, cn the Republican ticket. Adv. ,. R. H. Howell. To the Republican Voters of Lin coin County : I hereby announce myself a can dida'te t t the office of County Cor oner, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the Primary election next May. Adv.' O. R. Hollingsworth. I hereby announce myself a' Re publican candidate for the office of Sheriff subject to the decision of the voters at the Primary Elec tion in May. CAdv.) Bert Geer. Io the Republican Voters of Lincoln county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomina tion for the office of Coroner, sub ject to their decision at the pri rnary election. (Adv.) F. M. Carter. , To the Republican Voters of , Lin coin County, Oregon : I hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination of County Commissioner of Lincoln county, cn the Renublican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary election May lEth. A. M. Wheelock, Linville. Or. Toledo Winners Toledo won both games played with Waldport at the skating rink last Saturday evening. The g'rb' game was first and was very slow owing to the referee stopping the play every few minutes for held ball. Tho Waldport girls threw one basket and two foul3 making a score cf four. The Toledo girls were unablct o get a basket, all five points being made on fouls. The bovs' game was more lively and resulted in a Eccre of 27 to 15 in favor of Toledo. At the end of the first half the score was a tie 15 to 15. At the beginning of tho game the Waldpcit bnys were fast and it looked likn they would be easy winners, but they tired before the game ended end during the latter half were unable to score. After the games the Toledo teams banqueted the Waldport teams at the I. O. O. F. Hall. ON SHERIFF'S SALE, In the Circuit Court of the State i of Oregon for the County of Lin-1 coin Seymour J. Robb, plaintiff, vs. Fir & Spruce Lumber Company, a corporation. Lewis Mont gomery, and the Oregon Lum ber & Construction Company, a corporation, defendants. By virtue cf an execution and order of sale issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled action to me directed and dated the 11th day cf February, A. D.. 1914. in favcr of Seymour J. Robb and against the above named defendants, fcr the sum of S405.00 with interest thereon at the rata of 6 per cent per annum from the 11th day of February, A. D., 1907. and a further sura of $50.00 at torney's fess. and $20.00 co3t cf this writ commanding me- to sdl the following described real pro perty s'tuate in Lincoln county, Oregon, as follows, towit: Coni mencinK at a pcint on the division line batween the lands of . Seymour J. Robb and Lloyd Prcutt that is 16.50 chains south of the quarter section corner between sections 36 and 25 in township 11 south of range 11 we3t of the Willamette Meridian, 10 rods; thence due west 16 rods to said above described division line; thence north along said division line 10 rods to place of beginning, the said line being situated in Lot 1 of said section 36 of said township and range and containing one acre more or less; also commencing at a point on the division line between the lands of Seymour J. Robb and Lloyd Preutt at a point 31.51 chains south of the quarter section corner between sections 36 and 25 in township 11 south of range 11 west of the Willamette Meridian in Oregon, at the south line of the right of way of the Corvallis and Eastern Rail road Co,, thence south 6 chains to the right bank of the Ysquina Eay, thence northeasterly along the said north bank cf the said bay 26.92 chains to a stake on the right side of said bay, thence north C7 de crees west 5 28 chains to the ess: line of thu right of way of the said Corvallis and Eastern Railway, thence southerly along the said east line of the right of way 15.68 chians to placo cf beginning, the same being situated in Lot 2 of the said section 2G in the above town ship end range and containing 17 and 10.100 acres more or less, in Lineoh county, Oregon. Now, therefore, in compliance with the demands of said execution and order of sale I will on Satur day, the 14th day of March, A. D., 1914. at 1 :20 o'clock p. m., at the front dcor of the County Court house, in the City of Toledo, Lin coln County, Oregun, sell to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title end interest of the above named defendants in the above named action, in the above described property, to satisfy said execution and order of sale, in terest, costs and accruing costs. - Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. uatea this 12th day of Feb., 1914. Date of first nublication. Feb. 13. 1914. Da te nf Inst nnlili. cation, March 13, 1914. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State cf Oregon, for Lincoln County. F. Furst, plaintiff, vs. Emil Leckband and Walburger Leckband, his wife, and Mrs. Josefa Bouza and John Bouza, her husband, defendants. By virtue of an execution and or der of sale issued out of the above entitled Ccurt in the above entitled action to me directed and dated the 11th day of February, A. D., 1914, in favor of F. Furst. and against the above named defendants, for the sum cf $580.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 11th day of June, A. D. 1910 and a further sum of S55.00 attorney's fees, $25.00 costs and costs cf this writ, commanding me to sell the following described real property situate in Lincoln county, Oregon. J a3 follows, towit: Lot 4 in Section 11, containing 32 J acres, and the north 17 h acres of Lot 1, and iho ! north half of the Northwest quar j ter of tha Northeast quarter of (Section 14, all in Township 14 south I of Range 12 west of the Willam I ette Meridian, in Lincoln county, j Oregon, containing in all 70 acres. ! Now, therefore, ,n compliance with the demands of said execution ar.d order of sale I will on Satur dav, the 14th 'day uf Marsh. A. D., 1914 at 1:20 o'clock p. m. at the frcnt doer of the County Court house, in the City of Toledo, Lin coln county, Oregon, sell to the hiuhest biddar for cash, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants in the above named action, in the above descrioed property to satisfy said i n i execution ana oraer oi sale, in terest, costs and accruing cost3. Bert Geer, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon Dated this 11th day of Feb., 1914. Date of first publication. Feb. 13, 1914. Date of last publi tion March 13, 1914. FEEL MISERABLE? uui oi sons, depressed, pain in the back Electric Bitters renews your health and strength. A guar anteed Liver and Kidney remedy. Money back if not satisfied. It com pletely -ured Robert Mudsen of West Burlington, Iowa, who suffer ed from virulent liver trouble for eight months. After four doctors gave him up he took Electric Bit ters and is now a well man. Get a bottle today; it will do the same for you. Keep in the house for all liver and kidney complaints. Per fectly safe and dependable. Its re sults will surprise you. 50c. and $1.00 H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Philadelphia or St. Louis. ADM NISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by order of the County Court of Lincoln county, Oregon, duly appointed adminis trator of the estate of Michael Strylewicz, deceused. All rjersons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified and with proper vouchers as by law requred to me at my office in Toledo. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice.. Dated this 13th day of February, 1914. G. B. McCluskey, Administrator of the estate of Michael Strylewicz. deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hertbv given that the undersigned has been, by order of the . County Court cf Lincoln County. Oregon, duly appointed administrator of the estate uf J. N. Brandt-berry, deceased. All per sons haying claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same duly verified end with proper vouchers as bv law re quired to the office cf C. E. Hawkins, Toledo. Oregon, within fix months from the date of this notice. Dated this 5th. day cf February, 1914. E. C. Brandeberry, Administrator. L. L. Swan, Attorney for Administrator. Launch Transit Leaves . Elk City. 7:30 a. m.: Toledo, 9 a. m. Returning, leaves Newport 2:30 d. m.; Toledo 4:30 P. m. Eoery Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. This schedule will be maintained during the Winter. H. A. Norton, Captain. NORGAARD'S RESTAURANT Mans Norgaard, Prop. MRALS AT A T, L H O TT R S SPECIAL Chicken Dinner Every Sunday Chili Con Came every Evening Opposite the Bank M. N. ANKKKSON, Prop. Choice Confections Summer Brinks Ice Cream Ice, any quantity " Milk Shakes Iiiits, Xuts Tobacco Stationery TlBt Brands igars TOLEDO, ORE iON WAUOSTS MARKET FRONT STREET Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Oysters in Season Highest Cash Price Paid for IIide9 LESTER vVAUGH, Pre?. R. 1). BURGESS PHYSICIAN AXD SUMS EON TOLEDO, OKKOON . : OfBoe in OfstoJahl Building. Oilico hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 . m. Emergency Calls at any tin nsruoTH tuon'ES- SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lincoln County. li. L. Sabin, plaintiff, vs. E. D. Bringham, defendant. By virtue of an execution arid order of sale issued out nf the above entitled Court in the above entitled action to me directed and dated the 11th day of Feb. A. D. 1914. in favor of R. L. Sabin. and against E. D. Bringham for tho sum of . $500.48, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, from the 1st day of July, A. D., 1913. and a further sum of $25.00 costs and accruing costs and costs of this writ, com manding me to sell the following described real property situata in Lincoln countv, Oregon, as follows, towit: The NE1 of tho SW1 of Section 1, and the NEi of tbeSWi of Section 2 in Township 7 s of Range 9w cf the Willamette Meri dian in Lincoln county, Oregon. Now, therefore, in compliance with tne demands of wnid execution and order of sale. I will on Satur day, the 14th day of March. A. D . 1911. at 1:10 o'clock p. m., at tho front door of the Countv Court house, in the City of Toledo. Lin coln County. Oregon, sell to tho highest bidder for casn, all tho right, titla and interest ; cf tho above named defendant in the above named action, in thu abovo described property to satisfy said execution and order of sale, in tcrect, costs and accruing costs. Bert Geer, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon Dated this 11th day ct Feb., 1914. Date cf first publication Feb. 13, 1914. Date of last publi cation, March 13, 1914. j - THE j BON BONIERE