Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 20, 1914, Image 4

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    Lincoln County Leader
COLLINS & II AY DEN, Pcblishers
One Yoar - - - $1 50
Six rUontlm - - ,75
Tbne Month - - - 50
KnMrtnl t th iototlir at Toledo, Oregon, u
odq-ciuu na:i muuer.
SUplay, 10 ienti per inch per liwue.
Jocnl and ItrortliiB Nnlloe, 5c per line.
Doltce ror Sale, Wanted, Klc, Itre ltnes or
it1r Tin per Iwme; fiOo per month. N
Uomaiitebd Notice, 15: Timber Notices. )0.
At the home of the bride in this
city lest Sunday murning at 9:30
o'clock was solemnized a pretty
home wedding when Miss Esther
Copeland became the bride cf
Maurice Andersen, Rev. Sanford
Snyder performing the ceremony.
Only the immediate relatives were
present to witness the ceremony.
This couple is one of the most
popular in the city. The bride
lias resided in Toledo all her life,
and ia the daughter of Mr. end
Mrs. W. C. Ct-peland. She hes
been a teacher in Toledo's public
schools for a mmb;rof years, is
accomplished and very popular.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Payne, now residing at
Newport, and has made his home
in this city for several years. He
is a marine engineer by profeEsicn,
is enterprising and industrious.
Mr and Mrs. Andersen depart
tomorrow morning for a honey
moon trip to Humbolt bay, Califor
nia, and will return here in the
Spring snd make their home.
The Leader begs to join the
many friends of this coucle in
wishing them a life of happiness
and prosperity
Toledo Improve
ment Club
The citizens of Toledo again met
at the City Hall last Tuesday even
ing and perfected a permanent or
ganization to be known as the To
ledo Improvement Club, the object
of which is to work for the better
ment of the town in every way
possible. The officers elected are
W. E. Ball, president: G. W. Huff
man, vice president: R. E. Collins,
secretary RvJVishurt, treasurer:
J. B. Miller. A. T.' Peterson, Ted
McElwain, Eert Geer and E.:J.
Clark, executive committee. The
regular meetings of the Club will
be held on Thursday evening of
e ich week, the first regular meetirg
will be held Thursday, February
26th. About thirty members
joined the Club at the meeting lues-
day evening, and it is thought that
as soon as the organization is in
.running order there will be seventy
live or more member?.
It iB up to every public spirited
man in the community to join this
Club' and assist in every way pos
sible to improve the town and
we must an join bands u we
wish Toledo to keep pice with
the progress cf the country. Joiu
the Club and help nil you can. -
I 'lit I
Sawmill Making
Good Record
Since Marc h. 1913, the Toledo
Lumber Company has shipped 450
carloads of lumber from its mill in
this cily, besides supplying the
loral demands on the bay In all
it has cut over 10,000,000 feet cf
lumber since that date, and much
cf the time was lout early in the
season by failure to get Iocs, which
srtatly reduced their output.
The company is rsniodoling the
mill and adding new machinery and
expects to begin cawing again
about he first of the month. The
company expects to double the out
put ji the mill during the next
twelve months.
Manager G. V. Huffman, of the
camcBriy, states that his company
lias arranged with the Portland
Lumber company to supply the lat
ter company with all the lumber it
can cut. This means the local com
pany has always a ready market for
every stick it can turn out. This
mill also has the contract to furnish
the S. P. railroad. company with
big bill of bridge timber, and also
the Union Pacific has orders in for
considerable lumber for the con
K Hand Power
We have the Agency
For Lincoln County and will demonstrate its power
and advantages in clearing land at any time where we
can get the Farmers interested. "We will give notice
at what dates we will demtnstrcte at different places
later on.
We Claim
We Claim that this machine will pull as mu:h any ' stump '
puller on the market.
We Claim that one man on the hcndle caii pull more than any
one horse on a horse power stump puller with equal
We Claim that a woman can pull more with this machine on
a straight line without any blocks than any team of
horses in the country can pull on a straight line with
out any blocks. '
We Claim that two men with two blocks can pull a fir stump
three feet at the cut off if it is cut eixht feet from
the ground and from hard clay ground, and even
. larger from loose sandy soil.
We Claim .that one man with a double block can pull a cedar
stump three feet at the cut off out of hard ground
on hilltop in five minutes in one piece and without
touching the stump but to put the cable around it.
Toledo, Oregon
Does a General
rooooao booooo oofrv
The following Daily
Skirts, at cost..
Pants, $3.50, for $2.60
Pants, $2.50, for $1.75
Shoes .'v -. .
Rain Coats at cost
v- Umbrellas
Rubbers, Men's 85c;
.Ladies, 75c.
Shirt, at cost
Shirtwaists at cost
Sweaters at cost. i
Records and Needles
Hats, Men's, choice at $1
struction of cars.
J. B.Miller is getting his logging
railrcod is good running order, is
extending down to deeper water
and is is getting his logging equip
ment in shape for the better hand
ling of logs. Both the Togging
camps and the mill expect a very
busy year.
Steve Kobilski was over from
Silctz Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. W. A. Williams returned
Saturday evening from a visit to
the Valley.
Misses Winifred Spencer, Mae
Clemo and Alta Long were New
port visitors Saturday evening and
A 'ex Warnock of Eddyvillo was
in tie city last evening, attending
a meeting of the Mutual telephone
Mrs. Allen Hughes returned Sat
urday evening from Portland where
she has been the past several weeks
having undergone an operation for
Banking Business
" . '
Time Deposits
wwrtftoiso Qrfivwrwi'f J
Sales next week at
I. B.Smiih went to Portland this
morning on business.
M r. and Mrs. C. L. Morrison of
Elk City were in the cjty last even
ing. .
. Merchant Wm. Dcdson of Taft
has been in the city several days
this week. '
A carload if rails arrived yester
day for Miller & Montgomery's
logging railroad.
Mrs. C. P. Merrell and son, El
wood, returned last evening from a
visit at Hood River.
Judge C. H. Gardner returned
Wednesday evening from a busi
ness visit to Portland.
The schooner Mirene leaves Port
land next Monday with a full cargo
of merchandise for Toledo.
A. Welch is negotitatjng tor the
purchase of the Mutual telenhono
company, but so far no deal has
been made.
P. A. Lafferfy, an attorney from
Portland, was in the city the first
of the week looking at some land.
He says he may locate here.
Have you registered?
W. E. Halon of Yaquina was in
the city Saturday.
Remember the dance at Oddfel
low Hall tomorrow night.
The schooner Ahwaneda was ' in
this port Saturday with freight for
local merchants.
Don't fail to take in the basket
ball games tomorrow night at the
rink. Waldport vs. Toledo.
The Mirene was here the first of
the week with a cargo of general
merchandise from Port'and.
: At the school meeting held at the
schoolhouse last Monday afternoon
F. N. Hayden was elected clerk to
fill the unexpired term of M:s3
Verne Ross, resigned.
If you haven't already subscribed
to our club of four magazines do it
now. You will enjoy reading these
splendid magaiznes. We will sell
you the four magaiznes with the
Leader all one year for only ISc.
The fact is, the four magazines
we sell with the Leader for 18c.
extra, represents the biggest read
ing value ever offered the public.
Have you sent us your order? If
not. sent it or phone us today.
That hogs are more profitable in
Hood River Valley than fruit is the
assertion uf a rancher in that sec
tion who last year marketed ISO
animals for which he received
$2,755. Among the porkers dis
posed of was one weighing 723
pounds drecsed, said to be the lar
gest ever raised in that county.
Train Dispatcher Bert Boles of
tr.e Corvallis & Eastern railroad
was over' from Albany the first of
the week. Mr. Boles says the com
pany is getting along nicley with
the re-construction of the road and
will have things in good running
order before the Summer season
begins. The road will be able to
haul heavier trains and the trains
will be able to cut the running
time an hour each way during the
run. This will especially be appre
ciated by the excursionists who
will have at least two nours more
to enend at the beach. The heavy
rails are now laid to Oysterville.
At the meeting of the council
last Monday evening Councilman
Rosebrook suggested that the Coun
cil pass ordinances as follows: A
general ordinance against misde
meanors 'commmitted within the
city: another prohibiting minors
smcking on the streets with the
penalty for violation thereof placed
at from $1 to $10; another making
it a misdemeanor for merchants to
sell tobacco or cigarettes to minors
with the fine for the violation of
same placed at from $10 to $50.
Mayor Gaither further suggested
that another ordinance be drawn
prohibiting minors from entering
pool or billiard balls or playing
games therein, also making it a
misdemeanor punishable by fine for
a minor to mispreoesent his age to
gain admission to such places.
The ordinance committee was in
structed to have such ordinances
prepared for introduction at the
next meeting.
Z Good work mare and 9-months'
old colt; also two plows, cultiva
tor, harrow and other farming im
plements, and household furniture.
Call on W. F. McJunkin, in town.
In the Diotrict Court of the United
States for the District of Oregon.
In the matter of Harland M. Long,
Case No. 2726, in Bankruptcy.
To the Creditors of Harland M.
Long of Tidewater, in the countv
of Lincoln, and district aforesaid,
Notice i3 ticreby given that on
the 13th day of February, A. D.,
1914, the Eaid Harlend M. Long
was duly adjudged bankrupt; and
that the first meeting of his cred
itors will be neld at Albany, Linn
county, Oregon, in the office of the
undersigned referee in. the New
First National Bank Building, on
Saturday, February 28, 1914, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, at which
time and place the said creditors
may attend, prove their claims,
appoint a trustee, examine the
bankrupt and transact such other
business as may properly come be
fore said meeting.
Dated at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, this February 16, 1914.
C. C. Bryant,
Referee in Bankruptcy. ,
Having purchased
and Men's Furnishings of I. B. Smith,
Greatly Reduced Prices
to make room for Summer Goods. Will be open for business
Wednesday, February 25
W. IVMcGEE, Proprietor
Premiums Free!
With all Cash Purchases and Cash Paid on Thirty-Day Accounts.
Call and inspect them.
Velvet Rugs
42-Piece Dinner set
Large Gold Oval Mirrors
Mantle Clocks
The Premium List Goes into Effect at Once
Toledo Racket
Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits.
Gardner &
' Dealers
Builders' Hardware, -
Tin and Granite
Aluminum (Guaranteed for 15 years)
Plumbers' Supplies
Cook Stoves, . Heating Stoves. Steel Ranges
' . ; Plows, . " v Harrows, Wagons.
Get My Prices
And be Convinced that yon can Save Money by buying your Groceries,
Dry Goods, Notions, Graniteware, Crockery, Flour and Feed at the
The White Corner Store
Store Open at all Hours. Both Phones. City Delivery
but their parents" should see to
it that they get none but the purest
and most wholesome. Any other
kind is to be shunned. Good Candy
is an aid to the health as well as to
to the haDDiness of children. Our
Candies are pure in make and in
handling. And yetour prices are
admittedly moderate,
APs Smokehouse
, AL WAUGH, Prop.
the stock of
I will offer same to the public at
Daily and sold at Right Prices
Orders given our Special Attention
Sporting Goods,
Electric Plant
. For Toledo
It is persistently rumored that
the same company which has pur
chased the Yaquina Electric Co's
plant at Newport is to purchase the
Toledo plant also, and will install
a large plant here to furnish light
and power for this city and New
port, pending the construction of
the hydro-electric plant on the Si
letz. This rumor is strengthened
by the' fact that Mr. Welch bus
secured an option .on this "plant.
Here's hoping.
Mr. A.. Welch and assistants, are
in Toledo today looking over the
Banker C. E. Hawkins was a
nassenger for the Valley Wednes
day morning.
Mrs. Dora Hassmun of Yanuin.i
was visiting friends in the city
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Andrpnn
and children denarted Mori da v
morning for Portland where they
will visit for a week.
Dick Christensen hr s heen Hicnprl
as No. 8 surf man in the life saving
crew. Dick takes naturally to the
sea and will make a good surfman.
Newport News.
Sherm Ealeroan left vesterdav
morning for Portland from which
place he will take a steamer for
Eureka. California, were he will
remain the coming Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Frieden
burg of Kalisnel. Montana, nrn
here visiting with the latter's
brother. Hans Norcraard. arH
family. They spent several davs in
Newport. They are very favorably
impressed with the outlook in To
ledo and we would not be surprised
to see them locate here. They will
return tomorrow to Hillsboro where
they are spending the Winter.
At the meeting of the City Coun
cil last Monday evening several of
the property owners on Second
street were present to remonstrate
against the grading of this street
from curb to curb as contemplated
by the Council. They expressed
an entire willingness to grade and
plank the street but wished to re
tain the use of ten feet as granted
them by a prior Council. Now, it
seems to us that it would be' very
unjust to try and force these pro
perty owners to grade frm curb
to curb at this time. This is an
eighty foot street, wider than there
is any demand for at the present.
Why would it not be feasible to
grunt the property owners a nark.
ing strip of ten feet on each side of
the street, which could be smoothed
up and sown to grass. Then the
other kixty foot could be improved
and a roadway Dlanked or rocked
in the center. It is very important
that this street should be improved
this bummer as it is one' of the
most traveled streets in the c'ty
and its bad condition is holding
buck this section of the city. It
is also important that sidewalks be
constructed leading to the High
bchool building.
. Middle aged lady to do ironing
and band laundry.
Apply Toledo Laundry. k
160 acre tract, 48 acres in culti
vation. Borne more can be plowed;
new, good buildings; good fences:
handy to school; fine bottom land
on Siletz nver, at Upper Farm.
AUo 83 acres tract, good bottom
land, i mile to school, road through
placed buildings; some orchard;
about 15 acres in cultivation.
. Will take cash or share rent
Very liberal terms. One to 6 years
Write to owner,
O. A. Loe. Silverton, Oregon.
A stubborn, annoying, depressing
cough hangs on. racks the bodv.
weakens the lungs, and often leads
to serious results. The first dose
of Dr. King's New Discovery gives
relief. Henry D Sanders of Caven
dish, Vt., was threatened with con
sumption, after having pneumonia.
He writes: "Dr. King', New Dis
covery ought to be in every family;
it is certainly the best of all medi
cines for coughs, colds or lung
trouble" Good for children's
coughs. Money back if not satis
fied. Price 50c. and $1.00. All
Philadelphia or St. Louis.
"Th Expoiition Line 1915"
And now is the time to see California; to live out
doors end enjoy the sunshine, fiowets and summer
- sports. It is a trip you cannot afford to miss.
including Shasta Limited THE train of modern ser-
vice with all steel up-to-the-minute equipment.
Trains with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and
dining service that will nlease.
Call on nearest S. P. Agent and let him outline a trip, quote
fares and furnish Outing literatura on California's famous
JOHN M. SCOTT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Ore
A new shipment of Shuts just re
ceived at Akin's.
After consulting with many of
the voters of Lincoln and Polk
Counties, I "have consented to an
nounce myself as a Republican
candidate for Joint Representative
in the Legislature for t te Counties
of Lincoln and Folk, and most
resnectfully solicit the support of
the voters of the two Counties.
S. G. Irvin.
Newport, Or. Feb. Sd 1914. Adv.
I hereby announce myself a can
jdidate for the nomination of County
Clerk for Lincoln County, Oregon,
on the Republican ticket.
Adv. R. H. Howell.
To the Republican Voters of Li'n
coln County:
'-I hereby announce myself a can
didate fr the office of County Cor
oner, subject to the decision of the
Republican voters at the Primary
election next May.
Adv. O. R. Hollingsworth.
I hereby announce Jnyself a Re
publican candidate for the office
of Sheriff subject to the decision
of the voters at the Primary Elec
tion in May.
(Adv.) Bert Geer.
To the Republican Voters of
Lincoln county: I hereby announce
myself a candidate for the nomina
tion for the office of Coroner, sub
ject to their decision at the pri
mary election.
(Adv.) F. M. Carter.
U. S. Landoffice, Portland, Oregon.
December 17th, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that Emma
R. Baily, whose postoffice address
is 529 Raleigh St.. Porltand, Ore
gon, did, on the 25th day of Febru
ary, 1913, file in this office sworn
statement and application. No.
03759. to purchase the SW1, Sec
tion 35, Township 12 south, Range
10 west, Willamette Meridian, and
the timber thereon, under ihe pre
visions of the act of June 3, 1878,
and acts amendatory, know as the
"Timber and Stone Law," at such
value as might ba fixed by BDpraise
ment, and that, nursuant to such
application, the land and timber
thereon have been aopraised, the
timber estimated 890,000 board
feet at 40 cents per M. and the
land $172.00; that said applicant
will offer final proof in support of
his application and sworn statement
on the 5th day cf March. 1914,
before the Register a;iu Receiver
of the United States Landoffice, at
Portland, Oregon
Anv person is at liberty to pro
test this purchase before entry, or
initiate a contest at any time before
patent iesues, by filing a corrobo
rated affidavit in this office, alleging
facts which would defeat the entry
H. F. Higby, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Lin
coln. Seymour J. Robb, plaintiff,
vs. ' -l
Fir & Spruce Lumber Comnanv,
a corporation, Lewis Mont
gomery, and the Oregon Lum
ber & Construction Company, a
corporation, defendants.
By virtue of an execution and
order of sale issued out of the
above entitled Court in the above
entitled action to me directed and
dated the 11th day of February, A.
D.. 1914, in .favor of Seymour "J.
Robb arid against the above named
defendants, for the sum of 8405.00
with interest thereon at the rate
of 6 per cent per annum from the
11th day of Februtry, A. D., 1907.
and a further, sum cf $50.00 at
torney's fees, and $20.00 cost of
this -writ commanding . me to sell
the following-; described real pro
perty .s'tuate-in Lincoln county,
Oregon, as follows.' towit:- Com
mencing at a point on the division
line between the lands of Seymour
J. Robb and Lloyd Preutt that is
16.50 chains south of the quarter
section corner between sections 36
and 25 in township 11 south of
range 11 west of the Willamette
Meridian, 10 rods; thence due
west 16 rods to said above dt scribed
division line; thence north along
said division line 10 rods to place
of beginning, the said line being
situated in Lot 1 of said section 36
of said township and range and
containing one acre more or less;
also commencing at a point on the
division line between the lands of
Seymour J. Robb and Lloyd Preutt
at a point 31.51 chains south of
the quarter section corner between
sections 36 and 25 in township .11
south of range 11 west of the
Willamette Meridian in Oregon, at
the south line of the right of way
of the Corvallis and Eastern Rail
road Co,, thence south 6 chains to
the right bank of the Yaquina Bay,
thence northeasterly along the said
north bank cf the said bay 26.92
chains to a stake on the right side
of said bay, thence north 67 de
grees west 5 28 chains to the ess;
line of the right of way of the
said l.orvallis and Eastern Railway,
thence southerly along the said
eaBt line of the right of way 15.68
chians to place of beginning, the
same being Bituated in Lot 2 of the
said section 36 in the above town
ship and range and containing 17
and 10.100 acres more or less, in
Lin cob county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, in compliance
with the demands of said execution
and order of sale I will on Satur
day, the 14th day cf March, A. D.,
1914, at 1 :20 o'clock p. m., at the
front door of the County Court
house, in the City of Toledo, Lin
coln Countv, Oregon, sell to the
highest bidder for cash, all the
right, title and interest of the
above named defendants in the
above named action, in the above
aescrmed property, to satisfy said
execution and order of sale, in
terest, costs and accruing costs.
. Bert Geer,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Dated this 12th day of Feb.,
1914. Date of first publication,
1-eb. 13, 1914. Date of last publi
cation, Match 13. 1914.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Lincoln County.
F. Furst, plaintiff.
Emil Leckband and Walburger
Leckband, his wife, and Mrs.
Josefa Bouza and John Bouza,
her husband, defendants.
By virtue of an execution and or
der of sale issued out of the above
entitled Court in the above entitled
action to me directed and dated the
11th day of February. A. D., 1914,
in favor of F. Furst. and against
the above named defendants, for
the sum of $580.00, with interest
thereon at the rate cf 8 per cent
per annum trom the 11th day of
June, A. D. 1910, and a further
sum of $55.00 attorney's fees,
$25.00 costs, and costs of this
writ, commanding me to sell the
following described real property
situate in Lincoln" county, Oregon,
as follows, towit: Lot 4 in Section
11, containing 32i acres, and the
north 175 acres of Lot 1, and tho
north half of the Northwest quar
ter of the Northeast quarter of
Section 14, all in Township 14 south
of Range 12 west of the Willam
ette Meridian, in Lincoln county,
Oregon, containing in all 70 acres.
jnow, therefore, .n comd'ance
with the demands of said execution
and order of sale I will on Satur
day, the 14th day uf Marsh. A. D
1914 at 1:20 o'clock p. m. at the
front door of the County Court
house, in the City of Toledo. Lin
coln county. Oregon, sell to the
highest bidder for cash, all the
right, title and interest of the
above named , defendants in the
above named action, in the nhnuo
described property to satisfy said
execution and order of sale", in
terest, costs and accruing costs.
Bert Geer,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Dated this 11th day of Feb.,
1914. Date of first nuhlimtinn
Feb. 13. 1914. Date of last nnhli-
tion Marco 13, 1914.
Out of sorts, depressed, pain in
the back Eflectric Bitters renews
your health and strength. A guar
anteed Liver and Kidney remedy.
Money back if not satisfip it
pletelv cured Robert Madsen of
west Burlington, Iowa, who Buffer
ed from virulent liver trouble for
eight months. After four doctors
gave him up he took Electric Bit
ters and is now a well man. Get a
bottle today; it will do the tame
for you. Keep in the house fcr all
liver and kidney complaints. P.r
fectly safe and dependable. Its re
suits will surprise vnu. 50c. and
$1.00 H. E. Bucklen & Co..
Philadelphia or St. Louis.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been, by order of
the County Court of Lincoln county,
Oregon, duly appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Michael
Strylewicz, deceased. All Dersons
having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the
same duly verified and with proper
vouchers as by law requred to' me
at my office in Toledo, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dated this 13th day of February,
1914. G. B. McCluskey,
Administrator of the estate of
Michael Strylewicz, deceased.
Notice is hercbv given that the
undersigned ha3 been, by order of
the County Court of Lincoln
Countv. Oregon, ' duly appointed
administrator cf the estate uf J.
N. Brandeberry, deceased. All per
sons having claims against said
estate arc hereby notified to pre
sent the same duly verified and
with proper vouchers as bv law re
quired to the office of C. E.
Hawkins, Tolcd-i. Oregon, within
Fix months from the date of this
Dated this 5th. day of February,
E. C. Brandeberry,
L. L. Swan, Attorney for Admin
Launch Transit.
Uaves Elk City. 7:3.0 a. ro.;
Toledo. 9 a. m. Returning, leaves
Newport 2:30 p. m.; Toledo 4:30
P. m. Every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday.
This schedule will be maintained
during the Winter.
H. A. Norton, Captain.
Hans Norgaard, Prop.
Chicken Dinner Every Sunday
Chili Uon Came every Evening
Opposite tho Bank
M. N. ANDKRSON, 1'rop.
Choice Confections
Summer DvtnltH
Ice Cream
Ice, any quantity
Milk Shales
I raits, Xuts
Brst Brands
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Oysters
' in Season
Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides -LESTER
WAUGH, Prep.
. TOLgbo, ouhoon
Office In Orstedahl Building. Office
hours : 10 to 12 r. m.; 2 to 4 nl 7 to 8
p.m. Emergency Calls at any tin
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Lincoln County.
R. L. Sabin, plaintiff,
E. D. Bringham, defendant.
By virtue of an execution anJ
order of sale issued out nf the
above entitled Court in the above
entitled action to me directed and
dated the Hth day of Feb. A. D.
1914, in favor of R. L. Sabin. and
against E. D. Brinsham fnr ha
sum of $500.48, with interest
tnercon at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum, from the 1st dav of
July, A. D., 1913, and a further
sum ol $25.00 costs and accruing
costs and costs of this writ, com
manding me to sell the following
described real property situate in
Lincoln countv. Oreuo'n. ns fnllnom
towit: The NEJ of tho SWi of
section l, and the-NEl of t-eSWi
of Section 2 in Township 7 s of
Range 9 w of the Willamette Meri
dian in Lincoln county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, in compliance
with the demands of said execution
and order of sale I will on Satur-.
day, tho 14th day of March. A. D.
1914. at 1:10 o'clock p. m., at the
front door of the Countv Court
house, in the City of Toledo. Lin
coln County, Oregon, sell to tho
highest bidder for Cash, all the
right, title and interest of the
above named defendant in tho
above named action, in the above
described property to satisfy said
execution and order of m1i in.
terest, costs and accruing costs.
. Bert (loor
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
uatea this nth day ct Feb.,
1914. Date of first publication,
Feb. 13. 1914. Data of 1nt mihli '
cation, March 13, 1914.