' ft! ii'., Hi is; ST . ' - V: i . .P. . ; tVK- is i. .vi i. l:: .:.' t i : IV.: , ; .. : ;. . ; ..'.J . I'.".? '! ' VI 1 : I':. ' ! V. ii;-i '.'.; .. :'ii.: SOUR. ACID HTnUkrith GASEt OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape'a Dpbpiin":;jDltfe$tif 3000! grains food, ending; alt atowiaehr.:. mlsejhy Inyflve.jmlquiM. Time it! In five minutes all atom- aU-lli5lxe4y.ULJtCV. .aJfldiSRS.UfllU. heartburn, fcourness oY belching "or" 5 ,3 iaB.Vno.IdV or eructations of undigested - Crlnrr"l?a1IaeTC::::rr "t Pape's Djapepsln la noted j for rita speed in regulrtrng Jupset -BibinBCfc. r . . It is the surest, quickest-stomach rem- liniHIU I m edy in the whol-wior1f and! bonifies aides is harmless. . Put an" end to stomach - - . - . . .. .Tlrr Va0nf aaA Af LnA'sB nlannno n i, - . '. . ,;Wtyent case of Pape'a Diapepsin iivrmnmtei now needless it is to ?ut v fer from .indjgegtloni dyspepsia or any iomaca disorder, i it the quickest. Surest and most 'harmless " Btomanh doctor in the world. "' M'1 ' . i.f T. Practical. Papa.".., - , The tajk .at a, recent sniokefest was 'about the practical' side of things,'! 4 "'Reminds, Die,''- Brifllhgiy remarked Congressman Joseph .A, Gbulder of r . New York, ."of a certain suffragette, not one of the antique species, but a soft;! tender little, thlng-who'has just .-:; Joined. the Jubilee: and l correspond i r lngly enthusJastJbc. . , ,, .. .s -, , . "One evening ..she. returned :home and rushed Tip to the' old man,,' who i.-was' oomfortubl reading". Id it blg'artn chalr. -r.rwj- jt.T-yrc- - ' . " 'Oh, papa,' . she, . exclaimed, you ';.' should hav; been with'- me tonight! we are preparing- to: sweep, the coun- trvi; v Sweep,, the : country?' respondedJ loft,-: fVVpl)'it preparing to sweep the country?' . . k y 'Whyi'ihe Suffragettes; of ;co'urse CatJie ErQiidTreloinder pl he pretty rone.,.. "."Oh. I "seeV WaVlniYbid. hard rnW bf practical ttapa. 5 'It'' Is fe' 'commend a.bla.lnlpulse'; "Too; might begin with 1hp dlnlns-.ijoom-jatid parlor. 'V-Npw. Orleans Sta:ts.--WJ ,' . '. i-- ' 'i Lions and tier era are tnn wm 'In j iung power to; run m6re: thin half -a. 'mile. ''''! 'i . fHt hfttla Villi BAfi iMBBttftlt brllll.Jt Uabl. t lowttf ool. tib I, ootiveuicut. -ITtolvnl. Gviw tel.- ' . r trm w Kcrdu, Md dttaili f ear lDolal FMUii.oS.riLi. ; ' TL PPTI'.'.WT T f 1 1. 1 . .... . . A (KODAK, fj f In lrur. fl No.8 Prem Jr. I-hoto 35 la Purcbar oi e Umt M U6M C0.U13 MiriMtSuCutiia, UPTURE RUtNS HEALTH ANO, PLEASURE DONT NEGLECT IT orwtperlm.nt-wJth frek trusecU It expensive and danKeroui. No Blatter how severe or long Undinff : your rupture, we can fit a truss to suit-either- by mail or In person; satisfaction suaranteed. Dr. Pan - . ter'a free book tells all, send NOW . PANTER TRUSS COMPANT u SM Joarnsl Bld., Portland, Ore. T U R V : ! Horrible. ' "Oh Henry," she said when she had thrown ;off her wraps and flung her self into- a chair,. "I'm so mortified." "What's the matter, dear?" "I met Mrs. Biggies at the reception . this afternoon,' and she seemed bo nice that I Btood there before the crowd . for half an hour and talked to her; When we were leaving her chauffeur drove up in an,' old. four-cylinder car and after she had taken her seat In it she called out right before everybody that she would expect me .to call on Jer soon." Cteyelapd Record-Herald. !.: , . . -. - The largest railway ; station. In Eu Tope, estimated .to tost 135,000,000, Is now under -bonstrnctlon at Lelpslc, - Germany. This .station is designed to serve as a .terminal for all the rail ways entering Lelpslc. ' , . '. I At 10 cehta a drink the . United States liquor hilt figures 1859,800,00$ for the year j ; And the value of all the bread madp in the bakeries.; of; the. , muuuij f nog uuv aoQ,ooa,UUU. . .., , g 1 The traffld1 of the Rhine beiween i Strasburg and; thet Holland frontier v amounts to the enormous total of 40,- 000,000 tons annually. " . 1 ' ' - ' '" Brass farthings were authorized by ' English law- in the year 1613. . They were.auppressed.-aa.worthleB about ...I0 yearB later-,. - . . : . i-..;'' ... 1 .... . . More than 3,000-,000 gross of pencils, are annually made in Philadelphia. , ' i ll .,, ' TV--'' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta care constipation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases. : Cure the cause and : you cure the fliaease, ( taay,to Uke. His Status. ' Mrs. Honk--Colonel Hook Is a con-" : . greasman at large,) Isn't ne?' J ' i... i Farmer ,HpnH Yes j . . they : bar en's ) arrested him yet. Puck. r: i n r li.-'? Athens I'ls ''toi ;havevn munlcloal .' ' i ' " f y ' s -jy: a ?i 1 n 1 ILJ I FAIligbTS AND THE0rS Limb &o' May Be cfiiviwileailv .CpnsthJcted In Cattle HWrdLt ft lfjjHhJof Drying Off ' $j '"iflfixSm. Tt tin .Rva'ri''-iilP THE LAMB REEP Js. an invaluable "tnBfftutibnr"tt"'mV"'l)e""ibVveVfenUy constructed AA a jcattiatMrdleri'SHth i - ,uu Diuc du luhl lud ll inn v Tamb " does not hurt" ltielPduring in-gre81-a9l,egreAr., rL , i : . - i - . . . 1' f i : . J THE BE&f method,, of drying oft a t?? ft. w?l.-l!5maTOJ?..'W i - ,v, iUW uuimiuB jjbwuub iu uove I . - . an Old-fashioned mnthnd X)th to bleed the cow," find give 'a. "dose of oneTpputnfll Bpsoin Balts.i . i'Xl ! Fortunately natre; herself most freauentlv detortWInpn thaloncrth nf the mlllfof fthe'; milking1 ;period. .A ustu iu 'gu-- Buuej -'ana gooa farmery. dq. not consider iti profitable to hate' "cows that breed" reguhuly. more 'thanT tett-' hAmths'iln 'lastation. v' WHEl-the''coVl8lfriBkri'with the taili'ht: niilkthgut a. good-plaa' 'to -S ,tP th leg. ; Modern hygiene has no Ia,)th In a whisked tall' during milk, Ihg. " It disturbs"' the' loose hairs,:and shakes the duBi'bff the cctat into the .mjl.pa41,i.:,x. u&l ;.f .jiAQCOBWlSTO to :;WoHt-rt the... fpod Bljandard ' ifor . .mllch: . tows .of "l.bob pounds, live, weight is "2l'pounds dry ftv.i-.;, wwiCH., Ai9 pounas .is1 pro- lein, li.d pounds carbonhydrates;'.ftnd four h&ZC&M iat. Thin la nnnal to an albuminoid ratio of 1:5,38.' THE LOHORN V5 iooa for1 both the butchers and,''rTOil'k-Drodrietfon where Quality a ;main .epnsidjpratlon. lioio.dibuttrmaklngreedvand; ;,the- best. may., b depended . upon' to ; i TT .'j f pounas a weetc. TROUBLE-MAKERS IN "SPRING Laie' Plowlnd Will D8tr6y: Many of. :!. Over-Wintering i 8peelesif be- 1 v . , structlve Garden Insects. . i 5. .- .-t.'L.'t,.. . .. Very often the first pests Ira t'feld ln-Bprlnr are the: oneatHtit ate most tp J be .feared. With many, eDecies of des,trucjlve:.lngects,;.th8 ,over-wIntering inaiviauais,,-cpmp: out, with i; thenrst warm weather and iay egga for a host Of 'desttUctive iDroeetf later. One adult less In the fall may I mean ; Qe pupdred descendauta :6jit of .ithe way. Late plowing will do th; work. It does not follow, that It is always feasible- or" bdsaiblo' t6 fall nlbw 1 til fields tlia6 haVe . suffered "from the ravaecs of insecti npntn. Wppthor unn. dltlons or the 'demahds: of , crop rota- uon sometimes make It out. pt .ttie question... -But if .W can' be done! there i . . . . r - . is a great xiflai .tpt pe gamed by It, Manv nests mnv hn BiihrlnoH nor. r - - , tmllV tot lotl Of! hv tltla. nnnraMnn . Ttr pcorn i-oot louse Is 'one: of theses- H .ls Potato : Ruined 'by WJrewo'rirn. ' tiny, soft-bodled. 'frkelte! crpftf uro and depehds for Its existence ori the car,e .:giyen; it, Dy tne little black or brown ariti always found with . IL Late, plowing ;breaks, up 4he nests of the ants at a time, when ; they are sluggish and unable to gather together again. The colonies of lice.' left.wlth.' but their keepers, cannot surylve the winter. ,! i : v i . it-' , Wlreworms and white. ierubs snpnd" the' winter" in'the ground. The. former l W OlDUUCl , VJIIUU1 1UUI WUI llld, eiiuw. lsh or brownish In '. c61ori tough and wiry-looking. . The latter are .-.white and thick-bodied with ' one . end some- . j., .. Benefits .of Rotation, : ,: , ... Rotation of .crops Bhould be prac ticed to ln6rease the hUmus. and nitro gen , In the" soils." If a large 'part of the produce raised bp ;fed to live Stock and' the 'manure carefully returned to the -fields,- there are: few; sections of 'our whole .couotr that will yield' betf ter profits 'for- farming than In the ortb peptral . slktes. 1 ' : !! j '!. ; -.Avpld. Cold. : :'.Lpo out that the. young stock does pot erewd ,in . the .roqsting. coops or nan. houses and. oyerheat.' If they crpwd" together hnii get tod' warm '-during the night they' patch cold as soon as they are1 let but in the morning ahd their 'strength Ub reduced by the heating."' ) -.t.- . ., ( , y.:.i .;;. ....... .Bad Practice. Experience has shown that, when the brood : sows are permitted to run 4 With' the" -fattening ihogs Tdurlng the summer and fall right up M farrowing UlmeU'Boqr; Jitter of pige are far rowed. Many of the are born dead,. and many others do not sur- rlvk 'tnira than' h' TdW iv what dark and Cutworms Lwlnter, in the so lalf-grown 1 flvojrm $mVns beneath Jin aunaae 01 the , boh h during the lng the teity?r:$TnBfr$i -.are in me egg stage. lOTty Dntmesxa in j t . - - I r. j. . puu-uuupeu masses, SiyKjjir so De low the SUrfnpa In tha cordon Hi a Msqiiagfi1 boreTli lna sTTkncTcob'n'rntBS' tJjsnocjjrieTsejs mam. artw tar sects, are dlBturbed by late plowlng;r fi'ufieif "dee'p': 6fe'ifr"up'6nr'e: surface ior birds JPjrflnd orcfroste tqtkia,- -J Drag,iieoJroperlLjiYfilahted.An'. . .pwers ior Roller anq Harrow run ooil irr I-ine bonaition. " i L .i ' i. M ir: iV-il (Bjr- j,,; ,W.; (5W?pin. Vt. ' :Jf wmmi vf :.Dri'a and HarroW. ' I have been a" close oDserver and have": given the greater part of'tey time In :th. ;last3 third' xearsr to -the study- ot .JAm, jajBpr.jiinprovemefitB p,nd;; ehpt : cuts in prftctic'al. toimin'g.. J ;Under all -COindiUqpB whn advisable to use the , harrow, this Implement comesi'.in' at first fcface i ttShas been some twelve' Or thirteen vpnrs alnna T fli-at nafln' "4ttntl6n"to"the' 'draw' and'iarjow cbm-' cinea. At nTSt I made several with a roller; attach,ment. , The ; roller' .: was .ljltched to; the .harrpwr . But -after; using this; 9ne,,'seasbni '.I'cpme 'to the conclusl6n that the dragi'whe'n. proper ly. weighted, answered for the roller. Then; the i sharp; teeth: .of . :the harrow left the soil in the, ? finest ,t-cohditid'n possible.. ... .. ''':'':t ' Wlttf ,the"'acc'ompahyip'g pen "'draw-' tag? it will 'hardly be itecesiary to' gp: Into details In reeard to rnnldriir rnd of .these,,-Although, I will, give thp div men8ionB. . of .the Umbers. v .For ordi nary' use, a;' width pjf'gbt" feet is suffi cient" liut, btt perfectly' level, or land that' Is practically free of : trash and stirmps or stones, one as.long as' eight feet can be used to an advantage. " Materia reauired: i : -j :; '-' Six pieces lxlO-lnch plank, -6: feet long, planker." ' ;' i: , '. Two pieces: 3x3-inch iard: wood,: 6 feet long, beams for harrow". : (. Two pieces 2x6-lnoh: cross beam for harrow, to plankec. - . . . ; ; - Two pieces, ?x6-Jnch cleats towhlch planker is made. ' ' ; j . . Twenty-three : piece's? flv'e-eightbs-inch square harrow : teeth,. 12 inches long.--. ! ; .. i : - .;' Eight one-half-lnph, bolts,, 10 inches long., .;..t ., ... , Two ; ohfrhalf-inch bolts' 5 ; inchea long. . ;' ' ; ' - ' Two pne-half-incli bolts 7 inches long. Two 4-inch cievlces.'- -: : Two pounds 10 penny nails. ; ; - , The beams that connect the harrow with the planker ,1s worked on a holt at' (x". x.) which "permits' the Harrow being raised to remove trash. i ' :. :.' . 1 . :''; ; . Shipping Poultry.-. .jWhere farms are.more remote from the' city markets, a profit can be de rived by shipping to the larger Cities. In these: days of: excellent; railroad facilities, any poultry plant within 100 miles ,pf a city, can reap , the benefits of good prices, Just as much as those locates .wjthln easy, drive. ( The cost va, nut;iJiiifi in tJUDiiJ' UU3BI "j, Q. TO. tfuced coat of; conducting $uch a plant t Clean11nai nf r.mnf A cement .trough ,; le of the greatest little Improve-' one of the greatest' little' ments. about, the farm, ilt is easy to make, , easy . to :.clean,. ne;ver gets , out of order and Is- readily .dlsihfected. You pan build It yourself, Another and better arrangement ;iiitb have an au tomatic' watering device1 with a tank made of galvanized lron,,.mbunted on a ?lod,.;:aqd movable from, place, to i pnHV place. a-.' j jr0 sheen. ' ;- 'If vnitr intut U hirk flnrl vnlllnir anil the soil Is clay loam' with subsoil of limestone; raise ,eheep,-: This kind .of ground -furnishes a great variety of grasses that are (freatiy. rellshed. " Dalrv Calf flftan any daen .nd. ?fmer. ,a,. to a;f'U.thei:ea ,n,P.rtanca of tWhdipg qjoagpli and feed In the de. yeiopment tf the dairy calJE Jiuring X f..Mfa 5v,r;, . . , i ..?i7"JkS25r four Special disheOjegon normal school jti. .prt f.. a a. I c !-:::m K ih : S t y. SELfcf fetf;R&lr?E&.TA AftE'61 S 55. ST it: I ' " uit -v y v mB.ru i. tHWfi CT.?8" ?,WV" "clatea--5imreT tamp a uenerai Exeellt.oljjXIW.ert. f. . usiroome Jtvitli jggp-BWk nnipn rrnnn miiKnrnfiiiix una uul iiihu Jnto j, stewpan with a Jablespoonful oi DUtter, one-quarter oi a teaspooniui oi nui, pepper i iaai auu. ivw uroyi nt' lunnn liilpa , -T!rWrt tha. , nun and Blrainer.-slowly-,f4)r tea mlnuUa. .Thet beaten nd stir until the' Whole -u,pi the :; Conslstencji! 'of ''scrambled .6ggs: Q6TT6 on weii-orownea loast.. i .' i Salmi: of : LambCOokr : one , 'ttbfe spoonful of. butter; with' one-half table BDOonful of: finely, choooed onion. Art minutes.; vAddltt stables pronfuur' ol' Pour on! .gradually bflyiupfuj of atocl spoonful of pep'peV and ohe teaepoonfut or - walnut catemip. 1 Keheat slices ol cold roait lamb hi saUce arrange on hot platter, i having: eltcea ;meMV On anotberi ftnd.:pour. sauce, oyer mea.: 3' ii:Untofi (Cafee-frTwOi cupp sugar, on cup. of sweet milk,' one cup of .'butter three 1 cutis' of 'flour: onfrh&lf cud ' 6i cornstarch:1 four eKfcs.' three-level tetf spdonfuls of -baitng powder;: onejifil) teaspoontul Pf. ground mace. Rub' but ter. euar. and eeea toeether. . rubbini one egg in-, at a. time; .sit to the corn Buwca nq .one .pup ir poujr ,.ana in mlpt alternately, ; Lastly tji jwo cupi of pblir ah'd'the ij'akfBg.'p'bWde!r.BaJJ ln.'a large pan ; In' "moderate ., oven, with a piper cap bver the fop tlii it'i half done; '-' J.-c -..-.'u i-k- i Stewed J Plllmrt Wlna - onr-h -iln with :k. soft;; 4am pv' cloth ;and-: prtfcfc; it1 with a fork to nrevent burstlnar. Hav the water in the preserving kettle little- more than lukewarm and gpntlj mjr urn ii mi i jl. pring io a genu boil;' cook just .long enbugb, fori tht plums to become tehder.'but not ions, enough- for : the skins to crack, j They, la fbf 11 llvl r DatnAV, to a deep dish, add a cnp ot grannlateo sugar ;tOwery quart 05 llqupr, loll te a. syrup and pour ovpr the; plume1; ! : , '''':-1 f. Venison Steaks and Hash. To hash cold venison, cut the meal In nice, : small , -slices and put ; th trimmings, and bones, into a saucepan with barely water enough to covei them.. Let. them stew for n hnnr then strain in liquid Into .a. stew rah, aao, tp.it some bits oi butter, rolled lh flour, and whatever irniW v lafi Pof the venison the-day before. StU In some currant JelVy ahd let it boil up, then put in the meat and; keep il over the fire just ' long : enough tc warm through,. hu$..do po ajlow it.tp oou, as ii readv. . . nas oeen.pnce cooked 1 Venison StealqsCut them from the . :f i t "r. VJ faeuU( j, OCOBUU tlicUl , Wllfl I pepper and salt When tha irMiwn nartnnn nU TTT1 a ... ' has-been well heated 'over a bed of bright coals, grease the bars and lay the steaks upon it Broil them well, turn them once and, take care to save as much of the gravy, as possible. Serve them with some currant, jelly laid on eaclj steak.' Have your plates Warm.: -'.".. : t .-1 . i i,, .v -.-(. ..:, ;. s. i ;. , .White Cake.-; 's-":h i Into a, dish put' pn'e cup pf, sugar and ' one and one-half 'cups of :. .flout sifted ith one' roundlni -teasn'onn ni haklng ppwder Into a.,nesurlng cup mif tha nrhltna n . ... . . ! . i.-, .. ui ,iwu kh8 aaa nut ter till the cup is half full and then flint full :or sweet' milk; Beat -five mfnutes and: bakes ia' a'.loat thilt 't moderate oven. I fros.tr .It . wlh : the V v JVltkO. UCttteil. Qei .. BQQ . .120116 C" tlonera', hsugaf andr4 IHtlt vanilla til) ' iwo .jruiKa Deaien, tnen add .confec U ' ! . : J. : .f .T . " i. i .S'X aaa .-. JiuJ -vit: T Teu rr"L "A eggfl' two- iniros ot a cup or milk, two cups, flour, o ai,d, one-half teaspoons . bakjng powder.-Beat all together:, than : aa toldlng; lh. the whlteel' of.' three' ua r u., rrosi. wita copked.chocc-, late frbstlnr.' mnrta n:fniir,,o. -n- '.I cups-powdered : sugar- one :cupn)llliL Boil-.nntiI.it. atrin. ...i jJ.r 1 SDOOns Cf COCOa find lira iuin:..'..'.. we7t7bd ' 0 " l .., I I il J ... . A' . iuj ....... i i.,;v . Baked. Onlpha In . fiameklrta.' v Peel : and I partolll 12s ttolium'-Bized onions: drain: chnn i wi apppM butter; add two tobtMpobni IndSr" eaSJf C taWespbohe eoft: brtkdnCb. S .tAblespoom chpp'pepae BoVfl mlnuteaj add: 6ne and; th. popped fjfo , if u jwiHma oi, twq . .eggs,, beaten "3 buttereA, ramekin. 20l&ute7 n;:i "fliuivwivuii..uw. Serbia Semester: K. :.Tik i ior t dermal work offered. New classes fanize ajcredita given." tc- ,n.rif Summer Tetlh'."- .. jS.orma.iworit onerea. mew classes organized. Normal credits given, f! Methods of teaching elementary sub Ijerts'ofrades One to Eight, mclus , lve, - emphasized. Courses in rural school methods and management of Iere ' " "". T 1 1 rt- 1 T,T 1 Ink Do yon want to Uarn'iopiay FIano, iPrganyiqljnof puitar.. .JFor-a small ' sum w will teach you ' ' , '" . ij.. vi. k' " 2. f'C'y.C i AT PQIflE. lTR. j ,'W:play fpjrth grado musiq; -Mgardleu . ot Dumber of lessons. . requlrad Any oiie who can - read can' learn "by our method. -"'-' ',' j it .-. ...... . .- t ; - and most UO-td-datS s'Tstem In' ziat- ence. W loan yon a perfect1 'Time r beater,' free; ; . WtiUrfor particulara. ' Am6t;i ScKoBl; phasic ' L ;j516r5l7 Commonwealth Bldar. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR il U h'-Re&ittMbto DANDRUFF Glrlal Try . HI,; Hh flets ao;t, fluffy and beautiful Get a 25 cent r !.:.: ) bottle f Oafiderfne. 1f;"'.V fciVrl,;t-.jr,rf r. (,.'c i.lf yotf care for: hearv ialrlfcat xlls-' tenarwltti. beaiifyiand. Js Ta4iinf with lire; has an Incomparable spftness and Is nuffy.an'd liistrbus try 'Danderlne. J Just' bne ' application -doubles the beauty Of troirjhair. besides it lmmn. diately (JiseolyeB i every particle of dandruff. . You can nnt have nlm heavy; ; healthy''' hair: ttityon have dandrufC- This 4e8tr.udtlve. atjurf robs the. hair of its bjstre, itB strength and Its verv 'life "niirt. If nnt ' produces feerlsnness'and rtchine of .I. i . . . . . . . -. . ... . iuo Btnipi me nair roocs-iamisn, loos en and die; then the .hair falls out fast Surfely get a 25-ceht botUe of Knowlton's Danderlne frofliiany drug store and Just try it: A -J H i : r ' ' n ' f' '.' '?ee'nfl the Time.. ' ' Senator Depew, amid his 'memories ot ThankBglvlng,-' Bald :at :Brlar Cliff manor:; ::; j..;: Si:;;:!!i,i - ?l remember a Thanksgiving orator, mi boyhpad In Peekskill, who workexL.the rpmlnlRffnf a iinn tnn ra. HWV WWW ,VI I Blstently. r frIV . .t" r ZZZtJZ.' ucar " ' I IT A ' a-l. .1 ' A. 1 1 - .- . w Bcrju ' tua Lime; mv nenr wviiuw,. . iuu Twiatuir Tsaiu, ; jwuea you Wouldn't : go; Jnto your pujppkiii field .without danger bf. leaving your scalp .UClllliU id. 'I've" seen the time' when tea was 5 a pound! . Tver keen the time when you had to', carry .your gun to churcty for fear of redskins. I've seen the tlme'when ;' - . "At this-point a voice from the gal lery Bhouted: . , .. .:( .,. ii"'And I've seen .the time, when I've looked, at tjie clock.' -U-NeW Orleans States. 5 ' ;.! i i-.i ;..::.. r. -,-': , ...j Plenty to Fall . Back On. . ."I'm afraid my:eyes are going back on me," said the egotist" ... "Don't wony,". replied the modest m,a,; "Yo" .h5:? anJ 1fehauBUble vvtj. wuiuaeo- uecora-iierald. a "tor A v I I I should lnotr ni f lol .11 th; time, ' iNatUre never I intended you to be sickly M 'i CI" , j tun tototivritll pbor Mwr aPPe"te,impertectdiore. tiorL tiAW 'kUZLf. J !. ' , , . , p- , r,.. via mm L a lazy, liver.. : Stir :theA :. - , "f Uiei I - organs to health i ''y th daiiyi:u8fr:ttf - tm 'tl I bbB : sa .ri . ' man th I OSTFTTFR'SI aLi.l:lJ,llM!lili.l.Ji.s,JU , (,lwigbtr bpyBef-cj cost,$fl00.Wf4, i t .- 3 I. ..I k. - ..L'l ' Bervrfirtnfl atolv IfVTC-V iVii '