Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 30, 1914, Image 6

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and Dairy Produce
ef an kinds wanted. Writ for oar
Pearspn-Page Co.
iWAJRI?. t BJ7RTOH- 4myer IM rnsmlst,
Leadvillf, On oriulft Rii. ,A.T
i Uepper, II. Mailing envelope s id full price list
.: . " vuuroj una umpire worssv
iuuerencei Uvbonste National Hank.
Bought aold and exchanged; engines, boilers,
f?ll. tc. Send for Stock List and Prices.
THE J. E. MARTIN CO, 83 1st Su Portland. Or.
Wot son E. Coleman,
intent Lawyer.WasbiDKlon
Bates reasonable Highest references. Best Derrick
Hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m..
ojr appointment
Scientific Treatment of all Acuta and Chronic
Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Suite 1VXJL7
tArcade Building. Seattle.
Look Motherl If tongue Is coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Call
fornla Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Pigs," because In
a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
our bile and fermenting food gently
mores out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take thlB harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep It handy be
cause they know Its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt
and sure.
Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
which contains directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups.
Everybody loves
Do yon want to learn to play Piano,
Organ, Violin or Guitar. For a small
sum we will teach you
to play fourth grade music regardless
of number of lessons required. Any
one who can read can learn by our
and most up-to-date system in exist
ence. We loan you a perfect ""Time
beater" free. Write for particulars.
American School of Music
516-517 Commonwealth Bldg-.
Portland, Oregon. .
$10,000,000 A Year
Wasted On Trusses
How 60 Days' Trial Protects You
Against Throwing Money Away
Away With
Ninety-nine out of every hundred dollars
spent for elastic snd spring trusses might
about aa wall be thrown away.
Close to ten million dollars a year In this
country alone Is practically wasted en such
And sll simply because nine sufferers out of
ten trust to a mere try-on or hasty examination
Instead ot flrst making a thorough teat.
A Mere Try-on Is a Snare
Ton can't possibly tell anything about a
truss or anything else for rupture merely by
trying it on.
A tews or so-called "appliance" may seem
alright st flrst and afterward prove utterly
The only wsy In the world, you can make
sure ef exactly what you're getting Is by
asking a thorough sixty-day test without bav
lag to risk any money.-
The Only Thing Good Enough
To Stand a 60-Day Test
There is only one thing of any kind for
rapture that you can get on sixty-days trial
Only one thing good enough to stand such
long sad thorough test
That Is ear guaranteed rupture heldsr.
WeHl make one especially for your ease
ike It to your measure end let 70s try It
ity days
We'll Dractlcallr land It ta von that !.'
without aaklng you to risk a penny.
It tt doesn't keep your rupture from coming
ewt er bothering you In any way, bo matter
tow hard you work or strain If It doesn't
prove every claim wa mske then you csn
and It back and It won't coat you a single sent.
Made on New Principle
nil guaranteed rupture bolder the fa
smsjs Clothe Automatic Massaging Truss Is
sa atSsvly different from svsrythlng else for
rapture ttst It haa received eighteen separate
patents, it a tar more than lust a truss.
Made ea an absolutely new principle.
arytblng else, it Is aeU-regulaUng,
asm a dj sating Instantly sad automatically pra.
An "Honest" Industry That Doe Big
Business In New York.
"One form of honest graft a hotel
keeper has to fight the hardest in this
town Is 'accidental short changing,' "
said the manager of a very popular
hotel near the Grand Central depot,
famous for Its oyster bar.
"The same sort of 'honest graft' ob
tains at almost every cash changing
place In the city where there Is a net
ting on the cashier's desk to protect
the cash and a lower bar of wood to
hold up the netting or glass screen.
This bar of wood or metal runs across
the hand hole for change. The cash
iers have figured out the angle of vi
sion of all men, short and tall, and
the distance they stand from the desk
to receive their change.
"Say a dollar Is changed to take out
30 cents. The 'accidental short
change' artist will push forward the
70 cents in coin, but his hand will
halt one dime that is hidden from the
angle of vision of the man .getting
change by the line of the bar over
the cash hand hole. If the man Is In
a hurry or absentmlnded he grabs the
change he sees and rushes off without
one dime. Always, stop, stoop and
look if in doubt
"And you would be surprised to
know how much money is left on
cashiers' counters, box offices, sub
way ticket booths and other places.
I'll wager 1100,000 is short changed
annually In New York. They never
call, you back." New York World.
"Pape's Dlapepsln" makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine
In five minutes.
If what you Just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas, and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
in mouth and stomach-headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store.
You realize in five minutes how need
less it is to suffer from indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doc
tor In the world. It's wonderful.
In the Pocket.
A tramp approached an old gentle
man who was reclining in a comfort
able arm-chair on the porch.
"Please help a poor cripple, sir," he
The old gentleman slowly thrust
his hand into his pocket as he gazed
with anxious concern at the Ill-kept
creature standing before him.
"Bless me, why, of course," he said,
as he handed him a coin. "How are
you crippled, my poor fellow?"
Pocketing the money quickly the
tramp replied: "Financially crippled,
sir," Manchester Union.
Mothers wfll flna Mrs. Winnows Soothing
Byrup the best remedy to use fox theiz children
ourlag the teething period.
A college of agriculture costing
$150,000 is to be built In Rhodesia by
the British South Africa company.
' tects you against every strain so yoor rapture
can't possibly be forced out.
And In addition to this constant holding. It
provides the only way ever discovsrsd for
overcoming the veaknesa which la the real
oause of rupture.
Just how It does thst-ntirely automatic
ally la all explained In the free book which
the coupon below will bring you.
No Belt No Leg-Straps No Springs
Does sway entirely with the curse of belts,
leg-straps, snd springs. People who have tried
it say It Is as comfortable as their clothing.
Is water-proof will hold In the bath. Alas
porsplratlon-proof and easily kept clean.
Will Save Ton From Operation
.vThl naranteed rupture holder haa so
800.000 cases that surgeons In the U. 8. Army
and Navy snd physicians In sll parts of the
world now recommend It lnstesd of advising
kn'nV,.!!" ,COInP1tey ,'"'d hundreds and
mo.?'hpol0e...Pe0pU Wh'e -mt1
The Things We Tell in Our Book
' There are so many mistaken Ideas about
rupture that we have taken the time to aunt
up In a book all we have learned during
forty years of experience.
This remsrkable book cloth-bound, 06 pages.
?0',,fptrr' ,nd 23 Pmf'splile lllustratloue
la full of facts never before put In print.
stage''" WUb ruptur ln " ,0"n"
It shows the dangers of operation.
It exposes the humbug "appliances."
"methods," "plasters," etc. "PPaoces,
It shows why wearing elastic or spring
trusses Is almost sure to shorten your life
And It tells sbout the famous Clutha Auto
matic Massaging Truss how simple It is
how It ends coostsnt expense bow you caa
try It sixty days without hsvlng to risk a
penny, knd bow little It costs If yon keep It.
Also gives over 6,000 voluntary endorse
ments from benefited snd cured people.
Send for this book to-dsy don't Dot It off .
the minute It takes to write for it may free
yon from trouble for the rest of your life.
Simply use the eonpon or just say In a latter
"Sand me your book."
1M East Strd St., MEW YORK OTTT
Send toe your Free Book sad Trial Offer.
Articles Needed for Trick Are
Easily Picked Up.
With Little Practice Anyone Can Be
come Skilled Medium It Is Only
Necessary to Move the Table
That Is In Use Slightly.
To swing a pendulum, picked out
from a number of them at random,
without touching it is a very puzzling
trick. The articles necessary are a
medium-sized table and a number of
pendulums, some of which are sus
pended from a rod with their lower
weighted ends Inside of water and
wine glasses placed on the table, and
others attached to corks so that they
will hang inside of bottles.
The spectators gather around the
table, which can be in full light,
writes James A. Hart of Philadelphia
Any One-Pendulum Can Be Made to
Swing at Will by Moving the Table
in the Popular Mechanics. The per
former sits at one side of the table
with his hands flat on the top. A
person may pick out any pendulum
and ask him to swing it, which he
will proceed to do without touching
it, also making it strike the glass
while it swings. Another pendulum
may be pointed out and he will start
that one apparently by looking at it,
while the other one stops.
This may seem to be impossible,
yet it Is very easy. It will be seen
that no two pendulums have the same
length. A pendulum makes a certain
number of swings in a given time, de
pending on its length. A long pen
dulum requires more time to complete
Its swing and will, therefore, make
a less number of swings than a short
one in the same time. It is only nec
essary to move the table slightly and
watch the pendulum picked out until
it begins to swing Independently of
the Others, which soon happens. To
make the longer pendulums swing,
longer movements of the table top
must be made. With a little practice
anyone can become a skilled medium
in pendulum swinging.
Wheel Rolls Round Ends of Magnet
but Does Not Fall Off Puzzling
to the Uninitiated.
A toy that is both amuBlng and of
educational value has been patented
by an Ohio man. A horseshoe maenet
with unusually long poles has the ends
of these poles rounded. A single
wheel, with a round steel bar running
through it for an axle, rests upon this
axle on the poles of the maenet
which form an endless track for it
The wheel, of course, is made light
enough that the attraction of the nine
net keeps it from falling off, yet the
wheel can roll about easily on what
is practically an endless track. To a
cmid this toy brines home more ford
bly than any lecture by his school
teacher the power and principle of
magnetism, and he will delight in
An Educational Toy.
"fooling" his friends with It The un
initiated will naturally expect the
wheel to roll off the arms of the horse
shoe and will be amazed to Bee it
merely roll down the ends and back
on the under Bide.
Danger Not Imminent
"Better go home, Jimmy. Tour
mother Is looking for you."
"Has Bha got the hair brush with
"Then I cness 111 play awhile
Hotel Washington
Wa.hincton Street. Corner of Twelfth.
CIIA3. H. ROW! FY M....
tl.OO. l.f.o K.00 Per Day With Balh Privilege.
-pcria, rcwes 1 y uvek or month.
,h n n rverv room. Sitivln.,.ki. lilH
Not Liberal.
Sims While in Paris I paid five
dollars in tips alone.
Wniter (assisting him on with his
coat) You must have lived there a
good many years, sir!
'.Vi.. s. . f. bus 10 and Iran trains and boats, or take a Depot carta
rEnf Bu European plan. 160 outside room"
r.ripmot Euililinir, modern and clran in every resnecL Hot ami mlH r, i .,.
Without good red blood a man has a weak heart and poor nerves. Thinness of
(the blood, or anaemia. Is common in young folks as well as old. Especially is it
'the case with those who work in illy ventilated lactories-or those who are shut
' ??J2! do0" w'n'w time with a coal stove burning up the oxygen or emlttina
carbonic (oxide) gas. This blood, or blood which lacksthe red blood corpuscles!
in anaemic people may have been caused by lack ol good fresh air breathed Into
lungs, or by poor digestion or dyspepsia. Sometimes people suffer intense
ovcr Vie neart w',,lch 15 not hcart disease at all, but caused by Indigestion.
M.Tcr,hecauw:,,hcre s'ust one medy that you can turn to-knowlntf
that it has given satisfaction tor over 40 years.
Is a Hood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver and stomach Into vigorous
action, it thus assists the Ixx'y to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the
heart-ncrves-bram and organs of the body. The organs work smoothly like
machinery -tinning ! in oil. You feel clean, strong and strenuous Instead of tired,
weak and faint Nowadays you can obtain Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
covery 1 ablets, as well as the liquid form from all medicine dealers, or tablets
by mail, prepaid In $1 or 50c sue. Adress R. V. Pierce, M. D Buffalo, N. Y.
DR. PIKenK'K cue it inna PAfin mncTDiTcn mum. ..
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath Candy Cathartic. ,
No odds how bad your liver, stom
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels you always get
relief with Cascarets. They imme:
diately cleanse and regulate the stom
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con
stipated waste matter and poison
from the intestines and bowels. A
10-cent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stomach sweet and bead clear for
months. They work while you sleep.
Modern Artificial Teeth.
Until a little more than a century
ago humanity had to rub along with
out false teeth, of which nowadays
one firm alone sells more than, 12,000,-
000 a year. One of the first success
ful makers was Glussepangelo Fonzi,
an Italian dentist, who began practice
in Paris in 1798, and, thanks to his
skillful treatment of Luclen Bona
parte, soon made his way. After years
of experiment he discovered the sub
stance from which artificial teeth are
made and received the gold medal of
the French Academy of Science. One
of the earliest persons fitted with
false teeth was the Empress of Russia.
After Waterloo Fonzi emigrated to
London and then to Madrid, where
Ferdinand VII rewarded him with a
yearly pension of 1000 ducnts for a
set of false teeth. London Echo.
Yon Can Get Allen'? foot-Ease FREC.
Write Aliens. Olmsted, Roy, N. Y., for a
;roe sample of Allen's Knot-liase. It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight shoes easy. A certain euro lot
nuns. iiiLTowIng nails ami bunions. All drug
justs sell it. i!oo. Don't accept any substitute
The petroleum Industry of the Unit
ed States has more than trebled in
five years.
All El
sod Disorders
Quickly Driven toy
As.onisSs.csg Results With . the Blood
Purifier Ever Discovered.
Strength, Power, Accomplishment are all Typified In S. S. S.
eome diooq disorders become
looted In the glands and tissues, and the
mistake Is made of resorting to drastic)
drugs. These only aggravate by causing
other and worse troubles. A host of peo
ple know this to be true. Ther know
from painful experience.
To get light down Into where, the tilmA
Is vitiated requires 8. B. B. the greatest
blood purifier ever discovered.
This remarkable remedy contains on
Ingredient, the active purpose of which Is
to stimulate the tissues to the healthy
election of Its own essential nutriment
snd the medicinal elements of this match
less blood purifier are just as essential to
well balanced-health as the nutritious
elements of the meats, grains, fats and
sugars of our dally food.
Not only this, but If from the oressnce
M soma disturbing poison there Is a local
or general Interference of nutrition to
cause bolls, carbuncles, abscesses and
kindred troubles, B. 8. 8. so dlreots the
sola that this no loon U rsjsotad svad
Save Kales for One or Two Persons In a Booss
Portland, Oregon.
11.59. 12.00 and f-'.SO Per !) With Prl. ,t. n.,a
1 n 1 . 7; ... wia
Blank Meter.
"Who is that man over there the
one counting his fingers?''
"That's Blobbs, the poet. But he
isn't counting his fingers; he's count
lng his feet." Judge.
Could Ride in State.
Knight of the Road I wish I vui
ln Mexico, Bill.
Ills Squire What for?
Knight of the Road Oh, Just to get
me transportation buck ez an Ameri
can citizen. Puck.
or experiment with freak trusses
lta expensive and dangerous. No
matter how severe or long standing
your rupture, we can lit a truss to
suit either by mail or in person;
satisfaction nuaiantceil. Dr. Pan
tcr's free book tells all, aend NOW
509 Journal Bldg., Portland, Ore.
uui ur iuwn
onn receive prompt trwit
tnnTfl of Mnn-Poiionow,
Health-ball ding rmdli
the Chinese doctor,
onoe moro if yon have been doetnrlng with
this one and that one nnd have not odtained per.
nianent relief. At this uruut nnturo healer diss
nwie jour caw and prmcrlim somo remedjr vhew
action is quick, sum and safe His prescriptions
are compounded from Knots, llerhs, Kuds snd
Bark; that hnvo boon Knthnred from everr quar
ter of the ulobe. Thu neiTctK of thaw medicine
are not known to thooutniile world, hut hsve heee
handed down from father to sou in the physicians'
families in China.
fnVQlTT T1TTOW rarn
1flll..l.f,. A . .. . S
..... . niiutwimi.raii, write rov
symptom blank and circular, enclosing i oenta la
162J First St., Cor. Morrison
Portland, Oregon.
P. N. U.
NO. 1, 'U..
YyHEN writing to advertisers, please men
tion this paper.
eliminated from their presence.
'lhen, too, 8. 8. 8. has such speolflsj
stimulation on these local cells as to prsv
serve their mutual welfare and props
relative assistance to each other.
In very brief time 8. 8. 8. has the
reconstructive process so under control
that remarkable changes are obseved. All
eruptive places heal, mysterious pains and)
aches have disappeared, and from head t
foot there Is a conscious sensation of rar
newed health.
From the fact that 8. B. 8. is purely
a botanical preparation, it Is accepted by
the weakest stomach and has great tonla
influence. Not one drop of drugs op
minerals Is used ln Its preparation. Ask
for 8. 8. S. and Insist upon bavins; It,
And If you desire skillful advice upon any
matter concerning the blood and skin
writ to The Swift Speclflo Co., 10 Swift
Bldg, Atlanta, Go. Do not allow Bom
sealous clerk to larrup the atmosphere b
eloquence over something MJust as good1
m S. fi. 8. Beware of all counterfeit i
' '- i " iS ,,; ijj