wim'.'wi j.wi. v vimvKrt.ivmMt'm wswwwt, gamy w .iimjmwi I'ft7i&iyi7if'l READY TOR THERE are those among us who see nothing Idealistic about the snow. The varied and ex luislte forms assumed by the , frost particles on crystalllza . tion, revealed In their fullest beauty beneath the lens, are lost to their un appreciative vision. To them "the fleecy snow" and "the beautiful snow" are absurdities The only form of enow-Inspired poetical effort that ap peals to them ia the parody, "The snow, the snow the beautiful snow, The more you don't want it the more It won't go." is not meaningless to them, for they are the men who must battle with It. Such, for Instance, is the railroad man in any part of Uncle Sam's wide domain In which the ice king disputes his sovereignty. The- Dakotas, Minne sota and northern Iowa are favorite hauntB of the wayward monarch, and In those regions It is that he holds some of his-most fantastic revels., The wind swept prairies of Kansas and Nebras ka, level as a table for great distances, are often difficult to manage In mid winter, but they do not possess the essentials of a great snow country. The general contour of Minnesota and Dakota Is rolling, so that on most of the railroad lines there are many cuts, ten to the mile In some places. This is the Ideal spot for the snow block ade, and for six or seven months of the year an almost ceaseless battle Is going on. Every railroad traversing these re gions Is equipped with a large force of snow fighters. Nowadays rotary snow plows in the hands of men who know how to operate them can cut their way through drifts that In the early days of railroading would have established a complete blockade. The rotary plow Is one of the marvels of the age. It Is a liberal education In the business of snow fighting to watch one of them eating; its way through an apparently insurmountable drift that threatens to cut off all communi cation between tb.e Atlantic and Pa cific northern terminals. Menace to Railroading. ' There are several passes In , the great divide region ' of the Rocky mountains which for about half of the year offer a constant menace to rail roading in their vicinity. The snow . begins to fall late In August or early In September, and It continues until well Into May and sometimes June. There are also Intermittent snowfalls during the summer, but not enough to make serious trouble. .The great falls art during January and February. The roads that croBs the great di vide must expend enormous sums In their annual conflict with the snow. Special crews are provided for this -work, and special engines are held in reserve to be put behind the snow '.plows as needed. "Before the rotary was invented the man with the shovel -was the sole dependence. In the early days of the transcontinental, railroad, . thousands of laborers were kept on the pay rolls simply as snow shovelers. The snow sheds erected hy these lfnes have cost a mint of money. The wind swept stretches of Wyoming and oth er states are guarded by wind breaks consisting of high fences' built across the most exposed points.- These . fences seem to be fragile barriers against such a mighty foe as the snow king, but they serve their purpose ad mirably, frequently preyentlng a blockade. I In spite of the greatly Improved SLRVTCX methods of snow fighting, blockades are still of frequent occurrence on these mountain roads. It is not at all unusual In Colorado and Wyoming for a train to be stalled between stations for hours and perhaps for days. Those who have had experiences of this kind do not wax enthusiastic over them. Sometimes provisions are lacking, and the luckless passengers are In actual danger of starving. In these lonely stretches there is not a ranch for miles. As a rule the roads take 'ex traordinary precautions against block ades of this description, for in several cases large damages have been col lected by the victims. Great Mass of Whiteness. The huge snowdrifts ' that some times rise In a single night are fre quently tent 20 or even 30 feet in height. To one who sees such an ac cumulation of snow for the first time it seems Impossible that any plow, even the most improved rotary, can penetrate it. With a rush and a plunge the great plow is hurled Into the mass of frigid whiteness. Black clouds of smoke pour from the en gines, and the huge blades of the ro tary begin to eat into the drift. The snow shoots out of the orifice at the side of the plow. As It is distributed It forms an immense white semi-circle which is constantly moving on ward, showing the progress of the plow. , Slowly the rotary excavates its way forward, and finally the plow and its engines are burled in a trench of white. Only the smokestacks can be seen, and they coLtluue to belch forth inky clouds that settle in a coat of smudge upon the - snow-field. The great white semi-circle moves steadily onward, and In the course of time it becomes apparent that the drift is be ing conquered. It is eventually over come, and the passengers on the reg ular express train which passes that way a few hours later knows nothing of the snow battle that has made their further progress possible. They may discover that they are moving rapidly through a narrow canyon whose walls are snow, but they do not realize the mighty force that has enabled them to cross the ridge of the continent It is the element of the unexpected that sometimes adds largely to the se riousness of these occasions. At the passes over the great divide adequate provision against trouble has been made, and long blockades are few. Now and then, however, word comes that a train has not been able to force its passage through a snow accu mulation 100 miles or more from tho nearest rotary plow. Then there is consternation indeed. To get a plow to the blockaded train will take time, but It must be done. In the meantime the drift may be growing on the un used road, and each hour Is bringing fresh menaces to railroad men and passengers alike. When a rotary plow Itself Is caught in a snow blockade the situation be comes even more complicated. Such Instances are rare, but it has hap pened. Such a thing can only be pos sible through the carelessness of some workman, for a rotary plow with suf ficient power behind It can eat its way through a drift of almost any dimen sions. Use Methods of the Past. India's methods of storing grain are still very ancient and Inadequate. The first modern grain elevator In all that great peninsula Is yet to be finished in the Punjab province. TO HAVE SUCCESS WITH CAKE Little Things That the Cook Must Remember While In Course of Preparation. 1. When preparing your cake tin, always grease It first, and then line It with paper. Some people grease the paper, but this is a mistake. Others grease the tin and put no paper, but this Is equally bad, for It nearly al ways causes the cake to burn. 2. Beginners - sometimes slip Into the error of thinking that a cake will not rise unless It Is put Into a very fierce oven. This Is quite wrong, for the 'fierce heat only hardens the out Bide, and makes it Impossible tor the Inside to swell properly. 3. In order to test the heat of the oven, put in a piece of white kitchen paper and let It stay for a couple of minutes. If the paper Is only warmed, and not colored at all, the oven 1b too cool for the average of cakes; there should be Just heat enough to make the paper curl up a little and go slight ly brown at the edges. CODFISH AND RICE TOGETHER New Method of Preparing Meal That Is Such a Universal Favorite. Prepare the rice by covering a quar ter cupful with two cups cold water. Put over the fire, stirring occasionally while heating to prevent sticking. Boil five minutes, drain on a sieve and rinse with cold water. This makes the rice beautifully white and clear, with the grains separate. Return to the fire In a double boiler, add one and a quarter cups milk, and one cup salt codfish, previously soaked over night Cook until the rice is nearly done and the milk absorbed. Put in a baking dishing, adding one-half cup white sauce; Sprinkle with bread crumbs, add bits of butter, and bake about 20 twenty minutes, or until brown on top and well heated through. Make the white sauce thus: Melt In a saucepan one tablespoon butter, add one table spoon flour; mix to smooth paste, add gradually half cup milk. TIDY BUREAU DRAWER A tidy top drawer is not an im possibility, In spite of the fact that all the little odds and ends of one's toil ette are kept there to be easily got at But they are generally in a ra ther stirred-up condition. To achieve neatness, one woman took some very thin boards and concerted her top drawers, by their use, Into compart ments to suit the various articles she keeps in them, thus doing away with many covered boxes and holders for gloves and handkerchiefs. The illus tration shows a drawer divided thus Into compartments. If nice smooth wood is not to be had for the purpose, cardboard boxes, without covers, and Fastened into place by thumb-tacks, Dr even pins, will insure the wished (or tidiness and convenience in select ing the articles wanted. , Bancroft Pudding. Cream four tablespoons butter and one cup sugar and add - one well beaten egg. Sift one and one-half cups flour with one-half teaspoon salt ind one teaspoon baking powder. Add one-half cup of flour, to the first mix ture, and beat thoroughly, then add the rest of the flour anc" one-half cup of milk, alternately. . Finally beat one-quarter square chocolate into the batter and bake 30. minutes in a mod erate oven. Sauce Beat two- eggs until very light, then add one cup of confec tioner's sugar and one cup of thick cream. Beat until the whole is the consistency of whipped cream, i Sour Milk Pie. . One cup of thick sour milk, one cup of raisins chopped fine, one cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, one egg, one cracker rolled fine, one tea Bpoon cinnamon, one-half clove. Put on stove to thicken. Makes two pies. Buttered Beets. Boll beets the same as usual. When done, peel and chop up with a knife, put on lots of butter, pepper and salt and a little sugar. Serve hot. Hope some one will try this. They are fine and a change from sliced beets. Chocolate Doughnuts. One cup sugar, two eggs, butter size of walnut, one cup sour milk, one teaspoonful soda In milk, two tea spoonfuls cocoa, one teaspoonful vanilla, three cups flour, salt Drop from teaspoon into hot fat and roll in sugar while warm, if desired. A Girl's Mistake. "I'm sorry I cut that young bank clerk on the street yesterday." "Why so, Marie T" "Today I had a check to cash at his hank, and he failed to know n" 1 TAKE PLACE OF MEAT NOURISHING AND CHEAP MEALS MADE OF NUTS. Turkey Roast One of the Most Ap proved Methods of Serving Them Meat Loaf Also Is an Excel lent Recipe. Nut Turkey Roast Thoroughly wash one cupful of German lentils and soak over night. The next morn ing boil slowly until tender, then run through a colander. Add one-halt cupful of chopped walnut meats, one well-beaten egg, a quarter cupful ol minced onion and one cupful of minced celery thai; have been browned to gether In a little olive oil. Add salt and sage to season and thicken with bread crumbs. Dip thin slices of bread In a mixture of one egg and a cupful of milk beaten together. Now in a well buttered casserole or baking pan make alternate layers of the two mix tures. Surround with any dressing preferred and" bake from forty to sixty minutes in a moderate oven. Nut Meat Loaf. One-half cupful of chopped or ground pecans, one-half cup of walnut meats, one cupful oi dry bread or cracker crumbs, two eggs and one tablespoonful of melt ed butter. Wet the crumbs with milk, and as the crumbs soak ad more milk If necessary. It should be a little too thick to run. Butter well a small bread pan. , Turn In the mixture after stirring well and cover with dots of butter. Bake In the oven a half hour. Cut In slices and serve hot. The next day slices can be covered in thick ened and strained Juice from a can of tomatoes and fried. Served with creamed potatoes meats a good com bination. All walnut meats make a roast a trifle dry, but can be used if pecans are too expensive. Nut and Vegetable Roast Take cooked beans or peas, press through a colander to remove the skins and mix with an equal quantity of finely chopped nut meats. Season to taste and put one-half the mixture in a but tered baking dish. Spread over it a dressing made in this wise: Take four slices ,of zwieback and pour boiling water over It to cover. Let stand ten or twelve minutes, break up with a fork and pour over It one-half cupful of sweet cream. Season with salt, a bit of pepper and, if liked, a touch of sage. Cover the dressing with the re mainder of the nut mixture, pour over all one-half cupful of cream and bake slowly an hour and a half In a moder ate oven. Serve In slices with cran berry sauce. The Delineator. Fried Tomatoes. Wash and wipe ripe tomatoes. Cut in three or four slices. Dip into flour which has been seasoned with salt and pepper. Fry In fat (bacon fat la best) until brown on both sides. Have a little milk heating and when the to matoes have been taken out pour Into the fat, and when boiling thicken with a little flour mixed in cold water. Poui this gravy over the tomatoes. Apple Cream. Peel good -stewing apples, cut in quarters and cook. Stew in sugar sirup, keeping , them whole. Skim out into a glass dish and let the sirup cook down until there is very little. This will jelly if apples are the right kind for stewing. Pour this over the apples, let them chill, and then heap sweetened whipped cream over them and serve. Polnsetta Salad. Peel small tomatoes and cut in eighths, lengthwise, but do not sep arate sections at end. Open like flow ers on bed of lettuce. In the center of each pile a teaspoon of cream cheese that has been put through a coarse strainer. Serve with salad dressing, to which has been added one teaspoon each of finely chopped green pepper, parsley and chives. . Cornmeal Gems. Two cups cornmeal, one cup flour, one. cup cold milk, three eggs, two teaspoons melted butter, one teaspoon salt, two teaspoons baking powder. Put the cornmeal into bowl, add boil ing milk, in which the butter has been molted, and beat well; add the cold milk and well-beaten eggs and salt; mix well together. Sift the baking powder and flour, add slowly and mix lightly. Have gem pans very hot and well greased. This amount makes two dozen. Lima Bean Salad. Drain the Juice from a can of lima hnans. Dour a CUD of bolllnir nfm over them and drain again. Chill, dress with French dressing, place on tender leaves of lettuce and sprinkle lightly with grated horseradish. Baked Apples. Select apples of uniform size, wash, core, arange in baking dish and fill the cavities with sugar, butter and spices, or with plain sugar, as pre ferred. Bake and serve with whipped TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR 8TOPS FALLING Save your Halrl Get a 25-cent bottle of Danderlne right now Also stops Itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. There Is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of Its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight now any time will surely save y8ur hair. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will Just try a little Danderine. Save your hairl Try it! Plausible. "The trouble with this tooth," said the dentist, probing it with a long, slender instrument, "Is that the nerve It dying." "It seems to me, doctor," groaned the victim, "you ought to treat the dying with a little more respect." Midnight Son. , "There's nothing new under the sun," said the ready-made philosopher. "No," replied the patron of cafes and musical comedies, "nor under the electric lights, either, for that matter." Baltimore American. A Happy New Year A Being happy is the se cret of being well, look ing well and feeling well. Start the New Year right, by resolving to assist the Stomach, Liver and Bowels in their daily work by use of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It tones, strengthens and invigorates ' the entire system. Try a bottle today I A Flattering Fear. "I'm afraid we made a mistake send in' that man to Congress," said Farm er Corntossel. "But you can't hold him responsible for the delay in legislation." "I dunno 'bout that. He's such a fascinatin talker, I'm afraid they're keepin up the argument fur the sake of hearin' him orate." Free to Our Readers Write Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48-page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advlsa as to the Proper Application of the Murine Eye Remedies In Your Special Case. Yonr Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 60c Try It In Your EjeB and in Uaby's Eyes lo Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. . Peanut Candy Put 2 cups of sugar into a smooth frying pan and stir with the bowl of a spoon till melted, keep ing the spoon flat. As soon as the sugar is all melted, remove from the fire and stir in 1 cup of chopped pea nuts. When It begins to stiffen, pour upon the bottom of an Inverted pan, shape with knives, and cut into small squares. Oregon Agricultural College. Marseilles plans to spend more than $6,000,000 to . demolish Its ancient slums and replace them with modern highways. Putnam Fadeless Dyes color in cold water. His View. "They say that women have no sense of humor." "Well, It's a good thing." "How so?" "If a woman laughed heartily 1 it would endanger every button on these tight gowns." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets' regu late and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. Satisfied With What He Had. "I have invented a typewriter that you can carry in your coat pocket May I show It to you?" . "No I have a typewriter that I carry in my limousine and I'm satis fied." Chicago Record-Herald. Consumption causes one-seventh of all the deaths In the worl d. Btil Gcmfh Syria, IvAm Oood. CH ia tlrnt, told by DniirliU. C2