Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 30, 1914, Image 4

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    Lincoln County Leader
COLLINS & HAYDEX, Publishers
One Year - f 1 60
Six ?itoutli8 - 75
Tline Montis - - 6U
Cotreil l the fnntollice t loletlo, Oregon.
wxil.iin Ini-? n all matter.
Itinpliiy, JP cents per inch per iwne.
I.othI Binl KesiHni; Ktiliriw, 6c per line.
Jfoticei f or HkIh, WhiiIbiI, Etc., live line or
nnito' ''if. per inane; 50e per month,
flnmeiitt-i.d Notices, IS: 'l imber Notices, HO,
Circuit Court
February Term
The Circuit Court for thi3 county
convened today for the adjourned
August terra end Monday morning
will convene for the recular Feb
Tusrv term. The docket is the
JnrccEt ever, ttero being 90 cases
T ie following is the complete list
ji cares, names of the attorneys
tnd the cause of action:
Minerva J. Kriger-McFadden &
Clark vs. Jennie . Stull and Joel
Stull. Action.
Geo. Weatherby-C. E. Hawkins
V3. Msraerct A. J. Johnson. Suit.
Willaniina State Rank-Hawkins
& Meduskey vs. E. T. Kaboir. Ac
tion. Walker & Ltbow-Hawkins & Mc-rii"tl-'c.v
vs. William Jorgensun.
John Harra--W. fE. Gwynn vs.
Gto. T. Eglin. Action.
John W. Furley-Sweeks.Fouts &
jShelton vs. Samuel Olson G. B. Mc
c s-ev. Suit.
" The Pacific Company, a cornora-tlon-Abel
& Burnett vs. Wellington
"Wright. Action.
Gertrude Harris- McFadden &
ClsrV vs. L. E. Harris. Divorce.'
Fidelity Trust Co.. a Corp-ration-Tlatt
& Fl'att vs. Mury E. Thomp
son, et al,-T. H. Ward. . Suit.
H. F. Nulton-G. B. McCluskey vs.
Lincoln County Fair Associaticn.
H. A. Schlecht-G. B. McCluskey
s, H. M. Chitwocd. Action.
Theodore Knudson-Arthur Lanp-
guth vs. F. W. Carson, et al-Uawk
ins & McCluskey. Action.
Tlipnilnrn Knndsnn-ArthurJl.nncr
cuth vs. John Rattey-Hawkins &
.. jMcCluEkty. Action.
Theodoie Knudson-ArthurTLang
cuth vs.F. Graham, et al-Hawkins
& McCluskey. Action.
Frances Crafts-J. F. Stewart and
M. V. Weather foid vs. Josephus
Crafts. Divorce.
Bank of Oregon-Leon W. Behr
tnan vs. Oregon Coast Timber Co
' Jeorge I. Brooks. Suit.
W. M. Dodson & E E. Cook
, Hawkins & McCluskey vs. A. Kang
i er. Action.
L: H. Evens, et al-Hawkins
McCluskey vs. Henry Bobell-J. F
' Stewart. Action.
Herman Folmsbee-J. F. SUwart
and M. V. Wiatherford vs. Addie
Folmstee. Divorce.
H. Reber, et al-J. F. Stewart vs
C. C. McBnde-Arthur Clark. Ac
City cf Newport-Woodcock
Smith & Bryson v. Maggie S. Uhl
J. F Stewart. Weatherfoid i
Weatherford. Action.
E. C. Faine-W. E. Gwynn vs
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Co
Weatherford & Weatherford and J
'. F. Stewart. Action.
" F. M. Honkins-W. E. Gwynn vb
W. G. McAllister-Hawkins & M.
Clvskcy. Action.
Seymour J. Robb-Kawkins & Mc
Cluskey vs. Fir & Spruce Lumber
Corppany-Weherford & Weather
lord. Adicn.
, Clayton Pond-McFadden & Clurk
vs. John Kcntta-Hawkinh & Mc
Cluskey. Action.
R.'N. WarneC-G. B. McCluskey
" vs. Lillian & Frank Smith and Jas
' Hearden. Suit.
F. Fruct-Hawkins & McCluskey
. v.s. Emil Leckband, et al. Suit.
Shute Savings Bank-Bagley and
Hare va 0. C. Wright, et al. Suit.
William F. Parry-W. L Cooper
& J. F. Stewart vs. Z. C. Copeland,
etal.-llawkins & McCluskey. Suit.
0. 1. Frisby-J. F. Stewart vs. J.
A. Hunt, et al. Suit.
!. E. S Ward-Lester W. Humphreys
vs. K. A. Durkia. Suit. .. .J
We have the Agency
For Linculu County and will demonstrate its Dower
and advantages in clearing land at any time where we
can get the Farmers interested. We w ill give Jnotice
at what dates we will demonstrate at different places
later on. 2
We Claim
We Claim that this Vnachine will pull as much a any stump
. puller on the market.
We Claim that one man on the handle can pull mere than any
one horse on a horse power stump puller with ,equal ,
We Claim that n woman can pull more with this machine on
a straight line without any blocks than any team of
hsrsss in the country can pull on a straight line with
out any blacks.
We Claim that two men with two blocks can pull a fir stump
three feet at the cut off if it is cut eiht feet from
the ground and from hard clay ground, and even
larger from looso sandy soil.
We Claim that one man with a double block can pull a cedar
stump three feet at the cut off cut of hard ground
on hilltop in five minute3 in one piece and without'
touching the stump but to put the cable around it.
Toledo, Oregon
Does a General
A Inert B. Ferrera-H7ei Fitz-
water and Hawkins & McCluskey
vs. George Weathcrby. Suit.
James Hiland-Hawkins & Mc-
Clvkcy vs. F. M. Reader,- et al.
Suit. '
Marie Payne-Weatherford &
Weatherford vs. Henry T. Curl, et
al. Action. .SS'--
George R. Epperson-W. D. Free
man vs. Uceanside Investment Go.,
a corporaticn-C. Everett Baker.
Suit. . . .." (test
0. I. Frisby-J. F. St wart s.
H. Tyskiewiex. Suit.
Newton & Nye-Hawkins & Mc
Cluskey vs. John and Mildred Ebbe.
C. L. Green-J. F. Stewart vs,
John and Mildred Ebbe, Suit.'
State Land Board-Hawkins &
McCluskey vs. Louis T. Thompson
Suit. -,lfMf fettgj
Sara Crahen-Hawkins & McClus
key vs. E. G. Ebers. Suit.
William Muckey-McFadden
Clark vs. Commission of the Port
of Toledo-Hawkins & McCluskey
and Weatherford & Weatherford
Virginia Ann Grames, et al,-C.
W. Corby vs. Consolidated Timber
Company. Suit.
A. J. Be wlev-M asters, Br ice &
Masters vs. F. B. Redsacker. Suit
Iherisia Snuth-G. B. McCluEkey
vs. ueorge H. Smith. Suit.
John Uluila-Hawkins & McClus-
:y ye. Jo'.:n Kentta. Action.
Matt Khita-G. B. McCluskey vs.
John Kentta. Action,
Douglas Creditors Association, a
corporatlcn-Buchanon & Potter and
Hawkins & McCluskey vs. Mrs. N.
J. Fogarty. Action.
Philomath State Bank, a corpor
ation C. W. Davis vs. F. C. Denier
C. G. Roe-Hawkins & McCluskey
vs. John Q. Post, et al. Suit.
C. G. Roe Hawkins & McCluskey
vs. R. C. Burnett, et al. Suit.
L. F. Parsons-Hawkins & Mc
Cluskey vs. Charles U. Huxford.
Samuel McClintock-Hawkins &
McCluskey Vs. G. I. Walters. Suit.
Banking Business
Time Deposits
Lexington Realty Company-Haw
kins & McCluskey vs.' Joseph Ap
polonio, et al. Suit.
Samuel McClintock-Hawkins &
McCluskey vs. C. E. Mitchell, et al.
Suit. i
L. F. Parsons-Hawkins & Mc
Cluskey vs. Kate Shuck, etal. Suit.
C. G. Roe-Hawkins & McCluskey
vs. F. M. Frew. Suit.
Samuel McClintock-Hawkins &
McCluskey s. John A. Hutching.
Suit. . ... .
Samuel McClintock-Hawkins &
McCluskey vs. J. W. Belles, et al.
tsamuel McClintock-Hawkins &
McCluskey vs. C. B. Crosno. et, al,
Lexington Realty Company-Haw
kins & McCluskey vs. M. M. Abbot.
et ai. suit
C. G. Roe-Hawkins & McCluskey
vs. j. c;. a i tree, etal. Suit.
bamuel McClintock-Hawkins &
McGlUBkey vs. 0. R. Altree, et al
Lexington Realty Comnanv-Haw
kins & McCluskey vs Mary Stouder.
Heirs of
Cutler-Sibley AEakinvs
Jim Warner, deceased
John A. Carson anrl Ttms. Rrnum
J. F. Stewart vs. John T. Porter.
P. X. Johnson-Hawkins' & Mc-
uusKey vs. J. P. Cauthorn. Suit.
R. L Sabin-Hawkins & McClus
key and Sidney Teiser vs. E. D.
Brigham. Actkn.
Mary E. Eatchmao-Gwynn &
Clark vs. Wm. J. Batchman. Di
vorce. SuBan S. Burrows-Gwvnn & Clark
vs. John Buckley, Jr, et al. Suit.
B. A. Fielding-Hawllns & Mc
Cluskey vs. Mary A. Fielding. Di
vorce. Albert Hill-Hawkins & McClus
key vs. Hilma Hill. Divorce.
C. H. Wlnter-Gwynn & Clark v.
Yaquina Bay Lumber Co.-Hawkhns
& McCluskey, J. F Stewart.
S. G. Irvin-Hawklns & McCluskey
ve. Lena M. Graves, et U -Suit.
Eddie Charley-Hawkins & Mc
Cluskey v. Sadie Charley. Divorce.
W. A. Williams-Joseph Mannix
vs. S. A. DeVaney-Gwynn & Clark.
R. D. Burgess-Hawkins & Mc
Cluskey vs. Mary Burgess. Di
Geneva Wollan-Joseph Mannix
v?. Martn Wollan. Divorce.
Lora Robinson-Joseph Mannix vs.
William Robinson. Divorce.
J. N. Hulit-McNary. Smith &
Shields Hawkins & McCusksv V3.
A. Wendelin. Action.
Otto L. Holgate-Gwynn & Clark
ve. Lincoln County, et al.-J. F.
Stewart. Action.
Edward T. Price-T. H. Ward.
Clark & Clark vs. J. R. Keep. C.
A. Keep and E L Deveraux. Suit.
E. B. Shumway-Gwynn & Clark
vs. F. W. Carson, et ux. Suit.
Anna K. Pearce-Gwynn & Clark
vs. Win. Matthews-J. F. Stewart.
Seymour H. Bell L. W. Behrman
vs. James B. Friar, et al. .Suit.
W. R. Hinshaw-W. L. Tooze, Jr.
vs. G. Palmer. Action.
Seymour H. Bell-L. R. Behrman
ve. Curts 0. Tennis, et al. Suit.
T. J. Smith-Jcseph Mannix vs. H
D. Blakely and John Loomis, admin
istrator of the estate of- L. W
Taft, Partners doing business as
Blakely & Taft. Action.
Western State Barrk-Haw kins &
McCluskey vs. E. W. Morrison and
Fannie Morrison. Suit.
Salinda Spraggings-Gwynn &
Clark vs. Allen Spraggings. Di
vorce. W. B. Ste.vart-Sv.eek & Shelton
vs. P. M. Abbey. et al. Action.
In the Circuit Court of the"Stae
of Oregon, for the county of Lin
coln. Clarinda Copeland, plaintilT,
Peter Collins and Ada Collins,
his wife, and Lincoln County Bank,
a corporation, defendants.
By virtue of ah execution and
order of sale issued out of the
above entitled Court in the above
entilted action to mc directed and
dated the 2d day of January, A.
D., 1914, in favor of Clarinda
Copeland and against the above
named defendants, for the sum of
$833.01, with interest thereon at
the rate of per cent per annum
from the 11th day cf August, A.
D.. 1913, and a further sum of
$85.00 attorney's fees, and 517.00
costs and costs of this writ com
manding me to sail the following
described real property situate in'
Lincoln county, Oregon, as follows,
tow it: WJ of NE.i of SEJ and
NWi of E and Lot 3 of Section
21, Township 8 south of Range 11
wsst of the Willamette Meridian
in Lincoln county. Oregon.
Mow, therefore, in compliance
with the demands of said execu
tion and order of sale I will on Sat
urday, the 31st day of January, A.
D , 1914) at 1 o'clock p. m. et the
front door of the County Court
house, in the City of Toledo. Lin
coln county, Oregon,, sell to the
highest bidder for cash, all the
right, title and interest of the
above named defendants in the
above named action; in the above
described property to satisfy said
execution and order of sale, in
trest, costs and accruing costs.
Bert Geer,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Dated this 2d day of Jan. 1914.
Date of first publication Jan 2,
1914. Date of last publication,
Jan. 30, 1914.
Nothing but well ecasoEetl
wood delivered
Prompt Delivery
One of the be3t boats on the Bay
for sale. Fully equipped; with
boHthouse. Call at this office.
Ml SU!
Premiums Free!
With all Cash Purchases and Cash Paid cn Tl irty-Eay Accounts.
Call and inspect them.
Velvet Rugs
42-Piece Dinner Sets
Large Gold Oval Mirrors
Mantle Clocks
The Premium List Gees
Our Motto: Quick Sales
.Gardner &. Peterson'-
Dealers In
Builders' Hardware, - - Sporting Goods.
Tin and Granite Ware
Aluminum (Guaranteed for 15 years)
Plumbers' Supplies
Cook Stoves, , Heating Stoves. Steel Ranges
Plows, Harrows. Wagons.
Get My Prices
Antl be Convinced that you can Save Mone by btrying yonr Groceries,
Dry Goods, Notions, Graniteware, Crockery, Floor nd Feed at the
The White Comer Store
Store Open at all Hours. Both 'Phones. City Delivery
Salem- Beer . .
The Most Popular Malt Beverage in
Salem bottled, beer is the equal of any Eastern product, being
especially brewed for' family and hotel trade. A temperance drink
in the real meaning of the word, conducive to loth health and
enjoyment of lifo.
Salem, Oregon
but their parents' should sei to
it that they get none but the pi, rest
and most wholesome. Any ether
kind is to be shunned. Good Ci i dy
is an aid to the health as well tj to
to the happiness of
Candies are pure in make r.nd
handling. And yet'our prices
admittedly moderate.
X 1 O I I
s amoKenouse
into Effect al Once
Toily and scld at Eight Prices
Orders given cur Special Attention
and Smell Profits.
. Candy
Merchant Allen Huehes returned
from Portland Saturday evening
Miss Gertrude Baird arrived
home from Portland Monday even
ing fcr a eeveral weeks visit with
ber parents, Mr. ard Mrs. David
uaira, in ims city.
Notice is hereby given that the
undertigr.ed edminislratcr of the
estate of J. 0. Allen, deceased,
has filed in the County Court of
the state cf Oregon v for Liucoln
county, his final account for set
tlement of eeid estate and that
Monday, the 2d dayofMarch, 1914,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m.. has
been fixed by the Court as the time
and the office of said Court as the
place, for hearing of said report
and for letUement thereof. All
persons interested are notified to
present any objections in writing
that may exist as to any matters in
said account prior to said 'date.
Dated this 16th day cf January,
1914 A. T. Peterson.
Administrator of the estate of J.
0. Allen, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the Stats cf
Oregon, for Lincoln County.
B. A. Fielding, Plaintiff, vs. Mary
A. Fielding. Defendant,
To Mary A. Fielding, the above
named defendant:
In the Name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit, now on file in the oifice of the
County Cltrk of the above entitled i
Court, on or before the last day
named in the order for publication
of this summons, made by the Hon
orable John Fogarty, County Judge
of Lincoln county, Oregon (being
the county wherein the above en
titled suit is pending in the Circuit
Court for said county and state)
vhiclvsaid order and time for an
swering said summons, are herein
after referred to, to-wit:
On or before six wefks from the
first day of publication hereof.
And you are hereby notified that
if you fail to appear and answer
said complaint as herein required
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in said
complaint, to-wit: For a decree cf
said Court dissolving the marriage
contract heretofore existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant, and
for such other and further relief as
to equity seemeth just.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof by order of
the Hon. John Fogarty, County
Judge of Lincoln county, Oregon,
made the 18th day of December,
1913, directing publication thereof
once a week for six consecutive and
successive weeks beginning with the
issue of December 19th.. 1913. and
ending with the issbe: of': January
30th, 1914, in the Lincoln County
Leader, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation, printed and
published within Lincoln county,
Oregon. N
Date of first publication Dec. 19,
1913. Date of last publication
Jan. 3Q. 1914.
Hawkins & McCluskey:
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
U. S. Landoffice, Portland, Oregon.
December 17th, 1913.
Notice'is hereby given that Emma
R. Baily, whose postoffice address
is 529 Raleigh St.. Porltand. Ore
gon, did, on the 25th day of Febru
ary, 1913, file in this office sworn
statement and application, No.
03759. to purchase the SWi, Sec
tion 35, Township 12 south, Range
10 west, Willamette Meridian, and
the timber thereon, under the pro
visions of the act fo June 3, 1878,
and acts amendatory, know as the
"Timber and Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to tuch
application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised, the
timber estimated 890,000 board
feet at 40 cents per M, and the
land $172.00; that said applicant
will offer final proof in Buppoft of
his application and sworn statement
on the 5th day cf March. 1914,
before the Register and Receiver
of the United States Landoffice, at
Portland, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to pro
test this purchase before entry, or
initiate a contest at any time before
patent issues, by filing a corrobo
rated affidavit in this office, alleging
facts which would defeat the entry
H. F. Higby, Register. ,
Tax Commissioner
Explains Methods
Salem, Oregon,
January 12, 1914.
Mr. W. E. Eel!,
Ccunty Assessor,
Toledo, Oregon:
Dear Mr. Ball : Seme time since,
while in ycur city, Mr. Stewart and '
I had a conversation relative to the '
system by which the State Tax!
Commission tppcrtioned the State j
taxes. As the matter was not en-(
tirely clear to rne, I referred it to
Mr. Gallov.ay for a brief exolana-!
tion. He has set the same cut in '
a letter to me, copy of which I:
am enclosing today to Mr. Stewart.,
Thinking the matter would be cf j
possible interest to you also, 1 am j
taking the liberty cf herewith en-!
closing copy of same.
With best wishes, I am,
yours very truly,
Ben W. Olcott.
Secretary of Stata.
State Tax Commission
Dec. 23, 1913.
Hon. Pen W. Olcott
Secretary cf State
Salem; Oregon
Deer Sir: The following is sub
mitted in response to your request!
for a statement
shnwino thn pffet
of the State
Tax Commi?sion,s,A8!essnlent
enu8lization of assessed valuations
of the counties for the purpose of
apportioning State taxes. tf
Probably the clearest explanation
of this matter can be made by the
use cf a hypDthetical illustration:
We will assume that there are just j
five counties in the State, designa
ted, reepeei?elv, A, B, C, D and E.
We will assirue, further, thpt the
tctal assessed valuation of County
A for a given year is $8,000,000:
rf County B, S9.000.000: cf
County C, $10,000,000: of County
D, $13. 000.000. and cf County E.
$12,000,000. The total asressed
valuation cf the State, composed
of these five ccunticr, is $50,000,
000 Now, i Ste taxes are ap
portioned to and paid by these five
counties cn the basis ef their res
pective assessed valuations, without
equalization, County A would have
to pay 15 rer cent cf such taxes;
County B, 18 per cent.; County C.
2D per cent.; County D, 22 per
cent, and County E, 24 per cent.
Under the method cf equaliza
tion now used in Oregon, we will
assume that the State Tax Com
mission has found from - careful
Investigation that the $8,000,000
assessed valuaion of County A rep
resents only 40 per cent of the true
cash value cf the taxable property
in said county; similarly, that in
County B average assessed valua
tions represent 45 per cent of true
cash values; in County C, 50 per
cent; in County D, 55 per cent, in
County E, 60 per cent; .Then ap
plying thesa percentages to the as
sessed valuations of the respective
counties we find that the true cash
value of the taxable property in
each Is $20,000,000; the total for
the state. $100,000,000.
Tte important features in' the
plan of eaualization as prescribed
in the Oreeon law and followed by
the State Tax Commission are:
1. The average percentage of
the assessed to the full cash value
of the taxable property of each
county 19 determined.
2. By application of its respec
tive oercentap-es or ratio the total
assessed valuation of each county
is adjusted to a full cash value
3. On this basis the respective
parts cr rropcrtions of the State
taxes to be paid by the several
count'es are determined.
4. Having arrived at the total
amount of state taxes that must be
raised for the year, the part each
county shall pay is determined in
dollars and cents, without regard
to millace rates.
6. The State 'Tax Commission
makes no changes in the assessed
raluations of property, as shown on
the coufity BFs?sRirent rolls. '
6, The millage rates necessary
to raise the respective amounts of
state Isxea required of the several
connrtfs pre determined by the
County Courts thereof. Thesp
rates vary between the different
counties, those in which low as
sessed valuations prevail having to
levy higher rate to meet the state
requirements than do those in whl ch
aaswssed valuations are higher or
nearer to fall cash values.
Referring to Lincoln county, re
garding whiih you make inquiry,
Chen by the Newport Dramatic Sotiety. Thi, is cue ol the Beit Comedy, on the Ameri
can Staue of today, and will
thins good you cannot afford
the following statement is sub
mitted, showing the total assessed
valuations and proportions of state
taxe3 required of said county dur
ing the last five years, covering the
entire period that the State Tax
l Commission has been in existence:
Proportion of
tctal State Taxes
paid by
Lincoln co.
9.709,912 "
most important
fact ex-
Lincoln county paid the largest
share of State taxes in the year
(1909) when her assessed valuation
was the lowest, and is charged with
the smallest share of State taxes
in the year (1913) when her as
sefsad valuation is the hiahest.
In this connection, the fact wj
wish to emphasize is this: Under
the plan of equaliaztion now in
force in Cretron, a county does rot
necessarily increase its share of the
state taxes through high assessed
valuations or reduce its share of
such taxes through low assessed
Very truly yours,
State Tax commission.
By Chas. V. Galloway,
' " Tax Commissioner.
I want to get some live Mink and
Martin for breeding purposes. Will
pay one and a half fur value for
them. Write what you have.
S. R. Willis. 12S W. 5th St..
Albany, Oregon.
Launch Transit.
'Leaves Elk City. 7:30 a. m.;
Toledo.' 9 a. m. Returning, leaves
Newport 2:30 p. m.; Toledo 4:30
p. m. Every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday.
This schedule will be maintained
during the Winter.
II.' A. Norton, Captain.
Furnished house for rent. En
quire at this office.
Nine dollar, Bulls-Eye brand, hip
boots, now going at seven dollars.
H; Lewis.
Hani Norgaard, Prop.
Chicken Dinner Every Suntlay
Chili Uon Came every Evening
Opposite the Bank
fev1 Send
Illl. forThls.
fmm Catalog
fcnoW yoa un ibvc J
mmey ""d ? teeJi
mWW'li- CeMing n dirca touch
fmMMM ed home.
Mmmwy Cotrapcodmo Inritcd
i5jp Th. CW H JJIlyCo..Sm.
bo handled by an Ail-Star cast, so
to mis3 it.
February 7th, at Woodmen Hall
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Lincoln county.
Mary E Batchman. plaintiff,
William J. Batchman, defendant.
To William J. Batchman, the
above named defendant:
In the Name of the state of Oregon:
You are hereby summoned and
required to appear and answer the
complaint of the plaintilf. in the
sbove entitled suit now on file in
the office of the County Clerk of
the above entitled Court, on or be
fore the last day named in the or
der for uublientinn of snmmntw
made bv the Conntv .lnrf nf T in.
coin county, Oregon, (being the ; be run In 8Ucn a way 83 to have
county where the above entitled I the '"idt, confidence of it3 pat
suit is nendint in th Cirnnir fVnrr 1 rons the public. It takes know-
thereof), which said time for ap
pearing and answering is fixed by
said order as hereinafter referred
to, to--wit: On or before six
weeks from the date of the first
puclication hereof.-
And you are hereby further noti
fied that if you fail to appear and
answer the said complaint as here
in required, for want thereof, the
r ... . w
plaintiff will apply to the ubuve
entitled Court for the relief prayed
ior in saia complaint, ramely, a
decree of the Ccurt that the bonds
of matrimony betwean the plaintiff
and the defendant be dissolved, and
for such other and futher relief as
to the Court may seem proper.
This summons is published in the
Lincoln County Leader onec a week
fur six consecutive and successive
weeks, beginning with the 19th day
of December, 1913. and ending
with the issue of the 30th day of
January, 1914, under and in pur
suance of the directions contained
in an order made by the Honorable
John Fogarty', County Judge of
Lincoln County, Oregon, dated the
17th day of December, 1913.
Gwynn & Clark,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
A foul, disagreeable breath, dark
circles around the eyt-s, at times
feverish, with great thirBt; cheeks
flushed and then pale, abdomen
swollen with sharp cramping pains
are all indications of worms. Don't
let your child suffer KICKAPOO
WORM KILLER will give sure re
lief It kills the worms while its
laxative effects add greatly to the
health of ycur child by removing
the dangerous and disagreeable
effects of worms and parasites from
the system. KICKAPOO WORM
KILLER as a health producer
Ehould be in every household. Psr
fectly safe. Buy a box today. Price
25c. All Druggists or bv mail.
Philadelphia or St. Louis
Hot drinks
of all kinds at the
Pelaluma chicken incubators
Gardner & Peterson's.
Fcr frcst bitten ears, fingers and
toes; chapped hands and lips, chil
blains, cold sores, red and rough
skins, there is nothing to equa
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Stops the
pain at once and heals quickly.
In every homo' there should be a
box handy all the time. Best rem
edy for all skin diseases, itching
erz?ma, tetter, piles, etc. 25c.
All druggists or by mail.
Philadelphia or St. Louis.
it you want to
see tome-
It Takes Experience
t0 n a Drug Store us it ounht tt
J. i .
hda-. professions! knowledge to
be able to compound Drugs correct
ly and mako up doctor's preserisj
ions. We have that knowledge i
a superior degree and our custom
ers, as well uh the medical men of
the town, know thi3 and appreciate
it by patronizing ua. We solicit
your dru trade also, assuring yon
cf the best and nrcmptiest servio
at the lowest prices.
11. N. ANDKKSON, 1'rop.
Choice Confections
Summer Uriah's
Ice Cream
Ice, any quantity
Milk Shales
Iratts, Nuts
Bpgt Brands Cigars
Fresh n d C urad Mekit
Fish and Oysters
in Season
Highest Cash Trice Paid for lEdea
Who wants to take salts, or ees
tor oil. when there is nothing better
than Dr. King's New Life Pills for
all bowel troubles. They act gently
nd naturally on the stomach and
liver, stimulate and regulate your
bowels and tone up the entire ays
tern, t'rice, 25c. At all druggists.
Philadelphia or St. Louis.
It will pay you to look over 'that
new line of Shoes just receive fey
J. S. Akin.
TOLcDO, ouaooH -
Office t OfstfldRhl entitling. Sfltfle
hourt : 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 and f to g
p, m. Emergency Calls at any 4ia