Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 23, 1914, Image 2

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Notts and Instructions from Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations
I Oregon and Washington, Spadatty Suitable to Pacific Coast Conditions
Foreign Girls Spend Economically.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corral-
lis. "While our girls' training schools
and our home kitchens are generally
better equipped than those of foreign
nations we have much of value to
learn from the foreigner," said Miss
Lillian Tingle, supervisor of domestic
science in the Portland schools, in ad
dressing a class of students in the
Oregon agricultural college farmers'
week course. "Our scope is wider and
our aims more ambitious, but the for
eign institutions touch more closely
the life of the people. The most im
portant thing that we can learn from
them is how to manage the family in
, come.
"All are agreed that young women
should be trained in producing arti
cles of diet, dress and home decora-
tion; but we have not been quite so
quick to see the importance of train
ing in spending. Our women do the
greater part of the household buying,
and they have to do it without any
training. Perhaps this is the most
difficult matter that has to be ad
justed in beginning married life. In
schools and homes of Britain, Bel
gium, France and Switzerland, this
training for scientific household ex
penditure is given to the young
women. It results in greater happi
ness and efficiency in the home.
"One of our greatest needs is the
formation of a family financial consci
ousness. Girls should be trained to
make up a just and well-balanced fam
ily budget. This training should rec
oncile their views and wishes with
the condition of the home resources.
Foreign girls are trained to appor
tion the family Income among the va
rious necessities, to purchase the
most suitable articles in the different
classes, and to get a dollars' worth
for a dollar. The result of this train
ing is ability to recognize and choose
the necessities before the luxuries;
and to stay within the allowance. The
girls dress more simply and suitably,
and the glaring defects in costume
too frequently seen in our country
are not often seen abroad. The same
principle determines the table sup
plies and the home decorations.
"Another result of this training In
economical expenditure Is its tenden
cy to foster a spirit of true democra
cy. The daughter of the richest and
most aristocratic people takes her
place beside the daughter of the poor,
wearing the same cap and apron and
producing the same articles of dress
and diet. She may be called later to
preside over a more pretentious home,
but the use of similar home equipment
and material is still an equalizing fac
tor. "Again this training in values gives
the young woman a highly developed
ethical sense. She learns to obey
as a step in learning to command, and
she yields obedience with the same
show of respect, that she will acquire
in others. In these things she learns
to distinguish between the essentials
and incidentals, and" to discern the
degree of respect with which her com
mands are obeyed.
"The difference in training between
the foreign girls and ours may be in
dicated oy tne difference in the terms
we use to designate the kind of train
ing: We teach our girls domestic
science and art; foreigners reach
theirs house-craft."
Big Feeding Test Made.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
Hs. Professor Sampson, of the depart
ment of animal husbandry of the Ore
gon agricultural college, has complet
ed a feeding test with pigs which has
been running since September 1. The
results' of the test are significant in
that they open up a broad field for
developing pigs with the definite pur-
DOBe of makinsr them rnnnhlA nf xnn.
sumlng a greater amount of food for
correspondingly greater gams.
On September 1, 30 pigs of different
HtterB were divided into thrnn lota nf
10 each. All were put on a ration of
Dariey o per cent, and tankage 10
per cent, and the test was continued
for 61 days. Lot one was given dry
rations, by hand. Lot two was fed by
means of the "self-feeder." Lot three
was fed by hand, the rations being
soaked for 12 hours before feeding.
The three lots were divided evenly as
to weight, sex and parentage.
Lot one required 463.5 pounda of
feed for 100 pounds gain; lot two re
quired 418.2 pounds feed for 100
pounds ealn. and ln h
pounds feed for 100 pounds gain. The
ainerence in daily gain between the
litters of pigs was from 1.42 to 1.86
Pounds. The differ ATlpn liotmnnii th
lots varied only from 1.48 to 1.84
pounds. The poorest lot was better
than the poorest litter and the best
lot was better than the best litter.
- The best Indlvldunl nlor trnlnori 9
sounds daily for 1 dnvp miiia
poorest Individual animal gained but
one pouna a day, during the test In
feeding 100 Dies simitar tn tha fnaof
used In the recent test, at the present
prices of feed and of pork, the owner
wouiu realize im.BO profit, not count
ing labor or investment In feeding
juu pigB similar to tne poorest
would realize but 111K rk nm tv,o
tests show the self-feeder is an eco
nomical means of producing pork.
The labor of feeding is reduced one-
nan Dy mis metnoa and less feed
Cows and Irrigated Farms.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corral
lis. The little dairy cow of the north
west has been called upon to bridge
the gap between the irrigated small
farm and success, according to Profes
sor R. R. Graves, head of the dairy
department of tha Oregon agricultural
college, and is rraking a very satis
factory response. Dairy cows are val
uable on these small farms not only
for the dairy products tbey supply
but even more largely for their contri
bution to the soil.
Dairy products are highly desirable
to furnish a money income at the time
it is most needed. Many of the farms
in the Irrigation projects are to be
planted to fruit trees, but it requires
several years to bring them into regu
lar and profitable bearing. During
this interval dairying is the most prof
itable means of providing running ex
penses. And as a means of adding
humus, the only soil element serious
ly lacking, the dairying industry is
So the farmers of these small tracts
are fast coming to appreciate the
dairy cow. "I have never before seen
so great an Interest in dairying as
was shown by the farmers of the Her
miston' section at the first annual
dairy show held there a short time
ago," said Professor Graves. "For
the size of the community and the
length of time in which dairying has
been followed, the number of people
In attendance and the number of ani
mals exhibited were remarkable. And
they all wanted to know, the desirable
points in a dairy cow and how to feed
and care for her. Mr. O. M. Plummer
of the Portland Stock Yard company,
who attended the show, stated that
there were more people who watched
the placing of the cattle than were
present during the Judging at either
the Oregon or Washington state fair.
"Or course the quality of the dairy
herd is not equal to that of the herds
in the well established dairy sections.
But the dairymen were present with
their stock to learn their value as
dairy cattle and to find out how to
improve them. Just wait until next
year and I believe you will see a great
Improvement in the condition and
quality of the cattle that will be
shown. There were sixteen cows that
this year were entered in the one-day
milking contest, and great Interest
was taken in the result. In all there
were 75 head of dairy stock shown,
and some two dozen hogs.
"The farmers in the vicinity of Her-
miston are planning to make their
community a center for Jerseys, and
those around Stanfield are hoping to
make their district known as a Hol
stein center.
'The dairy cow will be a great heln
to the land while the young orchards
are coming into bearing. The soil
needs organic matter, and the pres
ence of considerable quantities of
numus win greatly reduce the cost
of irrigation, as less water will be re
quired. "Large amounts of high erade al
falfa can be produced on the- farms
there, and corn can be grown for sil
age. The combination, alfalfa and
corn silage, makes about the best
foundation for a dairy ration that can
be had. It will be a great deal more
profitable to feed. alfalfa to cows on
the farm than to. send it to market.
Farmers will be more Independent of
glutted hay markets and low prices,
and can always dispose of their al
falfa and corn silage at a good profit
by making them into milk and butter.
"When dairying on the small irri
gated farm is thoroughly established
In the Hermlston district I look to
see one of the most prosperous dairy
districts of the state at that place."
A Consistent Layer.
Oregon Agricultural frvlWo Pnnrai.
lis. A hen that produces 664 eggs in
three consecutive yearsis a triumph
of the breeders' art. Hen No. A 27
of the Oreeon aerlnnltnrnl mlloo-a oto.
tion, has made this marvelous record.
uuring ine nrst year she laid 240
eggs, the second 222, and the third
202. Like most of the other remark
able layers In the champion flock, she
Is a cross bred ben of the Barred
Rock and White Leirhnrn hrnartn and
belongs to the new strain or breed
mai is Demg developed by Professor
James Dryden for Increasing egg pro
duction. The Value, nf hpr thrsa'
work, 651-3 dozen eggs at 25c per
oozen, is BDout ?14. The cost of her
feed for three years la shnnf i ki
This leaves a margin of $9.50 to pay
ior investment ana la Dor.
Impressionist School. '
A Painter nf thn "I mnraoolnnlot"
school Is now confined in a
asylum. To all persons who visit his
siuaio ne says, "Look here, this is the
latest masterpiece of my composition."
They look, and see nothing but an ex
panse of bare canvas. They ask.
hyiiih uoe uiai represent!
"ThatT Why, that represents the
passage of the Jews through the Red
"Beg pardon, but where Is the seat"
"It has been driven back." ,
"And where are the Jews?"
"They have crossed over."
"And the Egyptians?"
"Will be here directly. That's the
sort of painting I like simple, sug
gestive and unpretentious." London
At Least 90 Per Cent, of Factory Work
or tne World Is Now Done
by Machinery.
Year by year more and more of the
work of the world is taken ud bv ma
chinery. In a bulletin recently Issued
hy the government It Is estimated that
4,500,000 factory workers in the Unit
ed States turn out a product equal to
the hand labor of 45,000,000 men.
This means that in the factories 90
per cent, of the work is done by ma
chinery. A very large part of this ma
chinery is driven by steam power,
which means largely coal power, and
both the. getting and burning 6f this
coal involves a terrible waste. In
the United States alone the production
of coal now reaches nearly 600,000,000
tons, and In the whole world far above
1,000,000,000 tons. And it is estimated
that this means the actual mining oi
half again as much coal. One-third Is
lost or left in the mines in such shape
that it cannot be used.'
Then of this net production the
two-thirds remaining perhaps 90 per
cent, is lost in the burning. At least
this is true of the coal used in engines.
Even the finest ouadruDle-exnansion
engines, with all modern devices of su
perheated steam and the like to aug
ment their capacity, do not utilize
more than 14 per cent of the energy
Bioreq. in the coal, while the average
steam engine of commercial use does
not get more than six or seven per
cent. In other words, it Is only about
three per cent, of the chained-up sun
light in the ground that eventually be
comes available for human needs.
And, further than this, thn mri
hauling and handling and storage and
distribution of this coal costs the
United States alone probably a full
si.uuu.uoo.OOO. The coal traffic is, in
deed, the chief item of railway trans-
portation. From all this it is suffi
ciently clear why the problem of uti
lizing coal energy has so deeply en
gaged the minds of inventors and en.
glneera, and why ever a relatively
small gain would mean so much to the
human race. Collier's Weekly.
"The Jumping Frenchman." '
Scientists have loner been mizzled
to account for a Deculiar affllnttnn nf
the nerves possessed by many French
Canadians, particularly those belong
ing to the workine and artisan rlnaaea.
If spoken to suddenly and sharply,
they for a moment lose complete pos
session of tnemselves; and do the
most absurd things in obedlencn tn a
command. River men will leap from
their rafts Into the water at the word
jump;" and they will, if told to.
throw away anything which they may
have in their hands. A nudge in the
ribs is followed by a long leap or
sometimes by a flying kick. Innum
erable rough practical jokes are play
ed by means of this mysterious nower.
Many a man in a crowd has received
a rousing kick from behind only to
find upon turnlncr round that hla ag
gressor was the Involuntary victim of
some mischievous person In the
crowd. The cause of this nervous dis
ease has never been located. It Is
probably a form of what Is colloquial
ly called .St Vitus i Dance.
Presidential Appetite.
In the -course of his presidential
journey, M. Poincare has been dined
and wined uncommonly well, but the
menu provided by the patriotic Inhab
itants of Toulouse is probably the
most colossal. Indeed, it is gargan
tuan. The hors d'oeuvres Included
such trifles as 60 kilos of sausage, a
barrel of olives and 60 kilos of but
er, followed by 360 kilos of salmon
and 300 kilos of assorted pates, galan
tines, and the like. Then come 600
kilos of "filet de boeuf," 800 head of
poultry, 100 kilos of salad, and twice
that amount of Ice cream, besides
9,000 assorted cakes. After this last
item, 60 kilos of coffee, and 200 kilos
of fruit seem Insignificant Last but
by no means least, come the liquid
refreshments, 6,000 bottles of red and
white wine, and 700 of champagne.
Largest Novel.
The largest novel In the world has
Just been finished by a Japanese
writer, Kiong Te Bakin. It was be
gun in 1852, and the author found a
publisher willing to publish the novel
In volumes as the writer finished
them, the last volume being turned
over to the publisher this year.
There are 106 volumes, each con
taining 1,000 pages, and each page
has about 30 lines, each containing
an average of ten words, so that the
work consists of 106 volumes, 106,000
pages, 8,180,000 lines, and 38,100,000
words, . and It weighs about 130
pounds. So far it has not been sug
gested that this work should be
translated and published In England.
His Follow-up.
The life Insurance man was Jubi
lant "I wrote thirty thousand dollar'
worth of Insurance on a man's life
the other day and the following week
he died."
"Hard luck," said his friend com
miseratlngly. "Not at all. Yesterday I married
WkOOM! Boom!" sounds and
VOl II resounds the reveille gun
of the Naval academy at
6:30 a m., and as it echoes
and re-echoes alone: the
shores of the Chesapeake and is an
swered by the drum and bugle corns
of the Marine quarters, a mile north
of Bancroft hall in a lively martial air.
a stirring scene begins in the midship
man s halls. The bugle blares up and
down the corridors and the captains
of companies begin to call up the
sleepers, who leaD from their cots
and commence active operations to
dress, and put their rooms in order.
Immediately, upon the bugle call, the
inspecting officers begin the work of
visiting the rooms of the midshipmen
to see that they are out of bed. They
must be up and stand at military at
tention when the officer enters. Then
the midshipman dresses, onens the
window, and turns down the bedding
lor an airing, and hurries below for
the first formation and roll call of
the day, which is at 7 a. m. At the
bugle call, the roll beeins. and ud to
the last second belated ones are hur
rying down the steps and "falling in"
just in time to save themselves from
being reported "tardy!" and demerit
ed. Here, demerits count
Regular Routine.
Immediately after breakfast the
chaplain reads the prayers of the day,
and the brigade, that, when at its av
erage complement, numbers between
800 and 900, make for their rooms, for
these few minutes left them before
recitations begin, are the only period
for them to put their rooms In order
for the daily Inspection that begins at
10 a m. At S. study and recitation
periods commence. Thev are of nnn
hour each. If a midshipman has a
recitation, he, with the other members
of the section, somewhere in the
neighborhood of 10,. assemble at the
proper place, and march off in mili
tary order to the section room where
the instructor awaits them. All stand
until he is seated At the end of the
recitation, the section march hack
to their quarters, are dismissed, and
each- midshipman goes to his room.
In these marches to and fro the rank
ing midshipman takes command. This
rank may be held by aDDointment a
a cadet officer or may arise from being
the leading scholor. If It should hap
pen that only two are In the section.
the ranking midshipman assumes com
mand, marches his "company" and
himself off and brings him back, halts
the squad, brings his one man to at
tention, and announces: "Squad dis
missed!" as though there were a hun
dred in his command. Everything Is
military here. When a midshinman
usher, at chapel service, escorts a vis
itor to nis or ner pew, he halts at the
place selected, turns on his military
heel like a pivot, and assumes a mar
tial "attention" until the guest is seat
ed. The brigade comes into church In
regular order, the superintendent ho
his appointed position, and no one
leaves the chapel after service until
the brigade was marched out and none
dare drop from the ranks until It has
been regularly dismissed.
If a midshipman should have no rec
itation during any of the morning pe
riod, he must stay in his room, and It
Is a serious offense to visit, or receive
visitors during study hours, or even
to leave the floor to get a drink of wa
ter if none happens to be In the cooler
on that floor. Yet midshipmen will
risk demerits and run the gauntlet of
detection. One day an officer of the
department of discipline that branch
of the work of the academy that has
the management of the midshipmen
In charge, whose business Is, said one
of the officers, "to know at all times
where every midshipman Is, and to be
able to put your finger on him," made
an Inspection of one of the rooms. He
saw by the manner of the two occu
pants of the apartment that something
was wrong. He could not ask the mid
shipmen themselves what they were
doing that was irregular, so he looked
sharply around the room to see what
was the matter. The next day the
midshipmen In the secret were greatly
amused to see on the morning report:
"Midshipman A, shoes out of place."
Those shoes were not Midshipman A's,
but Midshipman C's feet. He was a
visitor, and when he heard the inspect
ing officer coming, he had only time
to run behind the wardrobe door, and,
as It was not long enough to cover
him, his feet stuck below it Another
unlawful visitor was not so success
ful. His face was to the door and hla
host's not ' He saw the inspecting of
ficer coming and, making a desperate
dash, hid completely behind the ward
robe; but his action, so unaccountable
to the hosts, who had not seen the
officer, made them look toward the
spot where the visitor had hid, and
this hint was enough for the keen-eyed
officer to make him come out from cov
er. "Hikes" In the Country.
The responsibility for order In a
room Is fixed by the authorities requir
ing one man in each room to - take a
week's turn at a time, and no matter
who Is the evildoer, the authorities
know where to lodge the charge.
Soon after 12 the morning period of
study and recitation ceases and dinner
formation and dinner follow. At 1:30
p. m. begin the afternoon periods of
study and recitation, and at 4:30 prac
tical exercises commence. The fourth
class will have cutters In oars or sails;
the upper classmen will have launches
under steam, rifle-range practice, or
great-gun practice on the Chesapeake
in vessels under steam. These exer
cises are alternated In - their seasons
with artillery and infantry drills, and
long "hikes" in the country under com
mand of their proper officers.
At 6:30 p. m. the midshipman Is free
until 7 p. m. to do as he pleases, un
less he belongs to some one of the
athletic practice squads of the Naval
academy. Then he is a slave to it
until the supper formation, after which
there are two hours for study. At
9:30 p. m. gun Are relieves the mid
shipman from his studies and he has
a half-hour to glance over the evening
newspaper, write a letter, visit a friend
tell a yarn, search up a "plebe" for a
song or a dance, and then to bed by
taps, 10 p. m., when the bugle sounds,
and down the corridors echoes the call.
"All lights out!" A few moments la
ter the Inspection begins, and should
a midshipman have been tardy In dis
robing, he Jumps Into bed, boots and
all, and covers up to his chin, until
the inspecting officer looks in and sees
all hands accounted for, then the be
lated one rises and undresses at bis
If he is behind in his studies, an am
bitious midshipman will have secured
the contraband lamp, and then he will
rise, tack a gum blanket over his
transom, light his lamp, burn his mid
night oil and be ready for the next
morning's recitation when it comes.
Sometimes the authorities allow night
study parties to stay up until 11, and
then they work and move by written
rules in slippered feet so as not to
arouse the faithful sleepers who have
been more diligent and have justly
earned the slumber they are getting.
- Hermit Proved a Thief.
A Robinson Crusoe story comes
from Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland
When a fisherman visited a hut which
he uses as a store during the fishing
season on an uninhabited island on
the River Forth, he found an entrance
had been effected and the interior was
crammed with a .miscellaneous assort
ment of goods ranging from pots and
pans to clothes and clocks. The police
set a watch. Suspicion was aroused
by movements of a man in a small
boat; and the police gave chase, finally
discovering the suspect hiding In a
large ferryboat. The man arrested Is
a native of Alloa, and Is "wanted" on
several charges of theft. lie had beeo
living on the Island for soma tin...