Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 23, 1914, Image 1

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COI TNTV NPW News of each Community Gathered each
V UiU I 1 V Y week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
We have had a month of unpre
cedented rain and wind Btorm. The
range is stood and cattle are fat
enough for beef. The flowers are
blooming and the birds are singing
in the forest as. though it was
Spring. The Winter travel to New
port ia better than it ever has been
and more cottages are occupied by
tourists this Winter than was ever
known in the history of the city.
On last Saturday the wind blew
a gale of 90 miles an hour. The
bay was full of white caps and the
bar and ocean were so rough that
the spray would rise 20 or 30 feet
high. It was a real sight to see
and hurdreds of persons were out
on the bluffs looking at it Some
damage was done by the wind and
rain. A part of the awning on the
Oddfellows Hall was blown away
and some washouts occured at Nye
cre;k. entailing an expense of
$1500 to repair them. A large
section of the walk and bulkhead
in front of the Ocean House were
taken away. This bulkhead has
stood for 30 years and it has never
been damaged by the high tides
before. Capt. Stewart of the life
sjving crew said the glass went
down to 28.97 the lowest he had
known it f( i twenty years. This,
he said, indicated a great storm
somewhere off the coast. No ves
sels have crossed the bar for mure
than a week. The Ahwancda and
Mirene are still at the wharf.
Thee Coquille. Frederick and the
Roscoe are laying at the wharf at
Yaquina unable to get out. ,
Lee Doty, who carries tha mai
from Newport to Waldaort,' de
s?rves much credft for going
through under such dangerous and
adverse conditions. He endangered
his own life as well as that of the
teams he drives by going un the
beach in such stcrms.
L. E. Davis, the well-known
pioneer, is lying dangerously ill at
his home on South Beach, with but
little hopes of recovery.
Joseph Briggs, an old resident
of Newport and a member of the
life saving crew, was taken danger
ously ill at his home Monday with
what appeared to be aDpendicitis
or an obstruction of the bowels.
He grew rapidly worse and was
' taken Wednesday morning to Al
bany to be' operated upon. The
operation was performed at 2
o'clock in the afternoon of the
same day. The surgeons said he
had one chance in five to live.
Hon. W. P. Keady tf Portland is
spending a few days at Newport
for health and recreation. He is
the guest of Hon. R. A. Bensell.
He is pleased to note the great im
' provements . Newport has made
within the last few years, and
thinks this is the best resort on the
The city council a its regular
Monday evening session took up
the matter of granting a f ranchi se
to the Portland West Coast Railroad
and Navigation company. The or
dinance or franchise was carefully
scrutinized by the members of the
Cuuncil and the citizens present and
each section was discussed before
it was voted on by the council
and passed. J H. Fitzgerald, rep
resenting the company, was present
and took great interest, in the dis
cuEsiun. It Eeems to be in good
faith. The franchise will not be
passed under the emergency act
but will be voted on at three sep
erate meetings. 1 When the fran
chise has passed the council it will
be up to the railroad company to
adopt it. Work on the road is to
be commenced within 18 months
after the adoption of the franchise
and to.: be completed within four
years from the date of the adoption
of the franchise, and if the com
pany fails to make good their part
of the contract and the bond of
$8000 is to be forfeited to the city
of Newport. It looks as though
the company meant business.
Mrs. L. M. Commons returned
home Saturday after two weeks'
visit with relatives in Portland and
Earl Denny was absent from
scnooi Monday and Tuesday on
, account of severe trouble with his
teeth. . i
Dr. Barber of Waldport was
called to see J. A. Coovert Satur-
day. Mr. Coovert is very sick with '
Mr. and Mrs. Lissv visited at
the Weberrahch Sunday and Mon
j day.
Miss Leta Denny wai absent
from school Thursday and Friday
! on account of sickness.
Clyde Coovert went to Bay View J
Saturday. I
Lloyd Commons took dinner at'
the Phelps ranch Sunday. j
Bayview j
John Hansen was down from his
farm on Drift creek Sunday. j
Fred Creightort and George'
Gienger were Bay View visiters
3 Mrs. George Prescott end daugh
ter. If ft fnr E-.iorrna lUnn.
day to visit relatives in that city.
Mis3 Ronda Hendrickson is visit
ling friends on Beaver creak this
I v-iyue lyuuvert mhs over irom
-M..J- ll i r '
Una Monday. Mr. Coovert says,
his father is still quite seriously ill.
The dance at Mr. Stephens Tues
day night was a decided success. -
To the kind friends and neigh
bors who so kindly assisted us
through the sickness and 'death of
our sister and aunt, we wish to
extend our heatfelt thanks
Mrs. E C. Kowin,
George Row in,
. Mrs: Burt Twombly.
Randi Hendrickson spent a few
days with friends on Beaver creek
this week.
Mrs. E. C. Rowin and eon, Geo,
of Waldport are visiting at Burt
Twombly's this week.
i ...
Burt Twombly went back to
work for P. X. Johnson oh Drift
creek this week.
L. T. Thompson is doing some
painting and paper hanging for
H. J. Siminson.
Mr. Hinds went to Beaver creek
to look at the Thompson place
The washout on Coast St. oppo
site the Nyebeach Transfer Co and
Osburn Hotel property is being
temporarily bridged over by the
city and Smith & Sanders, the
owners of the hotel property, and
it is hoped that substantial concrete
bulkheads will be built in the near
future, thus ending the constant
expense caused by wooden bulk
heads and dirt fills. The heavy
storms of the past few weeks have
washed the agate beds bare at Nye
beach and all the way to Otter
Rock, and crowds of people can be
seen on the beach daily, rain or
shine, gathering valuable stones.
The Nyebeach Association" ob
tained a written proposition from
Dr. Minhorn in which he agrees to
turn over a lot 50x6 5. facing on the
beach directly south of the Nata.
lorium, for which the Doctor is to
receivo $250 of stock and put a
deed in escrow until $1000 is spent
toward a Rest Room on the lot.
It is planned to organize a stock
company to build the rest room
building and make it self support
ing by renting booths to novelty
merchants, and a large number of
plans have been received from local
architects fcr a building with these
i E. W. McKinney "of Salem has
opened a barber shop in the Osburn
Hotel building for all the year
The new plank road from the
Hill to Nyebeach by way of the
Promised Land, is completed and
it is hoped that the connection by
Coast street and Ecrues the city
park will be ordered in a short
time, giving a continuous water
grade road from Front 6treet to
Nyebeach, something badly needed
for forty years.
Six cott3ges have been added to
Cherry City by contractor O'Con
nor. .
Nashville Club Notes
' The Nashville Citizens Club met
in regular session last Saturday
evening, Jan. 17, and a short but
interesting program was rendered.
The question, "Resulved. That a
lawyer should not defend a man he
knows to be guilty," was ably dis
cussed by Guy Gillette and J. L.
Brown, affirmative, and D. F. ' Lis
ter and J. R. Edwards, on the nega
tive. A committee has been ap
pointed to arrange fcr an evening
of special entertainment in the near
future. The Club adjourned to
meet in two weeks.
It is true that the Club members
usually sell their friers and old
stock, too, at Abe proper time of
the year. This time, however, it
seems that someone has overlooked
an"old-timer" that persists in du-
ine a lot of clucking. The owner
should "have a care" for if the
nest is allowed to become over
heated, chickens, "dead . in the
shell" will bo the result.
Royal Plank pasesd through here
on his way to Toledo Monday.
Section Foreman Fred Hill and
family spent Sunday at Summit.
Ed Hamsr and Merchant Wilsun
have been buying horses this week.
Arthur Wigle was out from Rock
creek Monday after a load of sup
plies. -
Mrs. Ed Hamar went to Albany
to visit with her mother, Mrs. A.
L. Porter, of that place.
Porter & Wagner shipped another
car of hay the first of the week.
W. E. Rutter of Steer Creek is
working on the section here.
Rudolph Runrecht is back on his
farm for the Winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Biock, who
have been visiting near le-e since
Christmas, departed Saturday for
their home at Shedds.
A. J. Warnock and Fred Wagner
attended the telephone meeting at
Toledo Friday evening.
Lloyd Porter went to N ewport
Tuesday, returning Saturday.
Louis Young has purchased the J.
M. Marks ranch about three miles
north nf here.
Mrs. Mayes passed through here
on her way to Portland last Friday.
Louis Chantel came out from
Rocca Sunday.
We are having some pretty rainy
weather, but. as yet, we have had
no snow. '
Misses Ethel Purseful and Clare
Moore gave a surprise party on W.
li. Moore Saturday night. The
evening was pleasantly spent in
dancing, singing and card playing.
Lunch was served at midnight.
" . i
Miss Edith and -Richard Daven
port were absent from sahool Mon
day on account of illness.
Mrs. W. R. Moore was suddenly
taken ill last Sunday night, but at
present shs is fast recovering.
Miss Ethel Purseful and Clifford
McDonald spent Sunday evening at
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moore's.
Jesse Davenport went to Toledo
Roy Moore is almost an invalid
this week, the result of heinw
kicked by a horse Sunday. One of
his hands. was badly cut and one
ankle bruised.
Geo. Davennort was nrnnnrl Innk.
ing at his place Monday. He ex
pects to move back on it about
March ,
Miss Clare Moore went tn Elk
City Tuesday.
Asa Brown went to Elk f!itv Inst
Elmer Waikine went to Tnlodn
lfst Saturday.
Many of the people of this vicin
ity have the measles. School is !
postponed this week on account of
sickness of our teacher. I
Earline Brauti and sister. Sicne.
were Toledo visitors Saturday
George Lewis was in Toledo Sat
urday. ,
V. D. Boone and son. Clarence.
were storm-bound at Newport Sat
urday. Misses Ada Lewis and Signe
Brauti visited Mrs. J. H. Sugg
Jay Van Schoick visited at the
home of Thomas Brown Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hath were in
Toledo Tuesday..
Mr- and Mrs. Anderson visited
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruuti last Sun
day. . .
Miss Cora Boone visited Mrs.
Frank Shermer Sunday. ; .
K. D. Martia visited George
Lewis' Wednesday.
Constable R. R. Gwynn of Toledo
was in this vicinity on official busi
ness Thursday.
Chicken Eater
at Rose Lodge
Editor Leader: Every week you
have news from different parts of
the county, but here is some that
''takes the cake." .
One man, and a young man at
that, here is a champion chicken
eater. He. can eat thirteen Spring
or full grown chickens atono meal,
and still better than .that, when
once beiore he got three dozen hens
in one night from a settler over
here. He gets all his chickens at
night when all good people are
sound asleep. On January 15th
during the night or early morning
he helped himself to thirteen of
our chickens on the David Herman
place, I wish to give him fatherly
advice: If he likes chickens so
well it would be best that he raise
a big lot on his own premises and
he wont have to steal from other
people who may be poorer than he.
And another thing I wish to tell
him is whatever yuo do "do it unto
yourself, as what you soweth so
will you reap." A. S.
Avdicc will not benefit such a'
degenerate as a chicken th'e Give
him a term in jail or the hospital
and perhaps it will have more
effect. Ed.
We do not believe in cursing the
country or kicking about the wea
ther, but, please, somebody, wake
up the weather man and order a
little sunshine.
Dr. Carey of Nortops preached at
the sehoolho'ise Saturday and Sun
day evenings.
Archie Wilson of Eugene has
been visiting with his cousin. R. R.
Wilson, for the past week. His
eyes are very weak and he thinks
tho damp air of Lincoln county
improves them. He will spend
some time at Newport and Seal
Jim Slyh returned home from
Montana Monday evening.
Oliver Johnson came in from
Wren Monday night, where he had
been holding down a job of section
foreman for several years past.
He will movfl bis family into E. A.
Wildman's house until he can set
the road opened to his homestead
and get his house fixed up a little.
Wm. C. Steinmetz left Wednesday
for Portland.
Home Destroyed
by Fire
At a little past five o'clock Sun
day morning the fire bell called the
people to the residence of Mrs. E.
Ofstedahl in the north part of town.
Fire had been discovered in the
kitchen attic, and before the fire
men could get there and in good
working order the fire had gained
much .headway and had spread to
the upDer story of the main build
ing. A strong wind blowing as
silted the flames and in a very
hort time the entire upper flour
was ablaze, but the firemen suc
ceeded in getting control of the fire
and put it out before it reached the
lower floors.
The furniture of the lower floor
was carried out and saved as was
also much in the upper story.
Although the tire was confined
principally to the attic and roof of
the house, the upper beams and
braces were burned and the weight
of the building, to which was added
a foot or more of water on the
upper floor, has caused the build
ing to rack and twist until it is
thought it will bs a total loss -H
Mrs. Ofstedahl. the owner of the
house, is a big loser, and has not
decided as to whether to rebuild
In the house at the time of tho
fire were, Mrs. Ofstedahl, her son.
Clarence, and daughter, Mrs. Arthur
Nye, and family, and several room
era. They are now living' in the
Dan Grady cottage near by.
This was one of the best resi
dences in the citv and was nrnh-
ably worth $3000. The property
was insured.
The fire was probably caused by
a defective flue as there was no one
up at that time of day, and it was
first discovered by A. O. KroRstad.
one of the roomers, who first de
tected smoke then discovered the
Two of the fire-fighters were
slightly hurt. Frank Nye was
struck on the head and rendered
uncunscious for a time when a flue
fell, and Alec McMillan received an
injured hand.
Oregon State
Prof. Sweetser of the W. of O.
will lecture in Woodmen Hall on
Friday evening. January 30th, at 8
o'clock. His subject is, "Our
MicroscoDic Friends and Foes."
This will be an illustrated lecture,
interesting to all school children as
well as to the community at large.
The following program will be
rendered: Music by High School
Orchestra. Reading of the minutes.
Song, Miss Snyder, '"Magnstic
Waltz," by L Ardita. Lecture,
Prof. Sweetser.
Admission free.
Wm. Matthew of Newrort had
business in the city Tuesday.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc
Elwain near this city, Thursday,
January 22, 1914, a 10 pound girl.
O. R. Hollingsworth, tho under
taker, was called to Newport Friday
evening to prepare the bodv of
Mrs. C. M. Engle for shipment to
Capt. O. F. Jacobson, master of
the steamer Newport, returned
Monday evening from Portland
where he purchased a 110 h. p.
Western Standard gas engine which
will be installed in the Newport
before the Summer season openj.