Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 16, 1914, Image 9

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Supplement to
. Friday. Jan. 16. 1914
Judges and Clerks
of Election Boards
The' following is a lisi of the
Judges and Clerks of the various
election precints as revised by the
bounty Court at the January. 1914,
Alsa Precinct
Judge J H Glines, rep., chair
man; F B Overlander. dem, M E
Earley, soc; clerks Andrew Kent,
dem., 1st, Calra Evcrson. rep., W
F Ready, rep.
Beaver Creek
Judges J M Bowers, d, A W
Weber, r, E S Oakland, s; clerks
Mis Cto Pelby, r. Hester Hill, s,
John Hanlon, d.
Judges B F Grsnl, r, C A Over
lander, d, Mrs P H .Martin; clerks
Chns Cater, d, R L Hathaway, r,
Mn B 0 Young.
Devils Lake
Judges Anton Resch, d, Henry
Curl, r. Mrs J N Gardner; clerks
B E Oviatt, r, J A West, r. Mrs C
Cosper, s.
Elk City
Judges Geo t Hodges, r, A B
Hark, d, Lizzis Dixon, r; clerks ;
C!ias Allen, d. Margaret Morrison,
liarry Norton, r.
Five Rivers ' ; V ",
Judges F C Denzer. d, ' A L
Snell, Mrs Oscar Olson, r; clerks
S A Seits, r. J N Tayior, d, Mrs C
B Fleece. .
Judges A Wisniewski, r, Willie
Bones, d, Mrs T M MeClintock;
rlerks-F W Gerttulla, d,. J S
Lloyd, r, Grace Dcdson, r.
Little Elk
Judges W J Cline, d. S T Lou
don, r, Lizzie Seits, r: clerks J R
C Gwyn, s, L L McBride, r, M E
Robbins, r.
: Judges A J Bewley. r, A J War
nuckd, Mrs L C Norton, r; clerks
R A Nash, r, Mildred Edwards.
Jas Hiland.
' Nye Creek Day Board '
; Judges L Reeves, r, Edith Bain,
r, Jas Rae, prohi; clerks L' C
Smithy pireg, Walter Hamar. d, tfrs
-it A McDonald
Nye Creek Night Board
,: Judges-S G lrvinrr,'W S Whit
ten, d, Ada M Woodford, r;
clerks-J W Kelley, d, C A Bick
ford, r, Rn?e O'Connor, r.
N w iort Day Boaid . ,; ; ;
Judges Elmer Patrick, r, Geo
Blanchard, d, Carrie Macdonald;
. clerks D T Harding, d, T F Ker
shaw, r, Birdie Williams, r.
Newport Night Board
Judges Ed Stoeker, Sr , d, J
Cahill, r, Nora Case, r; clerks
John Buckley, r, H rF Jenkins, r,
Hattie Priest, d. " '
Rock Creek
Judges P H Elting, r, Mrs E I
Raddant, R H Plank, d; clerks-
ueo norsiaii, a, Hoxie Simmons, r.
Ella Southwell.
Rose Lodge
Judges W L Crowley, d, Chas
iiarding, r, Mary McMillan; clerks
Henrv Deakins, r.'H C Starr, d,
Heilen Shea, r.
Judges C S Davis, r. Wm Met
calf, d, Scott Lane, r; clerks Jas
.franks, d, Arthur Bensell.'r, W S
Hall, r.
Tidewater .
Judges D M Carncs. d. Geo
Pulse, r, Mrs John Thissell; clerks
Koy McMillan, r, Jennie Good
man, N W Webb, d.
North Toledo Dav Board
J udges Jay Dunn, r, Dan Grady,
d, Mrs G W Huffman, d; clerks
. W C Bingham, d, J C Altree, r
Mabel Bethers, d.
North Toledo Night Board
Judges A W Morgan, d. A Hur
ley, r. Esther CcDeland: clerks
W E Peterson, r, Allen Gill, d, Ruth
Nye. .
South Toledo Day Board
Judges Al Waugh, d, C B Cros
no, r, Annie P Hawkins: clerks
-OR Hollingsworth, r, M Mackey
d, Rose M Schcnck, d.
South Toledo Night Board
Judges Lee Wade. r. Frank Par
ker, d, Mrs. J Swearingen; clerks
Ed Paine, d, Myrtle Harding,
M Starr.
' Yachats
Judges F O Johnson, d, D Wen-
ner, r, Ella Reynolds, r: clerks
R Carpenter, r, Jas Harrison,
Effie Williamson, d.
. Yaquina
f Judges Chas Hassman, r, Ira
Miller, d, L A Casteel; cleiks-Joj
Sbermer. d. J M Reeder. b. Bessie
Shermer, r. '
Commissioners '
in Session
The following isaEynocsis of the
proceedings of the Commissioners'
Court, January term, 1914:
Additional bond of G B McCIuskey
ccuntv treasurer, approved.
Bond of G B McCIuskey, as tax
collector, approved.-
Ordered that the delinquent faxes
prior to the year 1907 be elimin
Bond of E T Raddant. to furnish
lumber for bridge on Siletz river,
approved. '". ' '
Petitinn cf P H Eltirc et al.
for cemty road, rejected.
Petition ol G II Church, et al.
for cuunty road in road district 17.
Ordered that "The : Lincoln
Ccunty Leader" be the official
paper far Lincoln County . Or
dered that the amount allowed for
publishing delinquent tax roll be
21 J cents per square, except as b.v
law provided.
Ordered that the Lincoln Countv
Leader. Newport Signal. Lincoln
County Sentinel and the Yaquina
Bay News be allowed 220.0(1 ner
year each- for publishing the County
Lourt proceedings. . ...
Petition of W M Dodson to erect
telephone ooles and lines on riuht
of way cf county road from Taft
to Newport, granted.
The following road suDsrvisors
were appointed:
Dist. T, J N Taylor: 2. B W
Hays; 3, E S Oakland; 4, Carl
Barclay; 5, J R Coovert: 6. Albert
J Stacker: 7. Chas Hassman: 8.
Wm Mackcy;; 9. J H Sugg; 10 A
F Hall; 11 A A Willoughby.: 12
BF Grant". 13 J E Hamar: 14
Dudley Trapp; 15 Ralph Hamar:
16 W D Hamar: 17 C A Baker: 18
JosSijota; 19 James Harrison; 20
GCDoty; 21LCM6wery; 22 C
W Brown: 23, C A Overlander ; 24,
Ross McElwain..
Petition - for appointment of
esse M Reeder supervisor of road
listrict 7, rejected.
Petition for ennointment of An.
drew York 'supervisor of road dis-
6 . jected.
etttTorr foT BTjnniTitmprtnf Omn
Harding supervisor of road district
17; rejected.' . -
Petition of J M Scott, et al. for
adjustment of taxes for year 1912,
Petrtloifof J R Meiser- for ad
justment of taxes for year 1908
granted, v
Petition of H C Starr for chancre
of road in'district 17,' continued.
J H Rcsi annointed Countv Seal.
er of Weights and. Measures.
Petition of P S Frve. et nl for
location ol a county road, granted
and road to be known as the Rock
Road." - .
Petition cf R A Parent to vnmt
plat of Camp Ocean, continued.
petition of NeHie Fletcher for
county road, continued. ,
Petition of Mrs A Gwvnn Wil
liams1 for rebate of taxts, granted.
Ordered that salary of courthousn
janitor be raised from $25 to S30
per month'
The following ' claims wer al.
lowed: . .
Clara Everson, registering
electors .$ 10.64
Bennett Olson, lumber for
road dist 1 ia nn
Bennett Olson, work in road
distl... 21 94
City of Toledo, water for
courthouse. Dec fi nn
Allen Hughes, mdse for county, .70
O R Hollingsworth.' mdse. fnr
county iann
Lincoln Couilty Telephone
Co., phones for courthouse, 9.00
Arthur Nye, work on county-
. iann
Newoort Lumber Co, lumber
lor road dist 6,. 9.95
Grant King, juror on Bob
Wylie inauest o in
Wm Miller, same....... 2.10
Kalph Hamar, same, 2.10
C Blacketer. same o in
Thos tscott, Bame 2.10
V M Lasey, same,. 2.10
C S Davis, same 9 in
- MBtV
J Applegate, witness, same,.. 1.00
Martha Johnson, same.,...., 1.00
Paul Washington, same,... ., 1.00
Archie Johnson; same....... .1.00
F M Carter, fees ab coroner,
"me, 17.50
J W Parrish, et al, justice fees
in state, cases, . . ; ; 70 55
Home for Aged, care of noor, 60.00
Oren Ruperts, county aid Nov
and Dee. ; . sn nn
Aurelia King, care minor .,
children, 750
Margaret Frerrer7, same,. k 1900
Hilda Maninen. same.. . 9fi nn
LFannie McFimiey, samt,. . . . ! 28.00
Jakca Leganger, same,. .. . . .17.10-
Minnei Abo. same J' . 17 n
John Folmsbee, ct al,' work ia
road dut 10, t ......... ...22.90
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies "'
for county officials. .116.21
Bushong & Co.. same.. . . cn sr
Irwin-Hcdson, same, ........ 133.00
P D Cunningham. Earrie ' . . '. fl 9.R
Otter Rock Lumber Co lumber
for road dkt 6 ...... 6 M
Toledo Drug Co, mdse,. .... .44.1 )
Toledo Light Co, lights r -
courthouse Nov and Dec,.. 11. 50
I M rindell, lumber for toai- ,
dist 6 ; 21.71
W J Graham, draying ; . . . J.gO
Fred Horning, same 4.75
Collins & Hayden, printing.. .89.85
Newport Signal, same.-. .23.45
Gardner & Petersen, mdse,. . 34.68
J L Karnes, md&e road dist a. 1 fln
B W Hayes, et al, work,rad '
.dist 2...... .'...,...64.00
W J Cline, et al, work in road '
diet 11,. ............... ; .35.95
Jos Sijota, same, dist 18,.... 77.84
Frank Tiylor, same, diet 4, . . 36.00
A F Hall, same, dist 10,.". . 68.37
Ralph Hamar, same dist 15,. 3.61
Chas Hassman, same dist 7,. .22.40
Harry Lutey, same dist 8,. . , k 47.00'
John Thissel.', same dist.4.. . .39.50
W D Hrrner.same dist 16,. .124.50
John Turnidge. janitor Nov
andDec.v...... ....... .51.00
B F Beezley, surveying iq ' , ,
r dist 21,... .10.00
L M Starr, work in Assessor's
'office,..; 7.50
C A Ofstedahl. same.. . . . : . ; .37.50
Mrs W E Ball, same.. . . , .60.00
W E Ball, salary as assessor
No aud Dec......... .;. 200.00
W E BallKexpenses Nov and'
Dec,..., 23.75
R H Howell, stamps end ex
" press Nov and Dec,;;''. .'V; 14.50
R H Howell, salary as county
clerk Nov and. Dec, 208.65
Catl Gildersleeve, deputy clerk
Nov and Dec, . . ... . . .w. 150.00
U B McCIuskey, tamps and
freight Nov and Dec,. . . .'. .6 69
G B McCIuskey. salary as
treasurer.. 183.33
John Fogarty, salary as county
jutJge,. 166.65
Johnf ogarty.-' telegrams ar.d
postage,. ; . . . .,1.40
Verne Ross, wok In assessor's
uffice, k ........ . 45.00
Frank Mulvaney, viewer on
survey dist 12,. ....24.50
B Grant, ' same., ........ .12.00
GeoTitis, axman, same,. .... 14.00
Chas Litiley.chainman, same, 14.00
R E Darting, same 14.0P
K.D Burgess services as county
health efficer,.;.
Z C Cupeland, running county
ferry,.... 3Q 00
O H Haugann, work in Court- ';
houae ..... ..-...'. 1 .7R
Margaret Fremery. care for .
. poor Dec... .. w. , .25.60
Bert Geer, transporting prison-' . ' :
ers Down and Chance, ...... 3.50
Bear Creek Lumber Co; lum
ber for road dist 17.. . . . .128.43
E G Calkins, et al, work in
road dist 17...........V. 132.05
United States Fidelity & Guar-
anty Co, tax collector's bond, 64.00
Walker & Lebow, mdse for
road dist 20, ; . .". ; . . . ; . , ..11 .45
G C Doty, et al. work in road ,
dist 20,......i.v ..116.95
Henry Lewis, mdse for county. 5 95
J W Davenuort. et al. work
in road dist 22....... 42.90
Chas Allen, registering elect
ors 4.80
Yaquina Bay NewBprinting, 12.00
Bert Geer, salary as sheriff
Nov and Dec,. ......... .300.00
Bert Geer, stamps and inci
dentals,. . ............... 27.88
L H Evens, hall rent for election.-.
Guy Lewis, delivering election
cupnlies,... .1 .2.00
T B Newmaa, searching for
body of Oscar Maise,. . . . . .15.00
J N Gardner, work in road
dist 17 ......15.00
E T Raddant. material for
road dist 15 600.00
E R Howell, assisting teachers
examination, , 9,00
R P Goin. stamps and ex Dress
Nov and Dec,.... 12.14
K P Goin. salary as school
supt Nov and Dec, 206.06
J Berry, work in road dist 8, 8.06
Verne Ross, work in sheriff's
, office.......... 30.35
E S Oakland, et al, work in
road dist 3 .20.75
John Rattey, teaming 11.50
J I Williamson, et al, work
Hans Larson; work at court
house T H Gildersleeve. reDairin? '
courthouse.............. 112 15
R A Arnold, ae,......,.. 120.30
8chool Dist 2, county hixh ,
- school .165.00
Diet, 3, sane, ...221.00
Dist 12, same....... 77.00
Andrew .York, et al, work in
. road dist 6,. ........... .401.70
I E Cuffield. care of insane,. . .15.00
Olson & Yasek, draying,; . .6.00
G L McCaulo-u, lurcbsr for
' sourthouse. ..'.'..::'.... 12.31
1 C Altree. work in Yoad dist
15 (contract) ..324 00
L F Parsne, refund of taxes, 36 48
T J Cams, same .10.77
J R-Coovot. work in roaTI dint
5,...,..., ; ' i on'
Dudley Trapp, et al, work in ,
road dist 14 33.19
Z M Derrick, surveying in
roHd dist 15..... ...... .15 nn
G B McCIuskey, post cards
and express 10.50
Claus Ludesiann, county com
missioner ..,.40.00
JV F Wakefield, same,';. . . .". .59.80
W C Skaggs, et al, work in
ruad dist 1,. ............ .20.00
Z M Derrick, surveying. in
road dist 12 .128.00
L W Pettit, painting Bigns
of couthouse doors, ....... .7.00
, -
' Who' wants to take salts, or cas
tor oil. when there is nothing better
than DrKing's New Life Pills for
all bowel troubles. They act gently
nd naturally on the stomach and
liver, stimulate and regulate your
bowels and tone' up the entire sys
tem, tfrice, 25c. ' At all druggists.
Philadelphia or St. Louis.
Saturdays are Warnock & Hughes.
"Economy Days."
in road dist 19..
'.- i V'l'czt Botfles Lemon,; Regular, 15c. each Sale 10c.
V . '-'4 ox Bottles Lemon; Regular, 35c. each Sale. 20e. .
4 04. Bqttles Vanilla,' Regular, 45c. each Sale, 30c
; Large Packages,' Regular, 25c. each Sale 20c.
Medium packages. Regular, 15c' each Sale, 10c.
. Small packages. Regular, 10c. each, Sale, 50c.
Arm ahd Hammar, Regular 10c. package. Sale, 6Jc. packgaet
Schillings, Regular 10c package Sale 6c. package
i , , SameaaJelI-0 V
Regular 10c. package Sale 7c each
; ' :;: CATSUPS; ' -: ' '
. Snider's or Monopote, Regular 25c. Sale 20c. "each.
Watch our next week's ad
Our Motto: Quick
spectat; attention given to traveling men- I :
Runs Daily bray Line., Goods delivered Promptly at all hours. Gam
eral hauling. Teams furnished on Bhort notice.
Launch Transit.
Leaves . Elk City. 7:30 a. m.r
Toledo, 9 a. m. , Returning, leaves
Newport 2:30 d. m.; Toledo 4:30
p'. m. Every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday.
This schedule will be maintained
during the Winter.
H. A. Norton, Captain. -
A pew shipment of Shoes justre
ceived at Akin's.
Furnished house for rent. En
quire at this office.
One 2-year old heifer, brown and
white. Holstein mark on . face.' no
horns, has celuloid button rivited
in ear with numper and M. Wait,
Pioneer, Oregon. Address above.
...WANTED. ,
' Donkey engine. 9x10 preteredl.
with or without rigginir andcaWpn-
state size and condition in first fet
ter. Must be a bargain for cash. '
W. A. McCIintock, Taft. Or. '
Frsiti nd Cured Meats
Fish and Oysters
"in Season
Highest Cash Price Paid for IEdesa
- Hughes
ale Day
It will save you money.
Sales and Small Profits.