A Guarantee .ring your watch to an exper ienced workman For five years we have been studying tlie anatomy ol a watch and today we can cure the moat cesper te cases. Let jour XT3teh spend a few days in our shop and it will come forth al most as Rood as new, with a guarantee from us to give you satisfactory service, if this e fail to do we will cheer fully refund your money. IIAMEL BROS. JEWELERS Hawkins Bld.i Toledo, Or. Attorney V. E. Gwynn was up from Newport yesterday. Victor E. Hachman of Eddyville is visiting his daughter, Mis. R.y fillter, in this city. Owing to sickness there will be no Saturday Epecial "Economy SJfcle" at the Raiket this week. Cecil Eme;y was uu from New port Wednesday makirg arrange nents for the putting on of another play here by the Newport Dramatic Society. , Mrs. Allen Hughes went to Tort Und the first cf tre week, and word was received that she would bf Derated on today for oppendi o.iid. Mr. Hughes went to the city Wtdnesday to be with her. Subscripitons received this week re, L. A. Denr.ick, Newport; L. F. Vjrf-ihy, MsAlester, Okla; C. Chiiitensen, Yaquina L. Forget, Newport; Ike Leabo, Jerome, IcLho; Roy Walter, Chitwocd; J. J. Caither, IoleJo; A. Deardurf, Portland; K. S. Langhei, Tiledo; S E. Coffin, Ioledo. At the annuel meeting of t the Creamery Association held last Monday the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Presi dent, J. W. Parrish; secretary, J. L. Whiteis; treasurer, Claus Christ iansen :'dictora, T. B. Butler, C. Brmer; I. F. Hiser, 0. A. Copeland John" FoT.-nsbee.V' It is thought acuial construction work will be commenced about the first of next month. Kernville. We are now havinnr the hichest wrier we have had for four or five yerrs. The Schooner creek and Drift river bottoms are all under water. The Siletz-Taft mailcarrler only f ol to Drift river Monday with his mail. The hay was a mass of white caps. The Siletz river was running so swift that it was dangerous to undertake to go further, Mr. and Mr3. Plank came down with the mailcarrier. Mrs. Plank was formeily Mis3 Edith Ball. She Las .come to finish her school cn Schooner creek. D. R. Ring's tawmill is shut down ton account of high water. Bert Morrison is working fcr Dcdson & Cook. They have found that their business has out grown their building and they are build- . tag an addition. Misj Nellie Nixon, ore of the Schooner creek schaol teachers, visited Mrs. Walter Bones last week. Miss Nellie Eor.es of Schooner reek n staying with her grandma, iln. Amon Bor.e3, and going to school for a short time. II. 1 ! 11 V ivjr. ana Mrs. wiuie nones were vintors at Mr. McClintock's fcr leveial days last week. NOflCE OK APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Linioln "countv. Orczcn, administratrix of the estate of David Foreman, deceased. All persons having claims neairret Soid estate ore hereby notified and re 1 . L 1 I auireu 10 preEcni mo earne to mo for payment, at the lawtfTiceof G. IB. McCluskey, in Toledo, Oregon, with proper vouchers, and duly veri lieu, within six months from the date hereof. Dated December 15, 1913. Nellie C. Harrison, Administratrix of the estate o David Foreman, deceased G. B. McCluskey, attorney ior Ad- ' .jninistratrix, Toledo, Oregon. Jury List The following is the jury list drawn for the regular February term of Circuit Court for this county: F C Aldrich. Eddyville Ira Bray, Waldport Cecil Blower, Toledo A b Clark, Elk City Wm Psrnley, Toledo P H Elting, Siletz J H Earley, Waldport F F Foster, Nortuns Jessen Farrin, Taft A Hurley, Toledo L A January, Harlan ' Jas Kent, Waldport T F Kershaw, Newport 0 E McMillan, Rose Lodge T B Newman, Rocca G A Olin, Siletz G N Pulse, Tidewater H J Prosser. Newport C H Pierce. Otis Geo Prescott, Bav View Faris Parks. Elk City A F Ross Dcnzer D B Ramsdell, Elk City J F Sapn. Denzer L W Williams, Newport W D Wheeler, Newport A W Weber. Ona Fred Wagner, Nortons G N Barclay, Tidewater A Gallagher, Ona A C Crawford, Siletz. Neither Absent Nor Tardy The names of pupils in the 4th, 5th, 6th. 7th and 8th grades of To ledo schools who are neither absent or tard.v will be published each week. For the week ending Jan uary 9th, we have the follow ing list: Fifth Grade Howard Brown, Al fred Andrews, Herthel Ports. Isa bel Lingenfeller. Josephine Dahl. Katie Wajgh. Nelson Anderson. George Freeman, Edna Plank. Aletha Campbell, Rose Conibcar. Kenneth Waddle, Vivian Spicer. Foutth Grade Roy Swayze. Sada Chambers. Joeephine Chamberlin, Curtis Chambers, Nellie Peterson. Felice Avery, Edward Dabl. Llovd McJunkin, Myrtle . Weaver, Carrie Wade, Edith Peterson. Walter Mc- Caulou, Austin Huffman, Ivan Gill. Rosa Gwynn, George Stanley, Mar tin Stanley, Wan en Stewart. Sixth Grade George Slyter, Ar nold Freuery, Ihomas Harding, James Ross. Inez Weaver. Rosa Derrick, Iris Akin, Mary Geer. May Salvage, Helga Larsjn, Thelma Bingham. Seventh Grade Carlton Brown, Anna Collins. Elma Peterson, Erma Nye, Francel Stanton, Lois Brown, Myrle Collins, Hazel Winters, Mar gart Hart, Antosia WiBniewski, Gertrude Chamberlin, Violet Gwynn. Eighth Grade Margie Ball. An struther Scavth, Frances Paire. Clara Harding. Eennie Towmbley, Winifred bweanngen. Raymond St. wait, Ruth Larson, Bennie Chamberlin, Milly Slyter, Myrtle Gwynn, Grace. Gill. , . , . New Council Sworn In At the council chambers Monday evening O. R. Hollingssvorth, A. T. Peterson and Austin Rosebrook took the oath of office and at once took their seats in the council an d went ahead with the routine busi ness of the city. The councilmen retiring are M. N. Anderson and W. E. Ball. These men have worked faithfully for the better ment of our citv and are entitled to your thanks. Newport 5; Toledo 3. In a fast game of basket ball at Newport last Friday evenincr thn Toledo High school girls lost to the Newport girls by the above seorp. The launches Chicora and Transit took the Toledo bunch down. A return game will be Dlaved The Newport bovs' haaket hall team will play Toledo here at the rink tonight. A dance will be had after the game. Mrs. Rhoades was a passenger for the Valley Saturday morning. John Folmsbee of Big Elk was in the city the first of the week. faamuel Reichen of Newport had business in the county seaf last oionuay. oy Furniture Of O. R. HOLLINGSWORTH The Furniture Man The Price is Always Right 0 O O m ale starts January Clearance Sale ON EVERYTHING in our stock of CLOTHING, FURN1SHNIGS. BOOTS and SHOTS. . ' BIG SPECIAL REDUCTION on a Large portion of our Tailord-to- Order samples. - Smith's .... The Leading Clothier & 0 O n a H O Sale Price for Cash Only $ Miss Grace Davis visited at Chit wood Saturday. M. N. Anderson has been sworn in fas deputymarshal. Miss Lena Ball was a passenger for the Valley Saturday morning. Maurice Anderson was a passen ger for Portland Tuesday morning. . Dr. R. D. Burgess returned last evening from a visit to the Valley. Mrs. C. K. Cronso entertained the Wist Club last Friday after noon. Miss Mary Green of Newport visited friends here the first of the week. '. t Merchant Allen Hughes was a passenger for Portland Wednesday morning. L. C. Smith, the Newport realty man, had business in this city Tuesday. Mrs. Milliard Merrell was a pas senger for Portland Wednesday morning. Lot Putler returned to Monroe Wednesday after a several days" visit here. Caot. 0. F. Jacobson of the Newport passed through Wednesday morning enroute for the Valley. Mrs. Jos. Swearingen went to Corvallis Saturday to visit with her brother, H. A. Newton, who is quite sick. Ike Leabo cf Jerome. Idaho. visited here with his aunt,. Mrs. J. McCluskey, the latter part of last week. Mr. Lenbo-lived here on the bay forty years ago. FntllPP T. TTnvfif rmul Vioa charge of the Chathoic churches in mis county, having taken up the work of Father Hampson.- He is at Ncwnnrt tha f-of Sundays, at Siletz the second and nere me imra Sunday, holding ser vices at 10 a. m. Sat. Jan. 10 0 CD d O a P o 0 w p:. hi o Commissioner Wakefield returned Monday morning to his home at Eddyville, after sitting in Comis sioners' Court here last week. Roy Walter of Chi two id was in the city laet night. Roy just re cently received patent to his home stead and had the patent filed at the clerk's office. : J. J. Cusack arrived onr frnm Portland Monday eveninor to look after his brother's estate, of which he is the administrator. He and with Fred Stanton left for n trin into the Siletz timber Tuesday morning. " $100 REWARD $100 A reward of S100 will hn oiupn anyone finding the body of Oscar Mayes, who was drown in the Siletz river about November 20, 1913. Mrs. Jessie Mayes, Roc:a, Oregon. WORK OXEN. ' I have a team of 4-year-old, well broken oxen, good disposition, weight between 1400 and 1500 each. Reasonable of sold at on:e. C. Bateman. Toln.dd, Or. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given that all warrants drawn on the General Fund of Lincoln county and en dorsed "not paid for want of funds" on and prior to March 14, 1912, are hereby called and the in terest stopped thereon this date. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, thiB 15th day of January, 1914. G. B. McCluskey, County Treasurer. Farms Wanted If you have a farm ' for sale or exc tange, and will .price it right, we can dispose of it for you. Send us complete description and piice. - , EVERETT & CREW. 212 Selling Bldg., Portland, Or. J. S. AKIN Miss Frances Simpson of Elk City is visiting friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McEwian re turned Saturday from a visit at Portland. John Hamar was down from Nortons on business the first of the week. Howard Sherlock of Newberg is here this week visiting h's old friend, O. R. Hollingsworth. Shook and children spent the day with friends up the mad Tues Jay. Mrs. Millard Merrell came up f orn Newport Monday morniag for a isi at the Merrell home in this citiC ' Fred Chambers returned to New port Wednesday evening, where be is helping to look after his mother business. Miss Esther Copeland has been on the sick list this week! Mrs utiitn Howeu taking her nlacd : in fi.,.W.. HnfTmon . the Toledo Lumber company, was a"' Portlarid visitor this week, return ing last evening. Lambert Nelson was dawn fm Pioneer Saturday evening. nttonJ. ing the installation of the local I. U. U. t. and Kebekah lodges. Mrs. C. G. Holland returnd - her home at Portland Monday tvilu ner parents. Mr. and Mrs.C .T. Sailng in this city. ' ' Grandma Dundon in anu, uemg very oia, iears are enter taintd for her recovery. Her daughter. Mrs. Mattie Scott, ar rived last evening to be at the bed side. Surveyor Hayes returned Mon day evening with a crew of men to resume his work for the C. & E. railroad in this vicinity. They will a4so survey out a "Y" at Yaquina. J. A. Peteroon has told the Pal ace restaurant to Hans Norgaard, the latter taking charge last Monl day morning. Mr. and Mis. Peter son conducted this place for over two ytars and in that time built up a thiiving business. That Mr. Norgaard and wife will do well in catering to the hungry public there is no doubt. Mrs. Norgaard is an excellent cook and her tables will be always sjpplied with the best. Miss Harvey has moved her candy shop into the same building and wiil also assist with the restaurant work. WONDERFUL COUGH REMEDY Dr. King's New Discovery is known everywhere as the remedy which wiil surely stop a cough or cold. D. P. Lawson of Eidson. Tenn., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is. tho most wonderful cough, cold and throat and lung medicine I tver sold n my store. It can't be beat. It sells without any trouble at all. It needs no guarantee." This is true, becauso Dr. King's New Discovery will re lieve the most obstinate of coughs and colds. Lung troubles quickly le.neu oy us use. You should keep a bottle in the house at all times for all the numbers of tha family. 50c and $1.00. All drug gists or by mail. H. E. BUCKLEN & CO. i Philadelphia or St. Louis.