Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 16, 1914, Image 3

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Advise quick what you have for Holiday Trade. Will sell your Poultry and
rive ynn prompt and reliable service for five per cent of gross sales. Ship your
Poultry where it will be properly handled. Cold storage in building. Good sales
manship and quick returns.
Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides
Wilt today for tags and out net eaah price Hat.
We guarantee fair treatment, highest prices, and
Cbeck by Return Mail." Give na a trial with
four next let of produce. F. H. Schmall & Co.,
tM-0, CiaM, 10.0M. Ml-143 fraa rtftbal On.
- EegSi Poultry, Hogs, Veal
Net prieea f. o. b. Portland, no commission. Fresh
chicken eggs, (538e doc; dairy butter, 18c: live
bens and springs,.1316c: ducks & geese, l(K312c:
dry picked poultry, lc higher. Turkeys, 18&19c
dressed. 1st grade, 22ft 25c; 2d grade leas. Fancy
Sork. MfUBe; fancy veal, 1415c: dry cascara. Fc.
hip furs, wools, mohair, wax, hides. Aneta, (30,000
RUBY & CO., 107 Frost St, PORTLAND, OR.
HOWARD E. BTTBTOH - Aaaeyer end CJnemlrt,
Leadville, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold,
lUrer, Lead, O. Gold, BUter, Tbo; Gold. 600; Kins
sr Copper,-SI. Mailing envelopes a id fall price list
sent on application. Control and Umpire work M,
netted. Seferenoat Carbonate Maliaaal Bank.
Watson V.. Coleman,
I'atent Lawyer, w aalilnguin
I).C Advice and honlta free.
Bates reasonable. Highest relerencee. Heat services.
Ws have an article used In every home and
want one lady in each town to represent us.
Will help you build up an independent busi
ness of your own. PETTY CO, Bi 277, Pertiaai, Or.
Bought, sold and exchanged; engines, boilers,
sawmills, etc Send for Stock List and Prices.
XHE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 1st St.. Portland. Or.
Hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Hail 5714
or by appointment
Scientific Treatment of all Acuta and Chronic
Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Suite 124-6-7
Arcade Building. Seattle. ,
Tape's Dlapepsln" makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs surety feel fine
In five minutes.
If what you just ate Is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas, and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
In mouth and stomach-headache, you
can get blessed relief In five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
Pape's Dlapepsln from any drug store.
You realize In five minutes how need
less it Is to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doc
tor In the world. It's wonderful.
, Biggest Electrical Egg Hatchery.
'The largest electrical egg hatching
Slant in the world is in England, hav
lg an average output of 8,000 chick
ens a week.
I -earn Watchmaking and Rn graving In a
few months. Positions guaranteed. Writ
Bets Right Twist
On Rheumatism
Hakes Short Work of Cleaning Oai Your Entire
System Achss and Pains Go Fast.
In S. S. S. Yon Get a Twist on
llany a rheumatlo sufferer has been to
the drug store for a bottle of 8. 8. 8. and
been banded something claimed to be
"Just as good." Truly, to ask tor bread
and be given a stone is still in practice.
If you are troubled with rheumatism In
any form be sure to use 8, 8. 8. and note
ts wonderful Influence.
6. 8. 8. has the peculiar aetlon of soak
ing through the intestines directly into
the blood. . In five minutes its influence is
at work in every artery, vein and tiny
capillary. Every membrane, every organ
f the body, every emunctory becomes in
effect a filter to strain the blood of lm
Surltles. The stimulating properties of &
, 8. compel the akin, liver, bowels, kid
neys, bladder to all work to the one end
ef casting out every Irritating, every pain.
Inflicting atom of poison; it dislodges by
Irrigation all accumulations In the Joints,
causes add accretions to disolve, readers
- PAGE CO., Portland, Ore.
Save your Halrl Get a 25-cent bottle
of Danderlne right now Also
stops Itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
bair Is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It roba the bair
of its lustre, Its strength and Its very
life; eventually producing a feverlsh
ness and itching of the scalp,. which
if not remedied causes the hair roots
to Bhrlnk, loosen and die then the
hair falls out fast . A little Danderlne
tonight now rany . time will surely
save your hair. - '
Get a 25-cent bottle of . Knowlton's
Danderlne from any drug store. You
surely can have beautiful hair and
lots of it if you will just try a little
Danderlne. Save your hair! Try it!
A Fool Stunt.
Since the incident of the "Wolf of
Wall Street," special attention is call
ed by some of the press to the fact
that it Is against the law to imperson
ate a congressman. We fail to see
why any good citizen should want to
be guilty of a fool stunt like that.
Beaumont (Tex.) Journal.
CHILDREN are subject to CROUP during the
winter months. Mothers should protect them by
using Goddard's especially prepared Throat Bands.
They are infallible and convenient to use. Satis
faction guaranteed or purchase price refunded.
Sent postpaid on receipt of 60 cents.
A. H. GODUARD, 290 Weldler St. Portland, Or.
And Which Is Condensed.
The city cousin, on a short visit to
her country cousin, is watching the
latter as she commences to do the
evening milking.
"Oh, I say, Isn't it all so very Inter
esting. Anl from which of the cows,
Lucy, do you take the certified milk?"
Buffalo Express.
Farmer Hawbuck What do
charge for pictures like them?
Photographer Eight dollars mount
ed. Farmer Hawbuck All right
Where's the horse I'm to set on?
Boston Transcript
Mothers wITX fln4 Mrs. Winnows Soothing
Syrup the brst remedy to use lor their children
during the teethiug period.
Pins fashioned almost exactly like
those of the sort known today as
"safety pins" have been found In
Etruscan and Roman tombs, and the
date of these has, in some instances,
been assigned to a period prior to the
Christian era.
Free to Oar Readers
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for
18-page Illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all
bout Your Eye Trouble and they will advise,
as to the Proper Application of the Murine
Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Tour
Druggist will tell yon that Murine Believes
Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't
6mart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sella for 60c
Try It In Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes tor
Bcaly Eyelids and Granulation.
Probably it requires less capital to
become a cynic, but of the two we
would rather see the friend we love
become chief clerk at a flea circus.
Two cherry orchards In New South
Wales, Australia, yielded $10,000
worth of cherries' this season.
Moscow cab drivers are prohibited
by law from carrying whips.
BHenmatism That Settles It.
them neutral and scatters those peculiar
formation In the nerve centers that
cause such mystifying and often baffling
rheumatlo pains. '
And best of all this remarkable remedy
is welcome to the weakest stomach. It
you have drugged yourself until your
stomach Is nearly paralysed, you will be
astonished to find that 8. 8. 8. gives no
sensation but goes right to work. This la
because it is a pure vegetable Infusion, la
taken naturally into .your blood just as
pure air 1 inhaled naturally Into your
Get a bottle of S. 8. S. today, and asK
for 8. 8. 8. -
Tou may depend upon It that the store)
that sells you what you ask tor Is a good
place to trade. Write to the Swift
Bpeolflo Co., 104 Swift Bldg., Atlanta. Ga
tog their Book on. Rheumatism,
Many Things Needed for Winter
Egg Production.
Poultrymen Must Look Carefully Into
Proper Housing and Care of Birds
to Secure Greatest Returns
From Their Flocks.
The winter season Is rapidly ap
proaching and poultry raisers In order
to have a successful season and get
the greatest returns from their flocks
must look carefully Into the proper
housing and care of the birds during
the) cold, blustery days which will
soon be here.
The time is also rapidly approaching
when diseases peculiar to the feath
ered beauties, and large money yield
era, will develop. Should you not be
In a position to exterminate the mala
dies quickly, all your expected profits
will be turned Into losses and the sea
son made a failure. Should this be
the case you will at once set up the
cry "there Is no money in chickens."
This is up to you. If you sit idly by
during these bright, beautiful days
and give no heed to the future com
fort of your fowls, do not complain
when you do not get eggs when they
are a luxury or set up a wall when
your birds are picked off by the rav
ages of disease. Roup time will soon
be here and this is indeed a most
dangerous disease among chickens.
See that your houses are protected
against all drafts and that the damp
ness Is entirely excluded. Do not be
afraid to give the birds plenty of
good fresh air, but do not permit
drafts. The.' open style of poultry
house has been widely adopted an4 It
is a good one, but unless constructed
In the proper manner is sure to result
In the death of many birds.
The market for fresh eggs is rapidly
reaching a high-water mark and this
household necessity will, If predictions
count for anything, bring even a high
er price than that of last winter. Be
Good Winter Layer.
prepared to have eggs when they are
wanted. In order to accomplish this
several things are necessary. First
keep the hens healthy' and vigorous,
feed them properly and keep them
busy. Idle hens never pay tor their
board and keep.
Study the peculiarities and prefer
ences of the fowls and endeavor to
give them just what they want. Re
member you cannot get eggs by falling
to attend to the many details con
nected with the poultry yard and gen
eral inattention to business. A few
hours each day, morning and night,
will accomplish wonderful results. See
to It that your part In the program
of egg production is carried out and
the hens will do the rest
Heavy Producing Oats.
In some Ontario experiments the
varieties of oats producing an average
yield of more than 90 bushels an acre,
based on the results of five years, are
Banner, New Zealand, Yellow Russian
and Peerless. Scarboro produced the
largest yield of straw, being 3.27 tons
an acre.
Hogs and Sheep. ' . ,
If the farmer is looking for quick
returns In live stock and fof a large
percentage on the money Invested,
there are no animals on the farm
that will beat the sow and the ewe.
Honest Packing.
. The man who puts up an bones
pack of first-class fruit In uniform,
well-made packages need never fear
that the money spent for attractive
labels will be wasted.
Trees Set In Fall.
Trees set out in the fall do bettet
when the winter Is moderate, as the
ground Is drier and the trees make a
greater growth tne next season.
Water for Horses. ;
Don't allow your horses to drink a
large amount of water on coming Into
the stable very warm. Allow them to
Hold the Dairy Hs Iters. '
Hold right onto the best of you.
rlntrv helffir calves, and sell anmn on.
terprlslng neighbor your surplus males
Flnnlgan's Rival.
A few years aeo Enelnner TWinrinn
of the Missouri Pacific had a break
down to hiB engine on the Klrknnnn
grade. He went to the telegraph of
fice and sent the master mechanic, W.
T. Hume, the following message, In
which, to our notion, the famous "off
again, on again" message of Finnigan
Is clearly outclassed:
"Mr. New:
Number 2
Has busted her flue
While going through
What would you
Have me do? Donahue."
Potter Kansan.
H Cures While You Walk. ' '
- "u.-i-j is a certain curator hot,
K .11 n?:,1!1".8' "? wollc'. -hlng feet. Sold
substitute. Trial nankatrA voire '
AUen 8. OlmstedLe UoyrTY. "
Sign of Old Age.
Chauncey Denew savs the Amm-iran
girl is not as pretty as she was 60
years ago. This is the first sign of
old age Chauncey has shown. Detroit
Free Press.
Hotel Washington
Washington Street. Corner of Twelfth.
CHA8. B. ROWLEY, Manaser.
11.00, $1.50 $2.00 Per Day With Bath Privilege. $1.80, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day With Private Bath.
Special Rate by week or month. Bus to ami from trains and boats, or take s Depot ear to
Washington St. ana transfer, get off at Twelfth Street. European plan. 160 outside roonac
Fireproof Building, modern and clean in every respect. Hot and cold running water and both
telephones In every room. Single or double bedrooms. Large Parlor off Main Lobby.
Their Position.
"A caroet man oueht to hav n
great advantage over a paperhanger
If both belonged to the same club."
now sot
"Because the nnnnrhnncor wmilrl
naturally go to the wall when the
other fellow had the floor."
Keeping the Body in Repair
, Nature intended that the body should do its own
repairingand it would do so were it not for the
fact that most of us live other than a natural life.
Nature didn't intend that we should wear corsets, tight collars or
shoes, nor live in badly ventilated and draughty houses, nor eat and
drink some of the things that we do, nor ride in street cars when we should walk.
The consequence Is that the body when it gets out of order must look for out
side help to make the necessary repairs.
For weak stomachs and the indigestion or dyspepsia resulting, and the multitude
of diseases following therefrom, no medicine can be more adaptable as a curative
This famous Doctor's prescription has been recommended for over 40 years,
and Is today just as big a success. Restores a healthy appetite. Cleanses the blood.
Strengthens the nerves. Regulates stomach and liver. Demand the original.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Sold In Liquid or Tablet form by Dealers In Medicines
Bend 81 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only on a free copy of Dr. Pierce's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, doth bound. Addreaa Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
How Times Have Changed.
The execution of a prisoner has
been put off in Bermuda so as not to
interfere with the tourist season, a
mark of how times have changed since
the pirate days. New York Sun.
Tripoli now has a population
Sprains, Bruises
Stiff Muscles
are quickly relieved by Sloan's
Liniment. Lay it on no rub
bing. Try It.
Ankle Sprain and Dislocated Hip.
"I sprained my ankle and dislocated
my hip by falling out of a third story
window. Went on crutches for four
months. Then I started to use your
Liniment, according to directions. I
must say it is helping me wonderfully.
We will never be without Sloan's Lini
ment anymore. fcos, Johtuon, Lauton
a. r.
Kills Pain
Splendid for Sprains.
" I fell and sprained my arm a week
ago and was In terrible pain. I could
not use my hand or arm until I applied
your Liniment. I shall never be with
out a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. "Mn.
U. a. bpringv, tUuabmth, li. J.
Fine for Stiffness.
"Sloan's Liniment has done more
good than anything I have ever tried
for stiff joints. I got my hand hnrt so
badly that I had to stop work right in
the busiest time of the year. I thought
at first that I would have to have my
hand taken off, but I rot a bottle of
Sloan's Liniment and cured my hand."
WUum WhmUr, llorrit, Ala.
At all Dealere. 25c
50c. aad $1.00
Send for Sloan's
free, instructive
book on horses,
cattle, bogs and
poultry. Address
Dt LUIS, mi Inc.
KKT0R.IJ& ..
Mon'e f?-oosj.sos3.oo
hum . ou 4 a S4.BO
Women's &o2J IS
BkfM buiaMS In 1
isjitj; strw um
Ud sH ifeoM
lm tt voxid.
Ovr ISO itvltm.
as au MMHneri
7. L. Douslu ftboflB an
erv where. Why not give tbea
rtal f The value you will reeelv
or juur money wiu aatoiijab 701.
If you would Ttalt our factory.
uitj uarKwt in me worm under
one root, ana ace dow cartfuily
you would under' and why iLey r
w&rraujkou uj iook neiler. nl DOtier,
uuiu vuoirniiaufj svuu wtnr iOU&Tor
vuiw uiat&w iur hue price.
Your de&ler ihould sup pry yrm wit
them.lun'ttnkf ainittiii IliiiA Xfmaa
genuine without W. I Doudaa
unura ujuiimxi on DOiioin. isnoea
Bent everywhere. 1frnt from fa.
YV U3t o1 ro. postage Iree. Haw
at lira time to Degin io save money
luiu luuvwuar. w run uhibv iur nil
iraiea (JAiaioffabowlntr how to order
py man. w. I DOUOLAB.
AlO Spark St., Brockton iCaL
Sams Rates for One or Two Persons In a
Portland, Oregon.
"Would you call Btlkius a strong
minded man?"
"I should say so. He has splendloT
self-control. Why, I have known him
to talk politics for as long as 15 min
utes without losing his temper."
Buffalo Express.
Cure 8ick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad ,
Breath Candy Cathartic 'j
No odds how bad your liver, stomr
ach or bowels; how much your head'
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels you always get
relief with Cascarets. They imme
diately cleanse and regulate the stom
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile)
from the liver and carry off the con
stipated waste matter and poisonv
from the intestines and bowela. A
10-cent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
Btomach sWeet and bead clear for'
months. They work while you sleep
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets reen-
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
Easy to take as candy.
Where Our Fish Go.
A billion alleged moBsbunkers wers
netted last year and transformed Into
fish oil and fertilizer. It would be in
teresting to know how many of then
were blueflsh, baBS and other food
fish. New York Sun.
menta of TTnn miinaii .
aita-baUalaf rwiilal
thsObiaess doctor.
Try onos more if too have been doctoring wHa
this oas and that on and have not obtained n.
manant relief. Let this great nature scalar due
nose roar aaae and preMrlhe some remedy wkoe
action la quick, sura and safe. It Is pmsorlptloa
Sre eompoanded from Boots. Herbs, Bads hm
arks that have been gathered from every quar
ter of the slobe. The Morels of theae aaealeinee
are not known to tbo ontaide world, bat nave been
banana down f root fMhrf to sob in the nhraleleaef
families la China.
If yon live out at town and oannot call, write law
sjTDptora biaak aad circular, T--lmlag i rasas
162 rirst St. Cor. Morrisotr
Portland. Oragsa.
P. N. U.
Na St, 13
WHEN writing to adrertlMre, pleas aasav I
" Ttlon this paper.
1 w
aMi v.-na
- 1KXM
ft. CMW 75
mat are oi suyenur quality.