Jhwdn VOLUME 21 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1914 NUMBER 47 4 1 COUNTY- NEWS News of each Community Gathered each week by Our Hustling Associate Editors Waldport The new city officers took their seats last Tuesday evening. . j Mr. Rankin of the forest service' was a Waldport visitor this week.! C. M. Starr came over from Cor-, vellis last week. Mr. Starr has' bought a place up Mill creek. j O. V. Hurt has bought the Earley ' tlace and expects to make it his : borne next Summer. j J. I. Head has bought the Central . Hotel at WHldoort and took charge j the 4th. Mr. Head is an experi-, enced hotel man and has announced bis intention to re-f umish the build- ing and conduct an up-tc-aate es tablishment. i m i Winant Some of the ourils of district 41 are absent this week on account of' measles. J. Van Schoick visited at the home of 1 nomas Brown Sundey. George Lewis was in Yaquina Friday. Wr. and Mrs. Bill Eackus, daugh ter, Alice, eon, Clarence, and Floyd JDay visited at the home of Mr jwid Mrs. Van Boone Sunday. George King and grandsons, Delno and Cedric Shermer, were in Yaquina Sunday. Gladys King is on the sick list this week. Clarence. Boone was a Newport visitor Saturday niabt, Salado . "Newa u scarce wilU Us this week, , lowing to being holed-up. : , M. Hodges has built agecttage at Salado and Ray Thomas is building him one. The eawmill was idle a few daya last week owing to the breaking oldavlight. - Dave Murphy is laid ip with a sore hand. Jim Hedges looks rather gaunt of late. What is the trouble; slap jacks, home made? We ere sorry to see m last ween s issued me UK wry ana Dig r.iit ; items a slur and comment n an item of late date when we ex- j pressed our views in regard ro icads, as we did not wish to ruffle the gentleman s Iesiing3 m tnis article, as we only stated facts as we see them. As the writer of these items has lived in the Big Elk country about thirty years and las volunteered work as well as -paying his taxes, we cannot refrain from expressing our views in regard to our roads'. Our cor respondent says we can't build roads by holeing up. Quite so. I put in twenty-three days' work last Summer voluntarily on our public roads and traveled over three .different districts at least twice a : month during the entire year. The correspondent had best ree more than four or five miles of road Jbefcre he criticizes others' views. Newport Died At Col. E. L. Smith's Jan uary 13th, Marcus C Perrin, aged 7fi years, 9 months and 11 days. Mr. Perrin served in the U. S. r.avy as steward -for three years during the Civil War. He was a eraduate in medicine and practiced his profession in Illinois for many years. He came to this coast five years ago and located in Newport, where he lived up to the time of his death. He was' a member of the Baptist church and lived a Con sistent Christian life. He was noted for his kind, benevolent dis position and unblemished character. He was liked by all who knew him. He is surived by two sons, J. P. and J. A. Perrin, who live in New port, and a daughter, Mrs. Saak, -who lives in San Francisco. His -wife dieii some, eight years ago in A RIP ROARING COMEDY "UNCLE OBADIAH FROM ARKANSAS" Given by the Newport Dramatic Society. This is cne of the Best Comedys on the Ameri-' can Stage of today, and will be handled by an All-Star cast, so if you want to Bee some thing good you cannot afford to miss it. . . s the cast is drilling hard we will not te able to give the Date until the next issue of the press, but watch for it. Washington. He wa3 enr nets in the East Washington hosf. tal for seventeen years, and- from th re came to Newport. The une al services were held at the hni; of Col. Smith, being conducted b ' Rev. Charles T.Hurd. The in r r roent took place in Eureka ceme tery. The heavy storms of this Winter seem to have been hard on old people. A good many deaths have occured in Newport and vi cinity. The basket ball game played Fri day evening at the skating rink be tween the Black Sox girls of Tole do and the White Sox girls of New port was won by the White Sox, the score standing 5 to 3 in theii favor. ' - - v - .The Fatsy, on her way from Siuslaw to Portland, stopped over Thursday night at Newport and left early Friday morning in order to pass over the . Columbia bar in The Mirene and Ahwancda came in Friday with freight for Wald port and Newport. Capt.;; Morse had,85tonson his beat, 75 tons for the Morse grocery store and the other ten tons for Waldoort. Tt,e new grafe aD(j p,,, roa(j that ia being buiit frora Front to Qase street is nearly completed, w en done it wiil be the best road j and best grade to Nye Creek lt iwili also B,orten the distance to , MVe creek about 1000 vards and I the grade will be about six per cent, which gives an easy grade for automobiles, wagons, pedes trans and all other modes of travel. Bush Davis has the contract and he has kept a force of men at work right along notwithstanding the se vere weather that has prevailed most of the time. . The committee that was appoin ted by the city council, consisting of J. T. Plant, S. G. Irvin, R. A. Bensell, Thomas Leese and J. L. Rickman, to prepare a draft of an ordtnance or agreement for Jetting a franchise to the Portland West Coast Railroad and Navigation company, met with the council at a call session Saturday evening and the ordinance was read by J. T. Plant, chairman of the committee, to the council and citizens. Mr. Plant explaining carefully each sec tion of the ordinance and invited any corrections or criticisms that might be noticed by any person present. Aside from a few minor iems the draft was considered to be a vtry able and well prepared document, safeguarding all the in terests of the city. Mr. Plant took the report out to Albany to have it examined by an expert law yer to see that it is all right. At the next regular meeting of the council the report will be pre sented f or adoption. A vote of thanks, both by the council and the citizens, was passed thanking the committee for the very able and careful manner with which the re port was prepared. ' COMING! Rock Creek Bert Geer visited the Valley this week on county business. R. Feterson and family moved to Portland for the Winter, Ed Sampson.. Polk county's road supervisor, soeht a few days in this district looking over the roads and visiting his children. George Wilson, the merchant of Norton, who intends building and putting in a store at the mouth of Rock creek, was over Sunday .look ing over a store site. Neal ' Birdwell. who has been down with typhiod fever, Ii im proving rapidly and will soon be about again. ' " --- m.-.- - - Wm Birdwell and the Wigle boys have finished their logging contract wiih Erail T. Raddant. , The logs are to make lumber for the bridges to be built across the Siletz river at the mouth of Rock creek. Emil T. Raddant returned from Portland Tuesday night.' While in Portland Mr. Raddant purhcased the big cables for his suspension bridge over the Siletz river at Up per Farm. - Taft A great deal of damage was done in this part of the country by the big sturm and high water last week. T. M. Mcflintock was recently put on the school board as a direct or in District No.j60. Mrs. Saarenpaa died at her home on Schooner creek Monday morn ing, January 5th, after a brief ill ness. Mr oaarenpaa and the two oldest children were away from home working and friends of the family were unable to find them. She was buried Thursday, the 9th. Mr. Erickson's house was dam aged beyond repair during the big storm last week, by a land slide the iamiiy was lucky to escane with their lives. Mr. Erickson is no'.v planning on building a log housj to live in until the roads get good in the Spring, so he can haul lumber for another house. Miss Nellie Bones, who has been over on Drift creek going to school during vacation, returned home Sunday. Ona J. A. Coovert ha3 been very the past week. f sick J. C. Elliott, Henry Wiland and Mr. Sicbert of Portland visited at tl.e Weber ranch tho past ten days. Herman Weber is visiting at Newport. Mr. and Mrs C. S. Ohmart. Mrs. W. C. Weber and A. W. Weber visited at the Lissy ranch Sunday. Reynolds Ohmart, 'Fay Selby, Clifford Phelps and Earl Denny visited at the Weaver ranch on-Up per Beaver Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lissy spent Monday nigbt and Tuesday at the Ohmart ranch. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hewett of Upper Beaver and Mr. and Mrs. Denny and daughter, Leta. visited at the Coovert ranch Sunday. Beaver creek was the hiehestlast week that it has been for five or six years. Nashville The holiday season is past and everyone has settled down for an- other year's count. 'profit and loss" ac- Everybody knows that Southern California is called the "Garden of the world," but we see real estate buyers from thi sunny south on our streets this week hunting a home where there is some rain and soil instead of shine, rocks, horned toads, centipedes and scorpions. Who says Oregon is not the coming Garden of Eden?" What is the matter with our "Club" reporter? Come, let us hear from you. We understand that our jovial merchant will retire from buisness and rest on his well earned laurels. Mr. Brown is circuiting a very good petition, which everyone should sign. Probably most of us would be glad to pay less tax and still enjoy full U. S. protection. We are informed that the state game warden is due to visit us in the near future, to investigate the dumping of sewage and dead ani mals into the creeks and rivers of this vicinity. Why will man so for get himself that he will endanger the health of his fellqvv beings for a few measely dimes? We see that the carpenters are nearly dons with Mr. Hiland's housa. Passers by report hearing the rat-a-tat-tat of their hammers from daylight till dark. Why arn't the "Club" carpenters busy with the creamery building? The club house, too, is needing more men. The "Club" has been enjoying an extended holiday vacation, and has turned over the customary new leaf and is no-w meeting on Satur day evenings. It would have been worth anyone's time to have listended to the able talks on poul try "air castles." The 1914 crop of eggs were hatched or marketed andthe friers and old stock all shipped to good markets. On account of heavy rains 'the creeks have buen very high. A surprise party on Miss Ethel Purseful was given at Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crooks' last Saturday night. Those being present were Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore, Mrs. W. R. -Moore, Miasms Je3si3 Brawn and Clare Moore, Everett, Asa and Louis Erown, Jesse and John Davenport, Alva Moore and Elmer end Nathan Watkinb. A pleasant evening was SDent in singing and dancing. Een Triompson and Luke Williams sent a large shipment of furs away last week. Jesse Davenport went to Elarlan Tuesday after come cattle that h&d strayed away. R. T. Moore went to Elk City V ed lcsday. Louis Brown spent Saturday night with Alva Moore. Harlan B. F. Grant, aceomDanied by his brother and nephew, went to To ledo last week. Mr. Sam Grant and son bave returned to Eastern Oregon, but whlie here looked at several ranches eo may return and buy. Am sure he couldn't locate in a better place than Lincoln counly. H. W. Jacobs went to Corvallis Monday on a business trip. C. W. Mulkey is sawing lumber this week. I. R. Payne had the misfortune to break his wagon down on his last trip to Blodgett and had to leuve it and come in on hursrback. Leonard Grant was given a pleas ant surprise by the young people of the neighborhood on the evening; of the 12th, that date being his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Martin are both on the sick list. The attendance at Sunday school has been small eince the first of the year, as the weather has been very bad. -The rewards given for the most regular attendance during the last quarter of the vear, were won by Marion Walker and John Rankin, the prizes were to be bibles. Little Elk Weather is fine, grass is growing and stock of all kindn looking fine. G. E. Colby and family are go ing to mtve to Enterprise, Oregon in the near future. Clifford Wakefield went to Ona Friday, the 2d, having been en gaged to teach the Beaver Creek school for a term of six months. His many friends in this vicinity wish him success. S. S. Gossman, the school super visor, visited our school one day last week. Mrs L E. Boy n ton and grandson went to Portland to be with friends and relatives during the holidays, returning last Saturday. Mrs. Rood and son of Sheridan were visiting Mrs Rood's daughter, Mrs. Virgil Loudon, last week, re turning home last Saturday, Miss Irene Magee gave a birth day party January 2d. Those pres ent were Miss ODal Ludiker, Marie and Leslie Denny, Sophia Genini, Francis and Myrtle Cline, Gertrude Standard, Kenneth Loudon and Emerson Harris. All reported having a fine time. Most farmers in this vicinity are making some good improvements this Winter. Cline Bros, are build ing a large stock barn on their ranch. W. F. Wakefiled is building1 quite a lot of new fence, S. T. Loudon and sons are fencing forty acres of their ranch. From the amount of land that is being fenced one would think that we wore to have a herd law. Eddyville Grange elected officers at their last regular meeting in December. The officers elected were, S. T. Loudon, Master; G. Girdler, Overseer; Mrs. Robbins, Lecturer; H. O. Boynton, Stewart; Leland Wakefield, Asst. Stewart; Geo. Moss, treasurer; Chris Wid mer, gate keeper; Mrs. Loudon, Ceres; Mrs. Jessie Loudon, Po mona; Mrs. Albertson, Flora; Lois Loudon Lady Asst. Stewart.