Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 09, 1914, Image 9

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. Advise quick what you have for Holiday Trade. Will sell your Poultry and
give yon prompt and reliable service for five per cent of gross sales. Ship your
Poultry where it will be property handled. Cold storage in building. Good sales
manship and quick returns. . .
PEARSON-PAGE CO., Portland, Ore.
Hotel Washington
Waahlnrtoa Street. Corner of Twelfth.
CHAR. H. ROWLEY, Manager.
11-00, $IM S2.N Per Day With Beth Privilege.
Special Rates by week or month. Baa to and from traina and boat, or take a Depot ear to
Washington t:.,nd trenefer. get off at Twelfth Street. European plan. 150 outside room,
lireproof Building, modem and clean in every respect Hot and cold running; water and both
telephone, in every room. Single or double bedrooms. Large Parlor off Main Lobby,
Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides
Write today for tags and our net cash price Hat
We guarantee fair treatment, highest prices, and
Check by Return Mail." Give us a trial with
your next lot of produce. T. M. Schmalz Co.,
raa-U, Caseil. ,10,000. 141 143 Fnat St. rertaat On.
Eggs, Poultry, Hogs, Veal
Net prices f. o. b. Portland, no commission. Fresh
eggs, 864438c dozen; dairy butte-r. 18c: live hens
and springs, 12U4e; ducka, 9U2c; geese, l(X(ll2c:
turkeys, 18felSc dressed, 18iJ22c; fancy pork,
8W4UOc: fancy veal, 13ft 14c; dry cascara bark, 6c.
Ship us furs, wools, mohair, wax and hide. Write
for fur price list or other prices. Assets (30.000.
RUBY & CO., 107 From St., PORTLAND, OR.
Bought sold and exchanged; engines, boilers,
sawmills, etc Send for Stock List and Prices.
THE i. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 1st St.. Portland. Or.
We have an article used in every borne and
want one lady in each town to represent us.
Will help you build up an independent busi
ness of your own. PETTY t CO., Bi277, Pwtbsi, Or.
new 1914 improvements. Increases power and
oonomy of motor one-half. Absolutely impossi
ble to choke or load like other carburetors. Uses
distillate, gasoline, or half kerosene with finest re
aulta. Starts easy in coldest weather,. We fit all
motors, guaranteeing definite results or refund
money. Exclusive county rights. Special price
first order. Liberal exchange on other carburet
ors. The Air-Friction Carburetor Co., Dayton, O.
Hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.
or by appointment
Scientific Treatment of all Acuta and Chronic
Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Suite 424-6-7
.Arcade Building. Seattle. .
Biz Ml. REGULAR PRICE 11.25.
Send $1.10 and this ad. and wa will deliver to your
nome, complete
And Eveready Battery
We also handle Heating Appliances, Xmas Tree
Festoons, Electnc Toys, Everything Electrical.
Tests having shown that reconnal
ance work can not be effectively
done at greater heights than 2600 feet,
the French army has decided that its
war aeroplanes must be armored
against rifle bullets..
Vxf lAfti-n WAtflhrnftklfisT and Rnm-rwlntt In m
frw monthn. Pmitioiu guaranteed. Write
WATCHMAKING SCHOOL 216 Co .mil BUt-fllial
Wonderful Blood RentGdy
That Works
Tfca Very Latest Thsery Absut lira and Why Its
Bleed is Disordsred.
S. S. S. Means Pure Blood Which
The great experts In Chemistry and
Physiology now declare what has all
along been contended by the Swift Lab
oratory that the germ of blood disorders
find lodgment in the interstices of the tis
sues. And herein Is where S. S. 8. goes to
work rapidly, effectively and. With won.
Aerfully noticeable results.
This famous blood purifier contains
medicinal components Just as vital and
essential to healthy blood as the nutritive
elements of wheat, poast beef, and fats
and the sugars that make up our dally
As a natter or fact there Is one Ingre
dient In B. 8. 8. which serves the aotlve
purpose of stimulating each cellular part
of the body to the healthy and Judicious
selection of Its own essential nutriment.
That Is why It regenerates the blood sup
ply; why It has such a tremendous In
fluence in overcoming eczema, rah( pim
ples, and all sjkln afflictions, -
Bene Ratee for One or Two Persona la Room
Portland, Oregon.
fl.SO, $2.00 and S2.50 Per Dav With Prints Rath.
To Grind Wild Rice For Food.
P. L. Vance, "the wild rice king" of
the Popple river country, of Michigan,
has commenced the manufacture of
rice flour from the products of the
shallow lakes of northern Minnesota.
Before being ground the rice must
go through a roasting or drying pro
cess and this is done near where the
grain Is harvested. A machine devis
ed and built for this purpose by Mr.
Vance is capable of roasting 1200
pounds in six minutes. As far as
known this is the first time an at
tempt has been made to manufacture
flour from wild rice. The raw ma
terial is plentiful and practically the
only cost will be the garnering and
grinding, no seeding or soil prepara
tion being rtecesBary.
fret) to Oar Deaden
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for
48-page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all
about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise
as to the Proper Application of the Murine
Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Your
Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves
Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 60c
Try It in Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes for
Scaly Eyelids and Granulation.
A story of the late poet laureate.
Alfred Austin: He had been talking
a good deal about himself after din
ner, as was his wont, to the annoyance
of the other guests, and at last he
said: "Lady , is it time for the
poet laureate to go to bed?" And
everyone in the room said "Yes."
There are 860,000 automobiles In the
United States, exclusive of commer
cial truck's.
Each "Pape's Diapepiln" Digests 3000
grains food, ending all stomach
misery In five minutes.
Time it! In five minutes all stom
ach distress will go. No indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas, acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache.
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its
speed in regulating upset stomachs.
It is the surest, quickest stomach rem
edy in the whole world and besides it
is harmless. Put an end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a large
fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin
from any drug store. You realize in
five minutes how needless it is to suf
fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's the quickest,
surest and most harmless stomach
doctor in the world.
Lord Curzon began a friendly suit
in wasnington against Joseph Letter
to change the trustees for the $1,700,
000 marriage settlement ' made upon
his deceased wife, Mary Victoria Lett
er. Seymour Morris of Chicago and
the Earl of Suffolk are to be substitut
ed for Robert T. Lincoln, former see
retary of war, and Viscount Middle-
ton. Joseph Letter, executor of the
Letter estate, has agreed to the
in tho Tissues
Insures Long Life and Health.
And in regenerating the tissues 8. S. 8.
nas a rapid and positive antidotal effect
upon all those irritating Influences that
cause rneumatism, sore throat, weak
eyes, loss of weight, thin pale cheeks, and
that weariness of muscle and nerve that
Is generally experienced, by all sufferers
wua poisonea Diooa.
Get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. at anr drus
store, and In a few days you will not only
feel bright, and energetlo, but you will be
too picture or new lire.
8. S. 8. Is DreD&red onlv fn th latum-
tory of the Swift Bpeclno Co., tot Bwlft
crag, Auanta, ua. wno maintain a very
efficient Medical Department, where all
who have any blood disorder of a stub-
porn nature may write freely for advice.
a S. a is sold everywhere by all arug
Beware of all attempts to sell yon
something "Just as good.". Insist Upoat
o, m Ba
Many Methods of 8ervlng, and All of
Them Good With Hash It Makes
a Particularly Delicious
Med Rice Cut cold rice In neat
slices, cover with beaten egg and roll
in crumbs and fry brown.
Baked Rice Two cupfals of cold
boiled rice, heated with enough milk
to cover It Season with salt and
pepper. Add a lump of butter, mix
well and set In oven to brown.
Rice Fritters Two teacups of cold
boiled rice, mixed with sweet milk and
the beaten yolk of one well-beaten
egg Add a little salt and about four
tablespoons of sifted flour. Now atlr
in the white of the egg beaten to a
stiff froth. Drop from the spoon Into
hot lard or drippings and fry brown.
Cold Rice Pudding Heat three CUTIS.
of milk and add to It one cup of cold
Dolled rice. Press out the lumps and
When quite smooth sweeten to taste
with sugar and add a pinch of salt and
navor with lemon or nutmeg. Stir In
the well-beaten yolks of three eggs
and whites of two. Bake In a quick
oven for half an hour. ' Beat to a stiff
froth the other white of th err with
one tablespoon of sugar and a little
navor. spread over pudding thla me
ringue and set In a cool oven, dooi
open, for about 20 minutes.
Rice with Hash Take cold rlr.A
that has been left over, season with
salt and pepper, add a small lump ol
nutter ana some milk or cream. Havs
prepared a dish of hash that does not
savor of mystery and pour it over tht
nee, wnicn nas been heated and set
in the baker a few minutes to brown.
Rice Dumplings Moisten rice with
little milk (cold rice), mash smooth
and dredge over it, slightly. Hour.
Pare and SCOon ont the corn from tart
apples or quarter them. Wring out of
hot water the dumpling cloths, dredge
with flour. Cover the armies with the
rice and press firmly Into shape.
wrap m the cloths and steam for one-
nair nour. Serve with cream or sauce.
8tandard Forumula That Makes One
of the Best of Relishes for
Roasted Meat
Soak the peppers in bolllna- water
about twenty minutes, then lay In cold
brine over night to draw out the crude
Juices of the vegetable. Cut In thin
slices, discarding all the seeds and
stringy pulp, and make Into a sweet
pickle precisely as pears, apples or
peacnes are pickled.
standard formula for this is three
pounds of sugar, a pint of cider vine
gar, two teaspoonfuls each of whole
cloves, allspice and cinnamon. Scald
all together and cook until the nen-
per Is tender. Remove the peppers
ana cook the sirup long enough to
tnicken slightly, then pour over the
sliced pepper. This Is an excellent
relish with roasted meat
Roast Goose.
Select a bird with a clean whit
skin, plump breast and yellow feet,
ana lei it nang ror a few days. To
have a DroDer flavor It should ha afntr.
ed with sage and onions before roast
ing. Koast irom an nour and a half
to two hours, according to sUe, and
serve with good brown gravy, bread
crumbs richly browned, and a tureen
of apple sauce.
White Mountain Cake.
One cup powdered sugar, two oof
fee cups of flour, one coffee cup of
sweet milk, one egg, piece of butter
the size of an egg, one teaspoon of
cream of tartar. Put all together
and 'beat quickly. Just before baking
add one small teaspoon of soda dis
solved in a little hot water.
Rusks With Jam.
Pour a pint of boiling milk, sweet
ened and flavored, over five or six
rusks In a pie dish. Let them soak
for ten minutes, then beat them light
ly with a fork and spread upon them
a layer of good Jam. Pour upon this
some custard made with a pint of
milk, the yolks of three eggs, a lit
tle sugar and flavoring. Leave the
preparation till cold, sift powdered su
gar over it, or lay upon It the whites
of the eggs beaten to a foam, and
serve. Time, three-quarters of an
hour to prepare.
Roe Savory.
Take the soft roes from four bloat
ers; cook in the oven; then pound
them In a mortar with two ounces of
butter, a little cayenne and three pep
percorns. Spread the mixture on
rounds of hot toast, lay a fried egg on
top of each, sprinkle a little minced
parsley over and serve.
For Carpet
To clean soot from carpet cover
lulckly with salt, and you will be able
to sweep It off without leaving smears
w stains.
Case of "Nerves!"
Hot flashes, dizziness, fainting spells, backache, headache,
bearing-down pains, nervousness all are symptoms of Irregularity
and female disturbances and are not beyond relief. -
pSce'. Favorite Prescription
is that of a famous physician unusually experienced
in the treating- of women's peculiar ailments. For
forty years it nas been recommended to suffering
womankind. Thousands of women can bear witness
to its beneficial qualities. Perhaps its aid is all that
b required to restore to you perfect health aad strenrth.
Mow is the time to act. write Dr. R. V. Pleroe's, Buffalo.
lias. Doamno Romans, of Baa Francises, Calif., writes i
"1 taka ptaaaura la reeoauneadins' roar wonderful remedies, and
Wuh to Bar in behalf of your 'Favorite Proscription' and 'Uoldea
Medical Dieeovery' that throogn their Baa 1 aia now eared of the
vsrioue troubles that a woman is heir to. These remedies eared
K when othera failed and I therefore resolve te take Mather,
lank rou for jour advioe."
tho ton true
forms of
awaveT suuivuf
Girls! Try Itl Hair gets soft, fluffy
-. and beautiful Get a 25 cent
bottle of Danderlne.
If you care for heavy hair that glis
tens with beauty and is radiant with
life; has an incomparable softness and
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlne.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not have nice
heavy, healthy hair If you have
dandruff. This destructive scurf robs
the hair of its lustre, Its strength and
its very life, and if not overcome It
produces a feverishness and itching of
the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos
en and die; then the hair falls out
fast Surely get a 25-cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug
store and Just try it
Welcome Change.
"Before you take this house," said
the honest real estate agent, "I wish
to tell you something that is against
"What's that?" asked Hemmandhaw.
"It's right next to a boiler shop."
As he took out bis wallet to make
the first payment, Hemmandhaw re
plied: "Oh, that's all right! The family
next to where we live has a parrot, a
phonograph, and a pair of twins."
Five seats in Parliament are held
by the labor party In South Africa.
Sprains, Bruises
Stiff Muscles
are quickly relieved by Sloan's
Liniment. Lay it on no rub
bing. Try It
Ankle Sprain and Dislocated1 Hip.
"Isoralned my ank'e and dislocated
my hip by falling out of a third story
window. Went on crutches for four
months. Then I started to use your
Liniment, according to directions. I
must say it is helping me wonderfully.
We will never he without Sloan's Lini
ment anymore." Cno Johnson. Xawon
Station, N. X.
Kills Pain
Splendid for Sprains.
I fell and soralned my arm a week
ago and was In terrible pain. I could
not nse my band or arm nnUl I applied
your Liniment. I shall never be with
out a bottle of Sloan's Liniment"-"1'
B. k Springer, liaa6olfl, X J.
Fine for Stiffi
"Sloan's Liniment has done mors
good thsn anything I have ever tried
for stiff joints. I got my hand hurt so
badly thst I hsd to stop work right In
tne Dullest time or me year. I tnougnc
atflratthat I would have to have my
hand taken off, but I got a bottle of
Sloan's Liniment and cured my hand."
Wilton WhUr, Uorrit, Ala.
At all Dealers. 25c,
BOc. aad f 1.00
Send for Sloan's
free, instructive
book en horses,
cattle, bogs and
poultry. Address
BeitOcvffB ijrap Tsdss Good. Um
Its llmt. Urtlrl Vi rWnvriataV.
Una. Rononas
Cam ba handled mry aall. The olck ara eared, an 4 ill othan ta
Mm table, no matter how 'Vipofw..,' kent from h riving tho 41
or In food. Acta on the blood and expel, aersiaof all
distemper. Beet remedy ever known for maree In fomL
ueuukiio uHnnumi 10 cure one rnae. wioana waixrti ie; m mmm
0 dozen, of druiwtsts and hArnemdon'eni. or sent ei Drams nalii b
mamifaotnrera. Out ahowa how to poultlro throats. Our Fr
irivee ererythlng. lornl apwitn wanted. Large triTlwV
BacUrioloa - i.ta. GOSHEN, IND TJ. S. A.
aaa aawauaiaaaavav ) fvmrmi
The Merry Life.
Some young folks have odd Ideas
of the life theatrical.
"My. but I'd like to travel on the
road with a company," said a young
man the other day.
"What would you like most about
such a life?" his companion asked.
"I think It would be Just great," the
ambitious one exclaimed, "to Bit about
the railroad stations playing a banjo
and singing songs until the train ar
rived." Youngstown (Ohio) Tele
gram. 0 D D D
who is going to suffer if you
neglect the small ills of the
Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
They are only warnings of
impending sickness which you
can "sidetrack" by the use of
Stomach Bitters
It restores the appetite, aids
digestion and keeps you well.
0 0 0 0
Alfred Davis, of Oil City, Pa., has a
sunflower in his yard that Is nine feet
eight Inches high and bears 36 fully
developed flowers, with as many mora
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnflows Boothlaf
Syrup the bvst rmnedv to use fur their children
fturlng the teething period.
The pulgat, a Burmese measure, Is
the only foreign measure exactly cor
responding to our Inch.
A-B guaran
VS a
teed roofing, i Iff
Wll uvi yon 7t
to 00 on your him
bcr bill. Our lumber
is til first grids tot)
flrst quality. Ws ssll
youdirsct Stud your
list st ones snd (stour
prepaid prices.
ai.iu per rou ,
Heavier plies
at equally low
prises. We
also sell tsr
saner, bnlldlns
Ins paper, deadening felt
and plaster board at
Wa 1a a monay-back ruaraDtet thai svsrrthlat
wa aall la auclly as wa npratvnt It Our kulBsaa
has grown to Ua prtssnt fauga slsa by aavlag mor
for bullrJtrs and yaars of aquara dialing ara btbtad
tvsry aiatamant wa malt a. Writa our Dank, Tba Na
tional usdr or uommerca. Btattla, about our rallabll
it jr. Ramambar wa ara not In any trust or aaaoela
1 km. Sana lor big lfll catalog It's fras. . .
This rtn front or
f as r doer wiih
irg alaaa, 12.20.
Beautiful Waaltlni
Ion flr. Our cat al
lot ahows a hlc
aurtment of dwn
at barnln prai
from tf-JEl up.
VAlSTa , ,
SOa gal. fV
Cor g u a r a n tat, fiTTI
never-fad ahlngla saf
tain. Houas, floor.
Wagon ard Barn ahiie
ml all painting aiaiartal
at wholaaal prlea. gTsa
color cardi an request.
gain frara
SSa wa v
aumswaaui n
Thla aoula harfi
rtateV lerR la a graaiM
baravtn al 48a LI
Thousand of ll U
lag krsuaaina in our Immanaa
stMk of builder- tar vara.
ataarSing fa alaa
and etoaigtt. tft,M atyia
sf aaaa and mUlwaftr. all
at nil .afiata, '
f rl
3203 WestlaseAvs.
. N. U.
No. 60, 'IS
WHEN writing to advertisers, pleas seeav- I
" ties this paper. .
hail la'