Supplement to ; Lincoln county leader Friday, Jan. 9. 1914 Report of City Treasurer and Recorder The fallowing is the reDort of the City Treasurer and Recorder for the year beginning January 10, 1913. and ending January 1,1914, srivioe the amounts of money com ing intu their hands and how used, amounts of warrants issued and registered, and amounts of war rants with interest thereon taken up during said period: General Fund Receipts Cash balance in hands of Treasurer, January 10, 1913 $ 229.26 Saloon Licenses 2000.00 lax Money from County Treasurer,... 799.48 Rt", etc.. collected by fieeorder, 77 81.40 Total. $3110.14 General Fund Disbursements Amount of warrants can celled during year $2265.80 Amount of interest paid on the foregoing warrants. . 235.47 Cash balance in hands of Treasurer Jan. 1, 1914. . . C08.87 Total. $3110.14 Water Fund Receipts Cash balance in hands of Treasurer Jan. 10. 1913 $879.62 Tax money received from County Treasurer 558.03 Water rents, etc., for the period of eleven months, Jan. 1 to Dec. 1, 1913. ineiasive, 1581.98 Total, $3019.63 Water "Fund Disbursements Total amount of warrants isiued and paid out of "Water Fund from Jan. 10. 1913 to Jan. 1, 1914, $1990 00 Cash balance in hands of Treasurer, Jan. 1, 1911, 1029.63 Total, 3019.63 Total amount of warrants issued on the General Fund during the per iod from January 1st, .1913, to Jan. 1, 1914, $2472.85 . Total amount of warrants on the General Fund outstanding and unpaid J anuary 1.1914, $7140.55 G K. Freeman came up, from Newport Monday morning. Dave Ramsdell of Big Elk was a county scat visitor Saturday. Hiss Mae Clemo returned Satur day evening from a visit with her parents at Shedds. O. R. Hullingsworth, the f uniture man, went to Portland and New berg Saturday morningon business. Ed Gillespie of Elk City was in the city Saturday morning, going m to Newport via the launch Tran sit. Ticket No. 858 drew the big doll at Lewis' store. Look through your tickets and see if you were the lucky one. Misses Clara Larson and Luree Schlecht returned Saturday evening from Portland where they have beeri visiting. Superintendent K. C. Edbert of Siletx went to Portland and Grand Ramie Tuesday morning on govern ment businesr. Miss Olga Peterson returned from Portland Friday evening, after a two weeks' vacation, and resumed her duties as teacher in our public EchooU Monday morning. F. A. Godwin, formerly of Nash ville but now residing in Corvallis. came ever from the latter place Monday evening for a few days' visit with friends. He says he notes many changes for the better here. Mr. and Mrs. Fay P'ank went to Silelz Sunday where Mrs. Plank went with the mailcarrier to Taft at the mouth of Siletz river to re same her teaching of school on Schooner creek. Fay returned to Portland to his work. FOR .SALE. A few Brown Leghorn cockerels of the best strains, from SI to SI. 50 each. Same birds would cost from .$1.50 to $5.00 at other yards. I. J. Pepin, Chitwood, Or. Thefc is no substitute fof Royal Baking Pow der lot. making the Best cake. Biscuit' and past y. Royal is Ab solutely Pute and .t&a only Baking powder made itom Royal grape c$eam of tata? Warnock Saturday Economy Sale Day JANUARY lO, 1914--ONIJY EXTRACTS 1 oz. Bottles Lemon, Regular, 15c. each Sale 10c. 4 oz Bottles Lemon, Regular, 35c. each Sale, 20e. 4 oz. Bottles Vanilla, Regular, 45c. each Sale, 30c. PEAHLINE WASHING POWDER Large Packages, Regular, 25c. each Sale 20c. Medium package's, Regular. 15c' each Sale, 10c. Small packages, Regular, 10c, each, Sale, 50c. "'. BAKING SODA Arm and Hammar, Regular 10c. package. Sale, 61c packgae Schillings, Regular 10c. package Sale 6Jc package JELLY POWDER Same as Jell-0 Regular 10c. package Sale 7c each CATSUPS Snider's or Monopole, Regular 25c Sale 20c eachi Watch our next week's ad Toledo Racket Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits. TOLEDO LIVERY FEED and SALE STABLES If-' VELL EQUIPPED WITH GOOD SADDLE & BUGGY HORSES SPECTAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRAVELING MEN Runs Daily Dray Line. Goods delivered Promptly at all hours. Gen eral hauling. Teams furnished on short notice. HORSES BOUGHT' AND SOLD HAY AND FEED FOR SALE. Launch Transit. Leaves Elk City. 7:30 a. m . ! Toledo, 9 a. m. Returning, leaves Newport 2:30 p. m.; Toledo 4:30 p. m. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. This schedule will be maintained during the Winter. H. A. Norton, Captain. A new shipment of Shoes just re ceived at Akin's. FOR RENT. Furnished house for rent. En quire at this uffice. H ughes - DIAMOND "W It will save you money. BOTH PHONES WAUGH'S MARKET FRONT STREET Fr e , 1 h nd. . Cured Me?its Fish and Oysters in Season Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides LESTER WAUGH, Prep. Prof. McDonald of Elk City was a county seat visitor Saturday. O. R. Hollingsworth returned Wednesday evening from Portland and Newberg. Russell Wishart returned Satur day evening from a visit at Port land. The storm of Tuesday evening did conisderable damage to the tele phone and electric light wires in this city. Clifton Johnson returned to his home at Portland Saturday morn ing after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs E. J. Avery and family in this city. County Commissioner Wra. Wake field arrived down from Eddyville Tuesday evening to be in atten dance at the recular .lannnru form of Commissioners' Court. Frank West of Chitwood was a Toledo visitor Tuesday. Mr. West instructed us to take out his ad regarding the artichokes as they went like hot cakes and that it certainly paid to advertise in the Leader. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Wnrnnnk nnd children arrived down from Port land last Saturday evening to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Warnnck's mother, Mrs. Julia Kyniston. Mr. Waraock returned to Portland Tues day morning. B. F. Grant of Harlan was in the city this week attending Comis sioners' Court. He was accom panied by his brother and neDhew from Eastern Oregon. , His brother, who was formerly a resident of this county, returned home Wednes day morning, but is thinking quite seriously of returning here to lo- c te. M. E. Church Services Sunday. January 11th: Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Sermon by the pastor, 11 a. m. Communion ser vice, reading rules of Church and reception of members. Epworth League, 6:45 p. m. Preaching by the pastor. 7:30 p m. Come let us worship together." Sanford Snyder, Pastor. Brownies Again Winners In the basket hall cam nnllpd off at the skating rink last Tuesday evening ine Brown Sox were again victorious over the Black Sox by the score of 15 to 6. Jhe Brownies had the better of the game from the start. Those on the Rrnwn Snt team were, Clara Larson, Rachael Carson, Rosa Schlecht. Cecile Lutey and Nellie . Baird. . Those on the Black Sox team were Blanche Bate- man, Erma Nye, Edna Stanton, Eudelle Bethers and Genevieve Tillotson. We understand the cirla will an to Newport this evening for a game with the girls of that place. AN IDEAL WOMAN'S LAXATIVE. Who wants to take salts, or cas tor oil, when there is nothing better than Dr. King's New Life Pills for all bowel troubles. They act gently and naturally on the stomach and liver, stimulate and recu ate vour bowels and tone up the entire sys tem, tfrice. 25c. At all druueists. H. E. BUCKLEN & CO.. Philadelphia or St. Louis. Postal Card Albums at reduced prices. Toledo Drug Co. Saturdays are Warnock & H ughes Economy Days." WORMS THE CAUSE OF YOUR CHILD'S PAINS, A foul, disagreeable breath, dark circles around the eyes, at times feverish, with great thirst; cheeks flushed and then pale, abdomen swollen with sharp cramping pains are all indications of worms. Don't let your child suffer KICKAPOO WORM KILLER will give sure re lief It kills the worms while its laxative effects add greatly to the health of your child by removing the dangerous and disagreeable effects of worms and parasites from the system. KICKAPOO WORM KILLER as a health producer should be in every household. Per fectly safe. Buy a box today. Price 25c. All ' Druggists or by mail. KICKAPOO INDIAN MED. CO., Philadelphia or St. Louis M E. CHURCH Corner of 5th and Grove Sts. Toledo, Oregon. Services Sunday School, 10 a. m. ("!. T Rxlinw Sunt Preaphinor opruico 11 a m.. Preaching, - 7:30 p. ra. Epworth League, G:45 p. m. 4 S. B. Ports. President. Song and Prayer Service Thursday 7:30 p. ui. Choir practhe Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Residence of Pastor, first door south of Church. Sanford Snyder, Pastor. WODERFUL COUGH REMEDY. Dr. . King's New Discovery is known everywhere a3 the remedy which will surely stoD a coueh or cold. D. P. Lawson cf Eidson, Tenn., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the most wonderful cough, cold and throat and lung medicine I ever sold in my store. It can't be beat. It sells without any trouble at all. It needs no guarantee." This "is true, because Dr. King's New Discovery will re lieve the most obstinate cf coughs and colds. Lung troubles quickly helped by its use. You should keep a bottle in the house at all times for all the members of the family. 50c and $1.00. All drug gists or by mail. H. E. BUCKLEN & CO. Philadelphia or St. Louis. It will pay you to look over that new line of Shoes just received by J. S. Akin. Trappers I want to get some live Mink and Martin for breeding"purposes. Will pay one and a half fur value for them. Write what you have. S. R. Willis. 128 W. 5tb St.. Albany, Oregon. LOST t One 2-year old heifer, brown and white, Holstein mark on face, no horns, has celuloid button rivited in ear with number and M. Wolf. Pioneer, Oregon. Address above. WANTED. Donkey engine. 9x10 prefered. with or without riacinar and cables: state size and condition in first let ter, Must be a bargain for cash. W. A. McClintock, Taft, Or. RED FRONT BLACKSM1THSHOP F. W. CARSON, Prep. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Black smithing of all kinds. Satis faction guaranteed. TOLEDO OREGON BLOCK EDGE SLAB Nothing but well seasoned wood delivered Prompt Delivery No w Is ftie Time To lay in your Winter's Supply. See me ESS THE BON BONIERE M. N. ANDERSON, 1'rop. Choice Confections Summer Drinks Ice Cream Ice, any quantity Milk Shakes Iraits, Nuts Tobacco Stationery Best Brands Cigars ! TOLEDO, OREGON mmm