acres ap- :res Indian Lands for Sale at Siletz Agency Siletz Agency, Oregon, January 5, 1914. inSakdLbids marked "Bid fo' Indian Land, to be opened March 9. 1914, each bid accompanied by a certified check for ten per cent, of you, bid. will be revived until 2 o'clock p. m., March 9, 1914, for the following Indian land heated at Siletz agency: Evrf Ltsiha, et al. SE1 SEJ Sec. 15. and NEJ NEJ Sec. 22 T. 6 R. 8. 80 acres appraised value $1000. Susan Pony, 159GR, al lottee. Clara Jourdan. Lots 17, 30, 31 and 32, See. 10, T. 7. R. 1. 80 acres appraised value $2000. Clara Chapman, 67, allottee. Renu'e Callahan, SE1 SW1, Sec. 28, T. 9. R. 9. 40 acres appraised value $1200. H. C. Callahan, 69, allottee. Jane- Yanner, Lots 1 and 11, Sec. 2, T. 7. R. 11. 40 acres appraised value. 1000. Jane Foster, 170, allottee. joson uay, Lots 2, s, 4, 5 and 6, Sec. 11, T. 7, R. 11. 81 50 praised value. 1500. Celia Gay. 178. allottee. Nellie Lane, N$ SJ and Si Ni of NE1. Sec. 22, I. 9. R. 9. 80 a aupraised value, $800. Nellie Johnson. 266, allottee. Kasriet Klamath. El NWi NEJ Sec. 12, T. 10. R. 10. 20 acres ap praised value, $400. Harriet Klamath, 282, allottee. Silcta Morris. NWJ SWi, Sec. 2 and NEI SEJ and Lot 19. Sec. 3, T. 7, R. 11. 84.10 acres appraised value, $2102.50. Siletz Morris, 342. allottee. Joht Orton, Lets 1, 2. 3. Sec 20, T. 10 s, R. 10 w. 72.71 acres appraised value. SHOO. Johi Orton, 361, allottee. Ania Smith, NJ SWi, Sec. 8, T. 10. R. 9. 81.36 acres appraised value, $1000. Anna Smith. 402. allottee. Martha Johnson, NJ NWi, Sec. 26. f. 9. R. 9. 80 acres appraised val ue, SSOO. Martha Solomon. 422, allottee. The certified checks must be drawn to the order of the undersigned. If accepted, bidder will be required to deposit an additional 15 per cent. and if he does not wish to pay cash, arrangements can be made to pay the other 75 per cent, later, the purchaser giving hia note drawing 7 per cent, interest. Generally deferred payments are arranged to pay at ma rate oi anout : per cent, per year. Please state whether or . not yoa can pay all cash, and if not how much per vear vou wish to rav. Bids for each allotment or portion thereof must ba on a seperate sheet. A right of way will ba reserved for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United Slates. . KNOTT C. EGBERT, Supt. Siletz Indian School. 3 INCOLN BOUNTY (INCORPORATED) Toledo, Oregon 12 I OANK Does a General Banking Business DIRECTORS c. e. hawkins Wm. scarth c. o. hawkins Interest on Time Deposits : -f- Oregon Agricultural College Winter short course JANUARY 5 to 30. 1914 The College has spared no effort to,' make this the most complete short course in its history. A very wfde range of courses will be offer ed in General Agriculture, Horti culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy ing. Poultry Keeping, Mechanic Ats, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce. Forestry, and Music. h5merous lectures and discussions OB FARMERS' CO-OPERATION, at htjme atid abroad, will be a leading feature. Make his a pleasant and profitable winter outing. No tui tion. Accommodatiuns reasonable. Reduced rates cn all railroads. For further information address H. M. TEN N ANT, Registrar. Corvallis, Oregon. Farmers' Eusiness Courses by Cjfrrespondcnce without tuition. R. 1). BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TOLEDO, ORRflON Office in Ofstedahl Building. Office hqura : 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p'm. Emergency Calls at any time "BOTH TUONES-l Phone orders given our special ttention. Warnock & Hughes. ' FOR SALE. Full blooded Light Brahma Roosters, $1.50 each. John Jacobson, ' Chitwood, Or. POTATOES FOR SALE. $1.00 per hundred, f. o. b. Chit wood. How many do you want? 1 I have two Al milch Cuws. 4 and 6 years old, giving good flow of milk now. will befresh in March, and my price is $75 each, either cash or good bankable paper. Frank West, Chitwood, Or Nine dollar, Bulls-Eye brand, hip boots, now going at teven dollars. H. Lewis. Lincoln County Fair, 1914 It is about the time of year to start the preliminary Work towards! a successful Fair in Lincoln County this coming Fall. ' The State law provides that the i County Court appoint a Board, con sisting of three to manage the Fair business of each . county. It fur ther provides that this Hoard is ap ucinted through the recommenda tion of the County Grange. Last Spring the Board was elec ted in open meeting at Toledo and later, when the law was effective, this same Board was appointed by the County Court. It is time that the Grange was making recemmen-j dations to the Court. We believe ; that they will appreciate your co peration in regard to this. One of these Board members is appointed for three years, one for two yeais and the other one for one year. This makes it' necessary for tie' Court to appoint one member each year. j Our apportionment from the State County Fair fund makes it possible 1 for this county tu offer handsome1 cash premium for produce and stick , displays. It is not possible to re-! vert any part of this fund for race a or games of any kind. It is abso-, lutely necessary to use it as pre miums on farm products or stock; any balance in the hands of the , n x. t i a j i oumy .treasurer reverts to me county read fund. This State aid makes it possible to meet your premimu list with assurance and we believe that if I this part of the Fair business is property presented to the ranchers, that it will most certainly stimulate interest, and increase our exhibits. 1 not .mo., ilia 1 r A tti A n a 1 AvWi.liit-a ' i-aaif J lui wig iiiuiTluuni CAijiuiba i were magnificent and worth going ' many miles to see. We could cer tainly brace up our stock depart-! ment and not in the least hurt it. There are a few old stand-bys who I are always on deck. What's the j matter with you getting in line? . It is not tco early to commence to select your stock and prepare for the Lincoln County Fair of 1914. Help it along and let it be twice the siz9 that it has ever been before. We have the material; all we have to do is to place it on exhibition. Take a little pride in your own county! Gardner & Peterson Dealers In Builders' Hardware, - - fjpHfog Goods. Tin and Granite War Aluminum (Guaranteed for 15 years) ' Plumbers' Supplies Cook Stoves, Heating Std-w. iBtl EjAcgs Plows, Harrows. Wtauwfc; It Takes Experience FROST BITES AND CHAPPED HANDS. For frcst bitten ears, fingers and toes; chapped hands and lips, chil blains, cold sores, red and rough skins, there is nothing to equa Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Stops the pain at once and heals quickly. In every home there should be a box handy all the time. Best rem edy for all skin diseases, itching eczema, tetter, piles, etc. 25c. All druggists or by mail. H. E BUCKLEN & Co. Philadelphia or St. Lcuis. ', WANTED YAQUIN A BAY PROPERTY. Doctor says salt water, and for that reason, only, will we consider a trade of our house and business here for Coast acreage. Not par ticular about improvements if your location and soil is good. We have a silt edge proposition here that will surprise you, and our price of $5500 is on cash basis, and will ex pect the same. Will trade up to $4000, balance to suit. For full particulars write Box 312, Hillsboro, Oregon. to run a Drug Store us it ought to be run in such a way as to have the implicit confidence of its pat rons the public. It takes know ledgeprofessional knowledge to be able to compound Drugs currect ly and make up doctor's prescrip tons. We have that knowledge in a superior degree and our custom ers, as well as the medical men of the town, know this and appreciate it by patronizing us. We solicit your drug trade also, assuring you of the best and promptiest eervics at the lowest prices. TOLEDO DRUG CO. Farms Wanted If vou have a farm for sale or exc tange, and will price it right, we can dispose of it for you. . Send us complete description and ptice. EVERETT & CREW. 212 Selling Bids:., Portland, Ore. POPULAR MECHANICS mm CI 300 1CLES 300 illustra tions Popular Mechanics Magazine "WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT" A GREAT Continued Story ct the World" froireu which you may begin reading at any time, and which will hold your interest forever. You are living in the best year, of the most wonderful age. of what is doubtless the greatest world in the universe. A resident of Mars would gladly pay fff FOR ONE YEAR'S plUUU SUBSCRIPTION ' tothismagazine.ln order to keep informed ( our progress in Engineering and Mechanics. Are you reading it i Two millions of your neighbors are, and it is the favorite maga zine in thousands of the best American homes. It appeals to all classes old and young men and women. The "Btino Note" Drotrtmant f Sfl nnmal gives cuny ways to do Uiiiiks how to make ' uHuioi ui licit lor uomo uiiu snop. repairs, olo. " Amateur Mechanics" (10 pages) tells how to mnke Minfllnn furniture, wlrcWtHH outttta, bont euglues, magic, and all the things a boy love. ttJtO PER VEAR. SINOUC COPIES IS CENTS A.k rur N.wdoJr to show you on or WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLE COPY TODAY POPULAR MECHANICS CO. ait W. Wuhlngtoo. Sb, CHICAGO FOR SALE At a bargain. Bet of blacksmith topis and stock, or would trade for cow. What have you? - C. W. Day, Toledo. Hot drinks of all kinds at the Bon Louicre. Petaluma chicken incubators at Gardner & Peterson's. Get My Prices And be Convinced that you can Save Money by buying your Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Grauittware, Crltrjr. TIur aavd Feed at the The White Corner Store Store Open at all Hours. Both 'Phones. City Delivery R. S. VAN CLEVE Salem Beer The Most Popular Malt Beverage in Oregon Salem bottled beer is the equal of any Ensttrri product, being espocinlly brewed for family and hotel trade. A temperance drink in the real meaning of the word, conducive to both health and enjoyment of life. SALEM BREWERY ASSN. Salem, Oregon Children Love Candy but their parents should see is it that they get none but th purest and most wholesome. Any other kind is to be shunned. Good Candy is an aid to the health as well as to to the happiness of children. Our . Candies are pure in make and in handling. And yet our prices are admittedly moderate. Al's Smokehouse AL WAUGH, Prop. THE YALE LAUNDRY OF PORTLAND Has established an agency in Toledo, and is prepared to give the people of here better work and quicker service at a moderate charge than they have ever had before. Family Washing. 7 cent3 a pound. All flat pieces re turned ironed. Lundry leaves Friday, returns follow ing Tuesday. LEAVE BUNDLES WITH MRS. FREDERICK Dr. W. M. BERRY THE TOLEDO DENTIST Will be in his office in the Ofstedahl Building THURSDAY AND FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK