Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 09, 1914, Image 6

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    diMflftfFPf? All IfFi Iff
THE monumental relics of Eng
land are legion. There are
many In London, but three of
these are of transcendent his
torical Interest, viz., the Tower,
Westminster abbey and Westminster
hall. When buildings have existed for
centuries, the natural feeling Is to take
U for granted that they will live on for
centuries more. But this easy-going
faith has little foundation In fact, as
all who have the care of ancient mon
uments know only too well. Old build
ings require constant attention and
frequent reparation; but a time comes
when something more Is required, and
we often hear with dismay of the fall
ore of foundations In various parts of
tte country. Fortunately, owing to the
remarkable progress of practical sci
ence, experts are ready to undertake
the renewal of the strength of these
foundations, if thier aid is not called
.upon too late.
i Great Timber Roof.
The thought ot any danger to the
-wondrous building known to us as
Westminster hall, which was orogtnal
ly added to the palace of Westminster
by William Rufus, is a severe shock to
all who have seen its beauty and know
Ks remarkable history.: It Is an abid
ing record ot most of the great events
at history preserved in stone. Here
it is not the foundations that are at
fault The walls of Rufus' hall were
raised on solid foundations and are
sound, although the paving of the hall
was placed on Thames mud. It is the
grand timber roof, raised by Richard
II., that is decayed in parts, and
'urgently needs repair. The roof has
tbeen partially repaired at various
times during its centuries of existence,
and it has always been carefully in
spected. Lately fears respecting Its
condition have been aroused, and the
office of works has published a valu
able report on the present condition
ot the structure. So far, this la as It
should be. The evil being recognized
la time, we may be sure that proper
means will be taken to place this no
ble structure In safety for many years
to come. The glorious "hammer roof
Is recognized as the finest example of
in Gothic open timber roof in exist
ence, and for this reason alone Its
preservation is a duty of the most re
sponsible character. In the construc
tion of this roof Irish oak (said to be
abhorrent to the spider) was used, and
the workmen employed In Inspection
affirm that they have never seen a
plder among the rafters. Tom Fuller
refers to Its "cobwebless beams." The
causes of decay are: (1) The work of
the beetle (or, rather, the larva of the
beetle or worm), which attacks the
wood; "only where the timber has
"been honeycombed was there any de
elded sign of decay" showing holes on
the face of the beam. (2) Dry rot,
"found chiefly where the Umbers have
been subjected to dampness. It has
attacked the wall posts, particularly
those at the northern end of the hall,
where they are embedded In the wall
' and packed round with soft rubble.
This danger was apparently foreseen
by the skilled carpenters who erected
the room, for originally a space waa
left between the wall posts and the
wall to admit the free passage of air."
Much of the timber has become of a
rich golden brown, the result of de
cay, but this is only on. the outside,
and most of the timber is hard and
sound. The principal rafters have
been extensively repaired at different
times, and at one period the trusses
were all systematically strengthened
by a series of wrought-lron tie rods.
It is supposed that the larger portion
of the structure is sound. - A thorough
examination of the whole by means of
an extensive scaffolding will be under
taken. The report, already referred
to contains a description of the con
struction of the roof which was car
ried out on scientific principles by the
skillful carpenters of the end of the
fourteenth century the craftsmen
who stood at the ' head of the
"Wrights" of all classes, and bore the
honorable title of Wright pure and
A statement of the dimensions of the
work Is eloquent of the hugeness of
the structure. "Ttfe span of West
minster hall is 68 feet 4 inches, and
the opening between the ends of the
hammer beams Is 25 feet 6. Inches.
The night from the paving of the hall
to the hammer beams Is 40 feet; to the
under side of the main collar beam
63 feet 6 Inches, and to the apex of the
roof 92 feet" '
History Little Known.
The early history of Westminster Is
interesting, but unfortunately we know
little certain about It Sebert and the
associations of the ancient kings with
the place are rather shadowy, and we
have little to build upon before Ed
ward the Confessor. When the Nor
mans settled in England there were
the two palaces, one at the Tower and
the other at Westminster. William
Rufus built his great hall on to the
Saxon palace and "New Palace Yard"
came Into being. The adjective "new"
forms a deceptive designation in many
cases, but seldom so much so as In
this name. The history of Westmins
ter hall is of Interest from Its begin
ning, but In Its completeness it dates
from the last years of that unfortunate
king, Richard II., who ordered the con
struction of the noble roof, and con
sidered this as the greatest work of
his reign. The original hall was vast
ly different from that now existing and
consisted of a nave and two aUles.
On New Year's day, 1236, the occa
sion ot Queen Eleanor's coronation
and the entry Into London of Henry
III. and his queen, the king caused
6,000 poor men, women and children
to be entertained In the hall and in
other rooms ot the palace. One ot the
first great public events In the history
of the hall was the trial ot 8ir Will
iam Wallace In 130S. He was taken
there on August 23 on horseback and
placed on a scaffold at the south and
with a laurel crown on his head In
mockery of what was said to have
been his boast that he would wear a
crown In that halt
ORANGES AND LEM0NSJBEEF stew with dumplings
s Foundations for Dishes, and as Fla
voring, They Are Essentially De
sirable in the Household
Enormous numbers of oranges are
being Imported Into our markets now;
and they are of the greatest value to
us, for their wholesome acids are
greatly needed by persons who eat as
much meat as we do.
This month we find many blood
oranges and these are of extra fine
flavor. They are produced by grafting
orange slips Into pomegranate stocks
and this fruit is greatly prized by epi
cures; unfortunately these grafts do
not bear so profusely as the true
orange tree.'.
Orange marmalade Is the favorite
preserve ot orange lovers; the Scotch
recipe for this dainty has been given
In this column before, but the follow
ing recipes will be found to be super
latively good.
English grated orange marmalade:
Grate the yellow rind oft the orange,
but do not grate in any of the bitter
white lining. Press the orange pulp
through a sieve and add a pint of wa
ter to every four pounds of fruit Mix
a pound of sugar In for every pound
of fruit and boil thirty minutes.
Small oranges crystallized: Remove
the skin and white lining from small
oranges and take care not to break the
sections apart or to puncture the skin
for all the Juice may stay In.
Thread a sterilized needle with
white linen thread and run through
the center of each orange so It may
be suspended.
Make a heavy frosting with powder
ed sugar and the white of eggs and
dip the oranges into it by the thread
so every part Is covered.
Now hang the frosted oranges on a
Btlck so they do not touch one another
and suspend In a hot oven to dry.
When the frosting Is Arm they are
done. These little comfits are very
pretty In boxes of homemade sweet
Two recipes have been received for
using lemons from a reader of this
section who is bo fortunate as to own
a lemon grove In California. One is
for preserved lemon peel. Peel the
yellow rind from the lemons with as
little white fiber as possible. Make a
thick sirup of sugar and water and
simmer the peel In It. In a half hour
the rind will be tender and may be
put in small glasses and covered with
the sirup and then sealed with par
affin. The other recipe will be useful
when lemonB are at their lowest price;
it 1b for preserving lemon Juice.
Roll the lemons and squeeze all the
Juice from them; strain It through
very fine muslin so no pulp goes
through. Have perfectly clean bottles
waiting, with new corks. Pour the
Juice in until within half an Inch from
the top. Now pour on a thin layer of
paraffin; when this hardens cork tight
Iy and keep In a cool place.
This correspondent says that the
Juice will keep perfectly fresh until
Malted Milk.
If one uses a great deal of malted
milk, It Is a wise plan to buy the
largest, or hospital size Jar, not only
because of the economy in price, but
because of the varied uses to whichh
the Jars may be put when emptied. For
keeping cereals, cornmeal or other
dry groceries nothing better could be
Vegetable Salad,
Lay lettuce leaves on your dlsn,
then cold potatoes sliced fine, onions
chopped fine. You can use at different
times beets, carrots, turnips or any
other vegetable sliced, with hard-boiled
eggs and salad dressing. We do not
like lettuce, but we have salads Just
the same. Boston Globe.
Pumpkin Pie.
Stew pumpkin, cut into small
pieces, in half pint of water, and,
when soft, mash with a potato masher
very fine; let the water dry away,
watching closely to prevent burning
or scorching. For each pie take one
well beaten egg. half cup sugar, two
tablespoonfuls pumpkin, half pint rich
milk (a little cream will Improve it),
a little salt, stir well together, and
season with cinnamon or nutmeg;
bake with a good under crust In a hot
oven. Some steam the pumpkin in
stead of stewing It
Pickle Secret
At last has been disclosed the se
cret of a housewife famous for her
well-flavored, crisp pickles. She has
herself divulged the secret of their
crlspness, which proves to be nothing
more than the addition of fresh grat
ed horseradish to the contents of the
pickle Jar.
To Soak Ham.
When soaking salty ham, add a
tablespoon of molasses to the water.
It Improves the taste and makes tha
ham fry a nice brown.
Cold Weather Dish Is Certainly Ons
of the Best That Has Yet Been
Use an 'aiteh" bone for this and
reserve part for a roast as the whole
bone would make stew enough for 15
people. However, shlnbone can be
used If you prefer.
Take off enough of the fat to brown
the meat and vegetables and let it be
trying out while you are preparing
the meat If there is no fat use a lit
tle pork fat or drippllngs.
Cut your meat into dice about an
inch large each way, dredge them well
with salt pepper and flour, and brown
In hot fat Put in your stewpan.
Cut two onlnos, one small turnip
and half a carrot Into dice and brown;
add to the meat cover with boiling
water and cook until the meat is ten
der. Remove bone and skim off the
fat; add six or eight small potatoes,
which have been pared and parboiled.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook
until nearly done and then add dum
plings. Dumplings One pint ot Dour, one
halt teaspoon of salt two teaspoons
baking powder. Mix thoroughly. Add
enough milk to make a soft dough.
Shape and cook ten minutes In the
soft dough. Add salt and baking pow
der to the flour, and sift all so as to
mix them thoroughly with enough
milk to make a dough you can handle;
it will take about a cupful; they can
be dropped from the spoon or shaped
a little with the hands.
The stew should be boiling rapidly
when the dumplings' are added, and
continue to boll rapidly while they
are In. Do not have so much water
or broth in the stew that the dum
plings cannot rest on the meat or on
the potatoes. If they do not they will
be heavy. And do not put In so many
that they will crowd each other, for
that makes them heavy also.
To soften brown sugar when it ha
become lumpy stand It over a vessel
filled with boiling water.
Castile soap and orris root in equal
parts make a cleansing and fragrant
tooth powder.
A quantity of quicklime put into a
damp cupboard for a few days will
absorb the dampness.
Blood stains should be soaked when
fresh In cold water.
Use salt and lemon luir-a nn tnt
Rub grass stains with molasses, and
Use boiling water for tea stains.
Prune Jelly.
Prune Jelly is a dessert that can be
made when no fresh fruit can be had.
Pour a quart of cold water over a
quart of prunes. If they are the sort
of prunes that come wrapped In waxed
paper, and so are reliably clean, they
can be cooked in this water. If yon
cannot rely on their cleanliness, wash
them carefully, throw away the water
and add another quart If they are
the waxed-paper sort, they will not
need soaking for this recipe. If the
other sort, soak them until they are
tender. Put them over the fire and
let them boll gently until they are
soft Add the Juice of half a lemon
and two tablespoonfuls of sugar and
take the prunes out of the liquid. Pit
them and put them in the bottom ot t
Jelly mold. Soak a boxful ot gelatin
in a little cold water and pour the
boiling liquid in which the prunes
were cooked over the gelatin. Stir
until the gelatin Is dissolved and then
strain over the prunes.
Waldorf Salad.
Two cups of celery chopped fine,
1 cup of apples cut In dice, a handful
ot nut meats chopped. Mix the above
with a good salad dressing and serve
garnished with celery leaves. I some
times scoop out the centers of pretty
red apples and use these shells for
cups In which to serve the salad.-
Ironing Hint
When ironing dresses fastened with
hooka or snaps I fold a very soft towel
very thick and lay the edge ot the
dress hook down on the folded towel
and iron on the other side, says a
correspondent Dresses trimmed with
small buttons can be Ironed in the
same way; looking much better than
when ironed rlKht side un. which nrtnn
leaves a rough looking place on an
otherwise finely ironed dress. I find
this much the neatest and quickest
way to iron all kinds of dress fas
Cook, three cups sugar, one cup milk
and one tablespoon butter. When
sugar is melted add four or five table
spoons cocoa, stir and boll 16 minutes.
Take from fire, add one tablespoon
vanilla, stir till creamy, pour on but
tered plates, cut in squares.
Cocoa Frosting.
Boll two-thirds cup sugar, heaping
tablespoon cocoa, creamy milk to mix,
until It forms soft ball In water. Take
from fire, add butter size walnut and
vanilla and beat until ready to spread.
Better than ather Dowders
producing? light dalatr. wWa.
soma cakes and pastries
lush ffnda and
moderate in erica I
25c lb. tin at man. I
Crascea Mfg. CaSMttU 1
Everybody loves
Do you want to learn to play Piano,
Organ, Violin or Guitar. For a small
sum we will teach you
to play fourth grade music regardless
of number of lessons required. Any
one who can read can learn by our
and most up-to-date system in exist
ence. We loan you a perfect "Time
beater" free. Write for particulars.
American School of Music
516-517 Commonwealth Bid.
Portland, Oregon.
80 acres bench land, all fine soil and lays wall:
40 acres in cultivation, balance pasture with
some second-growth timber: lota of rood, free
outrange: living- water; abundance of fruit,
including about 2 acres berries: i good houses,
one a fine large house that coat over $2000,
with fine lawn and shrubbery: large barn, etc;
2 miles from good town in Chehalis valley: hard
surfaced road all the way; this is a anap at
16000: you can't make the improvements for
that: 11000 cash handles this. Alvord & Co..
218 Board of Trade Bldg.. Portland. Oregon.
For 8fck Headache. Soup filnmiAh.
oiuggisn Liver and Bowtls They
work while you sleep.
Furred Tnneiia TtM Tools tni...
Hon, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head
aches come from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which cause your
stomach to become filled with undi
gested food, which sours and ferments
like garbage In a swill barrel That's
the first step to untold misery Indi
gestion, foul eases, hart
skin, mental fears, everything that is
uorrioie ana nauseating. A Cascaret
tonleht will elvn
bowels a thorough cleansing and
Hiraigmen you out Dy morning. They
work while you sleep a 10-cent box
from vour drueeiRt will ir op n viii fool
ing good for months.
Never Make Good.
Some men never makn ennft Um
they spend most ot their time in try
ing to convince themselves that luck
Is against them. Boston Herald.
Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
termer little Stomach, liver
and bowels.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, your little one's stomach, liver
ana bowels need cleansing at once.
wnen peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
Bleen. eat or act nntnrn 11 V AT la tntinvt
Ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has
sore throat diarrhoea, full of cold,
give a teaspoonful of "California
Syrup of Fits," and In a few hour, all
the foul, constipated waste, undigest
ed food and Bour bile gently moves
out of its little bowels without grip
ing, and you have a well, playful child
again. Ask your druggist for a 50
cent bottle of "California Syrup ot
Figs," which contains full directions
for babies, children of all ages and
ior grown-ups.
Plna. a' dlanhannnn fahrln la .....
factured In the districts surroundlne
lomuu ui rnuny, milippines.
There are 160 drama- nni 91 main-
dramas based on the life of Jnm
Dr. Piflm-a'a Pla D.lf.t- b L
r u,. to jciuo bjju. iney regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Sugar-coated tiny granules.
rvnr nn An .. rrti .
Except for auartara far Mi ennn
more operatives who will be needed
In connection with the canal and the
Panama Railroad, the Canal Zona will
be a sort ot military reservation. This
is an especially bad time to go to
rajuuua loosing ror opportunities.