Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 09, 1914, Image 10

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    A Guarantee
Bring your watch to an exper
ienced workman For five
years we have been studying
the anatomy of a watch and
today we can cure the moBt
desperate cases. Let your
watch spend a few davs in our
shop and it will come forth al
most as Rood as new, with a
guarantee from us to give you
satisfactory service, if this
we fail to do we will cheer
fully refund your money.
Hawkins Bkl."fiT.-leilo, Or.
Saturdays are always "Economy
Days" at Warnoek & Hushes.
Well, well, well ! Al's Thorough
Mods are here again. lhebestEc
cizar in Lincoln county. "Get the
S. Peterson, manager of the Sun
fist balmon Cenn ng company, was
celled to the Valley on business
Tuesdav of this week.
Assessor Ball will turn over to
the Treasurer and Tax Collector
next Monday morning the tax rolls,
and then it will D3 in order to step
up and pay up. Teasurer Mc
Cluskey baa his of Hoe force in
readiness to begin the work.
Mew subscription received this
week are J. II. Glinea. Waldport:
I F. Hiser. Toledo; 'A. L. Nye,
Newport: Ciri3 Larsen, Siletz;
Mrs. Carl Thoerson, Eitherville,
lo va; Joe Kosydar, Siletz; W. A.
Wilhams, Toledo: 0. J. McKennev,
Milwaukie; Alf Caton, Toledo; I.
IS Self, Toledo; D. L. Bissatt.
Newberg; Clarence Avens, Eagle
Cliff. Wash.; Chas. Hyde, Kern
Tille; Dudley Perkins. San Ysidro,
Calif.: Giles O'.ia. Siletz; C. P.
Werrell, Toledo; C. H. Pierce.
Otis; I. J. PeDin, Chitwood; J. A.
West, Otis; Irven Magee, Eddy
ville. noiice. .wappoiniment.
Notice is hereby given-- that the
uudarsigned ha been appointed by
the County Court of Lincoln county,
Oregon, administratrix of the estate
of David Foreman, deceased. All
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified and re
quired to present the 8a me to me
fcr payment, at the law office of G.
B. McCiuskey, in Toledi, Oregon,
with proper vouchers, and duly veri
ficd, within six ir.onths from the
date hereof. ,
Dated December 15, 1913. )
Nellie C. Harrison.
Administratrix of the estate of
David Foreman, deceased
U. B. McCiuskey, attorney for Ad
ministratrix, Toledo, Oregon.
Ia the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
R. L. Sabin, plaintiff, vs. E. D.
Brigham, defendant.
To E. D. Brigham:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to
appear and answer tha complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled action on or before the 24th
day of January, 1914; and if you
fail to anbwer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take judgement
Against you ia the sum of Five
Hundred and 48-100 Dollars
($509.48), together with interest
thereon at the rate of six per cent
(6 per cent.) Dr annum from the
1st day of July, 1913, and for costs
and disbursements herein,
You are also notified that an at
tachment has issued against the fol
lowing real estate, situated at To
ledo, Oregon:
NW1 of thoNW'l if Sec. 12, the
West one-half of SWJ of Section 1.
NKi of SEJ of Sec. 2. all in Town
Bhio seven (7) snuth, Range 9 west
of Willamette Meridian. State cf
Oregon, containing 160 acres.
This summons ia served upon you
by publication thereof for eix con
secutive weeks in the Lincoln
County Leader, by ord;r of the
Honorable John Fogarty, County
Judge of Lincoln county, Oregon,
which order is dated on the 11th
day of December, 1913.
The date of tho Hrst publication
hereof it tha 12th day of Decern-
ber, 1913, and the date of the lust
publicatiun thereof is tho 23d day
of January. 1914.
Hawkins & McCiuskey & Sidney
Teiser, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Marvel That Are Wrought Through
Synthotlc Chamiatry. 1
Nature, ire may reflect, boa a bard
time In competition with tbe chemist
Her slow, laborious processes ar one
by one being nupersedftd.
Her moat delicate perfumes, which
she dishes to us In drops, are made by .
the gallon In the laboratory. The hi-!
finite delicacy of her tints we stlmn-'
late from a hinteiial so u'nromantlc as
coal tar. We squeeze a cellulose prod-
uct through a tiny bole, and we bare ,
the silk of the silk worm. We trans-!
form trees Into paper and edHeate the
which Nature has produced by gigantic
tic forces in upheaval, and the only
difference, ns was stated In our courts
recently. Is that the artificial product
Is more perfect than tbe real. Now
the chemist takes starch, an unroman- j
tic material enough, and makes of It'
that rubber on which the wheels of
the world go round.
In the course of his experiments man
discovers a cheap method of making
acetone, nn essential of our modern
high explosives. . Somehow or other all
man's experiments lend ultimately to
the explosive, which again shows how
we reverse processes, for. while Na
ture begins all her work with nn ex
plosion, man works up to the explo
sion ns tbe highest expression of his
conquest. Westminster Gazette.
First th. Victim I Fd, Then Tired
Into Giving th. Signal.
An executkiu In Blum Is nn extraor
dinary business, according to a corre
spondent of the Cliionlquo Medlcale.
Tbe doomed mun. awakened at dawn,
is led In chains to the temple, where
candles are lit around him. lie Is ex
horted to think of nothing to disasso
ciate his mind from mundane affairs
and is given the best nwnl of his life.
the menu being carefully chosen ac
cording to tbe soclnl status of the crlm
There are two executioners. One Is
hidden In some brushwood, while the
other, dressed In vivid red. conducts
the erlmltml to the place of sacrifice
bidding him be seated on banana
leaves "In order to be entirely sep
arated from earth."
Tbe condemned man Is then put Into
position, awaltlug tbe ax. Enrtb Is put
In bis. ears. For two hours or more
nothing happens. Siamese - lnw de
mands that the criminal shall bow bis
head voluntarily to the ax. This be
does finally from sheer exhaustion, nud
Immediately headsman No. 2 rushes
from his hiding place and does tbe
rest. The executioners are then spray
ed with holy water and otherwise purt
fled from contact with the victim's
soul. rurls. Cor. New York World.
Moasuring Nature. '
Nature Is not -benevolent. Nature Is
Just, gives pound for pound, measure
for measure, makes no exceptions, nev
er tempers ber decrees with mercy or
winks at any Infringement of her laws.
iAnd In (he end is not this best? Could
the universe be run as a charity or a
benevolent Institution or ns a poor-
honse of the most approved pattern?
Without this merciless Justice this lr
tcfraglble law. where would .we have
brought up long ago? It Is a hard gos
pel, but rocks are hard. too. yet they
form the foundations of the bills. Man
lutroducts benevolence, mercy, altru
ism, Into the world, and he pays the
price In bis added burdens, and he
reaps his reward In the vast social and
civic organizations that were Impossi
ble .without these things. John Bur
roughs In Century.
An Uncrowned King of Francs.
The president of the French chamber
enjoys an almost, regal state. Every
time he goes to his olDclal palnce In the
Qiial d'Orsny he Is greeted by beating
drums. Whenever there lsn ministe
rial crisis he must he summoned by
the prcsldeut of the republic to give
his advice. He receives what is nn ex
traordinary salary for a Frcuch official
lOO.(HK) francs per annum. The ap
pointment dates from the days of the
convention. On Sept. 21. 1702. was
held the debnte by which tho appoint
ment was created. The first president
was Pctlon, a violent Girondist. His
six secretaries were also Girondists.
It wns symptomatic of tbe times that
eight mouths later the seven were con-
derailed to tho guillotine by the dep
uties who elected them. of Mind.
' Thus sho reproached him:
"Alfred, this Is the first tlmo you
bare come to see me for more than a
Thus be explained:
"Kitty, I've decided that when A
young fellow can't keep from thinking
of a girl every moment of his life It's
time for bltu to quit seeing her."
"Kiss me. Alfred, dear."
He hesitated it moment and was
lost Chicago Tribune.
Art.mus Ward's Account.
An Ohio man who attended the dedi
cation of a monument recalled Artmnn
Ward's account of one of these cere-,
uy Furniture
The Furniture Man
' ; -
The Price is Always Right
g Sale starts
Clearance Sale
in our stock of
Large portion of our Tailord-to-Order
The Leading Clothier
Q Sale Price for Cash Only
monies: "It was a line parnae, a very
fine parade. The marching column was
fully a mile and three-quarters long
as wns the prayer of. Dr.Chaplaln, tbe
chaplain." '
H. Got H.r.
"Ob." she said, "your conduct Is
enough lo make an angel weep."
"1 don't see you shedding a tenr," b
retorted, and his ready wit saved tbe
Evil spreads as necessarily as dis
ease. Eliot.
Th. Humpback Is a Little Mora Musl
cat Than th. Bowhtad. '
Whales ure rarely thought of as vo
calists, yet according to Miss A. D.
Cameron in "The New North" they
really have a distinctive song of their
A certain Cnptnln Kelly was the flrst
to notice Unit whales slug. One Sun
day, while ofiicers from three whaling
ships were "gamming" over their after
noon walrus meat, Kelly started up
with "I hear a bowheadl" There was
much chutling about "Kelly's bund,"
but Kelly weighed anchor and went to
Dud the bund wagon. Kvery suJI fol
lowed his. with the result that three
whales were bagged.
Among bowbeads this singsong Is a
call that the leader of tbe school, as he
forces a passage through Bering sea,
makes lu order to notify those that fol
low that the straits are clear of Ice.
Walruses and seals and U true mum
mills that have lungs and live In the
water have a bark that sounds strange
enough ns It comes up from bidden
depths. Every lookout from the mast
bend notices that when oue whale Is
struck tho wholo school Is "galllcd" or
stampeded nt the very Impact of tbe
harpoou; they bife beard tbe death
The sound that the bowhend mnkes
Is like the long drawn out "hoo-hoo-oo-oo-oo!"
of the hoot owl. A whaler says
that the cry begins on P and may rise
to A, It or even O before slipping back
to P again. lie assures us that with
the humpback the tone Is much Bner
nd sounds across tbe water like the'
no,e from ,be E Btrtn8 of a v,olln
Sat. Jan. 10
Corner of 6th and Grove Sts.
Toledo, Oregon.
Services Sunday School, 10 a. m.
C. T. Saling. Supt.
- Preaching service, 11 a. rn.
Pleaching, 7:30 p. m.
Fpworth League, 6:45 p. m.
S. B. Ports. President.
Song and Prayer Service Thursday
7:30 p. in.
Choir practice Wednesday 7 :30 p. m.
Residence of Pastor, first door
south of Church.
Sanford Snyder, Pastor.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appoin
ted by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County
of Lincoln, administratrix of .tbe
estate of Thomas Dillon, deceased,
and has qualified as such. -
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to
present them duly verified with the
proper vouchers within Bix months
from the date of this notice to me
at the office of the Yaquina Bay
Land and .Abstract Company, in
Toledo, Oregon.
Dated and first publication. Jan
uary 9, 1914. '
Sara Crahen,
Administratrix of the estate of
Thomas Dillon, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Lin
coln. ,
Paul Friedman, plaintiff,
'-vs. -
Fred Bauer, Anna Bauer and
George Van Puttkamer, defendants.
By virtue of an execution and
order of sale issued out of the
above entitled Court in the above
entitled action to me directed and
dated the 22d day of December, A.
1913. in favor of Paul Frpirf.
man and auainst the h
defendants, for the sum of $1743.05,
with interestgthereon at the rate of
6 per cent, per annum from the 5th
day of December. A. D., 1913. and
a further Hum of $100.00 attorney's
fees $12.25 costs and cost of this
writ commanding me to sell the fol
lowing described real property
situate in Lincoln county, Oregon,
towit: The East Half of the North
west Qairter and the East Half of
tho Southwest Quarter of Section
Twenty-four in Township Fourteen
south. Range Nine west of the
Willamette Meridian, containing
160 acres in Lincoln county. Ore-
Nor?, therefore, in compliance'
with the demands of
and order of sale I will on Saurday.
uie am aay oi January, A. D.,
1914. at 1 o'clock n. m nt ih
door of the County Courthouse, iu
the City of .Toledo, Lincoln county,
Oregon, sell to the highest bidder
for cash, all the'richt, --titla anA ;
tere"st of the above named defen
dant' in 4h.-beve yarned action,
in the above described
satisfy said exceiitinn' oa
closure of mortgage, and order of
eaie, interest, costs and accruing:
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
uaiea mis zeth day of December.
1913. Date of first nnKi;.t:.
Dec. 26, 1913. Date of last publi
cation. Jan. 23. 1914.
In the Circuit Court nf thn Stat.
of Oregon, for Lincoln county.
juary a. Batchman, plaintiff,
William J. Batchman, defendant.
To William J. Batfhinnn thm.
above named defendant:
In the Name of the state of Oregon:
You are herebv summnnnd Bni
required to appear and answer the
complaint of the plaintiff, in the
above entitled suit now on file in
the office of tbe County Clerk of
the above entitled Court nn k
fore the last day named in the or
der for uublication of KnmmnnQ
made by the Countv Judore nf I in!
coin countv. Oreoron. fhpino tho
county where the above entitled
suit is pendine in the Circuit Pnnrf
thereof), which said time for ap
pearing and answering is fixed by '
said order as hereinafter rpfprrorf
to, to--wit: On or before aw
weeks from the date of the first
publication hereof.
And you are herebv further noti
fied that if VOU fail to annpnr rwt
answer the said complaint as here
in required, for want thereof, tha
plaintiff will annlv tn the
entitled Court for the relief prayed
ior in said complaint, namely, a
decree of the Court thnt.
of matrimony between the plaintiff
and the defendant be dissolved, and
for such other and futher relief
to the Court may seem proper.
inis summons is published in the
Lincoln County Leader
for six consecutive and successive
weeks, beginning with the 19th day
of December, 1913, and endinp;
with the issue of . the 30th fW nf
January. 1914. under find in nnr. -
suance of the directions contained
in an order made bv thn llnrnmKU
John Fogartv. Ccun tv Jnrlcrp nf
Lincoln County, Oregon, dated the
17th d?y of December, 1913.
Gwynn & Clark,
Attorneys fur Plaintiff.