Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 26, 1913, Image 1

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"u i A . I i
NUMBE 1 44
C()l INTY NFWS; Ncws of each Community Gathered each
M M. A V T ,
eek by Our Rustling Associate Editors
Old Santa visited the Waldport
children at Kent's Hall Christmas
High tides have made the mail
service rather irregular this week.
On Monday it was impossible to
travel the beach until eleven o'clock
and shortly after starting a huge
wave carried a log acainst the mail
team and broke a horses' leg. This
delayed the team for some time as
another horse had to be eent from
Doty's barn at South Beach.
On December 33th and 31st Quo
"Vadis will be shown in motion pic
tures at the WaldDort Opera House.
The entire play will be given each
evening, beginning at 8 p. m.
Rev. Clinton Cook will shortly
begin the publication of a monthly
paper in Waldport. and as Wald
port needs Eomehting of this sort
we predict that local patronage
will be liberal.
Claua Ludemann and family cele
brated Christmas at Tidewater with
a family reunion and tree Christ
mas Eve.
A. W. and W. C. Weber were
trading at Yaquina Monday.
Clifford Phelps visited at the
Hewett ranch on Upper Beaver
Joe Lissy had the misfortune to
cut his knee while working in the
timber Saturday.
Misb Leola Hewitt was a. visitor
in this vicinity last Friday;-- -.
Banner Zeek gave a "hard times"
dance at the home of Mr. aud Mrs.
Tom Barker on Poole slough Satur
day night A large crowd attended
and everyone reports a jolly time.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shermer an
little daughter,' .Gretchen, visited
Mrs. Smith Friday.
Miss Violet King came over from
Salem Saturday night to spend the
holidays at home.
Misses Ada Lewis and Guseie
Griel visited Mrs. C. A. Hath Fri
day. Jay Van Schr ick was a visitor at
the home .of Thomas Brown over
Sunday. -
Miss Gladys King was a Newport
visitor Saturday.
Floyd Day is working for V. D.
Nearly everyone in this vicinity
is complaining with colds.
Messrs. Davenport and Allison
have gone out of the trapping
business. They say there isn't
.enuugh game. ,
Richard and Rose Davenport were
absent from school last week on
account of sickntsr.
A big dance will be given at W.
R. Moore's on New Year's night.
An oyster supper will be served.
Everyone cordially invited to attend.
Don't forget the date, January 1,
A. W. Acker man went to Eddy
i!le the first of the week.
Smith Allisun went to Turner
Tuesday to spend vacation with his
Will Randall and family went to
Monroe the firtt of the week to
Epend vacation.
H. B. Cauell made a business trip
to Toledo last week.
Roy and Alva Moore went to Elk
City Sjturdav.
J. E. Crooks went to Elk City
last week.
(Too late for last week.)
There is vacation in school this
week and next cs the teacher. Miss
Dcvenport, has gone to Corvallis to
take the examination.
Chas. Lillard, Sr., hurt his ankle
quite seriously. As he was getting
over a fence he sprang on a piece
of wood upright in the ground and
he thinks he has broken a bone in
bis ankle as it grows worse every
Mr. Randall, forraelry a resident
of Lincoln county but now located
in Philomath, came in on the stage
last week. Mr. Randall owns a
olace on the divide between Big Elk
and Drift creek.
Mr. Tunison and daughter, Mrs.
Wm. January, are in from Cor
vallis. Mrs. January is visiting her
husband's parents, Mr. and-"Mrs.
Johnathan January Grandpa Jan
uary is in very poor health.
Mrs Shaw has been on the sick
list lately and not able to conduct
the Sunday school at the Black
sehoolhouse, of which she is sup
Mr. Sharp and son, who pur
chased the Chas. Creel dace in
Fweet Hume, have moved in
Messrs January, Martin, Brooks
and Payne and two teams from
Cbas. Mulkey's went to Blodgett
Sunday to assist him in moving.
M. Branderberry went out tfn the
stage Tuesday morning.
Riley Young is building a new
Miss Emma Seifert is visiting
her neice, Mrs. Chas. Cator. and
assisting her with her work, as Mr
Cator is suffering with a sprained
wrist.- ViV-'':''-;
K. D. Martin, who lives near
Toledo, is visiting his brother and
family, also his father and mother.
who live with their son, P. H.
Martin. ,
-v f
"I. R. Payne took a load of hogs
to Blodgett for Mr. Parks Friday,
and on Tuesday some for P. H.
Martin Pork has been quite an
important export from the Big Elk
valley during the last year.
Clarence Davis was called to Cor
vallis to sse his grandfather, Cale b
Davis, Sr., who is seriously ill.
County Surveyor Derrick is fin
ishing the survey of the Fesgles
Creek road this week.
Mrs. Thomason has been on the
sick list. Mr. T. says she has been
parcticing women's rights too
strongly with the grubbing hoe.
rolling logs, etc.
P. H. Martin took in some of the
lectures last week at O.A.C. He
says the talk by Mr. Svkes, secre
tary of the Farmers' Association.
on "Co-Operative Buying" should
have been heard by all farmers.
There will be an Xmas tree at
the lower schoolhouse Xmas eve.
Everyone invited.
Christmas sifts, also tree dprnra-
t!ons and evervthinc to make holi
days pleasant can be found at the
tiarian store.
The week between' Christmas and
New Years will be spent in an un
usual manner at Nyebeach. as they
changed their usual habit of sleep
ing through the Winter and will
have nealy all the Summer attrac
tions and a part of the hotels open
for business and pleasure for that
time. The Natatirium. the splen
did Hot Sea Plunge, will be ready
for customers Christmas day at
noon, ar d already (Tuesday) the
fires are started and will be kept
up night and day to have the water
at the proper temperature. The
Minthorn Hot Baths will also be
open, the Kelley Hotel, Takitczy
Cottage, Mrs. Freeman's Hotel and
the Little Gem. The agates are
now . washing out and will give
amusement for many people, while
the old Pacific will be put through
some special "stunts" fnr th
especial benefit of the visitors., the
uaes Deing especially high '. this
week. The Hill will have the
Skating Rink and the Midway
Theater open and the Casino will be
used for dancing. This unusual
activity at Ncybeach is mainly due
to the formation of the "Nyebeach
Association,' a body composed of
residents of that part of Newport
who take it upun themselves to try
to build up the Winter business and
improve the amusements and mn.
iron!oiii,a. n. . C . . -I
Lin ville
P. X. Johnson has a crew of men
clearing his Drift Creek ranch.
John Olson went to Toledo Satur
day on business, returning luesday.
Mrs. Rosellini returned from
Portland last week. She has been
under a doctor's care for some
time, and is much improved in
Miss Carrie Wheelock returned
home from .Waldport Thursday,
December 11. The Waldport school
had become bo unsatisfactory that
it was useless for her to stay
longer. A few days later the. High
School professor was arrested for
misstreatment of one o( the pubils,
and a -jury found him guilty. This
is deplorable as Waldport has al
ways had a fine school; many fam
ilies move to town in the Winter to
send their children to school, and
the people of Waldport should see
to it that the school, is again
brought up to its former high
' The Ahwaneda brought in from
Bandun 80; tons of coal fur the
Newport market. The people are
ising more' coal than before be
cause it is cheaper than wood. The
Ahwaneda, after discharging the
coal went trt.vJortland for a full
cargo of T freight for the Morse
grocery store. .'
The Mirene has gone to Portland
for freight for the Newport and
Watdport merchants.
The tide on the 22d was very
high and did some damage to New
port. About 100 yards of the side
walk leading to the Newport beach
was taken away, also some of the
bulkhead in front of Newport was
considerably damaged.
The tug L. Roscoe having in tow
the schooner Coquille are lying at
the Yuquina wharf loaded with
dynamite to be taken to the Porter
Bros, camps on the Umoaua and at
Mapleton on the Siuslaw, as soon as
the ocean calms down so the vessels
can go out. ' I
The barge Frederick is now un
loaded and lying on the beach in
front of Olssonville. The barge is
greatly damaged but it will be re
paired. The high tide of the 22d
damaged several of the scows. A
large wood scow that belonged to
Captain John Fogartyof the Truant
is greatly damaged and is now on
the beah. Both-ends of the scow
were stove in and it will cost con
siderable to repair1 - it. The storm
continues with a heavy southwest
wind. The agate beds are all
covered up with sand, so it is hard
to find any agates.
The comedy play given in three
acts at the Midway Theater Decem
ber 19-20 was a decided success both
as a literary and financial venture.
This play is all local talent under
the management of Cecil JefFeries
Emery, a young man of much ex
perience in theatrical work. All
the characters in the play were
well sustained and it would have
been a credit to more experienced
players. The same play will be put
on at Toledo Saturday evening the
H A good'mar.y people ore coming
in to spend the holidays at New
The Presbyterian church people
are preparing to have a Christmas
tree on Christmas eve. Every
family seems to be preparing a big
Christmas dinner. Thosa who have
no homes or no one to cook for
them will be invited to take dinner
with these who have homes.
Murder on
the Siletz
I'stSat ird"'- night at about mid
ni ht Robert Wylie. an Indian, 22
ye. rs old, was shot tnd killed ct
the farm Ik use of Archie Johnson,
about six miles above the Siletz
Agency. There were several Indians
aud onp white man. Vincent
Wantock, in .the house at the tfme,
and at first the killing was laid
onto Wantock. Coroner Carter
held an inquest over the body and
jury's findings were that Wylie
came to his death from a gun shot
fired by an unknown person.
The Coroner removed the bullet
from the dead man's body, which
will be used as evidence.
Immediately after the shooting,
it is reported Wantock ran out of
the house without shoes, hat or
coat, and was found the following
day hidden in the hay in the barn
of Henry Bell, and Indian, about
a miles and a quarter from where
the shooting took place.
Sunday morning Sheriff Bert Geer
was notified and. in comoanv with
Deputy Sheriff Roes, went to the
scene of the tragedy, arriving
there at three o'clock in the after.
noon. Sheriff found Wan lock in
the barn and. after supplying him
with dry clothinz. brought him to
Toledo and placed him in jail, where
ne is now awaiting the decision of
the officials as to whether it in n
state or a federal case.
It is said that all in ths house
when the shooting was done had
been drinking, and just who fired
the fatal shot is not known..
' Wylie came to this country about
two years ago from the Chemawa
Indian school, and was, married
just a shorttime aeov - -
Wnntock is about twenty years of
ace, and Has resided among the In
dians for the past several years.
He spent the earlier part of his life
with his mother and sisters at
The government will trv thin
case in Portland, as soun as the
officials hera get through with
Wantock as a witness in a boot
legging case.
Doctor S8V3 salt water, and fnr
that reason, only, will we consider
a trade of our house and business
here for Coast acreage. Nnt nnr.
ticular about improvements if your
location and soil is good. We have
a gilt edge proposition here that
will surprise yuu, and our price of
$5500 is on cash basis, and will ex
pect the same. Will trade up to
$4000. balance to suit. For full
particulars write Box 312,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
... .
County Clerk and Mrs. R. P.
Howell went to Corvallis yesterday
morning to spend Christmas.
Walt Harding arrived over fiom
Philomath Wednesday evening to
spend Christmas with his family.
Mrs II. Lewis and children came
over from Portland Wednesday
evening and will bpend the holidajs
Sondre Rorntvedt who is working
on a bridge crew on the Southern
Pacific came over to spend Christ
mas with the home folks.
Miss Jennie Booth arrived horre
Wcdnseday evening for the holidays.
She will remain here with her
mother and family and assist
County Treasurer McCluskey in the
treasurer's office.
The new pews and other fixtures
were placed In the M. E. church
last week, and on Sunday a special
Christmas sermon was preached by
the pastor. Rev. Snyder, and Miss
Snyder Bang a solo. After the ser
vices funds were subscribed to pay
the expenses of the many improve
ments at the church and to wire the
parsonage for electric lights.
Something like $130 was raised.
Brown Sox Win
In a spirited baokct ball game
between two girl teams at the skaing
rink Tuesday evening the Brown
fc'ox defeated the Black Sox by tho
score of 12 to 6. The teams were
very evenly matched and until the
latter part of the second half the
score was tied, three to three.
The lineup was as follows:
Brown Sox Forward, Rosa
Schlecht and Rachael Carson; cen
ter, Clara Larson; guards, Nellie
Baird and Cecile Lutey.
Black Sox Forwards, Edna
Stanton and Genevieve Tillotson;
center, Blanche Bateman; guards,
Eudelle Bethers and Erma Nye.
After the game the dredge boys
played the town boys in which the
town team came off winners.
ri Miss Edith Ball returned last
evening lrom Portland.
See Jack Bellany for your block
wood. Prices reasonable.
Roy Fuller and family came over
from Falls City to spend Christmas.
Mis3 Eleanor Grady came home
from Portland to spend the holi
days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cruson came
over from Albany last evening for
a visit with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wade.
Miss Kate Windred of Alberta,
Canada, spent Christmas with her
brother, Joe, and wife in this city.
She went to Portland this morning
for a visit.
Judge B. F. Swope and family,
passed down to Newport from their
home at Independance last evening.
The family will spend the vacation
season in the Resort City.
Mrs H. E. Collins and grand
children, Catherine and Vin. went
to Falls, City 1 this mornjng for a
week's visit with the former's
daughter, Mrs. C, E. McDonald,
and family.
After January st the' limit to par
cels post packagae will be increased
to 50 pounds. The rate for 50
pounds will be 30c. in local de
livery an 54c. in the first an second
zones, Books may be sent hv nnr.
eels post after March 16th.
2 The M. E. Sunday school Christ
mas tree held at the church Wed.
nesday evening was. of course, tn
enjoyable affair. The program was
excellent and the little folks weia
entertained by Santa Claus, after
which they all received presents.
The Sawmill was comnclled fo
closed down Monday on account of
high water. The dike of A T.
Peterson broke during the extra
hiati tide, which let the water food
the tldeland and mill. The dike
will be repaired by the dredge Lin
coln. Giles Olin was over from Sile'z
Wednesday having a puncture in his
head doctored. While working ;n
the woods a largo limb fell from a
tall tree, striking Giles on the herd
and making an ugly gash. For
tunately he had his hat on at tha
time which partly protected his
head from the blow. It put him
down and out for a time before
time was called.
Tho masquerade ball at Oddfel
low Hall Wednesday night was a
very pleasant afTuir. While the
attendance was good tho maskers
were very scarce, there being but
few in costume. Sheriff Geer arc!
Mrs. Anton Jncobson were awarded
the prizes for tho boat sustained,
characters. Music was furnished -by
two pieces of Picken's orchestra
of Newport, a violin and trap
drums, and W. O. Hoeflein, cornet,
and Miss Elma Waugh.. piano, of
this place. A most excellent sup
per was served at the Peterson
restaurant. Thirty eight tickets
were sold.
i !