Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, November 07, 1913, Image 4

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    Lincoln County Leader
One Year - - $1 50 !
Bix Months - - 75
Tbrie Month ... 60
Interrrt at the )Kto(nce at Toledo, Oregon,
eooud-clan n all matter.
Display, 10 eentk per Inch per Issue,
l ocul and Heading Nollees, 5c per line.
Nolico for Sale, Wanted, Ktc, five lines or
under Ha per Uatte; foe per mouth.
Homesteud Notlcot, 15: Tlmlier Not Ires, $10.
Results of
the Election
The returns from the state elec
tion held last Tuesday, while not
complete, show that all the amend
ments on the ballot, except the
iSterialiaztion act, carried through
out the ftate. The University ap
propriations, County Attorney act
and ths W(tkm:n's Compensation
act all carried by big majorities.
A very light vote was cast every
where, except in cities and pre
cincts where local matters interes
ted. In Toledo precinct but 150
votc3 were cast. Newport cast
nearly 600. That city voted "wet"
by a majority of 35 Waldport
also "went wet by two majority.
Salem went.dry by over 400.
In Multnomah county they voted
to build the inter-state bridge
across the Columbia.
Pontoons, Pipeing.
Etc., Arrive
A freight train consisting of
fourteen heavily loaded cars arrived
Wednesday evening from Grays
Harbor with the pontoons, pipeing.
Kpuis and other paraphernalia for
tie government dredge Oregon.
The work of unloading and install
ing this machinery wa& started yes
terday morning, and the work of
dredging the channel from Toledo
to the lower end of the Toledo porl
district will begin right away. The
port dredge Lincoln was used in
unloading the machinery lifting it
from the cars and placing it in the
New School
Prof. R. L. Black, who was
elected supervisor for the school
year 1913-14, could not fctand the
work, and after working one month,
lacking two days spying the walk
ing that he would have to do was
more than he could stand handed
in his resignation and departed for
parts unknown. He is a man well
qualified to do the wvrk. except
physically, and that is an important
part in this county.
Last Friday, October 31st, the
County Educational Board met and
employed Prof. S. S. Gossman of
Eddyville. He has all the fitness.
including the walking ability that
anyone might need.
He beganjhis duties as supervisor
Monday, November 3d. and will
work for nine months. His divis
ion, or the districts he will visit,
are in the north, east and south
parts of the county. When he is
in your part of the county see him,
if convenient, and learn about the
work he is doing..
K. P. Coin,
Superintendent of Schools.
... .
Full blooded Light Brahma
Roosters, $1.50 each.
John Jacobson,
Chitwood. Or.
Babies need a perfect skjn cover
ing. Skin eruptions cause t'.iena not
only intense Buffering, but hinder
thpir growth. DR. HOBSON'S
ECZEMA OINTMENT can be relied
on for relief ar.d permanent cure
of Buffering babies whose skin erup
tions have made their life miser
able. "Our baby was afflicted with
breaking out of the skin all over
the face and scalp. Doctors and
skin specialists failed to help. . We
tried Dr. Hubson's Eczema oint
ment and were overjoyed to see
baby completely cured before one
box was used," writes Mrs. Struber,
Dubuque, Iowa. All Druggists or
by mail 50c.
St. LouU, Mo, Philadelphia, Pa.
Discussion of
Tax Estimates
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court will meet at the
Courthouse in Toledo, on Wednes
day, the 3d day of December. 1913.
at 10 o'clock a. m., in regular ses
sion and will discuss with the tax
payers, daily until Friday the 5th
day of December. 1913. at 5 o'clock
p. m., the following estimates re
quired to defray the expenses of
the several offices of the county
for the year 1914:
County court, salaries,
printing, etc., $2,300
Circuit Court, 1,500
Justice court, 300
Coroner's office, 150
Health office. 150
Stock Inspector. 25
Wood, light, water, furni
ture and janitor, 1000
Rebate on taxes, 175
Care of poor, 1.000
Care of insane. 400
Elections 1.600
Scalp bounty 115
Clerk's Office
Records and blanks, 500
Stamps, express, stationery, 140
Salaries'clerk and deputy, 2,150
Lincoln County Fair, 500
Widows' pension. 2,000
State Highway Commission, 2,500
, Total of abovt, $16,505
Assessor's Office-
Salary. . $1 200
Office deputies, up to com
pleting assessment Mil". 800
Office deputies, extending tax, 300
Field deputies, 700
Office supplies, including
rolls, 350
Stamps and incidentals, 100
Total, $3,450
Sheriff's Office
Telegrams, $ 30
Express. 12
Office supplies, 145
Care prisoners, 320
Care insane, 40
Stamps 60
Salary, 1.800
Total, $2,407
Surveyor's Office
Surveying and engineering, $1,047
Chainmen and axmen, 948
Viewers. 409
Stationery andjrepairs of
instruments," 95
Total. $2,499
School Superintendent's Office
Teachers' institute, $164
Superintendent's salary, 1,000
Supt. traveling expenses, 200
Supervisor's ralary, . . 1,000
Eighth grade examining board, 108
Stamps and express. . 75
Assistant at teachers' exam
. inations, 48
Letterheads and envelopes, 15
Printing, notice teachers ex
amination, 6
Printing institute programs, 12
Pens, ink and paper for
teachers' examination, 4
Typewriter ribbons, 2
Carbon paper, 1
Truant officer, 40
County Educational Board, 100
Total, $2,754
Treasurer's Office
Salary, $800
Clerical assistance, 800
SupDlies, tax receipts, adver
tising, printing and postage, 900
Total. $2,500
Levy cf 3 mills for roads,
estimated at . $30, COO
Interest on county indebted
ness, estimated at, 6,000
Estimate of state tax 40,000
Road Districts
No. Mills Valuation " Tax
1 10 $124,926 $1,249.26
2 3 301.787 905.36
4 3 220.435 ' 662.78
5 2 77,030 151.06
6 2i 7,805,005 3,902.50
7 3 354,828 1,064.48
8 3 603,793 1.811.38
10 3 234,777 704.33
11 4 334,326 1,337.30
12 5 272,119 1,360.60
13 5 466,103 2,330.52
14 3 235,651 706.95
15 3 1,841,605 5,524.82
17 3 666,536 1,999.61
13 1 189,851 189.85
19 5 336,731 1,683.66
20 5 . 116,412 682.06
21 5 886,724 4,433.62
22 10 119,978 1,199.78
23 2 95,474 190.95
Total, $31,993.87
School Districts
No. Mills Valuation Tax
1 2.5 $173,049 $432.62
2 5.5 53,412 3,043.77
3 5 1,420,323 7,101.62
8 6 81,054 504.32
10 K 124,223 124.22
11 5 35,186 175.93;
12 5 254,055 1,270.28,
16 3 25,738 77.21 !
19 2 129,745 239 49'
20 2 146,493 292,99,
23 1.5 159,826 239.74!
27 .5 102,892 51.45 J
30 5 B4.012 270.06
31 7 36,034 252.241
34 6 20,683 124.10 1
35 10 47,653 476.53 j
36 5 23,259 116 30
38 4.5 214,441 964 98
39 3 27,284 81.85
43 1 54,026 54 03!
46 3 36,918 110.75 1
47 1 1,042,724 1,042.72!
50 3 25 539,274 1,752.64 j
51 0.5 273,908 136.95
55 4 46,315 185.26
62 4 25,499 102.00.
64 5 39,795 198.98 1
66 2 298,827 597.65
Total, $20,020.68
Ports- "
Name Mills Valuation Tax
Toledo 2.75 $1,381,380 $3,798 80 !
Newport 2 1,070,000 2,140.01 1
Aisaa 1.5 1,202,439 1,803.66
,. Total, $7,742.47
Name Mills Valuation Tax
Toledo 4 $291,076 $1,168.30
Newport 9 776,813 6,981.32
Waldport 9 81,393 732.54
Total, 8,882.16
Grand total for County
Court, $13,715
County Clerk's office and
incidentals. . 2.790
Sheriff '3 office, 2,407
ssessor s office. 3.450
Surveyor's office, . 2,499
Treasurer s office, 2,500
Superintendent's office. 2.754
High School 2.500
Library for county, 198
Transfer fur schools, gen.
fund, 100
School levy, 2imills, es
timated at, 2.510
Estimated state tax, 40,000
Levy of 3 mills or roads,
estimated at, 30.000
Estimated interest on debt, 1 6,000
Total. $13.9.913
Less receipts of Clerk's
office, estimated at, 3,000
Total $130,913
Dated Friday, Nov. 7th, 1913.
County Court,
Lincoln County, Oregon.
r;.W. CARSON, Prep.
Horseshoeing a Specialty; Black
smithing of all kinds. Satis
faction guaranteed.
Office in Ofstedabl Building. Office
hours : 10 to 12 a. in.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8
p.m. Emergency Calls at any time
It Takes Experience
to run a Drug Store as it ought to
be run in such a way as to have
the implicit confidence of its pat
ronsthe public. It takes know
ledgeprofessional knowledge to
be able to compound Drugs correct
ly and make up doctor's prescrip
tons. We have that knowledge in
a superior degree and our custom
ers, as well as the medical men of
the town, know this and appreciate
it by patronizing us. We solicit
your drug trade also, assuring you
of the best and promptieet service
at the lowest prices. .
Gadner & Peterson
Dealers In
Builders' Hardware, . - - Sporting Goods,
Tin end Grsnite Ware
Aluminum (Guaranteed for 15 years)
Plumbers' Supplies
Cook Stoves, Heating Stoves, Steel Rauies-
Plows, Harrows. Wagons.
Get My Prices
And be Convinced that you can Save Money by buying your Groeerfcr,
Drv Goods. Nntinns r.nnit.un 1 TJ1. 1 T? n i C
1 i... tiu.j viuL.iji i-iuui ti uia rcrw u lac
The White Corner Store
Store Open at all Hours. Both 'Phones. City Delivery
Salem Beer .
The Most Popular Malt Beverage im
Salc-m bottled beer is the eoual of nnv TC.-isim-n nliW .-.
A ,' ......v.. . JIVUUI.. n
PSTVfl!ill V hrmrnrl tt fo.ilr nn,f UAI i A x - ff
, ...j ,,.v.v. iv i.iiiwj, nun uuKi unue, a temperance ujsuse
in tho real meaning of the word, conducive to both health afi
enjoyment of life.
Salem, Oregon
Children Love
but their psrents should see to
it that they get none but the purest
and most wholesome; Any other
kind is to be shunned. Good Candy
is an aid to the health as well as to
to the happiness of children. Our
Candies are pure in make and in
handling." And'yet'our prices are
admittedly moderate.
APs Smokehouse
T7i ftmmimtrtnn Cnttm fit A
that tpetd Ac(p in th wood
'Sfeel Lftd
shot Shells
,uiiown your lead Get your bird
with the center of the load
IN.i?8 Tn - n,',n1K!e attest forward rtrt,
iince the invention of .mokeles. powder the Heel lining
to grip the powder and concentrate all the drive i tU
exploMon back of the ahot
You find .t Remrngton-UMC Anew and Nllro Ci3
'ndHfl.gettheirar,ot tothe target quick
than any other .hell, known to the .hooting 'fratem
They cu down the network about lead Ind "nglel
They put the center of the load right on your biJX
W BSte0" Arn,-Unlon Metalllo Cartridge Co.