Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 31, 1913, Image 1

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News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
The Attorney General has suffer
ed another reverse. After, assuring
the mayor of Waldport that the
citv had nothing whatever to do
with the county roads within the
city limits he sends another opinion
to the county judge that the city
has complete charge of these joads.
The Mirene, Gerald G. and Ah
waneda have all been Waldport
visitors within the past week.
Wilh the election Dnly afewdaya
off we want to predict that the
Rood citizens of Waldport will
cast a majority of votes against the
Martin S. Durbin returned Tues
day after a week's stay in Portland.
Mr. Durbin enjoyed a pheasant
hunt while in the Valley and
brought home a fine lot of Chinese
Rev. Hutton will speak -at the
church Sunday evening. Neighbors
from Bayview and other points are
cordially invited to attend.
Waldport is. fast becoming the
educational center of Southern Lin
coln county. Our High School and
Grammar School are strictly up to
date, as are also the . teachers em
ployed. The advantage of good
schools is bo apparent that a num
ber of outside families come to
Waldport for the school year.
Among the last to do this is the
family of Mr. Hines of the Yachats.
With our schools progressing so
nicely we are now asked to sanction
a saloon. This is acknowledged by
all thinking citizens to be a back
ward step. Just watch the results
if you wish to see whether the
thinking population is in the
While going to a bear- traD la&t
week Wilson Hayes, aged 1 1 years,
accidentally drooped his gun which
wan of 22 caliber, and the result
was a bad wound in the leg. II e
bullet entered just above the knee
and ranged upward. The boy
was taken to Portland for. treat
ment. Little Elk
Farmers have all got their Fall
work done in this vicinity.
Cline Bros. ha?e all their goats
and sheeD gathered and diDped.
Stock of all kinds are not in as
good condition this Fall as usual.
Don Miller returned to his home
stead on Wolf creek last week.
He has been working near Sa'em
all Summer. Don says he is going
to put in most of the Winter slash
ing brush.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Loudon re
turned home from Mt. Angel,
where they were picking hops.
Virgil is going to build a new house
on bis ranch this Winter.
Clifford Wakefield spent Sunday
on Little Elk. Clifford is working
on the telephone line with Mr.
Cummings. They are working on
Pioneer Mountain.
Our school started last week on a
seven months' voyage with Miss
Scalding of Albany at the helm.
Elmer Harris of Turn Turn was
in our Val'ey last Sunday getting
apples from Mr. Barms. There
seems to be quite a demand for ap
ples this year.
There were fourteen Little Elk
ers attended grange at Eddyville
last Saturday. They all report a
good time.
There will be a fruit show in con
nection with the Eddyville Grange
at their next regular meeting, Sat
urday. November 8th. Everyone
invited to attend and bring their
best fruit apples or any fruit that
will make a good show. There will
be judges from the O.A.C. There
will be a basket dinner and a short
program, so come and help. We
beleve we have just as good an ap
ple country as the Hood River
country if we would give them the
same care and treatment here as
they do in Hood River. They have
their reputation made and we Lave
ours to make. So come and help
get started. Bring your fruit and
a basket filled with eatables.
Everyone invited. Remember the
date, Saturday, November 8th.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Watkins and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coly of Seaside
spent the last two weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Crooks and Elmer
and Nathan Watkins.
Mrs. J. W. Davenport, Mrs. L.
F. Williams and Miss Ethel P'trsi
ful spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Geogre Davenport.
Messrs. Daniel, Roland and
Folrnshee of Riverside spent the
first of the week on Drift creek.
Mrs. J. W. Davenport visited
Mrs. T. L. Bohannon Tuesday.
W. R. Moore went to Elk City
Jesse Davenport returned - to
Portland last Thursday, after a two
weeks' visit with home folks.
Smith Allison returned to his
home in Turner last week, after
spending two weeks in this vi :in
ity. B John Davenport went to Portland
last week to work.
B. F. Grant and crew have been
making a new grade on Mitchler
Mountain, but it will not be open
to travel until Spring.
The farmers generally are taking
advatnage of the good weather by
getting their crops in.
Rev. R. J. Devenport preached
Sunday, the 26h. at the school
house A good audience was out
to hear him.
Mifes Delia Davenport went to
Riverview Saturday to visit her
brother and family.
Miss Emma Seifert of Sweet
Home is spending the. Winter with
her sister, Mrs. John Mitchler.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H Martin went
to Corvallis Friday to visit their
daughters. -
The Harlanites are preparing for
a social on Hallowe'en. A good
program. is being prepared and the
ladies will serve coffee and cake.
Everyone is invited to come and
join in the fun.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mulkey went
out to Albany Sunday.
- Lester and Willis Grant have been
busy hauling lumber from the
Mulkey mill.
W. W. January had the misfor
tune to break his wagon down
while coming home from the city
and had to borrow a wagon from
Chas. Lillard to get home.
Walt Brown of Corvallis was in
this vicinity buying cattle the first
of the week.
Willis Carter came in from
Wellsdale Thursday to look after
his farm here.
Roy Hamar came down from
Summit Sunday to bpend the day
with his brother, Ed, of this place.
Frank Chamberlain passed
through here Saturday on his way
to his farm near Rocco.
J. F. Rhoades returned home
after a few days at Newport, and
Toledo. , . '
Lloyd Porter was a passcger to
Corvallis Wednesday, where he
joined the Muose lodge of that
Pete Oulds came over from his
humestead on Long Prairie Monday.
Prof. Rufus Woods of the Nor
tons school went to Corvallis Satur
day to have some dental work done.
Ed Hamar was transacting busi
ness at Eddyville the latter part of '
the week.
A. S. Aphlet and family came
back from the hop and prune fields
Iat week.
Mr. Bristlen has finished rocking
the Bear Creek grade, which endeth
that famous mud-hole that adver
tised Big Elk last Winter.
We have little or no telephone
service in this part of the the
country. As fast as the lineman
puts ud one pole ten falls. The
line will have to be rebuilt.
Mr. Windell of Deei Creek wa3
at Salado last week.
George and Jame3 Hodges were
at Toledo on business lsat week.
We note quite a lot of travel on!
the Mill Creek trail. ' This is a very
important road and should be
opened next Summer.
The road in district 10 is in the
best shape it has ever been at this1
time clothe year.
We are yet on the map. Mr.
Sprote arrived down from Portland
the first of the week with his fam
ily, and will build a house to live
in this Winter. David Murphy is
also erecting a bungalow at Salado.
His family will come as soon as
possible. Gcbrse Hodges and crew
are rushing the construction of
his sawmill, plant, which is needed
in these parts.
. Tidewater
Still lovely weather.
Fiah'ng has been slow again, but
we still live in hopes.
Sunday Nick Ludemann and fam
ily, also mother, spent the day at
Uncle Bob Barclay's..
Mrs. Bert Barclay is spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs. Skif
Morrison, down the river.
Frank Smith has ceen carrying
the fish for Nevin Barclay the las
few days while Nevin was out
I John Helistad is now getting a
new boat on the ruu since he got
his license.
Mr. Moses White of Minneapolis,
Minnesota, is visiting with rela
tives here, Mr. and Mrs. Early.
Mrs. White took her little son,
Elmo, to WaldDort Saturday to see
the doctor. The little fellow has
been feeling poorly for a week or
to. He is some better now.
Mr. Pankey is bringing some
fine apples to our local store.
-The government dredge Oregon
w&b brought to Yaquina Bay Thurs
day by the tug Printer, belonging
to the Grays Harbor Towing com
pany. She has a crew of twenty
seven men. The dredge will be
used to deepen the channel of Ya
quina river fifteen feet from Toledo
to the west line of the port dis
trict. This will make a depth of
water at high tide to float a vessel
carrying a million feet of lumber.
It was by the push and energy of
the Toledo people that this dredge
was secured. The people of that
city keDt hammering away at Con
gress for help until they gained re
cognition, and now the work will
be carried on under the supervision
of the government. A good many
dollars will be SDent in Toledo as
well as in Lincoln county. New
port made a great mistake; in nit
going in with Toledo and forming
one district, including the water
shed of the Eig Elk and Yaquina
rivers. This would have given us
a much greater influence wilh Con
gress in the way of getting ap
propriations. The river and har
bor must be improved and deepened
before much commerce can be done
over it. The reeson the one port
was not formed was because of the
opposition of Newport or at least
some of its citizens. This we know
now was a sreat mistake. W'hnt
ever benefits Toledo will gain will
benefit Newport. It is not right
that Toledo should do the work and
Newport share in the profits. Be
fore much shipping can be done the
channel of the river and the harbor
must be deepened. Millions of
feet of timber on the Siletz and
other Dortions of Lincoln county
ready to be made into lumber and
shipped to the markets of the
world. The Yaquina harbor is the
natural route for this wealth to
find a market. Newport is located
on the north side of the hay on a
peninsula overlooking a broad ex
panse of the Pacific ocean as well
as a good view of the bay. a loca
tion the most beautiful of any on
the Oregon coast.
At a special road meeting held
at 2 o'clock Tuesday at the City
Hall a tax of two and one-half mill
was vo'ted for road purposes to be
use on the Cape street road leading
to Agate Beach. It is thought by
a good many taxpayers that this
road is not needed because it par
allels the Big Creek and Beach
roads, which are less than a mile
apart. It will cost five thousand
dollars per mile to bulid the road
and when it is built it will not be
traveled one-tenth part as much as
the beach road. It seems to be a
waste of money.
The new reservoir that is bting
built by Mr. Payne, the contractor,
is nearly completed The reservuir
is 180 feet long. 60 feet wide, 14
feet deep and will hold eight
hundred Thousand gallons of water.
This with the reservoir that was
built three years ago wi'l give New
port ah abundance of pure moun
tain water. The next thing New
Dort needs is a sewer Bystem. This
will also cost a great deal of
money. It would be better to use
some of the tax money In buildirg
sewers instead of building bo many
Rock Creek
Four deer slayers, Jack "Bear
Trao" Morgan. Oscar "Hophandle"
Dickson, Arthur "Rapid Fire" Nye
and last but not least, Ira Wishart.
better known as "Sure Shot Ira,"
a name he well deserves, having
shot all his deer through the right
eye, spent four days in the Rock
Creek country hunting deer and
bear. They made their headquar
ters at the home of Wm. South
well. Hunters are generally un
fortunate in this country but these
seemed to have great luck for not
less than a hundred shots were
fired, which means (T) deer. It is
said they ran deer into fences, over
bluffs and even took them from
traps, but they deny the charges.
We hope they had some luck here
for they are all gentlemanly fellows
and very careful in shooting fur
deer. We like to have this kind of
hunters with us. Come again some
Mrs. T. Wigle has started to
build her new house. Ralph Peter
son is doing the work.
Notice to Hunters When taking
game from our traps please re-set
traps. Skinn'em Hide & Co.
Last Saturday afternoon the
frjends of Miss Gertrude Phelps
gave her a bridal shower, present
ing her with a handsome clock.
Those present were, Mrs. George
Selby, Mrs. S. C. Denny, Mrs. L.
M. Commons, Mrs. Hattie Edwards,
Mrs. D. W. Hewett, Mrs. W. C.
Weber, Mrs. Joe Lissy, Mrs. V. W.
Ohmart, Misses Hester Hill, Leola
Hewett and Leta Denny. A deli
cious luncheon was served and all
enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon.
S. C. Denny went to Yaquina
Mrs. Hattie Edwards, Miss Leola
Hewett and Clyde Coovert went to
the beach Sunday.
Messrs. G. B. Ryan, Joe Lissy
and John Coovert are helving S.
Hill with his new house.
H. H. Cook and fairily of New
port have moved back on their
homestead on Elkhorn.
Mr. end Mrs. Joe Lissy visited at
the Wright residence Sunday.
A. H. Phelps hauled a load of
goods from Poole slough for H. H.
Cook Monday.
Married At the residence cf
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
A. H. Phelps, Wednesday, October
29, 1913, MissGertrudt B. Phelos
and Chauncey S. Ohmart, Rev. C.
T. Hurd of Newport officiating.
The bride is a nopular young teach
er, who has resided in this vicinity
for several years. The groom is
also a well known resident of this
place, having moved here with his
brother about a year ago. The
ceremony took place at noon. Im
mediately after the dinner the new- ,
ly married couple departed for
Salem and Portland, where they
will visit relatives for a fort-night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ohmart will make
their home on Mr. Ohmart's ranch
at Ona. Their many friends units
in extending their hearty good- "
wishes for a long and happy mar
ried life.
W. C. Weber has been quite hick
the past week.
Reynold Ohmart went to Siletz to
play football Sunday.
The Gerald C. Mirene and Neha
mosh came in over the Siletz bar
last Sunday, the 26th. The Gerald
C. came in for a load of fish, while
the Mirene and Nenamosha both
brought a load of supplies for the
Dpdson & Cook store.
Dan Savage drove seventeen
head of fat beef cattle out to.Will
amina last week.. From there they
will be taken to the Portland Stock
Jesse Stone and Harvey Lindsey
killed another big bear last. week.
Charlie Hyde is kept busy with
his launch, running between the
cannery and Dodson & Cook store. J
The cannery closed down last
week, after a very successful fish
ing season, there being fifty boats
on the river. The fishermen all
seem to be well peased with their
season's catch.
Mts. Pearl Fuller has been very
ill for the last week, but late re
ports say she is rapidly recovering.
The Lower Schooner Creek school
opened Monday, the 20th. for a six
months' term, and the Uuoer school
opened Monday, the 27th, for an
eight months' term,
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Parmele, who
have been viiiting the former's
brother, George Parmlee, of this
place, left for Portland and Califor
nia a few days ago.
Phil Phennel drove out ninety
head of cattle from Srlmon river last
Taft now has daily mail. One
can get the Portland paper the
second dav after it is printed.
Taft is certainiy coming to the
front very fast.
Mr. and Mrs. Horner just re
turned from an extended visit with
the latter' parents at Salem.
Mrs. Mury P. Sax of McMinnville
as having a largo Summer cottage
built on her property at Taft.
A railroad man passed through
this country recently, getting a
railroad right of way through to
Newport from Tillamook.
Charley Blacketer of Siletz. re-,
turned Tuesday evening from a
visit to the Valley.
Superintendent K. C. Egbert of
the Agency returned Monday even
ing from a trip to Portland.