Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 30, 1913, Image 1

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News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
I'm fVrt
I N. Davw and Bert Havs made
fina proof on their homesteads last
... , I
Miss trae rnmwwnu
Tuesday from Prairie City where
she nas jusi ciuseu a, ,
year of teaching. Miss Williun
son will teach the same school next j
year. I
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Howell of
Yachats have been visiting at wald
port and Tidewater.
Active work on the cape road
began this week. There are quite
number of men employed in the
A . ,, . . AtA
the County Institute held at Toledo ,
this week Our schools will close,
wu o eorira nf entertainments tnei
w ,ppU in June. i
Sl&dl, ...
. . -i ,:u
The Uud swinging "'"iMahoney is away from home.
give an exnioiuun at uion6.
Hall the evening of June 5th. Ani
admission fee will be charged to ,
provide funds to defray the neces-j
sary expense.
Calvin Stouder . who joined the ,
U. S. Marines is now at Honolula
Little Elk
Weather fine and farmers are all
through with their Soring work.
Crocs of all kinds are lookih fine
and if nothing happens there will
be an abundant harvest.
Miss" Irene Maeee went to New
port to visit for the next two
Mr. and Mrs. Town; uf Seatila
are visiting Mrs. Towns' mother,
Mrs. Cline, this week. ,
, Mr. Crocker has sent for a cream
secarator. Mr. Crocker says he.
might as well ship cream as any ol
his neighbors.
Horner has found a new girl.
Come, Horner, tell us all about it;
we are all anxious to know.
There was auite a cowd of Lit
tle Elkers went over to
Turn . Turn
Frid-y. the 23d. to the picnic. It
was the last day of school. They
were all well pleased with the pro
' -gram, which was fine.'
Our road boss has finished grad
ing and smoothing the roads in this
district. He has done a tine job and
now our roads are ready for the
automobile travel.
S. T. Loudon and son have just
bought a fine Jersey bull of Henry
Stewart oi Aioany. xne uuu is a
fine individual and will show up
fine at the Fair this Fall.
Marion Hunt is doing quite a
lot of fencing this Spring. If
there should be a herd law passed
Marion will be ready for it.
Mr. Moss returned from
last Saturday morning to
grange and visit home folks over
Sunday. He went back Monday
The Grange Picnic committees
are all busy getting everything
readv for the oicnic to be held at
Eddvville. Remember the date.
June 14. 1913. . Everybody invited,
so come and have a good time.
Look out for posters later. Don't
iorgei. the date, June 14tn.
The Nenamosha went to Newoort
the last of the week. She had on
board Jesse Farrin's mother, who
j;oes to Coos county to meet her
youngest son.
Cattle buyers are almost as thick
as the cattle are. One drove a
fine bunch of cattle olf the last
of the week which he hud bought
cf Messrs Lesick and Bones. There
are three more buyers in now, one
from Portland and two from New
berg. Mr. Her, the chesee man.
si Id the Portland buyer sixty head
of sheep.
The teacher of the Lakeview
school, Miss Myrtle Parmele, and
Miss Nellie Nixon,, the teacher of
the Schooner creek school, both
J 11 t- A Iki
coun geat aUend teacner8.
. . hia
Mrs. Murry and
her mother.
Mrs. Resh, visited
Mrs. Her Sun-
The Parmele boys are grading
the road from Cosper's to Peter
Bob's. This part of the county
may have some roads yet.
County Surveyor Jim Derrick
has been down, and with Wm. Dod
son and Tom McClintock have been
viewing the Schooner creak road,
: getting it in shape so the Court
.will make it a county road.
All extend their sympathies to
,os8 of Uq nmiba, M baby
died whoopinj? cousn.
Mrs. Mahoney's niece is
while Mr.
Harlan '
R. R. Black, Dr. Polly and M.
Branderberry and family SDent Sun
day fishing in Big Elk.
Mrs. B. F. Grant and son Huston
visited Mrs. Grant's brother, Mr.
Oglesby, at Fall Creek last week.
Mis3 Anna Thompson of Blod
jett spent kst wek visiting Evelyn
and Vera Payne.
M. fl. Bauer and Mr. Doty of
Corval ii scent Saturday and Sun-
Iday at the home of P. H. Martin.
I Mrs. Chas. Bois left last Monday
i for a visit to Brownsville.
Road Supervisor Grant .is out
with a crew putting the roads in
. C. A Callahan is on the sick list
with a severe old. Joe Fradv is
also under the weather.
Miss Edna Garde is attending in
stitute this week, and the young
sters are enjoving a holiday.
Miss Leta Martin is homeTfrom
. Corvallis, having passed the Eighth
Grade examination.
1 was glad to sn.e in the last Lea
der that something was being done
about the road from Mill Creek to
Big Elk. as it is badly needed.
I. R. Payne bought a fine young
horse from Mrs. Blodgett last
P. H. Martin made a trip to
Dear creek Friday and got a pup
from Mr. Blair, who raises fine
Mrs. Mary McWillis spent
da witn Mrs. J. R. Walker. ,
Bart McKinney and two
were over from their Beaver
ranch Sunday. , .,
Mr. and Mrs Guy Lewis were in
Bayview Sunday on their way to
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Twombly
SDent Sunday with their daughter,
Mrs. W. H. Kent.
Mack and Susie Yokum spent
Sunday with friends at Bayview
Josie Oakland went to the Yachats
with a crowd of young people
from Waldport to attend the dance
Mr. and Mrs. Tullock and Mr.
and Mrs. McWillis took a pleasure
trip to Tidewater Sunday.
Frank Huntsucker took a load of
school teachers through to Toledo
Monday the attend the institute.
Our school closed Friday after a
very successful term. Miss Hallie
George of Newport was teacher.
Mrs. J. H. Sugg visited with
Mrs. Dora Lewis Monday.
George Emerson of Toledo has
been visiting in this vicinity for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Heath and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Severson and
children visited Newport Sunday
Mis Ada Lewis has been visiting
friends and relatives in Toledo
past week.
Mrs. Tim Dcwling visited in
ledo Thursday. J
. The new house on the farm of :
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sugg shows up
fine. The large living room looks
good to us. We see good times
Clav Sugg and Miss Signa Brouti
are going to school on Pool Slough.
Miss Nellie King was a passenger
for Toledo.
Miss Francis Lee of Pool Slough
went to Toledo this morning.
Rain, sbunshine and
clover this:
certainly .: is a land flowing
milk and honey.
Mrs. Commons returned to her
home Friday accompanied by her
daughter. Mrs. J. A. Wolfsperger
and son, Walter, of Hillsboro
Mrs. V. W. Ohmart returned
her home at Salem Thursday
The Misses Hester Hill. Gertrude !
Phelps, Neta Phelps and Jenny
Twombly are Toledo visitors this
W. C. Webber i3 on the sick list
this week.
S. C. Denny and Geo. Selby took
a stroll over to Geo. Ryan's Sunday
after their horses.
Quite a number of Ona people
were at Seal Rocks Sunday. The
day waa perfect low tide clams
plentiful bathing fine wading,
out of sight and such a lunch,
those Dickies, but for pure, un
adulterated fun try the land slide.
Jusepii Blower, who died in a
hosoital in San Francisco on the
23d. was buried in the Newport
cemetery Tuesday at 11 o'clock.
The funeral services were conducted
by the Rev.T. C. Hurd. Mr. Blow
er was working on a vessel at San
Pedro under George Walker when
taken sick with typhoid fever. He
started to come home but when
got to San Francisco he was too
sick to proceed any further and j
went to a hospital. This was on I
the 16th. The disease was violent
and he died on the 23d. His father
was sent for but did not arrive
until after his death. Joseph Blow
er was born on the yaquina Bay
where he lived most of his life.
He worked for the C. & E. R. R.
in the Brown bridge gang for seven
or eight years, after which he
worked for George Walker at To
ledo building the barge Julia, the
Ahwaneda and the Nenamosha. He
was kind, industrious and well liked
by all his associates. He leaves an
aged father, mother, six sisters and
four brothers to mourn his loss.
Up to this time it was an unbroken
family of thirteen. Ihomas is an
engineer on the C. & E. and lives
at Albany, Mrs. Johnson lives at
Winant, Mrs. Fred Day lives at Los
Angeles, Miss Minnie lives in Port
land, Miss Mollie lives on the farm
at Mill 4. Zebidie and Cecil also
live on the farm and John lives at
Vancouver All the family was
present exceDt two sisters.
George Wright, another pioneer
of the Bay, was buried at the New
port cemetery, Mr. Hurd conduct
ing the services. His father, A.
W. Wright, with his famliy, was
one of the first to settle In New
port, where he engaged in the
mercantile business for several
years. He is survived by two sis
ters and three brothers. George
Wriaht was a member of the
Presbyterian church and for many
years was a faithful worker in that
The Ahwaneda and Mirene came
the first of the week with, full
cargoes of freight. The Ahwaneda
in going to Waldport, in crossing
in over the bar was struck by a big
swell that came near wrecking her.
She was turned on her side, wqter
went into the cabin and some of
41 U - 1 - i a i: : I
wc uuttrua pnu two gasoline oil
tanks were knocked off. It was a
- lnco ..all a .
be careful with crossing the bar
when the sea is rough.
The public school has closed for
the year. .The High School had
their graduating exercises last
Monday night in the auditorium of
the Presbvterian church. Four
puDils received their diplomas and
the following program was rend
ered: Oration, Edgar George;
piano solo, Mrs. F. B. Davis;
Ladies' Quartet, "Spring Song"
Misses Harkleroad, Allen, Gage
and Demeuk; clas3 history. Lloyd
tolver; class prophsey. Ethel Ben
nett; valedictory, Miss Ida Judd;
address, "Four Forces in the Mak-
'ing of a Man," Prof. E. T. Reed.
Mrs. Nora Irwin came in
dav for a few days' visit
mother, Mrs. Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson made
! "u!lV!ll.nul" ,10'euu 108 in
returning the 29th.
Rufus Wood came in Monday
from the Valley where he has been
i working for a while.
George CamDbell and family
came in the 26th to take possession
I of the J. E. Wilson ranch. Mr.
IS1 111
ampoeii arove in Cringing in a
bunch of cattle. ...
Leland Wood came home Satur
day night from Albany, where he'
j had been visiting for a few days.
Miss Mary Goar came home Tues
day. She had been visiting her
; sister Linnie at Dallas for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowe went to
Newport Monday, returning -Tuesday.
Mr. Rowe took his Mist view
of the big fish pond from the New
port standpoint Monday.
R. R. Wilson isjlashing for
Stcinmetz now.
Arthur Nye left yesterday morn
ing for a business trip to Portland.
Bob Warnock was a passenger
j for the Valley Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Ruth Merriwether was a
passenger for the Valley yesterday
Memorial services were held at
the churches in this city last Sun
day morning.
Merchant Henry Lewis returned
from a week's visit with his family
last Saturday morning.
The Dime theater this week re
ceived a new coat of paint, P.
Fredericks wielding the brushes.
Mrs. John McGee and Mrs. M
E Johnson, of Ontario, Canada,
arrived last evening for a visit
with their brother, William Mackey.
Si Hanson returned Wednesday
evening from San Pedro, Califor
nia, where he has been working for
Shipbuilder George Walker theDaut
Dr. J. T. Abbett, district super
intendent of the M. E. 'church.
Dreached at the local M. E. church
last Sunday evening. He held ser
vices at Siletz Saturday.
E. J. Chaole. the photographer,
will be in his gallery in the law
office of W. E. Gwynn oh Tues
day and Wednesday of each week.
Have your pictures taken.
Misses Lynn and Sawyer de
carted this morning for their hom5.
Miss Lynn was instructor in our
schools during the past year, and
will return to aain take up the
work this Fall. ,
This office acknowledges plcasunt
calls from many of the teachers in
attendance at the institute here
this week, also from instructors E.
F. Carleton and J. C. Muerman.
These latter gentlemen were much
interested in the workings of our
typesetting machine, never having
seen one in operation before.
Summer. Excur
sions Start
The regular Summer Sunday ex
cursions over the C. & E. bturt
next Sunday, June 1st. The train
leaves Albany at 7:35 a. m,. To
ledo, 11:54, arriving at Newport,
12:45. Returning, leave Newport
5:30 d. m.. Toledo 6:30. and ar
riving at Albany 10:40.
County Institute
Big Success
County Superintendent Goin is
to be congratulated upon the suc
cess of the institute, which carre
to a close yesterday evening, it be
in? the larget and best ever he'd
in the county. Mr. Goin was for
tunate in securing the services of
J. C. Muerman of the Department
of Rural Education of Washington,
D. C, who is a most able man in
his chosen line of work. Mr.
Muermann was ably assisted by
with her 'Assistant State Supt. E. F. Carle
Iton. Prof. R. J. Davis of Newport.
and Cha3. H. Jones of the Oregon
Teachers'. Monthly. Mr. Goin also
made a wise selection in ordering-
the kind of weather which he did.
Following are the names of the
teachers who were in attendance:
R. R. Miller. Alvhild Romtvedt. C.
M Drake. M. A. Goin. A H. Web
er, Queen Lynn, Olga Petersur,
Esther CoDeland. Georgo Betherp,
Winifred Socncer, Edith Howell,
of Toledo; J. H. McDonald, Louue
Nelson of Elk City; lone Glines cf
Linville; R. J. Davis, Lotta Dirr.
ick. Ella Welch, Oilve R. Hand.
Bertha Allen, Mrs. R. J. Davis,
Helena Greenbrook, of Newport;
Cora E. Phillips of Yaquma; La
Villa Dickson of Eddyville; B. P.
Lvett. Mary Harrison, Mary Swar,
ol Waldport; Flcssie Wilson, .of
Tidewater;" J. S. tloln,' "of Siletz:
Lucetta Meeks, of Ocean View;
Hale Howard, of Si'etz: Hallie
George of NewDort; Bessie Knauf,
M. L. Hamptun of Siletz; Ch:s
Hart, of Otis; Nellie Nixon o?;
Taft; Irene Branch, Ena Stout cf
Waldport; Enda Gard, of Harlan;
Jennie Thomas of Tidewater.
Myrtle P. Lockwood, Taft; E. C.
Loveridge, Harlan; Etta Jordan,
Toledo; Hester Hill, Gertrude
Phelns. Ona; Frances 0. Lees,
Winant; Genevieve Ryan. Newport;
R. Dickson, Nortons; Nellie V.
King, Winant.
Joseph Blower, Jr.
Passes Away
Joseph Blower, Jr., a member cf
one ol Yaquina Bay s pioneer
families, died at San Francisco,
last Friday of typhoid fever, at
the age of 35 years. Joe had been
working with George Walker, ship
building at San Pedro, and on tak
ing ill started for home. On reach
ing Frisco hi3 condition became so
serious that he wpnt to a hospital,
where he died. His father, who
had hurried to be with him during
his illness, brought his remains to
Newport where he was buried
Joe Blower was one of those
oleasant fellows who made friends
with everybody. He was an hon
est, industrious man. tor many
years he worked as carpenter n
the C. & E. railroad, and for tl e
past year had been a shiD carpenter
with George Walker. He had been
a resident of the bay for thirty
years, and has a ho3t of friends
who moun his untimely death.
Mike Mackey wa,s a Dasstner
for Albany yrsterdav morning.
H. A. Schlecht was a passcneer
for Newport Wednesday evening.
Mrs. C. E. Hawkins's sister and
niece of Oakland, California, ar-
! rived last Friday evening for a visit.
1 .Ji