Lincoln County Leader OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPF.R COLLINS & IIAYDEX, PonMSnERS SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year - 1 60 Six MomliH - 75 Tliroe Month - 60 Entered t the )."of!ice at Toledo, Oregon, Mcond-cls n nil matter. ADVEKTISINU RaTES Dlnpley, 10 eenln per Inch per IsMie. Locul and Heading Koticu, 5c per line. Notice t or Sale, Wanted, Etc., live lines or m1' lin per issue; Mc per month. NotireK, 16: Timber Nut leei, 110. Creamery a Necessity Did you ever stop to think of it You and some of your neighbors ship your cream to outside points, you get quick returns for your shipment, you are satisfiedbut did you ever stop to figure that you are paying the corporation to whom you ship a handsome subsiidy to handle your cream. Of course the contention is that the creamery pays the freight or express charges one way: such is not the case, you pay the entire tariff. Why not give our local condi tions consideration, is it not pos sible for you to interest your neigh birs, organize a Co-Operative Creamery or Cheese Factory. Keep our milk at nome, manufac ture our own butter and cheese, ship that out and help advertise our county. Is there any label or brand on your cream, when it is made into butter outside of the county, to tell that the cream came from Lincoln county? Not any. When vou ship out butter cr cheese it is branded and calls particular attention to ihe place where it is made, especially so if the product is of a suDcrior quality. Don't make the mistake of think ing that 83 soon as the company is organized, plant erected and manu facturing started, that thence forth you will have a continuous Rose Carnival, such is not ihe case, but remember this, every little difficul ty and obstruction will be overcome, every penny of entire cost of manufacture remains at home, our county is advertised, that creats in terest and invites inauiries from outside, people come in and look the country ever, some of them in vest in land, bring in more cattle and increase the county's assets. Look into it boys it will bear investigation. One Vvho is Interested. New Teachers Are Elected The board of directors of Toledo school district at their meeting last week, employed the following teachers for the coming year: Principal and high school instruc tor, .lonn Blough of Fossil. Oregon. Assistant in high school, Miss Queen C. Lynn. Seventh and eighth grades, S. B. Ports of Florence, Oklahoma. Fifth and sixth grades. Miss Winifred Spencer. Third and fourth grades, Miss Mae Clemo. Second grade, Miss Olga Peter son. First grade, Mies Esther Cope land. With the exception of Professors Blough and Ports and Miss Clemo the newly elected teachers have been teaching in our schools. Misses Peterson, Spencer and Cone- land have just completed their second term and Mins Lynn her first term, and their re-election to their positions is an acknowledg ment of their efficiency. The new teachers come well recommended and no doubt our school board has chosen well. Toledo hus just reason to be proud of her schools and as long as we are fortunate enough in securing such excellent Instructors we have no reason to believe the standard will be lowered ,All Toledo is surry to lese Prof. A. H. Weber and family. Mr. Weber has successfully instructed our high school during the past five years, but voluntarily retired from our Curps of instructors and will go to his old home at Browns ville. Mr. Kirk of Portland was here visiting his daughter. Mrs. A. H. Weber, and family several days this week. f Lt4 -"f" Mrs. P. Frederick HAS CTENED A FIRSTCLASS Millinery and Dressmaking Parlors in the building recently occupied by the "Palace of Sweets" All Trimmings Treasonable Come In, will be Pleased to Meet Ton Salem Beer The Most Popular Malt Beverage in Oregon Snltm bottled beer is the equal of any Eastern product, being especially brewed for family and hotel trade. A teinperanc3 drink in tho real meaning of the word, conducive to both health and enjoyment of life. SALEM BREWERY ASSN. Salem. Oregon No Mother Need Fear her child eating too much of our pure chocolates, because they will du the youngster more good than harm. They are made from the purest materials, in the cleanest of candy kitchens, and are guaranteed in every way. Nothing so delicious and so satisfying. And- best of all thev are moderate in price as buyers know. AFs Smokehouse AL WAUGH, Prop. Just Arrive A line line of Children's Dresses The nicest line ever to Toledo H. LEWIS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The Beard of Directors of school district No. 47. Siletz, Lincoln county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for tho erection of a school house, near Spencer Scott's, as per plans and specifications on file at office of district clerk. The district furnishes all mater ial. All bids must be filed with the clerk on or before 9 o'clock a. m., June 14. 1913. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. C. S. Davis. Clerk. Dated May 12, 1913. the new line of Ra tina Hats at Mrs. Frederick's See -diijtf51 ' j rffr rrf-V .rfffjftan brought There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more than now. Thi3 is shown by the increase in Klna unA ,. !.,.,(-.... , --- .w .inn vui uu iai jr testimonials from pcrons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or coin give it a trial and become acquainted with its good qualities. For sale bv a druggists. . Call For County Warrants. iVotiee is hereby given that I Imve funds on hm to pny all County War rants drawn on the General Fund, aud endorsed; "Not jmid for wautof Funds" P to and including Not., 15th, 1911. Interest on said warrants to cease on and after said date. Q. B. McCLCSKEY. Count Trcounro, Dated at Toledo, Or., this Oth day of iav, li'ia. The boiler of the ort dredger is being renairerl tKia mai Roy Walker, who will operate it says they will be digging right away. If1"' J i AM PREMIUMS Just Arrived Bring in all of your Silps for your Premiums, as we will discontinue givin away premiums on goods on June 1st. 1913. All outstanding slips are redeemable at any time, up to June 1st. Premium silps will be given'with all purchases and are transferable. No Premiums, with purchases after June 1st. All slips are redeemable In order to meet all outside competition we will still reduce our prices and discontinue the premiums. All Customers will be Benefitted in the prices Our prices on a bill of merchandise will be cheaper than any competitior in the couniy. Get our prices and we can save you money. All our Goods are Guar anteed. Toledo Racket Store Warnock & Hughes 3 L c 1NC0LN BOUNTY OANK (INCORPORATED) Toledo, Oregon Does a General DIRECTORS C. E. HAWKINS WM. scarth C. O. HAWKINS Dr. W. M. BERRY THE TOLEDO DENTIST Will be in his office in the Ofstedahl Building THURSDAY AND FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK TOLEDO LIVERY FEED and SALE STABLES IH VELL EQUIPPED AVIT1I GOOD SADDLE & SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRAVELING MEN Runs Daily Dray Line. Goods delivered Promptly at all hours. eral hauling. Teams furnished on short notice. HOESES BOUGHT AND SOLD FA.Y AND FEED FOR SALE. Launch Transit. Leaves Elk City 7 a. m.: Toledo 9 a. m. - Returning, leaves Newport 2 p. m.; Toledo 4 p. m Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday. H. A. Norton, Capt. It would surprise you to know of the great good that is being done by Chamberlain's Tablet3. Darius Downey of Newberg Junc tion, N. B , writes. "My wife has been using Chamberlain's Tablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lots of good " If you have any trouble with your stomach or bowels give them a trial. For sale by all druggists. NOTICE 10 CONTRACTORS The County Court for Lincoln county, state of Oregon, will re ceive bids for the construction and covering of the Boulder bridge span (without approaches) on the Salmon River road. Bidder to fur nish all material and perform all labor and to4 fu-nish plans and specifications. All bids must be filed with the County Clerk on or before 9 o'clock a. m., June 4. 1913. i R. H. Howell County Clerk. i Banking Business Interest on Time Deposits BUGGY HOUSES Gen- BDTII PHONES DR. M. L. MORRIS THYSICIAN & SURGEON Office in Ofstedahl Building Toledo, Oregon THE YAQUINA BAY LAND AND ABSTRACT . con PAN Y SARA CRAHEN, Manager TOLEDO, OREGON Have an up-to-date and complete set of Abstracts of Lincoln County. FOR SALE. Team of bay mares, well mated; weight about 2500 lbs.; good, true puller, for farm, freighting or grading. Price $250. including good work harness. A. C. Crawford,,Siletz, Cr. R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TOLEDO, ORKGON Office In Ofstedahl Building. Office houra : 10 to 12 a.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Emergency Calls at any time. BOTH THONES High School Commencement The Toledo High School com mencement exercises will be held at Woodmen Hall this evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. The fol lowing Drogram will be rendered: Muaic, Orchestra. Invocation, Rev, F. S. Clemo. Serenade, Glee Club. Oration, Aileen Gaither. May Song. Glee CluD. Oration, Edith Ball. Shower, Glee Club. Address, Rev. Abbott. Piano duet, Genevieve Tillotscn and Eudelle Bethers. "The Sweetest Flower that Blows," Glee Club. Music. Orchestra. N. H. Sherwood made a business trip to Albany Monday. New telegraph poles have been distributed along the line of the C & E. railroad. James Salvage went to Southern Oregon points yesterday morning, on a tour of inspection. Allen Hughes, of the Toledo Racket, was called to Suver Tues day morning by the illness of his mother. Jack Pelmulder and Smith & Smith have a new awning decorat ing the front of their places of business. Dr. Morris returned from Mc Minnville Monday evening, where he had been called to assist in a surgical operation. Mr. and Mrs Dye Wade have moved into the Chambers cottage on Second street, recently vacated by Judge and Mrs. C. H. Gardner. Miss Mary Shirley of Enterprise visited friends in this city the lat ter part of last week. She sang several so'os at the Dim? Saturdav evening, also at the services at the M. E. church Sunday evening, which were highly appreciated. STRAYED Frcm my pasture 2d of May, one borrel mare about 10 years old. heavy mane and tail, white spot in face, weight about 1500 lbs; also yearling colt about the same color, had halter on. Finder please noti fy John Ebbe, Toledo. Or. FOR SALE. One full-cabin launch with 10 h. d. cucine, life belts, anchor and complete equipment. Would make good commercrial beat Also scow. 12x82 ft. The above outfits are in good rorditicn and will sell at sacrifice. Apply at R. A. Ander sen's Pont Works, cr J. B. Booth at Lincoln County Bank. SUMMONS In tho Circuit (Vmrlof the Mateof Oregon, for Lincoln County. J. I.. Hickman, ilninliir, vs. C. 1!. Greaves, de fendant. To C. B. (irenve. tho aoove named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon : ou are hereby notified that J. I.. IMcfcmnn, Ihe holder of Certificate of Delinquency num bered 73 issued on t health day of August. I'.Ml, by the Tax Collector of tho County of Lincoln H late of Otfgnn, for the ainonnt of Three and iio-lOO Dnllara, Ihe aarae leing the amount then due and dell uqnent for taxn for the year lwe lege iher with penalty, Interest and cnnu thereon upon Ihe real property asuesred to you, of which ynunro the owner as apcara of record. Mtnatt-d in sail conn I y and Hate, and particularly bounded nnd described as follows, to wit: Lot 11 of block 1, Cooper's blli. K. & T's addition to Newport. Oregon. You are further notified that Faid J. I,. Itifltnian has paid taxes on said premise ior prior or subM-qnenl. years, with the tate of Interest on sid amounts as follows: Year's Date Tax Tux Paid Hcecinl N'n. Amt. Rate or Interest l.'i er ct IS per ct l-r per i't 15 ner it. 1W!I aiu as, v.iTu Aiw vi, urn Mar 15, l'.l' Apr I. win 32TH I f'.it HUMS I 8.71 Mill I 5.(1 v.'7 I lino inn Snid r. I!. (Ireaves, as the un nut of the legal title of tho above described properly us tho limit appears of rccord.'aml each of the oilier persons above mnneil are hereby further noti fied trial ,1. I., ltlelcninn will apply to the Circuit Court of tho county and state afore said for a decree foreclosing the lien against the property above described, aud inenlianed In said certificate. And you Rre nereby sum moned to appear within aixty days after the II rst publication of this summons, exclusive of tliednynf said llrsl publication, and defend thla action or pay the amount due as above shown, together with cost! and accrued Interest, aud In case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered fore closing the lien of said taxesand costs sgalnat the land anu premises above named. This summons Is published by order of tho Honorable John Fognrty, Judge of the County Court of he State of Oregon or Ihe County of Lincoln and said order was made and dated this 17th day of April, 1913, and the datu of the first publication of this summons Is the 25th day of April. 1918. All process and papers in this proceeding may be served upon Ihe undersigned residing within the Stnld of Ongon at tho address hereafter mentioned. Hawkins it McClugkey, Attorneys for plaintiff. Addreis, Toledo, Oregon. t-27-13 Circuit Court Adjourned Session Circuit Judge L. T. Harris of Eugene arrived over Motdav even ing and held the adjourned session of Court here Tuesday, it being an adjournment of the February term. Following are the cases which came up for trial and the disposition meds of ea:b : Minerva J. Kriaer. et a!, vs. Jennie Stull and Joel Stull suit, continued. Willamina State Bank vs. E. - T. Rabior action, continued. j Walker & Lebow vs. William Jorgenson action, continued. E. H. Vader vs. W. C. and Sadie Reynolds action, continued. j R F. Baker vs. Anna and Grover Voigt action, continued. E. L. Devereaugh vs. William J. Howard, et al, suit, dismissed. John Hamar vs. Geo. T. Eglin foreclosure, continued. John W. Hurley vs. Samuel Olson suit, motion to quash denied and defendant granted 30 days to plead. Sara Crahen vs. E. G. Ebers foreclosure, default and decree. J. F. Barber vs. P. H. Marley. Jesse Daniels, et al. suit, cont. Hillsboro National Bank vs. J. W. Boyer action, dismissed. Alex Catfish vs. M. S. and Anna Collins action, granted 20 days to piead. Gertrude Harris vs. L E. Harris divorce. Continued. Ferdinand Werremeier Natural zation, admitted to citizenshio. Bank of Oregon vs. Oregon Coast Timber Co. suit, continued. Fidelity Trust Co. vs. Mary E Thomnson, et al, suit, continued. J. F. Stewart vs. J. Jensen act ion, settled and dismissed. Ole Street vs. Ina Sturdevant action, dismissed. H. F. Nulton vs. Lincoln County Fair Association action, default of all defendants, txcept T. J. Christ opher H. A Schlecht vs. H. M. Chit wood action, continued C. L. Morrison vs. C. C. Lane action, defendant granted 20 days to file answer. Frank Nye vs. Yuquina Bay Lumber Co. action, defendant given 20 days to file answer. Pair Investment Co. vs. Jacob Pfcnching continued. Frank Nyo vs. Lincoln County Hank action, defendant granted 30 days to answer. David Herman vs. Olea Tedcr continued. Thco. Knudscn vs. Frank Car son, tt al, action, pa:sed' by agreement of counsel. ThcoKr.udson vs. John Rattey action, passed by agreement of counsel. Theo. Knudson V3. E. Graham, et al, action, passed by agreement of counsel. J. L. Rickman vs. C. B. Greaves foreclosure, continued. W. M. Malone vs. J. J. Peek, et al, suit, default and decree. Toledo Lumber Co. vs. Chas Davis, et ux, action, settled. John and Ruhama Veit vs. Eva Colver, et al. suit, continued. W. A. McClintock vs. M. S. Col lins and Emma A. Collins action, granted 30 days to answer. Polly Schmidt vs. James Wiley suit, continued. 4 Melinda McDonald vs. Thos. Mc- We Hold Up to Admiration our high-grade, ready-mixed Paints which have recehed ll.c acprota tion of the trade and are univer sally appreciated by householders who have used them. They are ex tremely well ground and well blended ready to use. Paints with a base of pure white lead and lin seed oil. They go farther, and cover more surface than other brands. All the ordinary shades. All size tins. TOLEDO DRUG CO. For Sale I have Town Property, Farms from 5 acres up, and Timber Lands for sale. It yon want a Home, or to speculate see me. LIST YCUR PROPERTY WITH W, L. Depew TOEEDO, OREGON Donald divorce, decree for plain tiff. Portland Trust Co. vs. W. F. Keady action, continued. The Pacific Co. A Corporation vs. Wellington Wright action, con tinued. John 0. Hendrickson vs. Sea View Land & Trust Co. confirmation, confirmed. Jonh Kentta of Siletz was a pas tenger for Portland Monday. S. H. Beatty of Chitwood had business in Toledo Mondxy evening. Dave Ramsdell of Elk City was a county seat visitor Monday even ing. Al Waugh and Hugh'Corgan caught most of the trout in the upper Yaquina Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hall of Siletz were passengers for the Val ley Wednesday morning. Superintendent Egbert of Siletz returned the first of the week from Portland. Chas. H. Gardenr returned the latter part of tire week from a trip to Portland. Merchant Henry Lewis was a Portland visitor this week. Fred Salvage has been assisting in the store during his absence. . The O.A.C. Senior excursion pas sed through this morning enroute for Newport. The train wa3 pretty ood bized having eleven coaches and two engines. Some 500 students were on board. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Akin and daughter. Iris, and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Arnold and Miss Genevieve Tillotscn fpent last Saturday night and Sunday at Siletz, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hall. F rdinand Werremeier of Elk jCitywasin the city Tuesday at tending Circuit Court. Mr. Wer Iremeierwss admiitted to citizen- I t.u;n u: tt n ciuy uu una umu. riarvey rants and Will parks were his witnesses. Charley Kyda came around from Siletz bay in his little launch last Saturday. He made good tine with no accidents on the trip. Ho left the Siletz bar at ten o'clock and was at Toledo at three in the after noon Gildersleeve & McCaulou, pro prietors of the Toledo Box Fac tory, this week installed a machine for the making of all kinds of mouldings and will hereafter be able to fill your orders for anything in that line. Mrs. T. P. Fish and Miss Blanche J'ffereya returned Tuesday evening. Mrs. Fish visited in Corvallis dur ing the past week and Miss Jeffreys soent the week in Portland with her parents, who are nretinrinr in (leave that city for their future home in Los Angeles, California. Roy Walker returned from the Lower Columbia River Tuesday evening, after having successfully taken the dredge Chetco from this bay to the Columbia The dredge was -in tow of the dredge Vosburg. Ruy will now take charge of the Port dredge, Lincoln, at this place. Mrs. Ella Phillips, wife of F. H. Phillips, who resided in Toledo for many years, died at her home in Medford May 8th, nine davs after an operation, the trouble being caused by a fall which she received while moving, the immediate cause of death being acute Brighta dis ease. The funeral was held at Medford then the tody was shinped td West Scio, where Mr., Phillips had bought property and where he now resides. Mrs. Phillips was an earnest Christian, a faithful, loving wife and a good neighbor as is tes tified to by all who knew her, and her friends in Toledo are many who will sympathize with the bereaved husband in his bereavement. Schooner Anvil Again Afloat The gasoline schooner Anvil which went aground at the month of the Siuslaw about six weeks ago. was taken off last week and is but little damaged by her sojourn on dry land. She will be back on her old run again in a few days. . Investigating Conditions On Siletz Through the courtesy of Chair man J. N. Teal of the Oregon Con servation Commission, Mr. King man Brewster, assistant secretary of the Commission, SDent a couDle of days at Siletz interviewing home steaders in regard to the applica tion of the Federal homestead laws. The revised law of 1912 compels the entryman to clear and cultivate twenty acres. Such a law is apoli- cable in Eastern Oregon, on sage brush land, but just imagine a set tler in the woods in this county carving out a heme, destroying twenty acres of timber the great est natural resource that we have. Mr. Brewster took a trip through a strip of timber and was deeply impressed with the conditions and the absolute folly of one man try ing to waste natures gift of twenty acres of timber on each quarter section homesteaded. Mr. Brew ster explained that the Commission wuuld not take up the question of any individual interests but inas much as wide spread litigation throughout the state was creating the wrong impression throughout the East, it was the Commission's intention to make an exhaustive re-search into the workings or aD plication cf the Federal laws on all Government reclaimaton projects, forest reserves and homesteads, and recommend measures (to enforce speedy settlements to the Federal Government. Some claims in this county have been in litigation under three dif ferent administrations. This brings a vital question home to us, i. e., the county is deprived of its source of revenue from many of thsse claims, they not being taxable. The state of Oregon can easily support ten times its Drenent population, but as long as this litigation over Government land keeps up we can not exosct a very large influx of outside settlers and cacital. It would seem that with our almost inexhaustible natural resources that our whole state should rapidly do velov; sawmills erected End optr ated, the building cf ioada and railroads, the increase of u'.:iomcnt by water, the building and operat ing cf creameries and cheese fac tories, the fruit and berry industry in full swing, it seems to be up to us (all of Lincoln county) to start somehing. keen it moving and get results for this generation. We have the timber, the best dairy lands in the world and a fruit and berry country, that can not be equaled. Lets get out and helD ourselves and not wait for the outisde world to knock ot our door and demand entrance and ask if the Sleeping Beauty is still asleep A Correction By A. W. Thorpe Editor Leader:- An item appeared in the Kern- ville items of the Lincoln County Leader recently to the effcet that I had rented the Cutler place on Si letz bay and had turned horses on it. I have recently received a pos tal card from Mr. Cutler reading thus: "Dallas, Or., April 27, 1613. To Alvin Thorp: I saw by the Leader you had rented my land by the bay and are using it for pastur ing. Now, I never rented you any land so I think you had better cor rect the notice and take your horses out. I usually know about when I rent any thiog. Geo, E. Cutler " That I have not rented it is cor rect; have notjsaid so, nor author ized anyone else to say so; have taken no action to imply that I had, other than a number of others have done and are doing, That is I have turned out two horses on the commons where there are sev eral other people's stock running, and if that includes Cutler's land and he don't want them there let him enclose it and not try to herd The White IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Fisher's Blend, Olympic and Stayton Flour Chase & Sanborn Coffee and Teas Monmouth Creamery Butter The Best Made R. S. VAN CLE VE ROUND Summer Excursions East via tH SUNSET UtlULNHbriASIAI ROUTES Tickets will be sold from a'l main and branch line points in Oregon to Eastern destination one way through California or via PorKamL. Stop overs within limit. TICKETS ON SALE DAILY May :8 to Sept. 3d Final Return Limit October 31st TO DETROIT INDIANAPOLIS KANSAS CITY MEMPHIS NEW YORK WASHINGTON, D. ATLANTIC CITY BALTIMORE BOSTON CHICAGO DENVER TORONTO And various other points South for full particulars as to route and and for literature describing points, JOHN M. SCOTT, Gen. it by mail. To those who don't know ont would think by the above card that this Cutler was maintaining en closures that could be imposed upon. He does not. He ha& gobbled up a lot of Indian land in various parts of this country, but is doing no valuable improving on any of it nor anything for the progress of the county, but is actually standing in the way of Drogress. An instance of which, he or his wife holds a tract cf land at the north end of Devil's Lake where thera is no public road and the solid settlers of that district need one as any such neighborhoods need in order to prosaer and develop, and in or dr to get around Cutler's had to climb over a ridge and worm down into a deep canyon and back out over other people's land, just touch ing his enough to give him a road when to have followed along a side hill three fourths mile of their land and doing as little damage as is possible to a piece of land, would have avoided the above mentioned canyon and saved several hundred yards in going a distance of a half mile across to the main road. And at the other e id of this road they are being held uu by an in fernal Indian. This road, which is about two miles long, is an absolute necessity to its community and if properlv establsihed would have been a direct benefit to a large Dortion of this end of th county. That community led by Cecil Cosper is doing hundreds of dollars of volunteer work and ' giving money to obtain it and are not done yet. and by the time they are through will know mighty weir they have done something. There is much freo public work done in this country, and every dollars' worth so snent, public or private, enhances the value of all the property in the community. Property held from, and influences used against, have a corresponding depreciation. Alvin W. Thorp. John Eattey, the liveryman, went to Portland Wednesday morning. John Folmsbee of Big Elk was transacting business here Monday. Merchant Chester Dixon of Elk City came down on the Transit yes terday. Lewis Montgomery and little son of Portland spent Sunday with friends and relatives here. Corner Store TRIP the NORFOLK OMAHA PHILADELPHIA ROCHESTER ST. LOUIS WINNIPEG C. and East, fares to any Call on nearest Acrst particular Eastern citsv P. or write. along the S. Pass. Agt., Portland .Ore For sale. 6 choice Jersey heiTers. coming fresh in October. Pries $50 per head. Horace Underbill, Summit, Oregon. THE BON BGNJEREi XI. . A.NDKUSON, l'roi. Choice Confection it Summer J)i'inlis Tee Cveam Milk &!u;i:cs J ii its, JVnts Tobacco, Lunch GacuJ.i Stationery Bst Brands Cig tits TOLEDO, ORE HOST WAUGITS MARKET FRONT STREET Fresh and Cured Meal Fish and Oysters in Season Highest Cash Trieo Paid tor WArs LESTER WAUGH, Prep. BILIOUSNESS AND CONSTIPATICM. For years I was trouUri itl biliousness and constipation, wkkb . nude life mi,erable for nw. My " apoctito failed me. I lost mrivrairt force and vitality. Pepsia tirpnr otions and cathartics onhr nade matters worse. I do riot kmnr -where I should have been ttiy bl ' not tried Chamberlain's Sticnrft and Liver Tablets. The tabkta re- -lieve the ill feeling at once, ttximi- -then the digestive functions. puify the stomach, liver and blood, farm ing the system to do its urally. Mrs. Rosa Potts. Ebnung ham, Ala. These tablets uxCmt' sale by all dealers