Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 28, 1913, Image 1

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    7 , hkJX.
CC TIMTV NPWQ News of each Community Gathered each
W J KJiy 1 I 1 V T week by Our Rustling Associate 'Editors
Wal1nAit ruoTis and will cost about $15,000.
YYSUCipOil The appointments in the hotel will
The Waldport Grange held its all be modi r .i. Mr. Roper is build
first meeting in their new hall j ing a studio and rooming house to
Wednesday evening. This building cost about $5,000. L. H. Payne is
is 40x70 feet. The ha'l is on the ! building a very pretty bungalow
second fleor and the lower floor will
be fitted up for a store when
needed. The hall is provided with
a splendid dance floor and has
amDle exits, thus - overcoming any
argument as to is being a fire trap.
Its acoustic propreties are superb.
Mrs. W. M. Brocks and Mrs. I. B.
Everson left Tuesday for a month's
visit with friends and relatives at
Portland, Seattle and Vanocuver.
Emmett Goff of Hillsboro has
purchased the Fred Miller place
at Fisher postoffice on Buck creek.
There are 200 acres in the place
-which was originally owned by Mr.
Cranz. Mr. M iller has occupied the
place since purchasing it eight
vears ago. We are not surprised
at the amount paid as the place' is
one of the best in this end of the
The postoffice deDartment has
announced on a poster in the loboy
of the local postoffice that bids will
he received up to Anril 22d for
carrying tho mail from Newport to
Waldport and return six times a
wee't tne contract
33, 1914.
to run to June
Mrs. Geurge Selby has ourshas:d
a tine new Victor Victrola.
Lloyd Commons and George fel
by were at Yaquina Saturday.
A. W. Weber went to West Ya
quina Saturday and is gotaz to be
there fur a few days.
Earl Denny and sister. Miss Leta,
attended the entertainment given ! neatb their wintery crown, gives
at the West Yaquina school house ; things the appearance of Christ
Friday evening, and tney report a ! mas. "
fine program.
Miss Jennie Twombly spent Sun
day with Miss Helen Phelps.
x Chauncy Omart is helping Walter
The tug Roscoe came in
first nf tho nipple, hnvincr in tnw i
the sailing schooner Coquille. The Everett Brown came home to stay
schooner is now loaded at -Yaquina1 13 Sunday, having spent the Win--with
hay, feed and suDplies for the; ter in Toledo.
Porter Brothers, railroad contracr
ors, at Mapleton. The longshore
men at Yaquina struck for highet
wages. Superintendent Chas. Crei
chton, who had charge of the work,
was paying his men 35 cents per
hour, -but they were not satisned
with this and. wanted 50 cents per
hour, but the superintendent could
not afford to pay this amount so
the men struck, fifteen of 'them,
and the work stopped. Mr. Crei
chton then sent to Newport for
help and eight young men responded
These men worked for the 35 cents
and thought they did very well as
it was not very hard work. The
Yaquina boys called the Newport
boys havseeds. scabs and every kind
of mean things but they . worked
right along and paid no attention
and got their money and came
home feeling fine. -
The Mirene went down to Wald
port and brought back, a cargo of
shingles and cased salmon. The
shingleb, seventy thousand, are for
the Prosser lumber yard at at Nye
The Ahwaneda returned to Port
land for another cargo of merchan
dise for Newport and Toledo. She
made tho run from Yaquina to the
Columbia bar in eight hours. The
sea was calm and the wind favor
able. This is going at the rate of
twelve miles per hour and is fust
time for these small vessels.
Newport is preparing to have a
prosnerous season. Some fifty
buildings are now under way of
construction, most of them being
cottages costing all the way from
$800 to $2,000 each. W. D Wheel
er is putting a hotel, four stories
high with basement, .with forty
at a cost of about $15,00. Mr.
Lewis Harding is putting up a con
crete dwel'ing that will cost $2,000.
the first of the kind built in New
port. Mr. Mardien has commenced
the construction of the cold storage
plant on Front street. ' The found
ation is already laid. This is a
most important improvement for
Newport. The fishing business is
good, especially the deeD sea fish
ing, therefore the cold storage is a
real necessity.
Devils Lake
Harry Thorn returned this week
from the Valley where he went to
look for a suitable place to make
his home, huvng sold his place here
to Mr, Her. Mr. Her expects to
take possession about the first of
The party held at Ralph Winters
the evening of March 15 was re
ported to be a success. All enjoyed
a good time.
Clarence Parmele lost one of hi
milch cows this week whether
dead, strayed or stolen he can't say.
Ha has searched the country thor
ough. A road grader for our district
has just come in. Now kok out
for xood roach. '
Mr. Hill is now living in his
! new I ouse built across the Lake.
The ground covered with snow
and the green trees swaying be-
C. C. Lane of Riverside wasseen
in these parts Saturday.
This vicinity was somewhat de
serted last week while W. R. Moore,
Alva Moore. Miss lone Glines. C.
W. Brown, Louise Brown, Arthur
Ackerman. J. W; Davenport and J.
E. Crooks were making a visit to
Jesse Davenport and Arthur Ack
erman were cutting and hauling
school wood this week.
Ibis bad weater has compelled
Mr. Crooks to take his children to
school on horse back.
Ray Brown is helping Lester
Grant of Harlan to hunt coyotes,
which have gotten among his goats.
Elk City and Big Elk
Mr, Peterson of Toledo visited
with the members of Elk Lodge,
I. O. O. F. Saturday night.
Mrs. Chester Dixon returned
from a week's visit in Portland.
Frank Updike is making regular
trips to Elk City after his mail.
Charles Allen, who took the con
tract for making the Blair creek
fill, is Digressing nicely.
Our genial merchant, Chester
Dixon, received a carload of feed
last week.
Dr. Tatom from Coquille is stop
ping in the city doing dental work.
Have you taken a chance'on that
big box of candy at Dixon's store?
Its sweet and vou will be sweet to
the girls if you win it, so take
notice young men.
Mr. Hall made a trip, to the city
Wednesday and returned with a
load of feed.
Mr. Pollock was hauling lumber
up Bear creek this week and in
tends erecting a small building for
the purpoes of protecting the ma
chinery used for grinding fish for
the young salmon.
E. Younger and Mr:
Tacher of
Portland spent Sunday at the Bear
Creek Ranch as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Young, returning Mon
day, aecomuanied by Mr. Young.
A special launch took a merry
crowd of Oddfellows to Toledo
Wednesday nizht.
Jacob Johnson is hauling lumber
for Henry Koskella.
Walter Bones is hauling lumber
for the count; road at Devils lake.
The schooner Nenamosha Bailed
from here this morning for Toledo
aftei another cargo of freight for
Dodson & Cook.
John i. Butterfield is nutting the
finishing touches on Dodson &
Cook's new store building.
Louis Holten and Abe Erickson
are building a dam and getting
ready to commence sawing shingles.
The machine has been shiDDsd
and they expect to be running in
full blast by the middle of Aoril.
They aje building on Erickson's
Place p. Schooner creek as he hai
an afetfLlance of flue cedar.
Abe Abrfrnf has bought himself
a horse, plow and othsr farming
necessities and you can see him
most any day at work farm
ing now. That's right. Abe. the
horse will dp away with carrying
many a load on your back, hence
save the back ache.
Rose Lodge road district No.' 17
shiuned in a new road grader to
Taft on the Nenamosha. That
looks better. More team work on
the roads instead of Dick and
shovel and tne monev will go far
ther and-.we will have better roads.
J N. Gardner of Otis was Tat
Taft this week after a loud of sup
plies. Harry Thorp has sold his 120
acre farm and cheese factory to
F. Murray and Mr. Her.
Antone Resch is out at Sheridan
getting his teeth filled.
A good many of our young folks
went over to Devils Lake farm to
the dance and all report a fine time
and a good supuer.
Parmele & Sons are building a
fine road from Schooner creek to
Drift creek.
O. M. Dodson, the Rose Lodge
merchant, was at Taft after a load
of freight a few days ago.
The Taft Co-Operative Store is
expecting a big lot of freight in
on the Patsy, which is due at this
Everyone busy with their Spring
Cecil Cusper of Devils Lake Farm
has been moving his freight fro n
Taft to his farm, having shiDped in
a lot of dry goods and groceries
for his store on the gas schooner
Everyone has a pleasant smile
these nice warm days.
Hurrah for the Siletz Pay and
Salmon River country; the finest
on the roap. Let us all pull toge
ther. boys. We are bulging right
ahead. Keep the good work up.
Lots of hogs are selling in this
Little Elk
According to the weather lately
the sun must be having a terrible
Lthne crossing the line.
Don Miller of Wolf Creek was
visiting over Sunday in this vicinity
Clifford Wakefield returned from
Lebanon Thursday evening, where
he has been visiting his sister.
Our school has only six . more
weeks to run. The pupils are all
getting along fine with their schuol
wor". The ones in the Eighth
grade expect to puss out this term.
Mr. and Mrs. LeLarn of Metzger
came to work on Mr. F. G. Wigle's
nonnh Mf Wtrrla noma uiWVl fhrifti
i to lay out the work. Mr. Wigle
has a store at Metzger but expects
to sell it and move on his ranch this
Mr. Fuller of Jefferson was look
ing for a location in this part of
the county last week. He was very
favorably impressed and will no
doubt settle here noun.
George Post went to the Valley
the first of tiiis week to work
through the Summer.
Farmers are patiently waifnr
for good weather so thev can finish
putting in their Spring crops,
.,, ... . 4. .
Eddyville Grange will gwe their
second annual picnic June 14th.
They will spare neither time nor
ni-ney and will try and have as
good or better picnic this year than
last. The committees are at work !
now. So we are assured of having i
a good time. Look for posters
'ater j
Fall Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Frnk Hunter and; For securing equipment E. B.
granddaughter, Mary, have re- Shumway, John Pennick and M. J.
turned to their home on Fall Creek. 'Thompson.
p m n00i nA Wavn pm
straightening the telephone wires!
between FaU Creek and Alsea one J
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Trenholm
were Alsea visitors last Thursday, j
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cams were
visUors at Mrs C. Trenbolm's one
dav last week.
Three cattle buvors were through
the county last week but didn't
have much success as cattle are
rather scarce now days.
Claire Trenholm of Fall Creek
bought twenty-three sheep from
r. uray.
We are aorry to sav our school
will soon be out. It has been the
best and quietest schuol that has;
been held cn Fall Creek in years.
Our teacher is W. W. Wright.
Three inches of snow on Easter!
It surely looks like Spring, doesn't
Last two weeks have bean rather
stormy and disagreeable, snowing
a part of the.time.
Mrv and Mrs. Claire
and Mrs
SDent Easter with Mr.
Boysen. .
Everybody seems to
have bad !
colds these wet uays.
Wayne Beals spent Saturday and
Sunday, with his home folks. He
has been attending High school in
Mrs. Eva Smullwood is on the
sick list this week.
M. L. Seits made a business trip
to Corvallis Monday, returning
N. E. Watkins spent Sunday in
Philomath, returning luesday.
Clifford Wakefield is working in
Mauch's store. . ,
Chester Sparks came up from To
ledo last week to spend a few days
with home folks. ,
E. D. Mauch has just "received a
fine stock of dishes, crocks and
As a result of the public meeting
held by here Artisans a few weeks
ago six new members were initiated
at their meeting last Friday.
The committee of teachers and
DUDils wnich was i ppointed to
make arrangements for a school
oicnlc to be held hero some time
this Spring, will meet in the school
house next Saturday to make their
final arrangements.
Zenas Copleand was up from
South Beach Wednesday.
Al Taylor of Siletz was visiting
friend in the city this week.
Mrbi Wren Emerson visited on
the lower bay the first of the week.
Judge and Mrs. John Fogarty
came up from Newport Wednesday
Grange Co-Operative
At a meeting held in this city
last Saturday committees were ap
pointed to look into the necessary
details pertaining to the establish
ing of aco-operative creamery as
sociation here. The movement ia
going forward under the' supervia- '
ion of the local Granite, and we
vreaux tnat tnev will see it through
to a successful completion.
Toledo has long felt the want of
a creamery and the business men of
our city will undoubtadlv do what
is right by the association The
location of such an institution here
will aleo he he ;armer a8 well
M the merchant( aa statistics show
that co-operative creameries, where
BUCCessfully managed.-pav a higher
price for butter fat than do cream
eries owned by individuals or cor-
norations. "" "
I The committees appointed were:.
oosuiuuon ana oy-iaws-i. r.
Hiser. Floyd Butler. Claus Chris
tiansen, Donald Stewart and J W.
Another meeting will be held in
the near future and more definite
arrangements made.
Lincoln County
A hospital and sanitarium, to be
known as the Lincoln County Sani-
a j", tedJn this
" " f ;
- f f ftf pk.aiinilnil ..,i,:B.
i u w j uuw j viauut,tj liaVVtVI llo
; residence. The contract for Brad-
ing these lots, preparatory to build-
ing, has been let to Carl Heath and
he ia now at work on tho same.
The main building will be 30x48
and two stories in height. A ten
foot porch will extend on three
sides of the building, which will
corta n eleven rooms and two baths.
The operating room will bo glaa
on three sides, giving good light.
A steam heating plant will furnish
heat for the rooms. The lower
floor will be of marble, m akin a; it
easier to keep sanitary and clean.
mi 11' . mi i
ine Duuuing win accomodate tlx
or eight patients and will also be
occuDied by the Doctor as a rcsi
May Build
Vessel Here
E. J. Avery received a letter this
week from our former townsman,
George Walker, in which , Mr.
Walker asks Mr. Avery to sae if be
can again secure the ship yard
back of the Leader office and lum
ber for the building of a ship.
Mr. Walker further states that le
has a contract for building a boit
much larger than the gas schooner
Ahwaneda which he built here last
Fall, and if he can secure the
ground and lumber -will be bac
here soon to commence operations.
As soon as Mr. Avery secures tt
necessary data he will wire Mr
Walker at San Pedro, California.
U. S. Land'iffice, Portland, Oregon!
Serial 02552. March 14, 1913
Notico is hereby given that Sar
dius D Jenkins, of Kernville, Ore
gon, who. on April 27. 1910 made,
homestead entry serial No. 02552,
for Lot 3. section S. township 8
south range 10 west Willamcta
Meridian ha3 filed notice of in
tention to make final three year
proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before County
Clerk of Lincoln" cqunty. Oregon,
at Toledo, Oregon, on the 28th
day of April, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Emma M. Strome. William Scott and
Mary Fielding, of Kernville, Oie
gon. and L. H. Payne, of Newport,
H. F. Higby, Register,.