Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 17, 1913, Image 4

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    -J .
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Lincoln County Leader
COLLIN'S & HAYDE2T, Publishers
Kntrc1 at the i-otorllce atloledo, Oregon, h
ecocd-claai mail matter.
One Year . - - - f 1 60
Six Month - - "i
Three Months - 50
Display, 10 rents per Inch per Iwue.
Loral and Heading Notice, 6c per line.
Kouce for Sale, Wanted, Etc., five linen or
in1or 'Kn cr Umic; fine per month.
Homeate.'.a Notices, $.": Timber Notice, $10.
County to have
Concrete Jail
At the last session of the Com
iTiissioiiers' Court it was determined
to advertise for bids for the con
struction of a county jail. The
building contemplated will be of
concrete and steel and it is estimat
ed that it wi'l cost $3,500. The
Duilding is to be SO by 40 feet in
size and one story in height. The
Sheriff's office and vault will prob
ably be located in the building, thus
giving more room in the present
vault fir the use of the County
Clerk. At present t!v? jqil will be
fitted for two steel cases but it
will be arranged so that more can
be added as occasion arises.
We believe that this is a move
in the rignt direction as the :ost of
farming the Lincoln county prison
ers out would soon use up the price
of a jail.
We a'so think it would be a good
plan, if possible, for the City to
own an interest in the jail, or els?
make arrangements with the county
authorities for cell room in the
New Council
in the Harness
Last Monday evening the new
omciais or the citv took the oath
of office and at once entered upon
their duties of administering the
affairs of the city. They are,
Mayor, J, J. Gaither; Treasurer.
C. O. Hawkins; Recorder, F. N.
Hftydtn; Marshal, Earl Nye; Coun
ciliuen, W. E. Ball, A. P. Hughes,
F. W.Carsun and W. C. Cope
land. The holdover councilmen
are A. T. Peterson and II . F. Nul
ton. These are a representative
body of men and will undoubted
ly do much for the advancement
of the city during their term of
office. The retiring officials de
serve more than a passing word
of mention, as during their period
of service tome knotty problems
have been tackled and overcome.
They have helped Toledo to a
$30,000 water system, and have
the same now paying its own main
tenance. They have provided To
ledo with a syttem of street light
ing. They have improved Hill
street with i planking and pave
ment. They have sacrificed their
own business interests to look
after the interests of the city, and
deserve the heany thanks of every
Fred Greenbrook, one of the
pioneer and substantial farmers of
Lincoln county, was ud from his
home near Newport Wednesday, at
tending to legal matters.
In a letter from Ed Montgomery,
requesting the Leader be sent to
him. says he is working at Ray
mond, Washington, where he will
remain until Spring. He has a
good position at good wages. '
When you want a reliable medi
cine for a cough or cold take Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. It can
always be depended upon and is
pleasant and safe to take. For sale
by all druggists.
At the home of W. E. Gwynn in
this city, Tuesday evening, Jan
uary 14th, 1913, Mr. Fred Lumm
and Miss Gussie Steele, Rev. Rhys
Gwynn officiating.
The young couple are both well
and favorably known here, the
bride being the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs J. F. Steele, residing
three miles north of Toledo on le
pot slough, where she has resided
all her life. The groom has re
sided for the pa it several years with
bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Smith on the place formerly ihe
Rader farm on Depot.
The Leader joins the many friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Llum in extending
congratulations end best wishes.
of every variety we are now offer
ing in the best qualities at the low
est pries. It will pay all contract
ors and builders to call and look
over our stock with a view to pur- .
chasing for any new buildings they
may have in hand. Locks, Keys,
Bolts, Bars, Nails, Screws, Staples,
Nuts. Rivets and everything in
Hardware likely to be needed in a
new or old building is here, toge
ther with all tools for all kinds of
Eor the Habitual Smoker
whether his choice be a Cigar,
Cigarette or Pipe of Tobacco we
offer the very best material. We
have a standard of quality that
never varies and the best judges of
smokes in any form patronize us
regularly. We solicit a trial
for your own sike and ours. You
will then know where to get the
best in all smokers articles. Try
APs Thorouhgbreds.
APs Smokehouse
R. R. Wilson was down from
Chitwood Monday.
The Davis Lone Star Washer.
E. C. Paine, Agent.
W. C. Bogue of Cooks Inlet, Al
aska, was visiting old friends in this
city over Sunday. Bill Bogue and
family resided in thisfplaca fcr
many years, going from here to
Gold Hill, where the family has re
sided for the past ten years. Mr.
Bogue departed Tuesday morning
for Gold Hill, where he will spend
the Summer with his family, and
will return to Alaska in the Fall.
Notice is hereby given theat the
undersigned have been appointed,
by the County Court of Lincoln
county, state of Oregon, ' adminis
trators, with the will annexed, of
the estate of Fiancis M. Stanton,
deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are re
quested to present the same, pro
perly verified as by law required,
to us at our home near Toledo,
Oregon, within six months from
the dite of this notice.
Alfred M. Stanton,
Edwin M. Stanton,
Administrators, with the will an
nexed, of the estate of Francis M.
Stanton, deceased.
Order Your Wood Now
Slab and edge wood, $2.50 per
Delivered within four blocks of
the mill.
Both phones. J. Rattey.
Hardware -
The chief executioner of death
in the winter and spring months
is pneumonia. Its advance agents
are colds and grip. In any attack
by one of these maladies no time
should be 'ost in taking the best
medicine obtainable to drive it off.
Countless thousands have found this
to be Dr. King's New Discovery.
"My husband believes it has kept
him from having pneumonia three
or four times," writes Mrs. George
W. Place, Rawsonville, Vt., "and
for coughs, colds and croup we
have never found its equal." Guar
anteed for ail bronchial affections.
Price 50 cts. and $1.00. Trial bottle
free at Toledo Drug Co.
Mrs. A. R. Tabor, of Crider. Mo.,
had been troubled with sick head
ache for about five years, when she
began taking Chamberlain's Tablets
She has taken two bottles of them
and they have cured her. Sick
headache is caused by a disordered
stomach for which these tablets
are especially intended. Try them,
get well and stay well. Sold by all
Hoffman, the hoseman, represent
ing the Wear Proof Mills of Phila
delphia, will be iri Toledo next week
soliciting for Wear Proof Hosiery,
for men,x women and children silk,
woolen Jand cotton hose . of all
kinds. These hose are guaranteed
to wear four months without a hole
or new ones will be furnished free.
An absolute guarantee goes with
each box of four pairs.
American Gentlemen and Ameri.
can Lady shoes at Fish's. As cond
as thera is on th e market.
We Manufacture :?! Grades Dimensions c
(No Hapliug & owth timber need)
Special Bills c a Short Iloti'e -. ' . '
O. R. ALTREE, Manager
Toledo, Oregon
Does a General
Wm. SCARTH . ,
( C. O. HAWKINS . '
Will be in his office in the Ofstedahl Building
Runs Daily Dray Line. Goods delivered Promptly at all hours. Gen
eral hauling. Teams furnished on short notice.
Notice in hereby given tlmt the land do
Fcrlbed below, embracing 40 acre, within the
Siuslaw National Finest, Oregon, will be sub
ject to settlement and entry under the pro-,
v Islona of the homestead lows of the United
St Hies and the act of June 11, 1W6 34 Stat.,
283 1, at the United Stales land ofllce at Tort
land, Oregon, on March 4. 1913. Any settler
who wns actually and in irood faith claiming
any of said lands for agricultural purposes
prior to Jknuiiry 1 lwfl, and nax not abandoned
name has a preference right to make a home,
stead entry for the lands actually oceupleX
f-ald lands were listed upon the uppllcntlons
of the persons mentioned below, who have a
preferenoe light subject to the prior right of
any such settler, provided such settler orap
plicant is qualllled to make homestead entry
and the preference right is exercised prior to
March 4. 1U1S, on which date the 'and will be
subject to settlement and entry by any quali
fied person The lands aro an follows; The
EAVJiof HEJiol St.lheE'jnfFEJ of SFJi
8ee. 7, and Ihe SWii of SV; of fS i, Section 8.
T. 12S..K. 9 , W. M., containing 40 acres
application ol (i. K. Drown, nien, Oregon; Llbt
a-757. . .
Approved December 10, 1912, 8. V. Proud fit,
Assistant Commissioner of the General Land
Office in Ofstedahl Building
Toledo, Oregon .
Office in Ofstedftul Bulldinff. Office
hoars : 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8
p, m. Emergency Calls at any time.
Agsat, Nenptrt
ledo, Oregon
Banking Business
. on
Time Deposits
. Muskrat skins wanted. Will Day
isoc. eacn ior good BKins.
Max Hayden.
"I want to thank you from the
bo:tom of my heart," wrote C. B
Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va., "for
the wonderful double benefit I got
irom JMectric Bitters, in curing me
of both a severe case of Btomach
trouble and of rhe
which I had been an almost helphss
sunerer ior ten years. It suited
my case as though made just for
me." For dvsnesia. i nrlicaef inn
jaundice, and to rid the system of
Kidney poisons that cause rheuma
tism, Electric Bitters have no equal.
Try them. Everv bottle 19 o-nornn-
teed to satisfy. Only 50 cents at
loieao JJrug (Jo.
Cough Remedy
During; the past 85 years no rem
edy has proven more prompt or
more effectual In its ouree of
Coughs, Colds and Croup
than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. In
many homes Jt Is relied upon as lm.
plloiOy as the family physician. It con.
tains no opium or other narootlo, and
maybe given as confidently to a babj
as loan adult. Price 25o; large sUeQOa
Transfer & Livery
" Mutual Phone at Residence
Our Prescription
ifi .Importarir c ?R
BrarvcK of our- rV,
is presided over by expert and care
ful compounders who thoroughly
understand their profession. What
ever your doctor sends here will be
accurately compounded with the ex
act proportions of the drugs desig
nated. We are prompt and polite,
and our charges are based upon the
quality of the service rendered. A
single visit will convince you.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M.
E. church met at the home of Mrs.
C. W. Harding Tuesday.
C. E. Hawkins returned Monday
evening from a trip to the Valley.
Victor Hamaker returned from
the Valley Mondaj evening.
J. D. Hamaker returned home
from Portland last eveninc. where
he has been the past month taking
medical treatment.
Walter Hall of Siletz returned
last evening from a trin to Al
Miss Grace Davis, who has been
visiting with Mrs. Grant Hart in
this city, returned to her home at
Chitwood this morning.
Owig to lack of time and space
we could not give the annual report
of the city treasurer and recorder
this issue, but will endeavor to do
so next issue.
The basket ball game Monday
evening resutled in a score of 22
to 13 in favor cf the High School
team. '
Mrs. Gustafson, son and daughter
in law, who have been visiting at
the Dean ranch, returned to their
home at Fairview this morning.
F. M. Wadsworth, a old time
resident of this plaae, arrived down
from his' home at Scannoose last
evening for a visit with old time
mends. i
Mrs. Johnny Peterson returned
to her homa in the Valley yesterday
morning, after an extended visit at
this place. Johnny , preceded her,
jroing last week. j.
Miss Blanche Jeffreys arrived
Saturday evening fcr a visit with
her mother and aunt at this place.
Miss Blanche has been visit inc at
San Francisco since leaving here
last Fall.
J. H. dines came up from Wald
port Saturday morning to attend
to business interests in the county
seat. In the afternoon he went to
Glen for a visit with his daughter.
Miss lone, who is teaching at that
place. j
F. J. McElwain 'nts purchased the
I. B. McJunkin place on Olalla, con
sisting of 102 oc-es. Mr. Mc
Junkin has purclw d 60 acres of
orange and olive land near Oro
ville, California, ind expects to
leave soon for that ilace
Persons troubled with partial
paralysis are often very much bene
fitted bv massaprioc the affected
parts thorouhely When applying
Chamberlain's I 'v
mt. .This lini
msnt also relk-v
umatic pains.
Fur sale by all druigists
Hilly Depewp" r"t, jS now pre
siding over the u
at . the Commorc
hotel will from r.c
irv department
I Hotel. This
on serve Chick
Sunday. The
en Dinners evervi
public is cordially
invited to pat
ronize these dinrflrs, which are
guaranteed tf Special ' at
tention will be i'"'" families tak
ing thesp dirrfic j
With this iasuc of te Leader we
present you wit'1 ",fonr page fac
tion devoted to Ovii'ieiit Features.
If this neff ' . i 'c of ours
pleases you, ns w 'ink it will, we
win issued it ';
each week
avoring to
iter paper
r i add new
r'ic as fast
give you a '
and expect .
features fn
as the grov. t
and our men:
- - .
Prof Prescott, of the University of,
Michigan, testified before the Pure
Food Committee of Congress, that the
acid of grapes held highest rank as an ;
article of food and he regarded the re j
stilts from baking with cream of tartar
baking powder as favorable to health.
L Royal is the only Baking Powder made
from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar,
Their Trip to the Bottom and What
Happens Afterward.
' Wlint becomes of the ship that sinks
In mldoceun? If It Is of wood it tnUes.
In the first place, considerable time for
it to reach the bottom. In a huudrod
or more fathoms of water n quarter of
an hour will elapse before the ship
reaches bottom. It sinks slowly, and
when the bottom is reached it falls
gently into the soft, oozy bed. with uo
crash or breaking.
Of course if it is laden with plR iron
or corresponding substances or if it Is
uu iron ship it sinks rapidly and some
times strikes the bottom with such
force as to smash in pieces. Once
sunken a ship becomes the prey of the
countless inhabitants of the ocean.
They swarm over nud through the
great boat nod make it their home.
Besides this they cover every inch of
tbe boat with a thick layer of lime.
This takes time, of course, and when
one generation dies another continues
the work until finally the ship is so
laden with heavy incrustations, corals,
sponges and barnacles that if wood
tho creaking timbers fall apart and
slowly but surely are absorbed in tbe
waste at tbe sea bottom.
Iron vessels are demolished more
quickly than those of wood, which
may last for centuries. The only met
als that withstand the chemical action
of the waves are gold and platinum,
and glass also seems unaffected. No
matter how long gold may be hidden
In tbe ocean, it will always be gold
when recovered, and this fact explains
the many romantic and 'adventurous
searches after hidden submarine treas
ures lost In shipwrecks.
Some Had Inner Stone Walls to Resist
the Indian Raiders.
In America the early colonists bad
little use for the mason's art, except la
the construction of tbe huge chimney
stacks which In any dwelling of con
siderable Blze and any pretensions to
comfort formed . a very considerable
part of the structure. The great kitch
en fireplace and oven, with smaller
hearths In from two to four rooms on
each floor, required a very considera
ble part of the material and skilled
labor bestowed upon n colonial home
stead in tbe more northern colonies.
In some sections where the dangers
of an attack by Indian raiders were
Imminent, tbe wooden walls of the
lower story Inclosed a stout wall of
brick or a kind of rubble masonry,
gome of these buildings are still stand
ing and inhabited, although dating
back (at least so far as tbe lower
stories are concerned) over two cen
turies. A very few brick buildings
have wholly or in part come down to
us from the first years of colonization,
and until within the last half century
some that preserved the peculiar fea
tures of Elizabethan and Stuart types
of dwelling and business structures.
Much of the brick and about all the
great flooring tiles and ornamental
tiling were at first imported from En
rope, but lime and brick of good qual
ity were soon produced In alfnost every
community. Charlea Wlnslow Mall In
National Magazine.
Notice is hereby given that on
Saturday, the 18th day of January,
1913, at the hour of 1 o'clock' in
the afternoon of said day, at the
front door of the County Court
house in the city of Toledo, in
Lincoln county, Oregon. I will sell
ai public auction to the highest
bidder the following described real
property situated in Lincoln county,
Oregon, to-wit:
Lot 1, block 4 in the original
town of Newport and lots 5 and
6 in block 46 in Case & Bayley's
Second Addition to Newport.
Said sale is made under and by
virtue of an execution now in my
hands, issued uut of the Circuit
Court of tne state of Oregon for
Linclon county, under the seal of
said Court and date thp 19th day of
December. 1912, for the enforce
ment of a judgment given by the
said Circuit Court in the action
wherein Margaret Stevens was
plaintiff and James R. Bayley de
fendant, against said defendant in
the amount of $391.15, with in
terest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent, per annum from the 27th day
of November, 1893, in the further
sum of $50.00, as attorney's fees
in said action and in the further
sum of $11.20 costs and disburse
ments in said action, which said
judgment was enrolled in the office
of the Clerk of 6aid Court in Lin
coln county, state of Oregon, on
the 28th day of November, 1893,
and which said judgment has been
satisfied in the amount of $721.00,
paid into the clerk of said Court
and credited on said judgment on
the 22d day of January, 1904, as a
result of an execution issuing out
of said Circuit Court of Lincoln
county, Oregon, for the enforce
ment of said judgment, and upon
which execution the Sheriff made
a return to the effect that said
judgment was unsatisfied, exceDt
in the amount of $721.00, and this
sale is made for the enforcement of
said deficiency judgment, and under
and by virtue of an order of the
County Court of the state of Ore
gon for Linclon county, Oregon,
granting leave to issue Eaid execu
tion. Bert Geer,
Sheriff of Lincoln county, Oregon.
Date of first publication Dec. 20,
1912, date of last publication Jan.
17, 1913. .
Happy Days. ,
Fred Mnmmn. our nrlnclnnl nnrMt
school days were the happiest duys of
ois lire, do you believe that?. Mara
ma Certainly. He wouldn't any ao ll
it were not true. Frrd-Well. I aup
pose he played hookey and didn't get
Friend-Then you bad a satisfactory
Theatrical Manager-Very. Two f
our most antagonistic critics died.-fudgc.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Lincoln county.
Annie M. Gillett, plaintiff,
Charles A. Rohrer, L. O. Stoc'"man,
Mrs. M. M. Stockman, and 'also
all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title
or estate, lien or interest in the
real estate described in plaintiff's
complaint, defendants.
To Charles A. Rohrer, L. O. Stock
man, Mrs M. M. Stockman, and also
all others persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real
estate described in plaintiff's com
plaint, the above named defendants:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You and each of you are here
by required to appear and answer
the complaint of the plaintiff in the
above entitled suit now on file in
the office of the County Clerk of!
Lincoln county, Oregon (being the!
county in which the above entitled j
suit is pending in the Circuit Court!
for said county and state) on or te-j
fore the day last named in the or
der for the publication of this sum- j
mons made by the Honorable Chas. '
H. Gardner, County Judge of aid'
Lincoln county, Oregon, which said
order and time for answering said '
summons are hereinatter referred
to, to-wit: On or before six weeks
from and after the date of the first ;
publication hereof; and, j
You are hereby notified that if'
you fail to appear and answer the
said complaint as herein required,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will
apply to the above entithd Court
for the relief demanded in plain
tiff's complaint, namely: for a de
cree of said Court that plaintiff's
title to the following described
real property, to-wit:
The northwest quarter of the
northeast quarter tne north one
half of the northwest Quarter and
the southwest quarter of the north-!
west quarter of Section twenty-six
(26), in township ten (10), south
of range eight (8), west of Will
amette Meridian, situated in Lin
coln county, Oregon, is good and
valid; that you the said defendants
and all of you have no right, title
nor interest whatever in or to said
lands or any part thereof, and that
any and all claims that you may
claim against said land is wrongful
and is without rieht whatever: that
you the said defendants be forever
! enjoined and debarred from assert
ing any claim whatever in or to said
lands or any part thereof adverse
to plaintiff, and for such other and
further relief as may be equitable
and just.
This summons is published in the
Lincoln County Leader once a week
for six consecutive and successive
weeks, beginning with the issue of
December 13. 1912, and ending with
the issue of January 24, 1913, un
der and puisuance of the direction
contained in an order made bv the
Hon. Chas. H. Gardner, County
Judge of Lincoln county, Oregon,
being the county in which the above
entitled suit is pending in the Cir
cuit Court for said county and state,
which aid oroer is dated December
9th, 1912.
Hawkins & McCluskey, 1
Attor.nev8 fr Plaintiff.
In the County Court of ihe state
of Oregon, for Lincoln county.
In the matter of the estate of
Henry Chapman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was, on the 27th day
of November, 1912, appointed ad
ministrator of the above entitled
estate by the above entitled Court
and has duly qualified as such. All
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present
the same to mo at tho office of
Yaquina " Bay Land and Abstract
Co. in Toledo, Oregon, with proper
vouchers and duly verified, within
six morths from the date hereof.
Dated, November 27, 1912.
Date of first publication, Dec. 20,
1912. Date of last publication,
Jan. 24, 1913.
Russell E. Sewall, Administrator.
Giltner & Sewall, Attorneys of
look with horror on Skin Erup
tions, Blotches, Sores or Pimples.
They don't have them, nnr will nnv
one, who uses Bucklen's Arnica
rti V . a.
oaivc. it gionties the face.
Eczema or Salt -Rheum vanish be
fore it. It cures sore lips, chapped
hands, chilblains: heals hnrnn out
and bruises. Unequaled for niles.
Only 25c. at Toledo Drug Cp.
.Salem Beer
The Most Popular Malt Beverage
Salt in bottled beer is the equal
especially brewed for family and
m tho retd meaning of the word, conducive to both, health
enjoyment of life.
Salem, Oregon
Stayton Flour, always the best, Jl.25
Ex. !. Sugar, 16 pounds for 1.00
Big Seiren Soap, 7 bars - .25
Tar Soap, 6 bars - .25
Corn, 2 for 75c or 5 for - - .55
Monmouth Creamery Butter - .85
Other prices equally as
for every cent purchase
M. 3. ANDERSON, 1'rop. ,'
Choice Confections
Summer Drinks
Ice Cream
Milk Shakes
I raits, Nuts
Tobacco, Lunch Goods
Bst Brands Clears
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Oysters
in Season
Highest Cash Price Paid f6r Hides
If your children are subject to
attacks of croup, watch for the first
symptoms, hoarseness. Give Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy as soon as
the child becomes hoarse and the
attack m..y be warded off. For
sale by all druggists.
U. S. Landoffice, Portland, Oregon.
Serial 075. January 8, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that
Joseph M. Wallace, of Chitwood,
Oregon, who, on July. 14, 1908,
made Homestead entry No.- 075,
for Ni of SWi and NWi of SEJ,
section 16, township 10 s, range 9
west, Willamette Meridian, has
filrd notice of intention to make
three year final proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before R. H. Howell, county clerk
of Lincoln county, Oregon, at Toledo,-
Oregon, on the 19th day of
February, 1913. .
Claimant names as witnesses:
G. T. Smith and Jamea Slyh of
Chitwood Or., Robert Mami and
Sondu Romtvedtof Toledo, Oregon.
II. F. Higby, Regiser.
Between the hotel and C. & E.
tool house, Saturday, black rubber
fountain pen. $1 reward. Leave
at Leader office.
How to Pull Stumps
A most valuable pamphlet. Tells and
illustrates how to clear atunip land at
tbe lowest known cost per acre by de
vices just perfected. Free to owners of
stump land who send me their names.
John A. Gorman, 11 12 Western Ave,
of any Eastern product, 1
hotel trade. A temperance 1
Potatoes per bu. 40c, small lots lc lb
Granulated fugar, 15 pounds $1.00
Nysa Soap, 6 biirs - . ,25
Tomatoes, 2 for 25c or 5 for - .50
Cranberries, per pound - .15
Best Dairy Butter, 2 pounds for .75
low and you get t vote
on the l'iano Contest
When a shameful plot exists be
tween liver and bowels to cause dis
tress by refusing to act, take Dt.
King's New Life Pills, and end
such abuse of your system. Tber
eently compel right action of stcro
ach, liver and bowels, and restore
your heath and all good feelings.
25c. at Toledo Drug Oi.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Lincoln county.
J. F. Barber, plaintiff,
P. H. Marlay, Jesse R. Daniel - antt
Ineze Daniel; "Also all other
persons or parties unknown claim
ing any right, title, estate, iiea
or interest in the real estate de
scribed in the complaint herein."
To P. H Marlay, Jesse R. DaniiS
Ineze Daniel; "also all' other per
sons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or iu
terest in the real estate described it
the complaint herein"
In the name of the state of Ore
gon: you and each of you are here
by summoned and required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of
the plaintilf in the above entitled
suit now on file with the Cltrk. ct
the above entitled Court on or be
fore the last Dublication of this
summons, to-wit: on or before the
24th day of January, 1913; aad
you and and each of you are here
by notified that if you fail so to ap
pear and answer said complaint as
herein required, for want thereof.
plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled Court for the relief demand
ed in his complaint, namely, for a
decree that the plaintiff is the
owner in fee simple of the follow
ing described land, situated in the
County of Lincoln, estate of Ore
gon: The southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter of section oae
(1), township twelve (12), soutk
rage nine (9) west of the Willamet
te Meridian;
And fiat all adverse claims of
said defendants may be determined
by said decree; that said defend
ants be declared and adjudged
have no right, title interest, lien
or estate whatsoever in or to said
lands described; that the defend
ants and each of them be forever
barred and enjoined from asserting
any claim thereon adverse to the
plantiff - and for such other and
further relef as to the Court may
seem equitable.
This summons is published in the
Lincoln Countv Leader, newspapcrj
once a week for six successive an
consecutive weeks, beginning with
the issue of December 13th. 1912.
and ending with the issue of Jan
uary 24th, 1913, under and in pur
suance of the the directions con
tained in an order made by the
Honorable Chas. H. Gardner, Judce
uf the County Court of Lincol
county, state of Oregon.
Dated December 12th, 1912.
McFadden & Clark,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Date of first pubication Dec. IX
1912. Date of last publication
January 24, 1913.
Obey that impulse.
Smith & Smith.