Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 03, 1913, Image 6

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Don't Envy
anyone a good appetite
a perfect digestion 'a
robust constitution.
will help you to obtain
these very quickly. It
tones strengthens in
vigoratesthe entire di
gestive system and always
stands for better health.
Try it today.. All Druggists.
M m Iwm
He Knew Teacher.
"A small boy dropped into a store
on the North Side on his ;way to
- w 6. buiuo canay, says the
Holton Signal. "While he u innt.
Ing over the assortment displayed In
ui case me salesman called his at
tentlon to some fresh lmnn mn
'Naw.' the boy said rsimma anm in-
beans. I want something the teacher
cn i near me eat. Teacher can hear
a ieiier eat lemon drops clear across
mo room. Kansas City Star.
Be thrifty on little thtaira like blulmr. Don't ac
cept water for bluing-. Ask for Bd Croaa Ball
wo uui Kooa value Dlue.
8aweed In Commerce.
It is always known that seaweed
contained a large quantity of Iodine,
but today it is used in the manufac
ture of a certain kind of cloth, while
certain species are eaten under the
names of "dulse," "stoke" and "cur
rageen." Kelp is burned seaweed,
and Devonshire seaweed is used for
a large number of purposes; there
fore, the seaweed gatherers of today
are in a better position than erer
Calmlna Her.
Mrs. ridcet "What's that noise 1
hear down in the library?" Mr. Fidget
Must be the history repeating itself.
Qo to sleep." Fuck.
To Break In New Shoes.
it ;.TVk,h.ka ln AUen'e Foot-EMt), a powder.
Currr t,iWetl1ng' ,hln. wollen feet
.11 h,-i..L . , Z s . "nu nioni. ai
ill druggjata and shoe aterea, 26c. Dont acoaai
alien olsCly.T. WeV
Heroism In Everyday Life.
"Not ln clanging fights and des
perate marches only is heroism to be
looked for. but on avrv riiv
bridge and fireproof building that Is
going up today. On freight trains, on
the decks of vessels, in cattle yards,
on lumber rafts, among the firemen
and the policemen, the demand for
courage is incessant, and the aupply
never fails." William James.
Gift That Is Divine.
If Instead of a gem, or even a
flower, we could cast the gift of a
lovely thought into the heart of a
friend, that would be giving as the
angels must give. George MacDon-ald.
All Settled.
Here is a rather neat story of the
way ln which a very shy (or proud)
man made a "proposal." He bought
a wedding-ring, sent it to the lady
(whose finger he knew by heart), and
with it enclosed a sheet of notepaper
with the brief question: "Does it fltr
By return post he received the more
laconic, though syllabically longer, re
ply: "Beautifully."
8ame Goal.
Haste and Waste are always travel,
ing in the same general direction.
The First Kicker.
First Prehistoric Man '"Then you
don't approve of cooking and manual
training in the schools?" Seoond Pre
historic Man "It's a shameful waste
of the taxpayers' money. That daugh
ter of mine has had two years of It,
and she can't fry a dinosaur fit to eat;
while my son, who has been at it Just
as long, has carved a club that I
wouldn't trust to black the eye of a
baby mammoth." Puck.
Ideals the Guiding Star.
Ideals are like stars; you will not
ucceed ln touching them with your
hands. But, like the seafaring man
on deserts of water, you ohoose them
s your guides, and following them
reach your destiny. Carl Schuri.
Poor Pursuer of Pleasure.
It's the only pleasure I have Is
Ufa," said an English hawker, ln ex
plaining to a magistrate his lore of
Mrs. Havlland H. Lund of Los An
geles, Cal., one of the leading advo
cates of the "little farm" Idea, is now
ln the east organizing local branches
of the National Forward to the Land
One of the objects of the league is
to purchase tracts of land on the out
skirts of the big cities throughout the
United States and subdivide them in
to one acre farms, to be equipped and
turned over to the Industrious poor.
Mrs. Lund has succeeded In In
teresting many prominent people,
who have pledged their moral and fi
nancial support.
"I am of the opinion," said Mrs.
Lund, "that our idea is one of the few
logical solutions for the living prob
lem of many of the big cities' poor.
The plan has been in operation for
several years near San Diego, Cal.,
and has proved successful in every
way. The hearty interest your lead
ing men and women seem to be tak
ing in the cause certainly gives me great pleasure and encouragement.
"There is plenty of land ln the vicinity of all large cities which will find
its greatest productiveness under the efforts of the small tract farmer."
rWho's Jackson?"
A lot of bankers have been asking
this question during the past few
Jackson? Why, he's the same per
son who financed China to her recent
$50,000,000 loan when the so-called
six-powers group of bankers repre
senting Great Britain, France. Ger
many, . Russia, Japan and the United
States wouldn't lend the budding re
public all this real money.
This new factor ln world finance is
a Massachusetts Yankee. His father
was a seafaring man no wonder the
son's rovings around the world. Jack
son was born ln Chelsea, Mass., but he
was only a boy of six when Jackson,
Sr., decided to pioneer it to Califor
nia. The family took ship to the
Isthmus and the' train across, and so
made their way to California. The
boy went to public school in San Fran
cisco and then to high school college
HP Tint In Vi I a timinl.ta n-kt. i
1870. He later graduated from' tha Univarnltv nt n0Hf-.,i
The Story of how this adventurer tn thn hlp-hor ronlm
- - o - ui uuauua lUU.
tne wind out of the sails of the proudest money magnates of the world is
delicious. These gentlemen of the eminent six-power syndicate were busy
telling China that the money aha an hnrilv neorld iiaiiM ..1. 1 v.j 1
allowing them a say-so on how it was to be spent. China demurred.
iuu irouDie was at its height, the bankers backing and filling, the
diplomats ln despair, when Jackson reached London. Here was big game.
He promptly cabled to Peklnsr that ha mnlH o-ot tha .
ah a tr nv nnj t . i . .
w wuiuii auu uma aucepiea.
A remarkable nen-Dtcture of sir
Edward Carson, the leader of tha
unionist "revolt" against home rule
ln Ulster, who ln a short time has be
come one of the most talked of ni
powerful men ln the United King
dom, is contributed to the London
Graphic by Philip Glbbs.
Mr. Glbbs. who as a deacrinrtva
Journalist has made for himself a
place something like that of the late
G. W. Stevens, says ln part:
'Sir Edward Carson is the dictator
of Ulster. The people of
Ulster, apart from that Catholio
minority who on h'alf-holldnva m
hang him in effigy on street lamp
posts, are puppets who dance when
he pulls the strings. At the word
uo fro him they would advnna
at quick step to any kind of danger
folly, and death. He nlfl V tinnn
their emotions as upon a fiddle with
more than five strings, with fifty or a
hundred thousand strings plucked
from their hearts, and readv tn nnh
voice of his. He holds their hearts ln
at the sound of that deep persuasive
tne nouow of his hand."
I i-aa- -aaaaaaaaaaaann-aa . I
I aaaaaawaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaai
ihn atern hiiaitiaaDiiin. ..-u.i
.,.ccD uuauues or nin maternal ancestors Mb
lave been told or hio growing power among the crowned heads
nam are unirut and unjust.
A Calm Observation nf tha
of the Balkan war on the restless,
suspicious "concert of Europe" leads
to one illuminating conclusion. The
map makers, national carpenters of
the embassies, and the foreign minis
tries have at last decided to take serf
ously the man of the hour, Ferdi
nand, tha tsnr nf tha nnisnW.. i-
longer do you hear references to the
"Tsarvenu" the title which Sir Fred
erick Burnand and London Punch
gave Ferdinand of Sofia ln 1908.
His pictures are seen everywhere
now the bright "alglon" eye; the
sharp. Napoleonlo nose; the firm
mouth; thin Hps and beard trimmed
to a point. Ferdinand Is the grand
eon of Louis Philippe of France, who
was driven into exile by a quip and
a partiality for curiosities In urn-,
brellas which shocked the senslblll
ties of the fastidious Parisians
Necessarily a Bourbon, he Is unlike
the entire Rottrbon line lnhrltin
his maternal ancestors Many atoriea
Most ot
0f Mixture for Them" WJ
r jjjvciy uK.uju.i vi. vuui luiuiiy win auDre- 1
Every member of your family will apcre-
4 ciate the many handsome, useful presents vou
IT can get free with the coupons now packed in
Duke's Mixture is one of the big favorite brands for
both pipe and cigarettes. Men everywhere prefer it be
cause of its true natural tobacco taste. Duke's Mixture
is simply the choice leaves of fine Virginia and North
Carolina bright leaf thoroughly aged, stemmed and
crumbled. It's impossible to get a purer smoke or a
more likeable one than tbi- mild, rich, fragrant Liggett
fyMyert Duke's Mixture.
One and a half ounces of this choice granulated
tobacco cost only 5c and with each sack you get a book
of cigarette papers FREE.
The Presents are FREE
They do not cost you one penny. In each 5c sack of
Liggett 4" Myert Duke's Mixture we now pack a free
present coupon. With these coupons you can get any
article described in our new
illustrated catalogue of pres
ents. As a special offer.
good during December
and January only, we
will give you this cata
log absolutely FREE.
Simply send us your name
and address.
Coutcmi tram DUKE'S MIXTURE
bi assorted with Tais from HO
LtAr, GRANGER TWIST and coupon
from FOUR ROSES ( Iflc-lm double cou
and other toji and coupons issued by ui.
Premium Dept. ,
i2rt2&aM (St
'Sin 1 1 H
Birds Worthy of Gratitude.
It has been estimated that the birds
In the United States save $200,000,000
worth of crops each year. The tree
sparrows in Iowa eat 4,666 pounds of
weea seed dally. One full-fledred rnhin
will eat 16 feet of caterpillar dally, or
rout ,oo individuals a month.
Their Pinal rk....
He What kind of a resort was it
you were ati She Well, Judging from
the kind of men I saw thr t .Vim
r it was the last resort for mar-
rwgeaoie girls.
Red Cross Ball Blue irlvea double value for your
Mwiicx. HU liWlbU MS IttT itS BJ1JT U1T. ASK JTOUT
And 80 Many Do It
A campaign year is a time of hap
piness for the man who likes to get
at the extreme outer edge of the
crowd and yell "Louder!" Denver
jo Years
We have had seventy years
of experience with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. This
makes us have great confi
dence in it for coughs, colds,
bronchitis, weak throats, and
weak lungs. We want yo.u
to have confidence in it, as
well. Ask your own doctor
what experience he has had
with it He knows. Keep
in close touch with him.
Dally Thought
Suoh as are thy habitual theugbtsf;
ruch also will be the character of thy
rind, for the soul is dyed by iui
ihoughts. Marcus Aurellus.
Get Well
and you can very easily
c. c
Gee - v; Gee
Wo I Wo
One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause
an Increased flow of bile and produce a
itntle laxative effect the day following.
Formula en each box. Show It to your
doctor. He will understand at a glanoe.
Dose, one pill at bedtime, Just one.
Matt kr tha . O. ATia 00., lAwall. Sfaaa,
Both tha Amorinnn and tha Phlna
nhvsiciana 11RA mwlipirma marl a fmM
plants and herbs. But the Chines
nave extended ineir researches and ns
Roots, Herbs and Barks that have)
never been heard nf in this eenrrw
And with these harmless and non-injurious
remedies Dr. C. Gee Wo has curedj
hundreds of patients of all sorts of dis
eases and vuhn nnrl nrAvimialu U.n
ingf the medicines prescribed by well
known American physicians. lie has
testimonials from patients all over the
northwest MS to tho linn rnunlfa h nk.
tained with the une of these nature-
remedies, should you live out of town
and wish to begin treatment, send 4
cents in stamps for a consultation
blank and circulars.
Office open evenings and Sundays.
The C. Gee Wo
Chinese Medicine Co.
82 First St, Cor. Morrison
W. V. No. 49-U
W"5NTrt,ta aUaasaaa I
' Um tela papae.