Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 03, 1913, Image 1

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TTVTT'V NPWQ Ncws of cach Community Gathered each
VV Ull i I nUVVO-- week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
The New Year came in very
quietly at Waldport,
Quite a number of our young
folks went to Newport to attend
the New Years' ball.
Last week's storms damaged sev
eral launches and small boats about
the Alsea bay.
A letter from Congressman Haw
ley announces that he has succeeded
in having the survey of the Alsea
bay and bar provided for in the
river and harbor bill, which is to
be acted upon at the present session
of Congress.
Our football team went to New
port for a game January 1st.
Waldport Grange is to erect a hall
for their own use.
A number of Waldport citizens
will wait UDon the County Court j
at its next session to discuss some
thing vital in the way of roads and
" road matters.
Last Saturday was a lively day
in Eddyville. It had previously
been advertised that several im
portant meetings were to be held
on that day. so everyone came to
town, bringing their dogs
with !
them, and several even bringing
their wives and sweethearts. The
first thing pulled off was a mreting
of the Yaquina Bay Mutual Tele
phone company, which was engine
ered bv our old friend Che3 Mor
rison of Elk City, who by the way
is general manager of that system,
and seems to be the right man in
the right place'. The meeting was
called to order in'" Mr. 1 Kolkow's
store as the time clock on the
schuolhouse door was set for 1
o'clock p. m. After some discus
sion of the affairs of the company
it was thought best to be more
strict in collecting phone dues, and
UDon motion it was voted to discon
nect all phones of those that had
not paid up by the 10th of each
month. After the motion was
carried it was discovered that sev
eral present who had been rinding
fault with others, had not
their dues for months past.
paid j
one or two of the officers could not
remember when they had paid up
last, but were certain they had
paid up to January, 1912. The
meeting was a hummer ahd every
one was pleased when it was over.
The road meeting was held at the
schoolhouse and a special tax of 11
mills levied. As W. F. Wakefield,
the supervisor, was not present W.
J. Cline was elected chairman. Mr.
Cline was also elected supervisor
for 1913.
The Eddyville Grange "held it3
usual meeting Saturday at the
Hall. They elected officers for the
ensuing year.
Happy New Year to all.
Married, at the home of the
bride's parents near Chitwooi, Or.,
on December 25th, 1912, Miss Nora
Wood to Mr. Walter Irwin, Rev.
Clemo officiating. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. Emma Wuod of
this place and the groom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Irwin of
Brush Prairie, Washington. Both
the bride and groom are well known
here and their many friends wish
them joy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Irwin were passengers Tuesday
morning for Albany wheie they ex
pect to make their future home.
Titus Kurtichanov was a passen
ger Monday morning for Gatson,
where he is attending school
Mrs. Lena Phillips left Monday
for Dallas where she has been work
ing the past few months.
Mr. and Cecil Sanford returned
home Saturday evening.
Mrs. R. A. Wood and children re
turned Saturday evening. Mrs.
Wood has been visiting a few days
with her mother, Mrs. Hymes, of
1 Mrs. Cooper met with quite a
serious accident last Tuesday. In
some manner while working near
the stove she fell, striking her head
on the corner of the 6tove and cut
ting a deep gash just over the right
eye. After falling she laid in a
semi-conscious state for about two
hours before being found. Mr.
Smith, who's store is only about 50
feet from the Cooper house, wished
to see a certain copy of the Leader
and stepped over to Cooper's to
borrow it, and after rapping sever
al times, ocened the door and
found her. She was so weak from
loss of blood that she could scarcely
move or speak. Dr. Morris wan
called to dress the wound.
Deo Cooper left Monday for
Southern Oregon, where he is
teaching school. He had been
. . .... .i i-
spending tne noimays witn nis
parents here.
Mr.' Steinmetz returned Monday
from Portland, where he went to
spend his Christmas.
Andy Parrish and
Myrtle came up from
G. W. Wilson's son is visiting
him from Philomath.
Bob Harris and Lloyd Porter at
tended the Nashvilie debating club
Saturday evening.
Oscar Mays of Rocco passed
through here Wednesdav on his way
to Portland.
L. E. Chantel, who is working on
the railroad here spent Christmas at
his home near Rocco.
Ed Hamar is assisting in the
store here while they are taking
the annual invoice.
Mrs H. S: Porter and daughter,
Mildred, 8re visiting relatives at
Chitwood this week.
J. K'. Shields, Albert Beers and
Chris Widmer attended grange at
Eddyville Saturday.
James Jones of Salem is visiting
with his son, E. S. Jones, of this
Riverside V
As it is Winter and we are not so
busy we will come back to our old
paper, which we should never have
abandoned. x
F. H. Lang and family moved in
from Portland and are now building
them a small house to live in for
the Winter.
R. L. Calkins and family and Ted
Daniel returned from Porltand this
Winter to live on their ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Daniel and
George Lang returned from Port
land. They are now working at
Toledo. "
Wm. Scarth, the Bell 'telephone
proprietor, was up to investigate
the switch board Friday.
The Riverside boys (not
spent a nice evening at the
at B. F. Grant's.
Christmas was passed by
dinner at Mr. Daniel's home,
body enjoyed a good time.
a fine
Victor Folmsbee returned from
Washington, where he has been
It is almost time for the girls to
give up. The New Year is about
here; but it is not so bad as it was
because Oregon has gone women
suffrage. Bingo! .
Little Elk.
Christmas is over and all had a
good time.
W. F. Wakefield spent Christmas
at home, returning to Portland the
Wheeler Cilne spent Christmas at
George Colby has moved back on
his own place. George says there
is no place like home.
Mr. Moss had the misfortune to
lose his fine mare one day last week.
She fell over a steep bank hurting
herself so badly she had to be
killed. '
Mrs. Cline returned home from
Portland the Saturday before
Christmas, where she had been for
medical aid. Her daughter came
home with her.
Miss Colby was visiting her
brother, ueorge, and iamuy over
Chrhtmas. Miss Colby is teaching
school at Shaw, Oregon.
There were some of the people of
Little Elk attended the telephone
j and road meeting held ac Eddyville
i Saturday, the 28th. We did not
I learn any of ttye particulars in re
I gard to what was done at cither
j of the meetings.
There was a Christmas tree at
Eddyville schoolhouse December
24th in tfee afternoon, given by the
Eddyville Grange and the people of
Little Elk and Eddyville. It was a
grand success in every way. The
following is the program as given:
Song, "America," by the audience.
Recitation, Richard Girdler. Song,
by five little girls of Eddyville
school. Recitation. Kenneth Lou
don. Recitation, Johnny McBride.
Recitation, Elenor Girdler. Song,
the Eddyville School Choir
tation. Bell Willoughby.
Lois Loudon and Clifford
field. Recitation, Irene
Dialogue, Roy .nd Loren
. Reci
Song, Eugene Girdler. Drill Dy
Six Girls of Eddyville school.
Song. Little Elk school. Dialogue
Five Eoys of Eddvyille school.
Song Little Elk Choir. Song Eddy
ville School Choir.
The Eddvyille Grange held their
annual election at their last regular
meeting Saturday December 2th.
The following are the newly elected
officers: S. T. Loudon master;
Albert Beers overseer; Mr. Moss
lecturer; Brown Wakefield stewart;
Roger Loudon assistant stewart;
Mrs. Girdler chaplain; J. D. Kirby
treasurer: C. H. Wakeheld secre
tary; Chris Weidmer gate keeper;
Mrs. Loudon Ceres; Mrs I. J. Pe
pin Pomona; Mrs. Colby Flora;
Lois Loudon L. A. stewart Eddy
ville Orange has had a very pros
perous ytar both in membership
and financially and has made a good
snowing in many more ways. We
believe it would be a good idea for
all the granges in the county to
have a column in one of the county
papers so we could let ourselves be
known to the public and give en
couragement for others to join, for
there is nothing better to have in a
communiaty then a good live
The newly organized Dance Club
gave their first dance Christmas
night. It was a complete success,
there being more than enough
funds to pay for the new dishes
bought by the Club, besides the
music and refreshments.
The Siletz Government School
gave their annual Christmas exer
cises Tuesday evening. The tree
and program were very nicely ar
ranged by Miss Raddant and school.
A very interesting Christmas pro
gram and tree was given at the M.
E. church Tuesday, the 24th, by
Miss Knauf and her pupils. Prizes
for best recitations , were awarded
to William Knauf, 1st; Irene Kentta
2d, and Dewey Goodell, 3d. The
judges were Misses Amy Hall,
Claudia McDonald and Mrs. M. S.
Collins. A large crowd attended.
The Indians held a feather dance
If .1..1J 1 II tTI 1
in ivieicau nan Wednesday even
Invitations are out for a New
Years' eve celebration and whist
party to be held in the girls' dor
Mrs. C. S. Davis and Elsie Rad
dant are spending a short vacation
The Silctz Dramatic Club will
give the three act drama "Little
Buckshot'' Saturday night, January
Mike Knauf has sold his Siletz
ranch to Chris Larson of Dakota
and expects vto move to Newport
One of -the Kyniston boys trapped
a large wild cat on Siletz last week.
It measured five feet in length.
Ed Abbev has gone to St. Mich-
eals Springs for the benefit of his
health. He has not fully recovered
from the effects ot the injury re
ceived in the railroad wreck that
occured near Chitwood about two
months ago.
Joseph Patterson has returned
from his home in Pittsburgh, Pa., ant to specifically perform the terms
to spend the holidays at Newport, i of said contract set out and des
after which he will resume hiskribed in paragraph II of said corn
duties as one of the city editurs of ; plaint, and to execute a deed to
the Oregonian. ! this plaintiff for Lots One (1) and
creased severitj. It was the worst
Saturday night Sunday and Sunday
night than at any time during the
season. The beaches are covered
with tiea foam. No damages asjret
At the district road meeting held
the 30th a two mill tax was voted
for roads, but as the proceedings
were a little irregular it may not
stick. It is well understood in this
county that land values as well asj This summons is published in the
levies are too high as it makes the j Lincoln County Leader a newspaper
paying of taxes too burdensuuie on!0f general criculation printed and
the people. One speaker at the ! nublished in Toledo. Lincoln countv.
said a debt was a
This gentleman is a
A committee of three was ap
pointed at the meeting to attend
the February term of Circuit Court
to look after the interest of the
district in a suit pending wherein
certain persons refuse to pay their
road and school tax.
J. A- Hill, president of the Hill
Military Academy of Portland, ac
companied by seventeen cadets,
came over to spend the holidays at
the Monterey hotel. A splendid
place to spend a few days of rest
and recreation. Mr. Hill -has an
option on the place for five years
and expects to spend his vacations
here. He is making extensive im
provements on the property, t-.
A mask ball will be given at the
Elite Hotel on New Years' ,eve. A
good time is anticipated by all.
W. E. White and V. A. Ranney
of Newberg were visjting at the
Whiteis home on Upper Depot the
last of last week.
We wish to call your attention to
he fact that most infectious dis
eases such as whooping cough, dip
theria and scarlet fever are con
tracted when the child has a cold.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy quick
ly cure a cold and greatly lessen the
danger of contracting these dis
eases. This remedy is famous for
its cures of colds. It contains no
opium or other narcotic and may be
given to a child with implicit confi
dence. Sold by all dealers.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Lin
coln. In the matter of the estate of
Jotiah S. Copeland, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that A.
W. Morgan, executor of the estate
of Josiah S. Copeland, deceased,
has filed his final account with the
Clerk of the County Court of Lin
coln county, Oregon, as executor of
said estate. That the Judge of
paid Court has fixed Monday, Jan
uary 6, 1913 at 10 o'clock a. m. in
the county court room in the court
house at Toledo, Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing objec
tions of said final account if any
there be. . A. W. Morgan,
Executor of the estate of Joisah
S. Copeland deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon, for Lincoln county.
John V. Hurley, plaintiff,
Samuel Olson and Jane Doe Ol3on,
his wife, defendants.
To Samuel Olson and Jane Du
Olson, defendants:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon: You and each 'of you are
hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed agaisntyou
in the above entitled suit on or be
fore the expiration of six weeks
from the date of the first publica
tion of this smmons, to-wit, on or
before the 7th day of February,
1913, and if you fali so to answer,
I for want thereof, plaintiff will
i apply to the Court for the relief de
manded in said complaint, to-wit:
'for a decree requiring said defend-
i nr n Ai ri
Section Six (6, Township Thirteen
(13) south, Range Nine (9) westof
Willamette Meridian, in Lincoln
county, state of Oregon, and that
if said defendants refuse so to do
that the decree of said Court stand
as and for such deed, and that said
plaintiff have such other and fur
ther re'lef as to the Court may
seem meet
' conscience.
with equity and good
, urecron once a week lor six
successive weeks pursuant to an
order of the Hon Chas. II. Gardner
i County Judge in and for said Lin
coln county, Oregon, dated the 24th
day of December, 1912.
,Sweek. Fouts & Sheldon
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, Dec. 27,
1912, date of last publication
Febv7, 1913.
For those wishing to make invest
ments in Newport property. We
have an especially attractive list of
snaps in vacant lots. Our best buys
are in the locality of Nyebeach
near the Ocean, where cottages
rent for prices that will bring in
20 per cent on the money invested.
If you wish a good home or in
vestment property get in this Win
ter as prices are steadily raising.
We have several entire blocks near
the ocean and also some choice
blocks at Osytcrville and in Phelps
addition. Rickman & Smith,
Newport, Or.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appointed
administrator of the estate of
Henry Korpi, deceased, by the
County Court of Lincoln county.
Oregon. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby re
quested to present the same, prop
erly verified as by law required,
within six months from the date
of this notice at my reisdence at
Siletz. Oregon.
Dated December 7, 1912.
John Kentta,
Administrator of the estate of
Henry Korpi, deceased.
The six highest in R. S. an
Cleve's Piano Contest are:
2 29529G0
1 2471G0O
Cut out this Coupon and present it at
R. S. Van Cleve's
store and he will exchange it fo
Fifty Votes
in the Four Hundred Dollar Tiano
To each person bringing in a
new yearly subscripti on or renewa
to the Leader will be given threl
thousand votes good on R. S. an
Cleve's $400 piano contest.