CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CLOCLSH A clock is a thing that should be in every home; one that will last you a life time. Prices from S4.50 to $8.50 GET THEM OF Jack Pelmulder The Quality Jawalar and Engraver Palace Restaurant Bid. Toledo, Oregon Mrs. Win. Enos of Elk City has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Jacobscn. here tiiis week. She returned home this afternoon. T. P. Fish is putting a new foundation under his store building and is also building a new sidewalk along the north side. Peter Tellefson of Seattle was visiting ti s brother, Telef, at Ya quina the first of the week. , TOLEDO CHEESE. We will have the Toledo brand of cheese ready for market by July 20th. Leave your orders, with your grocer. McJunkin & Son. American Gentlemen and Ameri can Lady shoes at Fish's. As good as there is on the market. LAUNCH TRANSIT DAILY Large, new, line of shoes at T. . Fish's. Buy it now. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. Buy it now and be prepared for such an emer gency. For sale by all dealers. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy During- the past 35 yeara no rem edy has proven more prompt or more effectual in Its cureo of Coughs, Colds and Croup than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. In many homes It la relied upon as Im plicitly as the family physician. It con. tains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Price 25c; large size 50o SUMMONS. In the Justice Court for Morris . Precinct, state of Oregon, county of Lincoln: George S. Parmele, plaintiff, vs. F. J. Bissell and Edward K. Bishop, defendants. To F. J. Bissell and Edward K. Bishop, the above named defend ants, In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for Morris pre cinct, on August 21, A. D., 1912, at the office of said Justice in said Precinct, to answer the above named plaintiff in a civil action. The defendants will take notice that if -they fail to answer the complaint -and affidavit herein, the plaintiff will take judgment against them for the amount demanded in the complaint: $250, together with the costs and disbursements. Order for service by publication -dated June 28th, 1912. Dated this 28th day of June, A. D 1912. Kendrick H. Samson. Justice of the Peace for Morris precinct. W,H. CONIBEAR CONTRACTOR ami BUILDER Dwellings a Specialty Toledo, - - Oregon LINCOLN COUNTY LAND OWNERS: We want to list some good dairy and stock ranches that you will sell or exchange for valley larms or city property. Address W. E. White & Co, Newbeig, Oregon. " Mike Rtdly of Philomath was a Toledo visitor the first of the week. j T. H. Gildersleeve spent Sunday at Nor tons visiting with his daugh-' ter. ! Miss Alice Johnson arrived down r from Portland Friday evening for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Avery. ! Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Green and children returned Friday evening from a viist in the state of Wash ington. Miss Ethel Gray came up from Newport Wednesday for a viist with Mrs. Chauncey Hawkins. I "Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kubler re ! turned to Newport Tuesday evening aiici a iiiuimi Bvuii uu uieir limcij up Mill Creek. Dr. North, the dentist, is at the Merchants Hotel, where he will re main several days. He is prepared to care for your every need in den tistry. Call on him. Miss Frances Avery returned home from an extended visit in Portland Friday evening. She was accompanied by her cousin, Mene Thurston of Lents, who will visit here a few weeko. TEACHERS' MEETING AT WALDPORT. There will be held at Waldport a teachers' meeting August 10th. It being Saturday all teachers who are along the Alsea river, on the bay or near Waldport, can attend and lost no time from their school work. 3 Everyone is cordially invited. R. P. Goin. S. ROMTVEDT, SR, KILLED Wednesday evening while chop ping down trees on his farm three miles north of Toledo on Depot slough Sondre Romtvedt," Sr, was killed, his body being found some time during the evening. The accident apparently was caused by his ax catching on aj limb, turninc the nx nnd Rrrikint ! strikjnjr ! him in flip Jlrm cpuprinrr on arinvxt ! ...... ... ) J t pansinc rlpnth hv lnss nf rilnnrl ! He was working alone at the time of the accident. Mr. Romtvedt was one of Lincoln county's most worchy men. He had lived on this farm with his family for many years and was a most highly honored' citizen, and his sudden death is a shock to his many friends in all parts of the county. ' Mr. Romtvedt was about sixty years old and had a family of several children most of whom are grown. Funeral services will be held to morrow at two o'clock at the resi dence, with the Eermon preached at the cemetery. Repair that old walk. Cull lum ber $5 per thousand while it lasts Oregon Lumber & Construction Co. Just received a new and Complete ine of Ladies' and Misses' and Men's pnd Boys' sweaters at Fish's. Call and see them. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. My wife having left my bed and board I will l ot be responsible for any bills she may contract. J. Jensen. FOR SALE. 2 teams and saddle horses. 2 wagons, l "-seated rig. 1 buggy. 1 buckboard. Toledo Livery Stables. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for lighthouse- keeping; suitable for dressmaker or lady who wishes to remain under the doctor s care for a time. In quire at this office. THE CHOICE OF A HUSBAND, is too important a matter for a wo man to be handicapped by weak ness, bad blood or foul breath. Avoid these kill-hopes by taking Dr. King's Life Pills. New strength fine, complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits things that win men follow their use. Easy, safe, sure. 25 cents. Toledo Drug Co During the summer - months mothers of young children Bhould watch for any unnatural looseness of the bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon. For sale by all dealers. We Got 'Em A Nw Stock of Men '8 and Boys' up to date SUITS The Best ever shown, in Toledo ' Also SHOES For Ladies, Children and Men At Lowest Prices H. LEWIS WANTED. A loan of $3000 on a good dairy ranch near Toledo for a term of three or five years. This place will support 20 head of cows and ought to be ample security for this amount. Address, Box 612, New berg, Or. MOTOR TRUCKS ON . EASY PAYMENTS, Our sales plan enables your truck to pay for itself. Remember you buy direct from the manufacturer. No commissions or bonuses to pay. There are no jokers in this pro position, just practical, good busi ness perception on our part, which I accommodiates a long-felt among present and would-be users. A simple note of inquiry, need i truck I which will be treated as strictly confiden tial, will receive our prompt re sponse. ADDRESS E. E. GERLINGER, Sales Manager, 688 Washington St., Portland, Or. For soreness of the muscles, whether introduced by violent ex- erase or injury, there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Linl Hient. This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains.. For sale by all Druggists. SUMMONS. . In the Circuit Cotrt of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. C. O. Woodford, 1'latiitlll', vs. Mahal a Cloake, I.ouUn Sheppard, Deostmg ftheppnrd, KUcu Bruseth, J. II. McDonald, Hans C. Kelson, Charles II. Wuster, and Mary Wuster, Defendants, 'lo Mnhalu Clouke, Louisa Bheppard, Peost- ing Sheppard, Charles II. Wuster and Mary Wuster, above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, Yon and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plain tiffin the ubove entitled suit now on file iu the office of County Clork of Lincoln County Oregon, (being the county in which the above entitled suit is ponding iu the Circuit Court for said County and State, on or before the day lest named in tho order for the publication of tnls summons made by tho Honorable Chas. II. Gardner, County Judge of said Lincoln County, Oregon, which said order and time fo1' answering said summons are hereinafter referred to, towlt on or befor six weeks from and after tho date of the first publication here of; And, You are hereby notified that If you fall to answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief demanded In plaintiff's complaint, namely: for a degree of the couit that plaintiff's title to the follow ing described rtal property, towlt: Beginning at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the north west quarter of section 15 lu township it south of range 10 west of the Willamette Meridiain, f hence north 4.06 chains, thence east 8.65 chains to the left bank of the Yaqulna River, thence southerly along said bank of said river to a point due east of the point of beginning, thence west 7 chains to the point of beglnlng, containing 8.80 acres; alto commencing at a pcintof tho left bank of the Yaquiua River 7 chains east of the southwest corner of tho northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 19 In township 11 xouth of range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian, running thence west 27 chains to section line between ruction 15 and 16, lu said township and range as nbove, thence south 25 rods, thence east 26.74 chains to the left bauk of the aqnira River, thence northerly along said bank of said river 25U rods to the place of beginning. containing 10.80 acres, all of said property be- In in Lincoln County Oregon, is good and valid r that you the said defendants ml all of you have no right title nor interest whatever lu or to said lands or any pari tneie of and that any and all claims that you may claim against said land is wrong and without right whatever; that you tho aula neienoanw ha forever eninlned and debarred irom assert lug any claim whatever in or to saici tanas or any part thereof adverse to plaintiff, and for such other und further relief as may be equl table and Just. This summons hi published ln the Lincoln County Leader, once a week for six oonsecutlva and successive weeks' beginning with the issue of June 21lh 1912 and ending with the Issue ol August 2d, 1912, under aud pursuance of the direction contained In an order made by the Hon. Chas. H. Gardner, County Judge of Lincoln County. Oregon, being the County In which the above entitled suit is penuing in the Circuit Court for said County and Slate, which said or.ler Is dated June 19th., 1912. HAWKINS 4 MoCLUSKKY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S Landoffice, Portland, Oregon. Serial 01392 June 29, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Harald Hanson of Chitwood, Oregon, who, on August 1, 1907, made Homestead entry No. 16301, Serial No. 01392, for SE, section 12, township, 10 s, range 10 w, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the County Clerk of Lincoln county, Ore., at Toledo, Oregon, cn the 20th day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: , M. O. Thompson. C. G. Olson. Fred Olson and J. C. Myrland, all of Chitwood, Oregon. H. F. Higby, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Landoffice, Portland, Oregon, Serial 01640 June 29, 1912. Notice is hereby 'given that Amelia C. Eggert, formerly Amelia C. Stark, of Taft, Oregon, who, on March 19, 1909, made homestead entry No. 01640, for SI SEJ Sac. 26, and Si SWJ. Sec. 25, township 7 s, range 11 w, Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice of intentk-n to imake final three year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above des cribed, before the Register and Re ceiver of the U S. Landoffice, at Portland, Oregon, on the 23d day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas M. McClintock, Leonard C. Stark, of Taft, Or : Barbara Becker, Sophia A. Cadiux, of II. F. Higby, Register. . Arleta, Oregon. THE YAQUINA BAY LAND AND ABSTRACT COHPANY SARA CRAHEN, Manager TOLEDO, OREGON : Have an tip-to-date and complete est of Abstracts of Lincoln County. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln comity. Sophie M. Smith, HalntlfV. ' vs. James 1). Smith, Defendant. To James D. Smith, the above named de fendant: In the name of tl:e State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and nnwer the eoraplaintof ihe plaintiff, in the above entitled suit now on file In th otliceof the County Clerk of the abovo entitled conrt on oj before the last day named in the order forth? publication of this summons, made by the County Judge of Lincoln County, Ore L, ,..,. .,,.. ln thn Court n TIuiIiiit tha fnimtv U'hflra thA nlmvA pti. thereof, which said time tor appearing and answering is fixed by raid order as hereinafter referred to, to wit: On or before six weeks from the date of the first pucllcatton hereof: And you are hereby further notified that it you fail to appear and answer the said com plaint its herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff will iipply to the above entitled court for the. relief prayed for in snid com plaint, namely, a decree of the court that the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and tho Jefendant be dissolved, and that the plaintiff be allowed to assume her maiden name of Sophie M. Haitley, and for such other and further relief as the court may doom proper. This summons is published In the Lincoln County leader, for six successive and con secutive weeks, beginning with the 21st day of June, 191'4 and ending with the issue of the 2d day of August, 1912, under and in pursuance of ., ,,, ,., , Lincoln county, Oregon, dated the 21st day of June, 1912. MIDDLEKAUFF & GWYSN,. Attorneys for Plaintiff. If you are a housewife you can not reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful, by washing dishes, sweeping or doing housework all day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Chamberlain's Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beauti ful. For sale by All Dealers. ra.RACKJET WARNOCK & HUGHES SPECIALTIES Fresh Fruits, Groceries and vegctbles and Mill Feeds. From August 1st we will have a daily delivery to any part of the town. Phone orders will receive our special attention. Give us a trial. EATS Every Hour of the Day or Night At BILLY'S rlr.CE 1st door south of Norm Ander son s HOMESEEKERS. I have on hand now a large list of places both large and small, from one acre to 1500 acres. Some good bargains. Also Toledo and New port town property. If you want to sell or buy it will pay you to see me. R. N. Warnock, the Real Estate Man. FOR SALE. 805 acres, 5 miles from Nash ville. SWJ of Sec. 7, Township 10 south of Range 8 west, Lincoln county, 165 acres; also all cf Sec tion 11, Township 10 south of Range 8 west, price $15 per acre. Address Charles La'sen, Kernville, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE, in the Circuit Com t of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln. K. F. Baker, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph Tlensky, Defendant Iiy virtue of an execution Issued out of the above entitled Court in the nbove entitled ac tion to me directed and dated the 22nd day of July, A. 1).. 1912, In favor of It. F. Baker and against Joseph Plcnsky for tho sum of llSl.Oo with interest thereon ut the rate of aix per cent per annum from the 11th day of Septem ber, A. IK, 1911. and a further kuiii of fcl.M at torney's fees, and cent of this w rit command ing me o satisfy said execution, in purKiumeo of the rtfer of said writ of execution I will sell the following described reul property locateVl in Lincoln County, Oregon, to wit: Lot Feven 7 lu Work twenty -JO ill the town of Ocean View, Lincoln County, Oregon. Now therefore iu compliance with the de- mnmlsof said execution 1 will, on Saturday the 2 II h day of August, A. I)., 1512, at 2 o'clock p.m. at the front door of the County Court House, In the City of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, all tbe right, title and Interest of the above named Joseph I'lensky defendant In Ihe above named action, in the abovo described property to satisfy said execution and order of sale, interest, costs and accruing costs.; , HEItT (JEER, ' Sheriff of Lincoln Comity, Oregon. Dated ihli dnd day of July, 1912. Date of first publication July 2fitb, 1912. Date of last publication August 23, 1912. . i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION V. S. Landotlice, Portland, Oregon. Serial 01703. July 15th, 1912. Notice is herebj given that Johan Weberg, of Chitwood, Oregon, who, on March 29lli, 9fl), made homo steml entry No. 0170:1, for sc4 nej, e'j se!4 and e! j of sw of se4 section 7. township 10 south, range 9 west, Willam ette Meridian, lias filed notice nf intention lo make final three year proof, to establish claim to the laud abovo described before the County Clerk ol Lincoln county, Oregon, at Toledo Oregon, on the 5th day of September, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred Olson, Charley Olson and I. C. Myrland allot Chitwood, Oregon, and Spencer Schoth, of Slletz, Oregou. H. F. Higby, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLIWATION. U. 8. Land Otllce at Portland, ore. Serial 032K0 May 24th. 1912 Notice is hereby given that John Watt whose postofflce address Is 03 E. pith St., Port land, Oregon, did. on tho 21st day of November, 1911. tile iu this office his sworn statement and application, No. 03280, to purchase the use and nel-i sw. Sec. 84. Township 12 south, range 9 west, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1873, and acts amendatory, known a the "Timber and Stono Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, aud that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, thn tim ber estlmatud 600,000 board feet at 40 cents per M, and the land ISO.OO; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his apnltca tiou and sworn statement on tbe 14th day of August, 1912. before the Register and Receiver of U. S. Landotlice at Portland, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty lo protest this pur chase before entry, or initiate a coutest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit in this oUlce, alleging faoti which would defeat the entry. H. F.IIioby Register