Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 05, 1912, Image 7

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    Do It Now
Do What?
Call on
Jack Pelmulder
Tke Quality Jawalar and Eairarar
and see his line of
He has what you want. Prices
$2.50 to $8.50
Palace Restaurant Bid.
Toledo, - Oregon
Repair that old walk. Cull lum
ber $5 per thousand while it lasts
Oregon Lumber & Construction Co.
5-n. p. -cycle Hildreth marine
engine. Complete with clutch, shaft
and Perfex spark ignition. Price
$85 if taken at once.
Chas. Hyde, Toledo.
I will buy all your rubber, brass
and copper. Bring same to the
shoe shop. Mike Strylewicz.
Red Nail and Fox Hound
for sale; $2 and $2.50.
0. A. Copeland, Toledo
Large, new, line of shoes at T.
. Fish's.
We want to list some good dairy
and stock ranches that you will sell
or exchange for Valley larms or
city property. Address
W. E. White & Co,
Newberg, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the
clerk of school district No. 31, Elk
City, has funds on hands to pay all
outstanding warrants. Interest on
same will cease on and after this
date. M. S. Updike,
Clerk School Dist. No. 31 , Lincoln
County, Oregon.
June 26, 1912.
Notice Is hereby given that the fltial account
of O. ll.Mct'luskey ns administrator of the es
tate of Mrs. S. llemis. deceased, has bcon filed
in the County Court of Lincoln County, Stute
of Oregon, and that Monday the 1st, day of
July. 1012. Ht the hour of lOc'cIock n. m.,has
been duly appointed by said court, for the
hearing of objections to raid final account and
the settlement thereof, nt which tlinoauy per
son Interested In said estate may appear and
tile objections thereto In writing and contest
the ssme. 0. B. McCLUSKEY.
Administrator of the estate of Mrs. S. Bomis,
V. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon
June 2th, 1912.
To Fred P.eutsch of Bay Vlow, Oregon, Con
testce: You are hereby notified that Joe Ilardman,
who gives Toledo, Oregon, as bis post
office address, did on May 11, 1912, file In this
office his duly corroborated application to con
test and secure the cancellation of your home
stead, entry No. 0580, Serial No. 0580, made
October 23rd, 1908, for 'Lot 8, Section
4, Township 13 South, Range 11 West of. Will
nielte Meridian, and as grounds for his con--test
he aliened thnt said Fred P.eutsch has
oever been on said land since eutrlng the
i atno, neither has he oultivated or had any
4art of said laud cultivated, nor had any
-buildings erected thereon, but has wholly
-abandoned said entry.
You are, therefore, further notified that tho
having been confessed by you, and your said
- entry will be canceled thereunder without
your further right to be heard therein, either
4efore this office or on appeal, If you fall to
llle In this nttlce within twenty days alter the
FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown
' below, your answer, under oath, specifically
'meeting aid responding to these Allegations
of contest, or if you fall within that time to
tile In this office due proof that you have set',
veil a copy of your answer on the said conies
tant cither lu person or by registered mall. If
this service Is made by the delivery of a copy
of your answer to tho contestant lu person,
proof of such service must be ulther the said
contestants written acknowledgement of his
receipt of the copy, showing the da of its re,
eclpt, or the affidavit of the person by whom
the delivery was made stating when and where
the Copy was delivered : If mude by registered
mafl, proof of such service must consist of the
affidavit of the person by whom the copy was
nailed stating when and the post cilice to
which It was mailed, and this affidavit must
N accompanied by the postmaster's receipt
for the letter.
You should state In your answer the name
of the post office to which you desire further
notices to be sent to you.
II. F, II to by, Register.
J. C. Akdhcy, Viecelver.
Date of first publication Friday, July 5. 1912.
" second
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Gardner were
Toledo visitors this week.
Chas. Brown and wife were over
from Drift Creek Tuesday.
Fay Plank was a passenger for
the lower bay Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Kaschner de
parted Tuesday noon for Astoria.
Billy Whitney went to Eugene
Wednesday where he will spend the
Reigh Earnest came over from
the Valley Tuesday evening to spend
the Fourth.
Ted McElwain returned Tuesday
noon from a trip into the east end
of the county.
Wm. Wakefield of Eddyville was
attending Commissioners' Court
here Wednesday.
Mrs. M. Scott returned to her
home near Tangent Saturday mor
ning after a visit with relatives.
Miss Margaret Crahen of Port
land, arrived Saturday evening for
a visit with her sister, Miss Sara.
J. M. Garrison of Salem, pro
prietor of the Forest Grove Poultry
Yards, was a Toledo visitor Tues
day. Dr. M. L Morris is attending the
session ot the Try-state-Medical-
Association which convenes in Port
land this week.
W. C. Fischer of Sileetz left Sun
day evening for a visit at his old
home at Rainier. He will be gone
about two weeks.
W. B. Hayden returned home
from Portland Monday, evening
where he has been serving on the
Federal Grand Jury.
Miss Jean Bell came down from
Pioneer Tuesday evening for a visit
V,, , & , , ;
with friends, bhe returned home '
Wednesday afternoon. j for said County and State, on or before the day I
I.. i i.i u i.. e last nair.od in the order for the publication of
Ira Nye left Monday morning for ,nu8Uiamonsn,adeby the Honorable chas.'
hlS Old home at Garfield, Washing- . II. Gardner, County Judge of said Lincoln!
ton Where he Will Visit, End he may County, Oregon, which said order and time
remain for the harvest Season. fm' aiseriB said summons are hereinafter j
referred to, towlt on or befor six weeks from i
School Superintendent R. P. Goin and after thedateoUhe first publication hero I
returned Wednesday noon from,of;Aud' ' !
attending a session of the State!
School Superintendents at Salem.
Does your boy need a new suit?
have a complete line of suits
suitable for boys from three to fif
teen years in age. T. P. Fish.
J. A. Hodges of Elk City was in
town last Wednesday. J im has been
peeling chittim and has several tons
of this valued medical product on
Charley Van Orden, Dorccy Roch
ester, Wm. Enos, C. L. Morrison,
J. C. Dixon, Ben Graves and Homer
Dixon Were Elk City fans Who at-
tended the ball game here last Sun
. D. J. Sidey returned Saturday
evening from South America where
he has been the past year or SO as
civil engineer for a railroad con .
nonw Ho 5a vicifino- of tKn C0fu
Al Waugh has just received a
shipment of several thousand high
grade cigars and now has the
largest and most complete line of
cigars, we believe, that was ever
shown in the county.
Chas. E. Johnson the local pho
tographer departed Tuedsay noon
for the Valley where he will locate,
there not being enough business to
keep him here. He has not decided
as yet just what town he will locate
Chas. Hyde returned Tuesday
noon from Astoria. While there
Charlie' purchased a ' Columbia
River fish boat which will be com
pleted and shipped to Siletz Bay oh
the 10th of the month. , He will
fish on the Siletz this season.
Last Monday Joe Windred re
ceived a high grade camera from
the Ferrotype Company of Chicago.
This camera makes the picture
directly upon the postcard,' using
no film or plate. This reduces the
time of making pictures so much
that he can furnish you a finished
picture in less than one minute.
Hugh Berry of Tidewater made
proof on his claim before County
Clerk Howell, Tuesday. Alfred
Barclay and Milt Beam were his
witnesses. Coming up they came
over the government trail. In
coming over the mountain one of
the horses backed off the grade and
rolled over three times bringing up
against a log. If the log hadn't
been there they said the horse
would have been going yet.
H. P. Sootheran of Seattle is in
the city today. Mr. Sootheran is
representing the R. L. Polk & Co.
directory publishers and is here
L ! a j : a l
unuKing uie uireciory OI una cum-
munity up to date.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Van Cleve
have been Albany: visitors this
week, returning this noon. They
were acccompanied on their return
by Mrs. E. C. Jones who has been
taking treatment at Albany.
The cantata given at Woodmen
Hall last Friday and Saturday even
ings by the Ladies Aid Society was
well attended both evenings, and
all who witnessed the acts of the
little folks are loud in their praise
of the entertainment. The ladies
cleared upwards of $25.
Miss Hazel Geer was taken to a
sanitarium at Dallas Monday morn
ing. Her sister, Miss Linnie, who
is a trained nurse, came over and
accompanied her out. She stood
the trip nicely and the latest re
ports indicate that Miss Hazel will
soon be up and around again.
2 teams and saddle horsesv 2
wagons. 1 2-seated rig. 1 buggy.
1 buckboard.
Toledo Livery Stables.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lincoln County.
C. 0. Woodford, riaintiff,
Mahal a Cloake, Louisa Sheppard, Detesting
Sheppard, Ellen Bruseth, J. H. McDonald,
Hans C. Nelson, Charles II. Wuster, and
Mary V nster, Defendants.
to Mahaln Cloako, Louisa Sheppard, Deput
ing Sheppard, Charles II. Wuster and Mary
Wuster, above named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby required to
appear and answer the compla int of the plain
tiffin the above entitled suit now on tile In
'heTt0.f ('",,,y clork0' ""'"
Oregon, (being the county In which the above-
n.i,i t, i. ,n. t . f..if .
You are hereby notiiied that if you fnil to I
answer tho said complaint as herein required, I
lor want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to the i
above entitled Court for the relief demanded I
in plaintiffs complaint, namely: for a degree !
of the couit that plaintiff title to tho follow-1
ingdescribcd rtal proporly, towlt: , j
Beginning at the eouthw.-st corner I
of the northeast quarter of the north-1
west quarter ot section 15 in township 11 south
of range lowest of the Willamette Meridiain,
1 hence north 4.CC chains, thenco east 8.65
chains to the left, bank of the Yaqtiina River,
thence southerly along said bank of said river
to a point dun evstot the point of beginning,
thence west 7 chains to the point of bnglnlng,
containing 3.80 acres; nlso commencing at a
pi int of the left bank of tho Y'aqulna River 7
chains east of the soiithweHt corner of the
'. section 15 In township U south of range 10
west of the Willamette Meridian, running
thence west 27 chains to section line between
ructions 15 and 16, in said township and run go
as above, thence south 25 rods, theuce east
j River, thence northerly along said bank of
i &la river 26 rods to the place of beginning.
;cota'nlntti6 - 6o acres, an of said property be-
lng ill Lincoln County Oregon,
j mo vru "iiu MIliU) uuuv JUU H lO all4 uclSllllltll ID
and all of you have no right title nor Interest
whnteYcr in or to said lands or any part there,
of and that any and all claims that you may
claim against said land Is wrong and without
right whatever; that yon the said defendants
be forever enjoined and debarred from assert
ing any claim whatever in or to said lands or
any part thereof adverse to plaintiff, and for
sueh other and further relief as may be equi
table and just.
This summons Is published In the Lincoln
County Lender, once a week for six consecutive
and successive weeks' beginning with the
issue of June 21th., 1912 and ending with tho
issue of August 2d, 1912, under and pursuance
of the direction contained lu an order mada
by the Hon. Chns. II. Gardner, County Judge
of Lincoln County, Oregon, being the County
In which the above entitled suit is pending In
the Circuit Court for said County and Slate,
which said order Is dated June 19th., 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that as
lax Collector of Lincoln county,
Oregon, and in pursuance of an or
der of the County Court of said
county and state, I will on the 13th
day of July, 1912, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m. at the front door
of the courthouse, at Toledo, Lin
coln county, Oregon, proceed to sell
all property to which said county
or other public corporation has ac
quired title by virtue of sale for
taxes to the highest bidder for cash
at the time and place above-named,
provided, however, that no bid
shall be received for a less sum
than the amount of the delinquent
tax, penalty and interest, for which
said property was sold to said
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, June
14 th, 1912. Bert Geer,
Last Wednesday as the steamer
Truant was leaving for down river
Jack Fogarty, engineer and one of
the owners of the boat, got his arm
entangled in the machinery and was
badly cut and bruised. His call for
help brought Mrs. Fogarty, who
was in the cabin. She attempted to
stop the engines, but threw the
throttle the wronsr wav and made
the engine go faster. She called to
Jrank fogarty, who was in the
pilot house, and he quickly stopped
the machinery, thus nrobablv sav
ing Jack's life. His arm is in an
awful shaDe and it will he manv
weeks before he will be . able for
duty again.
I have on hand now a large list
of places both large and small, from
one acre to 1500 acres. Some good
bargains. Also Toledo and New
port town property. If you want
to sell or buy it will pay you to see
me. .R. N. Warnock,
the Real Estate Man.
The uniform success that has at
tended the use of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy has made it a favorite every
where. It can always be depended
upon For sale by all dealers.
WAJNilO) Washines and work i
to do at reasonable prices. Call
on Mrs. W. H. Conibear,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lincoln County.
Emma Filzhugh, Flalntlff,
Joseph K. Fltzhugh. Defendant.;
To Joseph K Fltzhngh, tho above named De
fendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You
aie hereby required to appear and answer tho
complaint filed against you In tho abovo en
titled suit within six weeks from June 14. 1912,
w hich'ls the date of the first publication here
of, and if you so fail to appearand answor, for
want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for In the complaint
herein, towlt: For a decree of the above en
titled Court dissolving the marriage contract
heretofore and now existing between this
plaintiff nud yourself, and forever divorcing
the plaintiff herein from you. and for such
other and further relief as to the Court shall
seem mete and equitable.
'Service of this summons Is made on yau by
publication hereof by order of Honorable C. II.
Gardner, Judge of the County Court of
Lincoln County, Oregon, made on the 12th.
day of Juno, 1912. directing that said publica
tion be made In the "Lincoln County Leader"
a weekly newspaper of general circulation
published at Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon,
and that said publication be made once a week
for six successive weeks.
Date of first publication, June 14, 19'.2.
Date of last publication, luly 26, 1912.
. C. J. Mahonoy
Attorney for Plaintiff.
con PAN Y
Have an up-to-date and complete
set of Abstracts of Lincoln County.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregou
for Lincoln county.
Sophie M. Smith, Plaintiff,
James D. Smith, Defendant.
To James D. Smith, the above named de
fendant: ,
in the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff, in the
above entitled suit now on file In the office of
the CountyClerk nf the above entitled court
on or before the last day named In the order
for the publication of this summons, made
by the County Judge of Lincoln County, Ore
ion being the county where the above en
titled suit is pending In the Circuit Court
thereof, which said time for appearing and
answering is fixed by said order ns hereinafter
referred to,-"lo wit: On or before six weeks
from the date of the first pucllcatlon hereof:
And you are hereby further notified that it
you fnil to appear and answer the said com
plaint as herein required, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the above entitled
court for the reliof prayed for In aald com
pliant, namely, a decree ot the court that the
bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff
and the Jefendant be dissolved, and that the
plaintiff be allowed to assume her maiden
name of Sophie M. Haitley, and for such
other and further relief as the court may
deoin proper. . . i
This summons is published In the Lincoln
County leader, for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with '.he 21st day pf
June, 1912, and ending with the issuo of the 2d
day of August, 1912, under and in pursuance of
the directions contained In an order made by
the Hon. Chas. H. Gardner, County Judge of
Lincoln county, Oregon, dated the 21st day
of June, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Dwellings a Specialty
Toledo, - - Oregon
For a burn or scald apply Cham
berlain's Salve. It' will allay the
pain almost instantly and quickly
heal the injured parts. ' For sale by
all dealers.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon,
for Lincoln eeunty.
Alfred Stanton, Plaintiff
E. D. Thorn and Betsy O. Thorn, Defendants.
To E. O. Thorn and Delay O. Thorn, the with
in named defendants:
In the name of the State nf Oregon, yon and
each of you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of the plaintiff In
the above entitled suit now ou file lu the of
fice of (feunty Clerk of the above entitled
Court on or before the dav last named in the
order for publication ot this summons made
by the Honorable iChas. H. Gardner, County
Judge of Lincoln County, Oregon, bolng the
county wherein the above entitled suit Is
pending in the Circuit Court for said County
and stute; which said order and time for
answering said summons are hereinafter re
ferred to to-wit: On or before six weeks after
the dale of the first publication hereof; and
You are hereby notified thnt II you fail to
answer the said complaint as herein required
for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled Court for the rtliot demanded
in plaintiff's complaint, namely; for a decree
of said Court that plaintiff s title to the south
half of the southeast quarter ol section hirty
two in township ten south of range ten west
and the northwest "quarter ol the northeast
quarter and the northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section fivo in township
eleven south of range tun west of the Willam
ette Meridian, is good and valid; that you
the said defendants nor either of you, have no
estate, right, titlo nor interest whutcver lu or
to said lands nor any part thereof and that
any and all claims that you may claim against
wild laud Is wrongful and without any right
whatever; that you the said defendants be
forever enjoined and debarred from asserting
auy claim whatever of, In or to said lands or
any part thereof, adverse to this plaintiff, and
for such other and further relief as may be
equitable and Just.
This summons is published' in the Lincoln
County Leader once a week for six succes
sive and cousecutlvo weeks, beginning with
the issue of June 7th, 1912, and ending wilh
the Issue of July 19lh, 1912, under and iu
pursuance of the directions contained in nn
order made by the Hon. Chas. H. Gardner,
County Judge of Lincoln County, Oregon,
(being the county In which the above entitled
suit is pending in the Circuit Court for snld
County and Statu) which Raid order is datod
June 5th, 1911. HAWKINS Jt McCLUSKEY,
Attorneys foi Plaintiff
U. 8. Lundcilice. Portland, Oregon,
Serial 01397 May 25, 1912.
Notice Is hereby given that Perry G. Wheeler.
of Rose Lodge, Oregon, who, on August 22,
rj07, mnue homestead tntry No., Serial No.
01S97, foraJi, nwsec.W auJ. o'i nei sec. 31,
township Ssoutn, range 10 west Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make
final three year proof to csuollsh claim to the
laud above described, before , the County
Clerk of Lincoln countv, Oregt n, at Toledo,
Oregon, on tho 10th day of July, 1912.
Claimant names as wltneoscs:
William J. McDonald of V.nst- Lodge, Oregon,
and Allen M. Iloyse. John Muir and Beit E.
Ovlatt, all of Olis,Orc:;on.
II. F. 1IIGBY, Register.
U. 8. Landofllce, Portland, Oregon.
Serial 01395. May 25th, 1912.
Notl.-e is hereb given thnt William J. Me
Donald, of Rose Lodge, Oregon, who, on Au
gust Utli, 1907. made homestead entry No.
16300, Sorlal No. 01393, for sw!4 section
82, township fisodth, range 10 west, Willam
ette Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to
make final three year proof, to establish claim
to'the land above described before the County
Clerk of Lincoln county, Oregon, at Toledo
Oregon, on the 10th day of July, 1912.
Clnlmant names as witnesses:
Perry G. Wheeler, and Allen M. Royse of
Rose Lodge, Or., and John Muir and Bert E.
Oviatt of Otis, Oregon.
H. F. Higby. Register.
It is worse than useless to take
any medicine internally for muscu
lar or chronic rheumatism. All
that is needed is a free application
of Chamberlain's Liniment. For
sale by all dealers.
Any mother who has had evripri.
ence with this distressing ailment
will be pleased to know that a cure
mav be effected by applying Cham
berlain's Salve as soon as the child
is done nursing. Wipe it off with
soft cloth before allowing the babe
to nurse. Many trained nurses iisp
this salve with best results. For
sale by all dealers.
, V. 8. Land Olllce at Portland, ore.
Serial 0.T2K0 M.iy 24th. 1912
Notice is hereby irlven thnt Join. ur..
whose postoftlce add re-s is 65 E. tilth Br p,...
land, Oregon, did. ou t hc21st day of November,
lau. nie in mis olllce hit sworn Statement and
application, No. 03280. to nnrchnaa th. ni..i
"v- ,,-, nv
and neJiswJ, Sec. 34, Townshlpia south, range
9 west, Willamette Meridian, and the timber
tnereon, unaor the provisions of the net of,
June 8, 1873, and acta amendatory, known as
the "Timber and Stono Law," nt siich value as
might be fixed by appraisement, and that,
pursuant to such application, the land and
timber thoreon have beon appraised, thrt tlm-
uer estimatea board feet at 40 cents per
M, and the land 150.00: thnt said Inniin.
will offer final proof in support of his apnllca
lion ana sworn statement on the 14th day of
August, 1912, before the Roirlaterami iin.f...
of U. B. Landofllce at Portland, Oregon.
Any person ll at liberty to protest this pur
chase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any
time before patent issues, by filing a corrobor
rated affidavit in this oitice, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry. ,
H. F. UtoDY Register