Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 28, 1912, Image 3

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    Purify Your Blood
The cause of pimples, bolls and oth
r eruptions, as well as of that tired
feeling and poor appetite, which are so
common in the spring, la Impure and
Impoverished blood. ,
The best way to purify and enrich
the blood, as thousands of people know
by experience, is to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Accept no substitute, but insist or
having Hood's.
Get It today in usual liquid form or
Chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs.
i.iuki5'?v,5K f"- Everything- complete, ea
blubed trade, larre store, fivinir rooms etc. Sac
rUJce. Addr. Mrs. M. Swanaon, McMurray, Wash.
firm "".''ne . auppnea. etc. : M moneymaker.
WW sacrifice. Wilson Mercantile Co., Leland. Or.
actory and Cigar Jobbing business in this town.
Complete in every detail; Tjrick bldg: great bar
Sain. Geo. McCutcheon. 601 E. Front, Butte, Mont
HOWARD E. BURTON -Assayer a'ia Chemist,
- - wwf-mvuHurwg, Dpecimen prioeat oold.
Silver. Lead. H. Gold, Silver. 15o; Gold. Wo: Zine
or Copper, $L Mailmrenvelopes a id (oil price Ual
mi j "Vil ,lwt- -wmi ana umpire worasv
Hotted. Refareneei Carbonate National Bank.
Absolutely Guaranteed to cure boils, carbuncles,
laleas, abscess, blood poison, burns, braises, sprains,
opta. barber Itoh. baa sting and poison oak. Nothing
Iff "Ke.."i'?JnUiorti1d. Wo per boi. Paul Ave
Itne. U24 'lid Bt.. Portland. Or. Also at Lipman,
Waifs 4 Ooalpsny and Olds, Wortmjn King.
Second-Rand Machin
ery bought, sold and
boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 78 1st
bU Portland. Bend for Stock List and price.
m rortiana, Lrregoq ,
Resident anil M ni-i- iTTT
enarge oi Bisters ol Bt. John Baptist (Episcopal
OaUsglata, Aeaatmle an EUaantary Dipartnuats
alula. Art. IlwitlM nn...-
For catalog address THE SISTER SUPERIOR
uincejO, St. Helens HaU
Coniumption, Catarrh. Asthma and
Bronchitis Cured by Inhalation
People treated at their home imoeem
fully. Bond for a full description of
the remedy. For the next month It
will be sunt ntronttOAnyonenufferinft
from a cough of anr demiriptlon. lot
flirthpr I n fnrrii ntnn tiAA rtai
DR. GLASS, 316 S. Broadway. Loa Angeles. Cat.
Arnold's Asthma and
Catarrh Remedy.
Guaranteed to core Catarrh. Asthma.
Bronchitis. Hay Fever and Hose folds.
. or money refunded. Inolose 11.26 for
Asthma Itemed, or 5Uo in stamps for
5 Catarrh of the Head and Htomach. Ask
or sddress of people cured in Portland,
.ocoais or Seattle.
Arnold's Asthma Care Co.. 3334 Arade Udf, Seta! Wt
Land of Licorice Root
' Licorice root grows in abundance
In the Ural tprrjtnrv of Russia.
A Tonic, Alterative and Resolvent The
beat remedy for Kidneys, Liver and Bowels.
Eradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorders
of the Skin. Purifies the Blood and gives
Tone, Strength and Vigor to the entire system.
Painless Dentistry
Is our pride our hobby our atndy for years and
ftow oar success, and ours is the bvst painless work
to be found anywhere, no matter how moon yon
pay. Compare our Prices.
)TM we Untsa piste and
or town patrons in
one day It desired,
Palnlesa attraction
free when nlatea or
uiiuk, wurr lux oub
bridge work is ordsr
d. Consultation frse. '
MolsrCrowns $5.00
22k Bridge Tsth4.G0
Qold miinn 1.00
Eaamsl Fillings 1.00
8ilvsr Fillings .60
Good Rubbsr -
pistss 5.00
Bssl Rod Rubber-
putss 7.50
Pslnlsss Extr'llen .50
ML W. A Will, PmMstias Missus
n nisi miauans rsnuat
All work folly guaranteed for fifteen gear.
Wise Dental Co.,inc
Painless Dentists
ftfflnf Bulldlrtf, Third and WilhlnrtoD. PORTLAND, ORE
OtflM Boars: t A. at. to r. If. Saaaaia, tel
ean reoel re prompt treat
menu of Moii-roUonoae,
Hwltb-btUdlng renetUe
the Chineee doctor.
Trronoe more if yoo hare been doctoring with
this one KnatbAt one end have not obtained per
manent relief. Let thii Breat nnture healer dlaff
note your cane and prescribe some roraedr whoe
sot ion la Qolok, sure and aafe. His prescriptions
are compounded from Roots, Herbs, Buds ana
Barks that have been gathered from every quar
ter of the globe. The anorete of these medicines
Sre not known to the outalde world, but have been
ended down from father to son in the phsiolans
families in China.
If yon live out of town and cannot call, write for
symptom blank and circular, enolosinf 4 oente in
; 162 first St, Cor. Morrison
Portland. Oregon. '
P. H. U
No 22-MJ.
yHEN wjttln to adTartlaara, plaaaa
I avf yna,. i j
;f 'J-
i jsVii lias ifc&ui
Erroneous Idea to Think That Mongrel Chickens Offer Any
Advantage Over Pure-Bred Slock Many Improve
ments In Laying and Meat-Producing
Qualities of Birds.
Prize Winning Single-Comb White Leghorn.
Pure-bred animals are those that
produce their form, nablts or other
distinctive qualities with uniformity.
In order that we may get offsprings
like the parent and like each other we
must - have animals - whose ancestors
tor many generations back have been
of ono type. The more generations of
such uniformity, the more certain It
win do tnat the young will possess
similar quality. ,
The wild animals of any one kind
or cpecies in one locality have been
of similar type for many generations
and may be considered as pure-bred.
By the law of natural selection, indi
viduals not suited to live In that par
ticular locality have been weeded out
When animals are domesticated,
and moved to other climates, and are
fed different foods, only such indi
viduals will live and produce young
as are suited to the new conditions.
But another factor changes domestic
animals more rapidly. Men breed only
such specimens as please their fancy;
and this artificial selection replaces
natural selection. ' During the many
centuries of domestication the chick
ens of different parts of the world
have 'developed Into different types.
When these radically different types
are brought together and crossed we
have produced young that are very
different from the parents and from
each other.' Nor can these young be
depended upon to reproduce offspring
like themselves. They are said to be
cross-bred, or, if the mixing be for
several generations, they are known
as mongrels. 'By selecting from cross,
bred or mongrel stock such chickens
as are desired, and breeding these to
gether for many generations, new
breeds may be established.
One strain ot chickens may be se
lected for uniform color of feathers,
another for a certain size and shape,
another for laying large eggs of a cer
tain color, and yet another strain for
being producers of man eggs. Each
of these strains might be well-bred In
these peculiar traits, but would be
mongrels when the other considera
tions were taken Into account. Breed
ers of pure-bred stock, In making
their selection of breeding animals,
try to consider the desirable qualities
In due order of their relative Im
portance. Thus, with trotting horses
speed is given prominence above
everything else, while in the case of
ewlne or beef oattle attention has been
given to the qualities ot growth and
fattening that make for the profitable
Those About to Begin With
Poultry Should be Advised
to Bo aria With Good
Stock or Esse.
How often have you stopped to
think how much better off you would
have been and; how much time you
would have saved had you started
In with a pair or a trio of good
breeders Instead of the flock of cull
chickens which you purchased and
which even the most experienced poul
tryman would have found difficult In
How often have you thought about
advising those about to start In with
chickens to put their money In good
itock or eggs at the outset instead
of fretting with worthless stock for
two or three seasons before realizing
their mistake?
How often have you given this ad
rice to a deaf ear, become provlked
and then got in a good humor again
when you thought of the fool you
aad been and of the time you bad in
making up your mind to the neces
sity ot starting in all over again, at t
ir devoting a couple ot years to a
production of meat. Only such uni
formity of color and minor, points are
demanded as will serve to distinguish
the breed and give uniformity ot ap
pearance. The standards adopted by
breeders of this class of animals give
relatively small consideration to fancy
poliitft, whereas poultry breeders con
sider about one-half of the value of
their birds to depend on color of
feathers alone, while the Judgment
of shape is based upon the outline
produced by the feathers and not on
the true body shape. The standard
bred poultry fanciers have not been
mainly concerned In producing breeds
ot chickens for the use of the farmer
or practical, grower, as have been the
breeders ofcattle and swine. Men
who pursue animal breeding for pleas
ure alone do not choose large, slow
breeding animals, such as cattle;
neither do animals' wholly worthless
from other standpoints receive much
'attention from breeders. But the hen,
variable in form and color;' inexpen
sive to secure,, readily reared and
capable of producing In brief time
klarge numbers of offspring, and yet
withal capable of paying her way In
food products, has rendered 'possible
the development ot the fancy or standard-bred
chicken business into the
most universal and Important fancy or
artistic-breeding business In the world.
From the attention that has been
given to the .breeding of poultry for
the show room, many people wrongly
Infer that standard-bred poultry is no
better than mongrel stock for com
mercial purposes.
The mongrel chicken Is a production
of chance. Its ancestry represents
everything available in the barnyards
ot the neighborhood, and Its offspring
will be equally varied. In the pure
breeds there has been a rigid selection
practiced that gives uniform appear
ance. The size and shape requirements of
the standard, although not based on
the market demands, comes much
nearer producing an ideal carcass than
does chance breeding. Ability to ma
ture for the fall and winter shows Is a
decidedly practical quality that the
fancier breeds Into his chickens.
Moreover, poultry breeders, while still
keeping standard points in mind, have
also made improvements in the laying
and meat-producing qualities of their
chickens. Considering these facts, it
is an enormous Idea to think that
mongrel chickens offer any advantage
over pure-bred stock for meat or for
flock that no one could have made
to pay for Its feed?
When we look back upon the many
mistakes we made in getting a start
we wonder how we managed to stay
with It It is then we realise why it
Is so many go In for chickens and
fall, and begin to wonder how It hap
pens that more did not give up at
the outset
Paralyzed Hens.
Hens that cannot stand and have
no use of limbs, but seem to be other
wise healthy, are probably paralyzed.
Little can be done for such- birds
and It Is best to dispatch them
Eggs for Hatching.
Eggs must be from good, - strong
stock, fertile and fresh to hatch welL
They must not be subjected to chills,
Jarring, Impure air or too great heat
Advantage With rucks.
One advantage In duck raising is
that there Is very little loss from dis
ease and they are not bothered by
Laying Out Gardens.
In laying out the garden plan to
have the rows as long as possible. This
will lave time In cultivating.
vipers Still Plague France,
One of the divisions of France, the
department of 8elne-et-Marne, has Is
sued Its snake killing budget. It shows
that vipers are almost as numerous
as ever before in the He de France.
They are commonest in the forest of
Fontalnebleau, where one gamekeop-1
cr aioue Kwea 1,815 In the course ot
last year. For this he was paid $125,
and In all the department paid $550 In
the year, being a reward of seven
cents for each viper's head presented.
Nearly 8,000 were killed during thi
Naturalization Papers Not Needed.
The American rule Is that a child
born and remaining In the exclusive
Jurisdiction of the United States is
a citizen, and within Its allegiance
and protection, Irrespective of the
birth or nationality of ks parents,
and hence would not be obliged to
take out papers of naturalization.
Automobile Eye Insurance needed nftet
Expoaura to 8un, Winds and Duat. Murine Eys
Bsmedy freely applied Affords Reliable Relief.
No Smarting Juat Eya Comfort Try Marina.
Damages for Spoiled Beauty.
A curious Judgment was given in a
German court the other day. A lit
tle girl of three who was placed In a
nursing institution, had been bitten, by
the yard dog, the bito leaving a scar
on the cheek. The little one's guar
dian put In a claim, nbt In respect of
the pain caused, but because the scar
had lessened her chances of securing
a husband when she became old
enough to marry. The court upheld
the guardian's claim, and placed the
damaees at. Knn.
Riddle of the 8phlnx.
The Sphinx some sort of fabled
monster proposed a riddle to the
people of Thebes, It Is said, and mur
dered all who could not answer it
Oedipus finally solved It and in cha
grin the Sphinx put herself to death.
The riddle was as follows: "What
goes on four feet In the morning, twe
feet In the artcrnoon and three at
night?" The answer given by Oedlpui
was this:'Man; because he crawls aa
a child, walks upright In hU full
strength and walks with a staff when
an old man."
Existence an Aim.
Lite Is a mission. Every other defi
nition of life Is false,- and leads all
who accept It astray. Religion, sci
ence, philosophy, though still at vari
ance on many points, all agree In this,
that every existence is an aim. Maz
.lnl. ;
Departure Approved.
"I understand your boy Josh is es
perimentlng on the lines of perpetual
motion." "Yes," replied Farmer Corn
tossel. "And I feel some encourage
ment about It.. I thought for awhile
that the only thing Josh was goin' tc
"take lh was perpetual rest."
Not of Value.
When people ask for bread and art
given a stone It Is never a precious
stone. Desert News.
Fred DeNeffe, Marshall, Wash., writes
"I have used Mexican Mustang Liniment
for some time and am well pleused. One
of our horses had a deep cut In her breast
and we used all kinds of medicines without
effect until we tried Mustang Llnimcntand
it healed it up in less than 10 days."
25c 50c 1 a bottle at Dru & G.n'1 Stores
First Book on Education.
' The first book on education evei
written and printed In English was SIi
Thomas Elyot's "Governour," publish
ed In 1531. Much that Is done even
at this day for the education of boyt
and girls in the schools, was suggested
in this book.
jo Years
We have had seventy years
of experience with Ayers
Cherry Pectoral. This
makes us have -great confi
dence in it for coughs, colds,
bronchitis, weak throats, and
weak lungs. We want you
to have confidence in it, as
well. Ask your own doctor
what experience he has had
with it He knows. Keep
in close touch with him.
One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause
tn Increased flow ot bile and produce I
gentle laxative effect the day following.
Formula on each box. Show It to youi
doctor. He will understand at a glance.
Dose, one pill at bedtime, juat one
t Made the I, 0. AIU CO., tesrall, Maes, j
Do You Need Help
For your poor, tired stomach?
For your lazy and sluggish Ever?
For your weak and constipated bowels?
For your general run-down condition?
Then ly ah means TRY
Quarrel Discreet. '
"Why do you employ such elabor
ate circumlocution when you tell a
man that you doubt his veracity?"
"I find It better to use the longest
words possible. If 1 can compel a
man to consult the dictionary to as
certain Just what I mean both our
tempers get a chance to cooL"
Washington Star.
When Your Eyes Need Care
fry Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting Feels
Fine Acta Quickly. Try It lor Red, Weak,
Watery Eyes uud Uramtlnted Eyelids. Illus
trated Book In each Package. Murine la
iompoandnd by our Oculists not ft "1'ntent Mod
iclnu ' but used In uccnssfnl Physicians' I'rao
live for ninny years. Now dedlcutud to the Pub
lic and sold by Drut-glsn at 26o and Mo per Bottle.
Murine Kjo Salvo in Aseptto Tubes, 2fa and duo.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Condu:ts Sunday School In Jail.
Isaac Jones, retired whaler, steam
boat man and soldier of Somerset,
Pa., teaches what Is probably the most
mlque Sunday school class tn the
jountry. For 20 years he has taught
i class In the Somerset county Jail.
During that time six of his pupils, he
to quoted as saying,' have been hanged
ind one other has been convicted of
Mothers will And Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothing
syrup the beat remedy to iisu iut llieil-chUdreu
luring I'-.e teethiug period.
Where Sailors Disagree.
On two topics the great trans-At
lantio steamship companies are not
agreed. Some creep through a fog at
a snail's pace. Others dash througfi
It at topmost speed the quicker out
of It the better. Some Insure heavllj
against loss by fire. Others carry all
their fire risks themselves.
Liquid blue Is a weak solution. Avoid It Buy
Red Cross Hall Blue, the blue that's all blue. Ask
our grocer.
A Man's Affection tor Woman. !
In a recent case In which the ques
tion of affection was an Important Is
lue, the judge spoke wisely as a phil
isopher. It was a bit of enM In th
Iross of the court life of a gfoat wick-
id city. "A man's affection tor a wom
in," said the modern Solomon, "is
ihown by his willlneness to take trou-
le in her behalf, to do little services'
'or her, to do with a willing hand that
A'hlch a man not In love would deem
Jresome, troublesome and disquiet
ng." No thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It's a
pinch of bluo in a mrf?e bottle of water. Ask fun
tied Cross Ball Bluo, the blue t list's all blue,
ocean uatnlng In Spain.
All Spaniards who can afford It go
to the seaside In the summertime.
Here the great" feature Is the bathing.
1 large wooden building is erected at
lome distance from the shore, inside
f which the law demands that all the
women must bathe, no men being al
lowed anywhero in the vlninifv nnn.
tag the bathing hours muslo Is play
u mine inciosure, and refreshments
ire served on the nmmiana
m ww wa anj
iwlmming Is out of the question and
uwning accidents unknown.
Practical Query.
My little bov stood onen.mntithni.
While a friend elaborated the details
or a sudden death. The pa' lent bad
not been considered very seriously 111,
and bis nurse entered, bringing a
baked potato for which the sick man
had expressed a wish. "But." said mv
friend, "before he had tasted it. h
Hied." I deprecated the sadness of
uca recital before the child, but I
need not have feared. His baby voice
piped out: "And what became ot the
potato?" Harper's Weekly.
Frequent Falling.
Borne men talk so loud thev attmt
attention and call It personal mag
netism. Atchison Globe.
uiss. neat, mean.
ornamental, eonvea
teat, ehsap. Lasta
all ssasea. Mad ot
metal, can't spill or
tlposrt will not soil
or Injure anything.
Guaranteed eSsotive
ale ay eealsra ot
UiOtO aonut, UODeKalb Ira., BieUn.aVT
v sant pnpeia lor SI.