NO It Isn't a Second Hand Store AM those watches on the wall : at well as the old clocks sit : ling around are there are to be repaired by Jack Pelmulder 'the Quality Watchmaker and ' Emrraver. He makes them ran like new. Palace Restaurant Bid. Toledo, - Oregon FOR SALE. House boat, practically new, size 12x18, one room, a'so range in soon Will be sold right if taken nl ewe. Call at light plartnighjts. F. R. Weaver. HOULEUX. The fine imported French Pereh erou stallion Houleux will make the season of 1912 as follows: Eddy villo. Toledo and Siletz. Dates will be given later. I. J. Pepin, Owner. WANTED Umbrellas to repair. Jennings Keith. SEWING WANTED. Enquire at Rosebrook's house on Grove stieet. Ellen Kullander. ."KOTICK FOR Pl'IiLICATlOX. V. S. Land Office al Portland, Orejion. Serial 01312 . May 1, 1912. Koiiee Is hereby given thai llnjtli I!erry,o( TMerreter, Oregon, who, on January 31st, 1!H)7, ma'.c hnuio-tead entry No. 1C!B0, serial, No. 0VA2 forw!t. section 29, Township 13 South, Range J Went, Willamette Meridian, hns filed notice of Inicntou to male Final Five Year I'roof oilKblish elalm to the land above described wfire tho County Clerk o( Lincoln County, -rern., at Toledo, Oregon, on the 2d day ot July, 1312. (Minonliiames as witnesses: lieorxa v! Pulse, Daniel A. Barclay, Milton A.KM:m.uiid George N. Barclay, all of Tldo- water, Orejjou. II. F. Hiouy, Register. ' NOTICli OF COSTF.8T C.S. Land Otllcc, Portland, Oregon May 15th, 1912. Tn Archie Sweet of Philomath, Oregon, Con t.oe : ' 1'au are here'ty notified that Frank E. Van Ordeu. who glvei Eugene, Oregon, a his post Me address, did on April 22, 1912, file In this oMe his duly corroborated application to r on- ml and secure the cancellation of your home ml, entry Serial No. C2M, made July 1, 1909, hrU n!i, c'i nw' aud ne'i sw), 8ectlon 12,Twuslilp 13 South, UangeS West of. Will. uaue Meridian, and as grounds for his con test lie alleges that said Archie Sweet, entry tnea baa wholly abandoned said claim ever i;e making suld entry: that said entrymaa never before or after entry made any settle' mentor Improvements on said land; thit bo Merer established a residence on said land; that be never cultivated any portion ot said land and that said laud Is today In itsoilglnal VIM Ktate of nature. ' Ton nre, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be taken by this office us lvlag been confessed by you, and your said ratxy will be canceled thereunder without )or further right to be heard therein, cither before this office or on appeal, If you fall to bit: in this nltlce within twenty days after the l'OCBTll publication of this notice, as shown Wow, your answer, under oath, specifically tiseetjug aud responding to these allegation il contest, or If you fill within that time to Ale In this oftlce due proof that you have ser ved copy of your answer on the said conte iarU cither In person or by registered mail. If Ma service Is made by the delivery of a copy f your answer tn the contestant In person proof of euch service must be either the said aieetanti written acknowledgement ot hie tercipt of the copy, showing the da,e ot It re ceipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the dell vory was made statlnijwhen and whore thecopy was delivered ; If made by registered umtl, proof of such sarvlce must consist of the Odavll of the persoa by whom the copy was nailed Mating whea and the pint oltlce to wMeh it was mailed, and this atlldavit must be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt (or the lettor. Vou should state In yonr answer the name of trie post oflice to which you desire further unices to be sent to you. II. F. IIigby, Register. ' J. C. Ahdrky, Hecelver Bate of first publication Mday, May 21. 1912. - second " " " 81. " third . " ' . " June 7, " - - fourth," " " " . " KtiTICE Or FINAL BETTLKMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the final account ((,. U.MoCiuskey as administrator of the es tate t Mrs. S. Demls. deceased, has beeu tiled iathei'ouuly Conrlot Lincoln County, State ( Urexou. and that Monday the 1st day of Jm , 1M2, uttheluiurof 10 o'clock a. m., has 4hvii duly appolnled by said court for the . bearing t objections to raid final account and tfc twill smtnt thereof, at which time any per suns I titricated in said estate may appear nnd tie objection, thereto in wilting aud contest ' the eaine. 0. B. MeCLUBKEY. Admlnlstratorof the estate of Mre.8. Uomls, .deceased. I Large, new, line of shoes at T. , P. Fish's. I Mr. Hassman was ud from the Lower Bay Monday. Lee Bateman came over from Si letz Wednesday evening. ! Mr. and Mrs. Anton Jacobson were Salem visitors last week. j S. H. Beatty of Chitwood was a county seat visitor Saturday even ing. j John Hanlon and Newt Guilliams of Beaver Creek were Toledo visit ors Monday. TMrs. C. B. Crosno and daughter, Mice 'Pi Ilia tMcifa1 T'n fieri a V Wilt-Vl' iTl lCa3 JLlllJlTf V It3l ItU UMUHJ If Vl friends at Elk City. Fred Olson was down from Chit wood Wednesday 'transacting busi ness at the county seat.. Miss Cressie .Warnock and friend Miss White went to Nortons on the excursion Sunday evening. Miss Bulah Wood returned to her home at Chitvvuod Saturday, after a few days' visit in this city. . Ben Horning came over from Cor vallis Saturday evening and spent Sunday visiting Toledo friends. W. E. Ball went to Portland Tuesday as a delegate to the Masonic Grand Lodge in session there this week. Contractor John Ebbe went to Pioneer Tuesday and made arrange ments for starting the county quarry. Clarence Ofstedahl, bookkeeper at the Oregon Lumber & Construc tion company's mill, is a Portland visitor this week. Register B. F. Jones of the United States land office at Rose burg was renewing acquaintances with, old friends !n this county last week. Wm. Crawford and granddaugh ter, Miss Frances Avery, went to Portland Tuesday morning where they will visit relatives and attend the Festival. Mrs. Fogarty arrived from Enter prise, eastern uregon, lucsuay evening and is visiting her sons, Frank and Jack. . She expects to make her home in this city. Mrs. John Nye returned last Sat urday evening from Seattle where she has been visiting for several mmths with her daughter, Zoa. Claude Davies and Hugh Corgan returned last Saturday evening from a visit to their claims on the Santiam. Hugh's brother, Hi. returned with him for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. C . Kubler came up from Newport Wednesday and went up to their ranch on Mill Creek where they will remain until after the berry season. Miss Esther Copeland and party of 12 schoolmates came over from the Monmouth State Normal school and Spent Sunday at the beach. Esther and three of her classmates, Misses Mable Temple, Sarah Mickel- flon and Ruth Twohy, came up on the steamer Truant Sunday evening from Newport and visited with her father and brother here, going out on the train Monday morning. Red Nail and Fox Hound pups for sale; $2 and $2.50. O. A. Copeland, Toledo. FOR SALE 5-h. p. i -cycle Hildreth marine engine. Complete with clutch, shaft and Perfex spark ignition. Price $85 if taken at once. Chas. Hyde, Toledo. JUNlTw ANTED. I will buy all your rubber, brass and copper. Bring same to the shoe ehop. Mike Strylewicz. FOR SALE. Eggs from thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rocks, good laying strain $1 per setting of 13. J. L. Whiteis. Toledo, Or. WANTED AGENT. To handle best Automobile built in America. Exclusive in this county. Built by Old Time Line Manufacturer. Life guarantee Self starting. Long wheel base. No deposit required. Prefer dealer now in business but will consider live people who will enter busness. This agency includes a complete Correspondence Sales Course. Lar gest discount ever offered. Deal direct with factory. Address Sales Manager, 690 Washngton St., Port land, Oregon. Johnny Peterson and wife came over from Albany Sunday and spent the day. . E. T. Raddant of Upper Farm was a county seat visitor several . days this week. WANTED Washings and work to do at reasonable prices. Call on Mrs. W. H. Conibear. "A. L. McDonald of Chitwood was a Toledo visitor Sunday. He and wife are attending the Rose Fes tival at Portland this week. L. H. Payne and C. B. Crosno bave formed a partnership in the real estate business. They will oc cupy the office formerly occupied by Mr. Crosno. A school meeting for the election of school clerk and director for the ensuing year will be held at the schoolhouse in each district on the 17 of this month. Jay Dunn this week purchased an up to date, two seatnd surrey from Newton & Nye the hardware men. Jay now possesses one of the nicest turnouts in the county. . The uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy has made it a favorite every where. T. - , . j Til A It Can always be depenued L upon. For sale by all dealers TWENTY PER CENT ON YOUR MONEY SEEMS.. LARGE, but we can show you where you can make it by putting neat bunalows on our lots in Honeymoon block, on the Shortcut between Newport and Nyebeach. Let us try. Rickman & Smith, Newport, Or. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lin coln. Notie i3 hereby given that the undersigned hc.s been appointed Ex ecutor of the estate of Jdsiah S. Copeland, deceased, and that Let ters Testamentary has been issued to him by the County Court of the C'tunty of Lincoln, for the State of Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same duly veri fied as by law required to me at the office of J. F.Stewart, attorney, at Toledo, Oregon, within six months trom date hereof. Dated this 15th day of May, 1912. A. W. Morgan, Executor of the Estate of Josiah Copeland, deceased. First publication. May 17, 1912. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for, Lincoln County. Emma Fllzhugh, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph K. Fltzhugh. Defendant.; To Joseph K Fltzhugh, the above named De fendant: In the Name ot the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above en titled suit within six weoks from June 14, 1912, which Is the date ot the first publication here' of, and If you so fall to appear and answer, for want thereof plaintlfl wllt apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint horeln, towlt: For a decreu of the above en titled Court dissolving the marriage contract heretofore and now existing between this plaintiff and yourself, and forever divorcing the plain tiff herein from you, and for such other and further relief as to the Court shall Beem mete and equitable. Service ot this summons Is made on you by publication hereof by order ot Honorable O. H Gardner, Judge ot the County Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, made on the 12th. day of June, 1912. directing that said publica tion be nmdo in the "Lincoln County Leader" n weekly newspaper ot general circulation published at Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, and that said publication be made once a week for six successive weeks. Date of first publication, June 14, :9'.2. Date of last publication, luly 2G, 1912. C. J. Mahoney ' Attorney tor Plaintiff. NOTICE OF STATUTORY TAX SALE. Notice is hereby given that as lax Collector of Lincoln county, Oregon, and in pursuance of an or der of the County Court, of said county and state, I will on the 13th day of July, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the courthouse, at Toledo, Lin coln county, Oregon, proceed to sell all property to which said county or other public corporation has ac quired title by virtue of sale for taxes to the highest bidder for cash at the time and place above-named, provided, however, that no bid shall be received for a less sum than the amount of the delinquent tax, penalty and interest, for which said property was so.d to said county. , Dated at Toledo, Oregon, June 14th, 1912. Bert Geer, Sheriff. HOMESEEKERS. I have on hand now a large list of places both large and small, from one acre to 1500 acres. Some good bargains. Also Toledo and New port town property. If you want to sell or buy it will pay you to see me.' R. N. Warnock, v the Real Estate Man. FOR SALE. Five fresh milk cows. Fred Burkhalter. On James Place. FOR SALE. "A Babcock Tester and Butter Worker, aimost new. Cheap. Ap ply to . William Ssarth. WASHINGS WANTED. Washings wanted to do. Will call for and return it. Mrs. II. R. Stratton WANTED. . Laundry work. Will call for and deliver same. Mrs Keith. BIDS WANTED. The clerk of school district No. 51 in Lincoln county, Oregon, will receive bids up till 1 o'clock p. m. June 17, 1912, for a new school house, to be built in said district. IIC UUIIUlll la LU UC J J.CCL YVIUU , 3Q fefit ong wUh tweve foQt eaves. A partition to be six feet ' 'from the front end. to form a cloak room. One door to enter the cloak room from the out side and two doors to enter the main room from the cloak room. All doors to be 2 ft. 8 in. by 6 ft. 8 in. There is to be nine windows, two in the front i two in the back and five on the left side. Each window to have two sashes with four lights to the sash, j Each pane to be 12x14. Three sills running lengthwise and one across each end. The sills are to be at least 6x6. A porch in front to be ! six feet wide and eight feet long. A flue to be built of brick in the back end of the building. It is to ex tend at least 4 ft. below the ceiling. The house is to be covered with cedar shingles laid 4 inches to the weather. The building is to be painted. The foundation must be cedar blocks, four on each side and two at each end; and also the inside should be ceiling and the outside must De rustic, not wider tnan eight inches; one coat of paint on outside and the inside: the outside fnust be fir lumber also the floor; the ceiling can be spruce lumber. The school board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Jos. Sijota, District Clerk, Kernville. Oregon. BIDS WANTED. Sealed bids for slashing of ight of way 40 feet wide and grading of Salmon River road from Station 41 plus 86 at north end of Logan bridge, to Station 70 in accordance with plans ard specifications on file in County Clerk s office. Also Bids for the slashing of 40 feet of right of way, and the clearing of a strip 16 feet wide in center of right of way (by clearing it is in tended lo clear the strip 16 feet wide of all down timber and the cutting of all brush and timber to a level of the suiface) from the west end of J. A. West road to the intersection of Salmon River road, near Logan Bridge, in Road Dis trict No. 17. Also Bids for the clearing, grubbing and grading of right of way under plans and specifications on file in County Clerk's office, from Station 360 plus 50 at north end of Tom Ackerson Bridge to Station 400. Also for placing rock from Mes singer field, or other convenient point under direction of road sup ervisor. Bids to . be by the yard for the placing of rock, to be measured at point of delivery on the above grade. Bids are to be filed on each pro position seperately and to be filed with County Clerk on or before June 21, 1912. P. Deakin, Road Supervisor Road Dist. No. 17 Road Supervisor has copies of pro files of grades and other informa tion concerning the above work. THE YAQUINA BAY LAND AND ABSTRACT COHPANY SARA CRAHEN, Manager TOLEDO, OREGON Have an up-to-date and complete set of Abstracts of Liucoln County. The Veritable Candy Kid is almost any youngster who gets a first taste of our pure and whole some candy. It gives them an ap petite for more and it is so cleanly and pure; in its inrgfdients and in the manner of its making, that children thrive on it. We have an infinate Variety, all delicious and nutritious, and it is fresh. Though high in qualiyt it is moderate in price. "Get the Habit.". Palace of Sweets AL WAUCH, Prop. For a burn or scald apnly Cham berlain's Salve. It will "allay the pain almost instantly end quickly heal the injured parts. For sale by all dealers. KUMMOXS. In the Clrcuit;court of tho State of for Lincoln county. Alfred Slanton, Plaintiff Oregon. K. D. Thorn and Betsy O. Thorn, Defendants. To K. IJ. Thorn and Betsy O. Thorn, the with in named defendants: In the name of the Stale of Oregon, yon and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of tho plaintiff in tho above enlitled suit now on file in the of fice of County Clerk of idh above entitled Court on or liefiiro tho dav la' t named In the order for publication of this summons mnde by the Honorable .(.'has. 11. Gardner, County Juilgo of Uncoln County, Oregon, being the county wherein the above entitled suit Is j endiux in the Circuit t.i.urt for said County und stntc; winch said order unci time for answering said summons are hereinafter re ferred to to-wlt: on or before six weeks after the date ot toe first publication hereof; nnd You are hereby notified that il you fail to answer the said complaint at herein icquired for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho above entitled Court for tho riliet demanded In plaintiff's complaint, namely; for a decree of said Court that plaintiffs litle to the south- half of tho souiheast quarter ol section liirty two lu township ten south of rsii;e ten west aim mo northwest quarter ol the northeast quarter and tho northeast quarter of ihn northwest quarter of section five in township eleven south of niniio ten west of the Willam ette Meridian, is good and valid; that you iuu sum ueicnoauis nor either of you, havo no estate, right, title nor interest whatever In or to sold lauds nor any part thereof mid that any and all claims that you may claim against said land is wrongful aud without any right whatever; that you the aaid defendants be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim w hatever of, lu or lo said lands or any part thereof, advorse to this plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable aud just. This summons Is published in the Lincoln County Leader once a week for six succes sive and consecutive weeks, lieglnnlna with tho isiue of June 7th, 1912, and ending with the issue of July luih, 1912. under and lu pursuance of the directions contained in an order made by the Hon. Chas. H. Gardner, County Judge of Lincoln County, Oregon, (being the county in which the above entitled suit Is ponding In the Circuit Court for said County and State) which said order Is dated June 5th, 1911. HAWKINS & McCLL'SKEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Laudcfllce. Portland, Oregon, Serial 01397 May 25, 1912. Notice Is hereby Riven that Perry G. Wheeler, of Rose Lodge, Oregon, who, on August 22, 1907, made homestead entry No. 16311, Serial No. 01397, for t4, nwJi soo, !2 and e ne'i sec. si, township 6 south, range 10 west Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of lutentlon to make Bnal three year proof to cstaollsh olalm to the land anove described, before the County Clerk of Lincoln countv, Oregcn, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 10th doy of July, 1912. .:iitimant names as witnesses: William J. McDonald of Rose Lodra. and Allen M. Royte. John Mulr aud Bert Oviatt, allot Oils, Oregon. . If. HIGBY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. 8. Landofflce, Portland, Oregon. Serial 01895. May 25th, 1912. Noti.-e is hereby given that William J. Mc Donald, of Rose Lodge, Oregon, who, on Au gust 14th, 1907, made homestead en'try No 16308, Serial No. 01395, for sw! seel ion 82. township 6 south, range 10 west, Willam ette Morldlait, hac filed notice of Intention to mako final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above doscribed before the County Clerk of Lincoln county, Oregon, at Toledo Oregon, on the 10th day of July, luia, Claimant names as witnesses: Perry G. Wheeler, and Allen M. Kovse of Rose Lodge, Or., aud John Muir and Bert Ovlutt of Otis, Oiejjon. H. F. Hiobv, Register. It is worse than useless to take any medicine internally for muscu lar or chronic " rheumatism. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. 'For sale by all dealers.