(XXL ffeJ t4 I at. u II h a m a it b Hi ryi . tvsn mi in VOLUME 20 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1912 NUMBER 15 COUNTY NEWS News of each Community Gathered each week by Our Rustling Associate Editors Waldport The Wilhelmina came in Tuesday of last week and left Friday. . The Condor has been beached and is receiving a new coat of paint. Hugh Hildebrand is visiting at the Banta ranch up the river. The sidewalk on the east side of Mill street has been completed. Miss Mary Murphy has been spending a few day at Toledo. A. E. Helms is building a 40x40 barn for W. F. Keady. The auto running between Wald port and Yachats is kept busy these days. E. M. Nye Is putting up a resi dence near the grammar school. The south end will send a good crowd to the County Fair in Au gust. It is hoped the County Court will be generous with so worthy an undertaking as the plac ing of our products before the pub lic. What is good for other countys surely oueht to be eood for us and there are no taxpayers in this part of the county who would be so little as to object to an appropria tion of the county funds for this purpose. Huston of Corvallis Miss Simpson over Miss Helen visited with Sunday. The O.A.C. excursion made Elk City a call. They were here about twenty minutes while the official photographer took pictures of the sights. And the naughty students picked Mrs. Winskill's strawberries. Mrs. George Hodge of Salado was in town Tuesday with her daughters. We understand from the town gossip we are to have a change in the business affairs of the city. The dance at Van Orden hall Saturday evening was attended by most of the young people in this vicinity. The freight train crew had bad luck with their engine and re mained at Pioneer until late Friday evening. Glen Siletz E. P. Rands, U. S. surveyor, and corps of assistants are here laying out the Siletz townsite; When the survey is completed and lots sold watch us grow. W. C. Fischer stopped over a couple of days on his way to Toledo to attend teachers' institute. He has been teaching at Taft the past Winter and Spring. Miss Elsie Raddant, the Ageny Government school teacher left Sun day afternoon to attend the county institure. Miss Hampton and Mis3 Knauff, our district teacher, also attended the meeting. Our cheese factory is certainly humming . The first ten days of operation it handled over twelve tons of milk. Mr. Franks says that We have been having some very rainy weather, which 8 suitable for the gardens. W. R. Moore came over from To ledo last Saturday for a few days' visit with his family. Sam Stewart returned home from the Valle v last Monday, where he has been the past ten days. His sister and family also returned home with him. John Crooks and brother returned home from the Valley last week where they have been on business. Everett Brown went to Elk City the first of the week. be played by the Blodgett team and Little Elk nines. The Blod gett team has engaged the cham pion pitcher, "Brown," and all lovers of the game should not miss the opportunity of seeing this wonderful ball player. Rayview Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson re turned home Saturday. They have been visiting friends at Trout Lake, Washington. Mrs. Oakland and daughter, Hil da, have been visiting relatives in Portland. They returned home last Saturday. Fred Strake made a flying trip to the Alsea valley last week. Mrs. . Twombly is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kent, this week. Mrs. Hansen returned home from Portland Saturday. Charlie Johnson is staying with G. Prescott these days Henry Hc-ndrickson went to West Yaquina Saturday morning and came back in the evening. continuous downDour. Wednesday. They said they ,.. v i n 4.u ' land buyers and were going up Willie Kessie and Dorothy Mar-;, . . ' u oa 'j.. a: I letz r.ver. nil, uic applicants lur can giaucui- were Si- Jesse Stone is clearing on his ranch recently purchased of Phin- ley Bones. - Miss Myrtle Cox went to Portland Tuesday morning. Cha?. Hassman of Yaquina was in the city yesterday. Roy Case of Newport was a To ledo visitor Tuesday. W. E. Hanoln of Yaquina was a Toledo visitor Wednesday. ; Mrs. Emily Ogt'en went to Trout- dale Monday for a visit with her son. Collector of Customs, 0. V. Hurt Pearl Gates attended institute atjof Yaquina was a Toledo visitor Toledo this week, returning Wed-i Weduesday. nesday. I Will and Frances Simpson of Elk J. H. Wolfensperger left for, City were visiting friends in Toledo Portland on Monday. last Saturday. Elmer Horning and Johnny Essie ! A special meeting of the County held plomas in District 58, were both successful. Isaac Bois of Canada, who pur chased the Milt Young place, has arrived with his wife and daughter to make their home here. One daughter remained in Canada where she is teaching and will join them when her school closes. John Bois and Frank Mulvaney went to Blodgett with two teams Sunday to move Mr. Isaac Bois to Harlan. . Ona Miss Gertrude Phelps and Miss Harlan Upper Beaver Creek. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lewi3 have returned home after a six weeks' stay in Tillamook and Portland. J. C. Huntsucker was a county seat visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bowers and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lewis spent Sunday with L. F. Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Bart McKin ney. Mrs. T. N. Hewitt has not been he will make up an exhibition for jenjoying good health for some time. the County Fair that will be a credit to not only us but to the county. And by the way, did it ever strike you how Blow we are, how we over look the opportunities at our door? We of Lincoln county with the best of nature's gifts, the finest dairy land in the world, not one creamery and but four or five cheese factories, as against forty-two cheese factor ies in Tillamook county, with an annual output of over half a mil lion dollars for cheese and as much more from associate industries. Get together in every little com munity, make up your minds to do it and get at it. We were green here but we sent outside, had a cheese man come in and tell us all Mrs. J. C. Huntsuckser and sons, Ira and Cliff, were the guests of Mrs. G. E. Lewis Thursday. L. F. Smith i very 6ucessful with his young turkeys. G. E. Lewis and J. M. Bowers were Newport visitors last week. Mr. Weaver has been taking strawberries to market for some time. Eddyville. Eddyville is still on the map. The recent ram showers have in sured a bumper hay crop. The ap' nlf crnn is nnsr dnncer and larcer .... i f " " r - f o about it. paid his expenses ana are i tn9n for gome years. glad of it. Call on us, we will help you. Landlord Joe Kosydar is around with a broad smile on his face. His wife presented him with a fine baby boy on the night of the 22d. Too bad it rained Sunday. Siletz would have turned out en masse to see the game at Toledo between the two teams. Elk City. ' A few drops of rain keep3 the gardens looking fine. Judge Bingham of Salem, with his wife and daughter, spent Sun day at Hotel Elk. Alden Abbey and Dorris Dalaba catne in Sunday on the excursion and spent the day at home. Paris Parks with his pae'e came down Tuesday and captured the bear that has been living on goat meat furnished by Dick Abbey. Claud Toner came up with his launch and epent Sunday at Elk City. E. H. Vader, our main street merchant, will start a branch store at Agate Beach. N. P. Jensen went to the Valley Friday to purchase, goats, return ing home Tuesday. Jim Solon started for Redding, California. Wednesday, where he will work during the Summer. Out of five Eighth Grade pupils who took the examination in the Eddvville school this present term one, Earl Welton, was entirely sue cessful; two were conditional in two studies and will take the ex amination in June and two- failed. Miss Bowman will continue teach ing until after the June cxamina tion. ' The Eddyville grange will give a picnic the 8th of June. A good program has been arranged and cash prizes will be give for foot races, wrestling matches, high jumps, etc. Some noted speaker will be engaged, probably James Withycombe of 0. A. C. of Cor vallis. A game of baseball will John M itchier is building a large new barn on his Spout creek ranch. The road supervisor, B. F. Grant, is out with a crew of men repairing the roads. J. F. Barber donated some road work this week filling in the ruts from his place to Mr Payne s. W. W. January. P. H. Martin and George Kinney also donated half a day and filled a deep mudhole in the lane between Carter's and Mar tin's. " '""' Miss Queen's pupils are having holiday this week while she attends institute. Mr. Bethsrs was visiting the school here last week. Miss Bessie Grant entertained her friends with a dancing party Saturday night. The young people danced till 11:30 when they started home, all declaring they had had a jolly time. George Miller is over from Cor vallis to build. Mr. Mitchler's barn. The crops, gardens and fruit are looking fine, and the people here should have something for the Fair. H. W. Jacobs passed through Harlan on his way home from To ledo. He reports his wife's health somewhat improved this Spring, and he hopes to be able to move back to his ranch this Fall. The many friends here of Miss Jennie Timberlake were surprised to hear of her marriage to Mr. Bohannon. Miss Timberlake has taught a number of successful schools in this county. Mr. Bohan non has a ranch on Drift creek where they will make their home. The residents of the east end o the county are talking of forming a new school district, which is much needed as some of the children have almost three miles to go to school, which is too far. C. A. Callahan was a visitor at the cuunty seat last week. Mr. Kinney has the lumber on the ground to enlarge and remodel his residence. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. January visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daviuson, at Peak last week. They reported Mr. Cramer, who vas burned when the house was de stroyed, as having some painful burns on his back and shoulders but getting along as well as could be expected. Mr. Davidson will re build as soon as he can get the lumber hauled. Giles January is putting in logs at the Miller sawmill for lumber for a store building and blacksmith shop. They expect to build a hall over the store,- which is much need ed for public gatherings. Sunday wa3 a disappointing day J to the baseball fans. There waa a of Toledo took a party of timber cruisers through Ona on their way to Florence. They were Mr. Christy of Pittsburg, Penn., Mr. Lonsbury of Portland and Mr. Hoover of San Francisco. They staved Saturday night at the Com Commissioners' Court will be here June 6th. Harvey Park3 returned Tuesday m 11 f ' A. around Llk Lity. Mrs. C. H. Gardner returned last mnnaronAh crninr nn thpir wnv J Saturday evening irom a momn a Sunday morning Mr. Saunders of near Seal Rocks was at On Monday going on through with the mail carrier to Toledo. Mrs. Hattie Edwards and Mrs. J. H. Wolfersperger, JohnCoovert, Lloyd and Fred Commons spent Sat-! urday evening at the A. H. Phelps home. ' I r- t- t-w : .1 n jr ? A -t Miss nose uome nu mias ijjuea Cook of South Beaver attendeu in stitute at loleilo this week. Schooner Creek a business C F. Robertson was caller at Taft Tuesday. Adam Pylkkanen was quite badly hurt by a tree falling and hitting him on the head, while grubbing in the county road Saturday. Phinley Bones, the supervisor, is getting along nicely with his crew of 31 men. They finished tho grade from the Wallace place to J. W. Bones' house, ready for Summer autos now, and are opening the road on the survey from Taft to Jakie's Tideland and then will commence at Andrew Immor.on's pace and finish opening the survey as long as the money holds out. The boat, Gerald C, is in at the cannery with lumber and machinery for that place. May showers bring June flowers. Mrs. Pearlie Fuller is visiting with Mrs. Leona Bones this week. Mr. George, who has been staying with his sister, Hallie, started for N.-wport Tuesday morning. Mrs. Minnie Aho was a guest at Mrs. Robertson's Wednesday. Mrs. Robertson was calling on Mfs. McClintock Tuesday. Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. Bones were visiting with Mrs. Farrin Monday. Miss Jennie Stemple is staying with her teacher, Mis3 George, while her brother is at Newport. Lilly and Abie Liswig were visit ing at the Lake Sunday. Miss Susie Sulkko left for Port land Sunday after spending the Winter .with her sister, Mrs. Kan gas. Remember the dance at the can nery June 1. Everyone invited. Miss Selmn Saaranpaa is visiting with Mrs. Johnson at the Lake this week. Mrs. 'Fuller and Miss Nellie Bones called at Mrs. Robertson's Wednesday. Alvin Thorp was . cn the Creek Wednesday. Two strangers on their way to Taft from Willamina passed through vitit in California. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Reeder and children came up from Yaquina Wednesday morning. Ordinances are posted ordering the planking of Hill street from S3cond to Fifth street. Hugh Corgan and Claud Davies lefi, for their claims on the Santi- am Wednesday morning. Charles Lillard of Harlan was a transacting huinpss in the county Eeai the firit of the week. S. J. Brown came down from Summit on the excursion train last Sunday, returning in the evening. Miss Ena Stout, who is teaching a': Tidewater, was here this week attending the teacher's annual in stiture. Jack Morgan returned on the ex cursion train Sunday from the Grand Lodge of Oddfellows at Fe.idleton. Miss Ida Hu -ley is visiting her parents here t .is week and attend ing the institute. She is teaching ! school at Tidewater. Walt Harding of the C. & E. bridge crew came over from Philo math Saturday evening and spent Sar.day wifrhw fim'.ly. George Walker and crew Tuesday began the construction of the yacht for Morse & Company at Mr. Wal ker's shipyard in this :ity Miss Elsie Raddant, teacher in the Government Indian school at Silefz, was in town this week at tending the teachers' institute. W. C. Fischer, who has been teaching school during the past Winter on Lower Siletz, is here at tending the teachers' institute. The excursion last Sunday brought over the mail and will continue to do so each Sunday hercater. This Sunday mail service is highly ap preciated by the people on this bay. W. Pollock of Albany was in the city Monday evening. He loaded a car of chittim bark while here which he has had stored in the city warehouse the past several months. Mrs. Seth Rowe and children re turned home from Cottage Grovo Monday evening, where they have been the past Winter. Mrs. J, Walker, a sister or Mrs. uowe, ac companied them and will visit here this Summer. The Nenamosha arrived homo from Portlund Saturday morning,' This was the vessel's first trip to that city and Capiain Davies re ports a pleasant trip both going and returning. They crossed in over the Siletz bar on the return trip and delivered a lot of freight. Sherm Bateman, and E. J. Smith were acting as crew.