Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 10, 1912, Image 1

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    "C f rf
Myron Brooks has a contract to
cut forty ricks of wood for the
school district.
Miss Mary Murphy, who has had
charge of the primary grades of
the Waldport grammar school for
the past year, has been engaged to
teach in the Corvallis schools next
Chcs. Thompson is visiting this
week at the home of Mr. Wheelock
cn Drift creek.
T e copy for the High School book
lias been set to the Leader office and
will be ready in a short time. Wald
port business men have been liberal
with their patronage in the adver
tisi" rj section.
"" discharge fire arms in front of
a esidence after dark may be con
i idered a good joke bv the simple
winded but it is in violation of our
state laws and is anything but a
joke to the women and children
County Commissioner Charles N.
Thompson has resigned his office.
Owing to ill health Mr. Thompson
feels that he is unable to give the
proper attention to the work. It
is very much regretted that Mr.
Thompson has taken this step for
the voters of this end of the county
feel that he has always had their
interests at heart.
Elk City.
Apples of all kind seem to pros
pect well for a crop.
George Hodges made a business
trip to Seattle the past week.
Mrs. Abbey is visiting in the
Rose City.
The Mutual Telephone company
has the short line completed from
Elk City to Toledo. .
James Bell and 'Gne Powers
were down from Pioneer Monday.
Lon Sharp was'-a visitor from
Mill creek Sunday.
several pleasures seeKers are
among the trout the past week.
V. B. Knott and wife of Sioux
City, Iowa, are enjoying the calm
wpather of the coast at Hotel Elk
the past week.
Mrs. K. D. Woodford .of Newport
visited Mrs. W. E. Simpson the past
week. Mrs. Simpson returned to
Newport with her.
Mrs. Chas. Allen is visiting wjth
friends in Eastern Oregon for a
Big Elk ranchers are commencing
to turn in cream for shipment to
Valley creameries. Yaquina Valley
should support a creamery at'E'.k
C. L. Morrision is manager and
walking boss on the Mutual Tele
phone line these days.
Dr Burgess made a flying call on
Sunday with his new launch
"Ferro II." Some faw it and others
said it was a tidalwave, while others
knew it was an airship. Come
again, Doc, but blow the whistle so
we can all see.
The late rain filled the Elk City
Lumber company's boom full of
logs and made others smile.
No special mad tax for this year
will make there interested be more
careful in conducting meetings. If
all were interested the tax would be
pa'd without a question. But as
it is we find corporatens and some
individuals are opposed to good
The dates for the coming Lincoln
County Fair seems to be satisfatory
to most everyone. It is too early
for late apples but will come in
time for several varieties of har
vest apples that will be prime, and
vegetables will be near enough to
make a good showing. As it has
been we were between the late and
ear'y products.
Mrs. Sam Hill spent Friday after
noon with Mrs. S. A. Holmgreen.
Mr. Roberts passed through Ona
on Friday, taking orders for the
Oregon Nursery Company.
The friends of Mrs. A.H. Phelps
surprised her at her home on Satur
day evening, the occasion being her
birthday. She was remembered bv
way of a kitchen shower. The
evening was passed pleasantly with
music and dancing.
Mrs. Walter Weber spent Sunday
at the R R. Gwynn home.
A. H. Phelps and son, Clifford,
made the trip to Yaquina Tuesday.
Mrs. L. M. Commons and Mrs. A.
H. Phelps spent Tuesday afternoon
at the S. A. Holmgreen home.
The steam wood saw, belonging
to J. H. Wolfersperger was heard
merrily buzzing away at the Com
mons ranch Saturday.
Riverside V
R. L. Calkins and wife and baby
returned from Portland Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fuller are in on
a visit.
The Riverside ball team will or
ganize next Sunday. We will chal
lenge any ball team then.
Mr. and' Mrs. W. W. Grant van
visiting home folks Sunday. Mr.
Grant killed the largest bear that
has been shot for some time.
Mr. Folmsbee was up the river on
business Saturday.
Well, the primary election is over
and nobody killed although one fel
low has a broken heart.
Bay View.
Forest Rangers Durbin and Ca
hoon went up Drift creek Tuesday.
George Prescott went up Drift
creek Monday and returned home
Tuesday evening.
Herb Twombly visited his broth
er, Kurt this week.
Milt Beerh delivered a scow load
of lumber from his own mill for
Mr. Ryan here at Bayview Friday.
The swallows are with us once
more and Spring is hastening on.
Mrs. J. R. Walker visited friends
at Lutjens one day last week.
Miss, Johanna Hanson came home
from Portland this week.
Lillian Strake spent the week
with friends in Bay View.
The dance at Mr. Dyers Saturday
night was well attended. There
were several from Beaver Creek,
also irom Drift creek.
School began Monday with Miss
Wilson (s tracher.
I wish to thank the many friends
for their kindness and assistance
during the sickness of mv wife, and
for the many beautiful floral offer
ings and many other exDressions of
their sympathy at her death and
burial. Z Sincerely.
Louis Hamar.
Eddyville, Or., May 9, 1912.
Sealed bids are asked for the con
struction work of bridge over the
Yaquina at Eddyville, in accord
ance with plans and specifications
on file in the County Clerk's office.
All materials to be delivered on cars
at Eddyville. All bids to be filed
with County Clerk on or before May
31, 1912. W. F. Wakefield,
Road Supervisor Dist. 11.
The schools all over the county
have been preparing for the Fair
this coming August, and their show
ing at this and the Stato Fair will
be something worth while. We ex
pect some of the b:g prizes offered
at the sate fair to be carried off by
Lincoln county boys and girls.
News of
wqek by
Dr. Carter was a Toledo visitor
yesterday. ;
Mrs. Dowling of Winant. was
visiting in this city last Monday.
C. C. McBride of Eddyville was
in this city Tuesday and Wednesday.
The schooner Nenamosha returned
yesterday morning from the Si
letz bay.
Fred Wagner of Nortons was
here this week, having business
with the Court.
Joe Sijota was up from Kernville
the first of the week transiting
business in this city. .
A. B. Hunt of Eddyville was
transacting busines? with the Com
missioners' Court here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stienfeldt of
Dallas are visiting their daughter,
Mrs John Ebbe, and family in this
city. .. i
Commisisoner Kentta came ' over
from Siletz Wednesday to be in at
tendance at the Commissioners'
W. F. Wakefield, our recently
nominated County Commissioner,
was down from .', Eddyville Tuesday
and Wednesday.
John Gwyn of Eddyville had
business with the Commissioner's
Court here this week, returning
home yesterday morning.
Oliver Altree has lately been re
ceiving a fine lot of logs at his saw
mill. He now has logs on hand to
keep the mill running for a long
Several dozen milk cans arrived
at this place for the Siletz cheese
factory. Looks" like Something will
be d"ing in the cheese business over
there soon.
Anton Jacobson has remodeled the
little house he recently purchased
from Ross McEIwain and has1 made
a nice little bungalow. Charles
Bradeson and family are now oc
cupying same.
There was a large crowd at the
dance at Oddfllows Hall in this city
last evening. The boats broueht
quite a crowd from Newport. The
restaurants served a eood sunDer.
and everybody apparently enjoye i
Mrs. Armstrong, who has been
visiting this Winter with her daugh
ter, Mrs. W. E. Ball, and family,
departed Wednesday morning for
her home near Dodge City, Kansas.
Mrs. Ball accompanied her as far
as Oregon City.
The local Woodmen of the World
at their meeting last Friday evening
initiated eighteen candidates into
the mysteries of the order. After
the initiation a feed" was had.
At their meeting next Friday even
ing they will initiate some fifteen
or twenty more.
Preisdent Carl Davis of the Lin
coln County Fair and Festival says
arrangements for the coming Fair
are going along nicely. A meeting
of the general committee will soon
be held when other committees will
be appointed and all arrangements
made for the biggest Fair ever held
in the county.
The boxing and wrestling matches
were pulled off in Woodmen Hall
Monday evening according to
schedule. The boxing matches
both resulted in a draw. The
wrestling match wao won by Dick
son who threw Davis twice in about
fifteen or twenty minutes. There
are rumors of other matches being
pulled off in the rear future.
The .regular Sunday excursion
train service will be inaugurated
on the C. & E. railroad Sunday,
May 19th, and will run every Sun
day thereafter on the following
schedule: Leave Albany, 7:30 a.
m., arriving at Toledo, 11:18; Ya
quina, 11:45; boat arriving at
Newport, 12:15. Returning, leaves
Newport, 5:30; Toledo, 6:27. Ar
riving at Albany. 10:30.
MAY 10, 1912
each Community Gathered each
Our Rustling Associate Editors
Captain R. A. Brnsell of New
port is in the city today.
Judge Gardner returned Friday
evening from Portland.
Capt. Henry Nice of Lutjens was
transacting b-isiness in the city
Miss Parker of Tidewater is visit
ing her grandmother. Mrs. Gault,
in this city.
ueorge Kecord returned Wednes -
day evening from his farm over on
Rock creek.
L. C. Mowery of Lower Siletz
was a county seat visitor several
days this week.
I I. J. Pepin of Chitwood was
j transacting business at the court
house Wednesday.
Frank Thompson of Harlan was
doing business before the Commis
i sioner Court this week.
I John Fnmfsl-ipo nf Tib- r:f.. .......
j v4 i ii vilj n aa
I transacting business in the county
coot i L i
I kui me uisi ui me weeK.
Mrs. A. S. Casteel and Mrs. S. A.rRa,2 TWrwm 4' 5
nettand son of Yanmna , I $ 7 8' 9i I6- 19, 20, 21,
Frnett and son of Yaquina were
visitors in this city last Tuesday.
United States Marshal Griffi h
passed through on the train yester
day morning enroute for the Valley.
r,R. Ruprecht, Chris Weidmer and
Karl Gerber were county seat
visitors from Nortons Wednesday
Miss Maybelle Keith arrived from
her home atSummit and will spend
her vacation here. She has been
teaching school the past Winter. .
The Leader Job office is this week
getting outlba first number of -the
"Alsea Breeze," the Waldport High
School annual. This paper is cer
tainly a credit to the school and the
citizens of Waldport. The school
was liberally supported by the busi
ness men of Waldport, who all
carry advertising in the publication.
The paper is cleverly gotten up, is
well illustrated, and in Dointof rWp.
fclipscs all other publications of
like nature ever gotten out in the
At the meeting of the City
-. ., ... " . ..
V.UUHU1 monuay evening a pet-uon June 17, 1912, for a new school
was presented to the Council, signed house, to be built in said district
by a number of persons owning The building is to be 20 feet wide
property on Hill street, asking the ! by 30 feet long, with twelve foot
Council to lay hard surface pave- eaves. A partition to be six feet
ment instead of planking on Hill from the front end. to form a cloak
street. No action was taken in. the , room. One door to enter the cloak
matter by the Council but the same : room from the out side and two
was laid over until next Tuesday doors to enter the main room from
evening when the Council will meet ! the cloak room. All doors to be z
in adjourned session for the pur-! ft. 8 in. by 6 ft. 8 in. There is to
pose of deciding the matter. The 1 be nine windows, cwo'in the front
Council wishes to do what is wanted ' two in the back and five on the left
by a majority of the property own- side. Each window to have two
ers It seems to us that it would sashes with four lights to the sash,
be the proper thing if the property Each pane to be 12x14. Three sills
owners, concerned, would meet with running lengthwise and one across
the Council Tuesday evening and I each end. The-sills are to be at
express their sentiments in the ' least 6x6. A porch in front to be
matter, instead of leaving it forthe s x feet wide and eight feet long A
Council to decide alone. i flue to be built of brink in t,a kLl-
. j u in ,
Commissioner Charles N. Thomp-
.n s I : i
son ot Waldport has resigned his
office as county commisisoner. and
yesterday the Commissioners' Court
appointed Claus Ludemannof Wald
port as his successor.
Commissioner Thompson gave as
his reasons for -etiring that of fail
ing health. The people of the
county will learn of his retiring
with regret as Mr. Thompson has
made a capable, conscientious of
ficial, being liberal and justwith
every section of the county alike.
They will all unite in hoping the
illness is only temporary and that
his health w ilsoon return.
Mr. Ludemann is one of Lincoln
county's oldest pioneers and most
able men. He is a successful busi
ness man and
hnin, - li ""a!"". inmviuuuiiy ana co ec
tCmL ?"rl"5.h S vely, for the courteous and busi-
fatnilar w th the entire county ' u i;V ' " hum
know thn rwinlrpmnnf "c"-,,ke tT1nncr thcv accorded tno
Mr. Ludemann will make I
our county a good commissioner,
and our County Commissioners'
Court is to be congratulated on its
The sidewalks throughout the
city are in a bad state of repair
and should be fixed at once before
someone is injured.
Everett Cook of the firm of Dod
son & Cook of Taft, arrived yester
day on the schooner Nenamosha for
visit with his parents and old time
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hesseltine
of Ashland were in this city the
"L" l f ?
- ! !dnes?ak v"' ?d Newport
! and got lhe,r first glimpse of the
PEst two weeks looking for a home.
ocean. Yesterday morning they
went to Roseburg to attend the
: Southern Oregon Conference of the
Seventh Day Adventist church.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Landoffice, Portland Or.,
April 10, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that the
following described lands have been
j - .iic west nun VL
, Township 7 south, range 8 west of
; 4-U ! I J . 11 l . .....
suveyed, viz: The west half of
i ; wiuumeuc wieriaian, Uregon,
29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 of that
township. The approved plat of
said survey will be filed in this office
at 9 o'clock a. m. on the 21st day
of May, 1912; that on and after
such date all persons claiming any
of said lands will be permitted to
file their applications for same in
this office.
All of the above stated land3
were included within the Tillamook
Forest Reserve hv PrnKiilxnt'a nm..
clamation dated Ma ch 2, 1907.
H. F. Highby, Register.
J. C Ardrey, Receiver.
; toV'sXeeTF- --
A' Babcock Tester and Butter
Worker, aimost n(". Cheap. Ap
ply to William Siarth.
" At the family home near Siletz,
n May 1, 1912, Mrs. Lettico Fair
child, aged about 45 years.
clerk of school district No.
51 in Lincoln county, Oregon, will
UH Ull I U I'lUCK u. m.
r h'i'i 1 1 ii nvia .... . .... i 1
- i i ...... .. .
.. aa vu v vcain
end of the building. It is to ex-
tnnrl nf lnncf- A ft- t, :i:
- -- " - it. Ltiuw 1. 1 1 u telling.
Thc '10U?e i? to bo covered with
Cedar shino-lna law) A !n,.l,,.o t
cedar shingles laid 4 inches to
weather. The building is to
The school board reserves
right to reject any or all bids.
Jos. Sijota, District Clerk,
Kernville, Oregon.
We havo positions for four good
women or girls. One place on a
ranch in family of two; would not
object to woman with child. Cajl
on or address C. W. Day & Co.
Ileal Estate and Employment.
I wish to publically thank the
members of the Toledo Port Com-
tll(,m " : " r"1"- "
nmiv uujiuiMK wic runs
wnurt in mis city, a more cour-
teous. naitistakincr
and thorough
buisness-likc set of
men I have
7 ;