Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 03, 1912, Image 1

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    VOLUME 20
News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors ,
Messrs. Havens, Moore and Kent
came up from Florence last week
looking at the coast country and
taking a few snap shots at the
Miss Ida Hurley and Miss Ena
Stout, who are teaching at Tide
water, were Waldport visitors Sat
urday. L. T. Sandell of Yachats returned
Saturday from a visit to Seattle.
Mr3. Lloyd Barkhurstand daugh
ter, Ruth, arrived Saturday. They
will n.ake Waldport - their future
The vote at Yachats at the pri
mary election was very light beause
of dissatisfaction as to the location
of a polling place. Get out with
ha votes, boys, or have no kick at
11.3 results.
James Bales has been a man of
leisure the past three weeks. He
ran a Bpl inter into his thumb which
has developed into blood poison,
but we are glad to say it is getting
Captain Daugherty went to New
port Monday. The Condor will fol
low when the bar permits.
The band gave a short serenade
to the business section of town Sun
day morning. It is good to see the
boys out again.
Virgil Howell of Yachats has
rented the Sam Hayes place at Tide
water for a period of four years.
i r r i i - . l A
j. carciav nus a contract to
carry the mail from Alsea to Tide
water and return twice a week.
This route was discontinued several
years ago and the residents along
the route are very glad to again get
mail service.
Quite a number of Chitwood peo
ple went to Eddyville Saturday to
attend the grange. They all say
they had a fine time and plenty of
R. W. Pepin made a business trip
to Newport Monday.
J. Q. Adams went to Toledo Sat
urday, returning Tuesday.
Charles Pepin and Grant Hiscox
went to Chehalis, Washintgon,
Wednesday. They have a contract
to peel ten tons of chittim and will
probably be away all Summer.
The Simpson creek school gave
an entertainment last Friday. A
good many visitors were present
and all enjoyed the program. It
being the last day of the term.
Mr. James Goin, the teacher, left
the same evening. He has a school
mear Canoe Landing on Siletz.
Hurrah for Kernville! It now
has two sawmills, one large can
nery, one good cheese factory. One
sawmill is situated near the mouth
of Drift river. It has five engines
and two. large boilers. One mill is
eight miles above. The old settlers
are glad to see the mills come for
just a short time ago the nearest
mill was the Govenrnment mill at
Siletz Agency They can still see
dotted here and there old shake
houses and barns that were erected,
being the best that could be done-.
The nice frame houses are fast tak
ing the place of the shake ones.
Ross Knuduon and a friend passed
through one day this week. They
stayed over night at the Kernville
Hotel. '
The game warden was interview
ing among our people last week.
No trace has been found of Marion
Please, Mr. Taft correspondent,
you mizht claim the G. S. Parmela
& Sons' sawmill as one of your
enterprises, but we can't see how
you can claim Labuor & Lesley's
sawmill, for Kernville comes in be-
Now when the wide a wake men
of Kernville, Taft and Otis get
together they talk of cheese; how
it can be made to be the most sale
able. All is animation. It does
one's eyes good to see the big
cheese piling up.
The Ladies S. I. Club was enter
tained by Miss Edna Toberer. They
decided to have a Fourth of July
celebration. .The, Club will meet
with Mrs. Niels Andersen May 12.
Rain is the principal news of Ona
this week, but it makes the grass
grow never-the-less. .
Dexter Twombly returned to To
leuo Monday.
Grandpa Phelps ret'irned from
Corvaills on Sunday, after a weeks'
J. H. Wolfersperger went to
Newport Monday.
Mrs. A. H. Phelps, her daughter,
Gertrude, Miss Pearl Gates and
Mrs. Hattie Edwards spent Satur
day afternoon with Mis. L. M.
John Coovert and Francis Gatens
gave a dance Saturday night at the
grange hall.
Toledo Lodge, No. 108, I. 0. 0.
F., dedicated their fine new hall on
the evening of April 26th, this be
ing the 93d anniversary of the or
ganization of the lodge; a day that
is observed by Oddfellows and Re
beccas everywhere.
A. B, Bo wersox, Grand Master of
Oregon, was present and with the
assistance of the Toledo team, con
sitsing of R. H. Howell, Prof. A.
H. Weber, Superintendent R. P.
Goin, C. K. Crosno, Sherm Bate
man, Carl Gildersleeve and Roy
Swearingen, rendered the dedication
ceremonies pefectly. At the close
of these services three of the To
leHo Rebeccas, in full uniform, ex
emplified the three links over the
altar, with beautiful effect. Rose
brooks Orchestra was present at its
best and enlivened the audience
with grand music. After the dedi
cation there was a series , of
speeches by members from Hassallo
Lodge of . Portland, Chemekita,
Salem; Corvallis, Philomath, Kings
Valley, Elk City and Newport.
The audience of three hundred
consisted of a full delegation from
Corvallis, Philomath - and Kings
Valley, while Elk City, Yaquina and
NewDort Lodges of both Oddlellows
and Rebekahs came in a body. The
exercises closed with a grand lunch
given by the Toledo Rebeccas, con
sisting of crabs, clams, clam tea,
chicken sandwiches, cakes, coffee
and ice cream, enough to feed twice
the number present.
All enjoyed renewing acquain
tances and otherwise enjoyed them
selves in the way that makes the
world better and life worth living.
Department of the Interior,
, U. S. Landoffice, Portland Or.,
April 10, 1912.
, Notice is hereby given that the
following described lands have been
suveyed, viz: The west half of
Township 7 south, range 8 west of
the Willamette Meridian,- Oregon,
said survey covering Sections 4 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 of that
township. The approved plat of
said survey will be filed in this office
at 9 o'clock a. m. on the 21st day
of May, 1912; that on and after
such date all persons claiming any
of said lands will be permitted to
file their applications for same in
this office.
All of the above stated lands
were included within the Tillamook
Forest Reserve by President's proc
clamation dated March 2, 1907.
H. F. Highby, Register.
J. C Ardrey, Receiver.
I will buy all your rubber, brass
and copper. Bring same to the
shoe shop. Mike Strylewicz.
Oca Hoeflein visited Elk City last
W. N. Cook of Chitwood was
here Wednesday.. .
John Adams of Chitwood was in
town the first of the week.
Jack Morgan was a passenger for
the Valley Wednesday morning.
Mrs. J. S 'Akin was a passenger
for Portland yesterday morning.
Chas. Hassman, road supervisor
of Yaquina,' was in the city yester
day. ,
George Hodges of Big Elk was
in the city ; the fore part of the
week. " X
William Scirth returned Wednes
day evening from a visit to the
Valley. U
Walt Harming of the C. & E.
bridge crew, - spent Saturday and
Sunday at home.
Section Foreman Gannon and
crew laid new rails on the depot
switch this week.
John Robertson was called to
Portland Monday morning by the
illness of bis brother.
Miss Amy Hail returned Wednes
day evening -from the Valley and
went over to Siletz yesterday,
Mrs. Millard Merrell visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reisinger,at
Newport yesterday, returning this
morning. ?
Ed Montgomery purchased the
launch of F. R. Weaver,' which was
advertised in this paper, "It pays
to advertise."
"-'Dr. R. D; Burgess moved into his
new office rooms in the Ofstedahl
building this week J. F. Stewart
will occupy the rooms vacated by
Dr. Burgess, with his law office.
Joseph Graham came over from
his home at King's Valley to attend
the Oddfellows' dedication services
last Friday. He visited among old
friends and relatives until yester
day morning, when he returned
A resolution has been filed in
the County Clerks' offices in both
Polk and Lincoln counties, to be
placed on record, relative to the
building of a railroad from Mon
mouth in Polk county to Siletz bay
in Lincoln county, via Airlio. The
resoultion- was passed at a meeting
of the board of directors of the
Southern Pacific company held Wed
nesday, April 24th, and is signed
by Wm. D. Fenton, secretary of
the board of directors, and is
stamped with the corporate seal of
the company.
Among those present from Ben
ton county to attend the Oddfel
lows' dedication services last Fri
day evening, were, Joe Davis of
lodge No. 120; A. B. Newton, 120;
Stanley Davis, 120; F. C. Williams,
44; J. W. Graham, 44; Frank Lutz,
120; A. B. Bowersox, 7; A. M.
Baxter, 7; W. H. Dilley. 7; L. G.
Price, 44; C. Fowler 44; C. II.
Glos, 44; By Frantz, 44; W. Max
field, 44; J. R. Fehler, 120; J. Blum
berg, 7;. M. L. Barnett, 7; B. F.
Ellsworth. 120; J. D. Graham. 44;
W. W. Graham, 44; J. M. Graham,
44; John Wells, 7. and . Pierson,
of Arkansas.
Monday morning, April 29th, at
the Monterey, Newport, Oregon,
by Father Diemier, Mr. Earl E.
Aupperle and Miss Rebecca Fitz
Patrick. Mr Aupperle is a young, thrifty
businesss man of Newport, and Miss
Fitzpatrick a young woman of so
ciety attainments second to none,
with many warm friends. '
The wedding was a quiet one at
the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs.: Mary Fitzpatrick. No one
but the immediate family being
present. But few knw of the
event but they received many
beautiful presents.
Their future home will be on
Fall street. Newport.
The Leader joins in hearty con
gratulations and best wishes.
F. A Sey mour was over from Si
letz Wednesday.
Nick Snow was a passenger for
Portland Wednesday.
Frank Sturdevant departed for
Portland Wednesday morning.
Con Christiansen returned home
from Portlnd Monday evening.
Mrs. Wm. Graham was a passen
ger for Sheridan Wednesday morn
ing. Mem Redfield, the cleaner and
presser, is a visitor in Eugene this
H. F. 'Nulton is moving his
Racket Store into the Andrews
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mil
ler at Yaquina, Tuesday, April 30,
! a daughter.
Mrs. R. S. Van Cleve and child
ren returned from a several days'
visit at Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hawkins re
turned Wednesday morning from a
visit at Otter Rock.
Miss Nellie Baird completed1 a
seven months' term of school in the
Hiser district last F.iday. -
Miss'Nelia Hamar attended the
Bremmer-Gatens wedding at New
port Wednesday evening.
G. B. McCluskey has had his
office newly papered and painted
and sports a new roll top desk.
Grant Hart returned home from
Portland Monday evening, where ha
has been receiving treatment for his
eyes. . .' - -.
The Oregon Lumber & Construc
tion company shipped three cars of
dressed lumber to Colorado points
this week.
Capt. Marshall was down from
Portland yesterday looking after
the interests of his new boat being
built here by Shipuilde. Walker.
Elder N. C. Erntson of the
Seventh Day Adventist church of
Lebanon has been in the city sever
al days holding services at the local
A I Smith, of the Toledo Electric
Light company, came down from
Portland Tuesday evening to look
after his interests here. He re
turned his morning.
Judge and Mrs. C. H. Gardner
were passengers for the Valley
Wednesday morning. Mr. Gardner
going to Portland and Mrs. Gard
ner going to California for a visit.
James Goin closed a seven months
term of school at Chitwood last
Friday. Mr. Goin has given such
satisfaction in that district that he
has been retained to teach the
school again next Winter at an in
creased salary of five dollars per
month. He went to Canoe Landing
Saturday to begin a term.
The heaviest sentence imposed
for some time for the violation of
the liquor laws on the Indian reser
vations was against Baldwin Fair
child, a halfbreed from the Siletz
reservation. Saturday. Fairchild
is an old offender, and Judge Bean
decided an imprisonment , of 18
months at McNeil's Island not too
severe. Portland Telegram.
The port comimission has set the
port's dredger. Lincoln, to work
dredging the bank of the slought,
widening the stream some two hun
dred feet, to the harbor line. The
bank is being cut on the opposite
side of the stream from town. The
channel is alsd being deepened.
John Ebbe with his donkey engine
is dragging the mud back from the
Don't forget the big dance at
Oddfellows hall next Thursday
We havo positions for four good
worhen or girls. One place on a
ranch in family of two; would not
object to woman with child. Call
on or address C. W. Day & Co.
Real Estate and Employment.
The following regarding the re
call petitions which were presented
to County Clerk Howell and the
decisions of the Attorney General,
may be of interest to our readers
as there seems to be some criticisms
regarding our official's acts:
Clerk's Office,
Lincoln County.
Toledu, Or., Dec. 5, 1912.
Hon. A. M. Crawford,
Salem, Oregon.
Dear Sir: Petitions are being
circulated in this county for the
recall of the County Judge and one
Commissioner and since it is the
opinion of some of the legal lights
of the state that the necessary Leg.
islative acts have not been passed
to make it effective, as County
Clerk and officer to who these peti
tions will be presented for filing; I
i would like to know what my duties
I are. Very respectfully,
j R. H. Howell, County Clerk,
t In reply Attorney General Craw-
ford instructed Mr. Howell, giving
a lengthy argument, concluding
with the following:
Holding the opinion as I do, that
tha recall is not self executing,
while I hesitate to advise you as to
your duty, the District Attorney
being your legal advisor, I can say
that my advice would be that your
duty is to refuse to file the petitions,
and if thd petitioners believe they
have a legal right to have them
filed, they can bring legal proceed
ings in Court to compel the filing
of the same. Yours very truly,
A. M. Crawford,
... Attorney General.
' On April 2'9th Mr. Howell re
ceived the following, taken from
the decision relative to the recall of
Judge Cameron of Multnomah
Salem, Or., April 29, 1912. !
Mr. R. H. Howell,
County Cleik.
Dear Sir: December 8lh, 1911,
we sent you an opinion .relative to
the recall. At that time I was net
aware of the decision of the Circuit
Court in Multnomah county aid
since that date have been informed
that the Circuit Court of Multnom
ah almost universally held that the
recall was not operative. There
fore it reverses the opinion of this
office and in accordance with he
decree of the Circuit Court in the
matter, we are obliged to change
our position, and we herewith hand
you copy of opinion to the Secre
tary of State in the matter of the
recall of District Attorney Cameron
of Multnomah county, which please
file and place with the former opin
ion I still have doubts in regard to
the Circuit Court being correct, but
of course must conform to the
decision of the Courts.
Very respectfully yours,
A. M. Crawford,
Attorney Geneial.
Dr. Burgess has moved his office
into the Ofstedahl building. The
Doctor now has a suite of five
rooms fitted up. The first is the
waiting room, then the consultation
room, the stock room, , operating
room and a hospital ward. These
rooms have been fitted up in grand
style. The operating room is es
pecially well lighted with the walls
and fittings in white. The hospital
ward will serve a? a rest room for
patients when needed. The Doctor
has certainly fitted these rooms up
nicely for the accommodation of
his patients, and he now hao the
finest physician's office in Lincoln
George C. Walker and crew are
making great headway on tho new
boat for the Newport Navigation
company. The planking is all on
and part of the calking done. The
boat will be launched Wednesday,
May 15th, at 12 o'clock roon.
The local Woodmen of the World
are going to have a big time at
their hall this evening. They will
initiate fifteen or twenty new canv
didates and have a "feed." Every
Woodman is urged to be present.