Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 05, 1912, Image 10

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To the Republican voters of Lin-'
cell County:
I hereby announce myself a? a
candidate for the renominatiou for 1
the office of County School Superin
tendent at the nominating election
to be held on April 19, 1912. . j
. R P. GOIN. j
To the Republican voters of Lin
coln County: j
I hereby announce myself as a !
candidate for the nomination of
County Commissioner at the nomi
nating election to be held on April
19 1912. v
W. F. Wakefield.
To the Republican Voters of Lin
coln County:
I hereby announce' myself a can
didate for the nomination for the
office of County Clerk, subjeet to
the decision of the Republican
voters at the primary nominating
election to be held April 19, 1912.
R. H Howell.
To the Republian Voters of Lin
coln County, State of Oregon:
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination of
the office of County Treasurer sub
ject to the will of the Republican
voters at the primary election held
April 19, 1912.
G. B. McCluskey.
To the Republican Voters of Lin
coln County:
, I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination for
the office of Sheriff of Lincoln
county at the nominating election
to be held April 19, 1912.
Bert Geer.
To the Republicans of Lincoln
I again submit my name and for
the second time ask your support
for the nomination of County As
sessor at the primarv election to be
held on the 19th day of April,
1912. W. E. Ball.
Tu the Republican Voters of Lin
coln County:
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nominaton for the
office of Coroner, subject to the will
of the Republican voters at the
primary nominating election to be
held April 19th.
Dr. F. M. Carter.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for Senator from the
24th Senatorial district composed
of Lincoln, Tillamook, Washington
and Yamhill counties, subject to
the Republican primaries on April
19, 1912. If nominated and elec
ted I will use my influence and
vote for economical and business
method in all appropriations for
the purpose of reducing the burden
of taxation now laid upon our
The law of this state requires the
members of the Legislature to vote
for that person for U. S. Senator
receiving the largest number of
the people's votes, and if elected I
will comply with that provision of
our law. W. H. Hollis,
Forest Grove, Or.
To the Republican Voters of Lincoln
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination for
the office of Assessor, subject to
the will of the voters at the com
ing primary, nominating election.
R. K. Miller.
To the Republican Voters of Lin
coln county:
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination as
County Commissioner, subject to
the will of the Republican voters
at the primary nominating election
to be held April 19th.
P. H. Martin.
' To the Republican Voters of Lin
coln and Polk counties:
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination as
Joint Representative for the
counties of Lincoln and Poik, sub
ject to the will of the voters at the
coming primary.
Frank Newton.
Quaint Methods of tris Early Day of
New England.
In the early days of tbe settlement of
New England tbe custom of sending
packages by neighbors who Journeyed
to different parts of the country was
an i'Stabllshed one. The notebook of
Schoolmaster Joseph Hawley of North
ampton. Mass., when he started on a
trip to Doston was filled with such
varied item as: "Captain Partridge, a
dial and a dish kettle;" "Son Joseph,
Bpeckled red ribbon, whistles, buckles
and fishhooks;" "A shilling worth of
plumb and spice;" "Two psalters, a ba
son and a quart pot." In "Old Paths
and Legends of tbe New England Bor
der" Katherlne M. Abbott says that It
was the same even as late as Judge
Lyman's day. Ills daughter. Mrs.
Lesley, writes of It in "neeolleetions of
My Mother:"
There were no expresses then, and
so when If was known In the village
of Northampton that Judge and Mrs.
Lyman were going to Boston and they
always took pains to make it known
a throng of neighbors were coming in
the whole evening before not only to
take an affectionate leave, but to bring
parcels of every size and shape and
commissions of every variety.
One came with a dress she wanted
to send to a daughter at school; ono
brought patterns of dry goods, with a
request that Mrs. Lyman would pur
chase and bring home dresses for a
family of five. And would she go to
the orphan asylum and see if n good
child of ten could be bound out to an
other neighbor? Would Mrs. Lyman
bring the child back with her?
The neighbors walked into the li
brary, where the packing was going
on, and when all tbe family trunk:
were filled my father called out heart
ily, "Here, Hiram, bring down anothei
trunk from the garret tbe largest you
can find to hold all these pnrcels!"
A little boy came timidly In with a
bundle nearly as large as himself, and
"Would this be too large for Mrs. Ly
man to carry to grandmother?"
"No, indeed. Tell your mother, I'll
carry anything short of a cooking
"Another trunk, Hiram," said my fa
ther, "and ask the driver to wait five
Those were the times when people
could wait five minutes for a family co
well known and beloved. Our driver
hod only to whip up his horses a llttlu
Curious incident In the Career cv
Novelist Crockett.
S. R. Crcckctt, the novelist, told a
rather renisrkab! slory of an incident
that tefeil him in his early writing
days, before fame and fortune had
come to him end while ho struggled
on for a living. At thnt time he was
obliged to write for very small sums
Indeed, and among the publications to
which be contributed columns and half
columns was tbe St. James' Gazette,,
a London penuy evening newspaper.
Ono morning the post::ian brought to
Mr. Crockett n letter from the editor
of the St. James' Cazette containing
a small cheek as payment for a con
trlbutlon. Mr. CAckett knew that
nothing was due to him, that he bad
been paid for all his articles, and re
markable man be did the check up in
an explanatory note and returned It to
the editor.
The next day back came the check
from the editor remarkable man
with a note saying it was due. The
St. James' Gazette had published an
article from the pen of Mr. Crockett
which had not been paid for; hence
the check. Again Mr. Crockett re
markable man returned tbe check,
and still the remarkable editor refor
warded it. this time with the .article
cut out of the columns of the St
James' Gazette.
Now comes the curious feature of
tho incident. When Mr. Crockett clap
ped eyes on the article, he was aston
ished to find it one of his dreams
materialized. One night, going to bed
extra tired, he dreamed that a good
Idea for a St. James' Gazette column
had occurred to him; that be then and
there sat down, wrote it and posted it
Next morning he remembered his
dream and made up his mind some
day to write the article exactly as he
dreamed ho had written it when, to
his astonishment, came article and
check from the newspaper. Few writ
ers earn checks while asleep.
A Good Definition.
A foreign Journal says that a small
boy who had been playing nearly all
day with a newly arrived acquaintance
of the family, a. gentleman who had
nearly reached his fiftieth year, said to
his father when the gentleman bad
gone away:
"When will that young man come
"Young man!" exclaimed the father.
"He's older than I ami Will you
please tell mo what 'a young man
men us to you?"
"Why. a young man," answered the
boy "n yot:;ig man Is one that has a
Read Dr. Morris' card which ap
pears in this issue.
We will Eerve Ice Cream at the
Palace of Sweets every Saturday
and Sunday from now on until sea
son opens Al Waugh.
A new, scow row boat, cheap.
Enquire of Mr. John Sujg
Then iremert MeOal I Pattern wM in th Unk4
StitM than of any other mak of uaitcrm. This U on
account ol their atyla, accuracy ana hinipliclty.
McCa... Mrfnf(ThQuMn of F.ihion)
mon lubtcritxsri than any other Ludie' Hapaima. Ona
jear'i aubscriftHon (u number) cM 30 CCPl J-"
ftumbr, A cent. F.vtry mbacriba geti a McCaU i'a
tarn jVroe Subacrib today.
Tudy Agent Wanted. Hindwmie premium. r
tfberal cash commiiMon, Pattern Catalogue! of ono de.
aiirnt) and Premium Catalogue (ihowinic 400 premiums
cat frcOe Addrcaa JUX McCAU CO- New York,
F. W. CARSON, Prep.
Horseshoeing a Specialty. Black
smithing of all' kinds. Satis
faction guaranteed.
H. H. COOK & CO.
Estimates and Plans
Furnished on Application
Suburban and Farm
Buildings a Specialty
. OUR MOTTO: "We Study to Please."
U. S. Land Ollice at Portland Ore. '
8erial 0l48o. January 20th, 1912.
Notice is hereby irlvcn that Mm. vnn.m i
Thome of 134 K. 2d St. N Portland. Orecnn'.
in behalf of the heirs at law of William t:a.iiiir
deceased, who, on March 2, 1908, made Home
stead, tntry No. 104G7. Serial, No. 0I4SA, for N
SEJi.ofNE' Section 7, Township 9 8, R lo'w,
VYIllamello Meridian, has tiled notice of Inten-
Hon to make Final Three Year Proof, to es
tablish elnim to the lund above described, lie
fore the lUirlsler anu Receiver of tha rnlmii
States Land Offlue, at Portland, Oregon, on tho
fllhdayof March, 1912.
Lliunmnt names as witnesses:
Robert Tronson, of Silctz, Or.; Howard (iar
nler of Portland. Or.: Richard Anili-mi ..r
Kernvlllc, Or., and John Siivaue of rileU. Or.
h.-f. HIgby, Reuister.
List 8-534.
Notice Is hereby given that the lands de
scribed below, embracing 5 acres,. within the
Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon, will 1 sub
ject to settlement and entry under the pro-
visions of the homestead laws ol the United
Suites and the act of June 11, 1900 (31 Slut., 2;SS).
at me Lulled States laud Ofllce at Portland,
Oregon, on April 3, 1912,. Ajiy settler who hns
actually and in good faith claiming any of
said binds for agritnltnral purposes prior 10
January 1. 1906, and has not abandoned same,
has a preference right to make a homestead
entry for the lands actually occupied. Said
lauds am listed upon the applications of the
persons mentioned below, who have a prefer.
ence right subject to the prior right of any
such settler, provided such settlet or appli
cant is qualified to make homestead entry and
Ihe preference right Is exercised prior to April
3, 1912, on which dale the landa will be sub
ject to settlement mid entry by any qualilled
person. The landa are as fn'btws: The s' of
sw)4 of liw of nwJi. soctidn 24. T. 13 8.. R. 11
W., W. M., 6 acres, application of Alma E.
Grossman, of 492 Eaat 27th street, Portland,
Oreuon;, List 6-534.
8. V. Proudfit, Assistant Commissioner of
the General Land Ollice. Approved December
19,1911, Carml A. Thompson, Acting Secretary
of the Interior. .
,U. 8. Land Ollice at Portland, Ore.
aerial 02479 January 13, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that Oscar bamp
son of Rocca, Oi-ejfon, who, on April 13: li,
1911, mnde Homestead Entry Serial No. 02479,
for swlf Section 3, Township 9 South, Range
9 West, Willamette Meridian, has Hied
notice of intention lo make Final Com
mutation Proof, to est,.lillsh i-lsnn to h
laud above described, before tho Register mid
Receiver of the U. 8. Land Ollice, at Portland,
Oreuon, on the 4th nay of March, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
II. A . Hotel!er. Oscar Mnyes, Trncey New
man and 1, D. Forbes, all of Itocca, Oregon.
II. F. Hkihy, Register.
U. 8. Land olllco at Portland, Ore.
Serial 012:18 . Feb. 3d, 1912.
Notice Is heroby given that Lndvig Dlilev
Andersen, of Toledo. Oregon, who, on Novem
ber 13th, 1905, made Homestead Entry No.
1S826, Serial No. M S. for eijne'f, nnd nw-M
ne4 sei'lloii M, township Id-South, range 10
West, Williiinetle Meriiliau has lilted notice of
intention to muke Final Five Yenr Proof, to
establish claim to the laud above described,
before the County Clink of Lincoln County,
Oregon, at. Toledo, Oregon, on the 19th day ol
Cla'iniint names as vitncsef :
Jay W. Dunn, lens Jensen, John Long and
Huns Larson, all of ToledoOregon.
11. F. IIiuuY Register.
Veterinary Surgeon
Proprietor Corvallis Veterinary
Will bo in Toledo Monday,
May 1st.
Special Attention gives Dentistry
Better than other powders-
producing light, dainty, whole-
some cakes and pastries
la high grade and
moderate in price I
25c lb. tin at grocers.
CrMc.nt Mff. Co., Seattle
U. S. Land Olllce at Portland, ore.
Serial 03O3 March 9lh. 1912
Notice la hereby given that Alouxo F. Kha-p
ol Toledo, Oregon, who, on December 19, 1906,
made Homestead Entry No. 16)13, He rid) No. 1
03405, for Lots 3 3-6 and 7, Sec. 4, Township 12 I
south.Range 10 est.WIllamette Merldinn.has
Illed notice of Intention to make Final Five
i ear rrooi, to establish i-lalin tithe land almvei
nescrioea, before the County !i..ra . i s..coln
County, Oregon, at Toleao. Oregon, on the
lolhdayof April, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesse:
I. M. Hlser, WilPam Darn ley, and William
Sharp all of Toledo, Oregon, and C. C. (Jnbler,
of Newport, Oregon.
H. F. ITioby, Register.
Notice Is hereby given that the undnrsigned
administrator of tin estate o Bertha Wilbur,
deceased, has died his final account In said
ml With f ka I'nllHl. t I..
k." : .::r : ".r"n.
set for hearing on th. R.h 1. r v..J
, . " " .. . 1
i?it, Hi. .110 Hour 01 ji' o ciuca a. in. 01 snia day,
at which time nil narlies bavin, nf.Wil,,.,. I
f M
thereto. If any, are hereby no Ifled to ! TT"' 0iT' ? 1,",,nw' S""' 19u7-appe-r
In said court at Toledo. In said county f f T? "i0, "'ri'1, m'
"' ir0"r'alV,,e ."" ' 'l0' K.Bld Hl,m 'of in.enton to make Final Five Year Proof
will apply to sit Id court in have said account
flntiritt-Afl lh..Hinliil.ihitl.... ..1 ....... t , . i !
mMnl7T. ' Ue
Dated at Toledo. Lined,, County, . ireon. .1,1.
28th dsy of March. 1912. i
Administrator ol the estate of Bertha Wilbur. I
ilnf!eHRpn. 1
To the legal voters of the City
of Waldport, Oregon:
You are hereby notified that a
special meeting of the voters of
the City will be heid in Evens' ha'l
un April the 10th, 1912, between
the hours of one and three o'clock
p. m. , for the purpose cf Voting on
i t . 1 1 , ,,
me question 01 annexing tne iollow-
ing territory to the City of Wald-
port! Beginning at the SOUthwest
corner of the piesent boundary line
-r ,l0 iji,, t tii , . '
Of the City Of Waldport, running
thence west eight Chains, thence in
a northeasterly direction parallel
with the meander line to a, point '
north of Mill street, thence in a
southerly direction parallel with
said meander line to a point twenty
chains south ana thirty eight chains
east of the northeast corner of sec
tion nineteen, township thirteen
south of range eleven west of Will
amette Meridian, running thence
west eight chiins to the present
boundary line of the City of Wald
port. The following election board be
ing appointed: F. Overlander, E.
R. Buker and Al Reynolds, judges,
and Chas' Bobell, Leslie Evens and
Andrew Kent, clerks.
By order of the common council.
John W. Walker, Mayor.
W. S. Hosford, Recorder.
Dining Rooms and
Home Restaurant
Between both Landings,
Newport, - - Oregon.
Regular Mesl Hours
Breakfast, 5:45 to 9 a.m.; Lunch,
12 noon to 2 p. m.; Dinner,
5:45 to 7:30 p. m.
record time whenever required until
10 p.m.
21 Meal Tickets, $5.50 in advance.
Master Cupid.
often feathers his arrows with, a
nice box of Confections they go a
long way in gaining marked atten
tions from a lady So, 6ir, if you
are seeking to ingratiate yourself
with some fair one, here is your
chance. Get a nice box of our pure
and delicious chocolates, bon bons
or caramels, and send them as an
advance agent of your esteem.
You'll win the lady all right.
Palace of Sweets
U. 8. Landolllce, Portland, Oregon.
""Ml. March 80ih. 1912.
I Notice is herebt given that Edward Flescher,
nl naewaier, Oregon, who, on April 7tli, 1904,
maae nomcsteiiu entry No. 16921, Serial No.
01261. for nj$ nvr)4, sw4 neJi and Lot No. 8 sec
lion 27. towusblp 18 south, range 10 wm, Will
amette Meridian, has rjled notice of Intention
to make final five year proof, to establish claim
j to the land above described before the County
Clerk of Lincoln county. Oregon, a' Toledo,
Oregon, O'l the 13th day of Mny. luli
Claimant namea as witnesse:
Daniel A. Itsrcliiy, ieoiK s. Pulse, Milton
A. Beam, nnd George X. Barclay, all of 'tide
water. Oregon.
II. F. IIiobt, Register.
i notice forpulication.
8. I . d Ollice at Portland. Oregon.
get lal 01342
March 30, 1912.
.... "re"'""u ,n" "u "erry. of
j tnestablish claim to. tha land above described
lh -m;tTCI.rkof Lincoln County.
2?f ' ToUd' reg"U " 1 "h ' '
, f -.
" "nnie wltnrssos: i
George N. Pulse, Daniel A. Barclay, Milton
A. lletm.and Co ,rge N. Paiclay. all of Tide
water. Oregon.
II. F. Hiouy, Ue liter
Serial 03103 U. S. l and O.llce. IWlhuid, Or.
January 14, 1912.
Notice Is hereby xiven that William R.
Moore, whom- pnstolllce address Is Ulen Oregon
(l.incolnCo.,) did, on the 11th day of April,
1911, tile in this ortlce sworn statement and
application, No. 03006, tn purchase theeS intVi
i iiinniene .Merinmi', aim tne limber
thereon .under the provi-lons of the act of
June 3, 1K7H. and act" amendatory, known hs
the "Timber and Stono,"nt su.-h valueaa
,n,i-'ht be "xe'' by wr..iseme,it. ami thm.
pursuant lo such application, the laud and
timber thereon hav-been appmUed, th- tlm-
ber estimated cSO.OOb.ard feet at SO cents per
M-d tne laud 1120.00; that said applicant
wlllo"or fliml Proof " "ppriof hisapniica
tun, and sworn tatemetil on tbe 9th day uf
April, 1912, before the County Clerk Lincoln
Co., Oregon, nt Tnludo, Oregon.
Any person Is ut liberty to protest this pur
chase before entry, or initiate a contest at any
time before patent Issues, by flliug a corrolior
rated affidavit In this ollice, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
II. F. HIGBY. Register.
notice for puiii.icatjox.
U. 8. LandOlllce, V rtland, Oregon,
Serial 141 March 30th, 1912.
Notice is hereby gvren that Jenny Dickinson,
Widow of Alden Dickinson, of Stlets, Oregon,
who on December 2i'ith, 1908. made homestead
entry, serial No. OS41, for te4 section 15, town
ship lu south, range in west, Willamette Merid
ian, has Hied notice of Intention to make final
Throe Year proof, tn establish claim trr the
land above described before the Count" Clerk
id Lincoln Connty Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon,
on the 16lh daof Msy. 1912.
Claimant names tis witnesses:
John Curaming, F. M. Stanton, and C. V.
Day, all of Toledo, Oregon, aud Uraut Iliscox,
of Chitwuod, Oregon.
II. F. HtodY. Register.
U. 8. Uiudclllce. Portland, Oregon,
Serial 02791 March 30, 1912'.
Notice is hereby given that Frederick W. Kills
ley of Nortons, O eiton, who, on October 7tb,
1910, made Homestead Entry Serial No. 02791,
for w'i, neH and ejj tiwli section 8, township
11 south, range S west Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make tin id
Com mutatiou proof toesUollsh claim to the
land above described, before the County
Clerk of Lincoln countv, Oregcn, at Toledo,
Oregon, on the 15th day of May, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Olot Kcrlckson. E. 11. Bryant and L. Keith
ley, all of Nortons. Oregon, aud W. F. Cline of
Eddyvllle, Oregon. t
If. F. If 10 BY. Iteirlster.
Order Your Wood Now
Slab and edge wood, 2.50 pe
Delivered withiii' foir blocks of
the mill.
Both phones. J. Rattey! .