Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 29, 1911, Image 7

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JVoter and Instructions from Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations
of Oregon and Washington, Specially Suitable to Pacific Coast Conditions
By K. P. Ayre, Highway Engineer, O. A. O.
. Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lls, Oregon. When Thomas H. Edison
returned from his European vacation,
the New York reporters met him at
the pier with requests for his Impres
sions of the countries he had visited,
with special reference to the ques
tion of how they compared with his
native land. His reply was that
Europe could show us nothing better
than we produced with one exception
our highways. When it Is consid
ered that he comes from a state which
has been one of the foremost in road
Improvement, and that his criticism
was based on the condition of her
roads, one' wonders what he would
have said if he had come from some
of the newer states.
His impressions are undoubtedly the
same as those of the European trav
eler who visits our shores, and there
may be a lesson in hir remarks that
will explain the absence of the best
. class of European emigrants from our
vacant farm lands. Everyone with
even the most superficial knowledge
of Oregon's conditions will admit that
her greatest need today Is more set
tiers to develop her latent resources.
The commercial clubs of the state
spend thousands of dollars every year
to tell our friends In other sections
of the United States and in Europe
about the marvelous opportunities that
await them in the Northwest, but
somehow results fail to measure up
to expectations.
Many reasons are advanced for the
failure of the campaign, each booster
laying the blame on the other fellow.
One claims that the high freight and
passenger rates are retarding the
growth of the state; another blames
the land boomers for holding the land
at prices which are practically pro
hibitive; others say that the very
nature of the literature issued is pre
venting development, as the general
farmer sees nothing to attract him In
fruit growing at the present price of
land and water, and so it goes, each
one carefully refraining from shoulder
ing any portion of the responsibility
Of course, it is much pleasanter to
let the other fellow relieve us of all
portions of the blame, but before
being too sure it Is sometimes a good
idea to make sure that he has done
so, and as long as our rural roads
are left In their present condition, it
will be difficult to persuade him to
shoulder the part that rightfully be
longs to him. The fault lies with the
entire state, including both you and
me, and while it is very unfortunate,
we cannot dodge the issue.
How can we expect to attract farm
ers from countries where every man
has been accustomed to hard surfaced
roads from his childhood and regards
them as a matter of course. He can
not understand why the American
people make so much fuss over the
Improvement of a small stretch of
highway, for in his country no fuss is
made unless the road -Is neglected.
Then it is not necessary for him to
complain, his government will attend
to the delinquent road official with
great despatch. True, some European
countries still have the same class of
roads' with which we are afflicted,
but without mentioning names, stop a
moment and think if the class of set
tlers which come from these countries
are what we need to build up the
If the Booster Books are sent to
our Eastern states the results are
nuch the same. The farmer has had
a taste of better market roads, and
while he was very skeptical of their
advantages at first, he is now their
most ardent supporter and does not
care to go back to the old conditions.
"The Good Old Days" . undoubtedly
had their advantages, but the high
ways were not among the most con
spicuous. He will read the literature
we send him and admire the pictures;
he may even reach the point where
he feels that it would pay him to
sell the old homestead and begin
' again in the West and then he picks
up his paper and sees what happened
to the road bills in both Washington
-and Oregon last winter. He also
notes that it was Impossible for 38
men, selected by the governor for
their intimate knowledge of condi
tions, to agree on a plan of procedure
for the Oregon roads, and he allows
that his present location looks good
to him.
Oregon ls not the only state that
must have more settlers in order to
take her rightful place among the
commonwealths, and a study of how
some of the other thinly populated
communities are meeting the problem
may be helpful. Texas needs men to
cultivate her broad acres and, secure
her almost limitless mineral wealth,
and the price at which her land can
be secured Is sp much lower than In
most states that she has an advantage
at the start. Her laws permit the
counties to bond themselves for high
way improvement, and a great deal
of good work has been done under
this act. There has been no oppor
tunity for standardization of plans or
methods, nor could any comprehen
sive plan be carried out under this
multiplicity of heads, so Texas has
decided to go Into the State Aid col
umn. A bill has been Introduced pro
viding for the creation -of a State
Highway Commission whose chairman
shall be the Professor of Highway
Engineering at the Agricultural and
Mechanical College, the other mem
bers being the Professor of Civil En
gineering at the State University and
one civilian to be appointed by the
governor. These members serve with
out pay, and appoint a State Highway
Engineer at $3000 a year to design,
construct and maintain highways. The
bill will undoubtedly pass if it has
not already done so.
Oklahoma must have settlers, and
she, too, has advertised and sent her
literature to the ends of the earth,
but she has found that she must
Lave roads to get the Immigration:
a Hignway Department was created
by the last legislature consisting of
a Highway Commissioner to be ap
pointed by the governor, and a State
Highway Engineer to be appointed by
the commissioner. This department
has recently been organized, and con
siderable work is under way.
The last Louisiana legislature cre
ated the office of State Highway En
gineer to be appointed by the State
Board of Engineers. His authority is
to be absolute, and his salary has
been fixed at $5000 a year. Louisiana
had long thought she was too poor to
afford the luxury of better roads, but
Governor Sanders succeeded in con
vincing the voters that it took a very
rich state to afford the luxury of bad
roads. The question of a special tax
for the construction of State Aid
roads was submitted to the people of
the state at the last general election
and carried by a big majority.
"What is the matter with Kansas?"
She needs settlers, too, and she Is
getting them. Kansas has no state
highway department, but the legisla
ture makes ' a special appropriation
for the employment of a Highway
Engineer at the Agricultural College
who acts In the capacity of consult
ing engineer for the entire state. No
one is legally obliged to follow his
advice, but they usually accept It the
first time, and invariably the second
time it is offered. As in all states
where there Is no central authority in
full charge, the roads are not being
Improved very fast, but considerable
good work is being done.
To come nearer home, California
has just appointed a State Highway
Engineer at a salary of $10,000 a year,
and has given him $18,000,000 to spend
on the highways. Our neighbor on
the south will soon have good roads.
Washington already has a State High
way Department, a trifle disfigured
after last winter's battle, but still in
the ring. A great deal of criticism
was directed at the department, but,
with few exceptions, it is difficult to
find a well-built stretch of road In
the state that was not built under
the direct supervision of this office.
Canada is not making much noise
about it, but she is building roads
nevertheless, and many and loud are
the wails along our northern bound
aries on account of the number of
our neighbors who are leaving for
"Our Lady of the Snows."
What are we going to do about it?
There are but two ways open. We
can keep on fighting over petty, in
significant details while the other
states get the men and the money, or
we can unite and make a start under
some system, depending on advancing
laier. It is up to the people of
Pale blue uncut velvet is used for the
foundation of this .hundsomc evening
gown. The chiffon overskirt boa an ap
plique of roses in pastel shades.
Very new is the suggestion of a draped
endurance Testa. i
"I kind of wish," remarked the gov
ernment employe, "that they'd give
me another kind of an endurance teat."
"You want physical exertion?" "Yea.
I wish that for a change they'd let me
see how many miles I can ride on
horseback instead of how many houra
I can alt at a desk."
In all Its forms, among all ages of borset
and dogs, cured and others in tbe same sta
ble prevented from having the disease with
Spohn's Distemper Cure. Every bottle
guaranteed. Over 500,000 bottles sold last
year. $.50 and $1.00. Good druggists, or
send to manufacturers. Ajrents wanted.
Write for free book. Bpohn Med. Co., Spec
Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind.
Noiseless Furniture.
Irritating noises can be avoided by
taking some old felt hats, cutting out
from these disks about the size of a
quarter and securely fastening them
to the bottoms of the legs of all chairs,
tables and other movable articles not
provided with casters. This also pre
vents the scratching of polished floors.
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyea
and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
60c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve la
Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Uses of Nitrate of Soda.
. Sodium Nitrate is the only nitrogen
salt that can be used in solution, as
all the other soluble salts of nitrogen
become fixed as soon as they come in
contact with the soil. However, they
become available in a short time. The
released sodium may correct soil acid
ity or may liberate calcium, potassium
or magnesium from the soil.
The blue that Is all blue. Best for
washing because It makes the rlnthm
clear and white, lasts longer than
iiquia Diue and produces better re
sults. Avoid liquid bluing because It is
only a weal: solution of blue in an
expensive package. RED CROSS
BALL BLUE Is sold everywhere.
rlce, 10c. ASK YOUR GROCER.
No Room for Improvement.
It was about 1720, at Amsterdam,
that Fahrenheit made his first ther
mometer, which has served as a model
ever since.
Particularly the Ladies.
Wot only pleasant and refreshing to
the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet
ening to the system. Svtud of Fies and
Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted
to ladies and children, and beneficial in
all cases in which a wholesome, strength
ening and effective laxative should be
used. It is perfectly safe at all times and
dispels colds, headaches and the pains
caused by indigestion and constipation so
promptly and effectively that it is the one
Effect family laxative which gives satis
:tion to all and is recommended by
millions of families who have used it and
who have personal knowledge of its ex
cellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has
led unscrupulous dealers to offer lmita
lions which act unsatisfactorily. There.
fore, when buying, to get its beneficial
effects, always note the full name of the
Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every
package of the genuine Syrup of Figs
and tiixir or Senna.
For sale by all leading druggists. Price
5U cents per bottle.
A Popular License.
Aviation licenses are being Issued to
young women now, but the majority
will, no doubt, continue to prefer the
marriage license. Washington Her
ald. Do your feet feel tired, achy and
sore at night? Rub them with a little
Hamlins Wizard Oil. They'll be glad
n the morning and so will you.
Critical Sense.
That youngest son of Bllgglns
teems to have the making of a true
musician In him." "Does he slug or
play?" "No. But he cries plteously
when Blisrglnn trP to."
S. B.
Ffi0. mor r?od? J"1?11 faster colors than any oth dve. One 10c packare color silk, wot I and cotton equally wen
Kd.JfSare,elJ','M,rle,ctre,ul1 Aakdeaier.&iwf w tiaend postpaid at 10c a packaeu. vrti lor frVeokSS
howtodiC,kleach,tiUBUcoJora. MONROE DRUGI COlAN J cucV" iiilnoSu
immense Bird's Eggs.
The largest known bird's egg la that
of tbe extinct aepyornls of Madagas
car, of which the museum of New
York has now a specimen. It has a
capacity of two gallons, measures 28
Inches round the middle, and the shell
Is one-eighth of an Inch thick. The
largest egg of a living bird la that of
the ostrich, which Is equal to about
thirty-six hens' eggs.
Homemade Perfume.
Into a bottle holding two ounces
alcohol put one-half ounce orris root,
broken Into fine pfeces. Add to this
a bunch of newly gathered rose petals.
Cork the bottle tightly and shake
well. After it has stood ten days, a
few drops on the handkerchief will
give the scent of fresh roses.
Municipal Reform In Georgia.
For several years there has been a
law forbidding the running of bulls
loose on the streets. This law has
pot been enofrced for several years,
but It does seem that It should now
be enforced, as there are several such
animals now at large. Blacks.hear
Evidently He Was Jealous.
A strange plea for divorce was un
successfully put forward In the French
courts recently by a man who com
plained that his wife had allowed her
photographs to be used on picture
postcards against his will.
71 Drop of Blood
Or little water from the human system wtien
thoroughly tested by the chief chemist at Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., tells the
story of impoverished blood nervous exhaustion
or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are
made without cost and is only a small part of the
work of the staff ol physicians and surgeons under
the direction of Dr.- R. V. Pierce giving the best
medical advice possible without cost to those
' who wish to write and make a full statement of
symptoms. An imitation of natures method of
restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of
the blood and nervous force is used when you
take an alterative and glycerio extract of roots,
without the use of alcohol, such as
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Which makes the stomach strong, promotes the flow of digestive juices, re
stores the lost appetite, makes assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and
purifies and enriches the blood. It is the great blood-maker, flesh-builder
nd restorative nerve tonic It makes men strong in body, active in mind
and cool in judgment. Get what you ask for I -
Spoke From Experience.
"Say, pop, what is meant by letting
well enough alone?" "A good example
of It Is when an unmarried man just
continues to remain single." Phila
delphia Bulletin.
Just out. Highly nickel-plated globe that
throws oft germs. Strongly endorsed. No odors.
No disinfectants. Easily put on phone. Lasts
forever. Always clean. On receipt of price,
$1.01, we will forward complete device ready to
put on phone. Exclusive agents wanted in every
town. Address Phono-Globe Company, 422 Monad
nock Building. San Francisco, Cal.
Must Have Dined Well.
The electric ventilating fan on the
wall of the restaurant was whizzing
round. A gentleman who had dined
extremely well sat looking at it for
some time. "Walter," he complained
at last, "that clock's fast!" Punch.
Mothers will find Mrs. WlnsloVs Soothing
Syrup the bust remedy to use for their cbUdiea
luring the tee thing erlud.
Youth's Commercial Instinct.
A boy of nine, who had never pre
viously witnessed a collection In
chnrch, was deeply Interested, and
when the bags were finally borne off
by clergy and choir In procession, pro
claimed In a loud whisper of sympa
thetic excitement, "Now they're going
to share It out!"
Do you want a farm In Western Canada
where the crops this year are In Advance
ot anything grown on this Continent? For
wheatgrowing, dairying, mixed farm
ing and cattle-raising the Province of
Alberta Is unsurpassed.
Lands are now offered by the Canadian
Pacific Railway Company at prices rang
ing from
$10 to $30 an Acre, On Long Terms
of Payment or on the Crop-Payment
that Is, paying for your farm with a por
tion of your crops each year.
Land values have Increased 30 per cent
In two years.
Great opportunity for the homeseckcr.
Call or write for full particulars, book
lets, maps, etc.
Reduced Rales for Land-Seekers.
General Agents
Canadian Pacific Railway, Alberta
Land Department.
2 Lumbcrmens BIdg. PORTLAND, ORE.
Have One
No sense in running from one
doctor to another. Select the
best one, then stand by him.
Do not delay, but consult him
in time when you are sick.
Ask his o p i n i o n of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for coughs
and colds. Then use it or
not, just as he says.
V publish our formula
a Wt bant ah aloohal
V from our mdialnm
We urff jT'i to
oousutt yoar
Always keep a box of Aver's Pills in that
house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and
then, will ward off many an attack of
biliousness, indigestion, sick headache.
How many years has your doctor known
these pills? Ask liim all about them.
Md by tht J. O. Ajrer Co., Lowell, Hmi.-m
"How did that murder trial com
out?" "Inthemual way. The de
fendant, two bailiffs and several of
the witnesses are going on the
stage." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Wnere ... . ..iung.
In reality anything Is good enought
for the man who thinks nothing is too
good for him. '
Skylights Tanks Gutters
Down Spouts Steel Ceiling
2o4 Market Portland. Oregon
Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Stomach
and Lung Troubles
Ttirwl prmRnnntlr at nmull rout. NO FAKR.
fl.Mi iriNl tmrkiiKH 'Jfi renin, AtlilrHj .iny(n Mm
eru Woudur Co., 11 Muiu Ht., l'orllund. Ore.
K7 Uroudwuy. Oiiklnnd, Oul.
H. W. I. no Fnn. May 17, mi
l'ortlnnd. Or.,
Gfmtimneri: 1 miiHt ftxnrrm mr miritrl ami
plffinimt ut the work of )our Mimrul Wonder In
ralntion in mywlf. '1 ho pHrkimo I receive! from
jour rnpn'MmitHt ivn burn, nil iiniiirh unud hut for a
Tew weeks, lull) wmuuliL HiirnriMi tiul v IniiHiint. m.
It niii my t-nnilitlou. A a kid titty mid Lluddr
cleauer It ii aiu
ory renieetfiil1r.
n. it. I JIUIUA9.
m r :
if ALBtlO KKUy;n
Ask yourdealer for it. If he does
not handle it drop us a postal card
and we will furnish you the name of
a dealer who does
Positively CurtxU
Only uothuri
olt Id
for IlloMtrntoT circular.
La la Or iu
la Orviton. Writ
MtW INITITUH. 71 E. 1 1 TN H.
No. 48-'!l
VyilKN writing to KdTertlMTS plraae
1 '
mention thU papar.
PORTLAND, orecon!