I ASSIST YOUR 1 STOMACH In its work of digestion and assimilation by beginning your meals with a dose of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It will prevent SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION DYSPEPSIA SICK HEADACHE HEARTBURN MALARIA Try a bottle today Envelope! for Packing.' Envelopes used in packing email ar ticles will be found better than boxea, aa thejr take up less room. Stout, col lapsible envelopes, which may be bought where office supplies are sold, will be found satisfactory. Gloves, handkerchiefs, neck arrangements, etc., may be kept nicely In such en velopes. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By Lydia' E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Peoria, 111. "I wish to let every one know what Lydia E. Pinkham's reme dies have done for me. For two years 1 1 suffered. The doc tors said I had tu mors, and the only remedy was the sur geon's Knife. My mother bought mo Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and today I am a healthy wo man. For months 1 1 suffered from in. flammation,and your Sanative Wash re lieved me. Your Liver Pills nave no equal as a cathartic. Any one wishing Sroof of what your medicines have one for me can get it from any drug gist or by writing to me. You can use my testimonial in any way you wish, and I will be glad to answer letters." Mrs. Christixa Eeed, 105 Mound St, Peoria, 111. Another Operation Avoided. New Orleans, La. "For years I suf fered from severe female troubles. Finally I was confined to my bed and the doctor said an operation was neces. sary. I gavo Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a trial first, and was saved from an operation." Mrs. Lily Peyroxjx, 1111 Kerlerec St., New Orleans, La. The great volume of unsolicited tes. timony constantly pouring in proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a remarkable remedy for those distressing feminine ills from which so many women suffer. DAISY FLY KILLER y la4 uywitrt, truu kills til fit. Neat, clean, ornamental, eonveo int,cheap. ItMtaall MiMii Can't spill of tip over, will not soil or injure anything-. Guaranteed eflect- lv. 01 all AaaUraot tent prepaid lor 20c HAROLD HO II KM 10 I alb Ave,. BrMklj. I- wemom Shoe Polishes Finest In Qual'ty. Largest In Variety. They meet every requirement for cleaning and sollshlsg shoes of ail kinds and colors. GILT EDGE the only lsdles shoe dressing that positively contains OIL. lilacks and Polishes fad In' and children' boots and shoes, shines without robbing. 8V. "French Glow," luc. HANDY combination for cleaning and polishing all kinds nf nunc! or tnn shoes. Disc "Hlar" Hie, luo. i tJl'U'K WI1ITB makes dirty canfii shoes Clean auu wniie. in iiiiuiu um. van ua nli-LW and em.Hr annllcd. A spongs In every r.icknite, ao always ready for use. Two slies, 10 and i cents. If vmir dealer does not keen the kind ynn want. end ns his address and the price In stumps for full size package. WHITTEMORE BROS. & CO., 90-26 Albany St., Cambridge. Ma.es, 2h4 OUlfht and Ltnycst Mimitjurlurtto oj ' Shut I uUU:a m ttc I) una. M Bsaeaaasseks.annT' CARE OF CUT GLASS HOW LUSTER OF BEAUTIFUL AR TICLES CAN BE PRESERVED. Require Mora Attention and Care Than Silverware Make Wash Water Tepid, Add Ammonia and Use Good White 8oap. It Is seldom that the girl who sella the cut glass In the big department stores can tell you precisely what to do In order to preserve these beautiful and expensive articles, but one young lady, who owns several costly pieces and who is overly enthusiastic con cerning them, says that with the prop er care they are a joy forever and a delight to behold. As a warning she says that It re quires considerable more care and at tention than does silverware, as cut glass will not stand any rough hand ling while being polished. This brittle article is actually the most fragile in the world of the housewife; It seems to await Its chance to chatter, and, therefore, If the following rules are adhered to, breakage will be reduced to the smallest percentage. Keep It In a china closet that has a rail or support that will avert Its slip ping. Make sure that the shelf is strong to hold the weight if the pieces are large. Never rinse under running water. Prepare water for washing In a wooden pan or dish tub, and fold a towel on the bottom so that the pleoes can rest on Its cushiony layers. Make the water tepid and add am monia; use a good white soap, a cam els' hair brush (sold for this purpose) and a llntless cloth. Rinse with water of the same tem perature and dry with a soft towel. polishing afterwards with tissue paper that comes for this purpose, or you can use a new clean chamois. Do not put grease of any kind in these pieces, not even butter, as grease makes them cloudy and you can never polish them as brightly after so using. Brushing should always be done with the softest brushes procurable; stiff brushes scratch unmercifully. But a brush must be used to clean the crevices so It cannot be dispensed with. Never use tacks or buckshot to clean the Inside of bottles, jugs and pitchers, but the ground shell of an egg, salt and lemon or a little white vinegar. A piece of raw potato, soaked In a carafe or any of the deeper pieces will help to make brightening a light task and cleaning still easier. Household IQyESTIONS Remove stains or dlscoloratlons from tinware by dipping , a damp cloth in common baking 'soda and rubbing briskly. To remove white spots from var nished furniture moisten a soft cloth with alcohol and wipe the spots, be ing careful not to rub too hard, or the varnish will come off. To prevent cakes bursting on top do not allow them to bake too fast They should not begin to brown or crust until fully raised. A pan of cold water set on the grate above will keep them from browning too rapidly. Qulck Pudding. Soak and split some crackers, lay the surface over with raisins and cit ron put the halves together, tie them in a bag and boll 15 minutes in milk and water. Delicious with a rich sauce. Russian 8alad. Simmer a can of tomatoes, one bay leaf, 12 cloves, blade of mace, slice of onion, six sprigs of parsley, for ten minutes, then strain. Add to hot liquor three-fourths of a box of gelatin dis solved In a little water, two , table spoonfuls of tarragon, vinegar, one teaspoonful salt, one-fourth teaspoon ful paprika. Fill a border mold three fourths full of cold cooked chicken and celery cut fine; then pour In the jelly; set on Ice until firm, fill center with blanched lettuce, circle outside with chilled cucumbers. Grape Juice. Here Is a beverage you may like. Take a long glass and put In some shaved Ice and the juice of one lime. The fruit Itself may also be left In if desired. Now add a wineglass of grape juice and fill up the glass with apolllnarls water. Don't Cover Hot Chicken. When clpsely covered after cooking, before allowing to cool, chicken causes great physical distress to any one par taking thereof, whether cooked short ly after miinsj or later. The Difference. European cities certainly have a laughing, contented air, people seem to take life easily, they have time for pleasures. If it's only a chair hired for two cents on one of the broad, shaded boulevards' to watch the crowds pass of a Sunday afternoon, says Orison Bwett Marden in Success Magailne. What smiling, care-free faces! One remembers with a shiver the faces In a New York crowd grim, anxious, frowning, self-centered. No doubt this atmosphere of Joy- ousness, along with the external beau ty and plcturesqueness of European cities, has Its attraction for our heir esses, but, of course, that alone would not make them live abroad and mar ry foreigners. There are other con siderations which bring them to this important decision. A Lost Art Another art has been lostl There was a time whtn the elegant woman took a legitimate pride in her manner if ascending a stair. In this day of (levators, if there still exist women who have the manner, there are few italrs worthy to serve as a stage on srbich they may exhibit It. Mothers will find Mra. Wlnsloifa Boothlns tyrup the best remedv to use foi their cUUdrea luring i tie teetbiug period. In His Power. "How effusively sweet that Mrs. Blondey Is to you, Jonesey," said With srelL "What's upT Any tender little romance there?" "No, Indeed why, that woman hates me," said Jonesey. She doesn't show It," said Wltherell. No; but she knows I know how old she is we were both born on the same day," said Jonesey, "and she's afraid IH tell somebody." Harper's Weekly. Our Life's Work. We are not sent Into this world to do anything into which we cannot put our hearts. We have certain werk to do for our bread and that Is to be lone strenuously; other work to do for our delight and that is to be done heartily; neither Is to be done by halves or shifts, but with a will; and what is not worth this effort Is not to be done at all. John Ruskln, AVOID LIQUID BLUING. The reason so many housewives prefer RED CROSS BALL BLUE is because it Is all blue. Liquid blue contains a large percentage of water. Why buy water when you have it by the tub full? Buying solid RED CROSS BALL BLUE Is real economy. Dissolve It sua you need it. A large four-oz. pack age, all blue, for 10c. Used In thou sands of homes. FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS. Pleasure of the Children. There should be some time during the day, even In the busiest household, aa hour at least, set apart la which the older members of the family should devote themselves wholly to the children. Little object lessons or stories containing practical knowledge told In an Interesting way will be sure to hold their attention. The story of the gradual formation of the fruits, flowers and vegetables will de light them and will be eagerly looked forward to and always remembered. Wealth Not Always Advantage. Advantage, opportunity, chance, luck! They are all on the side of the boy born in obscurity, brought up In poverty. Provided he be endowed with the will that brooks no obstacle, with the mental ability to conceive great thoughts, to plan great undertakings, the boy Is all the more blessed who Is not handicapped hv wealth. The Craze for the Weird. The artistic craving today la for novelty for new expressions of form and combinations of color, the more strange and weird the better; hence the passing fashion for post-Impressionism and other kindred cults. In Which neither truth nor beauty la the Inspiring motive. Connoisseur. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Canadian Heroine. "Monument to Madeline de Ver cheres to be erected at Vercheree fll,(U)0." This Item, which appears for the first time this year In the esti mates of the public works department, marks the tardy recognition by Canada of one of the heroines of French Cana dian history the maid of fourteen, Who for one long week in 1692 defend ed her father's seigniory against the attacks of hostile Iroquois. After two centuries the little heroine of the Cas tle Dangerous Is to beve bar memory perpetuated by a bronze statue to be erected at Vorcberes, P. Q., on the spot made memorable by her exploit Your Own Opinion. Public opinion Is a weak tyrant com pared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that It Is which determines, or rather in dicates, his fate. Henry D. Tboreau. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES MnfiL ET'fft.fLiSli?? E,or? anV dve. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well hSwiit- i.ffor-?61111' Aakdeauii.w k Csead. postpaid at lOc package. Write for free booklet bow to ay e, b.ertCfc x. d ucx colore. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Qulncy, UUnc-la. Aids Nature The treat success of Dr. PUr'. iVMu If - J- l rv. . " vutuv. IVICUICBI aIB covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak lungs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, Is based on the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-build-ing, tissue-repairing', muscle-making1 materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. The "Discovery" ri-esttblisb.es the digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purines and enriches the blood, and nourishes the nerves in sHivis csuDusnes sound vigorous health. your dealer otter aomethlni "nsr mm iood," It is probably better FOR HIM. -It paya better. Bat yoa are thinking ot the core not the profit, ao there' a nothing "Juat ma iood" for yoa. Say ao. .Dr' rie',J Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plsin English; or, MeoV Icine SimpI.Bed, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-date Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing nlj. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION S34 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Two-year courses for teachers, readers and public speakers. Graduates after completing two years of poxt-irraduute work, granted professional diplomas. Continuous classes from 9 to 1 o'clock, five days per week. Individual lessons with either the principal or the assistants, afternoons and evenings. EMMA W. GILLESPIE, Principal. Victoria Fond of Jewelry. Qneen Victoria, although simple In her tastes, had an almost oriental lik ing for beautiful and costly jewelry. Even if she rarely wore it, its posses sion gave her pleasure and she is re ported to have spent hours in looking over her collection. Y. M. C. A. EXPANDS. New Booklet Just Out Can Be Had for the Asking. The Portland Young Men's Chris tian Association Is about to enter upon a new era In Its work, In ex tending the advantage of its educa tional department to the entire state. While a great majority of the 1400 students enrolled In night and day classes are residents of Portland, yet a large and Increasing number are now enrolling from towns and cities outside of Portland. The different courses offered In clude a full Commercial course, comprising Shorthand, Bookkeeping and related subjects; a college pre paratory course, a graded course In elementary subjects for bos and vocational courses euch as plumbing, carpentry, sheet metal, bricklaying, electrical work, automobile repair and driving. Many students trained In these classes are now occupying Important positions in the businesa houses of Portland. An attractive booklet entitled "Ac tivities" has just been Issued by the association and contains a statement of all Educational Courses. The Edu cational Director vlll mail this book let to all persons who desire it. Classes for day school open Sep tember 5th, night classes September 25th. From present Indications an unusually large registration Is antici pated. Foolish Wager Caused Death. A workman named Celestln Leroy, aged fifty, died In Paris, France, the other day while trying, for a wager, to eat a large beefsteak at one mouth ful REDUCED RATES on all lines on account ASTORIA CENTENNIAL PAGEANT Ask your ticket apent for lull details AUG. 1 0 to SEPT. 9 COME TO PORTLAND AND A. O. Smith M. D. I sin the only peclsllst In Ponlsnd wbe docs net sdrcrtlK a tctiuoui asms or Dbotof rspb. I publlih ray true photos rspb. correct ssm. snd perMnsllr conduct my office. nR A UHt As ; Juvenile Misapprehension. 1 Tapa," whispered Johnny, whd was in attendance at the Sunday morn. Ing services, "why do the people look so sad when they drop their money In that plate?" , are the safest and most reliable cathaitic and system cleanser. The best remedy for Torpid Liver, Biliousness and Sick Headsche. At Druggists' or by Mall, ZS Cents Boyt Cbkmicsj, Co. Portland, oiutooif GREINER'S CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH HOME A henlfriy ho!y riflf d ('blrnprftrtto arijurttnientft mitk httrilthjr boditw ly t amoving th chum of LiMuMt, No knifi; nn dnms; no ortH.athy. Kfttftinti and dialing drret'UU aol tttint'ttlly, Tiiaini'd nurMM, ALL USEASES PEIMANENTLV If MOVE I IV OUR METHODS Sufferers from Appendlclt in. Bronchitis, Can cer, OHtfirrh, Dlitliet., n.v. l)Hafnww, E"i 1 m ray, Krzttnts.. lftr, Hall Htontv Hrmrt Din. mm. Hernias, J.un.tmyo, NeurHlgi. Psrnlysin, Knenmatiam, tVlsst.c-H, or any othnr (IIiwhmi, are Invited to wrho urn. Wo ahow )0u how to rntao xovr vitality and kmp well, (Writo to day. Tour euro will bm quicker.) MATILDA M. BRUNEI, 1. 1, tUPIRWTINDINT 775H WILLIAMS AVINUI POITLAII, 0M00N FN U No. 32-'ll 1THEW writing to adTertlsars plea men 1 1 on this paper. BE CURED IN FIVE DAY8 f mi tuc 1 I GsWIIDaON N. 1 I 'go Ny w DHL ,v 1 I sasDWMR W f,kuma.r frank ToQ. 1 L POKTLAMQ OMCtOf. J VARICOSE VEINS, HERNIA, BLOOD POISON No snrera operations, many eases permanently oared In one trestment. Most tiine-suving, most natural, most safe. A radical and permanent cure. I giro my word and will cite von to other medical aut hor! tlis that this is a fact. I am cer tainly prepared to cure by M perience and equipment, which are the keystones to success. I hsTa the best equipped nodical onice on tha Coast. 1 will give S500 to any charity aa guarantee that erery statement Inthisannouiicenientla true. I invite you to come to my ollice. I will eiplain to yoa my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, lllood Poison, Piles, Fistula, Kladilnr, Kidney, Prostatio and all Men's Ailments and give you FliEK a physical examina tion if necessary a microscopical and chomlcal analysis of secretions, to determine atbologicul and bacteriological con. dltions. Kvory man should take advantage of this oppor tunity to learn thulr true condition. A prmannl Curs it what yoH leant. A ptrmantni Curt it what 1 otvi. WRITTEN GUARANTEE My written guarantee moans a cure or no pay. I guaruiiUw to cure certain ailmentaor refund every dollar you have paid. My services cost you nothing miles. I cure your Varicose Velus, Hernia, Pilea, Fistula, lllood Pol. son, or any ailment I guarantee toenra. Terms are reasonable and do mure than you are able and willing to pay fur benente. Olftc. hours- t A. St. o I T. at. Ssndsyi. 10 A. at. So 1 T. M. "101" F0 HOOD POIION I uk Hiolnsor Ebilks'i wonderful ntw dit corerv, "606" in rues of Sperlic Blood Poiioa. It cures is on treat ment and it to. sreatett marrel .1 siedictl science. Tbli aew rcmcdr till been iiicrrMlullr uirH Inthomtnils of rtsri. Itmeriplsln It to you n CM ITU 114 M0RR1B0H ST., COS. BEOOSD Ut OIYII I II fOETLAHD, ORIQOH 1