Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 28, 1911, Image 5

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yaQjti wttr uryt TwnwnjJk
Watches, Clocks.
Jewelery and
Greatest Assortment of 'every des
cription ever seen in Lincoln County
A Beautiful Line of
Spectacles and
Eye Glasses
Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty
(Thirty Year's Kxpcrleece
Watchmaker, Jeweler and (Optician
Andrew Wisniewski of Kernvillc Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walker re-
was a Toledo visitor this week
Miss Nelia Hamar of the Upper
Farm country was in the city the
first of the week.
Austin Rosebrook the furniture
man returned from a trip to Port
land Tuesday evening.
The boys have been fixing up the
ball grounds thiB week. Getting
ready for the big games Sunday.
I. R. Wishart and Chauncey
j Hawkins went up to Chitwood Tues
day morning on a fishing expedition.
Women of the highest type,
women of superior education and
refinement, whose discernment
and judgment give weight and
force to their opinions, highly
praise the wonderful corrective
and curative properties of Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. Throughout the many stages
of woman's life, from girlhood,
through the ordeals of mother
hood to the declining years, there
is no safer or more reliable med
icine. Chamberlain's Tablets are
sold everywhere at 25c a box.
While visiting Lincoln County
and preparing to buy a good home
where we have a fine delightful cli
mate, we welcome you to our office
and look over our list of property,
we can interest you hi fine dairy,
stock and fruit ranches, we also
nave some very line acreage prop
j erty just on the out edge of Toledo,
j five and four acre tracts, Town
I property of all description. Office
j on Main street.
CmtisToniEK & Crosxo, Toledo, Or.
Harness, Harness, Harness.
I am now prepared to furnish har
ness, heavy and light; all kinds of
straps, robes, etc. My leather is
my own tanning and is tanned with
California oak but is not tanned
by the "quick process." Machine
and hand work, all guaranteed.
All kinds ofmens' and women s
waterproof shoes made to order.
J. 0. Smith,
Toledo's Tanner and Harnessmakor
Mrs. L. H. Farnham. a prominent of Bood
druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says:
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are certainly the best thing on
the market for constipation." Give
these tablets a trial. You are certain to
find tbem agreeable and pleasant in ef
fect. Price, 25 cants. Samples free.
For sale by Toledo Drug Co.
'Four doctors had given me up,"
j writes Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca, La,
"and my children and all of my friends
! were looking for me to die, when my
j son insisted that I use Electric Bitters.
I did so, and they have done me a world
I will always praise them."
Electric Bitters is a priceless blessing
to women troubled with fainting and
dizzy spells, backache, headache, weak
ness, debility, constipation or kidney
disorders. Use them and gain new
health, strength and vigor. They're
guaranteed to satisfy or money refund
ed. Only 50c at Toledo Drug Co.
Raises the Dough
Chemists and Authori
ties state that Crescent
is pure and whole
some. Sold by Grocers
TJ. s. Land office at Portland, Ore.
Serial 0228. April 1. MIL
Notice la hereby given that Anna C. Erkie
of Korea, Ore., who. on July 18, MIS. made
Homestead Entry Serial, No. 02618. for N K't
NWJ4, SNW and NWK8W& Bectlon 24.
Township 9 south, Range 9 Watt, Willamette
Meridian, hai died notlee ol intention to make
Final Commutation Proof, to establish, claim
to the land above described, before the Regis
ter 6i Receiver of the U. 8. Land Office, at Port
land, Oregon, on the 19th day of May, 1911
Claimant namos as witneeses:
Grace B. Hampton, Maggie L. Hampton, Al
vin E. Kimball, Joseph L. Morrison, Rowland
C. Burnett all of Rocca, Polk Co., Ore.
H. F. Hioby, Register.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of J. H. Jensen de
feased, has filed in the County Court of Lin
coln county State of Oregon, his final account
as such administrator of said estate, and that
Monday the 1st day of May, 1911, at the hour
ot ten o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said
Court as the time lor hearing of objections to
said report, and the settlement thereof.
Administrator ol the estate of J- H.Jensen,
Dated, Toledo, Oregon. March 17th 1911.
Law, Real Estate and
Toledo, Oregon
U. 8. Land Office, Portland, Oregon,
Serial 02968 March 26th. Mil.
Notice la hereby given that Frank 8. Cook, of
Elk City, Lincoln County, Ore., who, on March
21, 19N, made homestead entry No. 15299, Serial
No. 02M8, for K, SE',4, Section 24, Towuahlp 11
south, Range 10 west, Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to make Final
Five year Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the County Clerk of
Lincoln County, Oregon, at Toledo, Ore., on
the 9th day of May, MIL
Claimant names as witnesses:
William Bcarth, of Toledo, Ore. C. E. Haw
kins, of Toledo, Ore., Hurston Parka, of Elk
City, Ore., James Dixon, ol Elk City, Ore.
H. F. Hioby, Register.
Tor hnnting or target practice. This king lr nfle la roro
dth to amall game. Wo will glre thin (run to any boy
who will aell twantjr-four Jewelry norelUoa for us. Bend
for the jewelry to-day. We trout you WJjen ytra aril
theM plecei at 10 cents each, return our 82.M, aad we
will Immediately mend you tho r Me, all charges prepaid.
The James Company
P. 0. Box 742, Seattle, AVash.
If you want the news read the
TJ. 8. Land Office. Portland, Oregon,
Serial No. 02876 March 25th. 1911
Notice is hereby given that Joseph John,
of Slletz, Oregon, who, op Jan. 12th, 1910, made
Homestead Entry, Serial, No. 02876, for NE'i
Section 30, Township 8 South, range 9 West of
the Willamette Meridiun, has filed notice of
intention to make final commutation Proof,
t establish cluim to the land above described
before the County Clerk of Lincoln County
Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 10th day of
May, 1911.
Claitmtnt names as witnesses:
R. N. Wainock, of Silets, Ore, Samuel Kim
nel, of Sileti, Ore., A. W. Morgan, of Toledo,
Or., Lambert Nelson, of Pioneer, Ore.
H. F IIiiioby, Register.
U. 8. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon,
Serial 02477 March 25th, MIL
Notlco is hereby given tnat James D. Forbes
of Rocjii, Oregon, who, on December 30. 1910,
made homestead entrj , Serial No. 02477, for
SE.'-i Section 25, Township 8 South, Range 9
weBt, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of Intention to make final Commutation proof
to establish claim to the land above des
cribed, before the Register and Receiver of
the U. 8. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon,
on the 10th day of May, 1911.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Oscar Sampson, Oscar Mayes, H. A. Hos
teller, Tracy .Newman all of Rocca, Oregon
turned from their lioneymoon trip
to Portland last Saturday evening.
Ttie married men of Newport will
play tire regular team of the Athletic
Association at that place next Sun
Miss Blanche JefTerys arrived over
from Portland Tuesday evening for
a visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. P.
Clarence Ofstedahl was a passen
ger for Coos Bay the first of the
week, going via Newport and the
schooner Anvil.
L. C. Smith and Charles Saun
ders have purchased the Nyebrook
hotel of J. S. Booth and fixing it
up for the coming Summer trade.
Ed Altree and Warren Hall went
to Portland this morning. They
will go from there to Northern Cali
fornia, where Mr. Altree will seek a
Umber claim,
Stewart Rooney and Vincent
Wantock of Silitz are having a
hearing today before Judge Gardner.
Rooney and Wan tuck are accused of
having taken liquor on the Siletz
reservation . Attorney McCluskey is
appearing for the defendant! and
Superintendent Egbert is prosecu
ting. Several witnesses are being
The boys met last Tuesday even
ing and organized a baseball elub,
with Sheriff Goer, manager, and
Andrew Goodell, captain. The
boys secured among the town people
the neat sum of sixty dollars with
which to put the team on a good
footing. We have some good ball
players here and we believe our buys
will succeed in getting together a
good team.
President Sweaiingen, of the De
velopment League, J. H. Mills, the
special writer, Superintendent Goin,
Reverend Devenport, AT T. Peter
and F. N. Hayden made a trip to
Mill Creek last Saturday morning,
stopping off at a numW of the
ranches enrote. The object of the
trip was to assist Mr. Mills in se
curing data for the articles he is to
write about Toledo and vicinity.
Mrs. Eva Craven Wheeler gave
another recital in this city last Mon
day evening, under the auspices of
the guards of Syringa Circle, Women
of Woodcraft. Mrs. Wheeler is an
able elocutionist and very pleasantly
entertained the larje audience for
two hours. A vocal duet by Mrs.
I. R. Wishart and Sheriff Geer and
a piano duett by Mesdames Stewart
and Hayden were pleasing numbers
of the program.
Money Making Table delicacy,
fast seller, or can be manufactured
for home use. Easy to make at
small cost. Every housewife should
have it. Mail twelve cents today
for formula, to The James Company
P. O. Box 742, Seattle, Wash.
Eddy ville Mohair Pool.
The Eddyville mohair pool of
17,000 pounds was sold Tuesday
evening to an agent of Balfour,
Guthiie & Co.. of Portland, for the
Multnomah Mohair Mills, at 39.65
cents per pound. H. S. Pruncr,
buying for Wm. Brown & Company
of Salem, bid up to 39.60.
This is a new high mark for mo
hair in pools, the Hillslxiro pool of
6000 pounds bringing 37.75.
This is the first time H, S. Pru
ner has been out bid on this pool.
Lincoln county raises as good a
grade of mohair as any place in the
United States, it having a fine lustre
and being entirely free from burrs,
sand and other 'foreign matter.
There is room for a great many
more goats in Lincoln county and
they would help the ranges for cattle.
All of the country south of nere
(Toledo) would make excellent
Mr. Pruner does not expect mo
hair to ever get below 30 cents again
'for Lincoln county hair.
A Goat Raiser,
Despair and Despondency
No one but woman can tell the story of the suffering, the
despair, end the despondency endured by women who carry
daily burden of ill-health and pain because of disorders and
derangements of the delicate and important organs that era
distinctly feminine. The tortures so bravely endured com
pletely upset the nerves if long continued.
Dr. Pieroe'a Favorite Prescription is a positive cura for
weakness and disease of the leminine organism.
It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and soothes pain.
It tones and builds up the nerves. It fits ior wifehood
and motherhood. Honest medicine dealers sell it, and
have nothing to urie unon vou at " intt a food "
It is non-secret, non-alcoholic and has a record of fortv years of cures.
Ail Youa Neighbors. They probably know ol some ol its many cures.
If you want book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how tc cure
them at home, tend 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cos: ol mailing
, and he will send you a frit copy of his greati thousand-page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to date edition, in paper covers.
In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R.V Pierce, Buffalo, N Y
The Opening Game.
Eight launches carried the crowds
of Toledo people to Elk City last
Sunday to witness the opening ball
game of the season , between New- j
port and Elk City teams, some j
seventy people from this place at-!
tended. The launch Lollipop car-'
ried the team and several fans from
Newport and other launches from j
all along the bay carried loads. ;
The day was ideal for picnic parties
ami some oi Lhu Iolcdu bunch did
enjoy their dinner in the groves.
The large majority however were
served with a good dinner at the
Hotel Elk. In fact it has always
been one of the pleasant features of
a trip to Elk City, this dinner at
Hotel Elk. Besides the people from
this lower bay, country people from
up the rivers were there. Promptly
at two o'cloek the opening irame of
this season was called, with County
Clerk Howell as umpire.
The opening innings the players
all appeared a little on their nerves,
as they always do at the beginning
of the season, but they all soon
settled down to good, steady play
ing. At first Newport got the start
of the home team, but by the middle
of the game-Elk City got very busy
and forged ahead where they re
mained until the finish. At about
the fourth inning Young Smith, the
Newport pitcher, began to throw
wild, his good arm having failed
him, but he stayed with the box for
a couple innings more, when he
went to second and Gilman Gray
took the box. Gray being fresh,
and a rattling good pitcher also, did
some fancy work during the remain
der ot the game. Hie game was
marked throughout by the small
amount of fumbleB and wild throws
made by all the players, considering
it the first game of the year. The
players all did exceptionally well
and by their next game will have
settled down to mighty good work.
Practice to harden the muscles and
studied team work is needed.
Everybody was good natured,
there was no wrangling whatever,
the boys put up a good clean game
and the crowd was well repaid for
attending. And as long as the boys
play such hard and clean ball they
will be rewarded with good attend
ance wherever they play.
Read In Sunset Magazine
Motoring through California, by
Lloyd Osbouitie. Beautifully illus
trated in four colors. The Spell, A
Romantic Serial, byC. N. & A. M.
Williamson. In The Shadow Of
The Dragon, by Grant Carpenter.
Descriptive story of San Francisco's
Chinese Quarters. April Issue.
Now on sale 15 cents.
1 nn m
R. S. VAN CLEVE jjjg
For a
Dry Goods, Cii ries,
Flour and Feed, Crockery
Cigars and Tobacco
I 1,1 Pflfi mil ;:nv: Pwl
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution and an order of
sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Lincoln County, in the auit of
Leon H. Fish and A. J. Hodges, plaintiff's
against 8. V. Davlilcr, Willis Langdon, Mrs.
Willis Langdon, George l.augdon, John H.
L'owles, Mrs. John II. Cowles and the Pacific
Northwest Realty Associates a corporation, a
mortgage of foreclosure, 1 will on trie 20th day
ol May. 1011 at the hour of 1 o'clock, 1'. M. at
the front door of the Court House in tho Clly
of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell to the
highest bidder for cash tne following rioscrt
lied renl property: South Bali of tho South
Kast Fourth of Section Thirty one, Township,
Eight South, Range Ten West ; also beginning
at the South-West corner of tho South-Fust
Quarter in Said Section Thlrty ono in Town
ship and Itange as above, cunning thuuee West
1. in hi and Slxly Three Hundredths chains
thence North Twenty chains thence Kast eight
unil sixty-three hundredths chains, theuco
South twenty chains to place of begin
ning, containing 111 the aggregate Ninety
leveu and Fifty Hundredths aores, more or
less, In Lincoln County, Oregon.
Siild eule will be made to satisfy the judg
ment and decree In said suit to wit: A Judg
ment for the plaintiff of ItM.OO with Interest
thereon at the rate of seven per cent per an
num from Jan. 11th., 1011, and the further
sum of $50.00 attorney's fees and costs and dis
bursements of this suit, taxed in Uie amount
of I2S.76. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 20th
day of April, 1911.
BcaiQckk, Sheriff ol Llucoln County,
H. H. CO CK& CO.
Estimates and Plans
Furnished on Application
Suburban and Farm
Buildings a Specialty
OUIt MOTTO: "We Study to Please."
As a henling salve for burns, sores,
sore nipples and chapped hands Cham,
berlain's Salve is most excellent. It
allays the pain of a burn almost instant
ly, and unless the injury is very severs),
hals the parts without leaving a scar.
Price, 25 cents. For sale by Toledo
Drug Co. ; ft
. . w f :.
U. 8. Land office at Portland, Ore.
Serial 01210. April 1st, 1911.
Nat Ice Is hereby given that Rose Hammond
of Korea, Oregon, who' on Herein her 2d, 1905
made Homestead Ent. No. 1H8A Serial, No.
01240, for swv. section 9, Township 9 South,
Range 8 West, Willamette Meridian, haa filed
nctlce of Intention to make Final Five Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before 'he Uegliter and Receiver of
the V. B. Land Oflloe, at Portland, Oregon. OB
the 19lh day of May, 1911.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Oraee B. Hampton, of Rocca, Polk Co., Ore.
Albert Wilt, of Corvallli, Benton Co., Ore.
George B. Hampton, Joeepli L. Morrison,
Rowland C. Burnett, all of Rocca, Polk Co.,
Ore. U.K. Hioby. Register.
U. S. Land office at Portland, Ore.
Serial 0737. April 15, 1911.
Notice Is hereby given that Willis W. Easley,
of Chitwood, Lincoln Co., Ore., who, on April
0th. 1908, made Homestead Ent. No. 16480Seral
No. 0787. for ESE, NWSK) & NEytm4.
section 10, Township 10 S., Range 9 W., Wllla
inettte Meridian, has tilled notice nf Intention
to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, before The
County Clerk of Lincoln Co. Ore., at Toledo,
Ore., on the 29th day of May. 1011,
Claimant names ns witnesses:
(ieorge T. Smith, George Chambers. Peter
Olds. Robert U. Maun all of Chitwood, Ore.
II. F. Hiniiv, Register.
nnd yet sleepless Hiram Scranton, of
Clay City, 111., coughed and coughed.
He was in the mountains on the advise
of live doctors, who said he had con
sumption, but found no help in the cli
mate, and sturted home. Hearing of
Dr. King's New Discovery, he began to
use it. "I believe It saved my life," ho
writes ''for it made a new man of me,
so that I can now do good work again."
For all lung discarei, coughs, colds, la
grippe, asthma, croup, whooping cougb,
hay lever, hemorrhages, hoarseness or
quinsy, iti the host known remedy, i
Price 60c and 1.00. Trial bottle free.j
Guaranteed by Toledo Drug Co, I