Lincoln County Leader OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPF.R COLLINS & HAYDES, Publishers Kntered atthe poslofflce at Toledo, Uregon. u second-clan mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATE5 One Year $1 50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - 50 ADVERTISING RaTES Display, 10 cents per Inch per issue. Local and Reading Notice, Ac per line. Notices for Sale, Wiiutcd, Etc., five lines or under 23c per itaue; 60c per month, flomestetd Notices, to: Timber Notices, $10. The Lincoln county fair will be held at Toledo September 5, 6, 7 and 8. Have you subscribed for any stock in the Lincoln County Fair Associ ation? If not, why not? This is something we should all ho interested in and should do all in our power to make it a permanent success. The Salem Board of Trade has arranged a unique lioost for that city. Pastors of the local churches have been induced to devote one day tii prching the attraction of Salem and the first Sunday in May has leen selected for the booster sermons. It is not too early to start the an nual light against the usual timber loss, believes the Oregon Forest Fire Association, for this organization is in the held lining up ti mlxjr owners to patrol their holdings during the dry season, seeking a more rigid en forcement of the law and co-operating generally in the good work. This association points out that 80 per cent of the value of the timber goes for labor and materials, thus giving the entire population a direct interest In preventing its destruction. John Fleming Wilson's new book, the "Land Claimers," has reached the book stores here. The Land Claimers is a story of life in the big Siletz woods in this county, conse quently is doubly interesting to our people. Mr. Wilson is a short story writer of National reputation, but this is his first attempt to write a liook, and it isa good one. Having lived here for Heveral years, while publishing the Newport Mail, he be came well acquainted with condi tions in. Siletz, and he has well por trayed them. Dr. W. M. BERRY DENTIST, OF NEWPORT WiU be in TOLEDO WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRI DAY of Each Week. r $5 $5 The preliminary work on the new water system is nearly completed and actual construction will soon be commenced. Advertisements have been placed asking for bids for the bonds and other advertisements have been placed asking for bids from contractors to do the work. The bids for the bonds wib be opened Wednesday evening, May 10th, at eight o'clock. The bids from co.-.-tractore will be opened, Monday, May 15th, at 7:30 p. m. It is es timated the work will be completed within sixty days from the time the contracts are let. Portland, Or. April 25 (Special- Plans for an Oragon land show, to beheld next March, are now being developed by the Portland Commer cial Club. Manager Chapman be lieves the scheme would prove the best possible means of interesting colonists who reash Oregon at that time. Exhibits would be gathered from all the orchard oistricts of the state and the exhibits would be not particularly fruits but of the li.nd itself and how it is cultivated, giving the prospective settler an object les son in the care of the land and the successful methods of tillage. It is thought the show will le participa ted in generally by the whole state and will give each section an oppor tunity to display its advantages. Such an exposition would not only bring settlers but would also educate those already here and influence town people to settle in the rural districts. EIGHT DOLLARS PEE THOUSAND For the best grade of common lumber you ever saw ONLY ONE WEEK MOKE Fir & Spruce Lumber Co. Toledo, Oregon Warren Hall of Siletz was a pas senger for Portland this morning Mrs. Mary Wells and little son, George, departed for their home at Summit, yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kent de parted for Waldport last Friday evening where they will make their home. Charles Kirk, of Hoquiam, Wash ington, viaited here last week with his sister, Mrs. A. H. Weber, and family. Mr. Blackman, son in law of Henry Gannon, visited here the lat ter part of last week, going to San Franciseo Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Stindt departed Saturday morning for their home at Bonanza, after an extended visit with Mrs. Stindt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hamaker. Baseball Sunday. There will be a double header oi-. the Toledo ball grounds next Sun day, April 30th. At 10 a. m. Elk City's second team will play Toledo's second; and at 2 p. in., Siletz and Elk City's first teams, will play. These will be two good games and everybody should attend. Admis sion 25 and 15 cents. Ellsworth Oarty. Married at the parlors of the Commercial Hotel, Sunday, April 23, 1911, at eleven o'clock a. m., Miss Onda E. Ellsworth to Mr. Albert O. Carey, Reverend R. J. Devenport officiating. About a dozen boy and girl friends of the couple were present to witness the ceremony and to partake of the ex cellent dinner which was served immediately after. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth and is widely known in this locality hav ing been lxmi and raised in this county. She has a host of friends among the young folks and would have graduated from the high school this coming June. The groom is from Pennsylvania, and has resided here in Toledo about a year, dur ing which time he has demonstrated himself to be an energetic and in dustrious young man. . The bride and groom will remain here in Toledo and will assist the bride's parents in the management of the Commercial Hotel. We join with their many frisnds in wishing them a long and happy wedded life. Gremvald Jensen went to the Val ley Tuesday morning. Sondre Romtvedt returned home from Chitwood Tuesday evening. Walter Hall returned home from a trip to Portland Tuesday evening. Quite a bunch of Toledo's young folks went to Elk City last Saturday evening and attended a dance. J. W. Parrish was called to Aurora last Saturday morning by the death of his brother in law. George Stephenson our ex-real es tate dealer arrived in the city last Friday evening for a few days so journ. W. H. Andross and family de parted Tuesday morning for the state of Washington where they will make their home Sealed Bids Wanted. Sealed bids for the complete construc tion of bridge over Big Elk river near the farm of Geo. Hodges, and about one mile down river from W. H. Daniel's. Specifications and plans on file with County Clerk, and all bids should be ad dressed to County Clerk and presented on or before May 3, 1911, R. H. HoWELL, County Clerk. For Sale. Good 17ft. Row Boat, one three year old Jersey heifer. For sale cheap. O. A. CoPELAND, Toledo, Or. Notice To Horsemen. I will, during the season stand my roadster, Dick Morgan, at my stable on my farm i miles north west of Toledo on Newport wagon road. Dick Morgan is from Mor gan stock and is a good animal. D. H. Williams Call For County Warrants. Notice is hereby given that I have funds on hand to pay all County War rants drawu on the Geuernl Fund, and Ijeudorsed; ''Not paid for wantof Funds" up to July, Gth, 1910. Interest on said warrants to cease on and after said date. G. B. McCluskey, County Treasurer Duted at Toledo, Or., this 1st day of April, mi. Prompt relief in all cases of throat uml lung trouble if you uae Chamber laiu's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing in effect Sold by Toledo Drng Co. Eggs From pure-bred S. 0. Rhode Island Reds $1.50 for 15. Cockerels for sale. D. E. Rochester. Elk City Or. Treat your Girl OR WIFE TO MT. HOOD ICE CREAfl Wholesome, Invigorating, Delicious Best 5c Soda in town, at Palace of Sweets AL WAUGH, Prop. R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND PURCKON TOLEDO, OREGON Office in Schenck Building. Office hours : 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in. Emergency Calls at any time. BOTH 'PHONES' TOLEDO BAKERY .1. BUKKBL. Proprietor .South end Railroad Avenue Fresh Bread. Fresh Pies Fresh Cakes Everything Kirst-Class Ordors out of town promptly filled. Yaquina Bay Lumber Co. ( TNCORPORA TED) We Manufacture all Grades and Dimensions of YELLOW FIR (No Sapling Growth Timber Used) Special Bills on short notice JOHN FOG RTY, Aj?t., Newport O.R.ALTREE, - - - Manager gee eweeeeeeeeoeeweeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeee Lincoln County B, ANK (INCORPORATED) Toledo, Oregon Does a General Banking Business DIRECTORS C. E. HAWKINS Wm. SCARTH C. O. HAWKINS Interest on Time Deposits KICKED BY A MAD HORSE Samuel Birch, of Beetown, Wis., had a most narrow escape from losing his leg, as no doctor could heal the fright ful sore that developed, but at last Backlen's Arnica Salve cured it com pletely, ts the gjeateat healsr of ul cers, burns, boils, eczema, scalds, cuts, corns, cold-so res. bruises and piles on earth. Try it. 25c at Toledo Drug Co. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else falls. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. NEVER OUT OF WORK. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength,, languor Into energy, brain-fag into men tal powej; curing Constipation, Head ache, ChilN, Dyspepsia, Malaria. Only 25c at Toledo Drug Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land offloe at Portland Ore. Serial 0U98. April 22, Mil. Notice it hereby siren that Nelle P. Hamar, of Sileti, Ore., who, on April loth, lsos, made Homestead Entry No. 1MSS Serial Ent., No. 01498. lor NEJ4NEJ4 Sec. 91 and WWJ4 4NE ;tN W)i, Section 32, Township South, Uanse 9 West, Willamette Meridian . hat (lied notice of intention to make final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above deedribed. before the Coonty Clerk of Lincoln County Ore., at Toledo, Oregon, on the lt day of June, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Jesse M. Reder,ot Yaquina, Ore. June It. Edwards,. Christopher J. Hardy, and laMUSi Rippln, all of Siletz, Ore. If. F. Hiuiiy, ReffiNter. THE YAQUINA BAY LAND AND ABSTRACT COMPANY SARA CRAHEN. Manager TOLEDO, OREGON Have an up-to-date and completo set of Abstracts of Lincoln County. Order Your Wood Now Slab wood, $2.50 per cord. Block wood, $2.5J per load. 16-inch dry slab, $2.50 per load.. Delivered within four blocks of the mill. Both.'phones. J. Rattey,