Lincoln County Leader OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPF.R COLLIN'S A HAYDEN, Pcblisuers KDtere'l at the postoffice at Toledo, Urefoa, as eecond-elass mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year - - - fl 50 Six Months - 75 Three Montha - - - 50 ADVERTISING KaTES Display, 10 fente per Inch per iMue. Local and Reading Motion, 5c per line. Notices ror Sale, Wauled, Etc., live line er nnder S3c per Issue; 60c per month. Homestetd Notices, I.'.: Timber Notices, 10. Circuit Court Docket Maggie S Sullivan, et al, vs. Griff King Suit. Continued. Mienrva J Kiger, ct al, vs. Jennie Stull, et al Suit. Continued. Andrew Smith vs. Joshua Louie, et al, Suit. Continued. Andrew Smith vs. Joshua Louie, et al, Suit. Continued. Ira Miller vs. George Scott Suit. Verdict for defendant. M J Bradford vs. Jay Van Schoiek, ft nl. Action. Mrs Anna Jones vs. Laura McCul um.etal, Suit. Continued. J N Chambera & Co, vs. F M Carter, et al Action. Continued. John Mjcek vs. John II Schneider, Action. Continued. Riob Chatterton vs. John Porter, Action. Motion for new trial submitted to Judge Coke on brief. City of Newport vs M J Shocman Suit. Demurer to complaint submitted on brief. Leon II Fish, et al, vs S V Davi dor, ct al, Suit. Default, judg ment for $455, interest at 7 per cent, 50 attorney' fees, costs and disbursements. Jane Smith, et al, vs. Lewis Mont gomerySuit. Continued. George Wetherby vs. Margaret A J Johnson Foielosure. Con tinued for service. John Loomis vs. James McElkimey, et al, Suit. Default, decree as prayed fpr. Yaquina Bay Lumber Co.'vs. G. M. Walker Action. Verdict for plaintiff for $G35. Olive Jane Cook vs. Orwell William Cook Divorce. Continued. Jacob Saari vs. Hilma Saari Di vorce. Default, decree of divorce. C N Hansen vs. Corvallis and Eastern Ry Co Action. Con tinued. Mark Holmes vs. Waldport Lum ber Co Action. Dismissed without costs. Albert Bradway vs. John M Ayles, et al, Suit. Default and decree as prayed for. M S DeLancey vs. Charles Day Action. Judgment for $30 against Newt Guilliams and $15 aga i nst I M Barclay. M F Stockwell vs. M N Ander son Writ ol Mandamus. Dis missed. J L Wooden, et al, vs. M N An dersonWrit of Mandamus. Dis missed. State of Oregon vs. Gust Olson Indictment. Dismissed. State of Oregon vs. Gust Olson In dictment. Dismissed. Frank O Johnson vs. J A Peter son Action. Settled and dis missed. II D Sandstone vs. Lecsc and Searth, Bankers Action. Set tled and dismissed. James B. Barrow vs. Robert R. De poc Actio... Defendant with draws demurrer and tiles answer, plaintiff given 30 days to plead and answer. Annie M Olson vs. Daniel Olson Divorce. Default and decree. M M Davis vs. Chan II Gardner, ct al, Appeal. Continued to ad journed term. C E Crosno vs. M R Sturdevant, et al,--Action. Default and judgment for $128.59, 10 per cent interest, $40 attorney fees, SPRING LINE Our Spring Line of Hats and Dry Goods are arriving Our Plows, Harrows, Seeders, etc. are now in. Call and inspect them II B I ' I I E 1021 MEDIUM w STYLE 1020 LONG KABO 1 FORM 1 J HALL BRO C S1LETZ, 9 OREGON MERCHANTS HOTEL CHAS. C. and ISABELL BROWN, Props. First Class Accommodations. Good Meals - Good Beds TOLEDO, NEAH DEPOT, OREGON order of sale of attached prop erty. L II Payne vs. Jack West, et al, Foreclosure Settled and dis missed. Lewis II Payne vs. Nettie West, etal, Foreclosure. Settled and dismissed. , A W Fischer vs. J D Kent, et al, Action. Dismissed as to Eliza Kent and judgment against J D Kent as pr stipulation. W O Simes vs. Mattie L Martin, ct al, Action. Continued. Ellen Bruseth vs. John A Bruseth Divorce. Default and decree. 0 W II Huntsucker vs. Dora A Huntucker Divorce. Dismissed. R F Baker vs. R A Bensell, et al, Injunction. Dismissed. Henry Nice vs. Andrew Foot, et al, Suit. Default and decree. Henry Nice vs. L. E.kLudden Suit Default and decree. Henry Nice vs. J R Bean Suit Demurrer withdrawn and defen dant granted 60 days for answer, plaintiff 30 days to answer. F E Whitmore vs. Maggie Whit-morc-Divorce Default, decree. Henry Nice vs. David E. Andrews, etal, Suit Default. Thomas L Stiit ve. Samuel P M. Bent & wf Foreclosure. Set tled and dismissed. Belle Bell vs. Henry Bell Divorce Continued for taking of additional testimony. Peter Hoover & Son vs. Waldport Lumber Co. Action. Continued R F Baker vs. H C Voigt Ac tion Defendant withdraws de murrer and is granted 30 days to answer. A T Peterson Adm. of estate of Edwin Guar, Deceased, vs. J F Stewart, et al, Action. Con tinued. The Waldport Mutual Telephone Co. vs. J II Ross Action. Demurrer and complaint overruled and de fendant granted GO days to an swer, plaintiff 30 days to plead. Jver Christenson vs. M S Collins and wife Action Continued. State of Oregon vs Frank Smith; appeal from J P court; plead guilty, fined $25. State vs E J Smith and Ed Wade; selling liquor to Indians; contin ued. State vs John Schultz; injury to animals of another: plead guilty, fined $50. Charles Johan Olsen, Rudolph Ruprccht, Gustaf Ivar Ketola and John Millar admitted to citizenship. Matt Aho, application for citizen ship, continued to Angustterm If troubled with iudijestion, constipa tion, no appetite or feel bilious, give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets a trial and you will be pleased with the result. These tablets invigorate the stomach and liver nud strengthen the dljestion. Sold by Toledo Drug Co. ADMIKISTKATOR'S FINAI, NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the underlined has riled his Una) account of the estate of Wm. II. Darrongh, deceased, and that the County Court has et the same for hearing on Satur day the 25th day of February, lfU, at 1 o'eloclc p. to. of said day, at the County Court Room In the County Court Hnua. in ,k nit. t ledo In Lincoln County, Oregon ; and that said acoouni ana any aud all objections there to will be heard and passed upon by the Court at snld time and place. Dated January 11, 19U. A .. tm Administrator of the Estate ol Wm. H. Dar- rougn, deceased. LIFE SAVKD AT DEATH'8 DOOR. "I never felt so near my grave,' ' writes W. R. Patterson, of Wellington, Tex., as when a frightful cough and lung trou ble pulled me down to 100 pounds, In spite of doctor's treatment for two years. My father, motner and two sisters died of consumption, and that I am alve to day is due solely to Dr. King's New Dis covery, which completely cured me. Now 1 weigh 187 pounds and have been well and strong for years." Quick, safe, sure, its the beBt remedy on earth for coughs, colds, lngrippe, asthma croup, and all throat and lung troubles. 50o &$100. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Toledo Drug Co. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION V. S. Lund Olllce, Portland, Oregon, Serin! 01284 January 6. 1911 Notice It horeby given that David eavolii, nose Lodge, Oregon, who, on June 16 mane nomcstead application No. 15979, serial -No. 012S1, for IxHs 1 and 2 Section 2, town totith, range 10 west, Willamette Morldl nan nieu notice ot Intention to make three year proof, to Htui,nh ,.i ,,,, ... land above described, before tho Register Receiver of the V. S. Land Offlce, at Portland Oregon, on the 23d day of February, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Gustaf Wlljanen and Victor Llppo. of Ti Oregon : Ileury Kautto and o. E. McMUIen, Rose Lodge, Oregon. U F. Hioby, Register. ioot, ushlp 7 littal the r antl THESE ARE THE LUCKY NUM BERS THAT DREW THE PRIZES. 983 971 584 AL WAUGH R. 1). BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TOLJJUO, OKBGON Office in Schenck Building. Offico hours : 10 to 12 n. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. ML Emergency Calls at any time. ns-uoni 'PHONES TOT.vnn 7i4Trwf?Y . J. BURKEL, Proprietor South end Railroad Avenue Fresli Bread, Fresh Pies Fresh Cak es Everything First-Clans Orders out of town promptly filled. 5 '-: Yaquina Bay Lumber Co. yill KSIk MTJliJ XML J J) We Manufacture all Grades and Dimensions of YELLOW FIR (No Sapling Growth Timber Used) Special Bills on short notice JOHN FOG ARTY, Agt., Newport O. R. ALTREE, - - - Manager rr L INCOLN BOUNTY D (INCORPORATED) Toledo, Oregon ANK Does a General Banking Business DIRECTORS C. E. HAWKINS WM. SCARTH C. O. HAWKINS V. 11. '1W Interest on Time Deposits While it is often impossible to prevent an accident, it is never impossible to be prepared it is not beyond any one's purse. Invest 25 cents in a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and you are prepared for sprains, bruises and like injuries. Sold by Toledo Drug Co. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It la the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. 1 EEDS GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE OF Wilton Velvet Rugs AT ' A. ROSEBROOK'S ALSO NEW INVOICE OF Rugs and Floor Oil Cloth Frtsk, labia. Pars tsrsatefj ts Pleas Every Gardener and Plaster should teat the superior merits of Our Northern Grown Sesds. FOR 10 CENTS we will send postpaid oar TTTT FAMOUS COLLECTION 1 pkf. SO Day TMate a a a tfla t k. rrl. R.dl.a ...J IZ 1 pk(.SalMrawl.tclarT ..arfa&L . . " " aw 11 ajar aba II YariaUal Caaba Flawar Saata jjjf, a Write todav! Sand 1(1 r..h In ,.ln mm - j paeklnf and tbaabova "Famoaa Collactlon," to fathar wtth our Naw and Initructlva Oardan Qulda. GREAT MOBTBBKN SEED CO. 17M Rose Bt, Boekford, Illinois lOa tOa lta 10a SIMM THE YAQUINA BAY LAND AND ABSTRACT con PAN Y SARA CRAHEN, Manager TOLEDO, OR KG ON Have nn up-to-date and complete set of Abstracts of Lincoln Comity. Order Your Wood Now Slab wood, $2.50 per cord. Block wood, $2.50 per load. 16-inch dry slab, $2.50 per load. Delivered within four blocks of the mill. Both phones. J. Rattey. h phones. 7