Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 10, 1911, Image 1

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Misa Inez Murphy is teaching
school at the Yachats, the term hav
ing opened Monday of last week.
A ltasket social at the Yachats the
3rd brought in $55.70. The pro
ceeds will be applied toward a grange
The Waldport school has been
supplied with new seats and black
boards. The school equipment is
now strictly up to date.
G. T. Bohon, of Lutgens, had
an interview with Justice Linton
last Saturday having been caught
in the act oi shooting at a mud hen
by James Gatens. At- Mr. Bohon
was sitting in his front door when
the shot was fired the jury quickly
decided that he was not guilty.
Waldport's incorporating election
passed off quietly. A large majority
favored incorporation. J. W.
Walker was elected Mayor and W.
H. Daugherty was elected Recorder.
Charles Webb secureu the majority
for the office of Treasurer and Elmer
Helms wasclected Marshal. Nearly
every man in town secured one or
more votes for Alderman but those
securing the highest were, E. E.
Everson, David Chesley, Iluss Kent,
Thomas Broadley, Roy McMillin
and J. IT. (Mines.
COUNTY NEWS NeWS f Gach Community Gathered each
' WHHK IIV I fill" KllCt mm A 4 T.Ia
j xltniui .n-oouuiutt; jmrora
ing of ihe Yaquina Bay Mutual Tel
ephone company to be held at To
ledo in March.
M. S. Herring departed for Port
land Monday.
The members of the Grange held
a big meeting at the hall Saturday.
The grange seems to be progressing
E. H. Vader, one of our mer
chants, returned Monday from
Portland, where he had been to vis
it a sick brother.
Mrs. M. N. Bain is suffering
from a paralytic, stroke. Dr. Bur
gess of TolfHo woo ua
Rev. R. J. Devenport of Toledo
held several meetings at the school
house last week.
Lonnie Hoover of Toledo is visit
ing a f t v of his old time friends on!
Bay View.
Ole and Christian Olson were
down from Drift Creek to attend
church Sunday.
Dan Oakland returned from Al
bany this week. He has been in
the employ of the electric plant at
that place.
0. C. MoWillia has been on the
sick list but is better now.
Lonnie Hoover was down from
Toledo Saturday, returning Mon
day. N. L. Guilliams spent Sunday at
E. 8. Oakland's.
Mr Hagan returned from a trip to
the Valley Tuesday.
Edwin Oakland returned lion e
Grandma Braxelton.
Mrs. Jane II. Brazelton died at
her home in this city Sunday, Feb
ruary 5th, 1911, at the age of 83
years, 9 months and 6 days.
Grandma Brazelton was one of the
pioneer women of this Bay, having
lived here since 1870.
Deceased was born in New York
in 1827. In 1848 she was married
to George Perkins, and from this
marriage two sons and one daughter
was born, Emma Florence Perkins,
now dead, James A. Perkins of
Montesano, Washington, and A.
D. Perkins of Toledo, who still sur
vive her'. In 1865 she was married
to William Brazelton in California,
and the following year they moved
to Oregon. In 1870 they settled on
their homestead, now the old "Bra
zelton place" just north of town,
where they continuously resided un
til about ten years ago when they
moved into town. William Brazel
ton departed this life eight years ago.
The son, James, came down from
Montesano and was here to attend
the funeral, which was held at the
M. E. church Tuesday afternoon.
Friends from all sections of the
county were here to pay their last
respects to the departed . The Odd
fellows lodge of this place had charge
of the funeral, and Rev. R. J. Dev
enport preached the Hermon. In
terment was made in the Toledo
Drift Creek and at Bay View. We ; Friday, after a two weeks' vacation
are glad to see Lonnie. Hope his
visit wiil not be a shor: one.
Frank Huntsucker had a little ex-
Oii Drift creek.
My Prices on flour and feed are
tlm lnu-iwt V. 1 Vr.,..l.. l.i a
penence Saturday evening with Mr. ;L40 8ack R g
uisons colt, frank is quite a
broncho buster and would have
made good if his saddle had stayed
T Hill O fl 1 Mufl n n vi miinik ilJ
obligati ns and find it necessary to
on, but when the saddle left the colt , ? inSC wno we me to and
of course Frank went, wit), it Ho llelP nle 0ut- Please d" wht you
made a nafe landing howWr. .nmli""1- J- S' Akin
didn't plow up more than an acre
of Mr. Olson's meadow. He is
going to make a few repairs to the
saddle and next Sunday expects to
teach the colta lesson. We will all
be on hand to see the fun.
Ora Lyndon is building a small
launch for Drift creek, and soon ex
pects to go to Waldport by gasoline
power. The boat is eighteen feet in
length, by fifty-one inch beam and
will be equipped with a four horse
power engine. Mr. Lyndon expects
to go some, and invites his neighbors
for a ride as soon as she is afloat.
The last word we heard from Mr.
John Olson, who is in Michigan for
his health, he is improving, which
is good news to his many frirflds.
The high waters have no control
of the people on Upper Drift cree k
this winter, with the new bridges in.
They can cross when they please, a
privilege not enjoyed before.
Mr. Hagan is in Portland on a
business trip. His son is looking
after the stock while he is away.
Alma Sagendolf has returned
from Waldport, where she had been
Attending school.
The ground hog came out and
seeing his shadow in the light sun
shine, returned to his den for six
long weeks. It is needless, to say
we have had winter weather since.
The members of the Little Elk
local telephone company met Sat
urday and elected S. T. Loudon as
a delegate to attend the annual meet-
For Sale
Two fresh cows good ones.
A. B. Clamk, Elk City
For Sale.
About seven tons of grass hay,
on Yaquina road one and one fourth
miles from Eddyville. Call on or
address, L. F. Robbins
Eddyville. Oreg .
A New Tract.
A new tract is being platted to
Toledo, called the Horning addition,
and it will be sold in five or ten
acre tracts. It lies just north of the
city. For further particulars en
quire at Christopher & Crosno's.
Real Estate Wanted.
Ve have co-operated with several
leading real estate firms of Portland
and have listed some Portland city
property to trade for farm and dairy
property in Lincoln county. We
also have Toledo city property to
trade for farms.
We have choice apple lands rang
ing from $15 to $25 an acre.
Wanted 75 goats.
Christopher & Cross.
Notlee is hereby glYen that the undersigned
baa been duly appointed administratrix oi the
estate ol James W. Wallace, deceased, by tbe
County Court ot the State of Orearon forMnnnin
County, and has qualified aasueh. AU persons
bavlng claims agalnat tbe aald estate are here
by notified to present the same duly verified,
together with the proper Touchers liHrtu ,
the uuderslgned administratrix at bar resi
dence in tba City of Independence, Polk Coun
ty oregon.wtthlu six months from data of tki.
Dated and first pubUshad February 3rd. 1U1
Mabala Wallace,
Administrate of the estate of James W. Wal
lace, deceased.
. f. Swopa, Attorney.
Valentine, Program
The following program will be
given at the W. 0. W. Hall next
Tuesday evening, February 14th
Prayer, by Rev. Devenport
Recitation, Tommy Harding
Piano Solo, Miss Lela Bartholomew
Vocal solo, Mrs. Burgess
Piano duett, Mesdames Stewart and
Moving pictures, Mr. Allen Gill
Motion song, MissCopeland's pupils
Vocal solo, Marjorie Ball
Piano solo. Mrs. Hayden
Recitation, Claude Christopher
Piano solo, Miss Elma Waugh
Moving pictures
Admission 25 and 15 cts. ; child
ren under 12 free.
Refreshments will be served for
10 cents.
Everybody invited. Come.
Walter Harding is working on the
bridge being constructed across the
river at Elk City.
Al Waugh, the Smokehouse and
Kandy Kitchen man, has just re
ceived another car load of fresh can
dies. Sample them.
The February term of Circuit
Court, which meets in this city next
Monday, will have a long docket to
dispose" of. There are fifty-one cases
on the docket, besides there may be
several criminal cases.
Al Waugh has made some good
improvements in the interior of the
Smokehouse. He has had the par
tition separating the billiard and
pool room from the front room re
moved. Mr. Waugh will soon add
one or two billiard tables.
The Fir and Spruce Lumber com
pany has a crew moving logging
camp No. 2 from Depot slough over
onto Olalla, at Camp No. 1. The
two donkey engines are being taken
over this week. A crew under Les
ter Waugh began repairing the log
ging railroad up Olalla, and it is ex
pected that the mill will be opera
ting again very soon.
Chambers' Bills.
Representative Fred W. Cham
ders of this and Polk counties has
three bill? beforo the Legiehiture
that is of much interest to the people
of this county. They are, in sub
stance, as follows:
House Bid No. 214, is an Act to
provide for the maintenance of the
Lincoln County Fair Association,
and to appropriate for said purpose
the sum of $1,000. The bill reads:
There is hereby appropriated out of
the moneys of the State Treasury,
not otherwise appropriated, for the;
n l ..... . - .
...-w.i ;tino i.)n aim lviz, the sum
of $500 annually, to the President
of the Lincoln County Fair Associa
tion, who shall, beforo he receives
the same give a bond in double the
amount appropriated, to the State
of Oregon, to be approved by the
Governor and Secretary, conditioned
that said money shall only be used
in payment of premiums awarded
by said association at its annual fair.
and for no other purpose ; provided,
that should the board fail in any
year to offer and reward premiums
for agricultural and other purposes,
equal to the amount here appropri
ated, then the benefit of this section
shall not be available for that year;
and it is further provided that no
part of the money herein appropri
ated shall be offered as a premium
for a trial of speed.
House Bill No. 110, provides for
an Act to amend sections 53(53,
5364, 5302 and 53G7 of Lord's Ore
gon Laws. Section 53(53 is to he
amended to read as follows: It
shall be unlawful for any person or
persons, firm or corporation, or any
person whatsoever, to take or fish
from any of the waters of the State
of Oregon, except in Lincoln Coun
ty, or have in their poscssion after
the same has been taken, for , the
purpose of canning or shipping out
of the county in which they are
taken, any crabs during the months
of July, August and September of
any year.
Sections 5364 is to be amended
as follsws: It shall be unlawful for
any person or persons, firm or cor
poration to kill, take or fish from
any of the waters of the State of Ore
gon any greater number than thirty
dozen crabs in any one week.
Section 2365 is amended to read.
It is unlawful for any person or per
sons, etc., to take or have in their
possession, for the purpose of sale or
canning, where it is unlawful to sell
and can same, any male or female
crab measuring less than six and
one-half inches across its back.
Section 5367, is amended to make
it unlawful to fish for or have in po
session any crawfish, except in
Clackamas county, (luring the
months of November, December,
January and February of any year.
House Bill No. 297, is a bill for
an Act to amend Section 2299 of
Lord's Oregon Laws, being Section
18 of Chapter 232, General Laws of
Oregon, 1909, for shooting ifrild
geese, dncks, swan or other water
fowls from a skiff in Lincoln Coun
ty, to read as follows: It shall be
unlawful at any time to use and
sink boat, sink-box, sneak-boat,
steam or gasoline launch, skiff or
other boat on Coos bay or its tribu
taries, or on the Columbia river or
any of its tributaries (except the
Willamette river and its tributaries
above Oregon City) for the purpose
of shooting wild ducks, geese, swan
or other water fowls therefrom. It
shall be unlawful at any time to use
any sink-boat, sink-box, sneak-boat,
gasoline or steam launch, or other
power boat on any waters of the
State for the purpose of shooting
wild ducks, geose, swan or other
wild fowl therefrom.
Real Estate Transfers.
United States to George I Watters,
patent to 160 aeres in section 23-14-9.
United States to William R Grout,
patent to 56.17 acres in section 18-14-9.
William C Slattery and wife to
Harrison L tmey and William C
Nihlach 24,126.34 acres situated in
the counties of Lincoln, Polk, Till
amook and Yamhill. $10.
W B Mersereau and wife to Wil
liam C Slattery a two-twenty-fiftha
interest in 24,126.34 acres situated
in the counties of Lincoln, Polk,
Tillamook and Yamhill. $10.
Willard N Jones and wife to Wil
liam C Slattery a one-tenth interest
in 24,126.34 acres situated in the
counties of Lincoln, Polk, Tillamook
and Yamhill. $10.
Nelson P Wheeler, Jr, to William
C Slattery a one-tenth interest in
24,126.34 acres situated in the coun
ties of Lincoln, Polk, Tillamook and
Yamhill. 810.
William E Wheeler and wife to
William C Slattery a one-fifth inter
est in 24,126.84 acres situated in
the counties pi Lincoln, Polk, ,Ti'l-
amook and Yamhill. $10.
Nelson P Wheeler and wife to
Nelson P Wheeler, Jr., a one-tenth
interest In 24,126.34 acres situated
in the counties of Lincoln, Polk,
Tillamook and Yamhill. 810.
Nelson P Wheeler and wife to
Will iatn C Slattery a fifty-two one
hundroths interest in 21,126.34
acres situated in the counties of Lin
coln, Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill.
Nelson P Wheeler and wife to
Willard N Jones a one-tenth inter
est in 24,126.34 acres situated in
the counties of Lincoln, Polk, Till
amook and Yamhill. $10.
Nelson P Wheeler and wife to W
B Mersereau a two-twenty-fifths in
terest in 24,126.34 acres situated
in the counties of Lincoln, Polk,
Tillamook and Yamhill. $10.
Nelson P Wheclor and wife , to
William E Wheeler a one-fifth in
terest in 24,126.34 acres situated in
the counties of Lincoln. Polk, Till
amook and Yamhill. $10.
United States to William Hall,
Patent to 80 acres in section 29-12-11.
United States to Daniol McGlynn
patent, to 160 acres. 28-14-9.
United States to Ira B Lowe, pat
ent to 160 acres in 23-8-9.
United States to Henrv Kirsch.
patent to 160 acres in 15-8-11.
T. J. Christopher the real estat
man went to Portland Monday mor
ning on a business trip.
G. M. Walker arrived down from
Portland the first of the week, to
look after his interests here.
Mrs. Andross returned to Port
land Tuesday morning after an ex
tended visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Knauff.
A few whito Leghorn Chickens.
Address, John A. Slyh.
Chitwood Oregon.
For Sale
300-egg incubator for sale cheap.
Good as new. J. G. Plank,