Liacoia County Leader OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPFR COLLINS & HAYDEX. PfEi.isnuns altered bi the uitionc at lolclu, Oregon, as MM d-clars mail mailer. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year fl 80 8.x Months - - 75 Tli;ce Months - 50 advertising i:atfj PIst lry. If vnl jH'f Im-h per Ntt. Ilifftl and Keating Not lev, .V er lin. Sfefle r"f si". wmirf.1. Kio.. Bvrltnaee mirier, 'J.V per ft tie; ftSg per month. Ibme-icnd Notices, J.'.: 'limN-.r Notices, tin. BARGAINS la cur Shoe line, atsd 50 per cent dis count on all Felt Hats while they last, to mae rocm for New Spring Stock When Will It End. Another chapter in the long drawn QUt land contest farce was etiactc 1 Rt Toledo in the lust week. Wo have wen the PinchAt-GlaviH-Usrfield soft-shelled policy worked foil' Rlld aft before, ai d wc 1 Oil thought that the limit had been reached, lut the performance f this week takes the lid off. and h.i help i.s. we nro not going to be surprised nl iiiiythin Ihutttvoi !iapi ill !.:. Yv,)'- again. It is not only pitiful, but ala i creates a piin in tlic region directly in front of the siniil of the hack. Thcseso-caiht! special agents (( i. I knows why llicy are c.dle I'sp cull' , unless it is to stir up special trouble) hayc contested and protes ted about every settler Ihftt lias tried to prove up in thin county hfthcltist eight years, and we had congrrltuln ted our people that they wore through with these contest, on ac count of the exhausting of the mater ial, but we guessed too soon. Rav ing exhausted the living, they start ed this week oil the dead, and of three contest cases tried at Toledo this week two of them were against dead men, and the third was : ; ainst a man that had made proof more than six years ago. It seems that even the graveytad is no barrier to this hand of pirates. One of the cases was against a Silcti: settler that has been dead for more than six years, and n,v the widow and chil dren are made to defend their title. This family made their home on tluir claim on the Si let z for some ten years and the father and entry nian was drown id while fishing in order to make a living and live on the place. And now some lily-fingered product of some sissy school in some muay rtat I of the east, where they have eliminated the letter It fiom their pronouncing vocabulary, comes along and finds that some day or other this entryinan went oil' of his claim to trade calves or catch a salmon, and he brings a conte st, it you please, and is imingtohave the claim canceled. For why? So that, some hired man of a great railroad corporation, or of some wealth swol len timber syndicate, can make en try on the land, live there fourteen months in the house mode by the dead man, hisliy-.ig being furnished him, then commute with money fur nished him by his ungodly employ ers, and after :i few months sell out to some dummy of the railroad or m III YA .' I .-. mm Ooiiyriijht Ml) Kmbo Cotiet Ca Style 1025. Straight lines, low bust and long skirt, very comfortable when sitting.. Fancy ribbons; lace trim. For average to full Usui vs. Sizes 13 to 30. Price $3.50 T N Kabo corsets A the extremes in latest styles, great est comfort and lon gest wearing qualities arc combined. You can't get any thing more up-to-date than a Kabo corset, because every model in these corsets is designed according to special information received by the Kabo corset makers from the fashion centers of Paris. In comfort and dura bility they are unexcelled. Be sure to ask to sec the Kabo form reducing corset or the Kabo maternity supporter if you are interested in either of these subjects. HA SILETZ, Just pause and think! One of and try to measure our immense these kandy kids testified that he had visited one of these contested claims after the entryinan had been away for six years and endeavored to tell how much the improvements were worth six years ago. We can show this highbrow land that is now a wilderness of alder, fir and maple thai was highly cultivated land six years ago. What do these fellows country in their puny measure. One thing mire: Hardly one cancelled entry restores an acre to the public domain in the ttUfi sense. It only means one more chance for the railroad coporation that has al ready stolen thousands upon thousands ot arcos of Oregon and Washington land, or adds another block of timber to the vast block al- know about the west? What do lvady held by BOme timber syndi they know about trails and roads? Cato. Wo would like to drop Pinchbt on a I-ct our cotmty be settled up and SileU claim twenty miles from a ! homes made. There are hundreds of store and with only thirty cents in j homes in Lincoln county today that his pocket ; ami then we would like ; are occupied by men that had less to put a packfioddlo on his and Gar- improvements than those poor con field's backs ami make tin m pack tested people had, and these homes enough stuff over a .muddy moun- today are Avell cultivated, well im- tain trail to keep two families inliv proved, and shelter strong men and ting. At the end of the tenth trip virtuous women. we would like to hear Gift and Jim ! . " t . -akeoneof those grand speeches Mrs. Wsnslow's SOOOlfefl 5yTP ... , I IIm bwn mvi for over SIXTY-FIVE YEA It3 by on conservation. e net a dollar millionsoi mothers rnr childhsn whilh ! TEETHING, with HF.UKECT HCCCKSH. It SOOTHES lint their interest in nosteritv would " cmui, roktess the oumr. aixays an pain.- Ul.ll. UICII nunc. Liu liusn-lll wumu cvnrH W,ND COLIC anil In the bost remedv fnr ,11.. .,-f,,l f.icf DIAItRIlrEA. Sold by DnnnrlsU In every Part of the nWlllCUO aWIUl last. world Heaureancl ask for"Mrj. Wlruilow'a Soothlnit ....... " : l . . . t l-t... n.. ...1,.. Ipln.l X.. ..... ittnta a We have 110 nerSOnal fcelillKS , &0tl Cuarantord under the Food and Druua Act, against these pantalette creatures that the department inflicts upon us in the guise of special agents.4 They are nice little bandbox fellows; their hair is well combed; the creases in their pants are very good; their collars are just high enough; theil June 30th. 1W. Rerlal Niiinher IOi.8. AM OLD AND WELL TUlfiD RKMEDT. Bulk Olives and all kinds pickles at Van Clcve's. of REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MRS. WinSLOW's SoOTin-.-n Svnrip lias horn used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE ,nAt t 1 1 " inijTHlNG, with PBKFECT SUCCESS. It tim ... ndicate. I crnaps these 8hchavetherightshme;theirhatsl Special agCntS null t klloW that l, iut tlio vielit dents ill ftiom- i9 the best remedy for IJIARRHQiA. It is nb- J "I solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. it 1 1 . 1 iL. t lrilQlm..u u;., i . . this is going to happen, but again there are times when the feeling slip- into our minds that perhaps they arc entirely ignorant. What of the ten lodg years of hard labor put in by the -lead man, his widow and sons? What of the years of toil and tire put in by them? What of the hardships and dangers endured? Another case: On Monday these special agents had a case against one D. Ross. It was set for eleven o' clock, and when the time came Row apieared not, and upon inquiry they found that he had been dead for over two years. Now how much knowl edge did these highbrow specialists have of this case, if they did not know within two years of the time of his death? Just about as much as a Juncbtig knows of Santa Claus. their kerchiefs bear just the proper whiff of perfume. As toys or some thing nice to play with, we can think of nothing better. What wiailow'l Soothing Syrup," and lake no other .ina. x wcuty-uve cento u bottle, NOTICE FOB ITin.lCATlo.N. 1'. S. Land Ofllce. 1'urtUrid, Oregon, Serltfl No. 017D7 December il, 1910. -Notice is hereby given that (ioltfred C. Lin qulit, of Noi'tmiK, Oregon, who, p April nub armises our ire and stirs our inrlip; OflUon is the fact that these people W9,M'wMteaa eppllextion, sciiai No. i .1 r ...1.: . l OMW, lor kwi, nc). eertlou , tuffllllup 11 know nothing of making homes m , wnlhl s wmor the fflllTinotta UerV THESE ARE THE LUCKY NUM BERS THAT DREW THE PRIZES 983 971 S4 AL WAUGH PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON TOLEDO, OKKOOX TOLEDO BAWin' .). BURKEL, Proprietor South end Railroad Arenas Onice in Sclienck BailUinfc. OiHee Tresh Brend, Fresh Pies hours: 10 to V2 ,i. m.; 2 to 4 hii.1 7 to p. in. Emergency Call- ;it ROV time, i 4BUTII Tl!ONKS-.l Fresh Cahes Kyei y liinu Flret-ClnM Orders om o town tnouiijUy fillet!. Yaquina Bay Lumber Co. I ( TNCOJIPOBJ TED) We Manufacture all Grades and Dimensions of Y LOW FIR (No Sapling Growth Timber Used) Speeial Bills on short notice JOHN FOG ARTY, A-t., Newport O.R.ALTREE, - - - Manager I I L ;i country like ours. They know nothing of the hardships of river and mi, has lilcd notice 01 intention to make limii oommutstton proof, to ettabltih claim to the land ahove deM'iil.ed. Iiefnru the Coiintv Clerk trail; they know nothing of build- ofllnenlu County Oregon, at IHiledo, Oregon, i r i t t ! on the -M day of l'ebrum v, lull. nig a house for a home for a family citlma.aame. . witniZ with nothing but an ax, a BaV dnd i. W.Brjrmt, K. H. Brv'UH, Olel Eriksson strong arms and brave hearts. They j 1 " '"' t.Sr. know nothing of long, long nights i " iDEyr7riN ROARING FIRE spent alone with her children by n,y not result f,0ln the work of lire. Drove women wnue Uie man is away bags, hut oflou severe hums are caused INCOLN VOUNTY J (INCORPORATKD) Paid Up Capital 'ANK 3 Drafts and Money Orders sold, payable at all principal points the United States, Canada and Kurope. WM. SCARTH Cashier 3 THOS. LEESE, President earning a little money so that the dear children and wife of his heart may have bread to eat and some scanty clothing to wear. They come from tin unknown cast where there is no west and no Pioneer, Toledo Drug Co. that make h quick need for Rackleu's Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores It subdues intluumtioti. It kills pain. It eoothes and heal. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 23c at NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by tho County Court of Lincoln county, Oregon, adniinistruti ix of the estate of Henry W. Sells, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, prop, erly verified, as by law required, w ithin six months from this date at my residence at Alsea, Oregon. lJated December 28, 1910. E. Skits. Administratrix of the estate of Henry W. Sells, deceased. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, U. S. Lend Olllce, Portland, Oregon. Deoember81, loio. Notice is hereby given that Eiuley S. Smithy of Hocca, Oregon, who, on October J9th, 1D0U, made homestead entry Serial No. 02291 for w' j ne'4, sc'i ne)j and tttl4 seU section 14, township l south, rn)ge !) west Willamette Meridian, has iiled notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to estaljlish claim to tlic land above described, before the Uegister anil Itecelver of the V. 8. Land OnjOO, at Portland, Oregon, on the 1Mb day of February, 1011. Claimant uamos as witnesses: R. H. Chamberlain and E. T. liaddant of Siletz.Or.; Ered SI. Gray and J. J. Clark of RoeCA, Oregon. H. E. H ion y. Uegister. STOMACH TROUBLES CURED. If you have any trouble with your stomach you should take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Jlr. J. P. Klote of Edina, .Mo., says: "I have used a great many different medicinos for Stomach trouble, but find Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy lever used." For sale by, Toledo Drug Co, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln county. Ellen llruselh, Plainlirt, v. John A. Bruietb, defendant. To the above named defendant. Jolin A If ruscth. In the name of the State of Oregon, yon nre hereby required to -appear and unswei Itae complaint filed against you In the above tn litled suit, now on rile In the oflice of Ike County Clerk of the above entitled Court, on or before the hurt day named In the order for publication, of this summons, made by tho Uon. Chas.H. Gardner. County Judge of Lin coln County, oregon, being the Bounty when; the above entitled suit is pending in the Cir cuit CoiKt for snid county and Slate which said order and lime for answering said sumi mons, are hereinafter referred to, lo-wit : On or before six weeks from the llrst date of yub lication hereof; And you are hereby notified that il you fail to appear and answer said comnlaint as htre in required, the plaintiff wUI apply to tho Oourtfflt tho relief demanded In plaintiffs complaint, towit: for a decree ( said Court dissolving said marriage contract now existing between plaintiff titid defendant, mid lor such other and further relief, as to equity Memetn Just: This tuminoui Is servod upon you by pnbli cation thereof by order of the Hon. Uhai, II Gardner, County Judge of Lincoln corinty Oregon, made on the 'Jlsl day of December 191b, directing publication thereof once a week for (i consecutive and successive weeks ir " Issues thereof, beginning with the Issoo, of December 23, 1010, and ending with the is sue date February 3rd, 1011, in thu Lincoln County Lender, a weekly newspaper of gener al circulation, printed and pu!ll;ed in Lin coln County, Oregon. Hawkins ,t McCluskkt, Attorneys for plain tlfC